blob: 92d3e2fb82eaed25756e6d2e26117bbdf2cafe18 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#error Internationalization is expected to be enabled.
#endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT
#include "src/objects/js-number-format.h"
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "src/execution/isolate.h"
#include "src/objects/intl-objects.h"
#include "src/objects/js-number-format-inl.h"
#include "src/objects/objects-inl.h"
#include "unicode/currunit.h"
#include "unicode/decimfmt.h"
#include "unicode/locid.h"
#include "unicode/nounit.h"
#include "unicode/numberformatter.h"
#include "unicode/numfmt.h"
#include "unicode/ucurr.h"
#include "unicode/uloc.h"
#include "unicode/unumberformatter.h"
#include "unicode/uvernum.h" // for U_ICU_VERSION_MAJOR_NUM
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace {
// [[CurrencyDisplay]] is one of the values "code", "symbol", "name",
// or "narrowSymbol" identifying the display of the currency number format.
enum class CurrencyDisplay {
// [[CurrencySign]] is one of the String values "standard" or "accounting",
// specifying whether to render negative numbers in accounting format, often
// signified by parenthesis. It is only used when [[Style]] has the value
// "currency" and when [[SignDisplay]] is not "never".
enum class CurrencySign {
// [[UnitDisplay]] is one of the String values "short", "narrow", or "long",
// specifying whether to display the unit as a symbol, narrow symbol, or
// localized long name if formatting with the "unit" style. It is
// only used when [[Style]] has the value "unit".
enum class UnitDisplay {
// [[Notation]] is one of the String values "standard", "scientific",
// "engineering", or "compact", specifying whether the number should be
// displayed without scaling, scaled to the units place with the power of ten
// in scientific notation, scaled to the nearest thousand with the power of
// ten in scientific notation, or scaled to the nearest locale-dependent
// compact decimal notation power of ten with the corresponding compact
// decimal notation affix.
enum class Notation {
// [[CompactDisplay]] is one of the String values "short" or "long",
// specifying whether to display compact notation affixes in short form ("5K")
// or long form ("5 thousand") if formatting with the "compact" notation. It
// is only used when [[Notation]] has the value "compact".
enum class CompactDisplay {
// [[SignDisplay]] is one of the String values "auto", "always", "never", or
// "exceptZero", specifying whether to show the sign on negative numbers
// only, positive and negative numbers including zero, neither positive nor
// negative numbers, or positive and negative numbers but not zero.
enum class SignDisplay {
UNumberUnitWidth ToUNumberUnitWidth(CurrencyDisplay currency_display) {
switch (currency_display) {
case CurrencyDisplay::SYMBOL:
return UNumberUnitWidth::UNUM_UNIT_WIDTH_SHORT;
case CurrencyDisplay::CODE:
return UNumberUnitWidth::UNUM_UNIT_WIDTH_ISO_CODE;
case CurrencyDisplay::NAME:
return UNumberUnitWidth::UNUM_UNIT_WIDTH_FULL_NAME;
case CurrencyDisplay::NARROW_SYMBOL:
return UNumberUnitWidth::UNUM_UNIT_WIDTH_NARROW;
UNumberUnitWidth ToUNumberUnitWidth(UnitDisplay unit_display) {
switch (unit_display) {
case UnitDisplay::SHORT:
return UNumberUnitWidth::UNUM_UNIT_WIDTH_SHORT;
case UnitDisplay::LONG:
return UNumberUnitWidth::UNUM_UNIT_WIDTH_FULL_NAME;
case UnitDisplay::NARROW:
return UNumberUnitWidth::UNUM_UNIT_WIDTH_NARROW;
UNumberSignDisplay ToUNumberSignDisplay(SignDisplay sign_display,
CurrencySign currency_sign) {
switch (sign_display) {
case SignDisplay::AUTO:
if (currency_sign == CurrencySign::ACCOUNTING) {
return UNumberSignDisplay::UNUM_SIGN_ACCOUNTING;
DCHECK(currency_sign == CurrencySign::STANDARD);
return UNumberSignDisplay::UNUM_SIGN_AUTO;
case SignDisplay::NEVER:
return UNumberSignDisplay::UNUM_SIGN_NEVER;
case SignDisplay::ALWAYS:
if (currency_sign == CurrencySign::ACCOUNTING) {
DCHECK(currency_sign == CurrencySign::STANDARD);
return UNumberSignDisplay::UNUM_SIGN_ALWAYS;
case SignDisplay::EXCEPT_ZERO:
if (currency_sign == CurrencySign::ACCOUNTING) {
DCHECK(currency_sign == CurrencySign::STANDARD);
return UNumberSignDisplay::UNUM_SIGN_EXCEPT_ZERO;
icu::number::Notation ToICUNotation(Notation notation,
CompactDisplay compact_display) {
switch (notation) {
case Notation::STANDARD:
return icu::number::Notation::simple();
case Notation::SCIENTIFIC:
return icu::number::Notation::scientific();
case Notation::ENGINEERING:
return icu::number::Notation::engineering();
// 29. If notation is "compact", then
case Notation::COMPACT:
// 29. a. Set numberFormat.[[CompactDisplay]] to compactDisplay.
if (compact_display == CompactDisplay::SHORT) {
return icu::number::Notation::compactShort();
DCHECK(compact_display == CompactDisplay::LONG);
return icu::number::Notation::compactLong();
std::map<const std::string, icu::MeasureUnit> CreateUnitMap() {
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
int32_t total = icu::MeasureUnit::getAvailable(nullptr, 0, status);
status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
// See the list in ecma402 #sec-issanctionedsimpleunitidentifier
std::set<std::string> sanctioned(
{"acre", "bit", "byte",
"celsius", "centimeter", "day",
"degree", "fahrenheit", "fluid-ounce",
"foot", "gallon", "gigabit",
"gigabyte", "gram", "hectare",
"hour", "inch", "kilobit",
"kilobyte", "kilogram", "kilometer",
"liter", "megabit", "megabyte",
"meter", "mile", "mile-scandinavian",
"millimeter", "milliliter", "millisecond",
"minute", "month", "ounce",
"percent", "petabyte", "pound",
"second", "stone", "terabit",
"terabyte", "week", "yard",
std::vector<icu::MeasureUnit> units(total);
total = icu::MeasureUnit::getAvailable(, total, status);
std::map<const std::string, icu::MeasureUnit> map;
for (auto it = units.begin(); it != units.end(); ++it) {
// Need to skip none/percent
if (sanctioned.count(it->getSubtype()) > 0 &&
strcmp("none", it->getType()) != 0) {
map[it->getSubtype()] = *it;
return map;
class UnitFactory {
UnitFactory() : map_(CreateUnitMap()) {}
virtual ~UnitFactory() {}
// ecma402 #sec-issanctionedsimpleunitidentifier
icu::MeasureUnit create(const std::string& unitIdentifier) {
// 1. If unitIdentifier is in the following list, return true.
auto found = map_.find(unitIdentifier);
if (found != map_.end()) {
return found->second;
// 2. Return false.
return icu::NoUnit::base();
std::map<const std::string, icu::MeasureUnit> map_;
// ecma402 #sec-issanctionedsimpleunitidentifier
icu::MeasureUnit IsSanctionedUnitIdentifier(const std::string& unit) {
static base::LazyInstance<UnitFactory>::type factory =
return factory.Pointer()->create(unit);
// ecma402 #sec-iswellformedunitidentifier
Maybe<std::pair<icu::MeasureUnit, icu::MeasureUnit>> IsWellFormedUnitIdentifier(
Isolate* isolate, const std::string& unit) {
icu::MeasureUnit result = IsSanctionedUnitIdentifier(unit);
icu::MeasureUnit none = icu::NoUnit::base();
// 1. If the result of IsSanctionedUnitIdentifier(unitIdentifier) is true,
// then
if (result != none) {
// a. Return true.
std::pair<icu::MeasureUnit, icu::MeasureUnit> pair(result, none);
return Just(pair);
// 2. If the substring "-per-" does not occur exactly once in unitIdentifier,
// then
size_t first_per = unit.find("-per-");
if (first_per == std::string::npos ||
unit.find("-per-", first_per + 5) != std::string::npos) {
// a. Return false.
return Nothing<std::pair<icu::MeasureUnit, icu::MeasureUnit>>();
// 3. Let numerator be the substring of unitIdentifier from the beginning to
// just before "-per-".
std::string numerator = unit.substr(0, first_per);
// 4. If the result of IsSanctionedUnitIdentifier(numerator) is false, then
result = IsSanctionedUnitIdentifier(numerator);
if (result == none) {
// a. Return false.
return Nothing<std::pair<icu::MeasureUnit, icu::MeasureUnit>>();
// 5. Let denominator be the substring of unitIdentifier from just after
// "-per-" to the end.
std::string denominator = unit.substr(first_per + 5);
// 6. If the result of IsSanctionedUnitIdentifier(denominator) is false, then
icu::MeasureUnit den_result = IsSanctionedUnitIdentifier(denominator);
if (den_result == none) {
// a. Return false.
return Nothing<std::pair<icu::MeasureUnit, icu::MeasureUnit>>();
// 7. Return true.
std::pair<icu::MeasureUnit, icu::MeasureUnit> pair(result, den_result);
return Just(pair);
// ecma-402/#sec-currencydigits
// The currency is expected to an all upper case string value.
int CurrencyDigits(const icu::UnicodeString& currency) {
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
uint32_t fraction_digits = ucurr_getDefaultFractionDigits(
reinterpret_cast<const UChar*>(currency.getBuffer()), &status);
// For missing currency codes, default to the most common, 2
return U_SUCCESS(status) ? fraction_digits : 2;
bool IsAToZ(char ch) {
return base::IsInRange(AsciiAlphaToLower(ch), 'a', 'z');
// ecma402/#sec-iswellformedcurrencycode
bool IsWellFormedCurrencyCode(const std::string& currency) {
// Verifies that the input is a well-formed ISO 4217 currency code.
// ecma402/#sec-currency-codes
// 2. If the number of elements in normalized is not 3, return false.
if (currency.length() != 3) return false;
// 1. Let normalized be the result of mapping currency to upper case as
// described in 6.1.
// 3. If normalized contains any character that is not in
// the range "A" to "Z" (U+0041 to U+005A), return false.
// 4. Return true.
// Don't uppercase to test. It could convert invalid code into a valid one.
// For example \u00DFP (Eszett+P) becomes SSP.
return (IsAToZ(currency[0]) && IsAToZ(currency[1]) && IsAToZ(currency[2]));
// Return the style as a String.
Handle<String> StyleAsString(Isolate* isolate, JSNumberFormat::Style style) {
switch (style) {
case JSNumberFormat::Style::PERCENT:
return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).percent_string_handle();
case JSNumberFormat::Style::CURRENCY:
return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).currency_string_handle();
case JSNumberFormat::Style::UNIT:
return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).unit_string_handle();
case JSNumberFormat::Style::DECIMAL:
return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).decimal_string_handle();
// Parse the 'currencyDisplay' from the skeleton.
Handle<String> CurrencyDisplayString(Isolate* isolate,
const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton) {
// Ex: skeleton as
// "currency/TWD .00 rounding-mode-half-up unit-width-iso-code"
if (skeleton.indexOf("unit-width-iso-code") >= 0) {
return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).code_string_handle();
// Ex: skeleton as
// "currency/TWD .00 rounding-mode-half-up unit-width-full-name;"
if (skeleton.indexOf("unit-width-full-name") >= 0) {
return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).name_string_handle();
// Ex: skeleton as
// "currency/TWD .00 rounding-mode-half-up unit-width-narrow;
if (skeleton.indexOf("unit-width-narrow") >= 0) {
return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).narrowSymbol_string_handle();
// Ex: skeleton as "currency/TWD .00 rounding-mode-half-up"
return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).symbol_string_handle();
// Return true if there are no "group-off" in the skeleton.
bool UseGroupingFromSkeleton(const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton) {
return skeleton.indexOf("group-off") == -1;
// Parse currency code from skeleton. For example, skeleton as
// "currency/TWD .00 rounding-mode-half-up unit-width-full-name;"
std::string CurrencyFromSkeleton(const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton) {
std::string str;
str = skeleton.toUTF8String<std::string>(str);
std::string search("currency/");
size_t index = str.find(search);
if (index == str.npos) return "";
return str.substr(index + search.size(), 3);
// Return CurrencySign as string based on skeleton.
Handle<String> CurrencySignString(Isolate* isolate,
const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton) {
// Ex: skeleton as
// "currency/TWD .00 rounding-mode-half-up sign-accounting-always" OR
// "currency/TWD .00 rounding-mode-half-up sign-accounting-except-zero"
if (skeleton.indexOf("sign-accounting") >= 0) {
return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).accounting_string_handle();
return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).standard_string_handle();
// Return UnitDisplay as string based on skeleton.
Handle<String> UnitDisplayString(Isolate* isolate,
const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton) {
// Ex: skeleton as
// "measure-unit/length-meter .### rounding-mode-half-up unit-width-full-name"
if (skeleton.indexOf("unit-width-full-name") >= 0) {
return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).long_string_handle();
// Ex: skeleton as
// "measure-unit/length-meter .### rounding-mode-half-up unit-width-narrow".
if (skeleton.indexOf("unit-width-narrow") >= 0) {
return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).narrow_string_handle();
// Ex: skeleton as
// "measure-unit/length-foot .### rounding-mode-half-up"
return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).short_string_handle();
// Parse Notation from skeleton.
Notation NotationFromSkeleton(const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton) {
// Ex: skeleton as
// "scientific .### rounding-mode-half-up"
if (skeleton.indexOf("scientific") >= 0) {
return Notation::SCIENTIFIC;
// Ex: skeleton as
// "engineering .### rounding-mode-half-up"
if (skeleton.indexOf("engineering") >= 0) {
return Notation::ENGINEERING;
// Ex: skeleton as
// "compact-short .### rounding-mode-half-up" or
// "compact-long .### rounding-mode-half-up
if (skeleton.indexOf("compact-") >= 0) {
return Notation::COMPACT;
// Ex: skeleton as
// "measure-unit/length-foot .### rounding-mode-half-up"
return Notation::STANDARD;
Handle<String> NotationAsString(Isolate* isolate, Notation notation) {
switch (notation) {
case Notation::SCIENTIFIC:
return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).scientific_string_handle();
case Notation::ENGINEERING:
return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).engineering_string_handle();
case Notation::COMPACT:
return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).compact_string_handle();
case Notation::STANDARD:
return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).standard_string_handle();
// Return CompactString as string based on skeleton.
Handle<String> CompactDisplayString(Isolate* isolate,
const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton) {
// Ex: skeleton as
// "compact-long .### rounding-mode-half-up"
if (skeleton.indexOf("compact-long") >= 0) {
return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).long_string_handle();
// Ex: skeleton as
// "compact-short .### rounding-mode-half-up"
DCHECK_GE(skeleton.indexOf("compact-short"), 0);
return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).short_string_handle();
// Return SignDisplay as string based on skeleton.
Handle<String> SignDisplayString(Isolate* isolate,
const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton) {
// Ex: skeleton as
// "currency/TWD .00 rounding-mode-half-up sign-never"
if (skeleton.indexOf("sign-never") >= 0) {
return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).never_string_handle();
// Ex: skeleton as
// ".### rounding-mode-half-up sign-always" or
// "currency/TWD .00 rounding-mode-half-up sign-accounting-always"
if (skeleton.indexOf("sign-always") >= 0 ||
skeleton.indexOf("sign-accounting-always") >= 0) {
return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).always_string_handle();
// Ex: skeleton as
// "currency/TWD .00 rounding-mode-half-up sign-accounting-except-zero" or
// "currency/TWD .00 rounding-mode-half-up sign-except-zero"
if (skeleton.indexOf("sign-accounting-except-zero") >= 0 ||
skeleton.indexOf("sign-except-zero") >= 0) {
return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).exceptZero_string_handle();
return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).auto_string_handle();
} // anonymous namespace
// Return the minimum integer digits by counting the number of '0' after
// "integer-width/+" in the skeleton.
// Ex: Return 15 for skeleton as
// “currency/TWD .00 rounding-mode-half-up integer-width/+000000000000000”
// 1
// 123456789012345
// Return default value as 1 if there are no "integer-width/+".
int32_t JSNumberFormat::MinimumIntegerDigitsFromSkeleton(
const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton) {
// count the number of 0 after "integer-width/+"
icu::UnicodeString search("integer-width/+");
int32_t index = skeleton.indexOf(search);
if (index < 0) return 1; // return 1 if cannot find it.
index += search.length();
int32_t matched = 0;
while (index < skeleton.length() && skeleton[index] == '0') {
CHECK_GT(matched, 0);
return matched;
// Return true if there are fraction digits, false if not.
// The minimum fraction digits is the number of '0' after '.' in the skeleton
// The maximum fraction digits is the number of '#' after the above '0's plus
// the minimum fraction digits.
// For example, as skeleton “.000#### rounding-mode-half-up”
// 123
// 4567
// Set The minimum as 3 and maximum as 7.
bool JSNumberFormat::FractionDigitsFromSkeleton(
const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton, int32_t* minimum, int32_t* maximum) {
icu::UnicodeString search(".");
int32_t index = skeleton.indexOf(search);
if (index < 0) return false;
*minimum = 0;
index++; // skip the '.'
while (index < skeleton.length() && skeleton[index] == '0') {
*maximum = *minimum;
while (index < skeleton.length() && skeleton[index] == '#') {
return true;
// Return true if there are significant digits, false if not.
// The minimum significant digits is the number of '@' in the skeleton
// The maximum significant digits is the number of '#' after these '@'s plus
// the minimum significant digits.
// Ex: Skeleton as "@@@@@####### rounding-mode-half-up"
// 12345
// 6789012
// Set The minimum as 5 and maximum as 12.
bool JSNumberFormat::SignificantDigitsFromSkeleton(
const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton, int32_t* minimum, int32_t* maximum) {
icu::UnicodeString search("@");
int32_t index = skeleton.indexOf(search);
if (index < 0) return false;
*minimum = 1;
index++; // skip the first '@'
while (index < skeleton.length() && skeleton[index] == '@') {
*maximum = *minimum;
while (index < skeleton.length() && skeleton[index] == '#') {
return true;
namespace {
// Ex: percent .### rounding-mode-half-up
// Special case for "percent"
// Ex: "measure-unit/length-kilometer per-measure-unit/duration-hour .###
// rounding-mode-half-up" should return "kilometer-per-unit".
// Ex: "measure-unit/duration-year .### rounding-mode-half-up" should return
// "year".
std::string UnitFromSkeleton(const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton) {
std::string str;
str = skeleton.toUTF8String<std::string>(str);
// Special case for "percent" first.
if (str.find("percent") != str.npos) {
return "percent";
std::string search("measure-unit/");
size_t begin = str.find(search);
if (begin == str.npos) {
return "";
// Skip the type (ex: "length").
// "measure-unit/length-kilometer per-measure-unit/duration-hour"
// b
begin = str.find("-", begin + search.size());
if (begin == str.npos) {
return "";
begin++; // Skip the '-'.
// Find the end of the subtype.
size_t end = str.find(" ", begin);
// "measure-unit/length-kilometer per-measure-unit/duration-hour"
// b e
if (end == str.npos) {
end = str.size();
return str.substr(begin, end - begin);
// "measure-unit/length-kilometer per-measure-unit/duration-hour"
// b e
// [result ]
std::string result = str.substr(begin, end - begin);
begin = end + 1;
// "measure-unit/length-kilometer per-measure-unit/duration-hour"
// [result ]eb
std::string search_per("per-measure-unit/");
begin = str.find(search_per, begin);
// "measure-unit/length-kilometer per-measure-unit/duration-hour"
// [result ]e b
if (begin == str.npos) {
return result;
// Skip the type (ex: "duration").
begin = str.find("-", begin + search_per.size());
// "measure-unit/length-kilometer per-measure-unit/duration-hour"
// [result ]e b
if (begin == str.npos) {
return result;
begin++; // Skip the '-'.
// "measure-unit/length-kilometer per-measure-unit/duration-hour"
// [result ]e b
end = str.find(" ", begin);
if (end == str.npos) {
end = str.size();
// "measure-unit/length-kilometer per-measure-unit/duration-hour"
// [result ] b e
return result + "-per-" + str.substr(begin, end - begin);
} // anonymous namespace
const icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter& icu_number_formatter,
const Intl::NumberFormatDigitOptions& digit_options) {
icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter result = icu_number_formatter;
if (digit_options.minimum_integer_digits > 1) {
result = result.integerWidth(icu::number::IntegerWidth::zeroFillTo(
// Value -1 of minimum_significant_digits represent the roundingtype is
// "compact-rounding".
if (digit_options.minimum_significant_digits < 0) {
return result;
icu::number::Precision precision =
(digit_options.minimum_significant_digits > 0)
? icu::number::Precision::minMaxSignificantDigits(
: icu::number::Precision::minMaxFraction(
return result.precision(precision);
// static
// ecma402 #sec-intl.numberformat.prototype.resolvedoptions
Handle<JSObject> JSNumberFormat::ResolvedOptions(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSNumberFormat> number_format) {
Factory* factory = isolate->factory();
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter* icu_number_formatter =
icu::UnicodeString skeleton = icu_number_formatter->toSkeleton(status);
// 4. Let options be ! ObjectCreate(%ObjectPrototype%).
Handle<JSObject> options = factory->NewJSObject(isolate->object_function());
Handle<String> locale = Handle<String>(number_format->locale(), isolate);
Handle<String> numberingSystem =
Handle<String>(number_format->numberingSystem(), isolate);
// 5. For each row of Table 4, except the header row, in table order, do
// Table 4: Resolved Options of NumberFormat Instances
// Internal Slot Property
// [[Locale]] "locale"
// [[NumberingSystem]] "numberingSystem"
// [[Style]] "style"
// [[Currency]] "currency"
// [[CurrencyDisplay]] "currencyDisplay"
// [[MinimumIntegerDigits]] "minimumIntegerDigits"
// [[MinimumFractionDigits]] "minimumFractionDigits"
// [[MaximumFractionDigits]] "maximumFractionDigits"
// [[MinimumSignificantDigits]] "minimumSignificantDigits"
// [[MaximumSignificantDigits]] "maximumSignificantDigits"
// [[UseGrouping]] "useGrouping"
CHECK(JSReceiver::CreateDataProperty(isolate, options,
factory->locale_string(), locale,
CHECK(JSReceiver::CreateDataProperty(isolate, options,
numberingSystem, Just(kDontThrow))
JSNumberFormat::Style style = number_format->style();
isolate, options, factory->style_string(),
StyleAsString(isolate, style), Just(kDontThrow))
std::string currency = CurrencyFromSkeleton(skeleton);
if (!currency.empty()) {
isolate, options, factory->currency_string(),
isolate, options, factory->currencyDisplay_string(),
CurrencyDisplayString(isolate, skeleton), Just(kDontThrow))
isolate, options, factory->currencySign_string(),
CurrencySignString(isolate, skeleton), Just(kDontThrow))
if (style == JSNumberFormat::Style::UNIT) {
std::string unit = UnitFromSkeleton(skeleton);
if (!unit.empty()) {
isolate, options, factory->unit_string(),
isolate, options, factory->unitDisplay_string(),
UnitDisplayString(isolate, skeleton), Just(kDontThrow))
isolate, options, factory->minimumIntegerDigits_string(),
int32_t minimum = 0, maximum = 0;
if (SignificantDigitsFromSkeleton(skeleton, &minimum, &maximum)) {
isolate, options, factory->minimumSignificantDigits_string(),
factory->NewNumberFromInt(minimum), Just(kDontThrow))
isolate, options, factory->maximumSignificantDigits_string(),
factory->NewNumberFromInt(maximum), Just(kDontThrow))
} else {
FractionDigitsFromSkeleton(skeleton, &minimum, &maximum);
isolate, options, factory->minimumFractionDigits_string(),
factory->NewNumberFromInt(minimum), Just(kDontThrow))
isolate, options, factory->maximumFractionDigits_string(),
factory->NewNumberFromInt(maximum), Just(kDontThrow))
isolate, options, factory->useGrouping_string(),
Notation notation = NotationFromSkeleton(skeleton);
isolate, options, factory->notation_string(),
NotationAsString(isolate, notation), Just(kDontThrow))
// Only output compactDisplay when notation is compact.
if (notation == Notation::COMPACT) {
isolate, options, factory->compactDisplay_string(),
CompactDisplayString(isolate, skeleton), Just(kDontThrow))
isolate, options, factory->signDisplay_string(),
SignDisplayString(isolate, skeleton), Just(kDontThrow))
return options;
// ecma402/#sec-unwrapnumberformat
MaybeHandle<JSNumberFormat> JSNumberFormat::UnwrapNumberFormat(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> format_holder) {
// old code copy from NumberFormat::Unwrap that has no spec comment and
// compiled but fail unit tests.
Handle<Context> native_context =
Handle<Context>(isolate->context().native_context(), isolate);
Handle<JSFunction> constructor = Handle<JSFunction>(
JSFunction::cast(native_context->intl_number_format_function()), isolate);
Handle<Object> object;
isolate, object,
Intl::LegacyUnwrapReceiver(isolate, format_holder, constructor,
// 4. If ... or nf does not have an [[InitializedNumberFormat]] internal slot,
// then
if (!object->IsJSNumberFormat()) {
// a. Throw a TypeError exception.
// 5. Return nf.
return Handle<JSNumberFormat>::cast(object);
// static
MaybeHandle<JSNumberFormat> JSNumberFormat::New(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<Map> map,
Handle<Object> locales,
Handle<Object> options_obj,
const char* service) {
Factory* factory = isolate->factory();
// 1. Let requestedLocales be ? CanonicalizeLocaleList(locales).
Maybe<std::vector<std::string>> maybe_requested_locales =
Intl::CanonicalizeLocaleList(isolate, locales);
MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_requested_locales, Handle<JSNumberFormat>());
std::vector<std::string> requested_locales =
// 2. If options is undefined, then
if (options_obj->IsUndefined(isolate)) {
// 2. a. Let options be ObjectCreate(null).
options_obj = isolate->factory()->NewJSObjectWithNullProto();
} else {
// 3. Else
// 3. a. Let options be ? ToObject(options).
ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, options_obj,
Object::ToObject(isolate, options_obj, service),
// At this point, options_obj can either be a JSObject or a JSProxy only.
Handle<JSReceiver> options = Handle<JSReceiver>::cast(options_obj);
// 4. Let opt be a new Record.
// 5. Let matcher be ? GetOption(options, "localeMatcher", "string", «
// "lookup", "best fit" », "best fit").
// 6. Set opt.[[localeMatcher]] to matcher.
Maybe<Intl::MatcherOption> maybe_locale_matcher =
Intl::GetLocaleMatcher(isolate, options, service);
MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_locale_matcher, MaybeHandle<JSNumberFormat>());
Intl::MatcherOption matcher = maybe_locale_matcher.FromJust();
std::unique_ptr<char[]> numbering_system_str = nullptr;
if (FLAG_harmony_intl_add_calendar_numbering_system) {
// 7. Let _numberingSystem_ be ? GetOption(_options_, `"numberingSystem"`,
// `"string"`, *undefined*, *undefined*).
Maybe<bool> maybe_numberingSystem = Intl::GetNumberingSystem(
isolate, options, service, &numbering_system_str);
// 8. If _numberingSystem_ is not *undefined*, then
// a. If _numberingSystem_ does not match the
// `(3*8alphanum) *("-" (3*8alphanum))` sequence, throw a *RangeError*
// exception.
MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_numberingSystem, MaybeHandle<JSNumberFormat>());
// 7. Let localeData be %NumberFormat%.[[LocaleData]].
// 8. Let r be ResolveLocale(%NumberFormat%.[[AvailableLocales]],
// requestedLocales, opt, %NumberFormat%.[[RelevantExtensionKeys]],
// localeData).
std::set<std::string> relevant_extension_keys{"nu"};
Intl::ResolvedLocale r =
Intl::ResolveLocale(isolate, JSNumberFormat::GetAvailableLocales(),
requested_locales, matcher, relevant_extension_keys);
icu::Locale icu_locale = r.icu_locale;
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
if (numbering_system_str != nullptr) {
auto nu_extension_it = r.extensions.find("nu");
if (nu_extension_it != r.extensions.end() &&
nu_extension_it->second != numbering_system_str.get()) {
icu_locale.setUnicodeKeywordValue("nu", nullptr, status);
// 9. Set numberFormat.[[Locale]] to r.[[locale]].
Maybe<std::string> maybe_locale_str = Intl::ToLanguageTag(icu_locale);
MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_locale_str, MaybeHandle<JSNumberFormat>());
Handle<String> locale_str = isolate->factory()->NewStringFromAsciiChecked(
if (numbering_system_str != nullptr &&
Intl::IsValidNumberingSystem(numbering_system_str.get())) {
icu_locale.setUnicodeKeywordValue("nu", numbering_system_str.get(), status);
Handle<String> numberingSystem_str =
// 11. Let dataLocale be r.[[dataLocale]].
icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter icu_number_formatter =
// 12. Let style be ? GetOption(options, "style", "string", « "decimal",
// "percent", "currency", "unit" », "decimal").
Maybe<JSNumberFormat::Style> maybe_style =
isolate, options, "style", service,
{"decimal", "percent", "currency", "unit"},
{JSNumberFormat::Style::DECIMAL, JSNumberFormat::Style::PERCENT,
JSNumberFormat::Style::CURRENCY, JSNumberFormat::Style::UNIT},
MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_style, MaybeHandle<JSNumberFormat>());
JSNumberFormat::Style style = maybe_style.FromJust();
// 13. Set numberFormat.[[Style]] to style.
// 14. Let currency be ? GetOption(options, "currency", "string", undefined,
// undefined).
std::unique_ptr<char[]> currency_cstr;
const std::vector<const char*> empty_values = {};
Maybe<bool> found_currency = Intl::GetStringOption(
isolate, options, "currency", empty_values, service, &currency_cstr);
MAYBE_RETURN(found_currency, MaybeHandle<JSNumberFormat>());
std::string currency;
// 15. If currency is not undefined, then
if (found_currency.FromJust()) {
currency = currency_cstr.get();
// 15. a. If the result of IsWellFormedCurrencyCode(currency) is false,
// throw a RangeError exception.
if (!IsWellFormedCurrencyCode(currency)) {
factory->NewStringFromStaticChars("currency code"),
// 16. If style is "currency" and currency is undefined, throw a TypeError
// exception.
if (style == JSNumberFormat::Style::CURRENCY && !found_currency.FromJust()) {
THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NewTypeError(MessageTemplate::kCurrencyCode),
// 17. If style is "currency", then
int c_digits = 0;
icu::UnicodeString currency_ustr;
if (style == JSNumberFormat::Style::CURRENCY) {
// a. Let currency be the result of converting currency to upper case as
// specified in 6.1
std::transform(currency.begin(), currency.end(), currency.begin(), toupper);
// c. Let cDigits be CurrencyDigits(currency).
currency_ustr = currency.c_str();
c_digits = CurrencyDigits(currency_ustr);
// 18. Let currencyDisplay be ? GetOption(options, "currencyDisplay",
// "string", « "code", "symbol", "name", "narrowSymbol" », "symbol").
Maybe<CurrencyDisplay> maybe_currency_display =
isolate, options, "currencyDisplay", service,
{"code", "symbol", "name", "narrowSymbol"},
{CurrencyDisplay::CODE, CurrencyDisplay::SYMBOL,
CurrencyDisplay::NAME, CurrencyDisplay::NARROW_SYMBOL},
MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_currency_display, MaybeHandle<JSNumberFormat>());
CurrencyDisplay currency_display = maybe_currency_display.FromJust();
CurrencySign currency_sign = CurrencySign::STANDARD;
// Let currencySign be ? GetOption(options, "currencySign", "string", «
// "standard", "accounting" », "standard").
Maybe<CurrencySign> maybe_currency_sign = Intl::GetStringOption<CurrencySign>(
isolate, options, "currencySign", service, {"standard", "accounting"},
{CurrencySign::STANDARD, CurrencySign::ACCOUNTING},
MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_currency_sign, MaybeHandle<JSNumberFormat>());
currency_sign = maybe_currency_sign.FromJust();
// Let unit be ? GetOption(options, "unit", "string", undefined, undefined).
std::unique_ptr<char[]> unit_cstr;
Maybe<bool> found_unit = Intl::GetStringOption(
isolate, options, "unit", empty_values, service, &unit_cstr);
MAYBE_RETURN(found_unit, MaybeHandle<JSNumberFormat>());
std::string unit;
if (found_unit.FromJust()) {
unit = unit_cstr.get();
// Let unitDisplay be ? GetOption(options, "unitDisplay", "string", «
// "short", "narrow", "long" », "short").
Maybe<UnitDisplay> maybe_unit_display = Intl::GetStringOption<UnitDisplay>(
isolate, options, "unitDisplay", service, {"short", "narrow", "long"},
{UnitDisplay::SHORT, UnitDisplay::NARROW, UnitDisplay::LONG},
MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_unit_display, MaybeHandle<JSNumberFormat>());
UnitDisplay unit_display = maybe_unit_display.FromJust();
// If style is "unit", then
if (style == JSNumberFormat::Style::UNIT) {
// If unit is undefined, throw a TypeError exception.
if (unit == "") {
// If the result of IsWellFormedUnitIdentifier(unit) is false, throw a
// RangeError exception.
Maybe<std::pair<icu::MeasureUnit, icu::MeasureUnit>> maybe_wellformed =
IsWellFormedUnitIdentifier(isolate, unit);
if (maybe_wellformed.IsNothing()) {
std::pair<icu::MeasureUnit, icu::MeasureUnit> unit_pair =
// Set intlObj.[[Unit]] to unit.
if (unit_pair.first != icu::NoUnit::base()) {
icu_number_formatter = icu_number_formatter.unit(unit_pair.first);
if (unit_pair.second != icu::NoUnit::base()) {
icu_number_formatter = icu_number_formatter.perUnit(unit_pair.second);
// The default unitWidth is SHORT in ICU and that mapped from
// Symbol so we can skip the setting for optimization.
if (unit_display != UnitDisplay::SHORT) {
icu_number_formatter =
if (style == JSNumberFormat::Style::PERCENT) {
icu_number_formatter = icu_number_formatter.unit(icu::NoUnit::percent())
if (style == JSNumberFormat::Style::CURRENCY) {
// 19. If style is "currency", set numberFormat.[[CurrencyDisplay]] to
// currencyDisplay.
// 17.b. Set numberFormat.[[Currency]] to currency.
if (!currency_ustr.isEmpty()) {
Handle<String> currency_string;
ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, currency_string,
Intl::ToString(isolate, currency_ustr),
icu_number_formatter = icu_number_formatter.unit(
icu::CurrencyUnit(currency_ustr.getBuffer(), status));
// The default unitWidth is SHORT in ICU and that mapped from
// Symbol so we can skip the setting for optimization.
if (currency_display != CurrencyDisplay::SYMBOL) {
icu_number_formatter = icu_number_formatter.unitWidth(
// 23. If style is "currency", then
int mnfd_default, mxfd_default;
if (style == JSNumberFormat::Style::CURRENCY) {
// a. Let mnfdDefault be cDigits.
// b. Let mxfdDefault be cDigits.
mnfd_default = c_digits;
mxfd_default = c_digits;
// 24. Else,
} else {
// a. Let mnfdDefault be 0.
mnfd_default = 0;
// b. If style is "percent", then
if (style == JSNumberFormat::Style::PERCENT) {
// i. Let mxfdDefault be 0.
mxfd_default = 0;
} else {
// c. Else,
// i. Let mxfdDefault be 3.
mxfd_default = 3;
Notation notation = Notation::STANDARD;
// 25. Let notation be ? GetOption(options, "notation", "string", «
// "standard", "scientific", "engineering", "compact" », "standard").
Maybe<Notation> maybe_notation = Intl::GetStringOption<Notation>(
isolate, options, "notation", service,
{"standard", "scientific", "engineering", "compact"},
{Notation::STANDARD, Notation::SCIENTIFIC, Notation::ENGINEERING,
MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_notation, MaybeHandle<JSNumberFormat>());
notation = maybe_notation.FromJust();
// 27. Perform ? SetNumberFormatDigitOptions(numberFormat, options,
// mnfdDefault, mxfdDefault).
Maybe<Intl::NumberFormatDigitOptions> maybe_digit_options =
Intl::SetNumberFormatDigitOptions(isolate, options, mnfd_default,
notation == Notation::COMPACT);
MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_digit_options, Handle<JSNumberFormat>());
Intl::NumberFormatDigitOptions digit_options = maybe_digit_options.FromJust();
icu_number_formatter = JSNumberFormat::SetDigitOptionsToFormatter(
icu_number_formatter, digit_options);
// 28. Let compactDisplay be ? GetOption(options, "compactDisplay",
// "string", « "short", "long" », "short").
Maybe<CompactDisplay> maybe_compact_display =
isolate, options, "compactDisplay", service, {"short", "long"},
{CompactDisplay::SHORT, CompactDisplay::LONG}, CompactDisplay::SHORT);
MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_compact_display, MaybeHandle<JSNumberFormat>());
CompactDisplay compact_display = maybe_compact_display.FromJust();
// 26. Set numberFormat.[[Notation]] to notation.
// The default notation in ICU is Simple, which mapped from STANDARD
// so we can skip setting it.
if (notation != Notation::STANDARD) {
icu_number_formatter =
icu_number_formatter.notation(ToICUNotation(notation, compact_display));
// 30. Let useGrouping be ? GetOption(options, "useGrouping", "boolean",
// undefined, true).
bool use_grouping = true;
Maybe<bool> found_use_grouping = Intl::GetBoolOption(
isolate, options, "useGrouping", service, &use_grouping);
MAYBE_RETURN(found_use_grouping, MaybeHandle<JSNumberFormat>());
// 31. Set numberFormat.[[UseGrouping]] to useGrouping.
if (!use_grouping) {
icu_number_formatter = icu_number_formatter.grouping(
// 32. Let signDisplay be ? GetOption(options, "signDisplay", "string", «
// "auto", "never", "always", "exceptZero" », "auto").
Maybe<SignDisplay> maybe_sign_display = Intl::GetStringOption<SignDisplay>(
isolate, options, "signDisplay", service,
{"auto", "never", "always", "exceptZero"},
{SignDisplay::AUTO, SignDisplay::NEVER, SignDisplay::ALWAYS,
MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_sign_display, MaybeHandle<JSNumberFormat>());
SignDisplay sign_display = maybe_sign_display.FromJust();
// 33. Set numberFormat.[[SignDisplay]] to signDisplay.
// The default sign in ICU is UNUM_SIGN_AUTO which is mapped from
// SignDisplay::AUTO and CurrencySign::STANDARD so we can skip setting
// under that values for optimization.
if (sign_display != SignDisplay::AUTO ||
currency_sign != CurrencySign::STANDARD) {
icu_number_formatter = icu_number_formatter.sign(
ToUNumberSignDisplay(sign_display, currency_sign));
// 25. Let dataLocaleData be localeData.[[<dataLocale>]].
// 26. Let patterns be dataLocaleData.[[patterns]].
// 27. Assert: patterns is a record (see 11.3.3).
// 28. Let stylePatterns be patterns.[[<style>]].
// 29. Set numberFormat.[[PositivePattern]] to
// stylePatterns.[[positivePattern]].
// 30. Set numberFormat.[[NegativePattern]] to
// stylePatterns.[[negativePattern]].
managed_number_formatter =
isolate, 0,
new icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter(icu_number_formatter));
// Now all properties are ready, so we can allocate the result object.
Handle<JSNumberFormat> number_format = Handle<JSNumberFormat>::cast(
DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
// 31. Return numberFormat.
return number_format;
namespace {
Maybe<icu::UnicodeString> IcuFormatNumber(
Isolate* isolate,
const icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter& number_format,
Handle<Object> numeric_obj, icu::FieldPositionIterator* fp_iter) {
// If it is BigInt, handle it differently.
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
icu::number::FormattedNumber formatted;
if (numeric_obj->IsBigInt()) {
Handle<BigInt> big_int = Handle<BigInt>::cast(numeric_obj);
Handle<String> big_int_string;
ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE(isolate, big_int_string,
BigInt::ToString(isolate, big_int),
formatted = number_format.formatDecimal(
{big_int_string->ToCString().get(), big_int_string->length()}, status);
} else {
double number = numeric_obj->Number();
formatted = number_format.formatDouble(number, status);
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
// This happen because of icu data trimming trim out "unit".
// See
if (fp_iter) {
formatted.getAllFieldPositions(*fp_iter, status);
icu::UnicodeString result = formatted.toString(status);
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
return Just(result);
} // namespace
MaybeHandle<String> JSNumberFormat::FormatNumeric(
Isolate* isolate,
const icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter& number_format,
Handle<Object> numeric_obj) {
Maybe<icu::UnicodeString> maybe_format =
IcuFormatNumber(isolate, number_format, numeric_obj, nullptr);
MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_format, Handle<String>());
return Intl::ToString(isolate, maybe_format.FromJust());
namespace {
bool cmp_NumberFormatSpan(const NumberFormatSpan& a,
const NumberFormatSpan& b) {
// Regions that start earlier should be encountered earlier.
if (a.begin_pos < b.begin_pos) return true;
if (a.begin_pos > b.begin_pos) return false;
// For regions that start in the same place, regions that last longer should
// be encountered earlier.
if (a.end_pos < b.end_pos) return false;
if (a.end_pos > b.end_pos) return true;
// For regions that are exactly the same, one of them must be the "literal"
// backdrop we added, which has a field_id of -1, so consider higher field_ids
// to be later.
return a.field_id < b.field_id;
} // namespace
// Flattens a list of possibly-overlapping "regions" to a list of
// non-overlapping "parts". At least one of the input regions must span the
// entire space of possible indexes. The regions parameter will sorted in-place
// according to some criteria; this is done for performance to avoid copying the
// input.
std::vector<NumberFormatSpan> FlattenRegionsToParts(
std::vector<NumberFormatSpan>* regions) {
// The intention of this algorithm is that it's used to translate ICU "fields"
// to JavaScript "parts" of a formatted string. Each ICU field and JavaScript
// part has an integer field_id, which corresponds to something like "grouping
// separator", "fraction", or "percent sign", and has a begin and end
// position. Here's a diagram of:
// var nf = new Intl.NumberFormat(['de'], {style:'currency',currency:'EUR'});
// nf.formatToParts(123456.78);
// : 6
// input regions: 0000000211 7
// ('-' means -1): ------------
// formatted string: "123.456,78 €"
// output parts: 0006000211-7
// To illustrate the requirements of this algorithm, here's a contrived and
// convoluted example of inputs and expected outputs:
// : 4
// : 22 33 3
// : 11111 22
// input regions: 0000000 111
// : ------------
// formatted string: "abcdefghijkl"
// output parts: 0221340--231
// (The characters in the formatted string are irrelevant to this function.)
// We arrange the overlapping input regions like a mountain range where
// smaller regions are "on top" of larger regions, and we output a birds-eye
// view of the mountains, so that smaller regions take priority over larger
// regions.
std::sort(regions->begin(), regions->end(), cmp_NumberFormatSpan);
std::vector<size_t> overlapping_region_index_stack;
// At least one item in regions must be a region spanning the entire string.
// Due to the sorting above, the first item in the vector will be one of them.
NumberFormatSpan top_region = regions->at(0);
size_t region_iterator = 1;
int32_t entire_size = top_region.end_pos;
std::vector<NumberFormatSpan> out_parts;
// The "climber" is a cursor that advances from left to right climbing "up"
// and "down" the mountains. Whenever the climber moves to the right, that
// represents an item of output.
int32_t climber = 0;
while (climber < entire_size) {
int32_t next_region_begin_pos;
if (region_iterator < regions->size()) {
next_region_begin_pos = regions->at(region_iterator).begin_pos;
} else {
// finish off the rest of the input by proceeding to the end.
next_region_begin_pos = entire_size;
if (climber < next_region_begin_pos) {
while (top_region.end_pos < next_region_begin_pos) {
if (climber < top_region.end_pos) {
// step down
out_parts.push_back(NumberFormatSpan(top_region.field_id, climber,
climber = top_region.end_pos;
} else {
// drop down
top_region = regions->at(overlapping_region_index_stack.back());
if (climber < next_region_begin_pos) {
// cross a plateau/mesa/valley
out_parts.push_back(NumberFormatSpan(top_region.field_id, climber,
climber = next_region_begin_pos;
if (region_iterator < regions->size()) {
top_region = regions->at(overlapping_region_index_stack.back());
return out_parts;
namespace {
Maybe<int> ConstructParts(Isolate* isolate, const icu::UnicodeString& formatted,
icu::FieldPositionIterator* fp_iter,
Handle<JSArray> result, int start_index,
Handle<Object> numeric_obj, bool style_is_unit) {
int32_t length = formatted.length();
int index = start_index;
if (length == 0) return Just(index);
std::vector<NumberFormatSpan> regions;
// Add a "literal" backdrop for the entire string. This will be used if no
// other region covers some part of the formatted string. It's possible
// there's another field with exactly the same begin and end as this backdrop,
// in which case the backdrop's field_id of -1 will give it lower priority.
regions.push_back(NumberFormatSpan(-1, 0, formatted.length()));
icu::FieldPosition fp;
while (fp_iter->next(fp)) {
regions.push_back(NumberFormatSpan(fp.getField(), fp.getBeginIndex(),
std::vector<NumberFormatSpan> parts = FlattenRegionsToParts(&regions);
for (auto it = parts.begin(); it < parts.end(); it++) {
NumberFormatSpan part = *it;
Handle<String> field_type_string = isolate->factory()->literal_string();
if (part.field_id != -1) {
if (style_is_unit && static_cast<UNumberFormatFields>(part.field_id) ==
// Special case when style is unit.
field_type_string = isolate->factory()->unit_string();
} else {
field_type_string =
Intl::NumberFieldToType(isolate, numeric_obj, part.field_id);
Handle<String> substring;
isolate, substring,
Intl::ToString(isolate, formatted, part.begin_pos, part.end_pos),
Intl::AddElement(isolate, result, index, field_type_string, substring);
return Just(index);
} // namespace
MaybeHandle<JSArray> JSNumberFormat::FormatToParts(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSNumberFormat> number_format,
Handle<Object> numeric_obj) {
Factory* factory = isolate->factory();
icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter* fmt =
icu::FieldPositionIterator fp_iter;
Maybe<icu::UnicodeString> maybe_format =
IcuFormatNumber(isolate, *fmt, numeric_obj, &fp_iter);
MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_format, Handle<JSArray>());
Handle<JSArray> result = factory->NewJSArray(0);
Maybe<int> maybe_format_to_parts = ConstructParts(
isolate, maybe_format.FromJust(), &fp_iter, result, 0, numeric_obj,
number_format->style() == JSNumberFormat::Style::UNIT);
MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_format_to_parts, Handle<JSArray>());
return result;
namespace {
struct CheckNumberElements {
static const char* key() { return "NumberElements"; }
static const char* path() { return nullptr; }
} // namespace
const std::set<std::string>& JSNumberFormat::GetAvailableLocales() {
static base::LazyInstance<
Intl::AvailableLocales<icu::NumberFormat, CheckNumberElements>>::type
available_locales = LAZY_INSTANCE_INITIALIZER;
return available_locales.Pointer()->Get();
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8