blob: 01d40eb29aeb01f855495410d3a8e0afb82d6576 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/objects/struct.h"
// Has to be the last include (doesn't have include guards):
#include "src/objects/object-macros.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class TemplateInfo : public TorqueGeneratedTemplateInfo<TemplateInfo, Struct> {
static const int kFastTemplateInstantiationsCacheSize = 1 * KB;
// While we could grow the slow cache until we run out of memory, we put
// a limit on it anyway to not crash for embedders that re-create templates
// instead of caching them.
static const int kSlowTemplateInstantiationsCacheSize = 1 * MB;
// Contains data members that are rarely set on a FunctionTemplateInfo.
class FunctionTemplateRareData
: public TorqueGeneratedFunctionTemplateRareData<FunctionTemplateRareData,
Struct> {
// Dispatched behavior.
// See the api-exposed FunctionTemplate for more information.
class FunctionTemplateInfo
: public TorqueGeneratedFunctionTemplateInfo<FunctionTemplateInfo,
TemplateInfo> {
#define DECL_RARE_ACCESSORS(Name, CamelName, Type) \
DECL_GETTER(Get##CamelName, Type) \
static inline void Set##CamelName( \
Isolate* isolate, Handle<FunctionTemplateInfo> function_template_info, \
Handle<Type> Name);
// ObjectTemplateInfo or Undefined, used for the prototype property of the
// resulting JSFunction instance of this FunctionTemplate.
DECL_RARE_ACCESSORS(prototype_template, PrototypeTemplate, Object)
// In the case the prototype_template is Undefined we use the
// prototype_provider_template to retrieve the instance prototype. Either
// contains an ObjectTemplateInfo or Undefined.
DECL_RARE_ACCESSORS(prototype_provider_template, PrototypeProviderTemplate,
// Used to create prototype chains. The parent_template's prototype is set as
// __proto__ of this FunctionTemplate's instance prototype. Is either a
// FunctionTemplateInfo or Undefined.
DECL_RARE_ACCESSORS(parent_template, ParentTemplate, Object)
// Returns an InterceptorInfo or Undefined for named properties.
DECL_RARE_ACCESSORS(named_property_handler, NamedPropertyHandler, Object)
// Returns an InterceptorInfo or Undefined for indexed properties/elements.
DECL_RARE_ACCESSORS(indexed_property_handler, IndexedPropertyHandler, Object)
// An ObjectTemplateInfo that is used when instantiating the JSFunction
// associated with this FunctionTemplateInfo. Contains either an
// ObjectTemplateInfo or Undefined. A default instance_template is assigned
// upon first instantiation if it's Undefined.
DECL_RARE_ACCESSORS(instance_template, InstanceTemplate, Object)
// Either a CallHandlerInfo or Undefined. If an instance_call_handler is
// provided the instances created from the associated JSFunction are marked as
// callable.
DECL_RARE_ACCESSORS(instance_call_handler, InstanceCallHandler, Object)
DECL_RARE_ACCESSORS(access_check_info, AccessCheckInfo, Object)
DECL_RARE_ACCESSORS(c_function, CFunction, Object)
DECL_RARE_ACCESSORS(c_signature, CSignature, Object)
// Begin flag bits ---------------------
// If set, object instances created by this function
// requires access check.
// If set, do not create a prototype property for the associated
// JSFunction. This bit implies that neither the prototype_template nor the
// prototype_provoider_template are instantiated.
// If set, do not attach a serial number to this FunctionTemplate and thus do
// not keep an instance boilerplate around.
// If not set an access may be performed on calling the associated JSFunction.
// End flag bits ---------------------
// Dispatched behavior.
static const int kInvalidSerialNumber = 0;
static Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> GetOrCreateSharedFunctionInfo(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<FunctionTemplateInfo> info,
MaybeHandle<Name> maybe_name);
static Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> GetOrCreateSharedFunctionInfo(
OffThreadIsolate* isolate, Handle<FunctionTemplateInfo> info,
Handle<Name> maybe_name) {
// We don't support streaming compilation of scripts with natives, so we
// don't need an off-thread implementation of this.
// Returns parent function template or a null FunctionTemplateInfo.
inline FunctionTemplateInfo GetParent(Isolate* isolate);
// Returns true if |object| is an instance of this function template.
inline bool IsTemplateFor(JSObject object);
bool IsTemplateFor(Map map);
inline bool instantiated();
inline bool BreakAtEntry();
// Helper function for cached accessors.
static MaybeHandle<Name> TryGetCachedPropertyName(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<Object> getter);
// Bit position in the flag, from least significant bit position.
static const int kUndetectableBit = 0;
static const int kNeedsAccessCheckBit = 1;
static const int kReadOnlyPrototypeBit = 2;
static const int kRemovePrototypeBit = 3;
static const int kDoNotCacheBit = 4;
static const int kAcceptAnyReceiver = 5;
static inline FunctionTemplateRareData EnsureFunctionTemplateRareData(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<FunctionTemplateInfo> function_template_info);
static FunctionTemplateRareData AllocateFunctionTemplateRareData(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<FunctionTemplateInfo> function_template_info);
class ObjectTemplateInfo
: public TorqueGeneratedObjectTemplateInfo<ObjectTemplateInfo,
TemplateInfo> {
// Dispatched behavior.
// Starting from given object template's constructor walk up the inheritance
// chain till a function template that has an instance template is found.
inline ObjectTemplateInfo GetParent(Isolate* isolate);
using IsImmutablePrototype = base::BitField<bool, 0, 1>;
using EmbedderFieldCount = IsImmutablePrototype::Next<int, 29>;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
#include "src/objects/object-macros-undef.h"