blob: c12496759fc480e4de9c9d2414e284d70ac5de82 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#error This header should only be included if WebAssembly is enabled.
#include "src/base/bit-field.h"
#include "src/base/optional.h"
#include "src/codegen/machine-type.h"
#include "src/wasm/wasm-constants.h"
#include "src/wasm/wasm-limits.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
template <typename T>
class Signature;
namespace wasm {
// Type for holding simd values, defined in wasm-value.h.
class Simd128;
// Format: kind, log2Size, code, machineType, shortName, typeName
// Some of these types are from proposals that are not standardized yet:
// - "ref"/"optref" (a.k.a. "ref null") per
// - "rtt" per
V(I32, 2, I32, Int32, 'i', "i32") \
V(I64, 3, I64, Int64, 'l', "i64") \
V(F32, 2, F32, Float32, 'f', "f32") \
V(F64, 3, F64, Float64, 'd', "f64") \
V(S128, 4, S128, Simd128, 's', "s128") \
V(I8, 0, I8, Int8, 'b', "i8") \
V(I16, 1, I16, Int16, 'h', "i16")
V(Void, -1, Void, None, 'v', "<void>") \
V(Rtt, kTaggedSizeLog2, Rtt, TaggedPointer, 't', "rtt") \
V(RttWithDepth, kTaggedSizeLog2, RttWithDepth, TaggedPointer, 'k', "rtt") \
V(Ref, kTaggedSizeLog2, Ref, AnyTagged, 'r', "ref") \
V(OptRef, kTaggedSizeLog2, OptRef, AnyTagged, 'n', "ref null") \
V(Bottom, -1, Void, None, '*', "<bot>")
constexpr int kMaxValueTypeSize = 16; // bytes
// Represents a WebAssembly heap type, as per the typed-funcref and gc
// proposals.
// The underlying Representation enumeration encodes heap types as follows:
// a number t < kV8MaxWasmTypes represents the type defined in the module at
// index t. Numbers directly beyond that represent the generic heap types. The
// next number represents the bottom heap type (internal use).
class HeapType {
enum Representation : uint32_t {
kFunc = kV8MaxWasmTypes, // shorthand: c
kExtern, // shorthand: e
kEq, // shorthand: q
kI31, // shorthand: j
kData, // shorthand: o
kAny, // shorthand: a
// This value is used to represent failures in the parsing of heap types and
// does not correspond to a wasm heap type.
// Internal use only; defined in the public section to make it easy to
// check that they are defined correctly:
static constexpr Representation kFirstSentinel = kFunc;
static constexpr Representation kLastSentinel = kAny;
static constexpr HeapType from_code(uint8_t code) {
switch (code) {
case ValueTypeCode::kFuncRefCode:
return HeapType(kFunc);
case ValueTypeCode::kExternRefCode:
return HeapType(kExtern);
case ValueTypeCode::kEqRefCode:
return HeapType(kEq);
case ValueTypeCode::kI31RefCode:
return HeapType(kI31);
case ValueTypeCode::kAnyRefCode:
return HeapType(kAny);
case ValueTypeCode::kDataRefCode:
return HeapType(kData);
return HeapType(kBottom);
explicit constexpr HeapType(Representation repr) : representation_(repr) {
DCHECK(is_bottom() || is_valid());
explicit constexpr HeapType(uint32_t repr)
: HeapType(static_cast<Representation>(repr)) {}
constexpr bool operator==(HeapType other) const {
return representation_ == other.representation_;
constexpr bool operator!=(HeapType other) const {
return representation_ != other.representation_;
constexpr bool operator==(Representation other) const {
return representation_ == other;
constexpr bool operator!=(Representation other) const {
return representation_ != other;
constexpr Representation representation() const { return representation_; }
constexpr uint32_t ref_index() const {
return representation_;
constexpr bool is_generic() const {
return !is_bottom() && representation_ >= kFirstSentinel;
constexpr bool is_index() const { return representation_ < kFirstSentinel; }
constexpr bool is_bottom() const { return representation_ == kBottom; }
std::string name() const {
switch (representation_) {
case kFunc:
return std::string("func");
case kExtern:
return std::string("extern");
case kEq:
return std::string("eq");
case kI31:
return std::string("i31");
case kData:
return std::string("data");
case kAny:
return std::string("any");
return std::to_string(representation_);
// Returns the code that represents this heap type in the wasm binary format.
constexpr int32_t code() const {
// Type codes represent the first byte of the LEB128 encoding. To get the
// int32 represented by a code, we need to sign-extend it from 7 to 32 bits.
int32_t mask = 0xFFFFFF80;
switch (representation_) {
case kFunc:
return mask | kFuncRefCode;
case kExtern:
return mask | kExternRefCode;
case kEq:
return mask | kEqRefCode;
case kI31:
return mask | kI31RefCode;
case kData:
return mask | kDataRefCode;
case kAny:
return mask | kAnyRefCode;
return static_cast<int32_t>(representation_);
friend class ValueType;
Representation representation_;
constexpr bool is_valid() const { return representation_ <= kLastSentinel; }
enum Nullability : bool { kNonNullable, kNullable };
enum ValueKind : uint8_t {
#define DEF_ENUM(kind, ...) k##kind,
#undef DEF_ENUM
constexpr bool is_numeric(ValueKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
#define NUMERIC_CASE(kind, ...) \
case k##kind: \
return true;
return false;
constexpr bool is_reference(ValueKind kind) {
return kind == kRef || kind == kOptRef || kind == kRtt ||
kind == kRttWithDepth;
constexpr bool is_object_reference(ValueKind kind) {
return kind == kRef || kind == kOptRef;
constexpr int element_size_log2(ValueKind kind) {
constexpr int8_t kElementSizeLog2[] = {
#define ELEM_SIZE_LOG2(kind, log2Size, ...) log2Size,
int size_log_2 = kElementSizeLog2[kind];
DCHECK_LE(0, size_log_2);
return size_log_2;
constexpr int element_size_bytes(ValueKind kind) {
constexpr int8_t kElementSize[] = {
#define ELEM_SIZE_LOG2(kind, log2Size, ...) \
log2Size == -1 ? -1 : (1 << std::max(0, log2Size)),
int size = kElementSize[kind];
DCHECK_LT(0, size);
return size;
constexpr char short_name(ValueKind kind) {
constexpr char kShortName[] = {
#define SHORT_NAME(kind, log2Size, code, machineType, shortName, ...) shortName,
return kShortName[kind];
constexpr const char* name(ValueKind kind) {
constexpr const char* kKindName[] = {
#define KIND_NAME(kind, log2Size, code, machineType, shortName, kindName, ...) \
#undef TYPE_NAME
return kKindName[kind];
constexpr MachineType machine_type(ValueKind kind) {
DCHECK_NE(kBottom, kind);
constexpr MachineType kMachineType[] = {
#define MACH_TYPE(kind, log2Size, code, machineType, ...) \
#undef MACH_TYPE
return kMachineType[kind];
constexpr bool is_packed(ValueKind kind) { return kind == kI8 || kind == kI16; }
constexpr ValueKind unpacked(ValueKind kind) {
return is_packed(kind) ? kI32 : kind;
constexpr bool is_rtt(ValueKind kind) {
return kind == kRtt || kind == kRttWithDepth;
constexpr bool is_defaultable(ValueKind kind) {
DCHECK(kind != kBottom && kind != kVoid);
return kind != kRef && !is_rtt(kind);
// A ValueType is encoded by three components: A ValueKind, a heap
// representation (for reference types), and an inheritance depth (for rtts
// only). Those are encoded into 32 bits using base::BitField. The underlying
// ValueKind enumeration includes four elements which do not strictly correspond
// to value types: the two packed types i8 and i16, the type of void blocks
// (stmt), and a bottom value (for internal use).
class ValueType {
/******************************* Constructors *******************************/
constexpr ValueType() : bit_field_(KindField::encode(kVoid)) {}
static constexpr ValueType Primitive(ValueKind kind) {
DCHECK(kind == kBottom || kind <= kI16);
return ValueType(KindField::encode(kind));
static constexpr ValueType Ref(uint32_t heap_type, Nullability nullability) {
return ValueType(
KindField::encode(nullability == kNullable ? kOptRef : kRef) |
static constexpr ValueType Ref(HeapType heap_type, Nullability nullability) {
return Ref(heap_type.representation(), nullability);
static constexpr ValueType Rtt(uint32_t type_index) {
return ValueType(KindField::encode(kRtt) |
static constexpr ValueType Rtt(uint32_t type_index,
uint8_t inheritance_depth) {
return ValueType(KindField::encode(kRttWithDepth) |
HeapTypeField::encode(type_index) |
// Useful when deserializing a type stored in a runtime object.
static constexpr ValueType FromRawBitField(uint32_t bit_field) {
return ValueType(bit_field);
/******************************** Type checks *******************************/
constexpr bool is_numeric() const { return wasm::is_numeric(kind()); }
constexpr bool is_reference() const { return wasm::is_reference(kind()); }
constexpr bool is_object_reference() const {
return wasm::is_object_reference(kind());
constexpr bool is_nullable() const { return kind() == kOptRef; }
constexpr bool is_reference_to(uint32_t htype) const {
return (kind() == kRef || kind() == kOptRef) &&
heap_representation() == htype;
constexpr bool is_rtt() const { return wasm::is_rtt(kind()); }
constexpr bool has_depth() const { return kind() == kRttWithDepth; }
constexpr bool has_index() const {
return is_rtt() || (is_object_reference() && heap_type().is_index());
constexpr bool is_defaultable() const { return wasm::is_defaultable(kind()); }
constexpr bool is_bottom() const { return kind() == kBottom; }
constexpr bool is_packed() const { return wasm::is_packed(kind()); }
constexpr ValueType Unpacked() const {
return is_packed() ? Primitive(kI32) : *this;
// Returns the version of this type that does not allow null values. Handles
// bottom.
constexpr ValueType AsNonNull() const {
DCHECK(is_object_reference() || is_bottom());
return is_nullable() ? Ref(heap_type(), kNonNullable) : *this;
/***************************** Field Accessors ******************************/
constexpr ValueKind kind() const { return KindField::decode(bit_field_); }
constexpr HeapType::Representation heap_representation() const {
return static_cast<HeapType::Representation>(
constexpr HeapType heap_type() const {
return HeapType(heap_representation());
constexpr uint8_t depth() const {
return DepthField::decode(bit_field_);
constexpr uint32_t ref_index() const {
return HeapTypeField::decode(bit_field_);
constexpr Nullability nullability() const {
return kind() == kOptRef ? kNullable : kNonNullable;
// Useful when serializing this type to store it into a runtime object.
constexpr uint32_t raw_bit_field() const { return bit_field_; }
/*************************** Other utility methods **************************/
constexpr bool operator==(ValueType other) const {
return bit_field_ == other.bit_field_;
constexpr bool operator!=(ValueType other) const {
return bit_field_ != other.bit_field_;
static constexpr size_t bit_field_offset() {
return offsetof(ValueType, bit_field_);
constexpr int element_size_log2() const {
return wasm::element_size_log2(kind());
constexpr int element_size_bytes() const {
return wasm::element_size_bytes(kind());
/*************************** Machine-type related ***************************/
constexpr MachineType machine_type() const {
return wasm::machine_type(kind());
constexpr MachineRepresentation machine_representation() const {
return machine_type().representation();
static ValueType For(MachineType type) {
switch (type.representation()) {
case MachineRepresentation::kWord8:
case MachineRepresentation::kWord16:
case MachineRepresentation::kWord32:
return Primitive(kI32);
case MachineRepresentation::kWord64:
return Primitive(kI64);
case MachineRepresentation::kFloat32:
return Primitive(kF32);
case MachineRepresentation::kFloat64:
return Primitive(kF64);
case MachineRepresentation::kTaggedPointer:
return Ref(HeapType::kExtern, kNullable);
case MachineRepresentation::kSimd128:
return Primitive(kS128);
/********************************* Encoding *********************************/
// Returns the first byte of this type's representation in the wasm binary
// format.
// For compatibility with the reftypes and exception-handling proposals, this
// function prioritizes shorthand encodings
// (e.g., Ref(HeapType::kFunc, kNullable).value_type_code will return
// kFuncrefCode and not kOptRefCode).
constexpr ValueTypeCode value_type_code() const {
DCHECK_NE(kBottom, kind());
switch (kind()) {
case kOptRef:
switch (heap_representation()) {
case HeapType::kFunc:
return kFuncRefCode;
case HeapType::kExtern:
return kExternRefCode;
case HeapType::kEq:
return kEqRefCode;
case HeapType::kAny:
return kAnyRefCode;
return kOptRefCode;
case kRef:
switch (heap_representation()) {
case HeapType::kI31:
return kI31RefCode;
case HeapType::kData:
return kDataRefCode;
return kRefCode;
case kVoid:
return kVoidCode;
case kRtt:
return kRttCode;
case kRttWithDepth:
return kRttWithDepthCode;
#define NUMERIC_TYPE_CASE(kind, ...) \
case k##kind: \
return k##kind##Code;
case kBottom:
// Unreachable code
return kVoidCode;
// Returns true iff the heap type is needed to encode this type in the wasm
// binary format, taking into account available type shorthands.
constexpr bool encoding_needs_heap_type() const {
return (kind() == kRef && heap_representation() != HeapType::kI31 &&
heap_representation() != HeapType::kData) ||
(kind() == kOptRef && (heap_type().is_index() ||
heap_representation() == HeapType::kI31 ||
heap_representation() == HeapType::kData));
static constexpr int kLastUsedBit = 30;
/****************************** Pretty-printing *****************************/
constexpr char short_name() const { return wasm::short_name(kind()); }
std::string name() const {
std::ostringstream buf;
switch (kind()) {
case kRef:
case kOptRef:
if (encoding_needs_heap_type()) {
buf << "(ref " << (kind() == kOptRef ? "null " : "")
<< heap_type().name() << ")";
} else {
buf << heap_type().name() << "ref";
case kRttWithDepth:
buf << "(rtt " << static_cast<uint32_t>(depth()) << " " << ref_index()
<< ")";
case kRtt:
buf << "(rtt " << ref_index() << ")";
buf << kind_name();
return buf.str();
// We only use 31 bits so ValueType fits in a Smi. This can be changed if
// needed.
static constexpr int kKindBits = 5;
static constexpr int kHeapTypeBits = 20;
static constexpr int kDepthBits = 6;
STATIC_ASSERT(kV8MaxWasmTypes < (1u << kHeapTypeBits));
// Note: we currently conservatively allow only 5 bits, but have room to
// store 6, so we can raise the limit if needed.
STATIC_ASSERT(kV8MaxRttSubtypingDepth < (1u << kDepthBits));
using KindField = base::BitField<ValueKind, 0, kKindBits>;
using HeapTypeField = KindField::Next<uint32_t, kHeapTypeBits>;
using DepthField = HeapTypeField::Next<uint8_t, kDepthBits>;
// This is implemented defensively against field order changes.
STATIC_ASSERT(kLastUsedBit == std::max(KindField::kLastUsedBit,
constexpr explicit ValueType(uint32_t bit_field) : bit_field_(bit_field) {}
constexpr const char* kind_name() const { return wasm::name(kind()); }
uint32_t bit_field_;
static_assert(sizeof(ValueType) <= kUInt32Size,
"ValueType is small and can be passed by value");
static_assert(ValueType::kLastUsedBit < 8 * sizeof(ValueType) - kSmiTagSize,
"ValueType has space to be encoded in a Smi");
inline size_t hash_value(ValueType type) {
return static_cast<size_t>(type.kind());
// Output operator, useful for DCHECKS and others.
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& oss, ValueType type) {
return oss <<;
// Precomputed primitive types.
constexpr ValueType kWasmI32 = ValueType::Primitive(kI32);
constexpr ValueType kWasmI64 = ValueType::Primitive(kI64);
constexpr ValueType kWasmF32 = ValueType::Primitive(kF32);
constexpr ValueType kWasmF64 = ValueType::Primitive(kF64);
constexpr ValueType kWasmS128 = ValueType::Primitive(kS128);
constexpr ValueType kWasmI8 = ValueType::Primitive(kI8);
constexpr ValueType kWasmI16 = ValueType::Primitive(kI16);
constexpr ValueType kWasmVoid = ValueType::Primitive(kVoid);
constexpr ValueType kWasmBottom = ValueType::Primitive(kBottom);
// Established reference-type proposal shorthands.
constexpr ValueType kWasmFuncRef = ValueType::Ref(HeapType::kFunc, kNullable);
constexpr ValueType kWasmExternRef =
ValueType::Ref(HeapType::kExtern, kNullable);
constexpr ValueType kWasmEqRef = ValueType::Ref(HeapType::kEq, kNullable);
constexpr ValueType kWasmI31Ref = ValueType::Ref(HeapType::kI31, kNonNullable);
constexpr ValueType kWasmDataRef =
ValueType::Ref(HeapType::kData, kNonNullable);
constexpr ValueType kWasmAnyRef = ValueType::Ref(HeapType::kAny, kNullable);
// This is used in wasm.tq.
constexpr ValueType kWasmExternNonNullableRef =
ValueType::Ref(HeapType::kExtern, kNonNullable);
V(kI32, int32_t) \
V(kI64, int64_t) \
V(kF32, float) \
V(kF64, double) \
V(kS128, Simd128)
using FunctionSig = Signature<ValueType>;
V(I32, , Int32) \
V(I32, 8S, Int8) \
V(I32, 8U, Uint8) \
V(I32, 16S, Int16) \
V(I32, 16U, Uint16) \
V(I64, , Int64) \
V(I64, 8S, Int8) \
V(I64, 8U, Uint8) \
V(I64, 16S, Int16) \
V(I64, 16U, Uint16) \
V(I64, 32S, Int32) \
V(I64, 32U, Uint32) \
V(F32, , Float32) \
V(F64, , Float64) \
V(S128, , Simd128)
class LoadType {
enum LoadTypeValue : uint8_t {
#define DEF_ENUM(type, suffix, ...) k##type##Load##suffix,
#undef DEF_ENUM
// Allow implicit conversion of the enum value to this wrapper.
constexpr LoadType(LoadTypeValue val) // NOLINT(runtime/explicit)
: val_(val) {}
constexpr LoadTypeValue value() const { return val_; }
constexpr unsigned size_log_2() const { return kLoadSizeLog2[val_]; }
constexpr unsigned size() const { return 1 << size_log_2(); }
constexpr ValueType value_type() const { return kValueType[val_]; }
constexpr MachineType mem_type() const { return kMemType[val_]; }
static LoadType ForValueKind(ValueKind kind, bool is_signed = false) {
switch (kind) {
case kI32:
return kI32Load;
case kI64:
return kI64Load;
case kF32:
return kF32Load;
case kF64:
return kF64Load;
case kS128:
return kS128Load;
case kI8:
return is_signed ? kI32Load8S : kI32Load8U;
case kI16:
return is_signed ? kI32Load16S : kI32Load16U;
const LoadTypeValue val_;
static constexpr uint8_t kLoadSizeLog2[] = {
// MSVC wants a static_cast here.
#define LOAD_SIZE(_, __, memtype) \
static_cast<uint8_t>( \
#undef LOAD_SIZE
static constexpr ValueType kValueType[] = {
#define VALUE_TYPE(type, ...) ValueType::Primitive(k##type),
static constexpr MachineType kMemType[] = {
#define MEMTYPE(_, __, memtype) MachineType::memtype(),
#undef MEMTYPE
V(I32, , Word32) \
V(I32, 8, Word8) \
V(I32, 16, Word16) \
V(I64, , Word64) \
V(I64, 8, Word8) \
V(I64, 16, Word16) \
V(I64, 32, Word32) \
V(F32, , Float32) \
V(F64, , Float64) \
V(S128, , Simd128)
class StoreType {
enum StoreTypeValue : uint8_t {
#define DEF_ENUM(type, suffix, ...) k##type##Store##suffix,
#undef DEF_ENUM
// Allow implicit convertion of the enum value to this wrapper.
constexpr StoreType(StoreTypeValue val) // NOLINT(runtime/explicit)
: val_(val) {}
constexpr StoreTypeValue value() const { return val_; }
constexpr unsigned size_log_2() const { return kStoreSizeLog2[val_]; }
constexpr unsigned size() const { return 1 << size_log_2(); }
constexpr ValueType value_type() const { return kValueType[val_]; }
constexpr MachineRepresentation mem_rep() const { return kMemRep[val_]; }
static StoreType ForValueKind(ValueKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case kI32:
return kI32Store;
case kI64:
return kI64Store;
case kF32:
return kF32Store;
case kF64:
return kF64Store;
case kS128:
return kS128Store;
case kI8:
return kI32Store8;
case kI16:
return kI32Store16;
const StoreTypeValue val_;
static constexpr uint8_t kStoreSizeLog2[] = {
// MSVC wants a static_cast here.
#define STORE_SIZE(_, __, memrep) \
static constexpr ValueType kValueType[] = {
#define VALUE_TYPE(type, ...) ValueType::Primitive(k##type),
static constexpr MachineRepresentation kMemRep[] = {
#define MEMREP(_, __, memrep) MachineRepresentation::k##memrep,
#undef MEMREP
base::Optional<wasm::ValueKind> WasmReturnTypeFromSignature(
const FunctionSig* wasm_signature);
} // namespace wasm
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
#endif // V8_WASM_VALUE_TYPE_H_