Revert of [regexp] Create property on result for each named capture (patchset #9 id:160001 of )

Reason for revert:
Some heap tests are broken leading to failures on nosnap builds:

Reverting again until tests are fixed to keep bots green.

Original issue's description:
> [regexp] Store named captures on the regexp result
> This implements storing named captures on the regexp result object.
> For instance, /(?<a>.)/u.exec("b") will return a result such that:
>  // "b"
> BUG=v8:5437
> Review-Url:
> Cr-Original-Original-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#42532}
> Committed:
> Review-Url:
> Cr-Original-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#42570}
> Committed:
> Review-Url:
> Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#42676}
> Committed:,
# Skipping CQ checks because original CL landed less than 1 days ago.

Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#42681}
diff --git a/src/builtins/ b/src/builtins/
index df9bc00..eba57aa 100644
--- a/src/builtins/
+++ b/src/builtins/
@@ -33,9 +33,8 @@
   void StoreLastIndex(Node* context, Node* regexp, Node* value,
                       bool is_fastpath);
-  Node* ConstructNewResultFromMatchInfo(Node* const context, Node* const regexp,
-                                        Node* const match_info,
-                                        Node* const string);
+  Node* ConstructNewResultFromMatchInfo(Node* context, Node* match_info,
+                                        Node* string);
   Node* RegExpPrototypeExecBodyWithoutResult(Node* const context,
                                              Node* const regexp,
@@ -142,10 +141,10 @@
-Node* RegExpBuiltinsAssembler::ConstructNewResultFromMatchInfo(
-    Node* const context, Node* const regexp, Node* const match_info,
-    Node* const string) {
-  Label named_captures(this), out(this);
+Node* RegExpBuiltinsAssembler::ConstructNewResultFromMatchInfo(Node* context,
+                                                               Node* match_info,
+                                                               Node* string) {
+  Label out(this);
   Node* const num_indices = SmiUntag(LoadFixedArrayElement(
       match_info, RegExpMatchInfo::kNumberOfCapturesIndex));
@@ -165,8 +164,7 @@
   StoreFixedArrayElement(result_elements, 0, first, SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER);
-  // If no captures exist we can skip named capture handling as well.
-  GotoIf(SmiEqual(num_results, SmiConstant(1)), &out);
+  GotoIf(SmiEqual(num_results, SmiConstant(Smi::FromInt(1))), &out);
   // Store all remaining captures.
   Node* const limit = IntPtrAdd(
@@ -189,7 +187,7 @@
     Node* const start = LoadFixedArrayElement(match_info, from_cursor);
     Label next_iter(this);
-    GotoIf(SmiEqual(start, SmiConstant(-1)), &next_iter);
+    GotoIf(SmiEqual(start, SmiConstant(Smi::FromInt(-1))), &next_iter);
     Node* const from_cursor_plus1 = IntPtrAdd(from_cursor, IntPtrConstant(1));
     Node* const end = LoadFixedArrayElement(match_info, from_cursor_plus1);
@@ -201,83 +199,7 @@
     var_from_cursor.Bind(IntPtrAdd(from_cursor, IntPtrConstant(2)));
     var_to_cursor.Bind(IntPtrAdd(to_cursor, IntPtrConstant(1)));
-    Branch(UintPtrLessThan(var_from_cursor.value(), limit), &loop,
-           &named_captures);
-  }
-  Bind(&named_captures);
-  {
-    // We reach this point only if captures exist, implying that this is an
-    // IRREGEXP JSRegExp.
-    CSA_ASSERT(this, HasInstanceType(regexp, JS_REGEXP_TYPE));
-    CSA_ASSERT(this, SmiGreaterThan(num_results, SmiConstant(1)));
-    // Preparations for named capture properties. Exit early if the result does
-    // not have any named captures to minimize performance impact.
-    Node* const data = LoadObjectField(regexp, JSRegExp::kDataOffset);
-    CSA_ASSERT(this, SmiEqual(LoadFixedArrayElement(data, JSRegExp::kTagIndex),
-                              SmiConstant(JSRegExp::IRREGEXP)));
-    // The names fixed array associates names at even indices with a capture
-    // index at odd indices.
-    Node* const names =
-        LoadFixedArrayElement(data, JSRegExp::kIrregexpCaptureNameMapIndex);
-    GotoIf(SmiEqual(names, SmiConstant(0)), &out);
-    // Allocate a new object to store the named capture properties.
-    // TODO(jgruber): Could be optimized by adding the object map to the heap
-    // root list.
-    Node* const native_context = LoadNativeContext(context);
-    Node* const map = LoadContextElement(
-        native_context, Context::SLOW_OBJECT_WITH_NULL_PROTOTYPE_MAP);
-    Node* const properties =
-        AllocateNameDictionary(NameDictionary::kInitialCapacity);
-    Node* const group_object = AllocateJSObjectFromMap(map, properties);
-    // Store it on the result as a 'group' property.
-    {
-      Node* const name = HeapConstant(isolate()->factory()->group_string());
-      CallRuntime(Runtime::kCreateDataProperty, context, result, name,
-                  group_object);
-    }
-    // One or more named captures exist, add a property for each one.
-    CSA_ASSERT(this, HasInstanceType(names, FIXED_ARRAY_TYPE));
-    Node* const names_length = LoadAndUntagFixedArrayBaseLength(names);
-    CSA_ASSERT(this, IntPtrGreaterThan(names_length, IntPtrConstant(0)));
-    Variable var_i(this, MachineType::PointerRepresentation());
-    var_i.Bind(IntPtrConstant(0));
-    Variable* vars[] = {&var_i};
-    const int vars_count = sizeof(vars) / sizeof(vars[0]);
-    Label loop(this, vars_count, vars);
-    Goto(&loop);
-    Bind(&loop);
-    {
-      Node* const i = var_i.value();
-      Node* const i_plus_1 = IntPtrAdd(i, IntPtrConstant(1));
-      Node* const i_plus_2 = IntPtrAdd(i_plus_1, IntPtrConstant(1));
-      Node* const name = LoadFixedArrayElement(names, i);
-      Node* const index = LoadFixedArrayElement(names, i_plus_1);
-      Node* const capture =
-          LoadFixedArrayElement(result_elements, SmiUntag(index));
-      CallRuntime(Runtime::kCreateDataProperty, context, group_object, name,
-                  capture);
-      var_i.Bind(i_plus_2);
-      Branch(IntPtrGreaterThanOrEqual(var_i.value(), names_length), &out,
-             &loop);
-    }
+    Branch(UintPtrLessThan(var_from_cursor.value(), limit), &loop, &out);
@@ -430,7 +352,7 @@
     Node* const match_indices = indices_or_null;
     Node* const result =
-        ConstructNewResultFromMatchInfo(context, regexp, match_indices, string);
+        ConstructNewResultFromMatchInfo(context, match_indices, string);
@@ -2588,7 +2510,7 @@
     Node* result =
-        ConstructNewResultFromMatchInfo(context, regexp, match_indices, string);
+        ConstructNewResultFromMatchInfo(context, match_indices, string);
diff --git a/src/heap-symbols.h b/src/heap-symbols.h
index 1d381a3..4b55b50 100644
--- a/src/heap-symbols.h
+++ b/src/heap-symbols.h
@@ -88,7 +88,6 @@
   V(get_string, "get")                                             \
   V(get_space_string, "get ")                                      \
   V(global_string, "global")                                       \
-  V(group_string, "group")                                         \
   V(has_string, "has")                                             \
   V(hour_string, "hour")                                           \
   V(ignoreCase_string, "ignoreCase")                               \
diff --git a/test/mjsunit/harmony/regexp-named-captures.js b/test/mjsunit/harmony/regexp-named-captures.js
index 4404bd4..ced8e4b 100644
--- a/test/mjsunit/harmony/regexp-named-captures.js
+++ b/test/mjsunit/harmony/regexp-named-captures.js
@@ -18,15 +18,15 @@
 assertThrows("/\\k<a>(?<ab>a)/u");  // Invalid reference.
 // Fallback behavior in non-unicode mode.
-assertThrows("/(?<>a)/", SyntaxError);
-assertThrows("/(?<aa)/", SyntaxError);
-assertThrows("/(?<42a>a)/", SyntaxError);
-assertThrows("/(?<:a>a)/", SyntaxError);
-assertThrows("/(?<a:>a)/", SyntaxError);
-assertThrows("/(?<a>a)(?<a>a)/", SyntaxError);
-assertThrows("/(?<a>a)(?<b>b)(?<a>a)/", SyntaxError);
-assertThrows("/(?<a>a)\\k<ab>/", SyntaxError);
-assertThrows("/(?<ab>a)\\k<a>/", SyntaxError);
 assertEquals(["k<a>"], "xxxk<a>xxx".match(/\k<a>/));
 assertEquals(["k<a"], "xxxk<a>xxx".match(/\k<a/));
@@ -74,25 +74,3 @@
 // Reference before group.
 assertEquals(["bab", "b"], "bab".match(/\k<a>(?<a>b)\w\k<a>/u));
 assertEquals(["bab", "b", "a"], "bab".match(/(?<b>b)\k<a>(?<a>a)\k<b>/u));
-// Reference properties.
-assertEquals("a", /(?<a>a)(?<b>b)\k<a>/u.exec("aba").group.a);
-assertEquals("b", /(?<a>a)(?<b>b)\k<a>/u.exec("aba").group.b);
-assertEquals(undefined, /(?<a>a)(?<b>b)\k<a>/u.exec("aba").group.c);
-assertEquals(undefined, /(?<a>a)(?<b>b)\k<a>|(?<c>c)/u.exec("aba").group.c);
-// Unicode names.
-assertEquals("a", /(?<π>a)/u.exec("bab").group.π);
-assertEquals("a", /(?<\u{03C0}>a)/u.exec("bab").group.\u03C0);
-assertEquals("a", /(?<$>a)/u.exec("bab").group.$);
-assertEquals("a", /(?<_>a)/u.exec("bab").group._);
-assertEquals("a", /(?<$𐒤>a)/u.exec("bab").group.$𐒤);
-assertEquals("a", /(?<_\u200C>a)/u.exec("bab").group._\u200C);
-assertEquals("a", /(?<_\u200D>a)/u.exec("bab").group._\u200D);
-assertEquals("a", /(?<ಠ_ಠ>a)/u.exec("bab").group.ಠ_ಠ);
-assertThrows('/(?<❤>a)/u', SyntaxError);
-assertThrows('/(?<𐒤>a)/u', SyntaxError);  // ID_Continue but not ID_Start.
-// The '__proto__' property on the groups object.
-assertEquals(undefined, /(?<a>.)/u.exec("a").group.__proto__);
-assertEquals("a", /(?<__proto__>a)/u.exec("a").group.__proto__);
diff --git a/test/mjsunit/mjsunit.status b/test/mjsunit/mjsunit.status
index 31e118b..9f5d73e 100644
--- a/test/mjsunit/mjsunit.status
+++ b/test/mjsunit/mjsunit.status
@@ -156,9 +156,6 @@
   # desugaring regexp property class relies on ICU.
   'harmony/regexp-property-*': [PASS, ['no_i18n == True', FAIL]],
-  # noi18n build cannot parse characters in supplementary plane.
-  'harmony/regexp-named-captures': [PASS, ['no_i18n == True', FAIL]],
   # Allocates a large array buffer, which TSAN sometimes cannot handle.
   'regress/regress-599717': [PASS, ['tsan', SKIP]],