blob: f8555da33bb7dc1864c3d42caaf8be5defe11d01 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/compiler/machine-operator-reducer.h"
#include "src/base/bits.h"
#include "src/base/division-by-constant.h"
#include "src/codegen.h"
#include "src/compiler/diamond.h"
#include "src/compiler/graph.h"
#include "src/compiler/js-graph.h"
#include "src/compiler/node-matchers.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace compiler {
MachineOperatorReducer::MachineOperatorReducer(JSGraph* jsgraph)
: jsgraph_(jsgraph) {}
MachineOperatorReducer::~MachineOperatorReducer() {}
Node* MachineOperatorReducer::Float32Constant(volatile float value) {
return graph()->NewNode(common()->Float32Constant(value));
Node* MachineOperatorReducer::Float64Constant(volatile double value) {
return jsgraph()->Float64Constant(value);
Node* MachineOperatorReducer::Int32Constant(int32_t value) {
return jsgraph()->Int32Constant(value);
Node* MachineOperatorReducer::Int64Constant(int64_t value) {
return graph()->NewNode(common()->Int64Constant(value));
Node* MachineOperatorReducer::Word32And(Node* lhs, uint32_t rhs) {
return graph()->NewNode(machine()->Word32And(), lhs, Uint32Constant(rhs));
Node* MachineOperatorReducer::Word32Sar(Node* lhs, uint32_t rhs) {
if (rhs == 0) return lhs;
return graph()->NewNode(machine()->Word32Sar(), lhs, Uint32Constant(rhs));
Node* MachineOperatorReducer::Word32Shr(Node* lhs, uint32_t rhs) {
if (rhs == 0) return lhs;
return graph()->NewNode(machine()->Word32Shr(), lhs, Uint32Constant(rhs));
Node* MachineOperatorReducer::Word32Equal(Node* lhs, Node* rhs) {
return graph()->NewNode(machine()->Word32Equal(), lhs, rhs);
Node* MachineOperatorReducer::Int32Add(Node* lhs, Node* rhs) {
return graph()->NewNode(machine()->Int32Add(), lhs, rhs);
Node* MachineOperatorReducer::Int32Sub(Node* lhs, Node* rhs) {
return graph()->NewNode(machine()->Int32Sub(), lhs, rhs);
Node* MachineOperatorReducer::Int32Mul(Node* lhs, Node* rhs) {
return graph()->NewNode(machine()->Int32Mul(), lhs, rhs);
Node* MachineOperatorReducer::Int32Div(Node* dividend, int32_t divisor) {
DCHECK_NE(0, divisor);
DCHECK_NE(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min(), divisor);
base::MagicNumbersForDivision<uint32_t> const mag =
Node* quotient = graph()->NewNode(machine()->Int32MulHigh(), dividend,
if (divisor > 0 && bit_cast<int32_t>(mag.multiplier) < 0) {
quotient = Int32Add(quotient, dividend);
} else if (divisor < 0 && bit_cast<int32_t>(mag.multiplier) > 0) {
quotient = Int32Sub(quotient, dividend);
return Int32Add(Word32Sar(quotient, mag.shift), Word32Shr(dividend, 31));
Node* MachineOperatorReducer::Uint32Div(Node* dividend, uint32_t divisor) {
DCHECK_LT(0, divisor);
base::MagicNumbersForDivision<uint32_t> const mag =
Node* quotient = graph()->NewNode(machine()->Uint32MulHigh(), dividend,
if (mag.add) {
DCHECK_LE(1, mag.shift);
quotient = Word32Shr(
Int32Add(Word32Shr(Int32Sub(dividend, quotient), 1), quotient),
mag.shift - 1);
} else {
quotient = Word32Shr(quotient, mag.shift);
return quotient;
// Perform constant folding and strength reduction on machine operators.
Reduction MachineOperatorReducer::Reduce(Node* node) {
switch (node->opcode()) {
case IrOpcode::kProjection:
return ReduceProjection(OpParameter<size_t>(node), node->InputAt(0));
case IrOpcode::kWord32And:
return ReduceWord32And(node);
case IrOpcode::kWord32Or:
return ReduceWord32Or(node);
case IrOpcode::kWord32Xor: {
Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.right().Is(0)) return Replace(m.left().node()); // x ^ 0 => x
if (m.IsFoldable()) { // K ^ K => K
return ReplaceInt32(m.left().Value() ^ m.right().Value());
if (m.LeftEqualsRight()) return ReplaceInt32(0); // x ^ x => 0
if (m.left().IsWord32Xor() && m.right().Is(-1)) {
Int32BinopMatcher mleft(m.left().node());
if (mleft.right().Is(-1)) { // (x ^ -1) ^ -1 => x
return Replace(mleft.left().node());
case IrOpcode::kWord32Shl:
return ReduceWord32Shl(node);
case IrOpcode::kWord32Shr: {
Uint32BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.right().Is(0)) return Replace(m.left().node()); // x >>> 0 => x
if (m.IsFoldable()) { // K >>> K => K
return ReplaceInt32(m.left().Value() >> m.right().Value());
return ReduceWord32Shifts(node);
case IrOpcode::kWord32Sar: {
Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.right().Is(0)) return Replace(m.left().node()); // x >> 0 => x
if (m.IsFoldable()) { // K >> K => K
return ReplaceInt32(m.left().Value() >> m.right().Value());
if (m.left().IsWord32Shl()) {
Int32BinopMatcher mleft(m.left().node());
if (mleft.left().IsLoad()) {
LoadRepresentation const rep =
if (m.right().Is(24) && mleft.right().Is(24) && rep == kMachInt8) {
// Load[kMachInt8] << 24 >> 24 => Load[kMachInt8]
return Replace(mleft.left().node());
if (m.right().Is(16) && mleft.right().Is(16) && rep == kMachInt16) {
// Load[kMachInt16] << 16 >> 16 => Load[kMachInt8]
return Replace(mleft.left().node());
return ReduceWord32Shifts(node);
case IrOpcode::kWord32Ror: {
Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.right().Is(0)) return Replace(m.left().node()); // x ror 0 => x
if (m.IsFoldable()) { // K ror K => K
return ReplaceInt32(
base::bits::RotateRight32(m.left().Value(), m.right().Value()));
case IrOpcode::kWord32Equal: {
Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.IsFoldable()) { // K == K => K
return ReplaceBool(m.left().Value() == m.right().Value());
if (m.left().IsInt32Sub() && m.right().Is(0)) { // x - y == 0 => x == y
Int32BinopMatcher msub(m.left().node());
node->ReplaceInput(0, msub.left().node());
node->ReplaceInput(1, msub.right().node());
return Changed(node);
// TODO(turbofan): fold HeapConstant, ExternalReference, pointer compares
if (m.LeftEqualsRight()) return ReplaceBool(true); // x == x => true
case IrOpcode::kWord64Equal: {
Int64BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.IsFoldable()) { // K == K => K
return ReplaceBool(m.left().Value() == m.right().Value());
if (m.left().IsInt64Sub() && m.right().Is(0)) { // x - y == 0 => x == y
Int64BinopMatcher msub(m.left().node());
node->ReplaceInput(0, msub.left().node());
node->ReplaceInput(1, msub.right().node());
return Changed(node);
// TODO(turbofan): fold HeapConstant, ExternalReference, pointer compares
if (m.LeftEqualsRight()) return ReplaceBool(true); // x == x => true
case IrOpcode::kInt32Add: {
Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.right().Is(0)) return Replace(m.left().node()); // x + 0 => x
if (m.IsFoldable()) { // K + K => K
return ReplaceInt32(static_cast<uint32_t>(m.left().Value()) +
case IrOpcode::kInt32Sub: {
Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.right().Is(0)) return Replace(m.left().node()); // x - 0 => x
if (m.IsFoldable()) { // K - K => K
return ReplaceInt32(static_cast<uint32_t>(m.left().Value()) -
if (m.LeftEqualsRight()) return ReplaceInt32(0); // x - x => 0
case IrOpcode::kInt32Mul: {
Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.right().Is(0)) return Replace(m.right().node()); // x * 0 => 0
if (m.right().Is(1)) return Replace(m.left().node()); // x * 1 => x
if (m.IsFoldable()) { // K * K => K
return ReplaceInt32(m.left().Value() * m.right().Value());
if (m.right().Is(-1)) { // x * -1 => 0 - x
node->ReplaceInput(0, Int32Constant(0));
node->ReplaceInput(1, m.left().node());
return Changed(node);
if (m.right().IsPowerOf2()) { // x * 2^n => x << n
node->ReplaceInput(1, Int32Constant(WhichPowerOf2(m.right().Value())));
Reduction reduction = ReduceWord32Shl(node);
return reduction.Changed() ? reduction : Changed(node);
case IrOpcode::kInt32Div:
return ReduceInt32Div(node);
case IrOpcode::kUint32Div:
return ReduceUint32Div(node);
case IrOpcode::kInt32Mod:
return ReduceInt32Mod(node);
case IrOpcode::kUint32Mod:
return ReduceUint32Mod(node);
case IrOpcode::kInt32LessThan: {
Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.IsFoldable()) { // K < K => K
return ReplaceBool(m.left().Value() < m.right().Value());
if (m.left().IsInt32Sub() && m.right().Is(0)) { // x - y < 0 => x < y
Int32BinopMatcher msub(m.left().node());
node->ReplaceInput(0, msub.left().node());
node->ReplaceInput(1, msub.right().node());
return Changed(node);
if (m.left().Is(0) && m.right().IsInt32Sub()) { // 0 < x - y => y < x
Int32BinopMatcher msub(m.right().node());
node->ReplaceInput(0, msub.right().node());
node->ReplaceInput(1, msub.left().node());
return Changed(node);
if (m.LeftEqualsRight()) return ReplaceBool(false); // x < x => false
case IrOpcode::kInt32LessThanOrEqual: {
Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.IsFoldable()) { // K <= K => K
return ReplaceBool(m.left().Value() <= m.right().Value());
if (m.left().IsInt32Sub() && m.right().Is(0)) { // x - y <= 0 => x <= y
Int32BinopMatcher msub(m.left().node());
node->ReplaceInput(0, msub.left().node());
node->ReplaceInput(1, msub.right().node());
return Changed(node);
if (m.left().Is(0) && m.right().IsInt32Sub()) { // 0 <= x - y => y <= x
Int32BinopMatcher msub(m.right().node());
node->ReplaceInput(0, msub.right().node());
node->ReplaceInput(1, msub.left().node());
return Changed(node);
if (m.LeftEqualsRight()) return ReplaceBool(true); // x <= x => true
case IrOpcode::kUint32LessThan: {
Uint32BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.left().Is(kMaxUInt32)) return ReplaceBool(false); // M < x => false
if (m.right().Is(0)) return ReplaceBool(false); // x < 0 => false
if (m.IsFoldable()) { // K < K => K
return ReplaceBool(m.left().Value() < m.right().Value());
if (m.LeftEqualsRight()) return ReplaceBool(false); // x < x => false
if (m.left().IsWord32Sar() && m.right().HasValue()) {
Int32BinopMatcher mleft(m.left().node());
if (mleft.right().HasValue()) {
// (x >> K) < C => x < (C << K)
// when C < (M >> K)
const uint32_t c = m.right().Value();
const uint32_t k = mleft.right().Value() & 0x1f;
if (c < static_cast<uint32_t>(kMaxInt >> k)) {
node->ReplaceInput(0, mleft.left().node());
node->ReplaceInput(1, Uint32Constant(c << k));
return Changed(node);
// TODO(turbofan): else the comparison is always true.
case IrOpcode::kUint32LessThanOrEqual: {
Uint32BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.left().Is(0)) return ReplaceBool(true); // 0 <= x => true
if (m.right().Is(kMaxUInt32)) return ReplaceBool(true); // x <= M => true
if (m.IsFoldable()) { // K <= K => K
return ReplaceBool(m.left().Value() <= m.right().Value());
if (m.LeftEqualsRight()) return ReplaceBool(true); // x <= x => true
case IrOpcode::kFloat64Add: {
Float64BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.right().IsNaN()) { // x + NaN => NaN
return Replace(m.right().node());
if (m.IsFoldable()) { // K + K => K
return ReplaceFloat64(m.left().Value() + m.right().Value());
case IrOpcode::kFloat64Sub: {
Float64BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.right().Is(0) && (Double(m.right().Value()).Sign() > 0)) {
return Replace(m.left().node()); // x - 0 => x
if (m.right().IsNaN()) { // x - NaN => NaN
return Replace(m.right().node());
if (m.left().IsNaN()) { // NaN - x => NaN
return Replace(m.left().node());
if (m.IsFoldable()) { // K - K => K
return ReplaceFloat64(m.left().Value() - m.right().Value());
case IrOpcode::kFloat64Mul: {
Float64BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.right().Is(-1)) { // x * -1.0 => -0.0 - x
node->ReplaceInput(0, Float64Constant(-0.0));
node->ReplaceInput(1, m.left().node());
return Changed(node);
if (m.right().Is(1)) return Replace(m.left().node()); // x * 1.0 => x
if (m.right().IsNaN()) { // x * NaN => NaN
return Replace(m.right().node());
if (m.IsFoldable()) { // K * K => K
return ReplaceFloat64(m.left().Value() * m.right().Value());
case IrOpcode::kFloat64Div: {
Float64BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.right().Is(1)) return Replace(m.left().node()); // x / 1.0 => x
if (m.right().IsNaN()) { // x / NaN => NaN
return Replace(m.right().node());
if (m.left().IsNaN()) { // NaN / x => NaN
return Replace(m.left().node());
if (m.IsFoldable()) { // K / K => K
return ReplaceFloat64(m.left().Value() / m.right().Value());
case IrOpcode::kFloat64Mod: {
Float64BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.right().Is(0)) { // x % 0 => NaN
return ReplaceFloat64(base::OS::nan_value());
if (m.right().IsNaN()) { // x % NaN => NaN
return Replace(m.right().node());
if (m.left().IsNaN()) { // NaN % x => NaN
return Replace(m.left().node());
if (m.IsFoldable()) { // K % K => K
return ReplaceFloat64(modulo(m.left().Value(), m.right().Value()));
case IrOpcode::kChangeFloat32ToFloat64: {
Float32Matcher m(node->InputAt(0));
if (m.HasValue()) return ReplaceFloat64(m.Value());
case IrOpcode::kChangeFloat64ToInt32: {
Float64Matcher m(node->InputAt(0));
if (m.HasValue()) return ReplaceInt32(FastD2I(m.Value()));
if (m.IsChangeInt32ToFloat64()) return Replace(m.node()->InputAt(0));
case IrOpcode::kChangeFloat64ToUint32: {
Float64Matcher m(node->InputAt(0));
if (m.HasValue()) return ReplaceInt32(FastD2UI(m.Value()));
if (m.IsChangeUint32ToFloat64()) return Replace(m.node()->InputAt(0));
case IrOpcode::kChangeInt32ToFloat64: {
Int32Matcher m(node->InputAt(0));
if (m.HasValue()) return ReplaceFloat64(FastI2D(m.Value()));
case IrOpcode::kChangeInt32ToInt64: {
Int32Matcher m(node->InputAt(0));
if (m.HasValue()) return ReplaceInt64(m.Value());
case IrOpcode::kChangeUint32ToFloat64: {
Uint32Matcher m(node->InputAt(0));
if (m.HasValue()) return ReplaceFloat64(FastUI2D(m.Value()));
case IrOpcode::kChangeUint32ToUint64: {
Uint32Matcher m(node->InputAt(0));
if (m.HasValue()) return ReplaceInt64(static_cast<uint64_t>(m.Value()));
case IrOpcode::kTruncateFloat64ToInt32:
return ReduceTruncateFloat64ToInt32(node);
case IrOpcode::kTruncateInt64ToInt32: {
Int64Matcher m(node->InputAt(0));
if (m.HasValue()) return ReplaceInt32(static_cast<int32_t>(m.Value()));
if (m.IsChangeInt32ToInt64()) return Replace(m.node()->InputAt(0));
case IrOpcode::kTruncateFloat64ToFloat32: {
Float64Matcher m(node->InputAt(0));
if (m.HasValue()) return ReplaceFloat32(DoubleToFloat32(m.Value()));
if (m.IsChangeFloat32ToFloat64()) return Replace(m.node()->InputAt(0));
case IrOpcode::kStore:
return ReduceStore(node);
return NoChange();
Reduction MachineOperatorReducer::ReduceInt32Div(Node* node) {
Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.left().Is(0)) return Replace(m.left().node()); // 0 / x => 0
if (m.right().Is(0)) return Replace(m.right().node()); // x / 0 => 0
if (m.right().Is(1)) return Replace(m.left().node()); // x / 1 => x
if (m.IsFoldable()) { // K / K => K
return ReplaceInt32(
base::bits::SignedDiv32(m.left().Value(), m.right().Value()));
if (m.LeftEqualsRight()) { // x / x => x != 0
Node* const zero = Int32Constant(0);
return Replace(Word32Equal(Word32Equal(m.left().node(), zero), zero));
if (m.right().Is(-1)) { // x / -1 => 0 - x
node->ReplaceInput(0, Int32Constant(0));
node->ReplaceInput(1, m.left().node());
return Changed(node);
if (m.right().HasValue()) {
int32_t const divisor = m.right().Value();
Node* const dividend = m.left().node();
Node* quotient = dividend;
if (base::bits::IsPowerOfTwo32(Abs(divisor))) {
uint32_t const shift = WhichPowerOf2Abs(divisor);
DCHECK_NE(0, shift);
if (shift > 1) {
quotient = Word32Sar(quotient, 31);
quotient = Int32Add(Word32Shr(quotient, 32u - shift), dividend);
quotient = Word32Sar(quotient, shift);
} else {
quotient = Int32Div(quotient, Abs(divisor));
if (divisor < 0) {
node->ReplaceInput(0, Int32Constant(0));
node->ReplaceInput(1, quotient);
return Changed(node);
return Replace(quotient);
return NoChange();
Reduction MachineOperatorReducer::ReduceUint32Div(Node* node) {
Uint32BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.left().Is(0)) return Replace(m.left().node()); // 0 / x => 0
if (m.right().Is(0)) return Replace(m.right().node()); // x / 0 => 0
if (m.right().Is(1)) return Replace(m.left().node()); // x / 1 => x
if (m.IsFoldable()) { // K / K => K
return ReplaceUint32(
base::bits::UnsignedDiv32(m.left().Value(), m.right().Value()));
if (m.LeftEqualsRight()) { // x / x => x != 0
Node* const zero = Int32Constant(0);
return Replace(Word32Equal(Word32Equal(m.left().node(), zero), zero));
if (m.right().HasValue()) {
Node* const dividend = m.left().node();
uint32_t const divisor = m.right().Value();
if (base::bits::IsPowerOfTwo32(divisor)) { // x / 2^n => x >> n
node->ReplaceInput(1, Uint32Constant(WhichPowerOf2(m.right().Value())));
return Changed(node);
} else {
return Replace(Uint32Div(dividend, divisor));
return NoChange();
Reduction MachineOperatorReducer::ReduceInt32Mod(Node* node) {
Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.left().Is(0)) return Replace(m.left().node()); // 0 % x => 0
if (m.right().Is(0)) return Replace(m.right().node()); // x % 0 => 0
if (m.right().Is(1)) return ReplaceInt32(0); // x % 1 => 0
if (m.right().Is(-1)) return ReplaceInt32(0); // x % -1 => 0
if (m.LeftEqualsRight()) return ReplaceInt32(0); // x % x => 0
if (m.IsFoldable()) { // K % K => K
return ReplaceInt32(
base::bits::SignedMod32(m.left().Value(), m.right().Value()));
if (m.right().HasValue()) {
Node* const dividend = m.left().node();
int32_t const divisor = Abs(m.right().Value());
if (base::bits::IsPowerOfTwo32(divisor)) {
uint32_t const mask = divisor - 1;
Node* const zero = Int32Constant(0);
node->set_op(common()->Select(kMachInt32, BranchHint::kFalse));
0, graph()->NewNode(machine()->Int32LessThan(), dividend, zero));
1, Int32Sub(zero, Word32And(Int32Sub(zero, dividend), mask)));
node->ReplaceInput(2, Word32And(dividend, mask));
} else {
Node* quotient = Int32Div(dividend, divisor);
DCHECK_EQ(dividend, node->InputAt(0));
node->ReplaceInput(1, Int32Mul(quotient, Int32Constant(divisor)));
return Changed(node);
return NoChange();
Reduction MachineOperatorReducer::ReduceUint32Mod(Node* node) {
Uint32BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.left().Is(0)) return Replace(m.left().node()); // 0 % x => 0
if (m.right().Is(0)) return Replace(m.right().node()); // x % 0 => 0
if (m.right().Is(1)) return ReplaceUint32(0); // x % 1 => 0
if (m.LeftEqualsRight()) return ReplaceInt32(0); // x % x => 0
if (m.IsFoldable()) { // K % K => K
return ReplaceUint32(
base::bits::UnsignedMod32(m.left().Value(), m.right().Value()));
if (m.right().HasValue()) {
Node* const dividend = m.left().node();
uint32_t const divisor = m.right().Value();
if (base::bits::IsPowerOfTwo32(divisor)) { // x % 2^n => x & 2^n-1
node->ReplaceInput(1, Uint32Constant(m.right().Value() - 1));
} else {
Node* quotient = Uint32Div(dividend, divisor);
DCHECK_EQ(dividend, node->InputAt(0));
node->ReplaceInput(1, Int32Mul(quotient, Uint32Constant(divisor)));
return Changed(node);
return NoChange();
Reduction MachineOperatorReducer::ReduceTruncateFloat64ToInt32(Node* node) {
Float64Matcher m(node->InputAt(0));
if (m.HasValue()) return ReplaceInt32(DoubleToInt32(m.Value()));
if (m.IsChangeInt32ToFloat64()) return Replace(m.node()->InputAt(0));
if (m.IsPhi()) {
Node* const phi = m.node();
DCHECK_EQ(kRepFloat64, RepresentationOf(OpParameter<MachineType>(phi)));
if (phi->OwnedBy(node)) {
// TruncateFloat64ToInt32(Phi[Float64](x1,...,xn))
// => Phi[Int32](TruncateFloat64ToInt32(x1),
// ...,
// TruncateFloat64ToInt32(xn))
const int value_input_count = phi->InputCount() - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < value_input_count; ++i) {
Node* input = graph()->NewNode(machine()->TruncateFloat64ToInt32(),
// TODO(bmeurer): Reschedule input for reduction once we have Revisit()
// instead of recursing into ReduceTruncateFloat64ToInt32() here.
Reduction reduction = ReduceTruncateFloat64ToInt32(input);
if (reduction.Changed()) input = reduction.replacement();
phi->ReplaceInput(i, input);
phi->set_op(common()->Phi(kMachInt32, value_input_count));
return Replace(phi);
return NoChange();
Reduction MachineOperatorReducer::ReduceStore(Node* node) {
MachineType const rep =
Node* const value = node->InputAt(2);
switch (value->opcode()) {
case IrOpcode::kWord32And: {
Uint32BinopMatcher m(value);
if (m.right().HasValue() &&
((rep == kRepWord8 && (m.right().Value() & 0xff) == 0xff) ||
(rep == kRepWord16 && (m.right().Value() & 0xffff) == 0xffff))) {
node->ReplaceInput(2, m.left().node());
return Changed(node);
case IrOpcode::kWord32Sar: {
Int32BinopMatcher m(value);
if (m.left().IsWord32Shl() &&
((rep == kRepWord8 && m.right().IsInRange(1, 24)) ||
(rep == kRepWord16 && m.right().IsInRange(1, 16)))) {
Int32BinopMatcher mleft(m.left().node());
if (mleft.right().Is(m.right().Value())) {
node->ReplaceInput(2, mleft.left().node());
return Changed(node);
return NoChange();
Reduction MachineOperatorReducer::ReduceProjection(size_t index, Node* node) {
switch (node->opcode()) {
case IrOpcode::kInt32AddWithOverflow: {
DCHECK(index == 0 || index == 1);
Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.IsFoldable()) {
int32_t val;
bool ovf = base::bits::SignedAddOverflow32(m.left().Value(),
m.right().Value(), &val);
return ReplaceInt32((index == 0) ? val : ovf);
if (m.right().Is(0)) {
return (index == 0) ? Replace(m.left().node()) : ReplaceInt32(0);
case IrOpcode::kInt32SubWithOverflow: {
DCHECK(index == 0 || index == 1);
Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.IsFoldable()) {
int32_t val;
bool ovf = base::bits::SignedSubOverflow32(m.left().Value(),
m.right().Value(), &val);
return ReplaceInt32((index == 0) ? val : ovf);
if (m.right().Is(0)) {
return (index == 0) ? Replace(m.left().node()) : ReplaceInt32(0);
return NoChange();
Reduction MachineOperatorReducer::ReduceWord32Shifts(Node* node) {
DCHECK((node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kWord32Shl) ||
(node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kWord32Shr) ||
(node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kWord32Sar));
if (machine()->Word32ShiftIsSafe()) {
// Remove the explicit 'and' with 0x1f if the shift provided by the machine
// instruction matches that required by JavaScript.
Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.right().IsWord32And()) {
Int32BinopMatcher mright(m.right().node());
if (mright.right().Is(0x1f)) {
node->ReplaceInput(1, mright.left().node());
return Changed(node);
return NoChange();
Reduction MachineOperatorReducer::ReduceWord32Shl(Node* node) {
DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kWord32Shl, node->opcode());
Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.right().Is(0)) return Replace(m.left().node()); // x << 0 => x
if (m.IsFoldable()) { // K << K => K
return ReplaceInt32(m.left().Value() << m.right().Value());
if (m.right().IsInRange(1, 31)) {
// (x >>> K) << K => x & ~(2^K - 1)
// (x >> K) << K => x & ~(2^K - 1)
if (m.left().IsWord32Sar() || m.left().IsWord32Shr()) {
Int32BinopMatcher mleft(m.left().node());
if (mleft.right().Is(m.right().Value())) {
node->ReplaceInput(0, mleft.left().node());
Uint32Constant(~((1U << m.right().Value()) - 1U)));
Reduction reduction = ReduceWord32And(node);
return reduction.Changed() ? reduction : Changed(node);
return ReduceWord32Shifts(node);
Reduction MachineOperatorReducer::ReduceWord32And(Node* node) {
DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kWord32And, node->opcode());
Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.right().Is(0)) return Replace(m.right().node()); // x & 0 => 0
if (m.right().Is(-1)) return Replace(m.left().node()); // x & -1 => x
if (m.IsFoldable()) { // K & K => K
return ReplaceInt32(m.left().Value() & m.right().Value());
if (m.LeftEqualsRight()) return Replace(m.left().node()); // x & x => x
if (m.left().IsWord32And() && m.right().HasValue()) {
Int32BinopMatcher mleft(m.left().node());
if (mleft.right().HasValue()) { // (x & K) & K => x & K
node->ReplaceInput(0, mleft.left().node());
1, Int32Constant(m.right().Value() & mleft.right().Value()));
Reduction reduction = ReduceWord32And(node);
return reduction.Changed() ? reduction : Changed(node);
if (m.left().IsInt32Add() && m.right().IsNegativePowerOf2()) {
Int32BinopMatcher mleft(m.left().node());
if (mleft.right().HasValue() &&
(mleft.right().Value() & m.right().Value()) == mleft.right().Value()) {
// (x + (K << L)) & (-1 << L) => (x & (-1 << L)) + (K << L)
return Replace(graph()->NewNode(
graph()->NewNode(machine()->Word32And(), mleft.left().node(),
if (mleft.left().IsWord32Shl()) {
Int32BinopMatcher mleftleft(mleft.left().node());
if (mleftleft.right().Is(
base::bits::CountTrailingZeros32(m.right().Value()))) {
// (y << L + x) & (-1 << L) => (x & (-1 << L)) + y << L
return Replace(graph()->NewNode(
graph()->NewNode(machine()->Word32And(), mleft.right().node(),
if (mleft.right().IsWord32Shl()) {
Int32BinopMatcher mleftright(mleft.right().node());
if (mleftright.right().Is(
base::bits::CountTrailingZeros32(m.right().Value()))) {
// (x + y << L) & (-1 << L) => (x & (-1 << L)) + y << L
return Replace(graph()->NewNode(
graph()->NewNode(machine()->Word32And(), mleft.left().node(),
return NoChange();
Reduction MachineOperatorReducer::ReduceWord32Or(Node* node) {
DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kWord32Or, node->opcode());
Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
if (m.right().Is(0)) return Replace(m.left().node()); // x | 0 => x
if (m.right().Is(-1)) return Replace(m.right().node()); // x | -1 => -1
if (m.IsFoldable()) { // K | K => K
return ReplaceInt32(m.left().Value() | m.right().Value());
if (m.LeftEqualsRight()) return Replace(m.left().node()); // x | x => x
Node* shl = NULL;
Node* shr = NULL;
// Recognize rotation, we are matching either:
// * x << y | x >>> (32 - y) => x ror (32 - y), i.e x rol y
// * x << (32 - y) | x >>> y => x ror y
// as well as their commuted form.
if (m.left().IsWord32Shl() && m.right().IsWord32Shr()) {
shl = m.left().node();
shr = m.right().node();
} else if (m.left().IsWord32Shr() && m.right().IsWord32Shl()) {
shl = m.right().node();
shr = m.left().node();
} else {
return NoChange();
Int32BinopMatcher mshl(shl);
Int32BinopMatcher mshr(shr);
if (mshl.left().node() != mshr.left().node()) return NoChange();
if (mshl.right().HasValue() && mshr.right().HasValue()) {
// Case where y is a constant.
if (mshl.right().Value() + mshr.right().Value() != 32) return NoChange();
} else {
Node* sub = NULL;
Node* y = NULL;
if (mshl.right().IsInt32Sub()) {
sub = mshl.right().node();
y = mshr.right().node();
} else if (mshr.right().IsInt32Sub()) {
sub = mshr.right().node();
y = mshl.right().node();
} else {
return NoChange();
Int32BinopMatcher msub(sub);
if (!msub.left().Is(32) || msub.right().node() != y) return NoChange();
node->ReplaceInput(0, mshl.left().node());
node->ReplaceInput(1, mshr.right().node());
return Changed(node);
CommonOperatorBuilder* MachineOperatorReducer::common() const {
return jsgraph()->common();
MachineOperatorBuilder* MachineOperatorReducer::machine() const {
return jsgraph()->machine();
Graph* MachineOperatorReducer::graph() const { return jsgraph()->graph(); }
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8