blob: 42f0f9f56250d4715e1d5585f5982408c5b077c3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/heap/concurrent-marking.h"
#include <stack>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "include/v8config.h"
#include "src/base/template-utils.h"
#include "src/heap/gc-tracer.h"
#include "src/heap/heap-inl.h"
#include "src/heap/heap.h"
#include "src/heap/mark-compact-inl.h"
#include "src/heap/mark-compact.h"
#include "src/heap/marking.h"
#include "src/heap/objects-visiting-inl.h"
#include "src/heap/objects-visiting.h"
#include "src/heap/worklist.h"
#include "src/isolate.h"
#include "src/objects/data-handler-inl.h"
#include "src/objects/embedder-data-array-inl.h"
#include "src/objects/hash-table-inl.h"
#include "src/objects/slots-inl.h"
#include "src/transitions-inl.h"
#include "src/utils-inl.h"
#include "src/utils.h"
#include "src/v8.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class ConcurrentMarkingState final
: public MarkingStateBase<ConcurrentMarkingState, AccessMode::ATOMIC> {
explicit ConcurrentMarkingState(MemoryChunkDataMap* memory_chunk_data)
: memory_chunk_data_(memory_chunk_data) {}
ConcurrentBitmap<AccessMode::ATOMIC>* bitmap(const MemoryChunk* chunk) {
DCHECK_EQ(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(&chunk->marking_bitmap_) -
return chunk->marking_bitmap<AccessMode::ATOMIC>();
void IncrementLiveBytes(MemoryChunk* chunk, intptr_t by) {
(*memory_chunk_data_)[chunk].live_bytes += by;
// The live_bytes and SetLiveBytes methods of the marking state are
// not used by the concurrent marker.
MemoryChunkDataMap* memory_chunk_data_;
// Helper class for storing in-object slot addresses and values.
class SlotSnapshot {
SlotSnapshot() : number_of_slots_(0) {}
int number_of_slots() const { return number_of_slots_; }
ObjectSlot slot(int i) const { return snapshot_[i].first; }
Object value(int i) const { return snapshot_[i].second; }
void clear() { number_of_slots_ = 0; }
void add(ObjectSlot slot, Object value) {
snapshot_[number_of_slots_++] = {slot, value};
static const int kMaxSnapshotSize = JSObject::kMaxInstanceSize / kTaggedSize;
int number_of_slots_;
std::pair<ObjectSlot, Object> snapshot_[kMaxSnapshotSize];
class ConcurrentMarkingVisitor final
: public HeapVisitor<int, ConcurrentMarkingVisitor> {
using BaseClass = HeapVisitor<int, ConcurrentMarkingVisitor>;
explicit ConcurrentMarkingVisitor(
ConcurrentMarking::MarkingWorklist* shared,
MemoryChunkDataMap* memory_chunk_data, WeakObjects* weak_objects,
ConcurrentMarking::EmbedderTracingWorklist* embedder_objects, int task_id,
bool embedder_tracing_enabled, unsigned mark_compact_epoch,
bool is_forced_gc)
: shared_(shared, task_id),
embedder_objects_(embedder_objects, task_id),
is_forced_gc_(is_forced_gc) {
// It is not safe to access flags from concurrent marking visitor. So
// set the bytecode flush mode based on the flags here
bytecode_flush_mode_ = Heap::GetBytecodeFlushMode();
template <typename T>
static V8_INLINE T Cast(HeapObject object) {
return T::cast(object);
bool ShouldVisit(HeapObject object) {
return marking_state_.GreyToBlack(object);
bool AllowDefaultJSObjectVisit() { return false; }
template <typename THeapObjectSlot>
void ProcessStrongHeapObject(HeapObject host, THeapObjectSlot slot,
HeapObject heap_object) {
MarkCompactCollector::RecordSlot(host, slot, heap_object);
template <typename THeapObjectSlot>
void ProcessWeakHeapObject(HeapObject host, THeapObjectSlot slot,
HeapObject heap_object) {
// Perform a dummy acquire load to tell TSAN that there is no data race
// in mark-bit initialization. See MemoryChunk::Initialize for the
// corresponding release store.
MemoryChunk* chunk = MemoryChunk::FromAddress(heap_object->address());
if (marking_state_.IsBlackOrGrey(heap_object)) {
// Weak references with live values are directly processed here to
// reduce the processing time of weak cells during the main GC
// pause.
MarkCompactCollector::RecordSlot(host, slot, heap_object);
} else {
// If we do not know about liveness of the value, we have to process
// the reference when we know the liveness of the whole transitive
// closure.
weak_objects_->weak_references.Push(task_id_, std::make_pair(host, slot));
void VisitPointers(HeapObject host, ObjectSlot start,
ObjectSlot end) override {
VisitPointersImpl(host, start, end);
void VisitPointers(HeapObject host, MaybeObjectSlot start,
MaybeObjectSlot end) override {
VisitPointersImpl(host, start, end);
template <typename TSlot>
V8_INLINE void VisitPointersImpl(HeapObject host, TSlot start, TSlot end) {
using THeapObjectSlot = typename TSlot::THeapObjectSlot;
for (TSlot slot = start; slot < end; ++slot) {
typename TSlot::TObject object = slot.Relaxed_Load();
HeapObject heap_object;
if (object.GetHeapObjectIfStrong(&heap_object)) {
// If the reference changes concurrently from strong to weak, the write
// barrier will treat the weak reference as strong, so we won't miss the
// weak reference.
ProcessStrongHeapObject(host, THeapObjectSlot(slot), heap_object);
} else if (TSlot::kCanBeWeak &&
object.GetHeapObjectIfWeak(&heap_object)) {
ProcessWeakHeapObject(host, THeapObjectSlot(slot), heap_object);
// Weak list pointers should be ignored during marking. The lists are
// reconstructed after GC.
void VisitCustomWeakPointers(HeapObject host, ObjectSlot start,
ObjectSlot end) final {}
void VisitEmbeddedPointer(Code host, RelocInfo* rinfo) final {
DCHECK(rinfo->rmode() == RelocInfo::EMBEDDED_OBJECT);
HeapObject object = rinfo->target_object();
RecordRelocSlot(host, rinfo, object);
if (!marking_state_.IsBlackOrGrey(object)) {
if (host->IsWeakObject(object)) {
std::make_pair(object, host));
} else {
void VisitCodeTarget(Code host, RelocInfo* rinfo) final {
Code target = Code::GetCodeFromTargetAddress(rinfo->target_address());
RecordRelocSlot(host, rinfo, target);
void VisitPointersInSnapshot(HeapObject host, const SlotSnapshot& snapshot) {
for (int i = 0; i < snapshot.number_of_slots(); i++) {
ObjectSlot slot = snapshot.slot(i);
Object object = snapshot.value(i);
if (!object->IsHeapObject()) continue;
HeapObject heap_object = HeapObject::cast(object);
MarkCompactCollector::RecordSlot(host, slot, heap_object);
// ===========================================================================
// JS object =================================================================
// ===========================================================================
int VisitJSObject(Map map, JSObject object) {
return VisitJSObjectSubclass(map, object);
int VisitJSObjectFast(Map map, JSObject object) {
return VisitJSObjectSubclassFast(map, object);
int VisitWasmInstanceObject(Map map, WasmInstanceObject object) {
return VisitJSObjectSubclass(map, object);
int VisitJSWeakRef(Map map, JSWeakRef weak_ref) {
int size = VisitJSObjectSubclass(map, weak_ref);
if (size == 0) {
return 0;
if (weak_ref->target()->IsHeapObject()) {
HeapObject target = HeapObject::cast(weak_ref->target());
if (marking_state_.IsBlackOrGrey(target)) {
// Record the slot inside the JSWeakRef, since the
// VisitJSObjectSubclass above didn't visit it.
ObjectSlot slot = weak_ref.RawField(JSWeakRef::kTargetOffset);
MarkCompactCollector::RecordSlot(weak_ref, slot, target);
} else {
// JSWeakRef points to a potentially dead object. We have to process
// them when we know the liveness of the whole transitive closure.
weak_objects_->js_weak_refs.Push(task_id_, weak_ref);
return size;
int VisitWeakCell(Map map, WeakCell weak_cell) {
if (!ShouldVisit(weak_cell)) return 0;
int size = WeakCell::BodyDescriptor::SizeOf(map, weak_cell);
VisitMapPointer(weak_cell, weak_cell->map_slot());
WeakCell::BodyDescriptor::IterateBody(map, weak_cell, size, this);
if (weak_cell->target()->IsHeapObject()) {
HeapObject target = HeapObject::cast(weak_cell->target());
if (marking_state_.IsBlackOrGrey(target)) {
// Record the slot inside the WeakCell, since the IterateBody above
// didn't visit it.
ObjectSlot slot = weak_cell.RawField(WeakCell::kTargetOffset);
MarkCompactCollector::RecordSlot(weak_cell, slot, target);
} else {
// WeakCell points to a potentially dead object. We have to process
// them when we know the liveness of the whole transitive closure.
weak_objects_->weak_cells.Push(task_id_, weak_cell);
return size;
// Some JS objects can carry back links to embedders that contain information
// relevant to the garbage collectors.
int VisitJSApiObject(Map map, JSObject object) {
return VisitEmbedderTracingSubclass(map, object);
int VisitJSArrayBuffer(Map map, JSArrayBuffer object) {
return VisitEmbedderTracingSubclass(map, object);
int VisitJSDataView(Map map, JSDataView object) {
return VisitEmbedderTracingSubclass(map, object);
int VisitJSTypedArray(Map map, JSTypedArray object) {
return VisitEmbedderTracingSubclass(map, object);
// ===========================================================================
// Strings with pointers =====================================================
// ===========================================================================
int VisitConsString(Map map, ConsString object) {
return VisitFullyWithSnapshot(map, object);
int VisitSlicedString(Map map, SlicedString object) {
return VisitFullyWithSnapshot(map, object);
int VisitThinString(Map map, ThinString object) {
return VisitFullyWithSnapshot(map, object);
// ===========================================================================
// Strings without pointers ==================================================
// ===========================================================================
int VisitSeqOneByteString(Map map, SeqOneByteString object) {
if (!ShouldVisit(object)) return 0;
VisitMapPointer(object, object->map_slot());
return SeqOneByteString::SizeFor(object->synchronized_length());
int VisitSeqTwoByteString(Map map, SeqTwoByteString object) {
if (!ShouldVisit(object)) return 0;
VisitMapPointer(object, object->map_slot());
return SeqTwoByteString::SizeFor(object->synchronized_length());
// ===========================================================================
// Fixed array object ========================================================
// ===========================================================================
int VisitFixedArrayWithProgressBar(Map map, FixedArray object,
MemoryChunk* chunk) {
// The concurrent marker can process larger chunks than the main thread
// marker.
const int kProgressBarScanningChunk =
RoundUp(kMaxRegularHeapObjectSize, kTaggedSize);
int size = FixedArray::BodyDescriptor::SizeOf(map, object);
size_t current_progress_bar = chunk->ProgressBar();
if (current_progress_bar == 0) {
// Try to move the progress bar forward to start offset. This solves the
// problem of not being able to observe a progress bar reset when
// processing the first kProgressBarScanningChunk.
if (!chunk->TrySetProgressBar(0,
return 0;
current_progress_bar = FixedArray::BodyDescriptor::kStartOffset;
int start = static_cast<int>(current_progress_bar);
int end = Min(size, start + kProgressBarScanningChunk);
if (start < end) {
VisitPointers(object, object.RawField(start), object.RawField(end));
// Setting the progress bar can fail if the object that is currently
// scanned is also revisited. In this case, there may be two tasks racing
// on the progress counter. The looser can bail out because the progress
// bar is reset before the tasks race on the object.
if (chunk->TrySetProgressBar(current_progress_bar, end) && (end < size)) {
// The object can be pushed back onto the marking worklist only after
// progress bar was updated.
return end - start;
int VisitFixedArray(Map map, FixedArray object) {
// Arrays with the progress bar are not left-trimmable because they reside
// in the large object space.
MemoryChunk* chunk = MemoryChunk::FromHeapObject(object);
return chunk->IsFlagSet<AccessMode::ATOMIC>(MemoryChunk::HAS_PROGRESS_BAR)
? VisitFixedArrayWithProgressBar(map, object, chunk)
: VisitLeftTrimmableArray(map, object);
int VisitFixedDoubleArray(Map map, FixedDoubleArray object) {
return VisitLeftTrimmableArray(map, object);
// ===========================================================================
// Side-effectful visitation.
// ===========================================================================
int VisitSharedFunctionInfo(Map map, SharedFunctionInfo shared_info) {
if (!ShouldVisit(shared_info)) return 0;
int size = SharedFunctionInfo::BodyDescriptor::SizeOf(map, shared_info);
VisitMapPointer(shared_info, shared_info->map_slot());
SharedFunctionInfo::BodyDescriptor::IterateBody(map, shared_info, size,
// If the SharedFunctionInfo has old bytecode, mark it as flushable,
// otherwise visit the function data field strongly.
if (shared_info->ShouldFlushBytecode(bytecode_flush_mode_)) {
weak_objects_->bytecode_flushing_candidates.Push(task_id_, shared_info);
} else {
VisitPointer(shared_info, shared_info->RawField(
return size;
int VisitBytecodeArray(Map map, BytecodeArray object) {
if (!ShouldVisit(object)) return 0;
int size = BytecodeArray::BodyDescriptor::SizeOf(map, object);
VisitMapPointer(object, object->map_slot());
BytecodeArray::BodyDescriptor::IterateBody(map, object, size, this);
if (!is_forced_gc_) {
return size;
int VisitJSFunction(Map map, JSFunction object) {
int size = VisitJSObjectSubclass(map, object);
// Check if the JSFunction needs reset due to bytecode being flushed.
if (bytecode_flush_mode_ != BytecodeFlushMode::kDoNotFlushBytecode &&
object->NeedsResetDueToFlushedBytecode()) {
weak_objects_->flushed_js_functions.Push(task_id_, object);
return size;
int VisitMap(Map meta_map, Map map) {
if (!ShouldVisit(map)) return 0;
int size = Map::BodyDescriptor::SizeOf(meta_map, map);
if (map->CanTransition()) {
// Maps that can transition share their descriptor arrays and require
// special visiting logic to avoid memory leaks.
// Since descriptor arrays are potentially shared, ensure that only the
// descriptors that belong to this map are marked. The first time a
// non-empty descriptor array is marked, its header is also visited. The
// slot holding the descriptor array will be implicitly recorded when the
// pointer fields of this map are visited.
DescriptorArray descriptors = map->synchronized_instance_descriptors();
int number_of_own_descriptors = map->NumberOfOwnDescriptors();
if (number_of_own_descriptors) {
// It is possible that the concurrent marker observes the
// number_of_own_descriptors out of sync with the descriptors. In that
// case the marking write barrier for the descriptor array will ensure
// that all required descriptors are marked. The concurrent marker
// just should avoid crashing in that case. That's why we need the
// std::min<int>() below.
// Mark the pointer fields of the Map. Since the transitions array has
// been marked already, it is fine that one of these fields contains a
// pointer to it.
Map::BodyDescriptor::IterateBody(meta_map, map, size, this);
return size;
void VisitDescriptors(DescriptorArray descriptor_array,
int number_of_own_descriptors) {
int16_t new_marked = static_cast<int16_t>(number_of_own_descriptors);
int16_t old_marked = descriptor_array->UpdateNumberOfMarkedDescriptors(
mark_compact_epoch_, new_marked);
if (old_marked < new_marked) {
int VisitDescriptorArray(Map map, DescriptorArray array) {
if (!ShouldVisit(array)) return 0;
VisitMapPointer(array, array->map_slot());
int size = DescriptorArray::BodyDescriptor::SizeOf(map, array);
VisitPointers(array, array->GetFirstPointerSlot(),
VisitDescriptors(array, array->number_of_descriptors());
return size;
int VisitTransitionArray(Map map, TransitionArray array) {
if (!ShouldVisit(array)) return 0;
VisitMapPointer(array, array->map_slot());
int size = TransitionArray::BodyDescriptor::SizeOf(map, array);
TransitionArray::BodyDescriptor::IterateBody(map, array, size, this);
weak_objects_->transition_arrays.Push(task_id_, array);
return size;
int VisitJSWeakCollection(Map map, JSWeakCollection object) {
return VisitJSObjectSubclass(map, object);
int VisitEphemeronHashTable(Map map, EphemeronHashTable table) {
if (!ShouldVisit(table)) return 0;
weak_objects_->ephemeron_hash_tables.Push(task_id_, table);
for (int i = 0; i < table->Capacity(); i++) {
ObjectSlot key_slot =
HeapObject key = HeapObject::cast(table->KeyAt(i));
MarkCompactCollector::RecordSlot(table, key_slot, key);
ObjectSlot value_slot =
if (marking_state_.IsBlackOrGrey(key)) {
VisitPointer(table, value_slot);
} else {
Object value_obj = table->ValueAt(i);
if (value_obj->IsHeapObject()) {
HeapObject value = HeapObject::cast(value_obj);
MarkCompactCollector::RecordSlot(table, value_slot, value);
// Revisit ephemerons with both key and value unreachable at end
// of concurrent marking cycle.
if (marking_state_.IsWhite(value)) {
Ephemeron{key, value});
return table->SizeFromMap(map);
// Implements ephemeron semantics: Marks value if key is already reachable.
// Returns true if value was actually marked.
bool ProcessEphemeron(HeapObject key, HeapObject value) {
if (marking_state_.IsBlackOrGrey(key)) {
if (marking_state_.WhiteToGrey(value)) {
return true;
} else if (marking_state_.IsWhite(value)) {
weak_objects_->next_ephemerons.Push(task_id_, Ephemeron{key, value});
return false;
void MarkObject(HeapObject object) {
// Perform a dummy acquire load to tell TSAN that there is no data race
// in mark-bit initialization. See MemoryChunk::Initialize for the
// corresponding release store.
MemoryChunk* chunk = MemoryChunk::FromAddress(object->address());
if (marking_state_.WhiteToGrey(object)) {
void MarkDescriptorArrayBlack(DescriptorArray descriptors) {
if (marking_state_.GreyToBlack(descriptors)) {
VisitPointers(descriptors, descriptors->GetFirstPointerSlot(),
// Helper class for collecting in-object slot addresses and values.
class SlotSnapshottingVisitor final : public ObjectVisitor {
explicit SlotSnapshottingVisitor(SlotSnapshot* slot_snapshot)
: slot_snapshot_(slot_snapshot) {
void VisitPointers(HeapObject host, ObjectSlot start,
ObjectSlot end) override {
for (ObjectSlot p = start; p < end; ++p) {
Object object = p.Relaxed_Load();
slot_snapshot_->add(p, object);
void VisitPointers(HeapObject host, MaybeObjectSlot start,
MaybeObjectSlot end) override {
// This should never happen, because we don't use snapshotting for objects
// which contain weak references.
void VisitCodeTarget(Code host, RelocInfo* rinfo) final {
// This should never happen, because snapshotting is performed only on
// JSObjects (and derived classes).
void VisitEmbeddedPointer(Code host, RelocInfo* rinfo) final {
// This should never happen, because snapshotting is performed only on
// JSObjects (and derived classes).
void VisitCustomWeakPointers(HeapObject host, ObjectSlot start,
ObjectSlot end) override {
DCHECK(host->IsWeakCell() || host->IsJSWeakRef());
SlotSnapshot* slot_snapshot_;
template <typename T>
int VisitJSObjectSubclassFast(Map map, T object) {
DCHECK_IMPLIES(FLAG_unbox_double_fields, map->HasFastPointerLayout());
using TBodyDescriptor = typename T::FastBodyDescriptor;
return VisitJSObjectSubclass<T, TBodyDescriptor>(map, object);
template <typename T, typename TBodyDescriptor = typename T::BodyDescriptor>
int VisitJSObjectSubclass(Map map, T object) {
int size = TBodyDescriptor::SizeOf(map, object);
int used_size = map->UsedInstanceSize();
DCHECK_LE(used_size, size);
DCHECK_GE(used_size, T::kHeaderSize);
return VisitPartiallyWithSnapshot<T, TBodyDescriptor>(map, object,
used_size, size);
template <typename T>
int VisitEmbedderTracingSubclass(Map map, T object) {
int size = VisitJSObjectSubclass(map, object);
if (size && embedder_tracing_enabled_) {
// Success: The object needs to be processed for embedder references on
// the main thread.
return size;
template <typename T>
int VisitLeftTrimmableArray(Map map, T object) {
// The synchronized_length() function checks that the length is a Smi.
// This is not necessarily the case if the array is being left-trimmed.
Object length = object->unchecked_synchronized_length();
if (!ShouldVisit(object)) return 0;
// The cached length must be the actual length as the array is not black.
// Left trimming marks the array black before over-writing the length.
int size = T::SizeFor(Smi::ToInt(length));
VisitMapPointer(object, object->map_slot());
T::BodyDescriptor::IterateBody(map, object, size, this);
return size;
template <typename T>
int VisitFullyWithSnapshot(Map map, T object) {
using TBodyDescriptor = typename T::BodyDescriptor;
int size = TBodyDescriptor::SizeOf(map, object);
return VisitPartiallyWithSnapshot<T, TBodyDescriptor>(map, object, size,
template <typename T, typename TBodyDescriptor = typename T::BodyDescriptor>
int VisitPartiallyWithSnapshot(Map map, T object, int used_size, int size) {
const SlotSnapshot& snapshot =
MakeSlotSnapshot<T, TBodyDescriptor>(map, object, used_size);
if (!ShouldVisit(object)) return 0;
VisitPointersInSnapshot(object, snapshot);
return size;
template <typename T, typename TBodyDescriptor>
const SlotSnapshot& MakeSlotSnapshot(Map map, T object, int size) {
SlotSnapshottingVisitor visitor(&slot_snapshot_);
visitor.VisitPointer(object, ObjectSlot(object->map_slot().address()));
TBodyDescriptor::IterateBody(map, object, size, &visitor);
return slot_snapshot_;
void RecordRelocSlot(Code host, RelocInfo* rinfo, HeapObject target) {
MarkCompactCollector::RecordRelocSlotInfo info =
MarkCompactCollector::PrepareRecordRelocSlot(host, rinfo, target);
if (info.should_record) {
MemoryChunkData& data = (*memory_chunk_data_)[info.memory_chunk];
if (!data.typed_slots) {
data.typed_slots.reset(new TypedSlots());
data.typed_slots->Insert(info.slot_type, info.offset);
ConcurrentMarking::MarkingWorklist::View shared_;
WeakObjects* weak_objects_;
ConcurrentMarking::EmbedderTracingWorklist::View embedder_objects_;
ConcurrentMarkingState marking_state_;
MemoryChunkDataMap* memory_chunk_data_;
int task_id_;
SlotSnapshot slot_snapshot_;
bool embedder_tracing_enabled_;
const unsigned mark_compact_epoch_;
bool is_forced_gc_;
BytecodeFlushMode bytecode_flush_mode_;
// Strings can change maps due to conversion to thin string or external strings.
// Use unchecked cast to avoid data race in slow dchecks.
template <>
ConsString ConcurrentMarkingVisitor::Cast(HeapObject object) {
return ConsString::unchecked_cast(object);
template <>
SlicedString ConcurrentMarkingVisitor::Cast(HeapObject object) {
return SlicedString::unchecked_cast(object);
template <>
ThinString ConcurrentMarkingVisitor::Cast(HeapObject object) {
return ThinString::unchecked_cast(object);
template <>
SeqOneByteString ConcurrentMarkingVisitor::Cast(HeapObject object) {
return SeqOneByteString::unchecked_cast(object);
template <>
SeqTwoByteString ConcurrentMarkingVisitor::Cast(HeapObject object) {
return SeqTwoByteString::unchecked_cast(object);
// Fixed array can become a free space during left trimming.
template <>
FixedArray ConcurrentMarkingVisitor::Cast(HeapObject object) {
return FixedArray::unchecked_cast(object);
class ConcurrentMarking::Task : public CancelableTask {
Task(Isolate* isolate, ConcurrentMarking* concurrent_marking,
TaskState* task_state, int task_id)
: CancelableTask(isolate),
task_id_(task_id) {}
~Task() override = default;
// v8::internal::CancelableTask overrides.
void RunInternal() override {
concurrent_marking_->Run(task_id_, task_state_);
ConcurrentMarking* concurrent_marking_;
TaskState* task_state_;
int task_id_;
ConcurrentMarking::ConcurrentMarking(Heap* heap, MarkingWorklist* shared,
MarkingWorklist* on_hold,
WeakObjects* weak_objects,
EmbedderTracingWorklist* embedder_objects)
: heap_(heap),
embedder_objects_(embedder_objects) {
// The runtime flag should be set only if the compile time flag was set.
CHECK(!FLAG_concurrent_marking && !FLAG_parallel_marking);
void ConcurrentMarking::Run(int task_id, TaskState* task_state) {
size_t kBytesUntilInterruptCheck = 64 * KB;
int kObjectsUntilInterrupCheck = 1000;
ConcurrentMarkingVisitor visitor(
shared_, &task_state->memory_chunk_data, weak_objects_, embedder_objects_,
task_id, heap_->local_embedder_heap_tracer()->InUse(),
task_state->mark_compact_epoch, task_state->is_forced_gc);
double time_ms;
size_t marked_bytes = 0;
if (FLAG_trace_concurrent_marking) {
"Starting concurrent marking task %d\n", task_id);
bool ephemeron_marked = false;
TimedScope scope(&time_ms);
Ephemeron ephemeron;
while (weak_objects_->current_ephemerons.Pop(task_id, &ephemeron)) {
if (visitor.ProcessEphemeron(ephemeron.key, ephemeron.value)) {
ephemeron_marked = true;
bool done = false;
while (!done) {
size_t current_marked_bytes = 0;
int objects_processed = 0;
while (current_marked_bytes < kBytesUntilInterruptCheck &&
objects_processed < kObjectsUntilInterrupCheck) {
HeapObject object;
if (!shared_->Pop(task_id, &object)) {
done = true;
// The order of the two loads is important.
Address new_space_top = heap_->new_space()->original_top_acquire();
Address new_space_limit = heap_->new_space()->original_limit_relaxed();
Address new_large_object = heap_->new_lo_space()->pending_object();
Address addr = object->address();
if ((new_space_top <= addr && addr < new_space_limit) ||
addr == new_large_object) {
on_hold_->Push(task_id, object);
} else {
Map map = object->synchronized_map();
current_marked_bytes += visitor.Visit(map, object);
marked_bytes += current_marked_bytes;
if (task_state->preemption_request) {
"ConcurrentMarking::Run Preempted");
if (done) {
Ephemeron ephemeron;
while (weak_objects_->discovered_ephemerons.Pop(task_id, &ephemeron)) {
if (visitor.ProcessEphemeron(ephemeron.key, ephemeron.value)) {
ephemeron_marked = true;
base::AsAtomicWord::Relaxed_Store<size_t>(&task_state->marked_bytes, 0);
total_marked_bytes_ += marked_bytes;
if (ephemeron_marked) {
base::MutexGuard guard(&pending_lock_);
is_pending_[task_id] = false;
if (FLAG_trace_concurrent_marking) {
"Task %d concurrently marked %dKB in %.2fms\n", task_id,
static_cast<int>(marked_bytes / KB), time_ms);
void ConcurrentMarking::ScheduleTasks() {
DCHECK(FLAG_parallel_marking || FLAG_concurrent_marking);
base::MutexGuard guard(&pending_lock_);
DCHECK_EQ(0, pending_task_count_);
if (task_count_ == 0) {
static const int num_cores =
V8::GetCurrentPlatform()->NumberOfWorkerThreads() + 1;
#if defined(V8_OS_MACOSX)
// Mac OSX 10.11 and prior seems to have trouble when doing concurrent
// marking on competing hyper-threads (regresses Octane/Splay). As such,
// only use num_cores/2, leaving one of those for the main thread.
// TODO(ulan): Use all cores on Mac 10.12+.
task_count_ = Max(1, Min(kMaxTasks, (num_cores / 2) - 1));
#else // defined(OS_MACOSX)
// On other platforms use all logical cores, leaving one for the main
// thread.
task_count_ = Max(1, Min(kMaxTasks, num_cores - 1));
#endif // defined(OS_MACOSX)
// Task id 0 is for the main thread.
for (int i = 1; i <= task_count_; i++) {
if (!is_pending_[i]) {
if (FLAG_trace_concurrent_marking) {
"Scheduling concurrent marking task %d\n", i);
task_state_[i].preemption_request = false;
task_state_[i].mark_compact_epoch =
task_state_[i].is_forced_gc = heap_->is_current_gc_forced();
is_pending_[i] = true;
auto task =
base::make_unique<Task>(heap_->isolate(), this, &task_state_[i], i);
cancelable_id_[i] = task->id();
DCHECK_EQ(task_count_, pending_task_count_);
void ConcurrentMarking::RescheduleTasksIfNeeded() {
DCHECK(FLAG_parallel_marking || FLAG_concurrent_marking);
if (heap_->IsTearingDown()) return;
base::MutexGuard guard(&pending_lock_);
if (pending_task_count_ > 0) return;
if (!shared_->IsGlobalPoolEmpty() ||
!weak_objects_->current_ephemerons.IsEmpty() ||
!weak_objects_->discovered_ephemerons.IsEmpty()) {
bool ConcurrentMarking::Stop(StopRequest stop_request) {
DCHECK(FLAG_parallel_marking || FLAG_concurrent_marking);
base::MutexGuard guard(&pending_lock_);
if (pending_task_count_ == 0) return false;
if (stop_request != StopRequest::COMPLETE_TASKS_FOR_TESTING) {
CancelableTaskManager* task_manager =
for (int i = 1; i <= task_count_; i++) {
if (is_pending_[i]) {
if (task_manager->TryAbort(cancelable_id_[i]) ==
TryAbortResult::kTaskAborted) {
is_pending_[i] = false;
} else if (stop_request == StopRequest::PREEMPT_TASKS) {
task_state_[i].preemption_request = true;
while (pending_task_count_ > 0) {
for (int i = 1; i <= task_count_; i++) {
return true;
bool ConcurrentMarking::IsStopped() {
if (!FLAG_concurrent_marking) return true;
base::MutexGuard guard(&pending_lock_);
return pending_task_count_ == 0;
void ConcurrentMarking::FlushMemoryChunkData(
MajorNonAtomicMarkingState* marking_state) {
DCHECK_EQ(pending_task_count_, 0);
for (int i = 1; i <= task_count_; i++) {
MemoryChunkDataMap& memory_chunk_data = task_state_[i].memory_chunk_data;
for (auto& pair : memory_chunk_data) {
// ClearLiveness sets the live bytes to zero.
// Pages with zero live bytes might be already unmapped.
MemoryChunk* memory_chunk = pair.first;
MemoryChunkData& data = pair.second;
if (data.live_bytes) {
marking_state->IncrementLiveBytes(memory_chunk, data.live_bytes);
if (data.typed_slots) {
task_state_[i].marked_bytes = 0;
total_marked_bytes_ = 0;
void ConcurrentMarking::ClearMemoryChunkData(MemoryChunk* chunk) {
for (int i = 1; i <= task_count_; i++) {
auto it = task_state_[i].memory_chunk_data.find(chunk);
if (it != task_state_[i].memory_chunk_data.end()) {
it->second.live_bytes = 0;
size_t ConcurrentMarking::TotalMarkedBytes() {
size_t result = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= task_count_; i++) {
result +=
result += total_marked_bytes_;
return result;
ConcurrentMarking::PauseScope::PauseScope(ConcurrentMarking* concurrent_marking)
: concurrent_marking_(concurrent_marking),
resume_on_exit_(FLAG_concurrent_marking &&
ConcurrentMarking::StopRequest::PREEMPT_TASKS)) {
DCHECK_IMPLIES(resume_on_exit_, FLAG_concurrent_marking);
ConcurrentMarking::PauseScope::~PauseScope() {
if (resume_on_exit_) concurrent_marking_->RescheduleTasksIfNeeded();
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8