blob: ff5975a7a7d21d510b566290f8c3ae3850db5cb7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "src/allocation.h"
#include "src/base/atomic-utils.h"
#include "src/base/atomicops.h"
#include "src/base/platform/time.h"
#include "src/isolate.h"
#include "src/libsampler/sampler.h"
#include "src/locked-queue.h"
#include "src/profiler/circular-queue.h"
#include "src/profiler/profiler-listener.h"
#include "src/profiler/tick-sample.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
// Forward declarations.
class CodeEntry;
class CodeMap;
class CpuProfile;
class CpuProfilesCollection;
class ProfileGenerator;
V(CODE_CREATION, CodeCreateEventRecord) \
V(CODE_MOVE, CodeMoveEventRecord) \
V(CODE_DISABLE_OPT, CodeDisableOptEventRecord) \
V(CODE_DEOPT, CodeDeoptEventRecord) \
V(REPORT_BUILTIN, ReportBuiltinEventRecord)
class CodeEventRecord {
#define DECLARE_TYPE(type, ignore) type,
enum Type {
NONE = 0,
Type type;
mutable unsigned order;
class CodeCreateEventRecord : public CodeEventRecord {
Address instruction_start;
CodeEntry* entry;
unsigned instruction_size;
V8_INLINE void UpdateCodeMap(CodeMap* code_map);
class CodeMoveEventRecord : public CodeEventRecord {
Address from_instruction_start;
Address to_instruction_start;
V8_INLINE void UpdateCodeMap(CodeMap* code_map);
class CodeDisableOptEventRecord : public CodeEventRecord {
Address instruction_start;
const char* bailout_reason;
V8_INLINE void UpdateCodeMap(CodeMap* code_map);
class CodeDeoptEventRecord : public CodeEventRecord {
Address instruction_start;
const char* deopt_reason;
int deopt_id;
Address pc;
int fp_to_sp_delta;
CpuProfileDeoptFrame* deopt_frames;
int deopt_frame_count;
V8_INLINE void UpdateCodeMap(CodeMap* code_map);
class ReportBuiltinEventRecord : public CodeEventRecord {
Address instruction_start;
Builtins::Name builtin_id;
V8_INLINE void UpdateCodeMap(CodeMap* code_map);
class TickSampleEventRecord {
// The parameterless constructor is used when we dequeue data from
// the ticks buffer.
TickSampleEventRecord() = default;
explicit TickSampleEventRecord(unsigned order) : order(order) { }
unsigned order;
TickSample sample;
class CodeEventsContainer {
explicit CodeEventsContainer(
CodeEventRecord::Type type = CodeEventRecord::NONE) {
generic.type = type;
union {
CodeEventRecord generic;
#define DECLARE_CLASS(ignore, type) type type##_;
// This class implements both the profile events processor thread and
// methods called by event producers: VM and stack sampler threads.
class ProfilerEventsProcessor : public base::Thread, public CodeEventObserver {
virtual ~ProfilerEventsProcessor();
void CodeEventHandler(const CodeEventsContainer& evt_rec) override;
// Thread control.
void Run() override = 0;
void StopSynchronously();
V8_INLINE bool running() { return !!base::Relaxed_Load(&running_); }
void Enqueue(const CodeEventsContainer& event);
// Puts current stack into the tick sample events buffer.
void AddCurrentStack(bool update_stats = false);
void AddDeoptStack(Address from, int fp_to_sp_delta);
// Add a sample into the tick sample events buffer. Used for testing.
void AddSample(TickSample sample);
ProfilerEventsProcessor(Isolate* isolate, ProfileGenerator* generator);
// Called from events processing thread (Run() method.)
bool ProcessCodeEvent();
enum SampleProcessingResult {
virtual SampleProcessingResult ProcessOneSample() = 0;
ProfileGenerator* generator_;
base::Atomic32 running_;
LockedQueue<CodeEventsContainer> events_buffer_;
LockedQueue<TickSampleEventRecord> ticks_from_vm_buffer_;
std::atomic<unsigned> last_code_event_id_;
unsigned last_processed_code_event_id_;
Isolate* isolate_;
class SamplingEventsProcessor : public ProfilerEventsProcessor {
SamplingEventsProcessor(Isolate* isolate, ProfileGenerator* generator,
base::TimeDelta period);
~SamplingEventsProcessor() override;
// SamplingCircularQueue has stricter alignment requirements than a normal new
// can fulfil, so we need to provide our own new/delete here.
void* operator new(size_t size);
void operator delete(void* ptr);
void Run() override;
// Tick sample events are filled directly in the buffer of the circular
// queue (because the structure is of fixed width, but usually not all
// stack frame entries are filled.) This method returns a pointer to the
// next record of the buffer.
// These methods are not thread-safe and should only ever be called by one
// producer (from CpuSampler::SampleStack()). For testing, use AddSample.
inline TickSample* StartTickSample();
inline void FinishTickSample();
sampler::Sampler* sampler() { return sampler_.get(); }
SampleProcessingResult ProcessOneSample() override;
static const size_t kTickSampleBufferSize = 512 * KB;
static const size_t kTickSampleQueueLength =
kTickSampleBufferSize / sizeof(TickSampleEventRecord);
kTickSampleQueueLength> ticks_buffer_;
std::unique_ptr<sampler::Sampler> sampler_;
const base::TimeDelta period_; // Samples & code events processing period.
class CpuProfiler {
explicit CpuProfiler(Isolate* isolate);
CpuProfiler(Isolate* isolate, CpuProfilesCollection* profiles,
ProfileGenerator* test_generator,
ProfilerEventsProcessor* test_processor);
static void CollectSample(Isolate* isolate);
typedef v8::CpuProfilingMode ProfilingMode;
void set_sampling_interval(base::TimeDelta value);
void CollectSample();
void StartProfiling(const char* title, bool record_samples = false,
ProfilingMode mode = ProfilingMode::kLeafNodeLineNumbers);
void StartProfiling(String title, bool record_samples, ProfilingMode mode);
CpuProfile* StopProfiling(const char* title);
CpuProfile* StopProfiling(String title);
int GetProfilesCount();
CpuProfile* GetProfile(int index);
void DeleteAllProfiles();
void DeleteProfile(CpuProfile* profile);
bool is_profiling() const { return is_profiling_; }
ProfileGenerator* generator() const { return generator_.get(); }
ProfilerEventsProcessor* processor() const { return processor_.get(); }
Isolate* isolate() const { return isolate_; }
ProfilerListener* profiler_listener_for_test() {
return profiler_listener_.get();
void StartProcessorIfNotStarted();
void StopProcessorIfLastProfile(const char* title);
void StopProcessor();
void ResetProfiles();
void LogBuiltins();
void CreateEntriesForRuntimeCallStats();
Isolate* const isolate_;
base::TimeDelta sampling_interval_;
std::unique_ptr<CpuProfilesCollection> profiles_;
std::unique_ptr<ProfileGenerator> generator_;
std::unique_ptr<ProfilerEventsProcessor> processor_;
std::unique_ptr<ProfilerListener> profiler_listener_;
bool saved_is_logging_;
bool is_profiling_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8