blob: da47c5f8bfbfe5a4144df336d16d5787b790685d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/compiler/access-builder.h"
#include "src/compiler/graph-inl.h"
#include "src/compiler/js-graph.h"
#include "src/compiler/js-typed-lowering.h"
#include "src/compiler/node-aux-data-inl.h"
#include "src/compiler/node-matchers.h"
#include "src/compiler/node-properties-inl.h"
#include "src/types.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace compiler {
// TODO(turbofan): js-typed-lowering improvements possible
// - immediately put in type bounds for all new nodes
// - relax effects from generic but not-side-effecting operations
// Relax the effects of {node} by immediately replacing effect uses of {node}
// with the effect input to {node}.
// TODO(turbofan): replace the effect input to {node} with {graph->start()}.
// TODO(titzer): move into a GraphEditor?
static void RelaxEffects(Node* node) {
NodeProperties::ReplaceWithValue(node, node, NULL);
JSTypedLowering::JSTypedLowering(JSGraph* jsgraph, Zone* zone)
: jsgraph_(jsgraph), simplified_(graph()->zone()), conversions_(zone) {
Handle<Object> zero = factory()->NewNumber(0.0);
Handle<Object> one = factory()->NewNumber(1.0);
zero_range_ = Type::Range(zero, zero, graph()->zone());
one_range_ = Type::Range(one, one, graph()->zone());
Handle<Object> thirtyone = factory()->NewNumber(31.0);
zero_thirtyone_range_ = Type::Range(zero, thirtyone, graph()->zone());
// TODO(jarin): Can we have a correctification of the stupid type system?
// These stupid work-arounds are just stupid!
shifted_int32_ranges_[0] = Type::Signed32();
if (SmiValuesAre31Bits()) {
shifted_int32_ranges_[1] = Type::SignedSmall();
for (size_t k = 2; k < arraysize(shifted_int32_ranges_); ++k) {
Handle<Object> min = factory()->NewNumber(kMinInt / (1 << k));
Handle<Object> max = factory()->NewNumber(kMaxInt / (1 << k));
shifted_int32_ranges_[k] = Type::Range(min, max, graph()->zone());
} else {
for (size_t k = 1; k < arraysize(shifted_int32_ranges_); ++k) {
Handle<Object> min = factory()->NewNumber(kMinInt / (1 << k));
Handle<Object> max = factory()->NewNumber(kMaxInt / (1 << k));
shifted_int32_ranges_[k] = Type::Range(min, max, graph()->zone());
Reduction JSTypedLowering::ReplaceEagerly(Node* old, Node* node) {
NodeProperties::ReplaceWithValue(old, node, node);
return Changed(node);
// A helper class to simplify the process of reducing a single binop node with a
// JSOperator. This class manages the rewriting of context, control, and effect
// dependencies during lowering of a binop and contains numerous helper
// functions for matching the types of inputs to an operation.
class JSBinopReduction FINAL {
JSBinopReduction(JSTypedLowering* lowering, Node* node)
: lowering_(lowering),
right_type_(NodeProperties::GetBounds(node->InputAt(1)).upper) {}
void ConvertInputsToNumber() {
node_->ReplaceInput(0, ConvertToNumber(left()));
node_->ReplaceInput(1, ConvertToNumber(right()));
void ConvertInputsToUI32(Signedness left_signedness,
Signedness right_signedness) {
node_->ReplaceInput(0, ConvertToUI32(left(), left_signedness));
node_->ReplaceInput(1, ConvertToUI32(right(), right_signedness));
void ConvertInputsToString() {
node_->ReplaceInput(0, ConvertToString(left()));
node_->ReplaceInput(1, ConvertToString(right()));
// Convert inputs for bitwise shift operation (ES5 spec 11.7).
void ConvertInputsForShift(Signedness left_signedness) {
node_->ReplaceInput(0, ConvertToUI32(left(), left_signedness));
Node* rnum = ConvertToUI32(right(), kUnsigned);
Type* rnum_type = NodeProperties::GetBounds(rnum).upper;
if (!rnum_type->Is(lowering_->zero_thirtyone_range_)) {
rnum = graph()->NewNode(machine()->Word32And(), rnum,
node_->ReplaceInput(1, rnum);
void SwapInputs() {
Node* l = left();
Node* r = right();
node_->ReplaceInput(0, r);
node_->ReplaceInput(1, l);
std::swap(left_type_, right_type_);
// Remove all effect and control inputs and outputs to this node and change
// to the pure operator {op}, possibly inserting a boolean inversion.
Reduction ChangeToPureOperator(const Operator* op, bool invert = false,
Type* type = Type::Any()) {
DCHECK_EQ(0, op->EffectInputCount());
DCHECK_EQ(false, OperatorProperties::HasContextInput(op));
DCHECK_EQ(0, op->ControlInputCount());
DCHECK_EQ(2, op->ValueInputCount());
// Remove the effects from the node, if any, and update its effect usages.
if (node_->op()->EffectInputCount() > 0) {
// Remove the inputs corresponding to context, effect, and control.
// Finally, update the operator to the new one.
// TODO(jarin): Replace the explicit typing hack with a call to some method
// that encapsulates changing the operator and re-typing.
Bounds const bounds = NodeProperties::GetBounds(node_);
NodeProperties::SetBounds(node_, Bounds::NarrowUpper(bounds, type, zone()));
if (invert) {
// Insert an boolean not to invert the value.
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->BooleanNot(), node_);
// Note: ReplaceUses() smashes all uses, so smash it back here.
value->ReplaceInput(0, node_);
return lowering_->Replace(value);
return lowering_->Changed(node_);
Reduction ChangeToPureOperator(const Operator* op, Type* type) {
return ChangeToPureOperator(op, false, type);
bool OneInputIs(Type* t) { return left_type_->Is(t) || right_type_->Is(t); }
bool BothInputsAre(Type* t) {
return left_type_->Is(t) && right_type_->Is(t);
bool OneInputCannotBe(Type* t) {
return !left_type_->Maybe(t) || !right_type_->Maybe(t);
bool NeitherInputCanBe(Type* t) {
return !left_type_->Maybe(t) && !right_type_->Maybe(t);
Node* effect() { return NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node_); }
Node* control() { return NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node_); }
Node* context() { return NodeProperties::GetContextInput(node_); }
Node* left() { return NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node_, 0); }
Node* right() { return NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node_, 1); }
Type* left_type() { return left_type_; }
Type* right_type() { return right_type_; }
SimplifiedOperatorBuilder* simplified() { return lowering_->simplified(); }
Graph* graph() const { return lowering_->graph(); }
JSGraph* jsgraph() { return lowering_->jsgraph(); }
JSOperatorBuilder* javascript() { return lowering_->javascript(); }
MachineOperatorBuilder* machine() { return lowering_->machine(); }
Zone* zone() const { return graph()->zone(); }
JSTypedLowering* lowering_; // The containing lowering instance.
Node* node_; // The original node.
Type* left_type_; // Cache of the left input's type.
Type* right_type_; // Cache of the right input's type.
Node* ConvertToString(Node* node) {
// Avoid introducing too many eager ToString() operations.
Reduction reduced = lowering_->ReduceJSToStringInput(node);
if (reduced.Changed()) return reduced.replacement();
Node* n = graph()->NewNode(javascript()->ToString(), node, context(),
effect(), control());
return n;
Node* ConvertToNumber(Node* node) {
if (NodeProperties::GetBounds(node).upper->Is(Type::PlainPrimitive())) {
return lowering_->ConvertToNumber(node);
// TODO(jarin) This ToNumber conversion can deoptimize, but we do not really
// have a frame state to deoptimize to. Either we provide such a frame state
// or we exclude the values that could lead to deoptimization (e.g., by
// triggering eager deopt if the value is not plain).
Node* const n = FLAG_turbo_deoptimization
? graph()->NewNode(
javascript()->ToNumber(), node, context(),
jsgraph()->EmptyFrameState(), effect(), control())
: graph()->NewNode(javascript()->ToNumber(), node,
context(), effect(), control());
return n;
Node* ConvertToUI32(Node* node, Signedness signedness) {
// Avoid introducing too many eager NumberToXXnt32() operations.
node = ConvertToNumber(node);
Type* type = NodeProperties::GetBounds(node).upper;
if (signedness == kSigned) {
if (!type->Is(Type::Signed32())) {
node = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberToInt32(), node);
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(kUnsigned, signedness);
if (!type->Is(Type::Unsigned32())) {
node = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberToUint32(), node);
return node;
void update_effect(Node* effect) {
NodeProperties::ReplaceEffectInput(node_, effect);
Reduction JSTypedLowering::ReduceJSAdd(Node* node) {
JSBinopReduction r(this, node);
if (r.BothInputsAre(Type::Number())) {
// JSAdd(x:number, y:number) => NumberAdd(x, y)
return r.ChangeToPureOperator(simplified()->NumberAdd(), Type::Number());
if (r.BothInputsAre(Type::Primitive()) &&
r.NeitherInputCanBe(Type::StringOrReceiver())) {
// JSAdd(x:-string, y:-string) => NumberAdd(ToNumber(x), ToNumber(y))
return r.ChangeToPureOperator(simplified()->NumberAdd(), Type::Number());
#if 0
// TODO(turbofan): General ToNumber disabled for now because:
// a) The inserted ToNumber operation screws up observability of valueOf.
// b) Deoptimization at ToNumber doesn't have corresponding bailout id.
Type* maybe_string = Type::Union(Type::String(), Type::Receiver(), zone());
if (r.NeitherInputCanBe(maybe_string)) {
#if 0
// TODO(turbofan): Lowering of StringAdd is disabled for now because:
// a) The inserted ToString operation screws up valueOf vs. toString order.
// b) Deoptimization at ToString doesn't have corresponding bailout id.
// c) Our current StringAddStub is actually non-pure and requires context.
if (r.OneInputIs(Type::String())) {
// JSAdd(x:string, y:string) => StringAdd(x, y)
// JSAdd(x:string, y) => StringAdd(x, ToString(y))
// JSAdd(x, y:string) => StringAdd(ToString(x), y)
return r.ChangeToPureOperator(simplified()->StringAdd());
return NoChange();
Reduction JSTypedLowering::ReduceJSBitwiseOr(Node* node) {
JSBinopReduction r(this, node);
if (r.BothInputsAre(Type::Primitive()) || r.OneInputIs(zero_range_)) {
// TODO(jarin): Propagate frame state input from non-primitive input node to
// JSToNumber node.
// TODO(titzer): some Smi bitwise operations don't really require going
// all the way to int32, which can save tagging/untagging for some
// operations
// on some platforms.
// TODO(turbofan): make this heuristic configurable for code size.
r.ConvertInputsToUI32(kSigned, kSigned);
return r.ChangeToPureOperator(machine()->Word32Or(), Type::Integral32());
return NoChange();
Reduction JSTypedLowering::ReduceJSMultiply(Node* node) {
JSBinopReduction r(this, node);
if (r.BothInputsAre(Type::Primitive()) || r.OneInputIs(one_range_)) {
// TODO(jarin): Propagate frame state input from non-primitive input node to
// JSToNumber node.
return r.ChangeToPureOperator(simplified()->NumberMultiply(),
// TODO(turbofan): relax/remove the effects of this operator in other cases.
return NoChange();
Reduction JSTypedLowering::ReduceNumberBinop(Node* node,
const Operator* numberOp) {
JSBinopReduction r(this, node);
if (r.BothInputsAre(Type::Primitive())) {
return r.ChangeToPureOperator(numberOp, Type::Number());
#if 0
// TODO(turbofan): General ToNumber disabled for now because:
// a) The inserted ToNumber operation screws up observability of valueOf.
// b) Deoptimization at ToNumber doesn't have corresponding bailout id.
if (r.OneInputIs(Type::Primitive())) {
// If at least one input is a primitive, then insert appropriate conversions
// to number and reduce this operator to the given numeric one.
// TODO(turbofan): make this heuristic configurable for code size.
return r.ChangeToPureOperator(numberOp);
// TODO(turbofan): relax/remove the effects of this operator in other cases.
return NoChange();
Reduction JSTypedLowering::ReduceInt32Binop(Node* node, const Operator* intOp) {
JSBinopReduction r(this, node);
if (r.BothInputsAre(Type::Primitive())) {
// TODO(titzer): some Smi bitwise operations don't really require going
// all the way to int32, which can save tagging/untagging for some
// operations
// on some platforms.
// TODO(turbofan): make this heuristic configurable for code size.
r.ConvertInputsToUI32(kSigned, kSigned);
return r.ChangeToPureOperator(intOp, Type::Integral32());
return NoChange();
Reduction JSTypedLowering::ReduceUI32Shift(Node* node,
Signedness left_signedness,
const Operator* shift_op) {
JSBinopReduction r(this, node);
if (r.BothInputsAre(Type::Primitive())) {
return r.ChangeToPureOperator(shift_op, Type::Integral32());
return NoChange();
Reduction JSTypedLowering::ReduceJSComparison(Node* node) {
JSBinopReduction r(this, node);
if (r.BothInputsAre(Type::String())) {
// If both inputs are definitely strings, perform a string comparison.
const Operator* stringOp;
switch (node->opcode()) {
case IrOpcode::kJSLessThan:
stringOp = simplified()->StringLessThan();
case IrOpcode::kJSGreaterThan:
stringOp = simplified()->StringLessThan();
r.SwapInputs(); // a > b => b < a
case IrOpcode::kJSLessThanOrEqual:
stringOp = simplified()->StringLessThanOrEqual();
case IrOpcode::kJSGreaterThanOrEqual:
stringOp = simplified()->StringLessThanOrEqual();
r.SwapInputs(); // a >= b => b <= a
return NoChange();
return r.ChangeToPureOperator(stringOp);
#if 0
// TODO(turbofan): General ToNumber disabled for now because:
// a) The inserted ToNumber operation screws up observability of valueOf.
// b) Deoptimization at ToNumber doesn't have corresponding bailout id.
Type* maybe_string = Type::Union(Type::String(), Type::Receiver(), zone());
if (r.OneInputCannotBe(maybe_string)) {
// If one input cannot be a string, then emit a number comparison.
if (r.BothInputsAre(Type::Primitive()) &&
r.OneInputCannotBe(Type::StringOrReceiver())) {
const Operator* less_than;
const Operator* less_than_or_equal;
if (r.BothInputsAre(Type::Unsigned32())) {
less_than = machine()->Uint32LessThan();
less_than_or_equal = machine()->Uint32LessThanOrEqual();
} else if (r.BothInputsAre(Type::Signed32())) {
less_than = machine()->Int32LessThan();
less_than_or_equal = machine()->Int32LessThanOrEqual();
} else {
// TODO(turbofan): mixed signed/unsigned int32 comparisons.
less_than = simplified()->NumberLessThan();
less_than_or_equal = simplified()->NumberLessThanOrEqual();
const Operator* comparison;
switch (node->opcode()) {
case IrOpcode::kJSLessThan:
comparison = less_than;
case IrOpcode::kJSGreaterThan:
comparison = less_than;
r.SwapInputs(); // a > b => b < a
case IrOpcode::kJSLessThanOrEqual:
comparison = less_than_or_equal;
case IrOpcode::kJSGreaterThanOrEqual:
comparison = less_than_or_equal;
r.SwapInputs(); // a >= b => b <= a
return NoChange();
return r.ChangeToPureOperator(comparison);
// TODO(turbofan): relax/remove effects of this operator in other cases.
return NoChange(); // Keep a generic comparison.
Reduction JSTypedLowering::ReduceJSEqual(Node* node, bool invert) {
JSBinopReduction r(this, node);
if (r.BothInputsAre(Type::Number())) {
return r.ChangeToPureOperator(simplified()->NumberEqual(), invert);
if (r.BothInputsAre(Type::String())) {
return r.ChangeToPureOperator(simplified()->StringEqual(), invert);
if (r.BothInputsAre(Type::Receiver())) {
return r.ChangeToPureOperator(
simplified()->ReferenceEqual(Type::Receiver()), invert);
// TODO(turbofan): js-typed-lowering of Equal(undefined)
// TODO(turbofan): js-typed-lowering of Equal(null)
// TODO(turbofan): js-typed-lowering of Equal(boolean)
return NoChange();
Reduction JSTypedLowering::ReduceJSStrictEqual(Node* node, bool invert) {
JSBinopReduction r(this, node);
if (r.left() == r.right()) {
// x === x is always true if x != NaN
if (!r.left_type()->Maybe(Type::NaN())) {
return ReplaceEagerly(node, jsgraph()->BooleanConstant(!invert));
if (r.OneInputCannotBe(Type::NumberOrString())) {
// For values with canonical representation (i.e. not string nor number) an
// empty type intersection means the values cannot be strictly equal.
if (!r.left_type()->Maybe(r.right_type())) {
return ReplaceEagerly(node, jsgraph()->BooleanConstant(invert));
if (r.OneInputIs(Type::Undefined())) {
return r.ChangeToPureOperator(
simplified()->ReferenceEqual(Type::Undefined()), invert);
if (r.OneInputIs(Type::Null())) {
return r.ChangeToPureOperator(simplified()->ReferenceEqual(Type::Null()),
if (r.OneInputIs(Type::Boolean())) {
return r.ChangeToPureOperator(simplified()->ReferenceEqual(Type::Boolean()),
if (r.OneInputIs(Type::Object())) {
return r.ChangeToPureOperator(simplified()->ReferenceEqual(Type::Object()),
if (r.OneInputIs(Type::Receiver())) {
return r.ChangeToPureOperator(
simplified()->ReferenceEqual(Type::Receiver()), invert);
if (r.BothInputsAre(Type::String())) {
return r.ChangeToPureOperator(simplified()->StringEqual(), invert);
if (r.BothInputsAre(Type::Number())) {
return r.ChangeToPureOperator(simplified()->NumberEqual(), invert);
// TODO(turbofan): js-typed-lowering of StrictEqual(mixed types)
return NoChange();
Reduction JSTypedLowering::ReduceJSUnaryNot(Node* node) {
Node* input = node->InputAt(0);
Type* input_type = NodeProperties::GetBounds(input).upper;
if (input_type->Is(Type::Boolean())) {
// JSUnaryNot(x:boolean,context) => BooleanNot(x)
return Changed(node);
// JSUnaryNot(x,context) => BooleanNot(AnyToBoolean(x))
node->ReplaceInput(0, graph()->NewNode(simplified()->AnyToBoolean(), input));
return Changed(node);
Reduction JSTypedLowering::ReduceJSToBoolean(Node* node) {
Node* input = node->InputAt(0);
Type* input_type = NodeProperties::GetBounds(input).upper;
if (input_type->Is(Type::Boolean())) {
// JSToBoolean(x:boolean,context) => x
return Replace(input);
// JSToBoolean(x,context) => AnyToBoolean(x)
return Changed(node);
Reduction JSTypedLowering::ReduceJSToNumberInput(Node* input) {
if (input->opcode() == IrOpcode::kJSToNumber) {
// Recursively try to reduce the input first.
Reduction result = ReduceJSToNumber(input);
if (result.Changed()) return result;
return Changed(input); // JSToNumber(JSToNumber(x)) => JSToNumber(x)
// Check if we have a cached conversion.
Node* conversion = FindConversion<IrOpcode::kJSToNumber>(input);
if (conversion) return Replace(conversion);
Type* input_type = NodeProperties::GetBounds(input).upper;
if (input_type->Is(Type::Number())) {
// JSToNumber(x:number) => x
return Changed(input);
if (input_type->Is(Type::Undefined())) {
// JSToNumber(undefined) => #NaN
return Replace(jsgraph()->NaNConstant());
if (input_type->Is(Type::Null())) {
// JSToNumber(null) => #0
return Replace(jsgraph()->ZeroConstant());
if (input_type->Is(Type::Boolean())) {
// JSToNumber(x:boolean) => BooleanToNumber(x)
return Replace(graph()->NewNode(simplified()->BooleanToNumber(), input));
// TODO(turbofan): js-typed-lowering of ToNumber(x:string)
return NoChange();
Reduction JSTypedLowering::ReduceJSToNumber(Node* node) {
// Try to reduce the input first.
Node* const input = node->InputAt(0);
Reduction reduction = ReduceJSToNumberInput(input);
if (reduction.Changed()) {
NodeProperties::ReplaceWithValue(node, reduction.replacement());
return reduction;
Type* const input_type = NodeProperties::GetBounds(input).upper;
if (input_type->Is(Type::PlainPrimitive())) {
if (input->opcode() == IrOpcode::kPhi) {
// JSToNumber(phi(x1,...,xn,control):plain-primitive,context)
// => phi(JSToNumber(x1,no-context),
// ...,
// JSToNumber(xn,no-context),control)
int const input_count = input->InputCount() - 1;
Node* const control = input->InputAt(input_count);
DCHECK_LE(0, input_count);
node->set_op(common()->Phi(kMachAnyTagged, input_count));
for (int i = 0; i < input_count; ++i) {
// We must be very careful not to introduce cycles when pushing
// operations into phis. It is safe for {value}, since it appears
// as input to the phi that we are replacing, but it's not safe
// to simply reuse the context of the {node}. However, ToNumber()
// does not require a context anyways, so it's safe to discard it
// here and pass the dummy context.
Node* const value = ConvertToNumber(input->InputAt(i));
if (i < node->InputCount()) {
node->ReplaceInput(i, value);
} else {
node->AppendInput(graph()->zone(), value);
if (input_count < node->InputCount()) {
node->ReplaceInput(input_count, control);
} else {
node->AppendInput(graph()->zone(), control);
node->TrimInputCount(input_count + 1);
return Changed(node);
if (input->opcode() == IrOpcode::kSelect) {
// JSToNumber(select(c,x1,x2):plain-primitive,context)
// => select(c,JSToNumber(x1,no-context),JSToNumber(x2,no-context))
int const input_count = input->InputCount();
BranchHint const input_hint = SelectParametersOf(input->op()).hint();
DCHECK_EQ(3, input_count);
node->set_op(common()->Select(kMachAnyTagged, input_hint));
node->ReplaceInput(0, input->InputAt(0));
for (int i = 1; i < input_count; ++i) {
// We must be very careful not to introduce cycles when pushing
// operations into selects. It is safe for {value}, since it appears
// as input to the select that we are replacing, but it's not safe
// to simply reuse the context of the {node}. However, ToNumber()
// does not require a context anyways, so it's safe to discard it
// here and pass the dummy context.
Node* const value = ConvertToNumber(input->InputAt(i));
node->ReplaceInput(i, value);
return Changed(node);
// Remember this conversion.
if (NodeProperties::GetContextInput(node) !=
jsgraph()->NoContextConstant() ||
NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node) != graph()->start() ||
NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node) != graph()->start()) {
// JSToNumber(x:plain-primitive,context,effect,control)
// => JSToNumber(x,no-context,start,start)
NodeProperties::ReplaceContextInput(node, jsgraph()->NoContextConstant());
NodeProperties::ReplaceControlInput(node, graph()->start());
NodeProperties::ReplaceEffectInput(node, graph()->start());
if (OperatorProperties::HasFrameStateInput(node->op())) {
return Changed(node);
return NoChange();
Reduction JSTypedLowering::ReduceJSToStringInput(Node* input) {
if (input->opcode() == IrOpcode::kJSToString) {
// Recursively try to reduce the input first.
Reduction result = ReduceJSToString(input);
if (result.Changed()) return result;
return Changed(input); // JSToString(JSToString(x)) => JSToString(x)
Type* input_type = NodeProperties::GetBounds(input).upper;
if (input_type->Is(Type::String())) {
return Changed(input); // JSToString(x:string) => x
if (input_type->Is(Type::Undefined())) {
return Replace(jsgraph()->HeapConstant(factory()->undefined_string()));
if (input_type->Is(Type::Null())) {
return Replace(jsgraph()->HeapConstant(factory()->null_string()));
// TODO(turbofan): js-typed-lowering of ToString(x:boolean)
// TODO(turbofan): js-typed-lowering of ToString(x:number)
return NoChange();
Reduction JSTypedLowering::ReduceJSToString(Node* node) {
// Try to reduce the input first.
Node* const input = node->InputAt(0);
Reduction reduction = ReduceJSToStringInput(input);
if (reduction.Changed()) {
NodeProperties::ReplaceWithValue(node, reduction.replacement());
return reduction;
return NoChange();
Reduction JSTypedLowering::ReduceJSLoadProperty(Node* node) {
Node* key = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, 1);
Node* base = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, 0);
Type* key_type = NodeProperties::GetBounds(key).upper;
// TODO(mstarzinger): This lowering is not correct if:
// a) The typed array or it's buffer is neutered.
HeapObjectMatcher<Object> mbase(base);
if (mbase.HasValue() && mbase.Value().handle()->IsJSTypedArray()) {
Handle<JSTypedArray> const array =
BufferAccess const access(array->type());
size_t const k = ElementSizeLog2Of(access.machine_type());
double const byte_length = array->byte_length()->Number();
CHECK_LT(k, arraysize(shifted_int32_ranges_));
if (IsExternalArrayElementsKind(array->map()->elements_kind()) &&
key_type->Is(shifted_int32_ranges_[k]) && byte_length <= kMaxInt) {
// JSLoadProperty(typed-array, int32)
Handle<ExternalArray> elements =
Node* buffer = jsgraph()->PointerConstant(elements->external_pointer());
Node* length = jsgraph()->Constant(byte_length);
Node* effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node);
Node* control = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node);
// Check if we can avoid the bounds check.
if (key_type->Min() >= 0 && key_type->Max() < array->length()->Number()) {
Node* load = graph()->NewNode(
AccessBuilder::ForTypedArrayElement(array->type(), true)),
buffer, key, effect, control);
return ReplaceEagerly(node, load);
// Compute byte offset.
Node* offset = Word32Shl(key, static_cast<int>(k));
Node* load = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->LoadBuffer(access), buffer,
offset, length, effect, control);
return ReplaceEagerly(node, load);
return NoChange();
Reduction JSTypedLowering::ReduceJSStoreProperty(Node* node) {
Node* key = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, 1);
Node* base = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, 0);
Node* value = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, 2);
Type* key_type = NodeProperties::GetBounds(key).upper;
Type* value_type = NodeProperties::GetBounds(value).upper;
// TODO(mstarzinger): This lowering is not correct if:
// a) The typed array or its buffer is neutered.
HeapObjectMatcher<Object> mbase(base);
if (mbase.HasValue() && mbase.Value().handle()->IsJSTypedArray()) {
Handle<JSTypedArray> const array =
BufferAccess const access(array->type());
size_t const k = ElementSizeLog2Of(access.machine_type());
double const byte_length = array->byte_length()->Number();
CHECK_LT(k, arraysize(shifted_int32_ranges_));
if (IsExternalArrayElementsKind(array->map()->elements_kind()) &&
access.external_array_type() != kExternalUint8ClampedArray &&
key_type->Is(shifted_int32_ranges_[k]) && byte_length <= kMaxInt) {
// JSLoadProperty(typed-array, int32)
Handle<ExternalArray> elements =
Node* buffer = jsgraph()->PointerConstant(elements->external_pointer());
Node* length = jsgraph()->Constant(byte_length);
Node* context = NodeProperties::GetContextInput(node);
Node* effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node);
Node* control = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node);
// Convert to a number first.
if (!value_type->Is(Type::Number())) {
Reduction number_reduction = ReduceJSToNumberInput(value);
if (number_reduction.Changed()) {
value = number_reduction.replacement();
} else {
if (OperatorProperties::HasFrameStateInput(
javascript()->ToNumber())) {
value = effect =
graph()->NewNode(javascript()->ToNumber(), value, context,
jsgraph()->EmptyFrameState(), effect, control);
} else {
value = effect = graph()->NewNode(javascript()->ToNumber(), value,
context, effect, control);
// For integer-typed arrays, convert to the integer type.
if (TypeOf(access.machine_type()) == kTypeInt32 &&
!value_type->Is(Type::Signed32())) {
value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberToInt32(), value);
} else if (TypeOf(access.machine_type()) == kTypeUint32 &&
!value_type->Is(Type::Unsigned32())) {
value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberToUint32(), value);
// Check if we can avoid the bounds check.
if (key_type->Min() >= 0 && key_type->Max() < array->length()->Number()) {
AccessBuilder::ForTypedArrayElement(array->type(), true)));
node->ReplaceInput(0, buffer);
DCHECK_EQ(key, node->InputAt(1));
node->ReplaceInput(2, value);
node->ReplaceInput(3, effect);
node->ReplaceInput(4, control);
return Changed(node);
// Compute byte offset.
Node* offset = Word32Shl(key, static_cast<int>(k));
// Turn into a StoreBuffer operation.
node->ReplaceInput(0, buffer);
node->ReplaceInput(1, offset);
node->ReplaceInput(2, length);
node->ReplaceInput(3, value);
node->ReplaceInput(4, effect);
node->ReplaceInput(5, control);
return Changed(node);
return NoChange();
Reduction JSTypedLowering::ReduceJSLoadContext(Node* node) {
DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kJSLoadContext, node->opcode());
ContextAccess const& access = ContextAccessOf(node->op());
Node* const effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node);
Node* const control = graph()->start();
for (size_t i = 0; i < access.depth(); ++i) {
0, graph()->NewNode(
NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, 0), effect, control));
node->ReplaceInput(1, effect);
node->ReplaceInput(2, control);
DCHECK_EQ(3, node->InputCount());
return Changed(node);
Reduction JSTypedLowering::ReduceJSStoreContext(Node* node) {
DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kJSStoreContext, node->opcode());
ContextAccess const& access = ContextAccessOf(node->op());
Node* const effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node);
Node* const control = graph()->start();
for (size_t i = 0; i < access.depth(); ++i) {
0, graph()->NewNode(
NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, 0), effect, control));
DCHECK_EQ(4, node->InputCount());
return Changed(node);
Reduction JSTypedLowering::Reduce(Node* node) {
// Check if the output type is a singleton. In that case we already know the
// result value and can simply replace the node if it's eliminable.
if (!IrOpcode::IsConstantOpcode(node->opcode()) &&
NodeProperties::IsTyped(node) &&
node->op()->HasProperty(Operator::kEliminatable)) {
Type* upper = NodeProperties::GetBounds(node).upper;
if (upper->IsConstant()) {
Node* replacement = jsgraph()->Constant(upper->AsConstant()->Value());
NodeProperties::ReplaceWithValue(node, replacement);
return Changed(replacement);
} else if (upper->Is(Type::MinusZero())) {
Node* replacement = jsgraph()->Constant(factory()->minus_zero_value());
NodeProperties::ReplaceWithValue(node, replacement);
return Changed(replacement);
} else if (upper->Is(Type::NaN())) {
Node* replacement = jsgraph()->NaNConstant();
NodeProperties::ReplaceWithValue(node, replacement);
return Changed(replacement);
} else if (upper->Is(Type::Null())) {
Node* replacement = jsgraph()->NullConstant();
NodeProperties::ReplaceWithValue(node, replacement);
return Changed(replacement);
} else if (upper->Is(Type::PlainNumber()) && upper->Min() == upper->Max()) {
Node* replacement = jsgraph()->Constant(upper->Min());
NodeProperties::ReplaceWithValue(node, replacement);
return Changed(replacement);
} else if (upper->Is(Type::Undefined())) {
Node* replacement = jsgraph()->UndefinedConstant();
NodeProperties::ReplaceWithValue(node, replacement);
return Changed(replacement);
switch (node->opcode()) {
case IrOpcode::kJSEqual:
return ReduceJSEqual(node, false);
case IrOpcode::kJSNotEqual:
return ReduceJSEqual(node, true);
case IrOpcode::kJSStrictEqual:
return ReduceJSStrictEqual(node, false);
case IrOpcode::kJSStrictNotEqual:
return ReduceJSStrictEqual(node, true);
case IrOpcode::kJSLessThan: // fall through
case IrOpcode::kJSGreaterThan: // fall through
case IrOpcode::kJSLessThanOrEqual: // fall through
case IrOpcode::kJSGreaterThanOrEqual:
return ReduceJSComparison(node);
case IrOpcode::kJSBitwiseOr:
return ReduceJSBitwiseOr(node);
case IrOpcode::kJSBitwiseXor:
return ReduceInt32Binop(node, machine()->Word32Xor());
case IrOpcode::kJSBitwiseAnd:
return ReduceInt32Binop(node, machine()->Word32And());
case IrOpcode::kJSShiftLeft:
return ReduceUI32Shift(node, kSigned, machine()->Word32Shl());
case IrOpcode::kJSShiftRight:
return ReduceUI32Shift(node, kSigned, machine()->Word32Sar());
case IrOpcode::kJSShiftRightLogical:
return ReduceUI32Shift(node, kUnsigned, machine()->Word32Shr());
case IrOpcode::kJSAdd:
return ReduceJSAdd(node);
case IrOpcode::kJSSubtract:
return ReduceNumberBinop(node, simplified()->NumberSubtract());
case IrOpcode::kJSMultiply:
return ReduceJSMultiply(node);
case IrOpcode::kJSDivide:
return ReduceNumberBinop(node, simplified()->NumberDivide());
case IrOpcode::kJSModulus:
return ReduceNumberBinop(node, simplified()->NumberModulus());
case IrOpcode::kJSUnaryNot:
return ReduceJSUnaryNot(node);
case IrOpcode::kJSToBoolean:
return ReduceJSToBoolean(node);
case IrOpcode::kJSToNumber:
return ReduceJSToNumber(node);
case IrOpcode::kJSToString:
return ReduceJSToString(node);
case IrOpcode::kJSLoadProperty:
return ReduceJSLoadProperty(node);
case IrOpcode::kJSStoreProperty:
return ReduceJSStoreProperty(node);
case IrOpcode::kJSLoadContext:
return ReduceJSLoadContext(node);
case IrOpcode::kJSStoreContext:
return ReduceJSStoreContext(node);
return NoChange();
Node* JSTypedLowering::ConvertToNumber(Node* input) {
// Avoid inserting too many eager ToNumber() operations.
Reduction const reduction = ReduceJSToNumberInput(input);
if (reduction.Changed()) return reduction.replacement();
// TODO(jarin) Use PlainPrimitiveToNumber once we have it.
Node* const conversion =
? graph()->NewNode(javascript()->ToNumber(), input,
jsgraph()->EmptyFrameState(), graph()->start(),
: graph()->NewNode(javascript()->ToNumber(), input,
jsgraph()->NoContextConstant(), graph()->start(),
return conversion;
template <IrOpcode::Value kOpcode>
Node* JSTypedLowering::FindConversion(Node* input) {
size_t const input_id = input->id();
if (input_id < conversions_.size()) {
Node* const conversion = conversions_[input_id];
if (conversion && conversion->opcode() == kOpcode) {
return conversion;
return nullptr;
void JSTypedLowering::InsertConversion(Node* conversion) {
DCHECK(conversion->opcode() == IrOpcode::kJSToNumber);
size_t const input_id = conversion->InputAt(0)->id();
if (input_id >= conversions_.size()) {
conversions_.resize(2 * input_id + 1);
conversions_[input_id] = conversion;
Node* JSTypedLowering::Word32Shl(Node* const lhs, int32_t const rhs) {
if (rhs == 0) return lhs;
return graph()->NewNode(machine()->Word32Shl(), lhs,
Factory* JSTypedLowering::factory() const { return jsgraph()->factory(); }
Graph* JSTypedLowering::graph() const { return jsgraph()->graph(); }
JSOperatorBuilder* JSTypedLowering::javascript() const {
return jsgraph()->javascript();
CommonOperatorBuilder* JSTypedLowering::common() const {
return jsgraph()->common();
MachineOperatorBuilder* JSTypedLowering::machine() const {
return jsgraph()->machine();
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8