blob: 61c4327e805a4819a04029f74d9c1eeb0a2b9875 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/base/export-template.h"
#include "src/common/globals.h"
#include "src/objects/hash-table.h"
#include "src/objects/property-array.h"
#include "src/objects/smi.h"
#include "src/roots/roots.h"
// Has to be the last include (doesn't have include guards):
#include "src/objects/object-macros.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
template <typename T>
class Handle;
class Isolate;
template <typename Derived, typename Shape>
: public HashTable<Derived, Shape> {
using DerivedHashTable = HashTable<Derived, Shape>;
using Key = typename Shape::Key;
// Returns the value at entry.
inline Object ValueAt(InternalIndex entry);
inline Object ValueAt(const Isolate* isolate, InternalIndex entry);
// Set the value for entry.
inline void ValueAtPut(InternalIndex entry, Object value);
// Returns the property details for the property at entry.
inline PropertyDetails DetailsAt(InternalIndex entry);
// Set the details for entry.
inline void DetailsAtPut(InternalIndex entry, PropertyDetails value);
// Delete a property from the dictionary.
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT static Handle<Derived> DeleteEntry(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Derived> dictionary, InternalIndex entry);
// Attempt to shrink the dictionary after deletion of key.
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT static inline Handle<Derived> Shrink(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Derived> dictionary) {
return DerivedHashTable::Shrink(isolate, dictionary);
int NumberOfEnumerableProperties();
// For our gdb macros, we should perhaps change these in the future.
void Print();
void Print(std::ostream& os); // NOLINT
// Returns the key (slow).
Object SlowReverseLookup(Object value);
// Sets the entry to (key, value) pair.
inline void ClearEntry(InternalIndex entry);
inline void SetEntry(InternalIndex entry, Object key, Object value,
PropertyDetails details);
// Garbage collection support.
inline ObjectSlot RawFieldOfValueAt(InternalIndex entry);
template <typename LocalIsolate>
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT static Handle<Derived> Add(
LocalIsolate* isolate, Handle<Derived> dictionary, Key key,
Handle<Object> value, PropertyDetails details,
InternalIndex* entry_out = nullptr);
// Generic at put operation.
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT static Handle<Derived> AtPut(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<Derived> dictionary,
Key key,
Handle<Object> value,
PropertyDetails details);
OBJECT_CONSTRUCTORS(Dictionary, HashTable<Derived, Shape>);
Dictionary<DERIVED, SHAPE>;
template <typename Key>
class BaseDictionaryShape : public BaseShape<Key> {
static const bool kHasDetails = true;
template <typename Dictionary>
static inline PropertyDetails DetailsAt(Dictionary dict, InternalIndex entry);
template <typename Dictionary>
static inline void DetailsAtPut(Dictionary dict, InternalIndex entry,
PropertyDetails value);
class NameDictionaryShape : public BaseDictionaryShape<Handle<Name>> {
static inline bool IsMatch(Handle<Name> key, Object other);
static inline uint32_t Hash(ReadOnlyRoots roots, Handle<Name> key);
static inline uint32_t HashForObject(ReadOnlyRoots roots, Object object);
static inline Handle<Object> AsHandle(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Name> key);
static inline Handle<Object> AsHandle(OffThreadIsolate* isolate,
Handle<Name> key);
static const int kPrefixSize = 2;
static const int kEntrySize = 3;
static const int kEntryValueIndex = 1;
static const bool kMatchNeedsHoleCheck = false;
template <typename Derived, typename Shape>
: public Dictionary<Derived, Shape> {
using Key = typename Shape::Key;
static const int kNextEnumerationIndexIndex =
static const int kObjectHashIndex = kNextEnumerationIndexIndex + 1;
static const int kEntryValueIndex = 1;
inline void SetHash(int hash);
inline int Hash() const;
// Creates a new dictionary.
template <typename LocalIsolate>
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT static Handle<Derived> New(
LocalIsolate* isolate, int at_least_space_for,
AllocationType allocation = AllocationType::kYoung,
MinimumCapacity capacity_option = USE_DEFAULT_MINIMUM_CAPACITY);
// Collect the keys into the given KeyAccumulator, in ascending chronological
// order of property creation.
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT static ExceptionStatus CollectKeysTo(
Handle<Derived> dictionary, KeyAccumulator* keys);
// Allocate the next enumeration index. Possibly updates all enumeration
// indices in the table.
static int NextEnumerationIndex(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Derived> dictionary);
// Accessors for next enumeration index.
inline int next_enumeration_index();
inline void set_next_enumeration_index(int index);
// Return the key indices sorted by its enumeration index.
static Handle<FixedArray> IterationIndices(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<Derived> dictionary);
// Copies enumerable keys to preallocated fixed array.
// Does not throw for uninitialized exports in module namespace objects, so
// this has to be checked separately.
static void CopyEnumKeysTo(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Derived> dictionary,
Handle<FixedArray> storage, KeyCollectionMode mode,
KeyAccumulator* accumulator);
template <typename LocalIsolate>
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT static Handle<Derived> AddNoUpdateNextEnumerationIndex(
LocalIsolate* isolate, Handle<Derived> dictionary, Key key,
Handle<Object> value, PropertyDetails details,
InternalIndex* entry_out = nullptr);
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT static Handle<Derived> Add(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Derived> dictionary, Key key,
Handle<Object> value, PropertyDetails details,
InternalIndex* entry_out = nullptr);
OBJECT_CONSTRUCTORS(BaseNameDictionary, Dictionary<Derived, Shape>);
BaseNameDictionary<DERIVED, SHAPE>;
EXTERN_DECLARE_BASE_NAME_DICTIONARY(NameDictionary, NameDictionaryShape)
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE NameDictionary
: public BaseNameDictionary<NameDictionary, NameDictionaryShape> {
static inline Handle<Map> GetMap(ReadOnlyRoots roots);
static const int kEntryValueIndex = 1;
static const int kEntryDetailsIndex = 2;
static const int kInitialCapacity = 2;
inline Name NameAt(InternalIndex entry);
inline Name NameAt(const Isolate* isolate, InternalIndex entry);
inline void set_hash(int hash);
inline int hash() const;
BaseNameDictionary<NameDictionary, NameDictionaryShape>);
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE GlobalDictionaryShape : public NameDictionaryShape {
static inline bool IsMatch(Handle<Name> key, Object other);
static inline uint32_t HashForObject(ReadOnlyRoots roots, Object object);
static const int kEntrySize = 1; // Overrides NameDictionaryShape::kEntrySize
static const bool kMatchNeedsHoleCheck = true;
template <typename Dictionary>
static inline PropertyDetails DetailsAt(Dictionary dict, InternalIndex entry);
template <typename Dictionary>
static inline void DetailsAtPut(Dictionary dict, InternalIndex entry,
PropertyDetails value);
static inline Object Unwrap(Object key);
EXTERN_DECLARE_BASE_NAME_DICTIONARY(GlobalDictionary, GlobalDictionaryShape)
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE GlobalDictionary
: public BaseNameDictionary<GlobalDictionary, GlobalDictionaryShape> {
static inline Handle<Map> GetMap(ReadOnlyRoots roots);
inline Object ValueAt(InternalIndex entry);
inline Object ValueAt(const Isolate* isolate, InternalIndex entry);
inline PropertyCell CellAt(InternalIndex entry);
inline PropertyCell CellAt(const Isolate* isolate, InternalIndex entry);
inline void SetEntry(InternalIndex entry, Object key, Object value,
PropertyDetails details);
inline void ClearEntry(InternalIndex entry);
inline Name NameAt(InternalIndex entry);
inline Name NameAt(const Isolate* isolate, InternalIndex entry);
inline void ValueAtPut(InternalIndex entry, Object value);
BaseNameDictionary<GlobalDictionary, GlobalDictionaryShape>);
class NumberDictionaryBaseShape : public BaseDictionaryShape<uint32_t> {
static inline bool IsMatch(uint32_t key, Object other);
static inline Handle<Object> AsHandle(Isolate* isolate, uint32_t key);
static inline Handle<Object> AsHandle(OffThreadIsolate* isolate,
uint32_t key);
static inline uint32_t Hash(ReadOnlyRoots roots, uint32_t key);
static inline uint32_t HashForObject(ReadOnlyRoots roots, Object object);
static const bool kMatchNeedsHoleCheck = true;
class NumberDictionaryShape : public NumberDictionaryBaseShape {
static const int kPrefixSize = 1;
static const int kEntrySize = 3;
class SimpleNumberDictionaryShape : public NumberDictionaryBaseShape {
static const bool kHasDetails = false;
static const int kPrefixSize = 0;
static const int kEntrySize = 2;
template <typename Dictionary>
static inline PropertyDetails DetailsAt(Dictionary dict,
InternalIndex entry) {
template <typename Dictionary>
static inline void DetailsAtPut(Dictionary dict, InternalIndex entry,
PropertyDetails value) {
EXTERN_DECLARE_DICTIONARY(SimpleNumberDictionary, SimpleNumberDictionaryShape)
// SimpleNumberDictionary is used to map number to an entry.
class SimpleNumberDictionary
: public Dictionary<SimpleNumberDictionary, SimpleNumberDictionaryShape> {
static inline Handle<Map> GetMap(ReadOnlyRoots roots);
// Type specific at put (default NONE attributes is used when adding).
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT static Handle<SimpleNumberDictionary>
Set(Isolate* isolate, Handle<SimpleNumberDictionary> dictionary, uint32_t key,
Handle<Object> value);
static const int kEntryValueIndex = 1;
Dictionary<SimpleNumberDictionary, SimpleNumberDictionaryShape>);
EXTERN_DECLARE_DICTIONARY(NumberDictionary, NumberDictionaryShape)
// NumberDictionary is used as elements backing store and provides a bitfield
// and stores property details for every entry.
class NumberDictionary
: public Dictionary<NumberDictionary, NumberDictionaryShape> {
static inline Handle<Map> GetMap(ReadOnlyRoots roots);
// Type specific at put (default NONE attributes is used when adding).
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT static Handle<NumberDictionary> Set(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<NumberDictionary> dictionary, uint32_t key,
Handle<Object> value,
Handle<JSObject> dictionary_holder = Handle<JSObject>::null(),
PropertyDetails details = PropertyDetails::Empty());
static const int kMaxNumberKeyIndex = kPrefixStartIndex;
void UpdateMaxNumberKey(uint32_t key, Handle<JSObject> dictionary_holder);
// Sorting support
void CopyValuesTo(FixedArray elements);
// If slow elements are required we will never go back to fast-case
// for the elements kept in this dictionary. We require slow
// elements if an element has been added at an index larger than
// kRequiresSlowElementsLimit or set_requires_slow_elements() has been called
// when defining a getter or setter with a number key.
inline bool requires_slow_elements();
inline void set_requires_slow_elements();
// Get the value of the max number key that has been added to this
// dictionary. max_number_key can only be called if
// requires_slow_elements returns false.
inline uint32_t max_number_key();
static const int kEntryValueIndex = 1;
static const int kEntryDetailsIndex = 2;
// Bit masks.
static const int kRequiresSlowElementsMask = 1;
static const int kRequiresSlowElementsTagSize = 1;
static const uint32_t kRequiresSlowElementsLimit = (1 << 29) - 1;
// JSObjects prefer dictionary elements if the dictionary saves this much
// memory compared to a fast elements backing store.
static const uint32_t kPreferFastElementsSizeFactor = 3;
Dictionary<NumberDictionary, NumberDictionaryShape>);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
#include "src/objects/object-macros-undef.h"