blob: 9f0cafb7887d309c9666f9648236cd94864deead [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef V8_OBJECTS_H_
#define V8_OBJECTS_H_
#include <iosfwd>
#include <memory>
#include "src/assert-scope.h"
#include "src/bailout-reason.h"
#include "src/base/bits.h"
#include "src/base/flags.h"
#include "src/builtins/builtins-definitions.h"
#include "src/checks.h"
#include "src/elements-kind.h"
#include "src/field-index.h"
#include "src/flags.h"
#include "src/list.h"
#include "src/messages.h"
#include "src/property-details.h"
#include "src/unicode-decoder.h"
#include "src/unicode.h"
#include "src/zone/zone.h"
#include "src/arm/constants-arm.h" // NOLINT
#include "src/arm64/constants-arm64.h" // NOLINT
#include "src/mips/constants-mips.h" // NOLINT
#include "src/mips64/constants-mips64.h" // NOLINT
#include "src/ppc/constants-ppc.h" // NOLINT
#elif V8_TARGET_ARCH_S390
#include "src/s390/constants-s390.h" // NOLINT
// Has to be the last include (doesn't have include guards):
#include "src/objects/object-macros.h"
// Most object types in the V8 JavaScript are described in this file.
// Inheritance hierarchy:
// - Object
// - Smi (immediate small integer)
// - HeapObject (superclass for everything allocated in the heap)
// - JSReceiver (suitable for property access)
// - JSObject
// - JSArray
// - JSArrayBuffer
// - JSArrayBufferView
// - JSTypedArray
// - JSDataView
// - JSBoundFunction
// - JSCollection
// - JSSet
// - JSMap
// - JSStringIterator
// - JSSetIterator
// - JSMapIterator
// - JSWeakCollection
// - JSWeakMap
// - JSWeakSet
// - JSRegExp
// - JSFunction
// - JSGeneratorObject
// - JSGlobalObject
// - JSGlobalProxy
// - JSValue
// - JSDate
// - JSMessageObject
// - JSModuleNamespace
// - JSProxy
// - FixedArrayBase
// - ByteArray
// - BytecodeArray
// - FixedArray
// - DescriptorArray
// - FrameArray
// - HashTable
// - Dictionary
// - StringTable
// - StringSet
// - CompilationCacheTable
// - CodeCacheHashTable
// - MapCache
// - OrderedHashTable
// - OrderedHashSet
// - OrderedHashMap
// - Context
// - FeedbackMetadata
// - FeedbackVector
// - TemplateList
// - TransitionArray
// - ScopeInfo
// - ModuleInfo
// - ScriptContextTable
// - WeakFixedArray
// - FixedDoubleArray
// - Name
// - String
// - SeqString
// - SeqOneByteString
// - SeqTwoByteString
// - SlicedString
// - ConsString
// - ThinString
// - ExternalString
// - ExternalOneByteString
// - ExternalTwoByteString
// - InternalizedString
// - SeqInternalizedString
// - SeqOneByteInternalizedString
// - SeqTwoByteInternalizedString
// - ConsInternalizedString
// - ExternalInternalizedString
// - ExternalOneByteInternalizedString
// - ExternalTwoByteInternalizedString
// - Symbol
// - HeapNumber
// - Cell
// - PropertyCell
// - Code
// - AbstractCode, a wrapper around Code or BytecodeArray
// - Map
// - Oddball
// - Foreign
// - SharedFunctionInfo
// - Struct
// - AccessorInfo
// - PromiseResolveThenableJobInfo
// - PromiseReactionJobInfo
// - AccessorPair
// - AccessCheckInfo
// - InterceptorInfo
// - CallHandlerInfo
// - TemplateInfo
// - FunctionTemplateInfo
// - ObjectTemplateInfo
// - Script
// - DebugInfo
// - BreakPointInfo
// - StackFrameInfo
// - SourcePositionTableWithFrameCache
// - CodeCache
// - PrototypeInfo
// - Module
// - ModuleInfoEntry
// - WeakCell
// - SmallOrderedHashSet
// Formats of Object*:
// Smi: [31 bit signed int] 0
// HeapObject: [32 bit direct pointer] (4 byte aligned) | 01
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
struct InliningPosition;
enum KeyedAccessStoreMode {
enum MutableMode {
static inline bool IsTransitionStoreMode(KeyedAccessStoreMode store_mode) {
return store_mode == STORE_TRANSITION_TO_OBJECT ||
static inline KeyedAccessStoreMode GetNonTransitioningStoreMode(
KeyedAccessStoreMode store_mode) {
return store_mode;
if (store_mode >= STORE_AND_GROW_NO_TRANSITION) {
static inline bool IsGrowStoreMode(KeyedAccessStoreMode store_mode) {
return store_mode >= STORE_AND_GROW_NO_TRANSITION &&
enum IcCheckType { ELEMENT, PROPERTY };
// SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER skips the write barrier.
// UPDATE_WEAK_WRITE_BARRIER skips the marking part of the write barrier and
// only performs the generational part.
// UPDATE_WRITE_BARRIER is doing the full barrier, marking and generational.
enum WriteBarrierMode {
// PropertyNormalizationMode is used to specify whether to keep
// inobject properties when normalizing properties of a JSObject.
enum PropertyNormalizationMode {
// Indicates how aggressively the prototype should be optimized. FAST_PROTOTYPE
// will give the fastest result by tailoring the map to the prototype, but that
// will cause polymorphism with other objects. REGULAR_PROTOTYPE is to be used
// (at least for now) when dynamically modifying the prototype chain of an
// object using __proto__ or Object.setPrototypeOf.
enum PrototypeOptimizationMode { REGULAR_PROTOTYPE, FAST_PROTOTYPE };
// Indicates whether transitions can be added to a source map or not.
enum TransitionFlag {
// Indicates whether the transition is simple: the target map of the transition
// either extends the current map with a new property, or it modifies the
// property that was added last to the current map.
enum SimpleTransitionFlag {
// Indicates whether we are only interested in the descriptors of a particular
// map, or in all descriptors in the descriptor array.
enum DescriptorFlag {
// ICs store extra state in a Code object. The default extra state is
// kNoExtraICState.
typedef int ExtraICState;
static const ExtraICState kNoExtraICState = 0;
// Instance size sentinel for objects of variable size.
const int kVariableSizeSentinel = 0;
// We may store the unsigned bit field as signed Smi value and do not
// use the sign bit.
const int kStubMajorKeyBits = 8;
const int kStubMinorKeyBits = kSmiValueSize - kStubMajorKeyBits - 1;
// All Maps have a field instance_type containing a InstanceType.
// It describes the type of the instances.
// As an example, a JavaScript object is a heap object and its map
// instance_type is JS_OBJECT_TYPE.
// The names of the string instance types are intended to systematically
// mirror their encoding in the instance_type field of the map. The default
// encoding is considered TWO_BYTE. It is not mentioned in the name. ONE_BYTE
// encoding is mentioned explicitly in the name. Likewise, the default
// representation is considered sequential. It is not mentioned in the
// name. The other representations (e.g. CONS, EXTERNAL) are explicitly
// mentioned. Finally, the string is either a STRING_TYPE (if it is a normal
// string) or a INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE (if it is a internalized string).
// NOTE: The following things are some that depend on the string types having
// instance_types that are less than those of all other types:
// HeapObject::Size, HeapObject::IterateBody, the typeof operator, and
// Object::IsString.
// NOTE: Everything following JS_VALUE_TYPE is considered a
// JSObject for GC purposes. The first four entries here have typeof
// 'object', whereas JS_FUNCTION_TYPE has typeof 'function'.
/* TODO(yangguo): these padding types are for ABI stability. Remove after*/ \
/* version 6.0 branch, or replace them when there is demand for new types.*/ \
// Since string types are not consecutive, this macro is used to
// iterate over them.
V(STRING_TYPE, kVariableSizeSentinel, string, String) \
V(ONE_BYTE_STRING_TYPE, kVariableSizeSentinel, one_byte_string, \
OneByteString) \
V(CONS_STRING_TYPE, ConsString::kSize, cons_string, ConsString) \
V(CONS_ONE_BYTE_STRING_TYPE, ConsString::kSize, cons_one_byte_string, \
ConsOneByteString) \
V(SLICED_STRING_TYPE, SlicedString::kSize, sliced_string, SlicedString) \
V(SLICED_ONE_BYTE_STRING_TYPE, SlicedString::kSize, sliced_one_byte_string, \
SlicedOneByteString) \
V(EXTERNAL_STRING_TYPE, ExternalTwoByteString::kSize, external_string, \
ExternalString) \
V(EXTERNAL_ONE_BYTE_STRING_TYPE, ExternalOneByteString::kSize, \
external_one_byte_string, ExternalOneByteString) \
external_string_with_one_byte_data, ExternalStringWithOneByteData) \
V(SHORT_EXTERNAL_STRING_TYPE, ExternalTwoByteString::kShortSize, \
short_external_string, ShortExternalString) \
V(SHORT_EXTERNAL_ONE_BYTE_STRING_TYPE, ExternalOneByteString::kShortSize, \
short_external_one_byte_string, ShortExternalOneByteString) \
ExternalTwoByteString::kShortSize, \
short_external_string_with_one_byte_data, \
ShortExternalStringWithOneByteData) \
V(INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE, kVariableSizeSentinel, internalized_string, \
InternalizedString) \
one_byte_internalized_string, OneByteInternalizedString) \
external_internalized_string, ExternalInternalizedString) \
external_one_byte_internalized_string, ExternalOneByteInternalizedString) \
ExternalTwoByteString::kSize, \
external_internalized_string_with_one_byte_data, \
ExternalInternalizedStringWithOneByteData) \
ExternalTwoByteString::kShortSize, short_external_internalized_string, \
ShortExternalInternalizedString) \
ExternalOneByteString::kShortSize, \
short_external_one_byte_internalized_string, \
ShortExternalOneByteInternalizedString) \
ExternalTwoByteString::kShortSize, \
short_external_internalized_string_with_one_byte_data, \
ShortExternalInternalizedStringWithOneByteData) \
V(THIN_STRING_TYPE, ThinString::kSize, thin_string, ThinString) \
V(THIN_ONE_BYTE_STRING_TYPE, ThinString::kSize, thin_one_byte_string, \
// A struct is a simple object a set of object-valued fields. Including an
// object type in this causes the compiler to generate most of the boilerplate
// code for the class including allocation and garbage collection routines,
// casts and predicates. All you need to define is the class, methods and
// object verification routines. Easy, no?
// Note that for subtle reasons related to the ordering or numerical values of
// type tags, elements in this list have to be added to the INSTANCE_TYPE_LIST
// manually.
#define STRUCT_LIST(V) \
V(ACCESSOR_INFO, AccessorInfo, accessor_info) \
V(ACCESSOR_PAIR, AccessorPair, accessor_pair) \
V(ACCESS_CHECK_INFO, AccessCheckInfo, access_check_info) \
V(INTERCEPTOR_INFO, InterceptorInfo, interceptor_info) \
V(FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_INFO, FunctionTemplateInfo, function_template_info) \
V(OBJECT_TEMPLATE_INFO, ObjectTemplateInfo, object_template_info) \
V(ALLOCATION_SITE, AllocationSite, allocation_site) \
V(ALLOCATION_MEMENTO, AllocationMemento, allocation_memento) \
V(SCRIPT, Script, script) \
V(ALIASED_ARGUMENTS_ENTRY, AliasedArgumentsEntry, aliased_arguments_entry) \
promise_resolve_thenable_job_info) \
V(PROMISE_REACTION_JOB_INFO, PromiseReactionJobInfo, \
promise_reaction_job_info) \
V(DEBUG_INFO, DebugInfo, debug_info) \
V(STACK_FRAME_INFO, StackFrameInfo, stack_frame_info) \
V(PROTOTYPE_INFO, PrototypeInfo, prototype_info) \
V(TUPLE2, Tuple2, tuple2) \
V(TUPLE3, Tuple3, tuple3) \
V(CONTEXT_EXTENSION, ContextExtension, context_extension) \
V(MODULE, Module, module) \
V(MODULE_INFO_ENTRY, ModuleInfoEntry, module_info_entry) \
V(ASYNC_GENERATOR_REQUEST, AsyncGeneratorRequest, async_generator_request)
// We use the full 8 bits of the instance_type field to encode heap object
// instance types. The high-order bit (bit 7) is set if the object is not a
// string, and cleared if it is a string.
const uint32_t kIsNotStringMask = 0x80;
const uint32_t kStringTag = 0x0;
const uint32_t kNotStringTag = 0x80;
// Bit 6 indicates that the object is an internalized string (if set) or not.
// Bit 7 has to be clear as well.
const uint32_t kIsNotInternalizedMask = 0x40;
const uint32_t kNotInternalizedTag = 0x40;
const uint32_t kInternalizedTag = 0x0;
// If bit 7 is clear then bit 3 indicates whether the string consists of
// two-byte characters or one-byte characters.
const uint32_t kStringEncodingMask = 0x8;
const uint32_t kTwoByteStringTag = 0x0;
const uint32_t kOneByteStringTag = 0x8;
// If bit 7 is clear, the low-order 3 bits indicate the representation
// of the string.
const uint32_t kStringRepresentationMask = 0x07;
enum StringRepresentationTag {
kSeqStringTag = 0x0,
kConsStringTag = 0x1,
kExternalStringTag = 0x2,
kSlicedStringTag = 0x3,
kThinStringTag = 0x5
const uint32_t kIsIndirectStringMask = 0x1;
const uint32_t kIsIndirectStringTag = 0x1;
STATIC_ASSERT((kSeqStringTag & kIsIndirectStringMask) == 0); // NOLINT
STATIC_ASSERT((kExternalStringTag & kIsIndirectStringMask) == 0); // NOLINT
STATIC_ASSERT((kConsStringTag &
kIsIndirectStringMask) == kIsIndirectStringTag); // NOLINT
STATIC_ASSERT((kSlicedStringTag &
kIsIndirectStringMask) == kIsIndirectStringTag); // NOLINT
STATIC_ASSERT((kThinStringTag & kIsIndirectStringMask) == kIsIndirectStringTag);
// If bit 7 is clear, then bit 4 indicates whether this two-byte
// string actually contains one byte data.
const uint32_t kOneByteDataHintMask = 0x10;
const uint32_t kOneByteDataHintTag = 0x10;
// If bit 7 is clear and string representation indicates an external string,
// then bit 5 indicates whether the data pointer is cached.
const uint32_t kShortExternalStringMask = 0x20;
const uint32_t kShortExternalStringTag = 0x20;
// A ConsString with an empty string as the right side is a candidate
// for being shortcut by the garbage collector. We don't allocate any
// non-flat internalized strings, so we do not shortcut them thereby
// avoiding turning internalized strings into strings. The bit-masks
// below contain the internalized bit as additional safety.
// See, and
const uint32_t kShortcutTypeMask =
kIsNotStringMask |
kIsNotInternalizedMask |
const uint32_t kShortcutTypeTag = kConsStringTag | kNotInternalizedTag;
static inline bool IsShortcutCandidate(int type) {
return ((type & kShortcutTypeMask) == kShortcutTypeTag);
enum InstanceType {
// String types.
INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE = kTwoByteStringTag | kSeqStringTag |
kInternalizedTag, // FIRST_PRIMITIVE_TYPE
kOneByteStringTag | kSeqStringTag | kInternalizedTag,
kTwoByteStringTag | kExternalStringTag | kInternalizedTag,
kOneByteStringTag | kExternalStringTag | kInternalizedTag,
kShortExternalStringTag |
kShortExternalStringTag | kInternalizedTag,
CONS_STRING_TYPE = kTwoByteStringTag | kConsStringTag | kNotInternalizedTag,
kOneByteStringTag | kConsStringTag | kNotInternalizedTag,
kTwoByteStringTag | kSlicedStringTag | kNotInternalizedTag,
kOneByteStringTag | kSlicedStringTag | kNotInternalizedTag,
THIN_STRING_TYPE = kTwoByteStringTag | kThinStringTag | kNotInternalizedTag,
kOneByteStringTag | kThinStringTag | kNotInternalizedTag,
// Non-string names
// Other primitives (cannot contain non-map-word pointers to heap objects).
// Objects allocated in their own spaces (never in new space).
// "Data", objects that cannot contain non-map-word pointers to heap
// objects.
// Structs.
// TODO(yangguo): these padding types are for ABI stability. Remove after
// version 6.0 branch, or replace them when there is demand for new types.
// All the following types are subtypes of JSReceiver, which corresponds to
// objects in the JS sense. The first and the last type in this range are
// the two forms of function. This organization enables using the same
// compares for checking the JS_RECEIVER and the NONCALLABLE_JS_OBJECT range.
// Like JS_API_OBJECT_TYPE, but requires access checks and/or has
// interceptors.
// Like JS_OBJECT_TYPE, but created from API function.
// Pseudo-types
// Boundaries for testing for a fixed typed array.
// Boundary for promotion to old space.
// Boundary for objects represented as JSReceiver (i.e. JSObject or JSProxy).
// Note that there is no range for JSObject or JSProxy, since their subtypes
// are not continuous in this enum! The enum ranges instead reflect the
// external class names, where proxies are treated as either ordinary objects,
// or functions.
// Boundaries for testing the types represented as JSObject
// Boundary for testing JSReceivers that need special property lookup handling
// Boundary case for testing JSReceivers that may have elements while having
// an empty fixed array as elements backing store. This is true for string
// wrappers.
STATIC_ASSERT(JS_OBJECT_TYPE == Internals::kJSObjectType);
STATIC_ASSERT(FIRST_NONSTRING_TYPE == Internals::kFirstNonstringType);
STATIC_ASSERT(ODDBALL_TYPE == Internals::kOddballType);
STATIC_ASSERT(FOREIGN_TYPE == Internals::kForeignType);
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
InstanceType instance_type);
enum FixedArraySubInstanceType {
// TODO(bmeurer): Remove this in favor of the ComparisonResult below.
enum CompareResult {
LESS = -1,
EQUAL = 0,
// Result of an abstract relational comparison of x and y, implemented according
// to ES6 section 7.2.11 Abstract Relational Comparison.
enum class ComparisonResult {
kLessThan, // x < y
kEqual, // x = y
kGreaterThan, // x > y
kUndefined // at least one of x or y was undefined or NaN
class AbstractCode;
class AccessorPair;
class AllocationSite;
class AllocationSiteCreationContext;
class AllocationSiteUsageContext;
class Cell;
class ConsString;
class ElementsAccessor;
class FindAndReplacePattern;
class FixedArrayBase;
class FunctionLiteral;
class JSGlobalObject;
class KeyAccumulator;
class LayoutDescriptor;
class LookupIterator;
class FieldType;
class Module;
class ModuleDescriptor;
class ModuleInfoEntry;
class ModuleInfo;
class ObjectHashTable;
class ObjectVisitor;
class PropertyCell;
class PropertyDescriptor;
class RootVisitor;
class SafepointEntry;
class SharedFunctionInfo;
class StringStream;
class TypeFeedbackInfo;
class FeedbackMetadata;
class FeedbackVector;
class WeakCell;
class TransitionArray;
class TemplateList;
// A template-ized version of the IsXXX functions.
template <class C> inline bool Is(Object* obj);
#define DECLARE_PRINTER(Name) void Name##Print(std::ostream& os); // NOLINT
V(Smi) \
V(LayoutDescriptor) \
V(HeapObject) \
V(Primitive) \
V(AbstractCode) \
V(AccessCheckNeeded) \
V(ArrayList) \
V(BoilerplateDescription) \
V(Boolean) \
V(BreakPointInfo) \
V(ByteArray) \
V(BytecodeArray) \
V(Callable) \
V(CallHandlerInfo) \
V(Cell) \
V(Code) \
V(CodeCacheHashTable) \
V(CompilationCacheTable) \
V(ConsString) \
V(ConstantElementsPair) \
V(Constructor) \
V(Context) \
V(DeoptimizationInputData) \
V(DeoptimizationOutputData) \
V(DependentCode) \
V(DescriptorArray) \
V(Dictionary) \
V(External) \
V(ExternalOneByteString) \
V(ExternalString) \
V(ExternalTwoByteString) \
V(FeedbackMetadata) \
V(FeedbackVector) \
V(Filler) \
V(FixedArray) \
V(FixedArrayBase) \
V(FixedDoubleArray) \
V(FixedFloat32Array) \
V(FixedFloat64Array) \
V(FixedInt16Array) \
V(FixedInt32Array) \
V(FixedInt8Array) \
V(FixedTypedArrayBase) \
V(FixedUint16Array) \
V(FixedUint32Array) \
V(FixedUint8Array) \
V(FixedUint8ClampedArray) \
V(Foreign) \
V(FrameArray) \
V(FreeSpace) \
V(Function) \
V(HandlerTable) \
V(HashTable) \
V(HeapNumber) \
V(InternalizedString) \
V(JSArgumentsObject) \
V(JSArray) \
V(JSArrayBuffer) \
V(JSArrayBufferView) \
V(JSArrayIterator) \
V(JSAsyncFromSyncIterator) \
V(JSAsyncGeneratorObject) \
V(JSBoundFunction) \
V(JSCollection) \
V(JSContextExtensionObject) \
V(JSDataView) \
V(JSDate) \
V(JSError) \
V(JSFunction) \
V(JSGeneratorObject) \
V(JSGlobalObject) \
V(JSGlobalProxy) \
V(JSMap) \
V(JSMapIterator) \
V(JSMessageObject) \
V(JSModuleNamespace) \
V(JSObject) \
V(JSPromise) \
V(JSPromiseCapability) \
V(JSProxy) \
V(JSReceiver) \
V(JSRegExp) \
V(JSSet) \
V(JSSetIterator) \
V(JSSloppyArgumentsObject) \
V(JSStringIterator) \
V(JSTypedArray) \
V(JSValue) \
V(JSWeakCollection) \
V(JSWeakMap) \
V(JSWeakSet) \
V(Map) \
V(MapCache) \
V(ModuleInfo) \
V(MutableHeapNumber) \
V(Name) \
V(NativeContext) \
V(NormalizedMapCache) \
V(ObjectHashSet) \
V(ObjectHashTable) \
V(Oddball) \
V(OrderedHashTable) \
V(PropertyCell) \
V(RegExpMatchInfo) \
V(ScopeInfo) \
V(ScriptContextTable) \
V(SeqOneByteString) \
V(SeqString) \
V(SeqTwoByteString) \
V(SharedFunctionInfo) \
V(SlicedString) \
V(SloppyArgumentsElements) \
V(SmallOrderedHashSet) \
V(SourcePositionTableWithFrameCache) \
V(String) \
V(StringSet) \
V(StringTable) \
V(StringWrapper) \
V(Struct) \
V(Symbol) \
V(TemplateInfo) \
V(TemplateList) \
V(ThinString) \
V(TransitionArray) \
V(TypeFeedbackInfo) \
V(Undetectable) \
V(UniqueName) \
V(UnseededNumberDictionary) \
V(WeakCell) \
V(WeakFixedArray) \
#define ODDBALL_LIST(V) \
V(Undefined, undefined_value) \
V(Null, null_value) \
V(TheHole, the_hole_value) \
V(Exception, exception) \
V(Uninitialized, uninitialized_value) \
V(True, true_value) \
V(False, false_value) \
V(ArgumentsMarker, arguments_marker) \
V(OptimizedOut, optimized_out) \
V(StaleRegister, stale_register)
// The element types selection for CreateListFromArrayLike.
enum class ElementTypes { kAll, kStringAndSymbol };
// Object is the abstract superclass for all classes in the
// object hierarchy.
// Object does not use any virtual functions to avoid the
// allocation of the C++ vtable.
// Since both Smi and HeapObject are subclasses of Object no
// data members can be present in Object.
class Object {
// Type testing.
bool IsObject() const { return true; }
#define IS_TYPE_FUNCTION_DECL(Type) INLINE(bool Is##Type() const);
#define IS_TYPE_FUNCTION_DECL(Type, Value) \
INLINE(bool Is##Type(Isolate* isolate) const);
INLINE(bool IsNullOrUndefined(Isolate* isolate) const);
// A non-keyed store is of the form a.x = foo or a["x"] = foo whereas
// a keyed store is of the form a[expression] = foo.
enum StoreFromKeyed {
enum ShouldThrow { THROW_ON_ERROR, DONT_THROW };
#define RETURN_FAILURE(isolate, should_throw, call) \
do { \
if ((should_throw) == DONT_THROW) { \
return Just(false); \
} else { \
isolate->Throw(*isolate->factory()->call); \
return Nothing<bool>(); \
} \
} while (false)
#define MAYBE_RETURN(call, value) \
do { \
if ((call).IsNothing()) return value; \
} while (false)
#define MAYBE_RETURN_NULL(call) MAYBE_RETURN(call, MaybeHandle<Object>())
INLINE(bool Is##Name() const);
// ES6, section 7.2.2 IsArray. NOT to be confused with %_IsArray.
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> IsArray(Handle<Object> object);
INLINE(bool IsNameDictionary() const);
INLINE(bool IsGlobalDictionary() const);
INLINE(bool IsSeededNumberDictionary() const);
INLINE(bool IsOrderedHashSet() const);
INLINE(bool IsOrderedHashMap() const);
// Extract the number.
inline double Number() const;
INLINE(bool IsNaN() const);
INLINE(bool IsMinusZero() const);
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool ToInt32(int32_t* value);
inline bool ToUint32(uint32_t* value);
inline Representation OptimalRepresentation();
inline ElementsKind OptimalElementsKind();
inline bool FitsRepresentation(Representation representation);
// Checks whether two valid primitive encodings of a property name resolve to
// the same logical property. E.g., the smi 1, the string "1" and the double
// 1 all refer to the same property, so this helper will return true.
inline bool KeyEquals(Object* other);
inline bool FilterKey(PropertyFilter filter);
Handle<FieldType> OptimalType(Isolate* isolate,
Representation representation);
inline static Handle<Object> NewStorageFor(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<Object> object,
Representation representation);
inline static Handle<Object> WrapForRead(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<Object> object,
Representation representation);
// Returns true if the object is of the correct type to be used as a
// implementation of a JSObject's elements.
inline bool HasValidElements();
inline bool HasSpecificClassOf(String* name);
bool BooleanValue(); // ECMA-262 9.2.
// ES6 section 7.2.11 Abstract Relational Comparison
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<ComparisonResult> Compare(Handle<Object> x,
Handle<Object> y);
// ES6 section 7.2.12 Abstract Equality Comparison
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> Equals(Handle<Object> x, Handle<Object> y);
// ES6 section 7.2.13 Strict Equality Comparison
bool StrictEquals(Object* that);
// ES6 section 7.1.13 ToObject
// Convert to a JSObject if needed.
// native_context is used when creating wrapper object.
// Passing a non-null method_name allows us to give a more informative
// error message for those cases where ToObject is being called on
// the receiver of a built-in method.
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline MaybeHandle<JSReceiver> ToObject(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> object,
const char* method_name = nullptr);
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<JSReceiver> ToObject(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> object, Handle<Context> native_context,
const char* method_name = nullptr);
// ES6 section, OrdinaryCallBindThis for sloppy callee.
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<JSReceiver> ConvertReceiver(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> object);
// ES6 section 7.1.14 ToPropertyKey
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline MaybeHandle<Name> ToName(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<Object> input);
// ES6 section 7.1.1 ToPrimitive
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline MaybeHandle<Object> ToPrimitive(
Handle<Object> input, ToPrimitiveHint hint = ToPrimitiveHint::kDefault);
// ES6 section 7.1.3 ToNumber
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline MaybeHandle<Object> ToNumber(
Handle<Object> input);
// ES6 section 7.1.4 ToInteger
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline MaybeHandle<Object> ToInteger(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> input);
// ES6 section 7.1.5 ToInt32
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline MaybeHandle<Object> ToInt32(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> input);
// ES6 section 7.1.6 ToUint32
MUST_USE_RESULT inline static MaybeHandle<Object> ToUint32(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> input);
// ES6 section 7.1.12 ToString
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline MaybeHandle<String> ToString(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> input);
static Handle<String> NoSideEffectsToString(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<Object> input);
// ES6 section 7.1.14 ToPropertyKey
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline MaybeHandle<Object> ToPropertyKey(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> value);
// ES6 section 7.1.15 ToLength
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline MaybeHandle<Object> ToLength(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> input);
// ES6 section 7.1.17 ToIndex
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline MaybeHandle<Object> ToIndex(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> input,
MessageTemplate::Template error_index);
// ES6 section 7.3.9 GetMethod
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> GetMethod(
Handle<JSReceiver> receiver, Handle<Name> name);
// ES6 section 7.3.17 CreateListFromArrayLike
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<FixedArray> CreateListFromArrayLike(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> object, ElementTypes element_types);
// Get length property and apply ToLength.
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> GetLengthFromArrayLike(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> object);
// ES6 section 12.5.6 The typeof Operator
static Handle<String> TypeOf(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> object);
// ES6 section 12.6 Multiplicative Operators
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> Multiply(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<Object> lhs,
Handle<Object> rhs);
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> Divide(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<Object> lhs,
Handle<Object> rhs);
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> Modulus(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<Object> lhs,
Handle<Object> rhs);
// ES6 section 12.7 Additive Operators
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> Add(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<Object> lhs,
Handle<Object> rhs);
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> Subtract(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<Object> lhs,
Handle<Object> rhs);
// ES6 section 12.8 Bitwise Shift Operators
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> ShiftLeft(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<Object> lhs,
Handle<Object> rhs);
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> ShiftRight(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<Object> lhs,
Handle<Object> rhs);
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> ShiftRightLogical(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> lhs, Handle<Object> rhs);
// ES6 section 12.9 Relational Operators
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline Maybe<bool> GreaterThan(Handle<Object> x,
Handle<Object> y);
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline Maybe<bool> GreaterThanOrEqual(
Handle<Object> x, Handle<Object> y);
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline Maybe<bool> LessThan(Handle<Object> x,
Handle<Object> y);
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline Maybe<bool> LessThanOrEqual(Handle<Object> x,
Handle<Object> y);
// ES6 section 12.11 Binary Bitwise Operators
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> BitwiseAnd(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<Object> lhs,
Handle<Object> rhs);
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> BitwiseOr(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<Object> lhs,
Handle<Object> rhs);
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> BitwiseXor(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<Object> lhs,
Handle<Object> rhs);
// ES6 section 7.3.19 OrdinaryHasInstance (C, O).
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> OrdinaryHasInstance(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> callable, Handle<Object> object);
// ES6 section 12.10.4 Runtime Semantics: InstanceofOperator(O, C)
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> InstanceOf(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> object, Handle<Object> callable);
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> GetProperty(
LookupIterator* it);
// ES6 [[Set]] (when passed DONT_THROW)
// Invariants for this and related functions (unless stated otherwise):
// 1) When the result is Nothing, an exception is pending.
// 2) When passed THROW_ON_ERROR, the result is never Just(false).
// In some cases, an exception is thrown regardless of the ShouldThrow
// argument. These cases are either in accordance with the spec or not
// covered by it (eg., concerning API callbacks).
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> SetProperty(LookupIterator* it,
Handle<Object> value,
LanguageMode language_mode,
StoreFromKeyed store_mode);
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> SetProperty(
Handle<Object> object, Handle<Name> name, Handle<Object> value,
LanguageMode language_mode,
StoreFromKeyed store_mode = MAY_BE_STORE_FROM_KEYED);
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline MaybeHandle<Object> SetPropertyOrElement(
Handle<Object> object, Handle<Name> name, Handle<Object> value,
LanguageMode language_mode,
StoreFromKeyed store_mode = MAY_BE_STORE_FROM_KEYED);
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> SetSuperProperty(
LookupIterator* it, Handle<Object> value, LanguageMode language_mode,
StoreFromKeyed store_mode);
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> CannotCreateProperty(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> receiver, Handle<Object> name,
Handle<Object> value, ShouldThrow should_throw);
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> WriteToReadOnlyProperty(
LookupIterator* it, Handle<Object> value, ShouldThrow should_throw);
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> WriteToReadOnlyProperty(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> receiver, Handle<Object> name,
Handle<Object> value, ShouldThrow should_throw);
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> RedefineIncompatibleProperty(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> name, Handle<Object> value,
ShouldThrow should_throw);
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> SetDataProperty(LookupIterator* it,
Handle<Object> value);
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> AddDataProperty(
LookupIterator* it, Handle<Object> value, PropertyAttributes attributes,
ShouldThrow should_throw, StoreFromKeyed store_mode);
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline MaybeHandle<Object> GetPropertyOrElement(
Handle<Object> object, Handle<Name> name);
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline MaybeHandle<Object> GetPropertyOrElement(
Handle<Object> receiver, Handle<Name> name, Handle<JSReceiver> holder);
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline MaybeHandle<Object> GetProperty(
Handle<Object> object, Handle<Name> name);
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> GetPropertyWithAccessor(
LookupIterator* it);
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> SetPropertyWithAccessor(
LookupIterator* it, Handle<Object> value, ShouldThrow should_throw);
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> GetPropertyWithDefinedGetter(
Handle<Object> receiver,
Handle<JSReceiver> getter);
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> SetPropertyWithDefinedSetter(
Handle<Object> receiver, Handle<JSReceiver> setter, Handle<Object> value,
ShouldThrow should_throw);
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline MaybeHandle<Object> GetElement(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> object, uint32_t index);
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline MaybeHandle<Object> SetElement(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> object, uint32_t index,
Handle<Object> value, LanguageMode language_mode);
// Returns the permanent hash code associated with this object. May return
// undefined if not yet created.
Object* GetHash();
// Returns the permanent hash code associated with this object depending on
// the actual object type. May create and store a hash code if needed and none
// exists.
static Smi* GetOrCreateHash(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> object);
// Checks whether this object has the same value as the given one. This
// function is implemented according to ES5, section 9.12 and can be used
// to implement the Harmony "egal" function.
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool SameValue(Object* other);
// Checks whether this object has the same value as the given one.
// +0 and -0 are treated equal. Everything else is the same as SameValue.
// This function is implemented according to ES6, section 7.2.4 and is used
// by ES6 Map and Set.
bool SameValueZero(Object* other);
// ES6 section ArraySpeciesCreate (part of it)
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> ArraySpeciesConstructor(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> original_array);
// ES6 section 7.3.20 SpeciesConstructor ( O, defaultConstructor )
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> SpeciesConstructor(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> recv,
Handle<JSFunction> default_ctor);
// Tries to convert an object to an array length. Returns true and sets the
// output parameter if it succeeds.
inline bool ToArrayLength(uint32_t* index);
// Tries to convert an object to an array index. Returns true and sets the
// output parameter if it succeeds. Equivalent to ToArrayLength, but does not
// allow kMaxUInt32.
inline bool ToArrayIndex(uint32_t* index);
// Returns true if the result of iterating over the object is the same
// (including observable effects) as simply accessing the properties between 0
// and length.
bool IterationHasObservableEffects();
// Verify a pointer is a valid object pointer.
static void VerifyPointer(Object* p);
inline void VerifyApiCallResultType();
// Prints this object without details.
void ShortPrint(FILE* out = stdout);
// Prints this object without details to a message accumulator.
void ShortPrint(StringStream* accumulator);
void ShortPrint(std::ostream& os); // NOLINT
// Layout description.
static const int kHeaderSize = 0; // Object does not take up any space.
// For our gdb macros, we should perhaps change these in the future.
void Print();
// Prints this object with details.
void Print(std::ostream& os); // NOLINT
void Print() { ShortPrint(); }
void Print(std::ostream& os) { ShortPrint(os); } // NOLINT
friend class LookupIterator;
friend class StringStream;
// Return the map of the root of object's prototype chain.
Map* GetPrototypeChainRootMap(Isolate* isolate);
// Helper for SetProperty and SetSuperProperty.
// Return value is only meaningful if [found] is set to true on return.
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> SetPropertyInternal(
LookupIterator* it, Handle<Object> value, LanguageMode language_mode,
StoreFromKeyed store_mode, bool* found);
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Name> ConvertToName(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<Object> input);
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> ConvertToPropertyKey(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> value);
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<String> ConvertToString(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> input);
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> ConvertToNumber(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> input);
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> ConvertToInteger(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> input);
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> ConvertToInt32(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> input);
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> ConvertToUint32(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> input);
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> ConvertToLength(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> input);
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> ConvertToIndex(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> input,
MessageTemplate::Template error_index);
// In objects.h to be usable without objects-inl.h inclusion.
bool Object::IsSmi() const { return HAS_SMI_TAG(this); }
bool Object::IsHeapObject() const {
DCHECK_EQ(!IsSmi(), Internals::HasHeapObjectTag(this));
return !IsSmi();
struct Brief {
explicit Brief(const Object* const v) : value(v) {}
const Object* value;
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Brief& v);
// Smi represents integer Numbers that can be stored in 31 bits.
// Smis are immediate which means they are NOT allocated in the heap.
// The this pointer has the following format: [31 bit signed int] 0
// For long smis it has the following format:
// [32 bit signed int] [31 bits zero padding] 0
// Smi stands for small integer.
class Smi: public Object {
// Returns the integer value.
inline int value() const { return Internals::SmiValue(this); }
inline Smi* ToUint32Smi() {
if (value() <= 0) return Smi::kZero;
return Smi::FromInt(static_cast<uint32_t>(value()));
// Convert a value to a Smi object.
static inline Smi* FromInt(int value) {
return reinterpret_cast<Smi*>(Internals::IntToSmi(value));
static inline Smi* FromIntptr(intptr_t value) {
int smi_shift_bits = kSmiTagSize + kSmiShiftSize;
return reinterpret_cast<Smi*>((value << smi_shift_bits) | kSmiTag);
// Returns whether value can be represented in a Smi.
static inline bool IsValid(intptr_t value) {
bool result = Internals::IsValidSmi(value);
DCHECK_EQ(result, value >= kMinValue && value <= kMaxValue);
return result;
// Dispatched behavior.
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE void SmiPrint(std::ostream& os) const; // NOLINT
static constexpr Smi* const kZero = nullptr;
static const int kMinValue =
(static_cast<unsigned int>(-1)) << (kSmiValueSize - 1);
static const int kMaxValue = -(kMinValue + 1);
// Heap objects typically have a map pointer in their first word. However,
// during GC other data (e.g. mark bits, forwarding addresses) is sometimes
// encoded in the first word. The class MapWord is an abstraction of the
// value in a heap object's first word.
class MapWord BASE_EMBEDDED {
// Normal state: the map word contains a map pointer.
// Create a map word from a map pointer.
static inline MapWord FromMap(const Map* map);
// View this map word as a map pointer.
inline Map* ToMap();
// Scavenge collection: the map word of live objects in the from space
// contains a forwarding address (a heap object pointer in the to space).
// True if this map word is a forwarding address for a scavenge
// collection. Only valid during a scavenge collection (specifically,
// when all map words are heap object pointers, i.e. not during a full GC).
inline bool IsForwardingAddress() const;
// Create a map word from a forwarding address.
static inline MapWord FromForwardingAddress(HeapObject* object);
// View this map word as a forwarding address.
inline HeapObject* ToForwardingAddress();
static inline MapWord FromRawValue(uintptr_t value) {
return MapWord(value);
inline uintptr_t ToRawValue() {
return value_;
// HeapObject calls the private constructor and directly reads the value.
friend class HeapObject;
explicit MapWord(uintptr_t value) : value_(value) {}
uintptr_t value_;
// HeapObject is the superclass for all classes describing heap allocated
// objects.
class HeapObject: public Object {
// [map]: Contains a map which contains the object's reflective
// information.
inline Map* map() const;
inline void set_map(Map* value);
inline HeapObject** map_slot();
// The no-write-barrier version. This is OK if the object is white and in
// new space, or if the value is an immortal immutable object, like the maps
// of primitive (non-JS) objects like strings, heap numbers etc.
inline void set_map_no_write_barrier(Map* value);
// Get the map using acquire load.
inline Map* synchronized_map();
inline MapWord synchronized_map_word() const;
// Set the map using release store
inline void synchronized_set_map(Map* value);
inline void synchronized_set_map_word(MapWord map_word);
// Initialize the map immediately after the object is allocated.
// Do not use this outside Heap.
inline void set_map_after_allocation(
Map* value, WriteBarrierMode mode = UPDATE_WRITE_BARRIER);
// During garbage collection, the map word of a heap object does not
// necessarily contain a map pointer.
inline MapWord map_word() const;
inline void set_map_word(MapWord map_word);
// The Heap the object was allocated in. Used also to access Isolate.
inline Heap* GetHeap() const;
// Convenience method to get current isolate.
inline Isolate* GetIsolate() const;
#define IS_TYPE_FUNCTION_DECL(Type) INLINE(bool Is##Type() const);
#define IS_TYPE_FUNCTION_DECL(Type, Value) \
INLINE(bool Is##Type(Isolate* isolate) const);
INLINE(bool IsNullOrUndefined(Isolate* isolate) const);
INLINE(bool Is##Name() const);
// Converts an address to a HeapObject pointer.
static inline HeapObject* FromAddress(Address address) {
return reinterpret_cast<HeapObject*>(address + kHeapObjectTag);
// Returns the address of this HeapObject.
inline Address address() {
return reinterpret_cast<Address>(this) - kHeapObjectTag;
// Iterates over pointers contained in the object (including the Map).
// If it's not performance critical iteration use the non-templatized
// version.
void Iterate(ObjectVisitor* v);
template <typename ObjectVisitor>
inline void IterateFast(ObjectVisitor* v);
// Iterates over all pointers contained in the object except the
// first map pointer. The object type is given in the first
// parameter. This function does not access the map pointer in the
// object, and so is safe to call while the map pointer is modified.
// If it's not performance critical iteration use the non-templatized
// version.
void IterateBody(ObjectVisitor* v);
void IterateBody(InstanceType type, int object_size, ObjectVisitor* v);
template <typename ObjectVisitor>
inline void IterateBodyFast(ObjectVisitor* v);
template <typename ObjectVisitor>
inline void IterateBodyFast(InstanceType type, int object_size,
ObjectVisitor* v);
// Returns true if the object contains a tagged value at given offset.
// It is used for invalid slots filtering. If the offset points outside
// of the object or to the map word, the result is UNDEFINED (!!!).
bool IsValidSlot(int offset);
// Returns the heap object's size in bytes
inline int Size();
// Given a heap object's map pointer, returns the heap size in bytes
// Useful when the map pointer field is used for other purposes.
// GC internal.
inline int SizeFromMap(Map* map);
// Returns the field at offset in obj, as a read/write Object* reference.
// Does no checking, and is safe to use during GC, while maps are invalid.
// Does not invoke write barrier, so should only be assigned to
// during marking GC.
static inline Object** RawField(HeapObject* obj, int offset);
// Adds the |code| object related to |name| to the code cache of this map. If
// this map is a dictionary map that is shared, the map copied and installed
// onto the object.
static void UpdateMapCodeCache(Handle<HeapObject> object,
Handle<Name> name,
Handle<Code> code);
// Return the write barrier mode for this. Callers of this function
// must be able to present a reference to an DisallowHeapAllocation
// object as a sign that they are not going to use this function
// from code that allocates and thus invalidates the returned write
// barrier mode.
inline WriteBarrierMode GetWriteBarrierMode(
const DisallowHeapAllocation& promise);
// Dispatched behavior.
void HeapObjectShortPrint(std::ostream& os); // NOLINT
void PrintHeader(std::ostream& os, const char* id); // NOLINT
inline void VerifyObjectField(int offset);
inline void VerifySmiField(int offset);
// Verify a pointer is a valid HeapObject pointer that points to object
// areas in the heap.
static void VerifyHeapPointer(Object* p);
inline AllocationAlignment RequiredAlignment();
// Layout description.
// First field in a heap object is map.
static const int kMapOffset = Object::kHeaderSize;
static const int kHeaderSize = kMapOffset + kPointerSize;
STATIC_ASSERT(kMapOffset == Internals::kHeapObjectMapOffset);
template <int start_offset, int end_offset, int size>
class FixedBodyDescriptor;
template <int start_offset>
class FlexibleBodyDescriptor;
// The HeapNumber class describes heap allocated numbers that cannot be
// represented in a Smi (small integer)
class HeapNumber: public HeapObject {
// [value]: number value.
inline double value() const;
inline void set_value(double value);
inline uint64_t value_as_bits() const;
inline void set_value_as_bits(uint64_t bits);
// Dispatched behavior.
bool HeapNumberBooleanValue();
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE void HeapNumberPrint(std::ostream& os); // NOLINT
inline int get_exponent();
inline int get_sign();
// Layout description.
static const int kValueOffset = HeapObject::kHeaderSize;
// IEEE doubles are two 32 bit words. The first is just mantissa, the second
// is a mixture of sign, exponent and mantissa. The offsets of two 32 bit
// words within double numbers are endian dependent and they are set
// accordingly.
static const int kMantissaOffset = kValueOffset;
static const int kExponentOffset = kValueOffset + 4;
#elif defined(V8_TARGET_BIG_ENDIAN)
static const int kMantissaOffset = kValueOffset + 4;
static const int kExponentOffset = kValueOffset;
#error Unknown byte ordering
static const int kSize = kValueOffset + kDoubleSize;
static const uint32_t kSignMask = 0x80000000u;
static const uint32_t kExponentMask = 0x7ff00000u;
static const uint32_t kMantissaMask = 0xfffffu;
static const int kMantissaBits = 52;
static const int kExponentBits = 11;
static const int kExponentBias = 1023;
static const int kExponentShift = 20;
static const int kInfinityOrNanExponent =
(kExponentMask >> kExponentShift) - kExponentBias;
static const int kMantissaBitsInTopWord = 20;
static const int kNonMantissaBitsInTopWord = 12;
enum EnsureElementsMode {
// Indicator for one component of an AccessorPair.
enum AccessorComponent {
enum class GetKeysConversion { kKeepNumbers, kConvertToString };
enum class KeyCollectionMode {
kOwnOnly = static_cast<int>(v8::KeyCollectionMode::kOwnOnly),
kIncludePrototypes =
enum class AllocationSiteUpdateMode { kUpdate, kCheckOnly };
// JSReceiver includes types on which properties can be defined, i.e.,
// JSObject and JSProxy.
class JSReceiver: public HeapObject {
// [properties]: Backing storage for properties.
// properties is a FixedArray in the fast case and a Dictionary in the
// slow case.
DECL_ACCESSORS(properties, FixedArray) // Get and set fast properties.
inline void initialize_properties();
inline bool HasFastProperties();
// Gets slow properties for non-global objects.
inline NameDictionary* property_dictionary();
// Deletes an existing named property in a normalized object.
static void DeleteNormalizedProperty(Handle<JSReceiver> object,
Handle<Name> name, int entry);
// ES6 section 7.1.1 ToPrimitive
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> ToPrimitive(
Handle<JSReceiver> receiver,
ToPrimitiveHint hint = ToPrimitiveHint::kDefault);
// ES6 section OrdinaryToPrimitive
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> OrdinaryToPrimitive(
Handle<JSReceiver> receiver, OrdinaryToPrimitiveHint hint);
static MaybeHandle<Context> GetFunctionRealm(Handle<JSReceiver> receiver);
// Get the first non-hidden prototype.
static inline MaybeHandle<Object> GetPrototype(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<JSReceiver> receiver);
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> HasInPrototypeChain(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> object, Handle<Object> proto);
// Reads all enumerable own properties of source and adds them to
// target, using either Set or CreateDataProperty depending on the
// use_set argument. This only copies values not present in the
// maybe_excluded_properties list.
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> SetOrCopyDataProperties(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> target, Handle<Object> source,
const ScopedVector<Handle<Object>>* excluded_properties = nullptr,
bool use_set = true);
// Implementation of [[HasProperty]], ECMA-262 5th edition, section 8.12.6.
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> HasProperty(LookupIterator* it);
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline Maybe<bool> HasProperty(
Handle<JSReceiver> object, Handle<Name> name);
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline Maybe<bool> HasElement(
Handle<JSReceiver> object, uint32_t index);
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline Maybe<bool> HasOwnProperty(
Handle<JSReceiver> object, Handle<Name> name);
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline Maybe<bool> HasOwnProperty(
Handle<JSReceiver> object, uint32_t index);
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline MaybeHandle<Object> GetProperty(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> receiver, const char* key);
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline MaybeHandle<Object> GetProperty(
Handle<JSReceiver> receiver, Handle<Name> name);
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline MaybeHandle<Object> GetElement(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> receiver, uint32_t index);
// Implementation of ES6 [[Delete]]
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> DeletePropertyOrElement(
Handle<JSReceiver> object, Handle<Name> name,
LanguageMode language_mode = SLOPPY);
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> DeleteProperty(
Handle<JSReceiver> object, Handle<Name> name,
LanguageMode language_mode = SLOPPY);
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> DeleteProperty(LookupIterator* it,
LanguageMode language_mode);
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> DeleteElement(
Handle<JSReceiver> object, uint32_t index,
LanguageMode language_mode = SLOPPY);
MUST_USE_RESULT static Object* DefineProperty(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<Object> object,
Handle<Object> name,
Handle<Object> attributes);
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> DefineProperties(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> object, Handle<Object> properties);
// "virtual" dispatcher to the correct [[DefineOwnProperty]] implementation.
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> DefineOwnProperty(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> object, Handle<Object> key,
PropertyDescriptor* desc, ShouldThrow should_throw);
// ES6 7.3.4 (when passed DONT_THROW)
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> CreateDataProperty(
LookupIterator* it, Handle<Object> value, ShouldThrow should_throw);
// ES6
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> OrdinaryDefineOwnProperty(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSObject> object, Handle<Object> key,
PropertyDescriptor* desc, ShouldThrow should_throw);
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> OrdinaryDefineOwnProperty(
LookupIterator* it, PropertyDescriptor* desc, ShouldThrow should_throw);
// ES6
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> IsCompatiblePropertyDescriptor(
Isolate* isolate, bool extensible, PropertyDescriptor* desc,
PropertyDescriptor* current, Handle<Name> property_name,
ShouldThrow should_throw);
// ES6
// |it| can be NULL in cases where the ES spec passes |undefined| as the
// receiver. Exactly one of |it| and |property_name| must be provided.
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor(
Isolate* isolate, LookupIterator* it, bool extensible,
PropertyDescriptor* desc, PropertyDescriptor* current,
ShouldThrow should_throw, Handle<Name> property_name = Handle<Name>());
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> GetOwnPropertyDescriptor(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> object, Handle<Object> key,
PropertyDescriptor* desc);
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> GetOwnPropertyDescriptor(
LookupIterator* it, PropertyDescriptor* desc);
typedef PropertyAttributes IntegrityLevel;
// ES6 7.3.14 (when passed DONT_THROW)
// 'level' must be SEALED or FROZEN.
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> SetIntegrityLevel(
Handle<JSReceiver> object, IntegrityLevel lvl, ShouldThrow should_throw);
// ES6 7.3.15
// 'level' must be SEALED or FROZEN.
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> TestIntegrityLevel(
Handle<JSReceiver> object, IntegrityLevel lvl);
// ES6 [[PreventExtensions]] (when passed DONT_THROW)
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> PreventExtensions(
Handle<JSReceiver> object, ShouldThrow should_throw);
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> IsExtensible(Handle<JSReceiver> object);
// Returns the class name ([[Class]] property in the specification).
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE String* class_name();
// Returns the constructor name (the name (possibly, inferred name) of the
// function that was used to instantiate the object).
static Handle<String> GetConstructorName(Handle<JSReceiver> receiver);
Handle<Context> GetCreationContext();
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline Maybe<PropertyAttributes> GetPropertyAttributes(
Handle<JSReceiver> object, Handle<Name> name);
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline Maybe<PropertyAttributes>
GetOwnPropertyAttributes(Handle<JSReceiver> object, Handle<Name> name);
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline Maybe<PropertyAttributes>
GetOwnPropertyAttributes(Handle<JSReceiver> object, uint32_t index);
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline Maybe<PropertyAttributes> GetElementAttributes(
Handle<JSReceiver> object, uint32_t index);
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline Maybe<PropertyAttributes>
GetOwnElementAttributes(Handle<JSReceiver> object, uint32_t index);
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<PropertyAttributes> GetPropertyAttributes(
LookupIterator* it);
// Set the object's prototype (only JSReceiver and null are allowed values).
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> SetPrototype(Handle<JSReceiver> object,
Handle<Object> value,
bool from_javascript,
ShouldThrow should_throw);
inline static Handle<Object> GetDataProperty(Handle<JSReceiver> object,
Handle<Name> name);
static Handle<Object> GetDataProperty(LookupIterator* it);
// Retrieves a permanent object identity hash code. The undefined value might
// be returned in case no hash was created yet.
static inline Object* GetIdentityHash(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<JSReceiver> object);
// Retrieves a permanent object identity hash code. May create and store a
// hash code if needed and none exists.
inline static Smi* GetOrCreateIdentityHash(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<JSReceiver> object);
// ES6 [[OwnPropertyKeys]] (modulo return type)
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline MaybeHandle<FixedArray> OwnPropertyKeys(
Handle<JSReceiver> object);
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<FixedArray> GetOwnValues(
Handle<JSReceiver> object, PropertyFilter filter);
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<FixedArray> GetOwnEntries(
Handle<JSReceiver> object, PropertyFilter filter);
// Layout description.
static const int kPropertiesOffset = HeapObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kHeaderSize = HeapObject::kHeaderSize + kPointerSize;
bool HasProxyInPrototype(Isolate* isolate);
// The JSObject describes real heap allocated JavaScript objects with
// properties.
// Note that the map of JSObject changes during execution to enable inline
// caching.
class JSObject: public JSReceiver {
static bool IsUnmodifiedApiObject(Object** o);
static MUST_USE_RESULT MaybeHandle<JSObject> New(
Handle<JSFunction> constructor, Handle<JSReceiver> new_target,
Handle<AllocationSite> site = Handle<AllocationSite>::null());
// Gets global object properties.
inline GlobalDictionary* global_dictionary();
static MaybeHandle<Context> GetFunctionRealm(Handle<JSObject> object);
// [elements]: The elements (properties with names that are integers).
// Elements can be in two general modes: fast and slow. Each mode
// corresponds to a set of object representations of elements that
// have something in common.
// In the fast mode elements is a FixedArray and so each element can
// be quickly accessed. This fact is used in the generated code. The
// elements array can have one of three maps in this mode:
// fixed_array_map, sloppy_arguments_elements_map or
// fixed_cow_array_map (for copy-on-write arrays). In the latter case
// the elements array may be shared by a few objects and so before
// writing to any element the array must be copied. Use
// EnsureWritableFastElements in this case.
// In the slow mode the elements is either a NumberDictionary, a
// FixedArray parameter map for a (sloppy) arguments object.
DECL_ACCESSORS(elements, FixedArrayBase)
inline void initialize_elements();
static void ResetElements(Handle<JSObject> object);
static inline void SetMapAndElements(Handle<JSObject> object,
Handle<Map> map,
Handle<FixedArrayBase> elements);
inline ElementsKind GetElementsKind();
ElementsAccessor* GetElementsAccessor();
// Returns true if an object has elements of FAST_SMI_ELEMENTS ElementsKind.
inline bool HasFastSmiElements();
// Returns true if an object has elements of FAST_ELEMENTS ElementsKind.
inline bool HasFastObjectElements();
// Returns true if an object has elements of FAST_ELEMENTS or
inline bool HasFastSmiOrObjectElements();
// Returns true if an object has any of the fast elements kinds.
inline bool HasFastElements();
// Returns true if an object has elements of FAST_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS
// ElementsKind.
inline bool HasFastDoubleElements();
// Returns true if an object has elements of FAST_HOLEY_*_ELEMENTS
// ElementsKind.
inline bool HasFastHoleyElements();
inline bool HasSloppyArgumentsElements();
inline bool HasStringWrapperElements();
inline bool HasDictionaryElements();
inline bool HasFixedTypedArrayElements();
inline bool HasFixedUint8ClampedElements();
inline bool HasFixedArrayElements();
inline bool HasFixedInt8Elements();
inline bool HasFixedUint8Elements();
inline bool HasFixedInt16Elements();
inline bool HasFixedUint16Elements();
inline bool HasFixedInt32Elements();
inline bool HasFixedUint32Elements();
inline bool HasFixedFloat32Elements();
inline bool HasFixedFloat64Elements();
inline bool HasFastArgumentsElements();
inline bool HasSlowArgumentsElements();
inline bool HasFastStringWrapperElements();
inline bool HasSlowStringWrapperElements();
bool HasEnumerableElements();
inline SeededNumberDictionary* element_dictionary(); // Gets slow elements.
// Requires: HasFastElements().
static void EnsureWritableFastElements(Handle<JSObject> object);
// Collects elements starting at index 0.
// Undefined values are placed after non-undefined values.
// Returns the number of non-undefined values.
static Handle<Object> PrepareElementsForSort(Handle<JSObject> object,
uint32_t limit);
// As PrepareElementsForSort, but only on objects where elements is
// a dictionary, and it will stay a dictionary. Collates undefined and
// unexisting elements below limit from position zero of the elements.
static Handle<Object> PrepareSlowElementsForSort(Handle<JSObject> object,
uint32_t limit);
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> SetPropertyWithInterceptor(
LookupIterator* it, ShouldThrow should_throw, Handle<Object> value);
// The API currently still wants DefineOwnPropertyIgnoreAttributes to convert
// AccessorInfo objects to data fields. We allow FORCE_FIELD as an exception
// to the default behavior that calls the setter.
enum AccessorInfoHandling { FORCE_FIELD, DONT_FORCE_FIELD };
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> DefineOwnPropertyIgnoreAttributes(
LookupIterator* it, Handle<Object> value, PropertyAttributes attributes,
AccessorInfoHandling handling = DONT_FORCE_FIELD);
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> DefineOwnPropertyIgnoreAttributes(
LookupIterator* it, Handle<Object> value, PropertyAttributes attributes,
ShouldThrow should_throw,
AccessorInfoHandling handling = DONT_FORCE_FIELD);
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> SetOwnPropertyIgnoreAttributes(
Handle<JSObject> object, Handle<Name> name, Handle<Object> value,
PropertyAttributes attributes);
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> SetOwnElementIgnoreAttributes(
Handle<JSObject> object, uint32_t index, Handle<Object> value,
PropertyAttributes attributes);
// Equivalent to one of the above depending on whether |name| can be converted
// to an array index.
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object>
DefinePropertyOrElementIgnoreAttributes(Handle<JSObject> object,
Handle<Name> name,
Handle<Object> value,
PropertyAttributes attributes = NONE);
// Adds or reconfigures a property to attributes NONE. It will fail when it
// cannot.
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> CreateDataProperty(
LookupIterator* it, Handle<Object> value,
ShouldThrow should_throw = DONT_THROW);
static void AddProperty(Handle<JSObject> object, Handle<Name> name,
Handle<Object> value, PropertyAttributes attributes);
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> AddDataElement(
Handle<JSObject> receiver, uint32_t index, Handle<Object> value,
PropertyAttributes attributes, ShouldThrow should_throw);
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> AddDataElement(
Handle<JSObject> receiver, uint32_t index, Handle<Object> value,
PropertyAttributes attributes);
// Extend the receiver with a single fast property appeared first in the
// passed map. This also extends the property backing store if necessary.
static void AllocateStorageForMap(Handle<JSObject> object, Handle<Map> map);
// Migrates the given object to a map whose field representations are the
// lowest upper bound of all known representations for that field.
static void MigrateInstance(Handle<JSObject> instance);
// Migrates the given object only if the target map is already available,
// or returns false if such a map is not yet available.
static bool TryMigrateInstance(Handle<JSObject> instance);
// Sets the property value in a normalized object given (key, value, details).
// Handles the special representation of JS global objects.
static void SetNormalizedProperty(Handle<JSObject> object, Handle<Name> name,
Handle<Object> value,
PropertyDetails details);
static void SetDictionaryElement(Handle<JSObject> object, uint32_t index,
Handle<Object> value,
PropertyAttributes attributes);
static void SetDictionaryArgumentsElement(Handle<JSObject> object,
uint32_t index,
Handle<Object> value,
PropertyAttributes attributes);
static void OptimizeAsPrototype(Handle<JSObject> object,
PrototypeOptimizationMode mode);
static void ReoptimizeIfPrototype(Handle<JSObject> object);
static void MakePrototypesFast(Handle<Object> receiver,
WhereToStart where_to_start, Isolate* isolate);
static void LazyRegisterPrototypeUser(Handle<Map> user, Isolate* isolate);
static void UpdatePrototypeUserRegistration(Handle<Map> old_map,
Handle<Map> new_map,
Isolate* isolate);
static bool UnregisterPrototypeUser(Handle<Map> user, Isolate* isolate);
static void InvalidatePrototypeChains(Map* map);
// Updates prototype chain tracking information when an object changes its
// map from |old_map| to |new_map|.
static void NotifyMapChange(Handle<Map> old_map, Handle<Map> new_map,
Isolate* isolate);
// Utility used by many Array builtins and runtime functions
static inline bool PrototypeHasNoElements(Isolate* isolate, JSObject* object);
// Alternative implementation of WeakFixedArray::NullCallback.
class PrototypeRegistryCompactionCallback {
static void Callback(Object* value, int old_index, int new_index);
// Retrieve interceptors.
inline InterceptorInfo* GetNamedInterceptor();
inline InterceptorInfo* GetIndexedInterceptor();
// Used from JSReceiver.
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<PropertyAttributes>
GetPropertyAttributesWithInterceptor(LookupIterator* it);
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<PropertyAttributes>
GetPropertyAttributesWithFailedAccessCheck(LookupIterator* it);
// Defines an AccessorPair property on the given object.
// TODO(mstarzinger): Rename to SetAccessor().
static MaybeHandle<Object> DefineAccessor(Handle<JSObject> object,
Handle<Name> name,
Handle<Object> getter,
Handle<Object> setter,
PropertyAttributes attributes);
static MaybeHandle<Object> DefineAccessor(LookupIterator* it,
Handle<Object> getter,
Handle<Object> setter,
PropertyAttributes attributes);
// Defines an AccessorInfo property on the given object.
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> SetAccessor(
Handle<JSObject> object,
Handle<AccessorInfo> info);
// The result must be checked first for exceptions. If there's no exception,
// the output parameter |done| indicates whether the interceptor has a result
// or not.
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> GetPropertyWithInterceptor(
LookupIterator* it, bool* done);
static void ValidateElements(Handle<JSObject> object);
// Makes sure that this object can contain HeapObject as elements.
static inline void EnsureCanContainHeapObjectElements(Handle<JSObject> obj);
// Makes sure that this object can contain the specified elements.
static inline void EnsureCanContainElements(
Handle<JSObject> object,
Object** elements,
uint32_t count,
EnsureElementsMode mode);
static inline void EnsureCanContainElements(
Handle<JSObject> object,
Handle<FixedArrayBase> elements,
uint32_t length,
EnsureElementsMode mode);
static void EnsureCanContainElements(
Handle<JSObject> object,
Arguments* arguments,
uint32_t first_arg,
uint32_t arg_count,
EnsureElementsMode mode);
// Would we convert a fast elements array to dictionary mode given
// an access at key?
bool WouldConvertToSlowElements(uint32_t index);
static const uint32_t kMinAddedElementsCapacity = 16;
// Computes the new capacity when expanding the elements of a JSObject.
static uint32_t NewElementsCapacity(uint32_t old_capacity) {
// (old_capacity + 50%) + kMinAddedElementsCapacity
return old_capacity + (old_capacity >> 1) + kMinAddedElementsCapacity;
// These methods do not perform access checks!
template <AllocationSiteUpdateMode update_or_check =
static bool UpdateAllocationSite(Handle<JSObject> object,
ElementsKind to_kind);
// Lookup interceptors are used for handling properties controlled by host
// objects.
inline bool HasNamedInterceptor();
inline bool HasIndexedInterceptor();
// Support functions for v8 api (needed for correct interceptor behavior).
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> HasRealNamedProperty(
Handle<JSObject> object, Handle<Name> name);
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> HasRealElementProperty(
Handle<JSObject> object, uint32_t index);
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> HasRealNamedCallbackProperty(
Handle<JSObject> object, Handle<Name> name);
// Get the header size for a JSObject. Used to compute the index of
// embedder fields as well as the number of embedder fields.
static inline int GetHeaderSize(InstanceType instance_type);
inline int GetHeaderSize();
static inline int GetEmbedderFieldCount(Map* map);
inline int GetEmbedderFieldCount();
inline int GetEmbedderFieldOffset(int index);
inline Object* GetEmbedderField(int index);
inline void SetEmbedderField(int index, Object* value);
inline void SetEmbedderField(int index, Smi* value);
bool WasConstructedFromApiFunction();
// Returns a new map with all transitions dropped from the object's current
// map and the ElementsKind set.
static Handle<Map> GetElementsTransitionMap(Handle<JSObject> object,
ElementsKind to_kind);
static void TransitionElementsKind(Handle<JSObject> object,
ElementsKind to_kind);
// Always use this to migrate an object to a new map.
// |expected_additional_properties| is only used for fast-to-slow transitions
// and ignored otherwise.
static void MigrateToMap(Handle<JSObject> object, Handle<Map> new_map,
int expected_additional_properties = 0);
// Forces a prototype without any of the checks that the regular SetPrototype
// would do.
static void ForceSetPrototype(Handle<JSObject> object, Handle<Object> proto);
// Convert the object to use the canonical dictionary
// representation. If the object is expected to have additional properties
// added this number can be indicated to have the backing store allocated to
// an initial capacity for holding these properties.
static void NormalizeProperties(Handle<JSObject> object,
PropertyNormalizationMode mode,
int expected_additional_properties,
const char* reason);
// Convert and update the elements backing store to be a
// SeededNumberDictionary dictionary. Returns the backing after conversion.
static Handle<SeededNumberDictionary> NormalizeElements(
Handle<JSObject> object);
void RequireSlowElements(SeededNumberDictionary* dictionary);
// Transform slow named properties to fast variants.
static void MigrateSlowToFast(Handle<JSObject> object,
int unused_property_fields, const char* reason);
inline bool IsUnboxedDoubleField(FieldIndex index);
// Access fast-case object properties at index.
static Handle<Object> FastPropertyAt(Handle<JSObject> object,
Representation representation,
FieldIndex index);
inline Object* RawFastPropertyAt(FieldIndex index);
inline double RawFastDoublePropertyAt(FieldIndex index);
inline uint64_t RawFastDoublePropertyAsBitsAt(FieldIndex index);
inline void FastPropertyAtPut(FieldIndex index, Object* value);
inline void RawFastPropertyAtPut(FieldIndex index, Object* value);
inline void RawFastDoublePropertyAsBitsAtPut(FieldIndex index, uint64_t bits);
inline void WriteToField(int descriptor, PropertyDetails details,
Object* value);
// Access to in object properties.
inline int GetInObjectPropertyOffset(int index);
inline Object* InObjectPropertyAt(int index);
inline Object* InObjectPropertyAtPut(int index,
Object* value,
WriteBarrierMode mode
// Set the object's prototype (only JSReceiver and null are allowed values).
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> SetPrototype(Handle<JSObject> object,
Handle<Object> value,
bool from_javascript,
ShouldThrow should_throw);
// Makes the object prototype immutable
// Never called from JavaScript
static void SetImmutableProto(Handle<JSObject> object);
// Initializes the body starting at |start_offset|. It is responsibility of
// the caller to initialize object header. Fill the pre-allocated fields with
// pre_allocated_value and the rest with filler_value.
// Note: this call does not update write barrier, the caller is responsible
// to ensure that |filler_value| can be collected without WB here.
inline void InitializeBody(Map* map, int start_offset,
Object* pre_allocated_value, Object* filler_value);
// Check whether this object references another object
bool ReferencesObject(Object* obj);
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> PreventExtensions(
Handle<JSObject> object, ShouldThrow should_throw);
static bool IsExtensible(Handle<JSObject> object);
// Copy object.
enum DeepCopyHints { kNoHints = 0, kObjectIsShallow = 1 };
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<JSObject> DeepCopy(
Handle<JSObject> object,
AllocationSiteUsageContext* site_context,
DeepCopyHints hints = kNoHints);
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<JSObject> DeepWalk(
Handle<JSObject> object,
AllocationSiteCreationContext* site_context);
// Dispatched behavior.
void JSObjectShortPrint(StringStream* accumulator);
bool PrintProperties(std::ostream& os); // NOLINT
void PrintElements(std::ostream& os); // NOLINT
#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(OBJECT_PRINT)
void PrintTransitions(std::ostream& os); // NOLINT
static void PrintElementsTransition(
FILE* file, Handle<JSObject> object,
ElementsKind from_kind, Handle<FixedArrayBase> from_elements,
ElementsKind to_kind, Handle<FixedArrayBase> to_elements);
void PrintInstanceMigration(FILE* file, Map* original_map, Map* new_map);
#ifdef DEBUG
// Structure for collecting spill information about JSObjects.
class SpillInformation {
void Clear();
void Print();
int number_of_objects_;
int number_of_objects_with_fast_properties_;
int number_of_objects_with_fast_elements_;
int number_of_fast_used_fields_;
int number_of_fast_unused_fields_;
int number_of_slow_used_properties_;
int number_of_slow_unused_properties_;
int number_of_fast_used_elements_;
int number_of_fast_unused_elements_;
int number_of_slow_used_elements_;
int number_of_slow_unused_elements_;
void IncrementSpillStatistics(SpillInformation* info);
// If a GC was caused while constructing this object, the elements pointer
// may point to a one pointer filler map. The object won't be rooted, but
// our heap verification code could stumble across it.
bool ElementsAreSafeToExamine();
Object* SlowReverseLookup(Object* value);
// Maximal number of elements (numbered 0 .. kMaxElementCount - 1).
// Also maximal value of JSArray's length property.
static const uint32_t kMaxElementCount = 0xffffffffu;
// Constants for heuristics controlling conversion of fast elements
// to slow elements.
// Maximal gap that can be introduced by adding an element beyond
// the current elements length.
static const uint32_t kMaxGap = 1024;
// Maximal length of fast elements array that won't be checked for
// being dense enough on expansion.
static const int kMaxUncheckedFastElementsLength = 5000;
// Same as above but for old arrays. This limit is more strict. We
// don't want to be wasteful with long lived objects.
static const int kMaxUncheckedOldFastElementsLength = 500;
// This constant applies only to the initial map of "global.Object" and
// not to arbitrary other JSObject maps.
static const int kInitialGlobalObjectUnusedPropertiesCount = 4;
static const int kMaxInstanceSize = 255 * kPointerSize;
// When extending the backing storage for property values, we increase
// its size by more than the 1 entry necessary, so sequentially adding fields
// to the same object requires fewer allocations and copies.
static const int kFieldsAdded = 3;
// Layout description.
static const int kElementsOffset = JSReceiver::kHeaderSize;
static const int kHeaderSize = kElementsOffset + kPointerSize;
STATIC_ASSERT(kHeaderSize == Internals::kJSObjectHeaderSize);
static const int kMaxInObjectProperties =
(kMaxInstanceSize - kHeaderSize) >> kPointerSizeLog2;
class BodyDescriptor;
class FastBodyDescriptor;
// Gets the number of currently used elements.
int GetFastElementsUsage();
static bool AllCanRead(LookupIterator* it);
static bool AllCanWrite(LookupIterator* it);
friend class JSReceiver;
friend class Object;
// Used from Object::GetProperty().
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> GetPropertyWithFailedAccessCheck(
LookupIterator* it);
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> SetPropertyWithFailedAccessCheck(
LookupIterator* it, Handle<Object> value, ShouldThrow should_throw);
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> DeletePropertyWithInterceptor(
LookupIterator* it, ShouldThrow should_throw);
bool ReferencesObjectFromElements(FixedArray* elements,
ElementsKind kind,
Object* object);
static Object* GetIdentityHash(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSObject> object);
static Smi* GetOrCreateIdentityHash(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<JSObject> object);
// Helper for fast versions of preventExtensions, seal, and freeze.
// attrs is one of NONE, SEALED, or FROZEN (depending on the operation).
template <PropertyAttributes attrs>
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> PreventExtensionsWithTransition(
Handle<JSObject> object, ShouldThrow should_throw);
// JSAccessorPropertyDescriptor is just a JSObject with a specific initial
// map. This initial map adds in-object properties for "get", "set",
// "enumerable" and "configurable" properties, as assigned by the
// FromPropertyDescriptor function for regular accessor properties.
class JSAccessorPropertyDescriptor: public JSObject {
// Offsets of object fields.
static const int kGetOffset = JSObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kSetOffset = kGetOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kEnumerableOffset = kSetOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kConfigurableOffset = kEnumerableOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kConfigurableOffset + kPointerSize;
// Indices of in-object properties.
static const int kGetIndex = 0;
static const int kSetIndex = 1;
static const int kEnumerableIndex = 2;
static const int kConfigurableIndex = 3;
// JSDataPropertyDescriptor is just a JSObject with a specific initial map.
// This initial map adds in-object properties for "value", "writable",
// "enumerable" and "configurable" properties, as assigned by the
// FromPropertyDescriptor function for regular data properties.
class JSDataPropertyDescriptor: public JSObject {
// Offsets of object fields.
static const int kValueOffset = JSObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kWritableOffset = kValueOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kEnumerableOffset = kWritableOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kConfigurableOffset = kEnumerableOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kConfigurableOffset + kPointerSize;
// Indices of in-object properties.
static const int kValueIndex = 0;
static const int kWritableIndex = 1;
static const int kEnumerableIndex = 2;
static const int kConfigurableIndex = 3;
// JSIteratorResult is just a JSObject with a specific initial map.
// This initial map adds in-object properties for "done" and "value",
// as specified by ES6 section The IteratorResult Interface
class JSIteratorResult: public JSObject {
DECL_ACCESSORS(value, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(done, Object)
// Offsets of object fields.
static const int kValueOffset = JSObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kDoneOffset = kValueOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kDoneOffset + kPointerSize;
// Indices of in-object properties.
static const int kValueIndex = 0;
static const int kDoneIndex = 1;
// Common superclass for JSSloppyArgumentsObject and JSStrictArgumentsObject.
class JSArgumentsObject: public JSObject {
// Offsets of object fields.
static const int kLengthOffset = JSObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kHeaderSize = kLengthOffset + kPointerSize;
// Indices of in-object properties.
static const int kLengthIndex = 0;
DECL_ACCESSORS(length, Object)
// JSSloppyArgumentsObject is just a JSObject with specific initial map.
// This initial map adds in-object properties for "length" and "callee".
class JSSloppyArgumentsObject: public JSArgumentsObject {
// Offsets of object fields.
static const int kCalleeOffset = JSArgumentsObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kSize = kCalleeOffset + kPointerSize;
// Indices of in-object properties.
static const int kCalleeIndex = kLengthIndex + 1;
DECL_ACCESSORS(callee, Object)
// JSStrictArgumentsObject is just a JSObject with specific initial map.
// This initial map adds an in-object property for "length".
class JSStrictArgumentsObject: public JSArgumentsObject {
// Offsets of object fields.
static const int kSize = JSArgumentsObject::kHeaderSize;
// Common superclass for FixedArrays that allow implementations to share
// common accessors and some code paths.
class FixedArrayBase: public HeapObject {
// [length]: length of the array.
inline int length() const;
inline void set_length(int value);
// Get and set the length using acquire loads and release stores.
inline int synchronized_length() const;
inline void synchronized_set_length(int value);
static int GetMaxLengthForNewSpaceAllocation(ElementsKind kind);
// Layout description.
// Length is smi tagged when it is stored.
static const int kLengthOffset = HeapObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kHeaderSize = kLengthOffset + kPointerSize;
class FixedDoubleArray;
class IncrementalMarking;
// FixedArray describes fixed-sized arrays with element type Object*.
class FixedArray: public FixedArrayBase {
// Setter and getter for elements.
inline Object* get(int index) const;
static inline Handle<Object> get(FixedArray* array, int index,
Isolate* isolate);
template <class T>
MaybeHandle<T> GetValue(Isolate* isolate, int index) const;
template <class T>
Handle<T> GetValueChecked(Isolate* isolate, int index) const;
// Return a grown copy if the index is bigger than the array's length.
static Handle<FixedArray> SetAndGrow(Handle<FixedArray> array, int index,
Handle<Object> value);
// Setter that uses write barrier.
inline void set(int index, Object* value);
inline bool is_the_hole(Isolate* isolate, int index);
// Setter that doesn't need write barrier.
inline void set(int index, Smi* value);
// Setter with explicit barrier mode.
inline void set(int index, Object* value, WriteBarrierMode mode);
// Setters for frequently used oddballs located in old space.
inline void set_undefined(int index);
inline void set_undefined(Isolate* isolate, int index);
inline void set_null(int index);
inline void set_null(Isolate* isolate, int index);
inline void set_the_hole(int index);
inline void set_the_hole(Isolate* isolate, int index);
inline Object** GetFirstElementAddress();
inline bool ContainsOnlySmisOrHoles();
// Gives access to raw memory which stores the array's data.
inline Object** data_start();
inline void FillWithHoles(int from, int to);
// Shrink length and insert filler objects.
void Shrink(int length);
// Copy a sub array from the receiver to dest.
void CopyTo(int pos, FixedArray* dest, int dest_pos, int len) const;
// Garbage collection support.
static constexpr int SizeFor(int length) {
return kHeaderSize + length * kPointerSize;
// Code Generation support.
static constexpr int OffsetOfElementAt(int index) { return SizeFor(index); }
// Garbage collection support.
inline Object** RawFieldOfElementAt(int index);
// Maximal allowed size, in bytes, of a single FixedArray.
// Prevents overflowing size computations, as well as extreme memory
// consumption.
static const int kMaxSize = 128 * MB * kPointerSize;
// Maximally allowed length of a FixedArray.
static const int kMaxLength = (kMaxSize - kHeaderSize) / kPointerSize;
// Maximally allowed length for regular (non large object space) object.
STATIC_ASSERT(kMaxRegularHeapObjectSize < kMaxSize);
static const int kMaxRegularLength =
(kMaxRegularHeapObjectSize - kHeaderSize) / kPointerSize;
// Dispatched behavior.
#ifdef DEBUG
// Checks if two FixedArrays have identical contents.
bool IsEqualTo(FixedArray* other);
typedef FlexibleBodyDescriptor<kHeaderSize> BodyDescriptor;
// Set operation on FixedArray without using write barriers. Can
// only be used for storing old space objects or smis.
static inline void NoWriteBarrierSet(FixedArray* array,
int index,
Object* value);
STATIC_ASSERT(kHeaderSize == Internals::kFixedArrayHeaderSize);
// FixedDoubleArray describes fixed-sized arrays with element type double.
class FixedDoubleArray: public FixedArrayBase {
// Setter and getter for elements.
inline double get_scalar(int index);
inline uint64_t get_representation(int index);
static inline Handle<Object> get(FixedDoubleArray* array, int index,
Isolate* isolate);
inline void set(int index, double value);
inline void set_the_hole(Isolate* isolate, int index);
inline void set_the_hole(int index);
// Checking for the hole.
inline bool is_the_hole(Isolate* isolate, int index);
inline bool is_the_hole(int index);
// Garbage collection support.
inline static int SizeFor(int length) {
return kHeaderSize + length * kDoubleSize;
// Gives access to raw memory which stores the array's data.
inline double* data_start();
inline void FillWithHoles(int from, int to);
// Code Generation support.
static int OffsetOfElementAt(int index) { return SizeFor(index); }
// Maximal allowed size, in bytes, of a single FixedDoubleArray.
// Prevents overflowing size computations, as well as extreme memory
// consumption.
static const int kMaxSize = 512 * MB;
// Maximally allowed length of a FixedArray.
static const int kMaxLength = (kMaxSize - kHeaderSize) / kDoubleSize;
// Dispatched behavior.
class BodyDescriptor;
// Helper class to access FAST_ and SLOW_SLOPPY_ARGUMENTS_ELEMENTS
// +---+-----------------------+
// | 0 | Context* context |
// +---------------------------+
// | 1 | FixedArray* arguments +----+ FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS
// +---------------------------+ v-----+-----------+
// | 2 | Object* param_1_map | | 0 | the_hole |
// |...| ... | | ... | ... |
// |n+1| Object* param_n_map | | n-1 | the_hole |
// +---------------------------+ | n | element_1 |
// | ... | ... |
// |n+m-1| element_m |
// +-----------------+
// Parameter maps give the index into the provided context. If a map entry is
// the_hole it means that the given entry has been deleted from the arguments
// object.
// The arguments backing store kind depends on the ElementsKind of the outer
// JSArgumentsObject:
class SloppyArgumentsElements : public FixedArray {
static const int kContextIndex = 0;
static const int kArgumentsIndex = 1;
static const uint32_t kParameterMapStart = 2;
inline Context* context();
inline FixedArray* arguments();
inline void set_arguments(FixedArray* arguments);
inline uint32_t parameter_map_length();
inline Object* get_mapped_entry(uint32_t entry);
inline void set_mapped_entry(uint32_t entry, Object* object);
void SloppyArgumentsElementsVerify(JSSloppyArgumentsObject* holder);
class WeakFixedArray : public FixedArray {
// If |maybe_array| is not a WeakFixedArray, a fresh one will be allocated.
// This function does not check if the value exists already, callers must
// ensure this themselves if necessary.
static Handle<WeakFixedArray> Add(Handle<Object> maybe_array,
Handle<HeapObject> value,
int* assigned_index = NULL);
// Returns true if an entry was found and removed.
bool Remove(Handle<HeapObject> value);
class NullCallback {
static void Callback(Object* value, int old_index, int new_index) {}
template <class CompactionCallback>
void Compact();
inline Object* Get(int index) const;
inline void Clear(int index);
inline int Length() const;
inline bool IsEmptySlot(int index) const;
static Object* Empty() { return Smi::kZero; }
class Iterator {
explicit Iterator(Object* maybe_array) : list_(NULL) { Reset(maybe_array); }
void Reset(Object* maybe_array);
template <class T>
inline T* Next();
int index_;
WeakFixedArray* list_;
#ifdef DEBUG
int last_used_index_;
DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc_;
#endif // DEBUG
static const int kLastUsedIndexIndex = 0;
static const int kFirstIndex = 1;
static Handle<WeakFixedArray> Allocate(
Isolate* isolate, int size, Handle<WeakFixedArray> initialize_from);
static void Set(Handle<WeakFixedArray> array, int index,
Handle<HeapObject> value);
inline void clear(int index);
inline int last_used_index() const;
inline void set_last_used_index(int index);
// Disallow inherited setters.
void set(int index, Smi* value);
void set(int index, Object* value);
void set(int index, Object* value, WriteBarrierMode mode);
// Generic array grows dynamically with O(1) amortized insertion.
// ArrayList is a FixedArray with static convenience methods for adding more
// elements. The Length() method returns the number of elements in the list, not
// the allocated size. The number of elements is stored at kLengthIndex and is
// updated with every insertion. The elements of the ArrayList are stored in the
// underlying FixedArray starting at kFirstIndex.
class ArrayList : public FixedArray {
enum AddMode {
// Use this if GC can delete elements from the array.
static Handle<ArrayList> Add(Handle<ArrayList> array, Handle<Object> obj,
AddMode mode = kNone);
static Handle<ArrayList> Add(Handle<ArrayList> array, Handle<Object> obj1,
Handle<Object> obj2, AddMode = kNone);
static Handle<ArrayList> New(Isolate* isolate, int size);
// Returns the number of elements in the list, not the allocated size, which
// is length(). Lower and upper case length() return different results!
inline int Length() const;
// Sets the Length() as used by Elements(). Does not change the underlying
// storage capacity, i.e., length().
inline void SetLength(int length);
inline Object* Get(int index) const;
inline Object** Slot(int index);
// Set the element at index to obj. The underlying array must be large enough.
// If you need to grow the ArrayList, use the static Add() methods instead.
inline void Set(int index, Object* obj,
WriteBarrierMode mode = UPDATE_WRITE_BARRIER);
// Set the element at index to undefined. This does not change the Length().
inline void Clear(int index, Object* undefined);
// Return a copy of the list of size Length() without the first entry. The
// number returned by Length() is stored in the first entry.
Handle<FixedArray> Elements() const;
bool IsFull();
static Handle<ArrayList> EnsureSpace(Handle<ArrayList> array, int length);
static const int kLengthIndex = 0;
static const int kFirstIndex = 1;
template <SearchMode search_mode, typename T>
inline int Search(T* array, Name* name, int valid_entries = 0,
int* out_insertion_index = NULL);
// The cache for maps used by normalized (dictionary mode) objects.
// Such maps do not have property descriptors, so a typical program
// needs very limited number of distinct normalized maps.
// handler. Layout looks as follows:
// [ range-start , range-end , handler-offset , handler-data ]
// 2) Based on return addresses: Used for turbofanned code. Contains one entry
// per call-site that could throw an exception. Layout looks as follows:
// [ return-address-offset , handler-offset ]
class HandlerTable : public FixedArray {
// Conservative prediction whether a given handler will locally catch an
// exception or cause a re-throw to outside the code boundary. Since this is
// undecidable it is merely an approximation (e.g. useful for debugger).
enum CatchPrediction {
UNCAUGHT, // The handler will (likely) rethrow the exception.
CAUGHT, // The exception will be caught by the handler.
PROMISE, // The exception will be caught and cause a promise rejection.
DESUGARING, // The exception will be caught, but both the exception and the
// catching are part of a desugaring and should therefore not
// be visible to the user (we won't notify the debugger of such
// exceptions).
ASYNC_AWAIT, // The exception will be caught and cause a promise rejection
// in the desugaring of an async function, so special
// async/await handling in the debugger can take place.
// Getters for handler table based on ranges.
inline int GetRangeStart(int index) const;
inline int GetRangeEnd(int index) const;
inline int GetRangeHandler(int index) const;
inline int GetRangeData(int index) const;
// Setters for handler table based on ranges.
inline void SetRangeStart(int index, int value);
inline void SetRangeEnd(int index, int value);
inline void SetRangeHandler(int index, int offset, CatchPrediction pred);
inline void SetRangeData(int index, int value);
// Setters for handler table based on return addresses.
inline void SetReturnOffset(int index, int value);
inline void SetReturnHandler(int index, int offset);
// Lookup handler in a table based on ranges. The {pc_offset} is an offset to
// the start of the potentially throwing instruction (using return addresses
// for this value would be invalid).
int LookupRange(int pc_offset, int* data, CatchPrediction* prediction);
// Lookup handler in a table based on return addresses.
int LookupReturn(int pc_offset);
// Returns the number of entries in the table.
inline int NumberOfRangeEntries() const;
// Returns the required length of the underlying fixed array.
static int LengthForRange(int entries) { return entries * kRangeEntrySize; }
static int LengthForReturn(int entries) { return entries * kReturnEntrySize; }
void HandlerTableRangePrint(std::ostream& os); // NOLINT
void HandlerTableReturnPrint(std::ostream& os); // NOLINT
// Layout description for handler table based on ranges.
static const int kRangeStartIndex = 0;
static const int kRangeEndIndex = 1;
static const int kRangeHandlerIndex = 2;
static const int kRangeDataIndex = 3;
static const int kRangeEntrySize = 4;
// Layout description for handler table based on return addresses.
static const int kReturnOffsetIndex = 0;
static const int kReturnHandlerIndex = 1;
static const int kReturnEntrySize = 2;
// Encoding of the {handler} field.
class HandlerPredictionField : public BitField<CatchPrediction, 0, 3> {};
class HandlerOffsetField : public BitField<int, 3, 29> {};
// ByteArray represents fixed sized byte arrays. Used for the relocation info
// that is attached to code objects.
class ByteArray: public FixedArrayBase {
inline int Size();
// Setter and getter.
inline byte get(int index) const;
inline void set(int index, byte value);
// Copy in / copy out whole byte slices.
inline void copy_out(int index, byte* buffer, int length);
inline void copy_in(int index, const byte* buffer, int length);
// Treat contents as an int array.
inline int get_int(int index) const;
inline void set_int(int index, int value);
inline uint32_t get_uint32(int index) const;
inline void set_uint32(int index, uint32_t value);
static int SizeFor(int length) {
return OBJECT_POINTER_ALIGN(kHeaderSize + length);
// We use byte arrays for free blocks in the heap. Given a desired size in
// bytes that is a multiple of the word size and big enough to hold a byte
// array, this function returns the number of elements a byte array should
// have.
static int LengthFor(int size_in_bytes) {
DCHECK(IsAligned(size_in_bytes, kPointerSize));
DCHECK(size_in_bytes >= kHeaderSize);
return size_in_bytes - kHeaderSize;
// Returns data start address.
inline Address GetDataStartAddress();
inline int DataSize() const;
// Returns a pointer to the ByteArray object for a given data start address.
static inline ByteArray* FromDataStartAddress(Address address);
// Dispatched behavior.
inline int ByteArraySize();
// Layout description.
static const int kAlignedSize = OBJECT_POINTER_ALIGN(kHeaderSize);
// Maximal memory consumption for a single ByteArray.
static const int kMaxSize = 512 * MB;
// Maximal length of a single ByteArray.
static const int kMaxLength = kMaxSize - kHeaderSize;
class BodyDescriptor;
// Wrapper class for ByteArray which can store arbitrary C++ classes, as long
// as they can be copied with memcpy.
template <class T>
class PodArray : public ByteArray {
static Handle<PodArray<T>> New(Isolate* isolate, int length,
PretenureFlag pretenure = NOT_TENURED);
void copy_out(int index, T* result) {
ByteArray::copy_out(index * sizeof(T), reinterpret_cast<byte*>(result),
T get(int index) {
T result;
copy_out(index, &result);
return result;
void set(int index, const T& value) {
copy_in(index * sizeof(T), reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(&value),
int length() { return ByteArray::length() / sizeof(T); }
// BytecodeArray represents a sequence of interpreter bytecodes.
class BytecodeArray : public FixedArrayBase {
#define DECLARE_BYTECODE_AGE_ENUM(X) k##X##BytecodeAge,
enum Age {
kNoAgeBytecodeAge = 0,
kFirstBytecodeAge = kNoAgeBytecodeAge,
kLastBytecodeAge = kAfterLastBytecodeAge - 1,
kBytecodeAgeCount = kAfterLastBytecodeAge - kFirstBytecodeAge - 1,
kIsOldBytecodeAge = kSexagenarianBytecodeAge
static int SizeFor(int length) {
return OBJECT_POINTER_ALIGN(kHeaderSize + length);
// Setter and getter
inline byte get(int index);
inline void set(int index, byte value);
// Returns data start address.
inline Address GetFirstBytecodeAddress();
// Accessors for frame size.
inline int frame_size() const;
inline void set_frame_size(int frame_size);
// Accessor for register count (derived from frame_size).
inline int register_count() const;
// Accessors for parameter count (including implicit 'this' receiver).
inline int parameter_count() const;
inline void set_parameter_count(int number_of_parameters);
// Accessors for profiling count.
inline int interrupt_budget() const;
inline void set_interrupt_budget(int interrupt_budget);
// Accessors for OSR loop nesting level.
inline int osr_loop_nesting_level() const;
inline void set_osr_loop_nesting_level(int depth);
// Accessors for bytecode's code age.
inline Age bytecode_age() const;
inline void set_bytecode_age(Age age);
// Accessors for the constant pool.
DECL_ACCESSORS(constant_pool, FixedArray)
// Accessors for handler table containing offsets of exception handlers.
DECL_ACCESSORS(handler_table, FixedArray)
// Accessors for source position table containing mappings between byte code
// offset and source position or SourcePositionTableWithFrameCache.
DECL_ACCESSORS(source_position_table, Object)
inline ByteArray* SourcePositionTable();
// Dispatched behavior.
inline int BytecodeArraySize();
inline int instruction_size();
// Returns the size of bytecode and its metadata. This includes the size of
// bytecode, constant pool, source position table, and handler table.
inline int SizeIncludingMetadata();
int SourcePosition(int offset);
int SourceStatementPosition(int offset);
void Disassemble(std::ostream& os);
void CopyBytecodesTo(BytecodeArray* to);
// Bytecode aging
bool IsOld() const;
void MakeOlder();
// Layout description.
static const int kConstantPoolOffset = FixedArrayBase::kHeaderSize;
static const int kHandlerTableOffset = kConstantPoolOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSourcePositionTableOffset =
kHandlerTableOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kFrameSizeOffset = kSourcePositionTableOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kParameterSizeOffset = kFrameSizeOffset + kIntSize;
static const int kInterruptBudgetOffset = kParameterSizeOffset + kIntSize;
static const int kOSRNestingLevelOffset = kInterruptBudgetOffset + kIntSize;
static const int kBytecodeAgeOffset = kOSRNestingLevelOffset + kCharSize;
static const int kHeaderSize = kBytecodeAgeOffset + kCharSize;
// Maximal memory consumption for a single BytecodeArray.
static const int kMaxSize = 512 * MB;
// Maximal length of a single BytecodeArray.
static const int kMaxLength = kMaxSize - kHeaderSize;
static const int kPointerFieldsBeginOffset = kConstantPoolOffset;
static const int kPointerFieldsEndOffset = kFrameSizeOffset;
typedef FixedBodyDescriptor<kPointerFieldsBeginOffset,
kPointerFieldsEndOffset, kHeaderSize>
class BodyDescriptor;
// FreeSpace are fixed-size free memory blocks used by the heap and GC.
// They look like heap objects (are heap object tagged and have a map) so that
// the heap remains iterable. They have a size and a next pointer.
// The next pointer is the raw address of the next FreeSpace object (or NULL)
// in the free list.
class FreeSpace: public HeapObject {
// [size]: size of the free space including the header.
inline int size() const;
inline void set_size(int value);
inline int relaxed_read_size() const;
inline void relaxed_write_size(int value);
inline int Size();
// Accessors for the next field.
inline FreeSpace* next();
inline void set_next(FreeSpace* next);
inline static FreeSpace* cast(HeapObject* obj);
// Dispatched behavior.
// Layout description.
// Size is smi tagged when it is stored.
static const int kSizeOffset = HeapObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kNextOffset = POINTER_SIZE_ALIGN(kSizeOffset + kPointerSize);
static const int kSize = kNextOffset + kPointerSize;
// V has parameters (Type, type, TYPE, C type, element_size)
#define TYPED_ARRAYS(V) \
V(Uint8, uint8, UINT8, uint8_t, 1) \
V(Int8, int8, INT8, int8_t, 1) \
V(Uint16, uint16, UINT16, uint16_t, 2) \
V(Int16, int16, INT16, int16_t, 2) \
V(Uint32, uint32, UINT32, uint32_t, 4) \
V(Int32, int32, INT32, int32_t, 4) \
V(Float32, float32, FLOAT32, float, 4) \
V(Float64, float64, FLOAT64, double, 8) \
V(Uint8Clamped, uint8_clamped, UINT8_CLAMPED, uint8_t, 1)
class FixedTypedArrayBase: public FixedArrayBase {
// [base_pointer]: Either points to the FixedTypedArrayBase itself or nullptr.
DECL_ACCESSORS(base_pointer, Object)
// [external_pointer]: Contains the offset between base_pointer and the start
// of the data. If the base_pointer is a nullptr, the external_pointer
// therefore points to the actual backing store.
DECL_ACCESSORS(external_pointer, void)
// Dispatched behavior.
static const int kBasePointerOffset = FixedArrayBase::kHeaderSize;
static const int kExternalPointerOffset = kBasePointerOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kHeaderSize =
DOUBLE_POINTER_ALIGN(kExternalPointerOffset + kPointerSize);
static const int kDataOffset = kHeaderSize;
static const int kMaxElementSize = 8;
#ifdef V8_HOST_ARCH_32_BIT
static const size_t kMaxByteLength = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
static const size_t kMaxByteLength =
static_cast<size_t>(Smi::kMaxValue) * kMaxElementSize;
#endif // V8_HOST_ARCH_32_BIT
static const size_t kMaxLength = Smi::kMaxValue;
class BodyDescriptor;
inline int size();
static inline int TypedArraySize(InstanceType type, int length);
inline int TypedArraySize(InstanceType type);
// Use with care: returns raw pointer into heap.
inline void* DataPtr();
inline int DataSize();
static inline int ElementSize(InstanceType type);
inline int DataSize(InstanceType type);
template <class Traits>
class FixedTypedArray: public FixedTypedArrayBase {
typedef typename Traits::ElementType ElementType;
static const InstanceType kInstanceType = Traits::kInstanceType;
inline ElementType get_scalar(int index);
static inline Handle<Object> get(FixedTypedArray* array, int index);
inline void set(int index, ElementType value);
static inline ElementType from(int value);
static inline ElementType from(uint32_t value);
static inline ElementType from(double value);
// This accessor applies the correct conversion from Smi, HeapNumber
// and undefined.
inline void SetValue(uint32_t index, Object* value);
#define FIXED_TYPED_ARRAY_TRAITS(Type, type, TYPE, elementType, size) \
STATIC_ASSERT(size <= FixedTypedArrayBase::kMaxElementSize); \
class Type##ArrayTraits { \
public: /* NOLINT */ \
typedef elementType ElementType; \
static const InstanceType kInstanceType = FIXED_##TYPE##_ARRAY_TYPE; \
static const char* Designator() { return #type " array"; } \
static inline Handle<Object> ToHandle(Isolate* isolate, \
elementType scalar); \
static inline elementType defaultValue(); \
}; \
typedef FixedTypedArray<Type##ArrayTraits> Fixed##Type##Array;
// DeoptimizationInputData is a fixed array used to hold the deoptimization
// data for optimized code. It also contains information about functions that
// were inlined. If N different functions were inlined then first N elements of
// the literal array will contain these functions.
// It can be empty.
class DeoptimizationInputData: public FixedArray {
// Layout description. Indices in the array.
static const int kTranslationByteArrayIndex = 0;
static const int kInlinedFunctionCountIndex = 1;
static const int kLiteralArrayIndex = 2;
static const int kOsrAstIdIndex = 3;
static const int kOsrPcOffsetIndex = 4;
static const int kOptimizationIdIndex = 5;
static const int kSharedFunctionInfoIndex = 6;
static const int kWeakCellCacheIndex = 7;
static const int kInliningPositionsIndex = 8;
static const int kFirstDeoptEntryIndex = 9;
// Offsets of deopt entry elements relative to the start of the entry.
static const int kAstIdRawOffset = 0;
static const int kTranslationIndexOffset = 1;
static const int kArgumentsStackHeightOffset = 2;
static const int kPcOffset = 3;
static const int kDeoptEntrySize = 4;
// Simple element accessors.
#define DECLARE_ELEMENT_ACCESSORS(name, type) \
inline type* name(); \
inline void Set##name(type* value);
DECLARE_ELEMENT_ACCESSORS(TranslationByteArray, ByteArray)
DECLARE_ELEMENT_ACCESSORS(InliningPositions, PodArray<InliningPosition>)
// Accessors for elements of the ith deoptimization entry.
#define DECLARE_ENTRY_ACCESSORS(name, type) \
inline type* name(int i); \
inline void Set##name(int i, type* value);
DECLARE_ENTRY_ACCESSORS(ArgumentsStackHeight, Smi)
inline BailoutId AstId(int i);
inline void SetAstId(int i, BailoutId value);
inline int DeoptCount();
static const int kNotInlinedIndex = -1;
// Returns the inlined function at the given position in LiteralArray, or the
// outer function if index == kNotInlinedIndex.
class SharedFunctionInfo* GetInlinedFunction(int index);
// Allocates a DeoptimizationInputData.
static Handle<DeoptimizationInputData> New(Isolate* isolate,
int deopt_entry_count,
PretenureFlag pretenure);
void DeoptimizationInputDataPrint(std::ostream& os); // NOLINT
static int IndexForEntry(int i) {
return kFirstDeoptEntryIndex + (i * kDeoptEntrySize);
static int LengthFor(int entry_count) { return IndexForEntry(entry_count); }
// DeoptimizationOutputData is a fixed array used to hold the deoptimization
// data for code generated by the full compiler.
// The format of the these objects is
// [i * 2]: Ast ID for ith deoptimization.
// [i * 2 + 1]: PC and state of ith deoptimization
class DeoptimizationOutputData: public FixedArray {
inline int DeoptPoints();
inline BailoutId AstId(int index);
inline void SetAstId(int index, BailoutId id);
inline Smi* PcAndState(int index);
inline void SetPcAndState(int index, Smi* offset);
static int LengthOfFixedArray(int deopt_points) {
return deopt_points * 2;
// Allocates a DeoptimizationOutputData.
static Handle<DeoptimizationOutputData> New(Isolate* isolate,
int number_of_deopt_points,
PretenureFlag pretenure);
void DeoptimizationOutputDataPrint(std::ostream& os); // NOLINT
class TemplateList : public FixedArray {
static Handle<TemplateList> New(Isolate* isolate, int size);
inline int length() const;
inline Object* get(int index) const;
inline void set(int index, Object* value);
static Handle<TemplateList> Add(Isolate* isolate, Handle<TemplateList> list,
Handle<Object> value);
static const int kLengthIndex = 0;
static const int kFirstElementIndex = kLengthIndex + 1;
// Code describes objects with on-the-fly generated machine code.
class Code: public HeapObject {
// Opaque data type for encapsulating code flags like kind, inline
// cache state, and arguments count.
typedef uint32_t Flags;
#define NON_IC_KIND_LIST(V) \
#define IC_KIND_LIST(V) \
#define CODE_KIND_LIST(V) \
enum Kind {
#define DEFINE_CODE_KIND_ENUM(name) name,
static const char* Kind2String(Kind kind);
static const int kPrologueOffsetNotSet = -1;
// Printing
static const char* ICState2String(InlineCacheState state);
static void PrintExtraICState(std::ostream& os, // NOLINT
Kind kind, ExtraICState extra);
#endif // defined(OBJECT_PRINT) || defined(ENABLE_DISASSEMBLER)
void Disassemble(const char* name, std::ostream& os); // NOLINT
// [instruction_size]: Size of the native instructions
inline int instruction_size() const;
inline void set_instruction_size(int value);
// [relocation_info]: Code relocation information
DECL_ACCESSORS(relocation_info, ByteArray)
void InvalidateRelocation();
void InvalidateEmbeddedObjects();
// [handler_table]: Fixed array containing offsets of exception handlers.
DECL_ACCESSORS(handler_table, FixedArray)
// [deoptimization_data]: Array containing data for deopt.
DECL_ACCESSORS(deoptimization_data, FixedArray)
// [source_position_table]: ByteArray for the source positions table or
// SourcePositionTableWithFrameCache.
DECL_ACCESSORS(source_position_table, Object)
inline ByteArray* SourcePositionTable();
// [trap_handler_index]: An index into the trap handler's master list of code
// objects.
DECL_ACCESSORS(trap_handler_index, Smi)
// [raw_type_feedback_info]: This field stores various things, depending on
// the kind of the code object.
// FUNCTION => type feedback information.
// STUB and ICs => major/minor key as Smi.
DECL_ACCESSORS(raw_type_feedback_info, Object)
inline Object* type_feedback_info();
inline void set_type_feedback_info(
Object* value, WriteBarrierMode mode = UPDATE_WRITE_BARRIER);
inline uint32_t stub_key();
inline void set_stub_key(uint32_t key);
// [next_code_link]: Link for lists of optimized or deoptimized code.
// Note that storage for this field is overlapped with typefeedback_info.
DECL_ACCESSORS(next_code_link, Object)
// [ic_age]: Inline caching age: the value of the Heap::global_ic_age
// at the moment when this object was created.
inline void set_ic_age(int count);
inline int ic_age() const;
// [prologue_offset]: Offset of the function prologue, used for aging
inline int prologue_offset() const;
inline void set_prologue_offset(int offset);
// [constant_pool offset]: Offset of the constant pool.
// Valid for FLAG_enable_embedded_constant_pool only
inline int constant_pool_offset() const;
inline void set_constant_pool_offset(int offset);
// Unchecked accessors to be used during GC.
inline ByteArray* unchecked_relocation_info();
inline int relocation_size();
// [flags]: Various code flags.
inline Flags flags();
inline void set_flags(Flags flags);
// [flags]: Access to specific code flags.
inline Kind kind();
inline ExtraICState extra_ic_state(); // Only valid for IC stubs.
// Testers for IC stub kinds.
inline bool is_inline_cache_stub();
inline bool is_debug_stub();
inline bool is_handler();
inline bool is_stub();
inline bool is_binary_op_stub();
inline bool is_compare_ic_stub();
inline bool is_to_boolean_ic_stub();
inline bool is_optimized_code();
inline bool is_wasm_code();
inline bool IsCodeStubOrIC();
inline void set_raw_kind_specific_flags1(int value);
inline void set_raw_kind_specific_flags2(int value);
// Testers for interpreter builtins.
inline bool is_interpreter_trampoline_builtin();
// [is_crankshafted]: For kind STUB or ICs, tells whether or not a code
// object was generated by either the hydrogen or the TurboFan optimizing
// compiler (but it may not be an optimized function).
inline bool is_crankshafted();
inline bool is_hydrogen_stub(); // Crankshafted, but not a function.
inline void set_is_crankshafted(bool value);
// [has_tagged_params]: For compiled code or builtins: Tells whether the
// outgoing parameters of this code are tagged pointers. True for other kinds.
inline bool has_tagged_params();
inline void set_has_tagged_params(bool value);
// [is_turbofanned]: For kind STUB or OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION, tells whether the
// code object was generated by the TurboFan optimizing compiler.
inline bool is_turbofanned();
inline void set_is_turbofanned(bool value);
// [can_have_weak_objects]: For kind OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION, tells whether the
// embedded objects in code should be treated weakly.
inline bool can_have_weak_objects();
inline void set_can_have_weak_objects(bool value);
// [is_construct_stub]: For kind BUILTIN, tells whether the code object
// represents a hand-written construct stub
// (e.g., NumberConstructor_ConstructStub).
inline bool is_construct_stub();
inline void set_is_construct_stub(bool value);
// [has_deoptimization_support]: For FUNCTION kind, tells if it has
// deoptimization support.
inline bool has_deoptimization_support();
inline void set_has_deoptimization_support(bool value);
// [has_debug_break_slots]: For FUNCTION kind, tells if it has
// been compiled with debug break slots.
inline bool has_debug_break_slots();
inline void set_has_debug_break_slots(bool value);
// [has_reloc_info_for_serialization]: For FUNCTION kind, tells if its
// reloc info includes runtime and external references to support
// serialization/deserialization.
inline bool has_reloc_info_for_serialization();
inline void set_has_reloc_info_for_serialization(bool value);
// [allow_osr_at_loop_nesting_level]: For FUNCTION kind, tells for
// how long the function has been marked for OSR and therefore which
// level of loop nesting we are willing to do on-stack replacement
// for.
inline void set_allow_osr_at_loop_nesting_level(int level);
inline int allow_osr_at_loop_nesting_level();
// [profiler_ticks]: For FUNCTION kind, tells for how many profiler ticks
// the code object was seen on the stack with no IC patching going on.
inline int profiler_ticks();
inline void set_profiler_ticks(int ticks);
// [builtin_index]: For builtins, tells which builtin index the code object
// has. Note that builtins can have a code kind other than BUILTIN. The
// builtin index is a non-negative integer for builtins, and -1 otherwise.
inline int builtin_index();
inline void set_builtin_index(int id);
// [stack_slots]: For kind OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION, the number of stack slots
// reserved in the code prologue.
inline unsigned stack_slots();
inline void set_stack_slots(unsigned slots);
// [safepoint_table_start]: For kind OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION, the offset in
// the instruction stream where the safepoint table starts.
inline unsigned safepoint_table_offset();
inline void set_safepoint_table_offset(unsigned offset);
// [back_edge_table_start]: For kind FUNCTION, the offset in the
// instruction stream where the back edge table starts.
inline unsigned back_edge_table_offset();
inline void set_back_edge_table_offset(unsigned offset);
inline bool back_edges_patched_for_osr();
// [to_boolean_foo]: For kind TO_BOOLEAN_IC tells what state the stub is in.
inline uint16_t to_boolean_state();
// [marked_for_deoptimization]: For kind OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION tells whether
// the code is going to be deoptimized because of dead embedded maps.
inline bool marked_for_deoptimization();
inline void set_marked_for_deoptimization(bool flag);
// [deopt_already_counted]: For kind OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION tells whether
// the code was already deoptimized.
inline bool deopt_already_counted();
inline void set_deopt_already_counted(bool flag);
// [is_promise_rejection]: For kind BUILTIN tells whether the
// exception thrown by the code will lead to promise rejection or
// uncaught if both this and is_exception_caught is set.
// Use GetBuiltinCatchPrediction to access this.
inline void set_is_promise_rejection(bool flag);
// [is_exception_caught]: For kind BUILTIN tells whether the
// exception thrown by the code will be caught internally or
// uncaught if both this and is_promise_rejection is set.
// Use GetBuiltinCatchPrediction to access this.
inline void set_is_exception_caught(bool flag);
// [constant_pool]: The constant pool for this function.
inline Address constant_pool();
// Get the safepoint entry for the given pc.
SafepointEntry GetSafepointEntry(Address pc);
// Find an object in a stub with a specified map
Object* FindNthObject(int n, Map* match_map);
// Find the first allocation site in an IC stub.
AllocationSite* FindFirstAllocationSite();
// Find the first map in an IC stub.
Map* FindFirstMap();
// For each (map-to-find, object-to-replace) pair in the pattern, this
// function replaces the corresponding placeholder in the code with the
// object-to-replace. The function assumes that pairs in the pattern come in
// the same order as the placeholders in the code.
// If the placeholder is a weak cell, then the value of weak cell is matched
// against the map-to-find.
void FindAndReplace(const FindAndReplacePattern& pattern);
// The entire code object including its header is copied verbatim to the
// snapshot so that it can be written in one, fast, memcpy during
// deserialization. The deserializer will overwrite some pointers, rather
// like a runtime linker, but the random allocation addresses used in the
// mksnapshot process would still be present in the unlinked snapshot data,
// which would make snapshot production non-reproducible. This method wipes
// out the to-be-overwritten header data for reproducible snapshots.
inline void WipeOutHeader();
// Flags operations.
static inline Flags ComputeFlags(
Kind kind, ExtraICState extra_ic_state = kNoExtraICState);
static inline Flags ComputeHandlerFlags(Kind handler_kind);
static inline Kind ExtractKindFromFlags(Flags flags);
static inline ExtraICState ExtractExtraICStateFromFlags(Flags flags);
// Convert a target address into a code object.
static inline Code* GetCodeFromTargetAddress(Address address);
// Convert an entry address into an object.
static inline Object* GetObjectFromEntryAddress(Address location_of_address);
// Returns the address of the first instruction.
inline byte* instruction_start();
// Returns the address right after the last instruction.
inline byte* instruction_end();
// Returns the size of the instructions, padding, relocation and unwinding
// information.
inline int body_size();
// Returns the size of code and its metadata. This includes the size of code
// relocation information, deoptimization data and handler table.
inline int SizeIncludingMetadata();
// Returns the address of the first relocation info (read backwards!).
inline byte* relocation_start();
// [has_unwinding_info]: Whether this code object has unwinding information.
// If it doesn't, unwinding_information_start() will point to invalid data.
// The body of all code objects has the following layout.
// +--------------------------+ <-- instruction_start()
// | instructions |
// | ... |
// +--------------------------+
// | relocation info |
// | ... |
// +--------------------------+ <-- instruction_end()
// If has_unwinding_info() is false, instruction_end() points to the first
// memory location after the end of the code object. Otherwise, the body
// continues as follows:
// +--------------------------+
// | padding to the next |
// | 8-byte aligned address |
// +--------------------------+ <-- instruction_end()
// | [unwinding_info_size] |
// | as uint64_t |
// +--------------------------+ <-- unwinding_info_start()
// | unwinding info |
// | ... |
// +--------------------------+ <-- unwinding_info_end()
// and unwinding_info_end() points to the first memory location after the end
// of the code object.
// [unwinding_info_size]: Size of the unwinding information.
inline int unwinding_info_size() const;
inline void set_unwinding_info_size(int value);
// Returns the address of the unwinding information, if any.
inline byte* unwinding_info_start();
// Returns the address right after the end of the unwinding information.
inline byte* unwinding_info_end();
// Code entry point.
inline byte* entry();
// Returns true if pc is inside this object's instructions.
inline bool contains(byte* pc);
// Relocate the code by delta bytes. Called to signal that this code
// object has been moved by delta bytes.
void Relocate(intptr_t delta);
// Migrate code described by desc.
void CopyFrom(const CodeDesc& desc);
// Returns the object size for a given body (used for allocation).
static int SizeFor(int body_size) {
return RoundUp(kHeaderSize + body_size, kCodeAlignment);
// Calculate the size of the code object to report for log events. This takes
// the layout of the code object into account.
inline int ExecutableSize();
// Dispatched behavior.
inline int CodeSize();
void ClearInlineCaches();
BailoutId TranslatePcOffsetToAstId(uint32_t pc_offset);
uint32_t TranslateAstIdToPcOffset(BailoutId ast_id);
#define DECLARE_CODE_AGE_ENUM(X) k##X##CodeAge,
enum Age {
kToBeExecutedOnceCodeAge = -3,
kNotExecutedCodeAge = -2,
kExecutedOnceCodeAge = -1,
kNoAgeCodeAge = 0,
kFirstCodeAge = kToBeExecutedOnceCodeAge,
kLastCodeAge = kAfterLastCodeAge - 1,
kCodeAgeCount = kAfterLastCodeAge - kFirstCodeAge - 1,
kIsOldCodeAge = kSexagenarianCodeAge,
kPreAgedCodeAge = kIsOldCodeAge - 1
// Code aging. Indicates how many full GCs this code has survived without
// being entered through the prologue. Used to determine when to flush code
// held in the compilation cache.
static void MakeCodeAgeSequenceYoung(byte* sequence, Isolate* isolate);
static void MarkCodeAsExecuted(byte* sequence, Isolate* isolate);
void MakeYoung(Isolate* isolate);
void PreAge(Isolate* isolate);
void MarkToBeExecutedOnce(Isolate* isolate);
void MakeOlder();
static bool IsYoungSequence(Isolate* isolate, byte* sequence);
bool IsOld();
Age GetAge();
static inline Code* GetPreAgedCodeAgeStub(Isolate* isolate) {
return GetCodeAgeStub(isolate, kNotExecutedCodeAge);
void PrintDeoptLocation(FILE* out, Address pc);
bool CanDeoptAt(Address pc);
inline HandlerTable::CatchPrediction GetBuiltinCatchPrediction();
void VerifyEmbeddedObjectsDependency();
#ifdef DEBUG
enum VerifyMode { kNoContextSpecificPointers, kNoContextRetainingPointers };
void VerifyEmbeddedObjects(VerifyMode mode = kNoContextRetainingPointers);
static void VerifyRecompiledCode(Code* old_code, Code* new_code);
#endif // DEBUG
inline bool CanContainWeakObjects();
inline bool IsWeakObject(Object* object);
static inline bool IsWeakObjectInOptimizedCode(Object* object);
static Handle<WeakCell> WeakCellFor(Handle<Code> code);
WeakCell* CachedWeakCell();
static const int kConstantPoolSize =
FLAG_enable_embedded_constant_pool ? kIntSize : 0;
// Layout description.
static const int kRelocationInfoOffset = HeapObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kHandlerTableOffset = kRelocationInfoOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kDeoptimizationDataOffset =
kHandlerTableOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSourcePositionTableOffset =
kDeoptimizationDataOffset + kPointerSize;
// For FUNCTION kind, we store the type feedback info here.
static const int kTypeFeedbackInfoOffset =
kSourcePositionTableOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kNextCodeLinkOffset = kTypeFeedbackInfoOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kInstructionSizeOffset = kNextCodeLinkOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kICAgeOffset = kInstructionSizeOffset + kIntSize;
static const int kFlagsOffset = kICAgeOffset + kIntSize;
static const int kKindSpecificFlags1Offset = kFlagsOffset + kIntSize;
static const int kKindSpecificFlags2Offset =
kKindSpecificFlags1Offset + kIntSize;
// Note: We might be able to squeeze this into the flags above.
static const int kPrologueOffset = kKindSpecificFlags2Offset + kIntSize;
static const int kConstantPoolOffset = kPrologueOffset + kIntSize;
static const int kBuiltinIndexOffset =
kConstantPoolOffset + kConstantPoolSize;
static const int kTrapHandlerIndex = kBuiltinIndexOffset + kIntSize;
static const int kHeaderPaddingStart = kTrapHandlerIndex + kPointerSize;
enum TrapFields { kTrapCodeOffset, kTrapLandingOffset, kTrapDataSize };
// Add padding to align the instruction start following right after
// the Code object header.
static const int kHeaderSize =
(kHeaderPaddingStart + kCodeAlignmentMask) & ~kCodeAlignmentMask;
inline int GetUnwindingInfoSizeOffset() const;
class BodyDescriptor;
// Byte offsets within kKindSpecificFlags1Offset.
static const int kFullCodeFlags = kKindSpecificFlags1Offset;
class FullCodeFlagsHasDeoptimizationSupportField:
public BitField<bool, 0, 1> {}; // NOLINT
class FullCodeFlagsHasDebugBreakSlotsField: public BitField<bool, 1, 1> {};
class FullCodeFlagsHasRelocInfoForSerialization
: public BitField<bool, 2, 1> {};
// Bit 3 in this bitfield is unused.
class ProfilerTicksField : public BitField<int, 4, 28> {};
// Flags layout. BitField<type, shift, size>.
class HasUnwindingInfoField : public BitField<bool, 0, 1> {};
class KindField : public BitField<Kind, HasUnwindingInfoField::kNext, 5> {};
class ExtraICStateField
: public BitField<ExtraICState, KindField::kNext,
PlatformSmiTagging::kSmiValueSize - KindField::kNext> {
// KindSpecificFlags1 layout (STUB, BUILTIN and OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION)
static const int kStackSlotsFirstBit = 0;
static const int kStackSlotsBitCount = 24;
static const int kMarkedForDeoptimizationBit =
kStackSlotsFirstBit + kStackSlotsBitCount;
static const int kDeoptAlreadyCountedBit = kMarkedForDeoptimizationBit + 1;
static const int kIsTurbofannedBit = kDeoptAlreadyCountedBit + 1;
static const int kCanHaveWeakObjects = kIsTurbofannedBit + 1;
// Could be moved to overlap previous bits when we need more space.
static const int kIsConstructStub = kCanHaveWeakObjects + 1;
static const int kIsPromiseRejection = kIsConstructStub + 1;
static const int kIsExceptionCaught = kIsPromiseRejection + 1;
STATIC_ASSERT(kStackSlotsFirstBit + kStackSlotsBitCount <= 32);
STATIC_ASSERT(kIsExceptionCaught + 1 <= 32);
class StackSlotsField: public BitField<int,
kStackSlotsFirstBit, kStackSlotsBitCount> {}; // NOLINT
class MarkedForDeoptimizationField
: public BitField<bool, kMarkedForDeoptimizationBit, 1> {}; // NOLINT
class DeoptAlreadyCountedField
: public BitField<bool, kDeoptAlreadyCountedBit, 1> {}; // NOLINT
class IsTurbofannedField : public BitField<bool, kIsTurbofannedBit, 1> {
}; // NOLINT
class CanHaveWeakObjectsField
: public BitField<bool, kCanHaveWeakObjects, 1> {}; // NOLINT
class IsConstructStubField : public BitField<bool, kIsConstructStub, 1> {
}; // NOLINT
class IsPromiseRejectionField
: public BitField<bool, kIsPromiseRejection, 1> {}; // NOLINT
class IsExceptionCaughtField : public BitField<bool, kIsExceptionCaught, 1> {
}; // NOLINT
// KindSpecificFlags2 layout (ALL)
static const int kIsCrankshaftedBit = 0;
class IsCrankshaftedField : public BitField<bool, kIsCrankshaftedBit, 1> {};
static const int kHasTaggedStackBit = kIsCrankshaftedBit + 1;
class HasTaggedStackField : public BitField<bool, kHasTaggedStackBit, 1> {};
// KindSpecificFlags2 layout (STUB and OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION)
static const int kSafepointTableOffsetFirstBit = kHasTaggedStackBit + 1;
static const int kSafepointTableOffsetBitCount = 30;
STATIC_ASSERT(kSafepointTableOffsetFirstBit +
kSafepointTableOffsetBitCount <= 32);
STATIC_ASSERT(1 + kSafepointTableOffsetBitCount <= 32);
class SafepointTableOffsetField: public BitField<int,
kSafepointTableOffsetBitCount> {}; // NOLINT
// KindSpecificFlags2 layout (FUNCTION)
class BackEdgeTableOffsetField: public BitField<int,
kIsCrankshaftedBit + 1, 27> {}; // NOLINT
class AllowOSRAtLoopNestingLevelField: public BitField<int,
kIsCrankshaftedBit + 1 + 27, 4> {}; // NOLINT
static const int kArgumentsBits = 16;
static const int kMaxArguments = (1 << kArgumentsBits) - 1;
friend class RelocIterator;
friend class Deoptimizer; // For FindCodeAgeSequence.
// Code aging
byte* FindCodeAgeSequence();
static Age GetCodeAge(Isolate* isolate, byte* sequence);
static Age GetAgeOfCodeAgeStub(Code* code);
static Code* GetCodeAgeStub(Isolate* isolate, Age age);
// Code aging -- platform-specific
static void PatchPlatformCodeAge(Isolate* isolate, byte* sequence, Age age);
bool is_promise_rejection();
bool is_exception_caught();
class AbstractCode : public HeapObject {
// All code kinds and INTERPRETED_FUNCTION.
enum Kind {
#define DEFINE_CODE_KIND_ENUM(name) name,
static const char* Kind2String(Kind kind);
int SourcePosition(int offset);
int SourceStatementPosition(int offset);
// Returns the address of the first instruction.
inline Address instruction_start();
// Returns the address right after the last instruction.
inline Address instruction_end();
// Returns the size of the code instructions.
inline int instruction_size();
// Return the source position table.
inline ByteArray* source_position_table();
// Set the source position table.
inline void set_source_position_table(ByteArray* source_position_table);
inline Object* stack_frame_cache();
static void SetStackFrameCache(Handle<AbstractCode> abstract_code,
Handle<UnseededNumberDictionary> cache);
void DropStackFrameCache();
// Returns the size of instructions and the metadata.
inline int SizeIncludingMetadata();
// Returns true if pc is inside this object's instructions.
inline bool contains(byte* pc);
// Returns the AbstractCode::Kind of the code.
inline Kind kind();
// Calculate the size of the code object to report for log events. This takes
// the layout of the code object into account.
inline int ExecutableSize();
inline Code* GetCode();
inline BytecodeArray* GetBytecodeArray();
// Max loop nesting marker used to postpose OSR. We don't take loop
// nesting that is deeper than 5 levels into account.
static const int kMaxLoopNestingMarker = 6;
STATIC_ASSERT(Code::AllowOSRAtLoopNestingLevelField::kMax >=
// Dependent code is a singly linked list of fixed arrays. Each array contains
// code objects in weak cells for one dependent group. The suffix of the array
// can be filled with the undefined value if the number of codes is less than
// the length of the array.
// +------+-----------------+--------+--------+-----+--------+-----------+-----+
// | next | count & group 1 | code 1 | code 2 | ... | code n | undefined | ... |
// +------+-----------------+--------+--------+-----+--------+-----------+-----+
// |
// V
// +------+-----------------+--------+--------+-----+--------+-----------+-----+
// | next | count & group 2 | code 1 | code 2 | ... | code m | undefined | ... |
// +------+-----------------+--------+--------+-----+--------+-----------+-----+
// |
// V
// empty_fixed_array()
// The list of fixed arrays is ordered by dependency groups.
class DependentCode: public FixedArray {
enum DependencyGroup {
// Group of code that weakly embed this map and depend on being
// deoptimized when the map is garbage collected.
// Group of code that embed a transition to this map, and depend on being
// deoptimized when the transition is replaced by a new version.
// Group of code that omit run-time prototype checks for prototypes
// described by this map. The group is deoptimized whenever an object
// described by this map changes shape (and transitions to a new map),
// possibly invalidating the assumptions embedded in the code.
// Group of code that depends on global property values in property cells
// not being changed.
// Group of code that omit run-time checks for field(s) introduced by
// this map, i.e. for the field type.
// Group of code that omit run-time type checks for initial maps of
// constructors.
// Group of code that depends on tenuring information in AllocationSites
// not being changed.
// Group of code that depends on element transition information in
// AllocationSites not being changed.
static const int kGroupCount = kAllocationSiteTransitionChangedGroup + 1;
static const int kNextLinkIndex = 0;
static const int kFlagsIndex = 1;
static const int kCodesStartIndex = 2;
bool Contains(DependencyGroup group, WeakCell* code_cell);
bool IsEmpty(DependencyGroup group);
static Handle<DependentCode> InsertCompilationDependencies(
Handle<DependentCode> entries, DependencyGroup group,
Handle<Foreign> info);
static Handle<DependentCode> InsertWeakCode(Handle<DependentCode> entries,
DependencyGroup group,
Handle<WeakCell> code_cell);
void UpdateToFinishedCode(DependencyGroup group, Foreign* info,
WeakCell* code_cell);
void RemoveCompilationDependencies(DependentCode::DependencyGroup group,
Foreign* info);
void DeoptimizeDependentCodeGroup(Isolate* isolate,
DependentCode::DependencyGroup group);
bool MarkCodeForDeoptimization(Isolate* isolate,
DependentCode::DependencyGroup group);
// The following low-level accessors should only be used by this class
// and the mark compact collector.
inline DependentCode* next_link();
inline void set_next_link(DependentCode* next);
inline int count();
inline void set_count(int value);
inline DependencyGroup group();
inline void set_group(DependencyGroup group);
inline Object* object_at(int i);
inline void set_object_at(int i, Object* object);
inline void clear_at(int i);
inline void copy(int from, int to);
static const char* DependencyGroupName(DependencyGroup group);
static void SetMarkedForDeoptimization(Code* code, DependencyGroup group);
static Handle<DependentCode> Insert(Handle<DependentCode> entries,
DependencyGroup group,
Handle<Object> object);
static Handle<DependentCode> New(DependencyGroup group, Handle<Object> object,
Handle<DependentCode> next);
static Handle<DependentCode> EnsureSpace(Handle<DependentCode> entries);
// Compact by removing cleared weak cells and return true if there was
// any cleared weak cell.
bool Compact();
static int Grow(int number_of_entries) {
if (number_of_entries < 5) return number_of_entries + 1;
return number_of_entries * 5 / 4;
inline int flags();
inline void set_flags(int flags);
class GroupField : public BitField<int, 0, 3> {};
class CountField : public BitField<int, 3, 27> {};
STATIC_ASSERT(kGroupCount <= GroupField::kMax + 1);
class PrototypeInfo;
// An abstract superclass, a marker class really, for simple structure classes.
// It doesn't carry much functionality but allows struct classes to be
// identified in the type system.
class Struct: public HeapObject {
inline void InitializeBody(int object_size);
// A container struct to hold state required for PromiseResolveThenableJob.
class PromiseResolveThenableJobInfo : public Struct {
DECL_ACCESSORS(thenable, JSReceiver)
DECL_ACCESSORS(then, JSReceiver)
DECL_ACCESSORS(resolve, JSFunction)
DECL_ACCESSORS(reject, JSFunction)
DECL_ACCESSORS(context, Context)
static const int kThenableOffset = Struct::kHeaderSize;
static const int kThenOffset = kThenableOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kResolveOffset = kThenOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kRejectOffset = kResolveOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kContextOffset = kRejectOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kContextOffset + kPointerSize;
class JSPromise;
// Struct to hold state required for PromiseReactionJob.
class PromiseReactionJobInfo : public Struct {
DECL_ACCESSORS(value, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(tasks, Object)
// Check comment in JSPromise for information on what state these
// deferred fields could be in.
DECL_ACCESSORS(deferred_promise, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(deferred_on_resolve, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(deferred_on_reject, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(context, Context)
static const int kValueOffset = Struct::kHeaderSize;
static const int kTasksOffset = kValueOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kDeferredPromiseOffset = kTasksOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kDeferredOnResolveOffset =
kDeferredPromiseOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kDeferredOnRejectOffset =
kDeferredOnResolveOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kContextOffset = kDeferredOnRejectOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kContextOffset + kPointerSize;
class AsyncGeneratorRequest : public Struct {
// Holds an AsyncGeneratorRequest, or Undefined.
DECL_ACCESSORS(next, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(value, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(promise, Object)
static const int kNextOffset = Struct::kHeaderSize;
static const int kResumeModeOffset = kNextOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kValueOffset = kResumeModeOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kPromiseOffset = kValueOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kPromiseOffset + kPointerSize;
// Container for metadata stored on each prototype map.
class PrototypeInfo : public Struct {
static const int UNREGISTERED = -1;
// [weak_cell]: A WeakCell containing this prototype. ICs cache the cell here.
DECL_ACCESSORS(weak_cell, Object)
// [prototype_users]: WeakFixedArray containing maps using this prototype,
// or Smi(0) if uninitialized.
DECL_ACCESSORS(prototype_users, Object)
// [object_create_map]: A field caching the map for Object.create(prototype).
static inline void SetObjectCreateMap(Handle<PrototypeInfo> info,
Handle<Map> map);
inline Map* ObjectCreateMap();
inline bool HasObjectCreateMap();
// [registry_slot]: Slot in prototype's user registry where this user
// is stored. Returns UNREGISTERED if this prototype has not been registered.
inline int registry_slot() const;
inline void set_registry_slot(int slot);
// [validity_cell]: Cell containing the validity bit for prototype chains
// going through this object, or Smi(0) if uninitialized.
// When a prototype object changes its map, then both its own validity cell
// and those of all "downstream" prototypes are invalidated; handlers for a
// given receiver embed the currently valid cell for that receiver's prototype
// during their compilation and check it on execution.
DECL_ACCESSORS(validity_cell, Object)
// [bit_field]
inline int bit_field() const;
inline void set_bit_field(int bit_field);
// Dispatched behavior.
static const int kWeakCellOffset = HeapObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kPrototypeUsersOffset = kWeakCellOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kRegistrySlotOffset = kPrototypeUsersOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kValidityCellOffset = kRegistrySlotOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kObjectCreateMap = kValidityCellOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kBitFieldOffset = kObjectCreateMap + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kBitFieldOffset + kPointerSize;
// Bit field usage.
static const int kShouldBeFastBit = 0;
DECL_ACCESSORS(object_create_map, Object)
class Tuple2 : public Struct {
DECL_ACCESSORS(value1, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(value2, Object)
// Dispatched behavior.
static const int kValue1Offset = HeapObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kValue2Offset = kValue1Offset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kValue2Offset + kPointerSize;
class Tuple3 : public Tuple2 {
DECL_ACCESSORS(value3, Object)
// Dispatched behavior.
static const int kValue3Offset = Tuple2::kSize;
static const int kSize = kValue3Offset + kPointerSize;
// Pair used to store both a ScopeInfo and an extension object in the extension
// slot of a block, catch, or with context. Needed in the rare case where a
// declaration block scope (a "varblock" as used to desugar parameter
// destructuring) also contains a sloppy direct eval, or for with and catch
// scopes. (In no other case both are needed at the same time.)
class ContextExtension : public Struct {
// [scope_info]: Scope info.
DECL_ACCESSORS(scope_info, ScopeInfo)
// [extension]: Extension object.
DECL_ACCESSORS(extension, Object)
// Dispatched behavior.
static const int kScopeInfoOffset = HeapObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kExtensionOffset = kScopeInfoOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kExtensionOffset + kPointerSize;
// List of builtin functions we want to identify to improve code
// generation.
// Each entry has a name of a global object property holding an object
// optionally followed by ".prototype", a name of a builtin function
// on the object (the one the id is set for), and a label.
// Installation of ids for the selected builtin functions is handled
// by the bootstrapper.
V(Array, isArray, ArrayIsArray) \
V(Array.prototype, concat, ArrayConcat) \
V(Array.prototype, every, ArrayEvery) \
V(Array.prototype, fill, ArrayFill) \
V(Array.prototype, filter, ArrayFilter) \
V(Array.prototype, findIndex, ArrayFindIndex) \
V(Array.prototype, forEach, ArrayForEach) \
V(Array.prototype, includes, ArrayIncludes) \
V(Array.prototype, indexOf, ArrayIndexOf) \
V(Array.prototype, join, ArrayJoin) \
V(Array.prototype, lastIndexOf, ArrayLastIndexOf) \
V(Array.prototype, map, ArrayMap) \
V(Array.prototype, pop, ArrayPop) \
V(Array.prototype, push, ArrayPush) \
V(Array.prototype, reverse, ArrayReverse) \
V(Array.prototype, shift, ArrayShift) \
V(Array.prototype, slice, ArraySlice) \
V(Array.prototype, some, ArraySome) \
V(Array.prototype, splice, ArraySplice) \
V(Array.prototype, unshift, ArrayUnshift) \
V(Date, now, DateNow) \
V(Date.prototype, getDate, DateGetDate) \
V(Date.prototype, getDay, DateGetDay) \
V(Date.prototype, getFullYear, DateGetFullYear) \
V(Date.prototype, getHours, DateGetHours) \
V(Date.prototype, getMilliseconds, DateGetMilliseconds) \
V(Date.prototype, getMinutes, DateGetMinutes) \
V(Date.prototype, getMonth, DateGetMonth) \
V(Date.prototype, getSeconds, DateGetSeconds) \
V(Date.prototype, getTime, DateGetTime) \
V(Function.prototype, apply, FunctionApply) \
V(Function.prototype, bind, FunctionBind) \
V(Function.prototype, call, FunctionCall) \
V(Object, assign, ObjectAssign) \
V(Object, create, ObjectCreate) \
V(Object.prototype, hasOwnProperty, ObjectHasOwnProperty) \
V(Object.prototype, toString, ObjectToString) \
V(RegExp.prototype, compile, RegExpCompile) \
V(RegExp.prototype, exec, RegExpExec) \
V(RegExp.prototype, test, RegExpTest) \
V(RegExp.prototype, toString, RegExpToString) \
V(String.prototype, charCodeAt, StringCharCodeAt) \
V(String.prototype, charAt, StringCharAt) \
V(String.prototype, codePointAt, StringCodePointAt) \
V(String.prototype, concat, StringConcat) \
V(String.prototype, endsWith, StringEndsWith) \
V(String.prototype, includes, StringIncludes) \
V(String.prototype, indexOf, StringIndexOf) \
V(String.prototype, lastIndexOf, StringLastIndexOf) \
V(String.prototype, repeat, StringRepeat) \
V(String.prototype, slice, StringSlice) \
V(String.prototype, startsWith, StringStartsWith) \
V(String.prototype, substr, StringSubstr) \
V(String.prototype, substring, StringSubstring) \
V(String.prototype, toLowerCase, StringToLowerCase) \
V(String.prototype, toString, StringToString) \
V(String.prototype, toUpperCase, StringToUpperCase) \
V(String.prototype, trim, StringTrim) \
V(String.prototype, trimLeft, StringTrimLeft) \
V(String.prototype, trimRight, StringTrimRight) \
V(String.prototype, valueOf, StringValueOf) \
V(String, fromCharCode, StringFromCharCode) \
V(String, fromCodePoint, StringFromCodePoint) \
V(String, raw, StringRaw) \
V(Math, random, MathRandom) \
V(Math, floor, MathFloor) \
V(Math, round, MathRound) \
V(Math, ceil, MathCeil) \
V(Math, abs, MathAbs) \
V(Math, log, MathLog) \
V(Math, log1p, MathLog1p) \
V(Math, log2, MathLog2) \
V(Math, log10, MathLog10) \
V(Math, cbrt, MathCbrt) \
V(Math, exp, MathExp) \
V(Math, expm1, MathExpm1) \
V(Math, sqrt, MathSqrt) \
V(Math, pow, MathPow) \
V(Math, max, MathMax) \
V(Math, min, MathMin) \
V(Math, cos, MathCos) \
V(Math, cosh, MathCosh) \
V(Math, sign, MathSign) \
V(Math, sin, MathSin) \
V(Math, sinh, MathSinh) \
V(Math, tan, MathTan) \
V(Math, tanh, MathTanh) \
V(Math, acos, MathAcos) \
V(Math, acosh, MathAcosh) \
V(Math, asin, MathAsin) \
V(Math, asinh, MathAsinh) \
V(Math, atan, MathAtan) \
V(Math, atan2, MathAtan2) \
V(Math, atanh, MathAtanh) \
V(Math, imul, MathImul) \
V(Math, clz32, MathClz32) \
V(Math, fround, MathFround) \
V(Math, trunc, MathTrunc) \
V(Number, isFinite, NumberIsFinite) \
V(Number, isInteger, NumberIsInteger) \
V(Number, isNaN, NumberIsNaN) \
V(Number, isSafeInteger, NumberIsSafeInteger) \
V(Number, parseFloat, NumberParseFloat) \
V(Number, parseInt, NumberParseInt) \
V(Number.prototype, toString, NumberToString) \
V(Map.prototype, clear, MapClear) \
V(Map.prototype, delete, MapDelete) \
V(Map.prototype, entries, MapEntries) \
V(Map.prototype, forEach, MapForEach) \
V(Map.prototype, has, MapHas) \
V(Map.prototype, keys, MapKeys) \
V(Map.prototype, set, MapSet) \
V(Map.prototype, values, MapValues) \
V(Set.prototype, add, SetAdd) \
V(Set.prototype, clear, SetClear) \
V(Set.prototype, delete, SetDelete) \
V(Set.prototype, entries, SetEntries) \
V(Set.prototype, forEach, SetForEach) \
V(Set.prototype, has, SetHas) \
V(Set.prototype, keys, SetKeys) \
V(Set.prototype, values, SetValues) \
V(WeakMap.prototype, delete, WeakMapDelete) \
V(WeakMap.prototype, has, WeakMapHas) \
V(WeakMap.prototype, set, WeakMapSet) \
V(WeakSet.prototype, add, WeakSetAdd) \
V(WeakSet.prototype, delete, WeakSetDelete) \
V(WeakSet.prototype, has, WeakSetHas)
V(Atomics, load, AtomicsLoad) \
V(Atomics, store, AtomicsStore) \
V(Atomics, exchange, AtomicsExchange) \
V(Atomics, compareExchange, AtomicsCompareExchange) \
V(Atomics, add, AtomicsAdd) \
V(Atomics, sub, AtomicsSub) \
V(Atomics, and, AtomicsAnd) \
V(Atomics, or, AtomicsOr) \
V(Atomics, xor, AtomicsXor)
enum BuiltinFunctionId {
#define DECLARE_FUNCTION_ID(ignored1, ignore2, name) \
// Fake id for a special case of Math.pow. Note, it continues the
// list of math functions.
// These are manually assigned to special getters during bootstrapping.
class JSGeneratorObject: public JSObject {
// [function]: The function corresponding to this generator object.
DECL_ACCESSORS(function, JSFunction)
// [context]: The context of the suspended computation.
DECL_ACCESSORS(context, Context)
// [receiver]: The receiver of the suspended computation.
DECL_ACCESSORS(receiver, Object)
// [input_or_debug_pos]
// For executing generators: the most recent input value.
// For suspended generators: debug information (bytecode offset).
// There is currently no need to remember the most recent input value for a
// suspended generator.
DECL_ACCESSORS(input_or_debug_pos, Object)
// [resume_mode]: The most recent resume mode.
enum ResumeMode { kNext, kReturn, kThrow };
// [continuation]
// A positive value indicates a suspended generator. The special
// kGeneratorExecuting and kGeneratorClosed values indicate that a generator
// cannot be resumed.
inline int continuation() const;
inline void set_continuation(int continuation);
inline bool is_closed() const;
inline bool is_executing() const;
inline bool is_suspended() const;
// For suspended generators: the source position at which the generator
// is suspended.
int source_position() const;
// [register_file]: Saved interpreter register file.
DECL_ACCESSORS(register_file, FixedArray)
// Dispatched behavior.
// Magic sentinel values for the continuation.
static const int kGeneratorExecuting = -2;
static const int kGeneratorClosed = -1;
// Layout description.
static const int kFunctionOffset = JSObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kContextOffset = kFunctionOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kReceiverOffset = kContextOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kInputOrDebugPosOffset = kReceiverOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kResumeModeOffset = kInputOrDebugPosOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kContinuationOffset = kResumeModeOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kRegisterFileOffset = kContinuationOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kRegisterFileOffset + kPointerSize;
class JSAsyncGeneratorObject : public JSGeneratorObject {
// Dispatched behavior.
// [queue]
// Pointer to the head of a singly linked list of AsyncGeneratorRequest, or
// undefined.
DECL_ACCESSORS(queue, HeapObject)
// [await_input_or_debug_pos]
// Holds the value to resume generator with after an Await(), in order to
// avoid clobbering function.sent. If awaited_promise is not undefined, holds
// current bytecode offset for debugging instead.
DECL_ACCESSORS(await_input_or_debug_pos, Object)
// [awaited_promise]
// A reference to the Promise of an AwaitExpression.
DECL_ACCESSORS(awaited_promise, HeapObject)
// Layout description.
static const int kQueueOffset = JSGeneratorObject::kSize;
static const int kAwaitInputOrDebugPosOffset = kQueueOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kAwaitedPromiseOffset =
kAwaitInputOrDebugPosOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kAwaitedPromiseOffset + kPointerSize;
// When importing a module namespace (import * as foo from "bar"), a
// JSModuleNamespace object (representing module "bar") is created and bound to
// the declared variable (foo). A module can have at most one namespace object.
class JSModuleNamespace : public JSObject {
// The actual module whose namespace is being represented.
DECL_ACCESSORS(module, Module)
// Retrieve the value exported by [module] under the given [name]. If there is
// no such export, return Just(undefined). If the export is uninitialized,
// schedule an exception and return Nothing.
MUST_USE_RESULT MaybeHandle<Object> GetExport(Handle<String> name);
// In-object fields.
enum {
static const int kModuleOffset = JSObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kHeaderSize = kModuleOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kHeaderSize + kPointerSize * kInObjectFieldCount;
// A Module object is a mapping from export names to cells
// This is still very much in flux.
class Module : public Struct {
// The code representing this Module, or an abstraction thereof.
// This is either a SharedFunctionInfo or a JSFunction or a ModuleInfo
// depending on whether the module has been instantiated and evaluated. See
// Module::ModuleVerify() for the precise invariant.
DECL_ACCESSORS(code, Object)
// Arrays of cells corresponding to regular exports and regular imports.
// A cell's position in the array is determined by the cell index of the
// associated module entry (which coincides with the variable index of the
// associated variable).
DECL_ACCESSORS(regular_exports, FixedArray)
DECL_ACCESSORS(regular_imports, FixedArray)
// The complete export table, mapping an export name to its cell.
// TODO(neis): We may want to remove the regular exports from the table.
DECL_ACCESSORS(exports, ObjectHashTable)
// Hash for this object (a random non-zero Smi).
// Internal instantiation status.
enum InstantiationStatus { kUnprepared, kPrepared };
// The namespace object (or undefined).
DECL_ACCESSORS(module_namespace, HeapObject)
// Modules imported or re-exported by this module.
// Corresponds 1-to-1 to the module specifier strings in
// ModuleInfo::module_requests.
DECL_ACCESSORS(requested_modules, FixedArray)
// Get the ModuleInfo associated with the code.
inline ModuleInfo* info() const;
inline bool instantiated() const;
inline bool evaluated() const;
// Implementation of spec operation ModuleDeclarationInstantiation.
// Returns false if an exception occurred during instantiation, true
// otherwise. (In the case where the callback throws an exception, that
// exception is propagated.)
static MUST_USE_RESULT bool Instantiate(Handle<Module> module,
v8::Local<v8::Context> context,
v8::Module::ResolveCallback callback);
// Implementation of spec operation ModuleEvaluation.
static MUST_USE_RESULT MaybeHandle<Object> Evaluate(Handle<Module> module);
Cell* GetCell(int cell_index);
static Handle<Object> LoadVariable(Handle<Module> module, int cell_index);
static void StoreVariable(Handle<Module> module, int cell_index,
Handle<Object> value);
// Get the namespace object for [module_request] of [module]. If it doesn't
// exist yet, it is created.
static Handle<JSModuleNamespace> GetModuleNamespace(Handle<Module> module,
int module_request);
// Get the namespace object for [module]. If it doesn't exist yet, it is
// created.
static Handle<JSModuleNamespace> GetModuleNamespace(Handle<Module> module);
static const int kCodeOffset = HeapObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kExportsOffset = kCodeOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kRegularExportsOffset = kExportsOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kRegularImportsOffset = kRegularExportsOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kHashOffset = kRegularImportsOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kModuleNamespaceOffset = kHashOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kRequestedModulesOffset =
kModuleNamespaceOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kStatusOffset = kRequestedModulesOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kStatusOffset + kPointerSize;
static void CreateExport(Handle<Module> module, int cell_index,
Handle<FixedArray> names);
static void CreateIndirectExport(Handle<Module> module, Handle<String> name,
Handle<ModuleInfoEntry> entry);
// The [must_resolve] argument indicates whether or not an exception should be
// thrown in case the module does not provide an export named [name]
// (including when a cycle is detected). An exception is always thrown in the
// case of conflicting star exports.
// If [must_resolve] is true, a null result indicates an exception. If
// [must_resolve] is false, a null result may or may not indicate an
// exception (so check manually!).
class ResolveSet;
static MUST_USE_RESULT MaybeHandle<Cell> ResolveExport(
Handle<Module> module, Handle<String> name, MessageLocation loc,
bool must_resolve, ResolveSet* resolve_set);
static MUST_USE_RESULT MaybeHandle<Cell> ResolveImport(
Handle<Module> module, Handle<String> name, int module_request,
MessageLocation loc, bool must_resolve, ResolveSet* resolve_set);
// Helper for ResolveExport.
static MUST_USE_RESULT MaybeHandle<Cell> ResolveExportUsingStarExports(
Handle<Module> module, Handle<String> name, MessageLocation loc,
bool must_resolve, ResolveSet* resolve_set);
inline void set_evaluated();
static MUST_USE_RESULT bool PrepareInstantiate(
Handle<Module> module, v8::Local<v8::Context> context,
v8::Module::ResolveCallback callback);
static MUST_USE_RESULT bool FinishInstantiate(Handle<Module> module,
v8::Local<v8::Context> context);
// JSBoundFunction describes a bound function exotic object.
class JSBoundFunction : public JSObject {
// [bound_target_function]: The wrapped function object.
DECL_ACCESSORS(bound_target_function, JSReceiver)
// [bound_this]: The value that is always passed as the this value when
// calling the wrapped function.
DECL_ACCESSORS(bound_this, Object)
// [bound_arguments]: A list of values whose elements are used as the first
// arguments to any call to the wrapped function.
DECL_ACCESSORS(bound_arguments, FixedArray)
static MaybeHandle<String> GetName(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<JSBoundFunction> function);
static MaybeHandle<Context> GetFunctionRealm(
Handle<JSBoundFunction> function);
// Dispatched behavior.
// The bound function's string representation implemented according
// to ES6 section Function.prototype.toString ( ).
static Handle<String> ToString(Handle<JSBoundFunction> function);
// Layout description.
static const int kBoundTargetFunctionOffset = JSObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kBoundThisOffset = kBoundTargetFunctionOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kBoundArgumentsOffset = kBoundThisOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kBoundArgumentsOffset + kPointerSize;
// JSFunction describes JavaScript functions.
class JSFunction: public JSObject {
// [prototype_or_initial_map]:
DECL_ACCESSORS(prototype_or_initial_map, Object)
// [shared]: The information about the function that
// can be shared by instances.
DECL_ACCESSORS(shared, SharedFunctionInfo)
static const int kLengthDescriptorIndex = 0;
static const int kNameDescriptorIndex = 1;
// [context]: The context for this function.
inline Context* context();
inline bool has_context() const;
inline void set_context(Object* context);
inline JSObject* global_proxy();
inline Context* native_context();
static Handle<Object> GetName(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSFunction> function);
static MaybeHandle<Smi> GetLength(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<JSFunction> function);
static Handle<Context> GetFunctionRealm(Handle<JSFunction> function);
// [code]: The generated code object for this function. Executed
// when the function is invoked, e.g. foo() or new foo(). See
// [[Call]] and [[Construct]] description in ECMA-262, section
// 8.6.2, page 27.
inline Code* code();
inline void set_code(Code* code);
inline void set_code_no_write_barrier(Code* code);
inline void ReplaceCode(Code* code);
// Get the abstract code associated with the function, which will either be
// a Code object or a BytecodeArray.
inline AbstractCode* abstract_code();
// Tells whether this function inlines the given shared function info.
bool Inlines(SharedFunctionInfo* candidate);
// Tells whether or not this function is interpreted.
// Note: function->IsInterpreted() does not necessarily return the same value
// as function->shared()->IsInterpreted() because the closure might have been
// optimized.
inline bool IsInterpreted();
// Tells whether or not this function has been optimized.
inline bool IsOptimized();
// Mark this function for lazy recompilation. The function will be recompiled
// the next time it is executed.
void MarkForOptimization();
void AttemptConcurrentOptimization();
// Tells whether or not the function is already marked for lazy recompilation.
inline bool IsMarkedForOptimization();
inline bool IsMarkedForConcurrentOptimization();
// Tells whether or not the function is on the concurrent recompilation queue.
inline bool IsInOptimizationQueue();
// Clears the optimized code slot in the function's feedback vector.
inline void ClearOptimizedCodeSlot(const char* reason);
// Completes inobject slack tracking on initial map if it is active.
inline void CompleteInobjectSlackTrackingIfActive();
// [feedback_vector_cell]: Fixed array holding the feedback vector.
DECL_ACCESSORS(feedback_vector_cell, Cell)
enum FeedbackVectorState {
inline FeedbackVectorState GetFeedbackVectorState(Isolate* isolate) const;
// feedback_vector() can be used once the function is compiled.
inline FeedbackVector* feedback_vector() const;
inline bool has_feedback_vector() const;
static void EnsureLiterals(Handle<JSFunction> function);
// Unconditionally clear the type feedback vector.
void ClearTypeFeedbackInfo();
// The initial map for an object created by this constructor.
inline Map* initial_map();
static void SetInitialMap(Handle<JSFunction> function, Handle<Map> map,
Handle<Object> prototype);
inline bool has_initial_map();
static void EnsureHasInitialMap(Handle<JSFunction> function);
// Creates a map that matches the constructor's initial map, but with
// [[prototype]] being Because can be a
// JSProxy, this can call back into JavaScript.
static MUST_USE_RESULT MaybeHandle<Map> GetDerivedMap(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSFunction> constructor,
Handle<JSReceiver> new_target);
// Get and set the prototype property on a JSFunction. If the
// function has an initial map the prototype is set on the initial
// map. Otherwise, the prototype is put in the initial map field
// until an initial map is needed.
inline bool has_prototype();
inline bool has_instance_prototype();
inline Object* prototype();
inline Object* instance_prototype();
static void SetPrototype(Handle<JSFunction> function,
Handle<Object> value);
// After prototype is removed, it will not be created when accessed, and
// [[Construct]] from this function will not be allowed.
bool RemovePrototype();
// Returns if this function has been compiled to native code yet.
inline bool is_compiled();
// [next_function_link]: Links functions into various lists, e.g. the list
// of optimized functions hanging off the native_context. Treated weakly
// by the garbage collector.
DECL_ACCESSORS(next_function_link, Object)
// Prints the name of the function using PrintF.
void PrintName(FILE* out = stdout);
// Calculate the instance size and in-object properties count.
static void CalculateInstanceSizeForDerivedClass(
Handle<JSFunction> function, InstanceType instance_type,
int requested_embedder_fields, int* instance_size,
int* in_object_properties);
static void CalculateInstanceSizeHelper(InstanceType instance_type,
int requested_embedder_fields,
int requested_in_object_properties,
int* instance_size,
int* in_object_properties);
// Visiting policy flags define whether the code entry or next function
// should be visited or not.
enum BodyVisitingPolicy {
kVisitCodeEntry = 1 << 0,
kVisitNextFunction = 1 << 1,
kSkipCodeEntryAndNextFunction = 0,
kVisitCodeEntryAndNextFunction = kVisitCodeEntry | kVisitNextFunction
// Iterates the function object according to the visiting policy.
template <BodyVisitingPolicy>
class BodyDescriptorImpl;
// Visit the whole object.
typedef BodyDescriptorImpl<kVisitCodeEntryAndNextFunction> BodyDescriptor;
// Don't visit next function.
typedef BodyDescriptorImpl<kVisitCodeEntry> BodyDescriptorStrongCode;
typedef BodyDescriptorImpl<kSkipCodeEntryAndNextFunction>
// Dispatched behavior.
// The function's name if it is configured, otherwise shared function info
// debug name.
static Handle<String> GetName(Handle<JSFunction> function);
// ES6 section 9.2.11 SetFunctionName
// Because of the way this abstract operation is used in the spec,
// it should never fail.
static void SetName(Handle<JSFunction> function, Handle<Name> name,
Handle<String> prefix);
// The function's displayName if it is set, otherwise name if it is
// configured, otherwise shared function info
// debug name.
static Handle<String> GetDebugName(Handle<JSFunction> function);
// The function's string representation implemented according to
// ES6 section Function.prototype.toString ( ).
static Handle<String> ToString(Handle<JSFunction> function);
// Layout descriptors. The last property (from kNonWeakFieldsEndOffset to
// kSize) is weak and has special handling during garbage collection.
static const int kPrototypeOrInitialMapOffset = JSObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kSharedFunctionInfoOffset =
kPrototypeOrInitialMapOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kContextOffset = kSharedFunctionInfoOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kFeedbackVectorOffset = kContextOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kNonWeakFieldsEndOffset =
kFeedbackVectorOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kCodeEntryOffset = kNonWeakFieldsEndOffset;
static const int kNextFunctionLinkOffset = kCodeEntryOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kNextFunctionLinkOffset + kPointerSize;
// JSGlobalProxy's prototype must be a JSGlobalObject or null,
// and the prototype is hidden. JSGlobalProxy always delegates
// property accesses to its prototype if the prototype is not null.
// A JSGlobalProxy can be reinitialized which will preserve its identity.
// Accessing a JSGlobalProxy requires security check.
class JSGlobalProxy : public JSObject {
// [native_context]: the owner native context of this global proxy object.
// It is null value if this object is not used by any context.
DECL_ACCESSORS(native_context, Object)
// [hash]: The hash code property (undefined if not initialized yet).
DECL_ACCESSORS(hash, Object)
inline bool IsDetachedFrom(JSGlobalObject* global) const;
static int SizeWithEmbedderFields(int embedder_field_count);
// Dispatched behavior.
// Layout description.
static const int kNativeContextOffset = JSObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kHashOffset = kNativeContextOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kHashOffset + kPointerSize;
// JavaScript global object.
class JSGlobalObject : public JSObject {
// [native context]: the natives corresponding to this global object.
DECL_ACCESSORS(native_context, Context)
// [global proxy]: the global proxy object of the context
DECL_ACCESSORS(global_proxy, JSObject)
static void InvalidatePropertyCell(Handle<JSGlobalObject> object,
Handle<Name> name);
// Ensure that the global object has a cell for the given property name.
static Handle<PropertyCell> EnsureEmptyPropertyCell(
Handle<JSGlobalObject> global, Handle<Name> name,
PropertyCellType cell_type, int* entry_out = nullptr);
inline bool IsDetached();
// Dispatched behavior.
// Layout description.
static const int kNativeContextOffset = JSObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kGlobalProxyOffset = kNativeContextOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kHeaderSize = kGlobalProxyOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kHeaderSize;
// Representation for JS Wrapper objects, String, Number, Boolean, etc.
class JSValue: public JSObject {
// [value]: the object being wrapped.
DECL_ACCESSORS(value, Object)
// Dispatched behavior.
// Layout description.
static const int kValueOffset = JSObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kSize = kValueOffset + kPointerSize;
class DateCache;
// Representation for JS date objects.
class JSDate: public JSObject {
static MUST_USE_RESULT MaybeHandle<JSDate> New(Handle<JSFunction> constructor,
Handle<JSReceiver> new_target,
double tv);
// If one component is NaN, all of them are, indicating a NaN time value.
// [value]: the time value.
DECL_ACCESSORS(value, Object)
// [year]: caches year. Either undefined, smi, or NaN.
DECL_ACCESSORS(year, Object)
// [month]: caches month. Either undefined, smi, or NaN.
DECL_ACCESSORS(month, Object)
// [day]: caches day. Either undefined, smi, or NaN.
// [weekday]: caches day of week. Either undefined, smi, or NaN.
DECL_ACCESSORS(weekday, Object)
// [hour]: caches hours. Either undefined, smi, or NaN.
DECL_ACCESSORS(hour, Object)
// [min]: caches minutes. Either undefined, smi, or NaN.
// [sec]: caches seconds. Either undefined, smi, or NaN.
// [cache stamp]: sample of the date cache stamp at the
// moment when chached fields were cached.
DECL_ACCESSORS(cache_stamp, Object)
// Returns the time value (UTC) identifying the current time.
static double CurrentTimeValue(Isolate* isolate);
// Returns the date field with the specified index.
// See FieldIndex for the list of date fields.
static Object* GetField(Object* date, Smi* index);
static Handle<Object> SetValue(Handle<JSDate> date, double v);
void SetValue(Object* value, bool is_value_nan);
// Dispatched behavior.
// The order is important. It must be kept in sync with date macros
// in
enum FieldIndex {
kMillisecond = kFirstUncachedField,
kYearUTC = kFirstUTCField,
// Layout description.
static const int kValueOffset = JSObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kYearOffset = kValueOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kMonthOffset = kYearOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kDayOffset = kMonthOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kWeekdayOffset = kDayOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kHourOffset = kWeekdayOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kMinOffset = kHourOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSecOffset = kMinOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kCacheStampOffset = kSecOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kCacheStampOffset + kPointerSize;
inline Object* DoGetField(FieldIndex index);
Object* GetUTCField(FieldIndex index, double value, DateCache* date_cache);
// Computes and caches the cacheable fields of the date.
inline void SetCachedFields(int64_t local_time_ms, DateCache* date_cache);
// Representation of message objects used for error reporting through
// the API. The messages are formatted in JavaScript so this object is
// a real JavaScript object. The information used for formatting the
// error messages are not directly accessible from JavaScript to
// prevent leaking information to user code called during error
// formatting.
class JSMessageObject: public JSObject {
// [type]: the type of error message.
inline int type() const;
inline void set_type(int value);
// [arguments]: the arguments for formatting the error message.
DECL_ACCESSORS(argument, Object)
// [script]: the script from which the error message originated.
DECL_ACCESSORS(script, Object)
// [stack_frames]: an array of stack frames for this error object.
DECL_ACCESSORS(stack_frames, Object)
// [start_position]: the start position in the script for the error message.
inline int start_position() const;
inline void set_start_position(int value);
// [end_position]: the end position in the script for the error message.
inline int end_position() const;
inline void set_end_position(int value);
int GetLineNumber() const;
// Returns the offset of the given position within the containing line.
int GetColumnNumber() const;
// Returns the source code line containing the given source
// position, or the empty string if the position is invalid.
Handle<String> GetSourceLine() const;
inline int error_level() const;
inline void set_error_level(int level);
// Dispatched behavior.
// Layout description.
static const int kTypeOffset = JSObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kArgumentsOffset = kTypeOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kScriptOffset = kArgumentsOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kStackFramesOffset = kScriptOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kStartPositionOffset = kStackFramesOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kEndPositionOffset = kStartPositionOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kErrorLevelOffset = kEndPositionOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kErrorLevelOffset + kPointerSize;
typedef FixedBodyDescriptor<HeapObject::kMapOffset,
kStackFramesOffset + kPointerSize,
kSize> BodyDescriptor;
class JSPromise;
// TODO(caitp): Make this a Struct once properties are no longer accessed from
// JS
class JSPromiseCapability : public JSObject {
DECL_ACCESSORS(promise, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(resolve, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(reject, Object)
static const int kPromiseOffset = JSObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kResolveOffset = kPromiseOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kRejectOffset = kResolveOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kRejectOffset + kPointerSize;
enum InObjectPropertyIndex {
kInObjectPropertyCount // Dummy.
class JSPromise : public JSObject {
DECL_ACCESSORS(result, Object)
// There are 3 possible states for these fields --
// 1) Undefined -- This is the zero state when there is no callback
// or deferred fields registered.
// 2) Object -- There is a single callback directly attached to the
// fulfill_reactions, reject_reactions and the deferred fields are
// directly attached to the slots. In this state, deferred_promise
// is a JSReceiver and deferred_on_{resolve, reject} are Callables.
// 3) FixedArray -- There is more than one callback and deferred
// fields attached to a FixedArray.
// The callback can be a Callable or a Symbol.
DECL_ACCESSORS(deferred_promise, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(deferred_on_resolve, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(deferred_on_reject, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(fulfill_reactions, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(reject_reactions, Object)
// [has_handler]: Whether this promise has a reject handler or not.
// [handled_hint]: Whether this promise will be handled by a catch
// block in an async function.
static const char* Status(int status);
// Dispatched behavior.
// Layout description.
static const int kStatusOffset = JSObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kResultOffset = kStatusOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kDeferredPromiseOffset = kResultOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kDeferredOnResolveOffset =
kDeferredPromiseOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kDeferredOnRejectOffset =
kDeferredOnResolveOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kFulfillReactionsOffset =
kDeferredOnRejectOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kRejectReactionsOffset =
kFulfillReactionsOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kFlagsOffset = kRejectReactionsOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kFlagsOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSizeWithEmbedderFields =
kSize + v8::Promise::kEmbedderFieldCount * kPointerSize;
// Flags layout.
static const int kHasHandlerBit = 0;
static const int kHandledHintBit = 1;
// Regular expressions
// The regular expression holds a single reference to a FixedArray in
// the kDataOffset field.
// The FixedArray contains the following data:
// - tag : type of regexp implementation (not compiled yet, atom or irregexp)
// - reference to the original source string
// - reference to the original flag string
// If it is an atom regexp
// - a reference to a literal string to search for
// If it is an irregexp regexp:
// - a reference to code for Latin1 inputs (bytecode or compiled), or a smi
// used for tracking the last usage (used for regexp code flushing).
// - a reference to code for UC16 inputs (bytecode or compiled), or a smi
// used for tracking the last usage (used for regexp code flushing).
// - max number of registers used by irregexp implementations.
// - number of capture registers (output values) of the regexp.
class JSRegExp: public JSObject {
// Meaning of Type:
// NOT_COMPILED: Initial value. No data has been stored in the JSRegExp yet.
// ATOM: A simple string to match against using an indexOf operation.
// IRREGEXP: Compiled with Irregexp.
enum Flag {
kNone = 0,
kGlobal = 1 << 0,
kIgnoreCase = 1 << 1,
kMultiline = 1 << 2,
kSticky = 1 << 3,
kUnicode = 1 << 4,
kDotAll = 1 << 5,
// Update FlagCount when adding new flags.
typedef base::Flags<Flag> Flags;
static int FlagCount() { return FLAG_harmony_regexp_dotall ? 6 : 5; }
DECL_ACCESSORS(data, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(flags, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(source, Object)
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static MaybeHandle<JSRegExp> New(Handle<String> source,
Flags flags);
static Handle<JSRegExp> Copy(Handle<JSRegExp> regexp);
static MaybeHandle<JSRegExp> Initialize(Handle<JSRegExp> regexp,
Handle<String> source, Flags flags);
static MaybeHandle<JSRegExp> Initialize(Handle<JSRegExp> regexp,
Handle<String> source,
Handle<String> flags_string);
inline Type TypeTag();
// Number of captures (without the match itself).
inline int CaptureCount();
inline Flags GetFlags();
inline String* Pattern();
inline Object* CaptureNameMap();
inline Object* DataAt(int index);
// Set implementation data after the object has been prepared.
inline void SetDataAt(int index, Object* value);
inline void SetLastIndex(int index);
inline Object* LastIndex();
static int code_index(bool is_latin1) {
if (is_latin1) {
return kIrregexpLatin1CodeIndex;
} else {
return kIrregexpUC16CodeIndex;
static int saved_code_index(bool is_latin1) {
if (is_latin1) {
return kIrregexpLatin1CodeSavedIndex;
} else {
return kIrregexpUC16CodeSavedIndex;
// Dispatched behavior.
static const int kDataOffset = JSObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kSourceOffset = kDataOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kFlagsOffset = kSourceOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kFlagsOffset + kPointerSize;
// Indices in the data array.
static const int kTagIndex = 0;
static const int kSourceIndex = kTagIndex + 1;
static const int kFlagsIndex = kSourceIndex + 1;
static const int kDataIndex = kFlagsIndex + 1;
// The data fields are used in different ways depending on the
// value of the tag.
// Atom regexps (literal strings).
static const int kAtomPatternIndex = kDataIndex;
static const int kAtomDataSize = kAtomPatternIndex + 1;
// Irregexp compiled code or bytecode for Latin1. If compilation
// fails, this fields hold an exception object that should be
// thrown if the regexp is used again.
static const int kIrregexpLatin1CodeIndex = kDataIndex;
// Irregexp compiled code or bytecode for UC16. If compilation
// fails, this fields hold an exception object that should be
// thrown if the regexp is used again.
static const int kIrregexpUC16CodeIndex = kDataIndex + 1;
// Saved instance of Irregexp compiled code or bytecode for Latin1 that
// is a potential candidate for flushing.
static const int kIrregexpLatin1CodeSavedIndex = kDataIndex + 2;
// Saved instance of Irregexp compiled code or bytecode for UC16 that is
// a potential candidate for flushing.
static const int kIrregexpUC16CodeSavedIndex = kDataIndex + 3;
// Maximal number of registers used by either Latin1 or UC16.
// Only used to check that there is enough stack space
static const int kIrregexpMaxRegisterCountIndex = kDataIndex + 4;
// Number of captures in the compiled regexp.
static const int kIrregexpCaptureCountIndex = kDataIndex + 5;
// Maps names of named capture groups (at indices 2i) to their corresponding
// (1-based) capture group indices (at indices 2i + 1).
static const int kIrregexpCaptureNameMapIndex = kDataIndex + 6;
static const int kIrregexpDataSize = kIrregexpCaptureNameMapIndex + 1;
// In-object fields.
static const int kLastIndexFieldIndex = 0;
static const int kInObjectFieldCount = 1;
// The uninitialized value for a regexp code object.
static const int kUninitializedValue = -1;
// The compilation error value for the regexp code object. The real error
// object is in the saved code field.
static const int kCompilationErrorValue = -2;
// When we store the sweep generation at which we moved the code from the
// code index to the saved code index we mask it of to be in the [0:255]
// range.
static const int kCodeAgeMask = 0xff;
class TypeFeedbackInfo : public Tuple3 {
inline int ic_total_count();
inline void set_ic_total_count(int count);
inline int ic_with_type_info_count();
inline void change_ic_with_type_info_count(int delta);
inline int ic_generic_count();
inline void change_ic_generic_count(int delta);
inline void initialize_storage();
inline void change_own_type_change_checksum();
inline int own_type_change_checksum();
inline void set_inlined_type_change_checksum(int checksum);
inline bool matches_inlined_type_change_checksum(int checksum);
static const int kStorage1Offset = kValue1Offset;
static const int kStorage2Offset = kValue2Offset;
static const int kStorage3Offset = kValue3Offset;
static const int kTypeChangeChecksumBits = 7;
class ICTotalCountField: public BitField<int, 0,
kSmiValueSize - kTypeChangeChecksumBits> {}; // NOLINT
class OwnTypeChangeChecksum: public BitField<int,
kSmiValueSize - kTypeChangeChecksumBits,
kTypeChangeChecksumBits> {}; // NOLINT
class ICsWithTypeInfoCountField: public BitField<int, 0,
kSmiValueSize - kTypeChangeChecksumBits> {}; // NOLINT
class InlinedTypeChangeChecksum: public BitField<int,
kSmiValueSize - kTypeChangeChecksumBits,
kTypeChangeChecksumBits> {}; // NOLINT
class AllocationSite: public Struct {
static const uint32_t kMaximumArrayBytesToPretransition = 8 * 1024;
static const double kPretenureRatio;
static const int kPretenureMinimumCreated = 100;
// Values for pretenure decision field.
enum PretenureDecision {
kUndecided = 0,
kDontTenure = 1,
kMaybeTenure = 2,
kTenure = 3,
kZombie = 4,
kLastPretenureDecisionValue = kZombie
const char* PretenureDecisionName(PretenureDecision decision);
DECL_ACCESSORS(transition_info, Object)
// nested_site threads a list of sites that represent nested literals
// walked in a particular order. So [[1, 2], 1, 2] will have one
// nested_site, but [[1, 2], 3, [4]] will have a list of two.
DECL_ACCESSORS(nested_site, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(dependent_code, DependentCode)
DECL_ACCESSORS(weak_next, Object)
inline void Initialize();
// This method is expensive, it should only be called for reporting.
bool IsNestedSite();
// transition_info bitfields, for constructed array transition info.
class ElementsKindBits: public BitField<ElementsKind, 0, 15> {};
class UnusedBits: public BitField<int, 15, 14> {};
class DoNotInlineBit: public BitField<bool, 29, 1> {};
// Bitfields for pretenure_data
class MementoFoundCountBits: public BitField<int, 0, 26> {};
class PretenureDecisionBits: public BitField<PretenureDecision, 26, 3> {};
class DeoptDependentCodeBit: public BitField<bool, 29, 1> {};
STATIC_ASSERT(PretenureDecisionBits::kMax >= kLastPretenureDecisionValue);
// Increments the mementos found counter and returns true when the first
// memento was found for a given allocation site.
inline bool IncrementMementoFoundCount(int increment = 1);
inline void IncrementMementoCreateCount();
PretenureFlag GetPretenureMode();
void ResetPretenureDecision();
inline PretenureDecision pretenure_decision();
inline void set_pretenure_decision(PretenureDecision decision);
inline bool deopt_dependent_code();
inline void set_deopt_dependent_code(bool deopt);
inline int memento_found_count();
inline void set_memento_found_count(int count);
inline int memento_create_count();
inline void set_memento_create_count(int count);
// The pretenuring decision is made during gc, and the zombie state allows
// us to recognize when an allocation site is just being kept alive because
// a later traversal of new space may discover AllocationMementos that point
// to this AllocationSite.
inline bool IsZombie();
inline bool IsMaybeTenure();
inline void MarkZombie();
inline bool MakePretenureDecision(PretenureDecision current_decision,
double ratio,
bool maximum_size_scavenge);
inline bool DigestPretenuringFeedback(bool maximum_size_scavenge);
inline ElementsKind GetElementsKind();
inline void SetElementsKind(ElementsKind kind);
inline bool CanInlineCall();
inline void SetDoNotInlineCall();
inline bool SitePointsToLiteral();
template <AllocationSiteUpdateMode update_or_check =
static bool DigestTransitionFeedback(Handle<AllocationSite> site,
ElementsKind to_kind);
static inline AllocationSiteMode GetMode(
ElementsKind boilerplate_elements_kind);
static AllocationSiteMode GetMode(ElementsKind from, ElementsKind to);
static inline bool CanTrack(InstanceType type);
static const int kTransitionInfoOffset = HeapObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kNestedSiteOffset = kTransitionInfoOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kPretenureDataOffset = kNestedSiteOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kPretenureCreateCountOffset =
kPretenureDataOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kDependentCodeOffset =
kPretenureCreateCountOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kWeakNextOffset = kDependentCodeOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kWeakNextOffset + kPointerSize;
// During mark compact we need to take special care for the dependent code
// field.
static const int kPointerFieldsBeginOffset = kTransitionInfoOffset;
static const int kPointerFieldsEndOffset = kWeakNextOffset;
typedef FixedBodyDescriptor<kPointerFieldsBeginOffset,
kPointerFieldsEndOffset, kSize>
// For other visitors, use the fixed body descriptor below.
typedef FixedBodyDescriptor<HeapObject::kHeaderSize, kSize, kSize>
inline bool PretenuringDecisionMade();
class AllocationMemento: public Struct {
static const int kAllocationSiteOffset = HeapObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kSize = kAllocationSiteOffset + kPointerSize;
DECL_ACCESSORS(allocation_site, Object)
inline bool IsValid();
inline AllocationSite* GetAllocationSite();
inline Address GetAllocationSiteUnchecked();
// Representation of a slow alias as part of a sloppy arguments objects.
// For fast aliases (if HasSloppyArgumentsElements()):
// - the parameter map contains an index into the context
// - all attributes of the element have default values
// For slow aliases (if HasDictionaryArgumentsElements()):
// - the parameter map contains no fast alias mapping (i.e. the hole)
// - this struct (in the slow backing store) contains an index into the context
// - all attributes are available as part if the property details
class AliasedArgumentsEntry: public Struct {
inline int aliased_context_slot() const;
inline void set_aliased_context_slot(int count);
// Dispatched behavior.
static const int kAliasedContextSlot = HeapObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kSize = kAliasedContextSlot + kPointerSize;
// The characteristics of a string are stored in its map. Retrieving these
// few bits of information is moderately expensive, involving two memory
// loads where the second is dependent on the first. To improve efficiency
// the shape of the string is given its own class so that it can be retrieved
// once and used for several string operations. A StringShape is small enough
// to be passed by value and is immutable, but be aware that flattening a
// string can potentially alter its shape. Also be aware that a GC caused by
// something else can alter the shape of a string due to ConsString
// shortcutting. Keeping these restrictions in mind has proven to be error-
// prone and so we no longer put StringShapes in variables unless there is a
// concrete performance benefit at that particular point in the code.
class StringShape BASE_EMBEDDED {
inline explicit StringShape(const String* s);
inline explicit StringShape(Map* s);
inline explicit StringShape(InstanceType t);
inline bool IsSequential();
inline bool IsExternal();
inline bool IsCons();
inline bool IsSliced();
inline bool IsThin();
inline bool IsIndirect();
inline bool IsExternalOneByte();
inline bool IsExternalTwoByte();
inline bool IsSequentialOneByte();
inline bool IsSequentialTwoByte();
inline bool IsInternalized();
inline StringRepresentationTag representation_tag();
inline uint32_t encoding_tag();
inline uint32_t full_representation_tag();
inline bool HasOnlyOneByteChars();
#ifdef DEBUG
inline uint32_t type() { return type_; }
inline void invalidate() { valid_ = false; }
inline bool valid() { return valid_; }
inline void invalidate() { }
uint32_t type_;
#ifdef DEBUG
inline void set_valid() { valid_ = true; }
bool valid_;
inline void set_valid() { }
// The Name abstract class captures anything that can be used as a property
// name, i.e., strings and symbols. All names store a hash value.
class Name: public HeapObject {
// Get and set the hash field of the name.
inline uint32_t hash_field();
inline void set_hash_field(uint32_t value);
// Tells whether the hash code has been computed.
inline bool HasHashCode();
// Returns a hash value used for the property table
inline uint32_t Hash();
// Equality operations.
inline bool Equals(Name* other);
inline static bool Equals(Handle<Name> one, Handle<Name> two);
// Conversion.
inline bool AsArrayIndex(uint32_t* index);
// If the name is private, it can only name own properties.
inline bool IsPrivate();
inline bool IsUniqueName() const;
// Return a string version of this name that is converted according to the
// rules described in ES6 section 9.2.11.
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<String> ToFunctionName(Handle<Name> name);
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<String> ToFunctionName(
Handle<Name> name, Handle<String> prefix);
void NameShortPrint();
int NameShortPrint(Vector<char> str);
// Layout description.
static const int kHashFieldSlot = HeapObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kHashFieldOffset = kHashFieldSlot;
static const int kHashFieldOffset = kHashFieldSlot + kIntSize;
static const int kSize = kHashFieldSlot + kPointerSize;
// Mask constant for checking if a name has a computed hash code
// and if it is a string that is an array index. The least significant bit
// indicates whether a hash code has been computed. If the hash code has
// been computed the 2nd bit tells whether the string can be used as an
// array index.
static const int kHashNotComputedMask = 1;
static const int kIsNotArrayIndexMask = 1 << 1;
static const int kNofHashBitFields = 2;
// Shift constant retrieving hash code from hash field.
static const int kHashShift = kNofHashBitFields;
// Only these bits are relevant in the hash, since the top two are shifted
// out.
static const uint32_t kHashBitMask = 0xffffffffu >> kHashShift;
// Array index strings this short can keep their index in the hash field.
static const int kMaxCachedArrayIndexLength = 7;
// Maximum number of characters to consider when trying to convert a string
// value into an array index.
static const int kMaxArrayIndexSize = 10;
// For strings which are array indexes the hash value has the string length
// mixed into the hash, mainly to avoid a hash value of zero which would be
// the case for the string '0'. 24 bits are used for the array index value.
static const int kArrayIndexValueBits = 24;
static const int kArrayIndexLengthBits =
kBitsPerInt - kArrayIndexValueBits - kNofHashBitFields;
STATIC_ASSERT(kArrayIndexLengthBits > 0);
STATIC_ASSERT(kMaxArrayIndexSize < (1 << kArrayIndexLengthBits));
class ArrayIndexValueBits : public BitField<unsigned int, kNofHashBitFields,
kArrayIndexValueBits> {}; // NOLINT
class ArrayIndexLengthBits : public BitField<unsigned int,
kNofHashBitFields + kArrayIndexValueBits,
kArrayIndexLengthBits> {}; // NOLINT
// Check that kMaxCachedArrayIndexLength + 1 is a power of two so we
// could use a mask to test if the length of string is less than or equal to
// kMaxCachedArrayIndexLength.
STATIC_ASSERT(IS_POWER_OF_TWO(kMaxCachedArrayIndexLength + 1));
static const unsigned int kContainsCachedArrayIndexMask =
<< ArrayIndexLengthBits::kShift) |
// Value of empty hash field indicating that the hash is not computed.
static const int kEmptyHashField =
kIsNotArrayIndexMask | kHashNotComputedMask;
static inline bool IsHashFieldComputed(uint32_t field);
// ES6 symbols.
class Symbol: public Name {
// [name]: The print name of a symbol, or undefined if none.
DECL_ACCESSORS(name, Object)
// [is_private]: Whether this is a private symbol. Private symbols can only
// be used to designate own properties of objects.
// [is_well_known_symbol]: Whether this is a spec-defined well-known symbol,
// or not. Well-known symbols do not throw when an access check fails during
// a load.
// [is_public]: Whether this is a symbol created by Symbol.for. Calling
// Symbol.keyFor on such a symbol simply needs to return the attached name.
// Dispatched behavior.
// Layout description.
static const int kNameOffset = Name::kSize;
static const int kFlagsOffset = kNameOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kFlagsOffset + kPointerSize;
// Flags layout.
static const int kPrivateBit = 0;
static const int kWellKnownSymbolBit = 1;
static const int kPublicBit = 2;
typedef FixedBodyDescriptor<kNameOffset, kFlagsOffset, kSize> BodyDescriptor;
void SymbolShortPrint(std::ostream& os);
const char* PrivateSymbolToName() const;
friend class Name; // For PrivateSymbolToName.
class ConsString;
// The String abstract class captures JavaScript string values:
// Ecma-262:
// 4.3.16 String Value
// A string value is a member of the type String and is a finite
// ordered sequence of zero or more 16-bit unsigned integer values.
// All string values have a length field.
class String: public Name {
class SubStringRange {
explicit inline SubStringRange(String* string, int first = 0,
int length = -1);
class iterator;
inline iterator begin();
inline iterator end();
String* string_;
int first_;
int length_;
// Representation of the flat content of a String.
// A non-flat string doesn't have flat content.
// A flat string has content that's encoded as a sequence of either
// one-byte chars or two-byte UC16.
// Returned by String::GetFlatContent().
class FlatContent {
// Returns true if the string is flat and this structure contains content.
bool IsFlat() const { return state_ != NON_FLAT; }
// Returns true if the structure contains one-byte content.
bool IsOneByte() const { return state_ == ONE_BYTE; }
// Returns true if the structure contains two-byte content.
bool IsTwoByte() const { return state_ == TWO_BYTE; }
// Return the one byte content of the string. Only use if IsOneByte()
// returns true.
Vector<const uint8_t> ToOneByteVector() const {
return Vector<const uint8_t>(onebyte_start, length_);
// Return the two-byte content of the string. Only use if IsTwoByte()
// returns true.
Vector<const uc16> ToUC16Vector() const {
return Vector<const uc16>(twobyte_start, length_);
uc16 Get(int i) const {
DCHECK(i < length_);
DCHECK(state_ != NON_FLAT);
if (state_ == ONE_BYTE) return onebyte_start[i];
return twobyte_start[i];
bool UsesSameString(const FlatContent& other) const {
return onebyte_start == other.onebyte_start;
enum State { NON_FLAT, ONE_BYTE, TWO_BYTE };
// Constructors only used by String::GetFlatContent().
explicit FlatContent(const uint8_t* start, int length)
: onebyte_start(start), length_(length), state_(ONE_BYTE) {}
explicit FlatContent(const uc16* start, int length)
: twobyte_start(start), length_(length), state_(TWO_BYTE) { }
FlatContent() : onebyte_start(NULL), length_(0), state_(NON_FLAT) { }
union {
const uint8_t* onebyte_start;
const uc16* twobyte_start;
int length_;
State state_;
friend class String;
friend class IterableSubString;
template <typename Char>
INLINE(Vector<const Char> GetCharVector());
// Get and set the length of the string.
inline int length() const;
inline void set_length(int value);
// Get and set the length of the string using acquire loads and release
// stores.
inline int synchronized_length() const;
inline void synchronized_set_length(int value);
// Returns whether this string has only one-byte chars, i.e. all of them can
// be one-byte encoded. This might be the case even if the string is
// two-byte. Such strings may appear when the embedder prefers
// two-byte external representations even for one-byte data.
inline bool IsOneByteRepresentation() const;
inline bool IsTwoByteRepresentation() const;
// Cons and slices have an encoding flag that may not represent the actual
// encoding of the underlying string. This is taken into account here.
// Requires: this->IsFlat()
inline bool IsOneByteRepresentationUnderneath();
inline bool IsTwoByteRepresentationUnderneath();
// NOTE: this should be considered only a hint. False negatives are
// possible.
inline bool HasOnlyOneByteChars();
// Get and set individual two byte chars in the string.
inline void Set(int index, uint16_t value);
// Get individual two byte char in the string. Repeated calls
// to this method are not efficient unless the string is flat.
INLINE(uint16_t Get(int index));
// ES6 section ToNumber Applied to the String Type
static Handle<Object> ToNumber(Handle<String> subject);
// Flattens the string. Checks first inline to see if it is
// necessary. Does nothing if the string is not a cons string.
// Flattening allocates a sequential string with the same data as
// the given string and mutates the cons string to a degenerate
// form, where the first component is the new sequential string and
// the second component is the empty string. If allocation fails,
// this function returns a failure. If flattening succeeds, this
// function returns the sequential string that is now the first
// component of the cons string.
// Degenerate cons strings are handled specially by the garbage
// collector (see IsShortcutCandidate).
static inline Handle<String> Flatten(Handle<String> string,
PretenureFlag pretenure = NOT_TENURED);
// Tries to return the content of a flat string as a structure holding either
// a flat vector of char or of uc16.
// If the string isn't flat, and therefore doesn't have flat content, the
// returned structure will report so, and can't provide a vector of either
// kind.
FlatContent GetFlatContent();
// Returns the parent of a sliced string or first part of a flat cons string.
// Requires: StringShape(this).IsIndirect() && this->IsFlat()
inline String* GetUnderlying();
// String relational comparison, implemented according to ES6 section 7.2.11
// Abstract Relational Comparison (step 5): The comparison of Strings uses a
// simple lexicographic ordering on sequences of code unit values. There is no
// attempt to use the more complex, semantically oriented definitions of
// character or string equality and collating order defined in the Unicode
// specification. Therefore String values that are canonically equal according
// to the Unicode standard could test as unequal. In effect this algorithm
// assumes that both Strings are already in normalized form. Also, note that
// for strings containing supplementary characters, lexicographic ordering on
// sequences of UTF-16 code unit values differs from that on sequences of code
// point values.
MUST_USE_RESULT static ComparisonResult Compare(Handle<String> x,
Handle<String> y);
// Perform ES6, including checking arguments.
static Object* IndexOf(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> receiver,
Handle<Object> search, Handle<Object> position);
// Perform string match of pattern on subject, starting at start index.
// Caller must ensure that 0 <= start_index <= sub->length(), as this does not
// check any arguments.
static int IndexOf(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> receiver,
Handle<String> search, int start_index);
static Object* LastIndexOf(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> receiver,
Handle<Object> search, Handle<Object> position);
// Encapsulates logic related to a match and its capture groups as required
// by GetSubstitution.
class Match {
virtual Handle<String> GetMatch() = 0;
virtual Handle<String> GetPrefix() = 0;
virtual Handle<String> GetSuffix() = 0;
// A named capture can be invalid (if it is not specified in the pattern),
// unmatched (specified but not matched in the current string), and matched.
enum CaptureState { INVALID, UNMATCHED, MATCHED };
virtual int CaptureCount() = 0;
virtual bool HasNamedCaptures() = 0;
virtual MaybeHandle<String> GetCapture(int i, bool* capture_exists) = 0;
virtual MaybeHandle<String> GetNamedCapture(Handle<String> name,
CaptureState* state) = 0;
virtual ~Match() {}
// ES#sec-getsubstitution
// GetSubstitution(matched, str, position, captures, replacement)
// Expand the $-expressions in the string and return a new string with
// the result.
// A {start_index} can be passed to specify where to start scanning the
// replacement string.
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<String> GetSubstitution(
Isolate* isolate, Match* match, Handle<String> replacement,
int start_index = 0);
// String equality operations.
inline bool Equals(String* other);
inline static bool Equals(Handle<String> one, Handle<String> two);
bool IsUtf8EqualTo(Vector<const char> str, bool allow_prefix_match = false);
// Dispatches to Is{One,Two}ByteEqualTo.
template <typename Char>
bool IsEqualTo(Vector<const Char> str);
bool IsOneByteEqualTo(Vector<const uint8_t> str);
bool IsTwoByteEqualTo(Vector<const uc16> str);
// Return a UTF8 representation of the string. The string is null
// terminated but may optionally contain nulls. Length is returned
// in length_output if length_output is not a null pointer The string
// should be nearly flat, otherwise the performance of this method may
// be very slow (quadratic in the length). Setting robustness_flag to
// ROBUST_STRING_TRAVERSAL invokes behaviour that is robust This means it
// handles unexpected data without causing assert failures and it does not
// do any heap allocations. This is useful when printing stack traces.
std::unique_ptr<char[]> ToCString(AllowNullsFlag allow_nulls,
RobustnessFlag robustness_flag, int offset,
int length, int* length_output = 0);
std::unique_ptr<char[]> ToCString(
AllowNullsFlag allow_nulls = DISALLOW_NULLS,
RobustnessFlag robustness_flag = FAST_STRING_TRAVERSAL,
int* length_output = 0);
bool ComputeArrayIndex(uint32_t* index);
// Externalization.
bool MakeExternal(v8::String::ExternalStringResource* resource);
bool MakeExternal(v8::String::ExternalOneByteStringResource* resource);
// Conversion.
inline bool AsArrayIndex(uint32_t* index);
uint32_t inline ToValidIndex(Object* number);
// Trimming.
enum TrimMode { kTrim, kTrimLeft, kTrimRight };
static Handle<String> Trim(Handle<String> string, TrimMode mode);
void PrintOn(FILE* out);
// For use during stack traces. Performs rudimentary sanity check.
bool LooksValid();
// Dispatched behavior.
void StringShortPrint(StringStream* accumulator, bool show_details = true);
void PrintUC16(std::ostream& os, int start = 0, int end = -1); // NOLINT
#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(OBJECT_PRINT)
char* ToAsciiArray();
inline bool IsFlat();
// Layout description.
static const int kLengthOffset = Name::kSize;
static const int kSize = kLengthOffset + kPointerSize;
// Max char codes.
static const int32_t kMaxOneByteCharCode = unibrow::Latin1::kMaxChar;
static const uint32_t kMaxOneByteCharCodeU = unibrow::Latin1::kMaxChar;
static const int kMaxUtf16CodeUnit = 0xffff;
static const uint32_t kMaxUtf16CodeUnitU = kMaxUtf16CodeUnit;
static const uc32 kMaxCodePoint = 0x10ffff;
// Maximal string length.
static const int kMaxLength = (1 << 28) - 16;
// Max length for computing hash. For strings longer than this limit the
// string length is used as the hash value.
static const int kMaxHashCalcLength = 16383;
// Limit for truncation in short printing.
static const int kMaxShortPrintLength = 1024;
// Support for regular expressions.
const uc16* GetTwoByteData(unsigned start);
// Helper function for flattening strings.
template <typename sinkchar>
static void WriteToFlat(String* source,
sinkchar* sink,
int from,
int to);
// The return value may point to the first aligned word containing the first
// non-one-byte character, rather than directly to the non-one-byte character.
// If the return value is >= the passed length, the entire string was
// one-byte.
static inline int NonAsciiStart(const char* chars, int length) {
const char* start = chars;
const char* limit = chars + length;
if (length >= kIntptrSize) {
// Check unaligned bytes.
while (!IsAligned(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(chars), sizeof(uintptr_t))) {
if (static_cast<uint8_t>(*chars) > unibrow::Utf8::kMaxOneByteChar) {
return static_cast<int>(chars - start);
// Check aligned words.
DCHECK(unibrow::Utf8::kMaxOneByteChar == 0x7F);
const uintptr_t non_one_byte_mask = kUintptrAllBitsSet / 0xFF * 0x80;
while (chars + sizeof(uintptr_t) <= limit) {
if (*reinterpret_cast<const uintptr_t*>(chars) & non_one_byte_mask) {
return static_cast<int>(chars - start);
chars += sizeof(uintptr_t);
// Check remaining unaligned bytes.
while (chars < limit) {
if (static_cast<uint8_t>(*chars) > unibrow::Utf8::kMaxOneByteChar) {
return static_cast<int>(chars - start);
return static_cast<int>(chars - start);
static inline bool IsAscii(const char* chars, int length) {
return NonAsciiStart(chars, length) >= length;
static inline bool IsAscii(const uint8_t* chars, int length) {
NonAsciiStart(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(chars), length) >= length;
static inline int NonOneByteStart(const uc16* chars, int length) {
const uc16* limit = chars + length;
const uc16* start = chars;
while (chars < limit) {
if (*chars > kMaxOneByteCharCodeU) return static_cast<int>(chars - start);
return static_cast<int>(chars - start);
static inline bool IsOneByte(const uc16* chars, int length) {
return NonOneByteStart(chars, length) >= length;
template<class Visitor>
static inline ConsString* VisitFlat(Visitor* visitor,
String* string,
int offset = 0);
static Handle<FixedArray> CalculateLineEnds(Handle<String> string,
bool include_ending_line);
// Use the hash field to forward to the canonical internalized string
// when deserializing an internalized string.
inline void SetForwardedInternalizedString(String* string);
inline String* GetForwardedInternalizedString();
friend class Name;
friend class StringTableInsertionKey;
static Handle<String> SlowFlatten(Handle<ConsString> cons,
PretenureFlag tenure);
// Slow case of String::Equals. This implementation works on any strings
// but it is most efficient on strings that are almost flat.
bool SlowEquals(String* other);
static bool SlowEquals(Handle<String> one, Handle<String> two);
// Slow case of AsArrayIndex.
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool SlowAsArrayIndex(uint32_t* index);
// Compute and set the hash code.
uint32_t ComputeAndSetHash();
// The SeqString abstract class captures sequential string values.
class SeqString: public String {
// Layout description.
static const int kHeaderSize = String::kSize;
// Truncate the string in-place if possible and return the result.
// In case of new_length == 0, the empty string is returned without
// truncating the original string.
MUST_USE_RESULT static Handle<String> Truncate(Handle<SeqString> string,
int new_length);
// The OneByteString class captures sequential one-byte string objects.
// Each character in the OneByteString is an one-byte character.
class SeqOneByteString: public SeqString {
static const bool kHasOneByteEncoding = true;
// Dispatched behavior.
inline uint16_t SeqOneByteStringGet(int index);
inline void SeqOneByteStringSet(int index, uint16_t value);
// Get the address of the characters in this string.
inline Address GetCharsAddress();
inline uint8_t* GetChars();
// Garbage collection support. This method is called by the
// garbage collector to compute the actual size of an OneByteString
// instance.
inline int SeqOneByteStringSize(InstanceType instance_type);
// Computes the size for an OneByteString instance of a given length.
static int SizeFor(int length) {
return OBJECT_POINTER_ALIGN(kHeaderSize + length * kCharSize);
// Maximal memory usage for a single sequential one-byte string.
static const int kMaxSize = 512 * MB - 1;
STATIC_ASSERT((kMaxSize - kHeaderSize) >= String::kMaxLength);
class BodyDescriptor;
// The TwoByteString class captures sequential unicode string objects.
// Each character in the TwoByteString is a two-byte uint16_t.
class SeqTwoByteString: public SeqString {
static const bool kHasOneByteEncoding = false;
// Dispatched behavior.
inline uint16_t SeqTwoByteStringGet(int index);
inline void SeqTwoByteStringSet(int index, uint16_t value);
// Get the address of the characters in this string.
inline Address GetCharsAddress();
inline uc16* GetChars();
// For regexp code.
const uint16_t* SeqTwoByteStringGetData(unsigned start);
// Garbage collection support. This method is called by the
// garbage collector to compute the actual size of a TwoByteString
// instance.
inline int SeqTwoByteStringSize(InstanceType instance_type);
// Computes the size for a TwoByteString instance of a given length.
static int SizeFor(int length) {
return OBJECT_POINTER_ALIGN(kHeaderSize + length * kShortSize);
// Maximal memory usage for a single sequential two-byte string.
static const int kMaxSize = 512 * MB - 1;
STATIC_ASSERT(static_cast<int>((kMaxSize - kHeaderSize)/sizeof(uint16_t)) >=
class BodyDescriptor;
// The ConsString class describes string values built by using the
// addition operator on strings. A ConsString is a pair where the
// first and second components are pointers to other string values.
// One or both components of a ConsString can be pointers to other
// ConsStrings, creating a binary tree of ConsStrings where the leaves
// are non-ConsString string values. The string value represented by
// a ConsString can be obtained by concatenating the leaf string
// values in a left-to-right depth-first traversal of the tree.
class ConsString: public String {
// First string of the cons cell.
inline String* first();
// Doesn't check that the result is a string, even in debug mode. This is
// useful during GC where the mark bits confuse the checks.
inline Object* unchecked_first();
inline void set_first(String* first,
WriteBarrierMode mode = UPDATE_WRITE_BARRIER);
// Second string of the cons cell.
inline String* second();
// Doesn't check that the result is a string, even in debug mode. This is
// useful during GC where the mark bits confuse the checks.
inline Object* unchecked_second();
inline void set_second(String* second,
WriteBarrierMode mode = UPDATE_WRITE_BARRIER);
// Dispatched behavior.
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE uint16_t ConsStringGet(int index);
// Layout description.
static const int kFirstOffset = POINTER_SIZE_ALIGN(String::kSize);
static const int kSecondOffset = kFirstOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kSecondOffset + kPointerSize;
// Minimum length for a cons string.
static const int kMinLength = 13;
typedef FixedBodyDescriptor<kFirstOffset, kSecondOffset + kPointerSize, kSize>
// The ThinString class describes string objects that are just references
// to another string object. They are used for in-place internalization when
// the original string cannot actually be internalized in-place: in these
// cases, the original string is converted to a ThinString pointing at its
// internalized version (which is allocated as a new object).
// In terms of memory layout and most algorithms operating on strings,
// ThinStrings can be thought of as "one-part cons strings".
class ThinString : public String {
// Actual string that this ThinString refers to.
inline String* actual() const;
inline void set_actual(String* s,
WriteBarrierMode mode = UPDATE_WRITE_BARRIER);
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE uint16_t ThinStringGet(int index);
// Layout description.
static const int kActualOffset = String::kSize;
static const int kSize = kActualOffset + kPointerSize;
typedef FixedBodyDescriptor<kActualOffset, kSize, kSize> BodyDescriptor;
// The Sliced String class describes strings that are substrings of another
// sequential string. The motivation is to save time and memory when creating
// a substring. A Sliced String is described as a pointer to the parent,
// the offset from the start of the parent string and the length. Using
// a Sliced String therefore requires unpacking of the parent string and
// adding the offset to the start address. A substring of a Sliced String
// are not nested since the double indirection is simplified when creating
// such a substring.
// Currently missing features are:
// - handling externalized parent strings
// - external strings as parent
// - truncating sliced string to enable otherwise unneeded parent to be GC'ed.
class SlicedString: public String {
inline String* parent();
inline void set_parent(String* parent,
WriteBarrierMode mode = UPDATE_WRITE_BARRIER);
inline int offset() const;
inline void set_offset(int offset);
// Dispatched behavior.
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE uint16_t SlicedStringGet(int index);
// Layout description.
static const int kParentOffset = POINTER_SIZE_ALIGN(String::kSize);
static const int kOffsetOffset = kParentOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kOffsetOffset + kPointerSize;
// Minimum length for a sliced string.
static const int kMinLength = 13;
typedef FixedBodyDescriptor<kParentOffset,
kOffsetOffset + kPointerSize, kSize>
// The ExternalString class describes string values that are backed by
// a string resource that lies outside the V8 heap. ExternalStrings
// consist of the length field common to all strings, a pointer to the
// external resource. It is important to ensure (externally) that the
// resource is not deallocated while the ExternalString is live in the
// V8 heap.
// The API expects that all ExternalStrings are created through the
// API. Therefore, ExternalStrings should not be used internally.
class ExternalString: public String {
// Layout description.
static const int kResourceOffset = POINTER_SIZE_ALIGN(String::kSize);
static const int kShortSize = kResourceOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kResourceDataOffset = kResourceOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kResourceDataOffset + kPointerSize;
// Return whether external string is short (data pointer is not cached).
inline bool is_short();
STATIC_ASSERT(kResourceOffset == Internals::kStringResourceOffset);
// The ExternalOneByteString class is an external string backed by an
// one-byte string.
class ExternalOneByteString : public ExternalString {
static const bool kHasOneByteEncoding = true;
typedef v8::String::ExternalOneByteStringResource Resource;
// The underlying resource.
inline const Resource* resource();
inline void set_resource(const Resource* buffer);
// Update the pointer cache to the external character array.
// The cached pointer is always valid, as the external character array does =
// not move during lifetime. Deserialization is the only exception, after
// which the pointer cache has to be refreshed.
inline void update_data_cache();
inline const uint8_t* GetChars();
// Dispatched behavior.
inline uint16_t ExternalOneByteStringGet(int index);
class BodyDescriptor;
// The ExternalTwoByteString class is an external string backed by a UTF-16
// encoded string.
class ExternalTwoByteString: public ExternalString {
static const bool kHasOneByteEncoding = false;
typedef v8::String::ExternalStringResource Resource;
// The underlying string resource.
inline const Resource* resource();
inline void set_resource(const Resource* buffer);
// Update the pointer cache to the external character array.
// The cached pointer is always valid, as the external character array does =
// not move during lifetime. Deserialization is the only exception, after
// which the pointer cache has to be refreshed.
inline void update_data_cache();
inline const uint16_t* GetChars();
// Dispatched behavior.
inline uint16_t ExternalTwoByteStringGet(int index);
// For regexp code.
inline const uint16_t* ExternalTwoByteStringGetData(unsigned start);
class BodyDescriptor;
// Utility superclass for stack-allocated objects that must be updated
// on gc. It provides two ways for the gc to update instances, either
// iterating or updating after gc.
class Relocatable BASE_EMBEDDED {
explicit inline Relocatable(Isolate* isolate);
inline virtual ~Relocatable();
virtual void IterateInstance(RootVisitor* v) {}
virtual void PostGarbageCollection() { }
static void PostGarbageCollectionProcessing(Isolate* isolate);
static int ArchiveSpacePerThread();
static char* ArchiveState(Isolate* isolate, char* to);
static char* RestoreState(Isolate* isolate, char* from);
static void Iterate(Isolate* isolate, RootVisitor* v);
static void Iterate(RootVisitor* v, Relocatable* top);
static char* Iterate(RootVisitor* v, char* t);
Isolate* isolate_;
Relocatable* prev_;
// A flat string reader provides random access to the contents of a
// string independent of the character width of the string. The handle
// must be valid as long as the reader is being used.
class FlatStringReader : public Relocatable {
FlatStringReader(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> str);
FlatStringReader(Isolate* isolate, Vector<const char> input);
void PostGarbageCollection();
inline uc32 Get(int index);
template <typename Char>
inline Char Get(int index);
int length() { return length_; }
String** str_;
bool is_one_byte_;
int length_;
const void* start_;
// This maintains an off-stack representation of the stack frames required
// to traverse a ConsString, allowing an entirely iterative and restartable
// traversal of the entire string
class ConsStringIterator {
inline ConsStringIterator() {}
inline explicit ConsStringIterator(ConsString* cons_string, int offset = 0) {
Reset(cons_string, offset);
inline void Reset(ConsString* cons_string, int offset = 0) {
depth_ = 0;
// Next will always return NULL.
if (cons_string == NULL) return;
Initialize(cons_string, offset);
// Returns NULL when complete.
inline String* Next(int* offset_out) {
*offset_out = 0;
if (depth_ == 0) return NULL;
return Continue(offset_out);
static const int kStackSize = 32;
// Use a mask instead of doing modulo operations for stack wrapping.
static const int kDepthMask = kStackSize-1;
static inline int OffsetForDepth(int depth);
inline void PushLeft(ConsString* string);
inline void PushRight(ConsString* string);
inline void AdjustMaximumDepth();
inline void Pop();
inline bool StackBlown() { return maximum_depth_ - depth_ == kStackSize; }
void Initialize(ConsString* cons_string, int offset);
String* Continue(int* offset_out);
String* NextLeaf(bool* blew_stack);
String* Search(int* offset_out);
// Stack must always contain only frames for which right traversal
// has not yet been performed.
ConsString* frames_[kStackSize];
ConsString* root_;
int depth_;
int maximum_depth_;
int consumed_;
class StringCharacterStream {
inline StringCharacterStream(String* string,
int offset = 0);
inline uint16_t GetNext();
inline bool HasMore();
inline void Reset(String* string, int offset = 0);
inline void VisitOneByteString(const uint8_t* chars, int length);
inline void VisitTwoByteString(const uint16_t* chars, int length);
ConsStringIterator iter_;
bool is_one_byte_;
union {
const uint8_t* buffer8_;
const uint16_t* buffer16_;
const uint8_t* end_;
template <typename T>
class VectorIterator {
VectorIterator(T* d, int l) : data_(Vector<const T>(d, l)), index_(0) { }
explicit VectorIterator(Vector<const T> data) : data_(data), index_(0) { }
T GetNext() { return data_[index_++]; }
bool has_more() { return index_ < data_.length(); }
Vector<const T> data_;
int index_;
// The Oddball describes objects null, undefined, true, and false.
class Oddball: public HeapObject {
// [to_number_raw]: Cached raw to_number computed at startup.
inline double to_number_raw() const;
inline void set_to_number_raw(double value);
inline void set_to_number_raw_as_bits(uint64_t bits);
// [to_string]: Cached to_string computed at startup.
DECL_ACCESSORS(to_string, String)
// [to_number]: Cached to_number computed at startup.
DECL_ACCESSORS(to_number, Object)
// [typeof]: Cached type_of computed at startup.
DECL_ACCESSORS(type_of, String)
inline byte kind() const;
inline void set_kind(byte kind);
// ES6 section 7.1.3 ToNumber for Boolean, Null, Undefined.
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline Handle<Object> ToNumber(Handle<Oddball> input);
// Dispatched behavior.
// Initialize the fields.
static void Initialize(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Oddball> oddball,
const char* to_string, Handle<Object> to_number,
const char* type_of, byte kind);
// Layout description.
static const int kToNumberRawOffset = HeapObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kToStringOffset = kToNumberRawOffset + kDoubleSize;
static const int kToNumberOffset = kToStringOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kTypeOfOffset = kToNumberOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kKindOffset = kTypeOfOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kKindOffset + kPointerSize;
static const byte kFalse = 0;
static const byte kTrue = 1;
static const byte kNotBooleanMask = static_cast<byte>(~1);
static const byte kTheHole = 2;
static const byte kNull = 3;
static const byte kArgumentsMarker = 4;
static const byte kUndefined = 5;
static const byte kUninitialized = 6;
static const byte kOther = 7;
static const byte kException = 8;
static const byte kOptimizedOut = 9;
static const byte kStaleRegister = 10;
typedef FixedBodyDescriptor<kToStringOffset, kTypeOfOffset + kPointerSize,
kSize> BodyDescriptor;
STATIC_ASSERT(kToNumberRawOffset == HeapNumber::kValueOffset);
STATIC_ASSERT(kKindOffset == Internals::kOddballKindOffset);
STATIC_ASSERT(kNull == Internals::kNullOddballKind);
STATIC_ASSERT(kUndefined == Internals::kUndefinedOddballKind);
class Cell: public HeapObject {
// [value]: value of the cell.
DECL_ACCESSORS(value, Object)
static inline Cell* FromValueAddress(Address value) {
Object* result = FromAddress(value - kValueOffset);
return static_cast<Cell*>(result);
inline Address ValueAddress() {
return address() + kValueOffset;
// Dispatched behavior.
// Layout description.
static const int kValueOffset = HeapObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kSize = kValueOffset + kPointerSize;
typedef FixedBodyDescriptor<kValueOffset,
kValueOffset + kPointerSize,
kSize> BodyDescriptor;
class PropertyCell : public HeapObject {
// [property_details]: details of the global property.
DECL_ACCESSORS(property_details_raw, Object)
// [value]: value of the global property.
DECL_ACCESSORS(value, Object)
// [dependent_code]: dependent code that depends on the type of the global
// property.
DECL_ACCESSORS(dependent_code, DependentCode)
inline PropertyDetails property_details();
inline void set_property_details(PropertyDetails details);
PropertyCellConstantType GetConstantType();
// Computes the new type of the cell's contents for the given value, but
// without actually modifying the details.
static PropertyCellType UpdatedType(Handle<PropertyCell> cell,
Handle<Object> value,
PropertyDetails details);
// Prepares property cell at given entry for receiving given value.
// As a result the old cell could be invalidated and/or dependent code could
// be deoptimized. Returns the prepared property cell.
static Handle<PropertyCell> PrepareForValue(
Handle<GlobalDictionary> dictionary, int entry, Handle<Object> value,
PropertyDetails details);
static Handle<PropertyCell> InvalidateEntry(
Handle<GlobalDictionary> dictionary, int entry);
static void SetValueWithInvalidation(Handle<PropertyCell> cell,
Handle<Object> new_value);
// Dispatched behavior.
// Layout description.
static const int kDetailsOffset = HeapObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kValueOffset = kDetailsOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kDependentCodeOffset = kValueOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kDependentCodeOffset + kPointerSize;
typedef FixedBodyDescriptor<kValueOffset,
kSize> BodyDescriptor;
class WeakCell : public HeapObject {
inline Object* value() const;
// This should not be called by anyone except GC.
inline void clear();
// This should not be called by anyone except allocator.
inline void initialize(HeapObject* value);
inline bool cleared() const;
DECL_ACCESSORS(next, Object)
inline void clear_next(Object* the_hole_value);
inline bool next_cleared();
// Layout description.
static const int kValueOffset = HeapObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kNextOffset = kValueOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kNextOffset + kPointerSize;
typedef FixedBodyDescriptor<kValueOffset, kSize, kSize> BodyDescriptor;
// The JSProxy describes EcmaScript Harmony proxies
class JSProxy: public JSReceiver {
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<JSProxy> New(Isolate* isolate,
// [handler]: The handler property.
DECL_ACCESSORS(handler, Object)
// [target]: The target property.
DECL_ACCESSORS(target, JSReceiver)
// [hash]: The hash code property (undefined if not initialized yet).
DECL_ACCESSORS(hash, Object)
static MaybeHandle<Context> GetFunctionRealm(Handle<JSProxy> proxy);
INLINE(bool IsRevoked() const);
static void Revoke(Handle<JSProxy> proxy);
// ES6 9.5.1
static MaybeHandle<Object> GetPrototype(Handle<JSProxy> receiver);
// ES6 9.5.2
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> SetPrototype(Handle<JSProxy> proxy,
Handle<Object> value,
bool from_javascript,
ShouldThrow should_throw);
// ES6 9.5.3
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> IsExtensible(Handle<JSProxy> proxy);
// ES6 9.5.4 (when passed DONT_THROW)
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> PreventExtensions(
Handle<JSProxy> proxy, ShouldThrow should_throw);
// ES6 9.5.5
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> GetOwnPropertyDescriptor(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSProxy> proxy, Handle<Name> name,
PropertyDescriptor* desc);
// ES6 9.5.6
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> DefineOwnProperty(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSProxy> object, Handle<Object> key,
PropertyDescriptor* desc, ShouldThrow should_throw);
// ES6 9.5.7
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> HasProperty(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<JSProxy> proxy,
Handle<Name> name);
// ES6 9.5.8
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> GetProperty(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSProxy> proxy, Handle<Name> name,
Handle<Object> receiver, bool* was_found);
// ES6 9.5.9
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> SetProperty(Handle<JSProxy> proxy,
Handle<Name> name,
Handle<Object> value,
Handle<Object> receiver,
LanguageMode language_mode);
// ES6 9.5.10 (when passed SLOPPY)
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> DeletePropertyOrElement(
Handle<JSProxy> proxy, Handle<Name> name, LanguageMode language_mode);
// ES6 9.5.12
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> OwnPropertyKeys(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSReceiver> receiver, Handle<JSProxy> proxy,
PropertyFilter filter, KeyAccumulator* accumulator);
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<PropertyAttributes> GetPropertyAttributes(
LookupIterator* it);
// Dispatched behavior.
// Layout description.
static const int kTargetOffset = JSReceiver::kHeaderSize;
static const int kHandlerOffset = kTargetOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kHashOffset = kHandlerOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kHashOffset + kPointerSize;
typedef FixedBodyDescriptor<JSReceiver::kPropertiesOffset, kSize, kSize>
static Object* GetIdentityHash(Handle<JSProxy> receiver);
static Smi* GetOrCreateIdentityHash(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSProxy> proxy);
static Maybe<bool> SetPrivateProperty(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSProxy> proxy,
Handle<Symbol> private_name,
PropertyDescriptor* desc,
ShouldThrow should_throw);
class JSCollection : public JSObject {
// [table]: the backing hash table
DECL_ACCESSORS(table, Object)
static const int kTableOffset = JSObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kSize = kTableOffset + kPointerSize;
// The JSSet describes EcmaScript Harmony sets
// TODO(marja): When moving JSSet out of objects.h, move JSSetIterator (from
// objects/hash-table.h) into the same file.
class JSSet : public JSCollection {
static void Initialize(Handle<JSSet> set, Isolate* isolate);
static void Clear(Handle<JSSet> set);
// Dispatched behavior.
// The JSMap describes EcmaScript Harmony maps
// TODO(marja): When moving JSMap out of objects.h, move JSMapIterator (from
// objects/hash-table.h) into the same file.
class JSMap : public JSCollection {
static void Initialize(Handle<JSMap> map, Isolate* isolate);
static void Clear(Handle<JSMap> map);
// Dispatched behavior.
class JSArrayIterator : public JSObject {
// [object]: the [[IteratedObject]] inobject property.
DECL_ACCESSORS(object, Object)
// [index]: The [[ArrayIteratorNextIndex]] inobject property.
DECL_ACCESSORS(index, Object)
// [map]: The Map of the [[IteratedObject]] field at the time the iterator is
// allocated.
DECL_ACCESSORS(object_map, Object)
// Return the ElementsKind that a JSArrayIterator's [[IteratedObject]] is
// expected to have, based on its instance type.
static ElementsKind ElementsKindForInstanceType(InstanceType instance_type);
static const int kIteratedObjectOffset = JSObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kNextIndexOffset = kIteratedObjectOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kIteratedObjectMapOffset = kNextIndexOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kIteratedObjectMapOffset + kPointerSize;
// The [Async-from-Sync Iterator] object
// (proposal-async-iteration/#sec-async-from-sync-iterator-objects)
// An object which wraps an ordinary Iterator and converts it to behave
// according to the Async Iterator protocol.
// (See
class JSAsyncFromSyncIterator : public JSObject {
// Async-from-Sync Iterator instances are ordinary objects that inherit
// properties from the %AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype% intrinsic object.
// Async-from-Sync Iterator instances are initially created with the internal
// slots listed in Table 4.
// (proposal-async-iteration/#table-async-from-sync-iterator-internal-slots)
DECL_ACCESSORS(sync_iterator, JSReceiver)
// Offsets of object fields.
static const int kSyncIteratorOffset = JSObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kSize = kSyncIteratorOffset + kPointerSize;
class JSStringIterator : public JSObject {
// Dispatched behavior.
// [string]: the [[IteratedString]] inobject property.
DECL_ACCESSORS(string, String)
// [index]: The [[StringIteratorNextIndex]] inobject property.
inline int index() const;
inline void set_index(int value);
static const int kStringOffset = JSObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kNextIndexOffset = kStringOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kNextIndexOffset + kPointerSize;
// Base class for both JSWeakMap and JSWeakSet
class JSWeakCollection: public JSObject {
// [table]: the backing hash table mapping keys to values.
DECL_ACCESSORS(table, Object)
// [next]: linked list of encountered weak maps during GC.
DECL_ACCESSORS(next, Object)
static void Initialize(Handle<JSWeakCollection> collection, Isolate* isolate);
static void Set(Handle<JSWeakCollection> collection, Handle<Object> key,
Handle<Object> value, int32_t hash);
static bool Delete(Handle<JSWeakCollection> collection, Handle<Object> key,
int32_t hash);
static Handle<JSArray> GetEntries(Handle<JSWeakCollection> holder,
int max_entries);
static const int kTableOffset = JSObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kNextOffset = kTableOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kNextOffset + kPointerSize;
// Visiting policy defines whether the table and next collection fields
// should be visited or not.
enum BodyVisitingPolicy { kVisitStrong, kVisitWeak };
// Iterates the function object according to the visiting policy.
template <BodyVisitingPolicy>
class BodyDescriptorImpl;
// Visit the whole object.
typedef BodyDescriptorImpl<kVisitStrong> BodyDescriptor;
// Don't visit table and next collection fields.
typedef BodyDescriptorImpl<kVisitWeak> BodyDescriptorWeak;
// The JSWeakMap describes EcmaScript Harmony weak maps
class JSWeakMap: public JSWeakCollection {
// Dispatched behavior.
// The JSWeakSet describes EcmaScript Harmony weak sets
class JSWeakSet: public JSWeakCollection {
// Dispatched behavior.
// Whether a JSArrayBuffer is a SharedArrayBuffer or not.
enum class SharedFlag { kNotShared, kShared };
class JSArrayBuffer: public JSObject {
// [backing_store]: backing memory for this array
DECL_ACCESSORS(backing_store, void)
// [byte_length]: length in bytes
DECL_ACCESSORS(byte_length, Object)
// [allocation_base]: the start of the memory allocation for this array,
// normally equal to backing_store
DECL_ACCESSORS(allocation_base, void)
// [allocation_length]: the size of the memory allocation for this array,
// normally equal to byte_length
inline size_t allocation_length() const;
inline void set_allocation_length(size_t value);
inline uint32_t bit_field() const;
inline void set_bit_field(uint32_t bits);
// [is_external]: true indicates that the embedder is in charge of freeing the
// backing_store, while is_external == false means that v8 will free the
// memory block once all ArrayBuffers referencing it are collected by the GC.
inline bool is_external();
inline void set_is_external(bool value);
inline bool is_neuterable();
inline void set_is_neuterable(bool value);
inline bool was_neutered();
inline void set_was_neutered(bool value);
inline bool is_shared();
inline void set_is_shared(bool value);
inline bool has_guard_region() const;
inline void set_has_guard_region(bool value);
// TODO(gdeepti): This flag is introduced to disable asm.js optimizations in
//, remove when the asm.js case is fixed.
inline bool is_wasm_buffer();
inline void set_is_wasm_buffer(bool value);
void Neuter();
inline ArrayBuffer::Allocator::AllocationMode allocation_mode() const;
void FreeBackingStore();
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static void Setup(
Handle<JSArrayBuffer> array_buffer, Isolate* isolate, bool is_external,
void* data, size_t allocated_length,
SharedFlag shared = SharedFlag::kNotShared);
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static void Setup(
Handle<JSArrayBuffer> array_buffer, Isolate* isolate, bool is_external,
void* allocation_base, size_t allocation_length, void* data,
size_t byte_length, SharedFlag shared = SharedFlag::kNotShared);
// Returns false if array buffer contents could not be allocated.
// In this case, |array_buffer| will not be set up.
static bool SetupAllocatingData(
Handle<JSArrayBuffer> array_buffer, Isolate* isolate,
size_t allocated_length, bool initialize = true,
SharedFlag shared = SharedFlag::kNotShared) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Dispatched behavior.
static const int kByteLengthOffset = JSObject::kHeaderSize;
// The rest of the fields are not JSObjects, so they are not iterated over in
// objects-body-descriptors-inl.h.
static const int kBackingStoreOffset = kByteLengthOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kAllocationBaseOffset = kBackingStoreOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kAllocationLengthOffset =
kAllocationBaseOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kBitFieldSlot = kAllocationLengthOffset + kSizetSize;
static const int kBitFieldOffset = kBitFieldSlot;
static const int kBitFieldOffset = kBitFieldSlot + kIntSize;
static const int kSize = kBitFieldSlot + kPointerSize;
static const int kSizeWithEmbedderFields =
kSize + v8::ArrayBuffer::kEmbedderFieldCount * kPointerSize;
// Iterates all fields in the object including internal ones except
// kBackingStoreOffset and kBitFieldSlot.
class BodyDescriptor;
class IsExternal : public BitField<bool, 1, 1> {};
class IsNeuterable : public BitField<bool, 2, 1> {};
class WasNeutered : public BitField<bool, 3, 1> {};
class IsShared : public BitField<bool, 4, 1> {};
class HasGuardRegion : public BitField<bool, 5, 1> {};
class IsWasmBuffer : public BitField<bool, 6, 1> {};
class JSArrayBufferView: public JSObject {
// [buffer]: ArrayBuffer that this typed array views.
DECL_ACCESSORS(buffer, Object)
// [byte_offset]: offset of typed array in bytes.
DECL_ACCESSORS(byte_offset, Object)
// [byte_length]: length of typed array in bytes.
DECL_ACCESSORS(byte_length, Object)
inline bool WasNeutered() const;
static const int kBufferOffset = JSObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kByteOffsetOffset = kBufferOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kByteLengthOffset = kByteOffsetOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kViewSize = kByteLengthOffset + kPointerSize;
DECL_ACCESSORS(raw_byte_offset, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(raw_byte_length, Object)
class JSTypedArray: public JSArrayBufferView {
// [length]: length of typed array in elements.
DECL_ACCESSORS(length, Object)
inline uint32_t length_value() const;
// ES6
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> DefineOwnProperty(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSTypedArray> o, Handle<Object> key,
PropertyDescriptor* desc, ShouldThrow should_throw);
ExternalArrayType type();
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE size_t element_size();
Handle<JSArrayBuffer> GetBuffer();
static inline MaybeHandle<JSTypedArray> Validate(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<Object> receiver,
const char* method_name);
// ES7 section Create ( constructor, argumentList )
static MaybeHandle<JSTypedArray> Create(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<Object> default_ctor, int argc,
Handle<Object>* argv,
const char* method_name);
// ES7 section TypedArraySpeciesCreate ( exemplar, argumentList )
static MaybeHandle<JSTypedArray> SpeciesCreate(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<JSTypedArray> exemplar,
int argc, Handle<Object>* argv,
const char* method_name);
// Dispatched behavior.
static const int kLengthOffset = kViewSize + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kLengthOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSizeWithEmbedderFields =
kSize + v8::ArrayBufferView::kEmbedderFieldCount * kPointerSize;
static Handle<JSArrayBuffer> MaterializeArrayBuffer(
Handle<JSTypedArray> typed_array);
DECL_ACCESSORS(raw_length, Object)
class JSDataView: public JSArrayBufferView {
// Dispatched behavior.
static const int kSize = kViewSize;
static const int kSizeWithEmbedderFields =
kSize + v8::ArrayBufferView::kEmbedderFieldCount * kPointerSize;
// Foreign describes objects pointing from JavaScript to C structures.
class Foreign: public HeapObject {
// [address]: field containing the address.
inline Address foreign_address();
inline void set_foreign_address(Address value);
// Dispatched behavior.
// Layout description.
static const int kForeignAddressOffset = HeapObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kSize = kForeignAddressOffset + kPointerSize;
STATIC_ASSERT(kForeignAddressOffset == Internals::kForeignAddressOffset);
class BodyDescriptor;
// The JSArray describes JavaScript Arrays
// Such an array can be in one of two modes:
// - fast, backing storage is a FixedArray and length <= elements.length();
// Please note: push and pop can be used to grow and shrink the array.
// - slow, backing storage is a HashTable with numbers as keys.
class JSArray: public JSObject {
// [length]: The length property.
DECL_ACCESSORS(length, Object)
// Overload the length setter to skip write barrier when the length
// is set to a smi. This matches the set function on FixedArray.
inline void set_length(Smi* length);
static bool HasReadOnlyLength(Handle<JSArray> array);
static bool WouldChangeReadOnlyLength(Handle<JSArray> array, uint32_t index);
// Initialize the array with the given capacity. The function may
// fail due to out-of-memory situations, but only if the requested
// capacity is non-zero.
static void Initialize(Handle<JSArray> array, int capacity, int length = 0);
// If the JSArray has fast elements, and new_length would result in
// normalization, returns true.
bool SetLengthWouldNormalize(uint32_t new_length);
static inline bool SetLengthWouldNormalize(Heap* heap, uint32_t new_length);
// Initializes the array to a certain length.
inline bool AllowsSetLength();
static void SetLength(Handle<JSArray> array, uint32_t length);
// Set the content of the array to the content of storage.
static inline void SetContent(Handle<JSArray> array,
Handle<FixedArrayBase> storage);
// ES6
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> DefineOwnProperty(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSArray> o, Handle<Object> name,
PropertyDescriptor* desc, ShouldThrow should_throw);
static bool AnythingToArrayLength(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<Object> length_object,
uint32_t* output);
MUST_USE_RESULT static Maybe<bool> ArraySetLength(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<JSArray> a,
PropertyDescriptor* desc,
ShouldThrow should_throw);
// Checks whether the Array has the current realm's Array.prototype as its
// prototype. This function is best-effort and only gives a conservative
// approximation, erring on the side of false, in particular with respect
// to Proxies and objects with a hidden prototype.
inline bool HasArrayPrototype(Isolate* isolate);
// Dispatched behavior.
// Number of element slots to pre-allocate for an empty array.
static const int kPreallocatedArrayElements = 4;
// Layout description.
static const int kLengthOffset = JSObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kSize = kLengthOffset + kPointerSize;
// Max. number of elements being copied in Array builtins.
static const int kMaxCopyElements = 100;
static const int kInitialMaxFastElementArray =
(kMaxRegularHeapObjectSize - FixedArray::kHeaderSize - kSize -
AllocationMemento::kSize) /
Handle<Object> CacheInitialJSArrayMaps(Handle<Context> native_context,
Handle<Map> initial_map);
// JSRegExpResult is just a JSArray with a specific initial map.
// This initial map adds in-object properties for "index" and "input"
// properties, as assigned by RegExp.prototype.exec, which allows
// faster creation of RegExp exec results.
// This class just holds constants used when creating the result.
// After creation the result must be treated as a JSArray in all regards.
class JSRegExpResult: public JSArray {
// Offsets of object fields.
static const int kIndexOffset = JSArray::kSize;
static const int kInputOffset = kIndexOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kInputOffset + kPointerSize;
// Indices of in-object properties.
static const int kIndexIndex = 0;
static const int kInputIndex = 1;
// An accessor must have a getter, but can have no setter.
// When setting a property, V8 searches accessors in prototypes.
// If an accessor was found and it does not have a setter,
// the request is ignored.
// If the accessor in the prototype has the READ_ONLY property attribute, then
// a new value is added to the derived object when the property is set.
// This shadows the accessor in the prototype.
class AccessorInfo: public Struct {
DECL_ACCESSORS(name, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(expected_receiver_type, Object)
// This directly points at a foreign C function to be used from the runtime.
DECL_ACCESSORS(getter, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(setter, Object)
// This either points at the same as above, or a trampoline in case we are
// running with the simulator. Use these entries from generated code.
DECL_ACCESSORS(js_getter, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(data, Object)
static Address redirect(Isolate* isolate, Address address,
AccessorComponent component);
Address redirected_getter() const;
// Dispatched behavior.
inline bool all_can_read();
inline void set_all_can_read(bool value);
inline bool all_can_write();
inline void set_all_can_write(bool value);
inline bool is_special_data_property();
inline void set_is_special_data_property(bool value);
inline bool replace_on_access();
inline void set_replace_on_access(bool value);
inline bool is_sloppy();
inline void set_is_sloppy(bool value);
inline PropertyAttributes property_attributes();
inline void set_property_attributes(PropertyAttributes attributes);
// Checks whether the given receiver is compatible with this accessor.
static bool IsCompatibleReceiverMap(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<AccessorInfo> info,
Handle<Map> map);
inline bool IsCompatibleReceiver(Object* receiver);
// Dispatched behavior.
// Append all descriptors to the array that are not already there.
// Return number added.
static int AppendUnique(Handle<Object> descriptors,
Handle<FixedArray> array,
int valid_descriptors);
static const int kNameOffset = HeapObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kFlagOffset = kNameOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kExpectedReceiverTypeOffset = kFlagOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSetterOffset = kExpectedReceiverTypeOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kGetterOffset = kSetterOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kJsGetterOffset = kGetterOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kDataOffset = kJsGetterOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kDataOffset + kPointerSize;
inline bool HasExpectedReceiverType();
// Bit positions in flag.
static const int kAllCanReadBit = 0;
static const int kAllCanWriteBit = 1;
static const int kSpecialDataProperty = 2;
static const int kIsSloppy = 3;
static const int kReplaceOnAccess = 4;
class AttributesField : public BitField<PropertyAttributes, 5, 3> {};
// Support for JavaScript accessors: A pair of a getter and a setter. Each
// accessor can either be
// * a pointer to a JavaScript function or proxy: a real accessor
// * undefined: considered an accessor by the spec, too, strangely enough
// * the hole: an accessor which has not been set
// * a pointer to a map: a transition used to ensure map sharing
class AccessorPair: public Struct {
DECL_ACCESSORS(getter, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(setter, Object)
static Handle<AccessorPair> Copy(Handle<AccessorPair> pair);
inline Object* get(AccessorComponent component);
inline void set(AccessorComponent component, Object* value);
// Note: Returns undefined instead in case of a hole.
static Handle<Object> GetComponent(Handle<AccessorPair> accessor_pair,
AccessorComponent component);
// Set both components, skipping arguments which are a JavaScript null.
inline void SetComponents(Object* getter, Object* setter);
inline bool Equals(AccessorPair* pair);
inline bool Equals(Object* getter_value, Object* setter_value);
inline bool ContainsAccessor();
// Dispatched behavior.
static const int kGetterOffset = HeapObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kSetterOffset = kGetterOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kSetterOffset + kPointerSize;
// Strangely enough, in addition to functions and harmony proxies, the spec
// requires us to consider undefined as a kind of accessor, too:
// var obj = {};
// Object.defineProperty(obj, "foo", {get: undefined});
// assertTrue("foo" in obj);
inline bool IsJSAccessor(Object* obj);
class AccessCheckInfo: public Struct {
DECL_ACCESSORS(callback, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(named_interceptor, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(indexed_interceptor, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(data, Object)
// Dispatched behavior.
static AccessCheckInfo* Get(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSObject> receiver);
static const int kCallbackOffset = HeapObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kNamedInterceptorOffset = kCallbackOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kIndexedInterceptorOffset =
kNamedInterceptorOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kDataOffset = kIndexedInterceptorOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kDataOffset + kPointerSize;
class InterceptorInfo: public Struct {
DECL_ACCESSORS(getter, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(setter, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(query, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(descriptor, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(deleter, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(enumerator, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(definer, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(data, Object)
inline int flags() const;
inline void set_flags(int flags);
// Dispatched behavior.
static const int kGetterOffset = HeapObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kSetterOffset = kGetterOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kQueryOffset = kSetterOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kDescriptorOffset = kQueryOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kDeleterOffset = kDescriptorOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kEnumeratorOffset = kDeleterOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kDefinerOffset = kEnumeratorOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kDataOffset = kDefinerOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kFlagsOffset = kDataOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kFlagsOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kCanInterceptSymbolsBit = 0;
static const int kAllCanReadBit = 1;
static const int kNonMasking = 2;
class CallHandlerInfo : public Tuple2 {
DECL_ACCESSORS(callback, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(data, Object)
static const int kCallbackOffset = kValue1Offset;
static const int kDataOffset = kValue2Offset;
class TemplateInfo: public Struct {
DECL_ACCESSORS(serial_number, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(property_list, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(property_accessors, Object)
static const int kTagOffset = HeapObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kSerialNumberOffset = kTagOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kNumberOfProperties = kSerialNumberOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kPropertyListOffset = kNumberOfProperties + kPointerSize;
static const int kPropertyAccessorsOffset =
kPropertyListOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kHeaderSize = kPropertyAccessorsOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kFastTemplateInstantiationsCacheSize = 1 * KB;
// While we could grow the slow cache until we run out of memory, we put
// a limit on it anyway to not crash for embedders that re-create templates
// instead of caching them.
static const int kSlowTemplateInstantiationsCacheSize = 1 * MB;
class FunctionTemplateInfo: public TemplateInfo {
DECL_ACCESSORS(call_code, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(prototype_template, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(prototype_provider_template, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(parent_template, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(named_property_handler, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(indexed_property_handler, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(instance_template, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(class_name, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(signature, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(instance_call_handler, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(access_check_info, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(shared_function_info, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(js_function, Object)
inline int length() const;
inline void set_length(int value);
// Following properties use flag bits.
// If the bit is set, object instances created by this function
// requires access check.
DECL_ACCESSORS(cached_property_name, Object)
// Dispatched behavior.
static const int kInvalidSerialNumber = 0;
static const int kCallCodeOffset = TemplateInfo::kHeaderSize;
static const int kPrototypeTemplateOffset =
kCallCodeOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kPrototypeProviderTemplateOffset =
kPrototypeTemplateOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kParentTemplateOffset =
kPrototypeProviderTemplateOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset =
kParentTemplateOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kIndexedPropertyHandlerOffset =
kNamedPropertyHandlerOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kInstanceTemplateOffset =
kIndexedPropertyHandlerOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kClassNameOffset = kInstanceTemplateOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSignatureOffset = kClassNameOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kInstanceCallHandlerOffset = kSignatureOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kAccessCheckInfoOffset =
kInstanceCallHandlerOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSharedFunctionInfoOffset =
kAccessCheckInfoOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kFlagOffset = kSharedFunctionInfoOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kLengthOffset = kFlagOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kCachedPropertyNameOffset = kLengthOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kCachedPropertyNameOffset + kPointerSize;
static Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> GetOrCreateSharedFunctionInfo(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<FunctionTemplateInfo> info);
// Returns parent function template or null.
inline FunctionTemplateInfo* GetParent(Isolate* isolate);
// Returns true if |object| is an instance of this function template.
inline bool IsTemplateFor(JSObject* object);
bool IsTemplateFor(Map* map);
inline bool instantiated();
// Helper function for cached accessors.
static MaybeHandle<Name> TryGetCachedPropertyName(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<Object> getter);
// Bit position in the flag, from least significant bit position.
static const int kHiddenPrototypeBit = 0;
static const int kUndetectableBit = 1;
static const int kNeedsAccessCheckBit = 2;
static const int kReadOnlyPrototypeBit = 3;
static const int kRemovePrototypeBit = 4;
static const int kDoNotCacheBit = 5;
static const int kAcceptAnyReceiver = 6;
class ObjectTemplateInfo: public TemplateInfo {
DECL_ACCESSORS(constructor, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(data, Object)
// Dispatched behavior.
static const int kConstructorOffset = TemplateInfo::kHeaderSize;
// LSB is for immutable_proto, higher bits for embedder_field_count
static const int kDataOffset = kConstructorOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kDataOffset + kPointerSize;
// Starting from given object template's constructor walk up the inheritance
// chain till a function template that has an instance template is found.
inline ObjectTemplateInfo* GetParent(Isolate* isolate);
class IsImmutablePrototype : public BitField<bool, 0, 1> {};
class EmbedderFieldCount
: public BitField<int, IsImmutablePrototype::kNext, 29> {};
class StackFrameInfo : public Struct {
DECL_ACCESSORS(script_name, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(script_name_or_source_url, Object)
DECL_ACCESSORS(function_name, Object)
// Dispatched behavior.
static const int kLineNumberIndex = Struct::kHeaderSize;
static const int kColumnNumberIndex = kLineNumberIndex + kPointerSize;
static const int kScriptIdIndex = kColumnNumberIndex + kPointerSize;
static const int kScriptNameIndex = kScriptIdIndex + kPointerSize;
static const int kScriptNameOrSourceUrlIndex =
kScriptNameIndex + kPointerSize;
static const int kFunctionNameIndex =
kScriptNameOrSourceUrlIndex + kPointerSize;
static const int kFlagIndex = kFunctionNameIndex + kPointerSize;
static const int kIdIndex = kFlagIndex + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kIdIndex + kPointerSize;
// Bit position in the flag, from least significant bit position.
static const int kIsEvalBit = 0;
static const int kIsConstructorBit = 1;
static const int kIsWasmBit = 2;
class SourcePositionTableWithFrameCache : public Tuple2 {
DECL_ACCESSORS(source_position_table, ByteArray)
DECL_ACCESSORS(stack_frame_cache, UnseededNumberDictionary)
static const int kSourcePositionTableIndex = Struct::kHeaderSize;
static const int kStackFrameCacheIndex =
kSourcePositionTableIndex + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kStackFrameCacheIndex + kPointerSize;
// Abstract base class for visiting, and optionally modifying, the
// pointers contained in Objects. Used in GC and serialization/deserialization.
// TODO(ulan): move to src/visitors.h
class ObjectVisitor BASE_EMBEDDED {
virtual ~ObjectVisitor() {}
// Visits a contiguous arrays of pointers in the half-open range
// [start, end). Any or all of the values may be modified on return.
virtual void VisitPointers(HeapObject* host, Object** start,
Object** end) = 0;
// Handy shorthand for visiting a single pointer.
virtual void VisitPointer(HeapObject* host, Object** p) {
VisitPointers(host, p, p + 1);
// Visit weak next_code_link in Code object.
virtual void VisitNextCodeLink(Code* host, Object** p) {
VisitPointers(host, p, p + 1);
// To allow lazy clearing of inline caches the visitor has
// a rich interface for iterating over Code objects..
// Visits a code target in the instruction stream.
virtual void VisitCodeTarget(Code* host, RelocInfo* rinfo);
// Visits a code entry in a JS function.
virtual void VisitCodeEntry(JSFunction* host, Address entry_address);
// Visits a global property cell reference in the instruction stream.
virtual void VisitCellPointer(Code* host, RelocInfo* rinfo);
// Visits a runtime entry in the instruction stream.
virtual void VisitRuntimeEntry(Code* host, RelocInfo* rinfo) {}
// Visits a debug call target in the instruction stream.
virtual void VisitDebugTarget(Code* host, RelocInfo* rinfo);
// Visits the byte sequence in a function's prologue that contains information
// about the code's age.
virtual void VisitCodeAgeSequence(Code* host, RelocInfo* rinfo);
// Visit pointer embedded into a code object.
virtual void VisitEmbeddedPointer(Code* host, RelocInfo* rinfo);
// Visits an external reference embedded into a code object.
virtual void VisitExternalReference(Code* host, RelocInfo* rinfo) {}
// Visits an external reference.
virtual void VisitExternalReference(Foreign* host, Address* p) {}
// Visits an (encoded) internal reference.
virtual void VisitInternalReference(Code* host, RelocInfo* rinfo) {}
// BooleanBit is a helper class for setting and getting a bit in an integer.
class BooleanBit : public AllStatic {
static inline bool get(int value, int bit_position) {
return (value & (1 << bit_position)) != 0;
static inline int set(int value, int bit_position, bool v) {
if (v) {
value |= (1 << bit_position);
} else {
value &= ~(1 << bit_position);
return value;
} // NOLINT, false-positive due to second-order macros.
} // NOLINT, false-positive due to second-order macros.
#include "src/objects/object-macros-undef.h"
#endif // V8_OBJECTS_H_