blob: 1490923a2f4a1196d02cec3fb212d49f58c1de25 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include "src/base/platform/mutex.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class Heap;
class Isolate;
class HeapObject;
enum class MarkingThread { kMain, kConcurrent };
enum class TargetDeque { kShared, kBailout };
// The concurrent marking deque supports deque operations for two threads:
// main and concurrent. It is implemented using two deques: shared and bailout.
// The concurrent thread can use the push and pop operations with the
// MarkingThread::kConcurrent argument. All other operations are intended
// to be used by the main thread only.
// The interface of the concurrent marking deque for the main thread matches
// that of the sequential marking deque, so they can be easily switched
// at compile time without updating the main thread call-sites.
// The shared deque is shared between the main thread and the concurrent
// thread, so both threads can push to and pop from the shared deque.
// The bailout deque stores objects that cannot be processed by the concurrent
// thread. Only the concurrent thread can push to it and only the main thread
// can pop from it.
class ConcurrentMarkingDeque {
// The heap parameter is needed to match the interface
// of the sequential marking deque.
explicit ConcurrentMarkingDeque(Heap* heap) {}
// Pushes the object into the specified deque assuming that the function is
// called on the specified thread. The main thread can push only to the shared
// deque. The concurrent thread can push to both deques.
bool Push(HeapObject* object, MarkingThread thread = MarkingThread::kMain,
TargetDeque target = TargetDeque::kShared) {
switch (target) {
case TargetDeque::kShared:
case TargetDeque::kBailout:
return true;
// Pops an object from the bailout or shared deque assuming that the function
// is called on the specified thread. The main thread first tries to pop the
// bailout deque. If the deque is empty then it tries the shared deque.
// If the shared deque is also empty, then the function returns nullptr.
// The concurrent thread pops only from the shared deque.
HeapObject* Pop(MarkingThread thread = MarkingThread::kMain) {
if (thread == MarkingThread::kMain) {
HeapObject* result = bailout_deque_.Pop();
if (result != nullptr) return result;
return shared_deque_.Pop();
// All the following operations can used only by the main thread.
void Clear() {
bool IsFull() { return false; }
bool IsEmpty() { return bailout_deque_.IsEmpty() && shared_deque_.IsEmpty(); }
int Size() { return bailout_deque_.Size() + shared_deque_.Size(); }
// This is used for a large array with a progress bar.
// For simpicity, unshift to the bailout deque so that the concurrent thread
// does not see such objects.
bool Unshift(HeapObject* object) {
return true;
// Calls the specified callback on each element of the deques and replaces
// the element with the result of the callback. If the callback returns
// nullptr then the element is removed from the deque.
// The callback must accept HeapObject* and return HeapObject*.
template <typename Callback>
void Update(Callback callback) {
// These empty functions are needed to match the interface
// of the sequential marking deque.
void SetUp() {}
void TearDown() {}
void StartUsing() {}
void StopUsing() {}
void ClearOverflowed() {}
void SetOverflowed() {}
bool overflowed() const { return false; }
// Simple, slow, and thread-safe deque that forwards all operations to
// a lock-protected std::deque.
class Deque {
Deque() { cache_padding_[0] = 0; }
void Clear() {
base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> guard(&mutex_);
return deque_.clear();
bool IsEmpty() {
base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> guard(&mutex_);
return deque_.empty();
int Size() {
base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> guard(&mutex_);
return static_cast<int>(deque_.size());
void Push(HeapObject* object) {
base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> guard(&mutex_);
HeapObject* Pop() {
base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> guard(&mutex_);
if (deque_.empty()) return nullptr;
HeapObject* result = deque_.back();
return result;
void Unshift(HeapObject* object) {
base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> guard(&mutex_);
template <typename Callback>
void Update(Callback callback) {
base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> guard(&mutex_);
std::deque<HeapObject*> new_deque;
for (auto object : deque_) {
HeapObject* new_object = callback(object);
if (new_object) {
base::Mutex mutex_;
std::deque<HeapObject*> deque_;
// Ensure that two deques do not share the same cache line.
static int const kCachePadding = 64;
char cache_padding_[kCachePadding];
Deque bailout_deque_;
Deque shared_deque_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8