blob: 97bdcdc396f51ef785e035a04e9e18be9e8fe0e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/allocation.h"
#include "src/heap/embedder-tracing.h"
#include "src/heap/heap.h"
#include "src/heap/spaces.h"
#include "src/layout-descriptor.h"
#include "src/objects-body-descriptors.h"
// This file provides base classes and auxiliary methods for defining
// static object visitors used during GC.
// Visiting HeapObject body with a normal ObjectVisitor requires performing
// two switches on object's instance type to determine object size and layout
// and one or more virtual method calls on visitor itself.
// Static visitor is different: it provides a dispatch table which contains
// pointers to specialized visit functions. Each map has the visitor_id
// field which contains an index of specialized visitor to use.
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
#define VISITOR_ID_LIST(V) \
V(AllocationSite) \
V(ByteArray) \
V(BytecodeArray) \
V(Cell) \
V(Code) \
V(ConsString) \
V(DataObject) \
V(FixedArray) \
V(FixedDoubleArray) \
V(FixedFloat64Array) \
V(FixedTypedArrayBase) \
V(FreeSpace) \
V(JSApiObject) \
V(JSArrayBuffer) \
V(JSFunction) \
V(JSObject) \
V(JSObjectFast) \
V(JSRegExp) \
V(JSWeakCollection) \
V(Map) \
V(NativeContext) \
V(Oddball) \
V(PropertyCell) \
V(SeqOneByteString) \
V(SeqTwoByteString) \
V(SharedFunctionInfo) \
V(ShortcutCandidate) \
V(SlicedString) \
V(SmallOrderedHashSet) \
V(Struct) \
V(Symbol) \
V(ThinString) \
V(TransitionArray) \
// For data objects, JS objects and structs along with generic visitor which
// can visit object of any size we provide visitors specialized by
// object size in words.
// Ids of specialized visitors are declared in a linear order (without
// holes) starting from the id of visitor specialized for 2 words objects
// (base visitor id) and ending with the id of generic visitor.
// Method GetVisitorIdForSize depends on this ordering to calculate visitor
// id of specialized visitor from given instance size, base visitor id and
// generic visitor's id.
enum VisitorId {
#define VISITOR_ID_ENUM_DECL(id) kVisit##id,
// Base class for all static visitors.
class StaticVisitorBase : public AllStatic {
// Visitor ID should fit in one byte.
STATIC_ASSERT(kVisitorIdCount <= 256);
// Determine which specialized visitor should be used for given instance type
// and instance type.
static VisitorId GetVisitorId(int instance_type, int instance_size,
bool has_unboxed_fields);
// Determine which specialized visitor should be used for given map.
static VisitorId GetVisitorId(Map* map);
template <typename Callback>
class VisitorDispatchTable {
void CopyFrom(VisitorDispatchTable* other) {
// We are not using memcpy to guarantee that during update
// every element of callbacks_ array will remain correct
// pointer (memcpy might be implemented as a byte copying loop).
for (int i = 0; i < kVisitorIdCount; i++) {
base::Relaxed_Store(&callbacks_[i], other->callbacks_[i]);
inline Callback GetVisitor(Map* map);
inline Callback GetVisitorById(VisitorId id) {
return reinterpret_cast<Callback>(callbacks_[id]);
void Register(VisitorId id, Callback callback) {
DCHECK(id < kVisitorIdCount); // id is unsigned.
callbacks_[id] = reinterpret_cast<base::AtomicWord>(callback);
base::AtomicWord callbacks_[kVisitorIdCount];
template <typename StaticVisitor, typename BodyDescriptor, typename ReturnType>
class FlexibleBodyVisitor : public AllStatic {
INLINE(static ReturnType Visit(Map* map, HeapObject* object)) {
int object_size = BodyDescriptor::SizeOf(map, object);
BodyDescriptor::template IterateBody<StaticVisitor>(object, object_size);
return static_cast<ReturnType>(object_size);
template <typename StaticVisitor, typename BodyDescriptor, typename ReturnType>
class FixedBodyVisitor : public AllStatic {
INLINE(static ReturnType Visit(Map* map, HeapObject* object)) {
BodyDescriptor::template IterateBody<StaticVisitor>(object);
return static_cast<ReturnType>(BodyDescriptor::kSize);
// Base class for visitors used for a linear new space iteration.
// IterateBody returns size of visited object.
// Certain types of objects (i.e. Code objects) are not handled
// by dispatch table of this visitor because they cannot appear
// in the new space.
// This class is intended to be used in the following way:
// class SomeVisitor : public StaticNewSpaceVisitor<SomeVisitor> {
// ...
// }
// This is an example of Curiously recurring template pattern
// (see
// We use CRTP to guarantee aggressive compile time optimizations (i.e.
// inlining and specialization of StaticVisitor::VisitPointers methods).
template <typename StaticVisitor>
class StaticNewSpaceVisitor : public StaticVisitorBase {
static void Initialize();
INLINE(static int IterateBody(Map* map, HeapObject* obj)) {
return table_.GetVisitor(map)(map, obj);
INLINE(static void VisitPointers(Heap* heap, HeapObject* object,
Object** start, Object** end)) {
for (Object** p = start; p < end; p++) {
StaticVisitor::VisitPointer(heap, object, p);
// Although we are using the JSFunction body descriptor which does not
// visit the code entry, compiler wants it to be accessible.
// See JSFunction::BodyDescriptorImpl.
inline static void VisitCodeEntry(Heap* heap, HeapObject* object,
Address entry_address) {
inline static int UnreachableVisitor(Map* map, HeapObject* object) {
INLINE(static int VisitByteArray(Map* map, HeapObject* object)) {
return reinterpret_cast<ByteArray*>(object)->ByteArraySize();
INLINE(static int VisitFixedDoubleArray(Map* map, HeapObject* object)) {
int length = reinterpret_cast<FixedDoubleArray*>(object)->length();
return FixedDoubleArray::SizeFor(length);
INLINE(static int VisitSeqOneByteString(Map* map, HeapObject* object)) {
return SeqOneByteString::cast(object)
INLINE(static int VisitSeqTwoByteString(Map* map, HeapObject* object)) {
return SeqTwoByteString::cast(object)
INLINE(static int VisitFreeSpace(Map* map, HeapObject* object)) {
return FreeSpace::cast(object)->size();
class DataObjectVisitor {
template <int object_size>
static inline int VisitSpecialized(Map* map, HeapObject* object) {
return object_size;
INLINE(static int Visit(Map* map, HeapObject* object)) {
return map->instance_size();
typedef FlexibleBodyVisitor<StaticVisitor, StructBodyDescriptor, int>
typedef FlexibleBodyVisitor<StaticVisitor, JSObject::BodyDescriptor, int>
// Visitor for JSObjects without unboxed double fields.
typedef FlexibleBodyVisitor<StaticVisitor, JSObject::FastBodyDescriptor, int>
typedef int (*Callback)(Map* map, HeapObject* object);
static VisitorDispatchTable<Callback> table_;
template <typename StaticVisitor>
VisitorDispatchTable<typename StaticNewSpaceVisitor<StaticVisitor>::Callback>
// Base class for visitors used to transitively mark the entire heap.
// IterateBody returns nothing.
// Certain types of objects might not be handled by this base class and
// no visitor function is registered by the generic initialization. A
// specialized visitor function needs to be provided by the inheriting
// class itself for those cases.
// This class is intended to be used in the following way:
// class SomeVisitor : public StaticMarkingVisitor<SomeVisitor> {
// ...
// }
// This is an example of Curiously recurring template pattern.
template <typename StaticVisitor>
class StaticMarkingVisitor : public StaticVisitorBase {
static void Initialize();
INLINE(static void IterateBody(Map* map, HeapObject* obj)) {
table_.GetVisitor(map)(map, obj);
INLINE(static void VisitWeakCell(Map* map, HeapObject* object));
INLINE(static void VisitTransitionArray(Map* map, HeapObject* object));
INLINE(static void VisitCodeEntry(Heap* heap, HeapObject* object,
Address entry_address));
INLINE(static void VisitEmbeddedPointer(Heap* heap, RelocInfo* rinfo));
INLINE(static void VisitCell(Heap* heap, RelocInfo* rinfo));
INLINE(static void VisitDebugTarget(Heap* heap, RelocInfo* rinfo));
INLINE(static void VisitCodeTarget(Heap* heap, RelocInfo* rinfo));
INLINE(static void VisitCodeAgeSequence(Heap* heap, RelocInfo* rinfo));
INLINE(static void VisitExternalReference(RelocInfo* rinfo)) {}
INLINE(static void VisitInternalReference(RelocInfo* rinfo)) {}
INLINE(static void VisitRuntimeEntry(RelocInfo* rinfo)) {}
// Skip the weak next code link in a code object.
INLINE(static void VisitNextCodeLink(Heap* heap, Object** slot)) {}
INLINE(static void VisitMap(Map* map, HeapObject* object));
INLINE(static void VisitCode(Map* map, HeapObject* object));
INLINE(static void VisitBytecodeArray(Map* map, HeapObject* object));
INLINE(static void VisitSharedFunctionInfo(Map* map, HeapObject* object));
INLINE(static void VisitWeakCollection(Map* map, HeapObject* object));
INLINE(static void VisitJSFunction(Map* map, HeapObject* object));
INLINE(static void VisitNativeContext(Map* map, HeapObject* object));
// Mark pointers in a Map treating some elements of the descriptor array weak.
static void MarkMapContents(Heap* heap, Map* map);
class DataObjectVisitor {
template <int size>
static inline void VisitSpecialized(Map* map, HeapObject* object) {}
INLINE(static void Visit(Map* map, HeapObject* object)) {}
typedef FlexibleBodyVisitor<StaticVisitor, FixedArray::BodyDescriptor, void>
typedef FlexibleBodyVisitor<StaticVisitor, JSObject::FastBodyDescriptor, void>
typedef FlexibleBodyVisitor<StaticVisitor, JSObject::BodyDescriptor, void>
class JSApiObjectVisitor : AllStatic {
INLINE(static void Visit(Map* map, HeapObject* object)) {
JSObjectVisitor::Visit(map, object);
INLINE(static void TracePossibleWrapper(HeapObject* object)) {
if (object->GetHeap()->local_embedder_heap_tracer()->InUse()) {
typedef FlexibleBodyVisitor<StaticVisitor, StructBodyDescriptor, void>
typedef void (*Callback)(Map* map, HeapObject* object);
static VisitorDispatchTable<Callback> table_;
template <typename StaticVisitor>
VisitorDispatchTable<typename StaticMarkingVisitor<StaticVisitor>::Callback>
V(AllocationSite) \
V(ByteArray) \
V(BytecodeArray) \
V(Cell) \
V(Code) \
V(ConsString) \
V(FixedArray) \
V(FixedDoubleArray) \
V(FixedFloat64Array) \
V(FixedTypedArrayBase) \
V(JSArrayBuffer) \
V(JSFunction) \
V(JSObject) \
V(JSRegExp) \
V(JSWeakCollection) \
V(Map) \
V(Oddball) \
V(PropertyCell) \
V(SeqOneByteString) \
V(SeqTwoByteString) \
V(SharedFunctionInfo) \
V(SlicedString) \
V(SmallOrderedHashSet) \
V(Symbol) \
V(ThinString) \
V(TransitionArray) \
// The base class for visitors that need to dispatch on object type.
// It is similar to StaticVisitor except it uses virtual dispatch
// instead of static dispatch table. The default behavour of all
// visit functions is to iterate body of the given object using
// the BodyDescriptor of the object.
// The visit functions return the size of the object cast to ResultType.
// This class is intended to be used in the following way:
// class SomeVisitor : public HeapVisitor<ResultType, SomeVisitor> {
// ...
// }
// This is an example of Curiously recurring template pattern.
// TODO(ulan): replace static visitors with the HeapVisitor.
template <typename ResultType, typename ConcreteVisitor>
class HeapVisitor : public ObjectVisitor {
ResultType Visit(HeapObject* object);
// A guard predicate for visiting the object.
// If it returns false then the default implementations of the Visit*
// functions bailout from iterating the object pointers.
virtual bool ShouldVisit(HeapObject* object);
// A callback for visiting the map pointer in the object header.
virtual void VisitMapPointer(HeapObject* host, HeapObject** map);
#define VISIT(type) virtual ResultType Visit##type(Map* map, type* object);
#undef VISIT
virtual ResultType VisitShortcutCandidate(Map* map, ConsString* object);
virtual ResultType VisitNativeContext(Map* map, Context* object);
virtual ResultType VisitDataObject(Map* map, HeapObject* object);
virtual ResultType VisitJSObjectFast(Map* map, JSObject* object);
virtual ResultType VisitJSApiObject(Map* map, JSObject* object);
virtual ResultType VisitStruct(Map* map, HeapObject* object);
virtual ResultType VisitFreeSpace(Map* map, FreeSpace* object);
class WeakObjectRetainer;
// A weak list is single linked list where each element has a weak pointer to
// the next element. Given the head of the list, this function removes dead
// elements from the list and if requested records slots for next-element
// pointers. The template parameter T is a WeakListVisitor that defines how to
// access the next-element pointers.
template <class T>
Object* VisitWeakList(Heap* heap, Object* list, WeakObjectRetainer* retainer);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8