blob: bb005816ed176315efcd48c9508b813287dbd61b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <functional>
#include "src/base/atomic-utils.h"
#include "src/base/utils/random-number-generator.h"
#include "src/cancelable-task.h"
#include "src/compiler/wasm-compiler.h"
#include "src/isolate.h"
#include "src/wasm/wasm-code-specialization.h"
#include "src/wasm/wasm-objects.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace wasm {
// A class compiling an entire module.
class ModuleCompiler {
// The ModuleCompiler takes ownership of the {WasmModule}.
// In {CompileToModuleObject}, it will transfer ownership to the generated
// {WasmModuleWrapper}. If this method is not called, ownership may be
// reclaimed by explicitely releasing the {module_} field.
ModuleCompiler(Isolate* isolate, std::unique_ptr<WasmModule> module,
bool is_sync);
// The actual runnable task that performs compilations in the background.
class CompilationTask : public CancelableTask {
ModuleCompiler* compiler_;
explicit CompilationTask(ModuleCompiler* helper);
void RunInternal() override;
class CodeGenerationSchedule {
explicit CodeGenerationSchedule(
base::RandomNumberGenerator* random_number_generator,
size_t max_memory = 0);
void Schedule(std::unique_ptr<compiler::WasmCompilationUnit>&& item);
bool IsEmpty() const { return schedule_.empty(); }
std::unique_ptr<compiler::WasmCompilationUnit> GetNext();
bool CanAcceptWork() const;
bool ShouldIncreaseWorkload() const;
void EnableThrottling() { throttle_ = true; }
size_t GetRandomIndexInSchedule();
base::RandomNumberGenerator* random_number_generator_ = nullptr;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<compiler::WasmCompilationUnit>> schedule_;
const size_t max_memory_;
bool throttle_ = false;
base::AtomicNumber<size_t> allocated_memory_{0};
const std::shared_ptr<Counters>& async_counters() const {
return async_counters_;
Counters* counters() const { return async_counters().get(); }
// Run by each compilation task and by the main thread (i.e. in both
// foreground and background threads). The no_finisher_callback is called
// within the result_mutex_ lock when no finishing task is running, i.e. when
// the finisher_is_running_ flag is not set.
bool FetchAndExecuteCompilationUnit(
std::function<void()> no_finisher_callback = nullptr);
void OnBackgroundTaskStopped();
void EnableThrottling() { executed_units_.EnableThrottling(); }
bool CanAcceptWork() const { return executed_units_.CanAcceptWork(); }
bool ShouldIncreaseWorkload() const {
return executed_units_.ShouldIncreaseWorkload();
size_t InitializeParallelCompilation(
const std::vector<WasmFunction>& functions, ModuleBytesEnv& module_env);
void ReopenHandlesInDeferredScope();
void RestartCompilationTasks();
size_t FinishCompilationUnits(std::vector<Handle<Code>>& results,
ErrorThrower* thrower);
void SetFinisherIsRunning(bool value);
Handle<Code> FinishCompilationUnit(ErrorThrower* thrower, int* func_index);
void CompileInParallel(ModuleBytesEnv* module_env,
std::vector<Handle<Code>>& results,
ErrorThrower* thrower);
void CompileSequentially(ModuleBytesEnv* module_env,
std::vector<Handle<Code>>& results,
ErrorThrower* thrower);
void ValidateSequentially(ModuleBytesEnv* module_env, ErrorThrower* thrower);
MaybeHandle<WasmModuleObject> CompileToModuleObject(
ErrorThrower* thrower, const ModuleWireBytes& wire_bytes,
Handle<Script> asm_js_script,
Vector<const byte> asm_js_offset_table_bytes);
std::unique_ptr<WasmModule> ReleaseModule() { return std::move(module_); }
MaybeHandle<WasmModuleObject> CompileToModuleObjectInternal(
ErrorThrower* thrower, const ModuleWireBytes& wire_bytes,
Handle<Script> asm_js_script,
Vector<const byte> asm_js_offset_table_bytes, Factory* factory,
WasmInstance* temp_instance, Handle<FixedArray>* function_tables,
Handle<FixedArray>* signature_tables);
Isolate* isolate_;
std::unique_ptr<WasmModule> module_;
const std::shared_ptr<Counters> async_counters_;
bool is_sync_;
CodeGenerationSchedule executed_units_;
base::Mutex result_mutex_;
base::AtomicNumber<size_t> next_unit_;
const size_t num_background_tasks_;
// This flag should only be set while holding result_mutex_.
bool finisher_is_running_ = false;
CancelableTaskManager background_task_manager_;
size_t stopped_compilation_tasks_ = 0;
base::Mutex tasks_mutex_;
Handle<Code> centry_stub_;
class JSToWasmWrapperCache {
Handle<Code> CloneOrCompileJSToWasmWrapper(Isolate* isolate,
const wasm::WasmModule* module,
Handle<Code> wasm_code,
uint32_t index);
// sig_map_ maps signatures to an index in code_cache_.
wasm::SignatureMap sig_map_;
std::vector<Handle<Code>> code_cache_;
// A helper class to simplify instantiating a module from a compiled module.
// It closes over the {Isolate}, the {ErrorThrower}, the {WasmCompiledModule},
// etc.
class InstanceBuilder {
InstanceBuilder(Isolate* isolate, ErrorThrower* thrower,
Handle<WasmModuleObject> module_object,
MaybeHandle<JSReceiver> ffi,
MaybeHandle<JSArrayBuffer> memory,
WeakCallbackInfo<void>::Callback instance_finalizer_callback);
// Build an instance, in all of its glory.
MaybeHandle<WasmInstanceObject> Build();
// Represents the initialized state of a table.
struct TableInstance {
Handle<WasmTableObject> table_object; // WebAssembly.Table instance
Handle<FixedArray> js_wrappers; // JSFunctions exported
Handle<FixedArray> function_table; // internal code array
Handle<FixedArray> signature_table; // internal sig array
Isolate* isolate_;
WasmModule* const module_;
const std::shared_ptr<Counters> async_counters_;
ErrorThrower* thrower_;
Handle<WasmModuleObject> module_object_;
Handle<JSReceiver> ffi_; // TODO(titzer): Use MaybeHandle
Handle<JSArrayBuffer> memory_; // TODO(titzer): Use MaybeHandle
Handle<JSArrayBuffer> globals_;
Handle<WasmCompiledModule> compiled_module_;
std::vector<TableInstance> table_instances_;
std::vector<Handle<JSFunction>> js_wrappers_;
JSToWasmWrapperCache js_to_wasm_cache_;
WeakCallbackInfo<void>::Callback instance_finalizer_callback_;
const std::shared_ptr<Counters>& async_counters() const {
return async_counters_;
Counters* counters() const { return async_counters().get(); }
// Helper routines to print out errors with imports.
void Report##TYPE(const char* error, uint32_t index, \
Handle<String> module_name, Handle<String> import_name) { \
thrower_->TYPE("Import #%d module=\"%s\" function=\"%s\" error: %s", \
index, module_name->ToCString().get(), \
import_name->ToCString().get(), error); \
} \
MaybeHandle<Object> Report##TYPE(const char* error, uint32_t index, \
Handle<String> module_name) { \
thrower_->TYPE("Import #%d module=\"%s\" error: %s", index, \
module_name->ToCString().get(), error); \
return MaybeHandle<Object>(); \
// Look up an import value in the {ffi_} object.
MaybeHandle<Object> LookupImport(uint32_t index, Handle<String> module_name,
Handle<String> import_name);
// Look up an import value in the {ffi_} object specifically for linking an
// asm.js module. This only performs non-observable lookups, which allows
// falling back to JavaScript proper (and hence re-executing all lookups) if
// module instantiation fails.
MaybeHandle<Object> LookupImportAsm(uint32_t index,
Handle<String> import_name);
uint32_t EvalUint32InitExpr(const WasmInitExpr& expr);
// Load data segments into the memory.
void LoadDataSegments(Address mem_addr, size_t mem_size);
void WriteGlobalValue(WasmGlobal& global, Handle<Object> value);
// Process the imports, including functions, tables, globals, and memory, in
// order, loading them from the {ffi_} object. Returns the number of imported
// functions.
int ProcessImports(Handle<FixedArray> code_table,
Handle<WasmInstanceObject> instance);
template <typename T>
T* GetRawGlobalPtr(WasmGlobal& global);
// Process initialization of globals.
void InitGlobals();
// Allocate memory for a module instance as a new JSArrayBuffer.
Handle<JSArrayBuffer> AllocateMemory(uint32_t min_mem_pages);
bool NeedsWrappers();
// Process the exports, creating wrappers for functions, tables, memories,
// and globals.
void ProcessExports(Handle<FixedArray> code_table,
Handle<WasmInstanceObject> instance,
Handle<WasmCompiledModule> compiled_module);
void InitializeTables(Handle<WasmInstanceObject> instance,
CodeSpecialization* code_specialization);
void LoadTableSegments(Handle<FixedArray> code_table,
Handle<WasmInstanceObject> instance);
// Encapsulates all the state and steps of an asynchronous compilation.
// An asynchronous compile job consists of a number of tasks that are executed
// as foreground and background tasks. Any phase that touches the V8 heap or
// allocates on the V8 heap (e.g. creating the module object) must be a
// foreground task. All other tasks (e.g. decoding and validating, the majority
// of the work of compilation) can be background tasks.
// TODO(wasm): factor out common parts of this with the synchronous pipeline.
class AsyncCompileJob {
explicit AsyncCompileJob(Isolate* isolate, std::unique_ptr<byte[]> bytes_copy,
size_t length, Handle<Context> context,
Handle<JSPromise> promise);
void Start();
class CompileTask;
class CompileStep;
// States of the AsyncCompileJob.
class DecodeModule;
class DecodeFail;
class PrepareAndStartCompile;
class ExecuteAndFinishCompilationUnits;
class WaitForBackgroundTasks;
class FinishCompilationUnits;
class FinishCompile;
class CompileWrappers;
class FinishModule;
Isolate* isolate_;
const std::shared_ptr<Counters> async_counters_;
std::unique_ptr<byte[]> bytes_copy_;
ModuleWireBytes wire_bytes_;
Handle<Context> context_;
Handle<JSPromise> module_promise_;
std::unique_ptr<ModuleCompiler> compiler_;
std::unique_ptr<ModuleBytesEnv> module_bytes_env_;
std::vector<DeferredHandles*> deferred_handles_;
Handle<WasmModuleObject> module_object_;
Handle<FixedArray> function_tables_;
Handle<FixedArray> signature_tables_;
Handle<WasmCompiledModule> compiled_module_;
Handle<FixedArray> code_table_;
std::unique_ptr<WasmInstance> temp_instance_ = nullptr;
size_t outstanding_units_ = 0;
std::unique_ptr<CompileStep> step_;
CancelableTaskManager background_task_manager_;
// Counts the number of pending foreground tasks.
int32_t num_pending_foreground_tasks_ = 0;
const std::shared_ptr<Counters>& async_counters() const {
return async_counters_;
Counters* counters() const { return async_counters().get(); }
void ReopenHandlesInDeferredScope();
void AsyncCompileFailed(ErrorThrower& thrower);
void AsyncCompileSucceeded(Handle<Object> result);
template <typename Task, typename... Args>
void DoSync(Args&&... args);
void StartForegroundTask();
void StartBackgroundTask();
template <typename Task, typename... Args>
void DoAsync(Args&&... args);
} // namespace wasm
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8