blob: e617c0a25194bd38b43f93dc8a2c99b5307f29b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/compiler/register-allocator.h"
#include "src/zone-containers.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace compiler {
// Implementation detail for CoalescedLiveRanges.
struct AllocatedInterval {
AllocatedInterval(LifetimePosition start, LifetimePosition end,
LiveRange* range)
: start_(start), end_(end), range_(range) {}
LifetimePosition start_;
LifetimePosition end_;
LiveRange* range_;
bool operator<(const AllocatedInterval& other) const {
return start_ < other.start_;
bool operator>(const AllocatedInterval& other) const {
return start_ > other.start_;
typedef ZoneSet<AllocatedInterval> IntervalStore;
// An iterator over conflicts of a live range, obtained from CoalescedLiveRanges
// The design supports two main scenarios (see GreedyAllocator):
// (1) observing each conflicting range, without mutating the allocations, and
// (2) observing each conflicting range, and then moving to the next, after
// removing the current conflict.
class LiveRangeConflictIterator {
// Current conflict. nullptr if no conflicts, or if we reached the end of
// conflicts.
LiveRange* Current() const;
// Get the next conflict. Caller should handle non-consecutive repetitions of
// the same range.
LiveRange* GetNext() { return InternalGetNext(false); }
// Get the next conflict, after evicting the current one. Caller may expect
// to never observe the same live range more than once.
LiveRange* RemoveCurrentAndGetNext() { return InternalGetNext(true); }
friend class CoalescedLiveRanges;
typedef IntervalStore::const_iterator interval_iterator;
LiveRangeConflictIterator(const LiveRange* range, IntervalStore* store);
// Move the store iterator to first interval intersecting query. Since the
// intervals are sorted, subsequent intervals intersecting query follow. May
// leave the store iterator at "end", meaning that the current query does not
// have an intersection.
void MovePosToFirstConflictForQuery();
// Move both query and store iterator to the first intersection, if any. If
// none, then it invalidates the iterator (IsFinished() == true)
void MovePosAndQueryToFirstConflict();
// Increment pos and skip over intervals belonging to the same range we
// started with (i.e. Current() before the call). It is possible that range
// will be seen again, but not consecutively.
void IncrementPosAndSkipOverRepetitions();
// Common implementation used by both GetNext as well as
// ClearCurrentAndGetNext.
LiveRange* InternalGetNext(bool clean_behind);
bool IsFinished() const { return query_ == nullptr; }
static AllocatedInterval AsAllocatedInterval(LifetimePosition pos) {
return AllocatedInterval(pos, LifetimePosition::Invalid(), nullptr);
// Intersection utilities.
static bool Intersects(LifetimePosition a_start, LifetimePosition a_end,
LifetimePosition b_start, LifetimePosition b_end) {
return a_start < b_end && b_start < a_end;
bool QueryIntersectsAllocatedInterval() const {
DCHECK(query_ != nullptr);
return pos_ != intervals_->end() &&
Intersects(query_->start(), query_->end(), pos_->start_, pos_->end_);
void Invalidate() {
query_ = nullptr;
pos_ = intervals_->end();
const UseInterval* query_;
interval_iterator pos_;
IntervalStore* intervals_;
// Collection of live ranges allocated to the same register.
// It supports efficiently finding all conflicts for a given, non-allocated
// range. See AllocatedInterval.
// Allocated live ranges do not intersect. At most, individual use intervals
// touch. We store, for a live range, an AllocatedInterval corresponding to each
// of that range's UseIntervals. We keep the list of AllocatedIntervals sorted
// by starts. Then, given the non-intersecting property, we know that
// consecutive AllocatedIntervals have the property that the "smaller"'s end is
// less or equal to the "larger"'s start.
// This allows for quick (logarithmic complexity) identification of the first
// AllocatedInterval to conflict with a given LiveRange, and then for efficient
// traversal of conflicts.
class CoalescedLiveRanges : public ZoneObject {
explicit CoalescedLiveRanges(Zone* zone) : intervals_(zone) {}
void clear() { intervals_.clear(); }
bool empty() const { return intervals_.empty(); }
// Iterate over each live range conflicting with the provided one.
// The same live range may be observed multiple, but non-consecutive times.
LiveRangeConflictIterator GetConflicts(const LiveRange* range);
// Allocates a range with a pre-calculated candidate weight.
void AllocateRange(LiveRange* range);
// Unit testing API, verifying that allocated intervals do not overlap.
bool VerifyAllocationsAreValidForTesting() const;
static const float kAllocatedRangeMultiplier;
IntervalStore& intervals() { return intervals_; }
const IntervalStore& intervals() const { return intervals_; }
// Augment the weight of a range that is about to be allocated.
static void UpdateWeightAtAllocation(LiveRange* range);
// Reduce the weight of a range that has lost allocation.
static void UpdateWeightAtEviction(LiveRange* range);
IntervalStore intervals_;
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8