blob: e023219765df9b4d180cdf920cb8c100c0f66d21 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
// Clients of this interface shouldn't depend on lots of compiler internals.
// Do not include anything from src/compiler here!
#include "src/runtime/runtime.h"
#include "src/wasm/function-body-decoder.h"
#include "src/wasm/function-compiler.h"
#include "src/wasm/wasm-module.h"
#include "src/wasm/wasm-opcodes.h"
#include "src/wasm/wasm-result.h"
#include "src/zone/zone.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
struct AssemblerOptions;
namespace compiler {
// Forward declarations for some compiler data structures.
class CallDescriptor;
class Graph;
class MachineGraph;
class Node;
class NodeOriginTable;
class Operator;
class SourcePositionTable;
class WasmDecorator;
enum class TrapId : uint32_t;
} // namespace compiler
namespace wasm {
struct DecodeStruct;
// Expose {Node} and {Graph} opaquely as {wasm::TFNode} and {wasm::TFGraph}.
using TFNode = compiler::Node;
using TFGraph = compiler::MachineGraph;
class WasmCode;
struct WasmFeatures;
} // namespace wasm
namespace compiler {
bool BuildGraphForWasmFunction(AccountingAllocator* allocator,
wasm::CompilationEnv* env,
const wasm::FunctionBody& func_body,
int func_index, wasm::WasmFeatures* detected,
double* decode_ms, MachineGraph* mcgraph,
NodeOriginTable* node_origins,
SourcePositionTable* source_positions);
wasm::WasmCompilationResult ExecuteTurbofanWasmCompilation(
wasm::WasmEngine*, wasm::CompilationEnv*, const wasm::FunctionBody&,
int func_index, Counters*, wasm::WasmFeatures* detected);
wasm::WasmCompilationResult ExecuteInterpreterEntryCompilation(
wasm::WasmEngine*, wasm::CompilationEnv*, const wasm::FunctionBody&,
int func_index, Counters*, wasm::WasmFeatures* detected);
// Calls to WASM imports are handled in several different ways, depending on the
// type of the target function/callable and whether the signature matches the
// argument arity.
enum class WasmImportCallKind : uint8_t {
kLinkError, // static WASM->WASM type error
kRuntimeTypeError, // runtime WASM->JS type error
kWasmToCapi, // fast WASM->C-API call
kWasmToWasm, // fast WASM->WASM call
kJSFunctionArityMatch, // fast WASM->JS call
kJSFunctionArityMatchSloppy, // fast WASM->JS call, sloppy receiver
kJSFunctionArityMismatch, // WASM->JS, needs adapter frame
kJSFunctionArityMismatchSloppy, // WASM->JS, needs adapter frame, sloppy
// Math functions imported from JavaScript that are intrinsified
kF64Acos = kFirstMathIntrinsic,
kLastMathIntrinsic = kF32ConvertF64,
// For everything else, there's the call builtin.
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE WasmImportCallKind
GetWasmImportCallKind(Handle<JSReceiver> callable, wasm::FunctionSig* sig,
bool has_bigint_feature);
// Compiles an import call wrapper, which allows WASM to call imports.
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE wasm::WasmCode* CompileWasmImportCallWrapper(
wasm::WasmEngine*, wasm::NativeModule*, WasmImportCallKind,
wasm::FunctionSig*, bool source_positions);
// Compiles a host call wrapper, which allows WASM to call host functions.
wasm::WasmCode* CompileWasmCapiCallWrapper(wasm::WasmEngine*,
wasm::FunctionSig*, Address address);
// Creates a code object calling a wasm function with the given signature,
// callable from JS.
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE MaybeHandle<Code> CompileJSToWasmWrapper(Isolate*,
bool is_import);
// Compiles a stub that redirects a call to a wasm function to the wasm
// interpreter. It's ABI compatible with the compiled wasm function.
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE wasm::WasmCompilationResult CompileWasmInterpreterEntry(
wasm::WasmEngine*, const wasm::WasmFeatures& enabled_features,
uint32_t func_index, wasm::FunctionSig*);
enum CWasmEntryParameters {
// marker:
// Compiles a stub with JS linkage, taking parameters as described by
// {CWasmEntryParameters}. It loads the wasm parameters from the argument
// buffer and calls the wasm function given as first parameter.
MaybeHandle<Code> CompileCWasmEntry(Isolate* isolate, wasm::FunctionSig* sig);
// Values from the instance object are cached between WASM-level function calls.
// This struct allows the SSA environment handling this cache to be defined
// and manipulated in wasm-compiler.{h,cc} instead of inside the WASM decoder.
// (Note that currently, the globals base is immutable, so not cached here.)
struct WasmInstanceCacheNodes {
Node* mem_start;
Node* mem_size;
Node* mem_mask;
// Abstracts details of building TurboFan graph nodes for wasm to separate
// the wasm decoder from the internal details of TurboFan.
class WasmGraphBuilder {
enum EnforceBoundsCheck : bool { // --
kNeedsBoundsCheck = true,
kCanOmitBoundsCheck = false
enum UseRetpoline : bool { // --
kRetpoline = true,
kNoRetpoline = false
enum ExtraCallableParam : bool { // --
kExtraCallableParam = true,
kNoExtraCallableParam = false
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE WasmGraphBuilder(
wasm::CompilationEnv* env, Zone* zone, MachineGraph* mcgraph,
wasm::FunctionSig* sig, compiler::SourcePositionTable* spt = nullptr);
Node** Buffer(size_t count) {
if (count > cur_bufsize_) {
size_t new_size = count + cur_bufsize_ + 5;
cur_buffer_ =
reinterpret_cast<Node**>(zone_->New(new_size * sizeof(Node*)));
cur_bufsize_ = new_size;
return cur_buffer_;
// Operations independent of {control} or {effect}.
Node* Error();
Node* Start(unsigned params);
Node* Param(unsigned index);
Node* Loop(Node* entry);
Node* TerminateLoop(Node* effect, Node* control);
Node* TerminateThrow(Node* effect, Node* control);
Node* Merge(unsigned count, Node** controls);
Node* Phi(wasm::ValueType type, unsigned count, Node** vals, Node* control);
Node* CreateOrMergeIntoPhi(MachineRepresentation rep, Node* merge,
Node* tnode, Node* fnode);
Node* CreateOrMergeIntoEffectPhi(Node* merge, Node* tnode, Node* fnode);
Node* EffectPhi(unsigned count, Node** effects, Node* control);
Node* RefNull();
Node* RefFunc(uint32_t function_index);
Node* Uint32Constant(uint32_t value);
Node* Int32Constant(int32_t value);
Node* Int64Constant(int64_t value);
Node* IntPtrConstant(intptr_t value);
Node* Float32Constant(float value);
Node* Float64Constant(double value);
Node* Binop(wasm::WasmOpcode opcode, Node* left, Node* right,
wasm::WasmCodePosition position = wasm::kNoCodePosition);
Node* Unop(wasm::WasmOpcode opcode, Node* input,
wasm::WasmCodePosition position = wasm::kNoCodePosition);
Node* MemoryGrow(Node* input);
Node* Throw(uint32_t exception_index, const wasm::WasmException* exception,
const Vector<Node*> values, wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
Node* Rethrow(Node* except_obj);
Node* ExceptionTagEqual(Node* caught_tag, Node* expected_tag);
Node* LoadExceptionTagFromTable(uint32_t exception_index);
Node* GetExceptionTag(Node* except_obj);
Node** GetExceptionValues(Node* except_obj,
const wasm::WasmException* exception);
bool IsPhiWithMerge(Node* phi, Node* merge);
bool ThrowsException(Node* node, Node** if_success, Node** if_exception);
void AppendToMerge(Node* merge, Node* from);
void AppendToPhi(Node* phi, Node* from);
void StackCheck(wasm::WasmCodePosition position, Node** effect = nullptr,
Node** control = nullptr);
void PatchInStackCheckIfNeeded();
// TODO(v8:8977, v8:7703): move this somewhere? This should be where it
// can be used in many places (e.g graph assembler, wasm compiler).
// Adds a decompression node if pointer compression is enabled and the type
// loaded is a compressed one. To be used after loads.
Node* InsertDecompressionIfNeeded(MachineType type, Node* value);
// Adds a compression node if pointer compression is enabled and the
// representation to be stored is a compressed one. To be used before stores.
Node* InsertCompressionIfNeeded(MachineRepresentation rep, Node* value);
// Operations that read and/or write {control} and {effect}.
Node* BranchNoHint(Node* cond, Node** true_node, Node** false_node);
Node* BranchExpectTrue(Node* cond, Node** true_node, Node** false_node);
Node* BranchExpectFalse(Node* cond, Node** true_node, Node** false_node);
Node* TrapIfTrue(wasm::TrapReason reason, Node* cond,
wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
Node* TrapIfFalse(wasm::TrapReason reason, Node* cond,
wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
Node* TrapIfEq32(wasm::TrapReason reason, Node* node, int32_t val,
wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
Node* ZeroCheck32(wasm::TrapReason reason, Node* node,
wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
Node* TrapIfEq64(wasm::TrapReason reason, Node* node, int64_t val,
wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
Node* ZeroCheck64(wasm::TrapReason reason, Node* node,
wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
Node* Switch(unsigned count, Node* key);
Node* IfValue(int32_t value, Node* sw);
Node* IfDefault(Node* sw);
Node* Return(unsigned count, Node** nodes);
template <typename... Nodes>
Node* Return(Node* fst, Nodes*... more) {
Node* arr[] = {fst, more...};
return Return(arraysize(arr), arr);
Node* ReturnVoid();
Node* Unreachable(wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
Node* CallDirect(uint32_t index, Node** args, Node*** rets,
wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
Node* CallIndirect(uint32_t table_index, uint32_t sig_index, Node** args,
Node*** rets, wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
Node* ReturnCall(uint32_t index, Node** args,
wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
Node* ReturnCallIndirect(uint32_t table_index, uint32_t sig_index,
Node** args, wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
Node* Invert(Node* node);
Node* GetGlobal(uint32_t index);
Node* SetGlobal(uint32_t index, Node* val);
Node* GetTable(uint32_t table_index, Node* index,
wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
Node* SetTable(uint32_t table_index, Node* index, Node* val,
wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
// Operations that concern the linear memory.
Node* CurrentMemoryPages();
Node* TraceMemoryOperation(bool is_store, MachineRepresentation, Node* index,
uint32_t offset, wasm::WasmCodePosition);
Node* LoadMem(wasm::ValueType type, MachineType memtype, Node* index,
uint32_t offset, uint32_t alignment,
wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
Node* StoreMem(MachineRepresentation mem_rep, Node* index, uint32_t offset,
uint32_t alignment, Node* val, wasm::WasmCodePosition position,
wasm::ValueType type);
static void PrintDebugName(Node* node);
void set_instance_node(Node* instance_node) {
this->instance_node_ = instance_node;
Node* Control() {
return *control_;
Node* Effect() {
return *effect_;
Node* SetControl(Node* node) {
*control_ = node;
return node;
Node* SetEffect(Node* node) {
*effect_ = node;
return node;
void set_control_ptr(Node** control) { this->control_ = control; }
void set_effect_ptr(Node** effect) { this->effect_ = effect; }
Node* GetImportedMutableGlobals();
void GetGlobalBaseAndOffset(MachineType mem_type, const wasm::WasmGlobal&,
Node** base_node, Node** offset_node);
void GetBaseAndOffsetForImportedMutableAnyRefGlobal(
const wasm::WasmGlobal& global, Node** base, Node** offset);
void BoundsCheckTable(uint32_t table_index, Node* index,
wasm::WasmCodePosition position,
wasm::TrapReason trap_reason, Node** base_node);
void GetTableBaseAndOffset(uint32_t table_index, Node* index,
wasm::WasmCodePosition position, Node** base_node,
Node** offset_node);
// Utilities to manipulate sets of instance cache nodes.
void InitInstanceCache(WasmInstanceCacheNodes* instance_cache);
void PrepareInstanceCacheForLoop(WasmInstanceCacheNodes* instance_cache,
Node* control);
void NewInstanceCacheMerge(WasmInstanceCacheNodes* to,
WasmInstanceCacheNodes* from, Node* merge);
void MergeInstanceCacheInto(WasmInstanceCacheNodes* to,
WasmInstanceCacheNodes* from, Node* merge);
void set_instance_cache(WasmInstanceCacheNodes* instance_cache) {
this->instance_cache_ = instance_cache;
wasm::FunctionSig* GetFunctionSignature() { return sig_; }
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE void LowerInt64();
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE void SimdScalarLoweringForTesting();
void SetSourcePosition(Node* node, wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
Node* S128Zero();
Node* S1x4Zero();
Node* S1x8Zero();
Node* S1x16Zero();
Node* SimdOp(wasm::WasmOpcode opcode, Node* const* inputs);
Node* SimdLaneOp(wasm::WasmOpcode opcode, uint8_t lane, Node* const* inputs);
Node* SimdShiftOp(wasm::WasmOpcode opcode, uint8_t shift,
Node* const* inputs);
Node* Simd8x16ShuffleOp(const uint8_t shuffle[16], Node* const* inputs);
Node* AtomicOp(wasm::WasmOpcode opcode, Node* const* inputs,
uint32_t alignment, uint32_t offset,
wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
// Returns a pointer to the dropped_data_segments array. Traps if the data
// segment is active or has been dropped.
Node* CheckDataSegmentIsPassiveAndNotDropped(uint32_t data_segment_index,
wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
Node* CheckElemSegmentIsPassiveAndNotDropped(uint32_t elem_segment_index,
wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
Node* MemoryInit(uint32_t data_segment_index, Node* dst, Node* src,
Node* size, wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
Node* MemoryCopy(Node* dst, Node* src, Node* size,
wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
Node* DataDrop(uint32_t data_segment_index, wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
Node* MemoryFill(Node* dst, Node* fill, Node* size,
wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
Node* TableInit(uint32_t table_index, uint32_t elem_segment_index, Node* dst,
Node* src, Node* size, wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
Node* ElemDrop(uint32_t elem_segment_index, wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
Node* TableCopy(uint32_t table_src_index, uint32_t table_dst_index, Node* dst,
Node* src, Node* size, wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
Node* TableGrow(uint32_t table_index, Node* value, Node* delta);
Node* TableSize(uint32_t table_index);
Node* TableFill(uint32_t table_index, Node* start, Node* value, Node* count);
bool has_simd() const { return has_simd_; }
const wasm::WasmModule* module() { return env_ ? env_->module : nullptr; }
wasm::UseTrapHandler use_trap_handler() const {
return env_ ? env_->use_trap_handler : wasm::kNoTrapHandler;
MachineGraph* mcgraph() { return mcgraph_; }
Graph* graph();
void AddBytecodePositionDecorator(NodeOriginTable* node_origins,
wasm::Decoder* decoder);
void RemoveBytecodePositionDecorator();
static const int kDefaultBufferSize = 16;
Zone* const zone_;
MachineGraph* const mcgraph_;
wasm::CompilationEnv* const env_;
Node** control_ = nullptr;
Node** effect_ = nullptr;
WasmInstanceCacheNodes* instance_cache_ = nullptr;
SetOncePointer<Node> instance_node_;
SetOncePointer<Node> globals_start_;
SetOncePointer<Node> imported_mutable_globals_;
SetOncePointer<Node> stack_check_code_node_;
SetOncePointer<const Operator> stack_check_call_operator_;
Node** cur_buffer_;
size_t cur_bufsize_;
Node* def_buffer_[kDefaultBufferSize];
bool has_simd_ = false;
bool needs_stack_check_ = false;
const bool untrusted_code_mitigations_ = true;
wasm::FunctionSig* const sig_;
compiler::WasmDecorator* decorator_ = nullptr;
compiler::SourcePositionTable* const source_position_table_ = nullptr;
Node* NoContextConstant();
Node* MemBuffer(uint32_t offset);
// BoundsCheckMem receives a uint32 {index} node and returns a ptrsize index.
Node* BoundsCheckMem(uint8_t access_size, Node* index, uint32_t offset,
wasm::WasmCodePosition, EnforceBoundsCheck);
// Check that the range [start, start + size) is in the range [0, max).
// Also updates *size with the valid range. Returns true if the range is
// partially out-of-bounds, traps if it is completely out-of-bounds.
Node* BoundsCheckRange(Node* start, Node** size, Node* max,
// BoundsCheckMemRange receives a uint32 {start} and {size}, and checks if it
// is in bounds. Also updates *size with the valid range, and converts *start
// to a pointer into memory at that index. Returns true if the range is
// partially out-of-bounds, traps if it is completely out-of-bounds.
Node* BoundsCheckMemRange(Node** start, Node** size, wasm::WasmCodePosition);
Node* CheckBoundsAndAlignment(uint8_t access_size, Node* index,
uint32_t offset, wasm::WasmCodePosition);
Node* Uint32ToUintptr(Node*);
const Operator* GetSafeLoadOperator(int offset, wasm::ValueType type);
const Operator* GetSafeStoreOperator(int offset, wasm::ValueType type);
Node* BuildChangeEndiannessStore(Node* node, MachineRepresentation rep,
wasm::ValueType wasmtype = wasm::kWasmStmt);
Node* BuildChangeEndiannessLoad(Node* node, MachineType type,
wasm::ValueType wasmtype = wasm::kWasmStmt);
Node* MaskShiftCount32(Node* node);
Node* MaskShiftCount64(Node* node);
enum IsReturnCall : bool { kReturnCall = true, kCallContinues = false };
template <typename... Args>
Node* BuildCCall(MachineSignature* sig, Node* function, Args... args);
Node* BuildCallNode(wasm::FunctionSig* sig, Node** args,
wasm::WasmCodePosition position, Node* instance_node,
const Operator* op);
// Special implementation for CallIndirect for table 0.
Node* BuildIndirectCall(uint32_t sig_index, Node** args, Node*** rets,
wasm::WasmCodePosition position,
IsReturnCall continuation);
Node* BuildIndirectCall(uint32_t table_index, uint32_t sig_index, Node** args,
Node*** rets, wasm::WasmCodePosition position,
IsReturnCall continuation);
Node* BuildWasmCall(wasm::FunctionSig* sig, Node** args, Node*** rets,
wasm::WasmCodePosition position, Node* instance_node,
UseRetpoline use_retpoline);
Node* BuildWasmReturnCall(wasm::FunctionSig* sig, Node** args,
wasm::WasmCodePosition position,
Node* instance_node, UseRetpoline use_retpoline);
Node* BuildImportCall(wasm::FunctionSig* sig, Node** args, Node*** rets,
wasm::WasmCodePosition position, int func_index,
IsReturnCall continuation);
Node* BuildImportCall(wasm::FunctionSig* sig, Node** args, Node*** rets,
wasm::WasmCodePosition position, Node* func_index,
IsReturnCall continuation);
Node* BuildF32CopySign(Node* left, Node* right);
Node* BuildF64CopySign(Node* left, Node* right);
Node* BuildIntConvertFloat(Node* input, wasm::WasmCodePosition position,
Node* BuildI32Ctz(Node* input);
Node* BuildI32Popcnt(Node* input);
Node* BuildI64Ctz(Node* input);
Node* BuildI64Popcnt(Node* input);
Node* BuildBitCountingCall(Node* input, ExternalReference ref,
MachineRepresentation input_type);
Node* BuildCFuncInstruction(ExternalReference ref, MachineType type,
Node* input0, Node* input1 = nullptr);
Node* BuildF32Trunc(Node* input);
Node* BuildF32Floor(Node* input);
Node* BuildF32Ceil(Node* input);
Node* BuildF32NearestInt(Node* input);
Node* BuildF64Trunc(Node* input);
Node* BuildF64Floor(Node* input);
Node* BuildF64Ceil(Node* input);
Node* BuildF64NearestInt(Node* input);
Node* BuildI32Rol(Node* left, Node* right);
Node* BuildI64Rol(Node* left, Node* right);
Node* BuildF64Acos(Node* input);
Node* BuildF64Asin(Node* input);
Node* BuildF64Pow(Node* left, Node* right);
Node* BuildF64Mod(Node* left, Node* right);
Node* BuildIntToFloatConversionInstruction(
Node* input, ExternalReference ref,
MachineRepresentation parameter_representation,
const MachineType result_type);
Node* BuildF32SConvertI64(Node* input);
Node* BuildF32UConvertI64(Node* input);
Node* BuildF64SConvertI64(Node* input);
Node* BuildF64UConvertI64(Node* input);
Node* BuildCcallConvertFloat(Node* input, wasm::WasmCodePosition position,
wasm::WasmOpcode opcode);
Node* BuildI32DivS(Node* left, Node* right, wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
Node* BuildI32RemS(Node* left, Node* right, wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
Node* BuildI32DivU(Node* left, Node* right, wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
Node* BuildI32RemU(Node* left, Node* right, wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
Node* BuildI64DivS(Node* left, Node* right, wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
Node* BuildI64RemS(Node* left, Node* right, wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
Node* BuildI64DivU(Node* left, Node* right, wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
Node* BuildI64RemU(Node* left, Node* right, wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
Node* BuildDiv64Call(Node* left, Node* right, ExternalReference ref,
MachineType result_type, wasm::TrapReason trap_zero,
wasm::WasmCodePosition position);
Node* BuildChangeInt32ToIntPtr(Node* value);
Node* BuildChangeInt32ToSmi(Node* value);
Node* BuildChangeUint31ToSmi(Node* value);
Node* BuildSmiShiftBitsConstant();
Node* BuildChangeSmiToInt32(Node* value);
// generates {index > max ? Smi(max) : Smi(index)}
Node* BuildConvertUint32ToSmiWithSaturation(Node* index, uint32_t maxval);
// Asm.js specific functionality.
Node* BuildI32AsmjsSConvertF32(Node* input);
Node* BuildI32AsmjsSConvertF64(Node* input);
Node* BuildI32AsmjsUConvertF32(Node* input);
Node* BuildI32AsmjsUConvertF64(Node* input);
Node* BuildI32AsmjsDivS(Node* left, Node* right);
Node* BuildI32AsmjsRemS(Node* left, Node* right);
Node* BuildI32AsmjsDivU(Node* left, Node* right);
Node* BuildI32AsmjsRemU(Node* left, Node* right);
Node* BuildAsmjsLoadMem(MachineType type, Node* index);
Node* BuildAsmjsStoreMem(MachineType type, Node* index, Node* val);
void BuildEncodeException32BitValue(Node* values_array, uint32_t* index,
Node* value);
Node* BuildDecodeException32BitValue(Node* values_array, uint32_t* index);
Node* BuildDecodeException64BitValue(Node* values_array, uint32_t* index);
Node** Realloc(Node* const* buffer, size_t old_count, size_t new_count) {
Node** buf = Buffer(new_count);
if (buf != buffer) memcpy(buf, buffer, old_count * sizeof(Node*));
return buf;
Node* BuildLoadBuiltinFromInstance(int builtin_index);
// Operations involving the CEntry, a dependency we want to remove
// to get off the GC heap.
Node* BuildCallToRuntime(Runtime::FunctionId f, Node** parameters,
int parameter_count);
Node* BuildCallToRuntimeWithContext(Runtime::FunctionId f, Node* js_context,
Node** parameters, int parameter_count,
Node** effect, Node* control);
TrapId GetTrapIdForTrap(wasm::TrapReason reason);
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE CallDescriptor* GetWasmCallDescriptor(
Zone* zone, wasm::FunctionSig* signature,
WasmGraphBuilder::UseRetpoline use_retpoline =
WasmGraphBuilder::ExtraCallableParam callable_param =
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE CallDescriptor* GetI32WasmCallDescriptor(
Zone* zone, CallDescriptor* call_descriptor);
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE CallDescriptor* GetI32WasmCallDescriptorForSimd(
Zone* zone, CallDescriptor* call_descriptor);
AssemblerOptions WasmAssemblerOptions();
AssemblerOptions WasmStubAssemblerOptions();
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8