blob: 497f098bafcbbd5e32255a3fcdd8b0c992fdc0c3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/compiler/js-global-object-specialization.h"
#include "src/compilation-dependencies.h"
#include "src/compiler/access-builder.h"
#include "src/compiler/common-operator.h"
#include "src/compiler/js-graph.h"
#include "src/compiler/js-operator.h"
#include "src/compiler/node-properties.h"
#include "src/compiler/simplified-operator.h"
#include "src/lookup.h"
#include "src/objects-inl.h" // TODO(mstarzinger): Temporary cycle breaker!
#include "src/type-cache.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace compiler {
struct JSGlobalObjectSpecialization::ScriptContextTableLookupResult {
Handle<Context> context;
bool immutable;
int index;
Editor* editor, JSGraph* jsgraph, Flags flags,
Handle<JSGlobalObject> global_object, CompilationDependencies* dependencies)
: AdvancedReducer(editor),
global_object->native_context()->script_context_table(), isolate()),
type_cache_(TypeCache::Get()) {}
Reduction JSGlobalObjectSpecialization::Reduce(Node* node) {
switch (node->opcode()) {
case IrOpcode::kJSLoadGlobal:
return ReduceJSLoadGlobal(node);
case IrOpcode::kJSStoreGlobal:
return ReduceJSStoreGlobal(node);
return NoChange();
Reduction JSGlobalObjectSpecialization::ReduceJSLoadGlobal(Node* node) {
DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kJSLoadGlobal, node->opcode());
Handle<Name> name = LoadGlobalParametersOf(node->op()).name();
Node* effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node);
Node* control = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node);
// Try to lookup the name on the script context table first (lexical scoping).
ScriptContextTableLookupResult result;
if (LookupInScriptContextTable(name, &result)) {
if (result.context->is_the_hole(result.index)) return NoChange();
Node* context = jsgraph()->HeapConstant(result.context);
Node* value = effect = graph()->NewNode(
javascript()->LoadContext(0, result.index, result.immutable), context,
context, effect);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect);
return Replace(value);
// Lookup on the global object instead. We only deal with own data
// properties of the global object here (represented as PropertyCell).
LookupIterator it(global_object(), name, LookupIterator::OWN);
if (it.state() != LookupIterator::DATA) return NoChange();
Handle<PropertyCell> property_cell = it.GetPropertyCell();
PropertyDetails property_details = property_cell->property_details();
Handle<Object> property_cell_value(property_cell->value(), isolate());
// Load from non-configurable, read-only data property on the global
// object can be constant-folded, even without deoptimization support.
if (!property_details.IsConfigurable() && property_details.IsReadOnly()) {
Node* value = jsgraph()->Constant(property_cell_value);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value);
return Replace(value);
// Load from non-configurable, data property on the global can be lowered to
// a field load, even without deoptimization, because the property cannot be
// deleted or reconfigured to an accessor/interceptor property. Yet, if
// deoptimization support is available, we can constant-fold certain global
// properties or at least lower them to field loads annotated with more
// precise type feedback.
Type* property_cell_value_type = Type::Tagged();
if (flags() & kDeoptimizationEnabled) {
// Record a code dependency on the cell if we can benefit from the
// additional feedback, or the global property is configurable (i.e.
// can be deleted or reconfigured to an accessor property).
if (property_details.cell_type() != PropertyCellType::kMutable ||
property_details.IsConfigurable()) {
// Load from constant/undefined global property can be constant-folded.
if ((property_details.cell_type() == PropertyCellType::kConstant ||
property_details.cell_type() == PropertyCellType::kUndefined)) {
Node* value = jsgraph()->Constant(property_cell_value);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value);
return Replace(value);
// Load from constant type cell can benefit from type feedback.
if (property_details.cell_type() == PropertyCellType::kConstantType) {
// Compute proper type based on the current value in the cell.
if (property_cell_value->IsSmi()) {
property_cell_value_type = type_cache_.kSmi;
} else if (property_cell_value->IsNumber()) {
property_cell_value_type = type_cache_.kHeapNumber;
} else {
Handle<Map> property_cell_value_map(
Handle<HeapObject>::cast(property_cell_value)->map(), isolate());
property_cell_value_type =
Type::Class(property_cell_value_map, graph()->zone());
} else if (property_details.IsConfigurable()) {
// Access to configurable global properties requires deoptimization support.
return NoChange();
Node* value = effect = graph()->NewNode(
jsgraph()->HeapConstant(property_cell), effect, control);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect, control);
return Replace(value);
Reduction JSGlobalObjectSpecialization::ReduceJSStoreGlobal(Node* node) {
DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kJSStoreGlobal, node->opcode());
Handle<Name> name = StoreGlobalParametersOf(node->op()).name();
Node* value = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, 0);
Node* frame_state = NodeProperties::GetFrameStateInput(node, 1);
Node* effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node);
Node* control = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node);
// Try to lookup the name on the script context table first (lexical scoping).
ScriptContextTableLookupResult result;
if (LookupInScriptContextTable(name, &result)) {
if (result.context->is_the_hole(result.index)) return NoChange();
if (result.immutable) return NoChange();
Node* context = jsgraph()->HeapConstant(result.context);
effect = graph()->NewNode(javascript()->StoreContext(0, result.index),
context, value, context, effect, control);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect, control);
return Replace(value);
// Lookup on the global object instead. We only deal with own data
// properties of the global object here (represented as PropertyCell).
LookupIterator it(global_object(), name, LookupIterator::OWN);
if (it.state() != LookupIterator::DATA) return NoChange();
Handle<PropertyCell> property_cell = it.GetPropertyCell();
PropertyDetails property_details = property_cell->property_details();
Handle<Object> property_cell_value(property_cell->value(), isolate());
// Don't even bother trying to lower stores to read-only data properties.
if (property_details.IsReadOnly()) return NoChange();
switch (property_details.cell_type()) {
case PropertyCellType::kUndefined: {
return NoChange();
case PropertyCellType::kConstant: {
// Store to constant property cell requires deoptimization support,
// because we might even need to eager deoptimize for mismatch.
if (!(flags() & kDeoptimizationEnabled)) return NoChange();
Node* check =
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ReferenceEqual(Type::Tagged()), value,
Node* branch =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(BranchHint::kTrue), check, control);
Node* if_false = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), branch);
Node* deoptimize = graph()->NewNode(common()->Deoptimize(), frame_state,
effect, if_false);
// TODO(bmeurer): This should be on the AdvancedReducer somehow.
NodeProperties::MergeControlToEnd(graph(), common(), deoptimize);
control = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), branch);
case PropertyCellType::kConstantType: {
// Store to constant-type property cell requires deoptimization support,
// because we might even need to eager deoptimize for mismatch.
if (!(flags() & kDeoptimizationEnabled)) return NoChange();
Node* check = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ObjectIsSmi(), value);
Type* property_cell_value_type = Type::TaggedSigned();
if (property_cell_value->IsHeapObject()) {
// Deoptimize if the {value} is a Smi.
Node* branch = graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(BranchHint::kFalse),
check, control);
Node* if_true = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), branch);
Node* deoptimize = graph()->NewNode(common()->Deoptimize(), frame_state,
effect, if_true);
// TODO(bmeurer): This should be on the AdvancedReducer somehow.
NodeProperties::MergeControlToEnd(graph(), common(), deoptimize);
control = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), branch);
// Load the {value} map check against the {property_cell} map.
Node* value_map = effect =
value, effect, control);
Handle<Map> property_cell_value_map(
Handle<HeapObject>::cast(property_cell_value)->map(), isolate());
check = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->ReferenceEqual(Type::Any()), value_map,
property_cell_value_type = Type::TaggedPointer();
Node* branch =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(BranchHint::kTrue), check, control);
Node* if_false = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), branch);
Node* deoptimize = graph()->NewNode(common()->Deoptimize(), frame_state,
effect, if_false);
// TODO(bmeurer): This should be on the AdvancedReducer somehow.
NodeProperties::MergeControlToEnd(graph(), common(), deoptimize);
control = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), branch);
effect = graph()->NewNode(
jsgraph()->HeapConstant(property_cell), value, effect, control);
case PropertyCellType::kMutable: {
// Store to non-configurable, data property on the global can be lowered
// to a field store, even without deoptimization, because the property
// cannot be deleted or reconfigured to an accessor/interceptor property.
if (property_details.IsConfigurable()) {
// With deoptimization support, we can lower stores even to configurable
// data properties on the global object, by adding a code dependency on
// the cell.
if (!(flags() & kDeoptimizationEnabled)) return NoChange();
effect = graph()->NewNode(
jsgraph()->HeapConstant(property_cell), value, effect, control);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect, control);
return Replace(value);
bool JSGlobalObjectSpecialization::LookupInScriptContextTable(
Handle<Name> name, ScriptContextTableLookupResult* result) {
if (!name->IsString()) return false;
ScriptContextTable::LookupResult lookup_result;
if (!ScriptContextTable::Lookup(script_context_table(),
Handle<String>::cast(name), &lookup_result)) {
return false;
Handle<Context> script_context = ScriptContextTable::GetContext(
script_context_table(), lookup_result.context_index);
result->context = script_context;
result->immutable = IsImmutableVariableMode(lookup_result.mode);
result->index = lookup_result.slot_index;
return true;
Graph* JSGlobalObjectSpecialization::graph() const {
return jsgraph()->graph();
Isolate* JSGlobalObjectSpecialization::isolate() const {
return jsgraph()->isolate();
CommonOperatorBuilder* JSGlobalObjectSpecialization::common() const {
return jsgraph()->common();
JSOperatorBuilder* JSGlobalObjectSpecialization::javascript() const {
return jsgraph()->javascript();
SimplifiedOperatorBuilder* JSGlobalObjectSpecialization::simplified() const {
return jsgraph()->simplified();
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8