blob: 53976fed46997b92b904e85db50086efdb05bdc1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef V8_AST_AST_H_
#define V8_AST_AST_H_
#include <memory>
#include "src/ast/ast-value-factory.h"
#include "src/ast/modules.h"
#include "src/ast/variables.h"
#include "src/base/pointer-with-payload.h"
#include "src/base/threaded-list.h"
#include "src/codegen/bailout-reason.h"
#include "src/codegen/handler-table.h"
#include "src/codegen/label.h"
#include "src/common/globals.h"
#include "src/heap/factory.h"
#include "src/objects/elements-kind.h"
#include "src/objects/function-syntax-kind.h"
#include "src/objects/literal-objects.h"
#include "src/objects/shared-function-info.h"
#include "src/objects/smi.h"
#include "src/parsing/token.h"
#include "src/runtime/runtime.h"
#include "src/zone/zone-list.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
// The abstract syntax tree is an intermediate, light-weight
// representation of the parsed JavaScript code suitable for
// compilation to native code.
// Nodes are allocated in a separate zone, which allows faster
// allocation and constant-time deallocation of the entire syntax
// tree.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Nodes of the abstract syntax tree. Only concrete classes are
// enumerated here.
V(VariableDeclaration) \
V(DoWhileStatement) \
V(WhileStatement) \
V(ForStatement) \
V(ForInStatement) \
V(Block) \
V(ExpressionStatement) \
V(EmptyStatement) \
V(SloppyBlockFunctionStatement) \
V(IfStatement) \
V(ContinueStatement) \
V(BreakStatement) \
V(ReturnStatement) \
V(WithStatement) \
V(TryCatchStatement) \
V(TryFinallyStatement) \
V(DebuggerStatement) \
V(InitializeClassMembersStatement) \
V(RegExpLiteral) \
V(ObjectLiteral) \
V(Assignment) \
V(Await) \
V(BinaryOperation) \
V(NaryOperation) \
V(Call) \
V(SuperCallForwardArgs) \
V(CallNew) \
V(CallRuntime) \
V(ClassLiteral) \
V(CompareOperation) \
V(CompoundAssignment) \
V(ConditionalChain) \
V(Conditional) \
V(CountOperation) \
V(EmptyParentheses) \
V(FunctionLiteral) \
V(GetTemplateObject) \
V(ImportCallExpression) \
V(Literal) \
V(NativeFunctionLiteral) \
V(OptionalChain) \
V(Property) \
V(Spread) \
V(SuperCallReference) \
V(SuperPropertyReference) \
V(TemplateLiteral) \
V(ThisExpression) \
V(Throw) \
V(UnaryOperation) \
V(VariableProxy) \
V(Yield) \
#define FAILURE_NODE_LIST(V) V(FailureExpression)
#define AST_NODE_LIST(V) \
// Forward declarations
class Isolate;
class AstNode;
class AstNodeFactory;
class Declaration;
class BreakableStatement;
class Expression;
class IterationStatement;
class MaterializedLiteral;
class NestedVariableDeclaration;
class ProducedPreparseData;
class Statement;
#define DEF_FORWARD_DECLARATION(type) class type;
class AstNode: public ZoneObject {
#define DECLARE_TYPE_ENUM(type) k##type,
enum NodeType : uint8_t {
NodeType node_type() const { return NodeTypeField::decode(bit_field_); }
int position() const { return position_; }
#ifdef DEBUG
void Print(Isolate* isolate);
#endif // DEBUG
// Type testing & conversion functions overridden by concrete subclasses.
V8_INLINE bool Is##type() const; \
V8_INLINE type* As##type(); \
V8_INLINE const type* As##type() const;
IterationStatement* AsIterationStatement();
MaterializedLiteral* AsMaterializedLiteral();
int position_;
using NodeTypeField = base::BitField<NodeType, 0, 6>;
uint32_t bit_field_;
template <class T, int size>
using NextBitField = NodeTypeField::Next<T, size>;
AstNode(int position, NodeType type)
: position_(position), bit_field_(NodeTypeField::encode(type)) {}
class Statement : public AstNode {
Statement(int position, NodeType type) : AstNode(position, type) {}
class Expression : public AstNode {
enum Context {
// Not assigned a context yet, or else will not be visited during
// code generation.
// Evaluated for its side effects.
// Evaluated for its value (and side effects).
// Evaluated for control flow (and side effects).
// True iff the expression is a valid reference expression.
bool IsValidReferenceExpression() const;
// True iff the expression is a private name.
bool IsPrivateName() const;
// Helpers for ToBoolean conversion.
bool ToBooleanIsTrue() const;
bool ToBooleanIsFalse() const;
// Symbols that cannot be parsed as array indices are considered property
// names. We do not treat symbols that can be array indexes as property
// names because [] for string objects is handled only by keyed ICs.
bool IsPropertyName() const;
// True iff the expression is a class or function expression without
// a syntactic name.
bool IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition() const;
// True iff the expression is a concise method definition.
bool IsConciseMethodDefinition() const;
// True iff the expression is an accessor function definition.
bool IsAccessorFunctionDefinition() const;
// True iff the expression is a literal represented as a smi.
bool IsSmiLiteral() const;
// True iff the expression is a literal represented as a number.
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool IsNumberLiteral() const;
// True iff the expression is a string literal.
bool IsStringLiteral() const;
// True iff the expression is the null literal.
bool IsNullLiteral() const;
bool IsBooleanLiteral() const;
// True iff the expression is the hole literal.
bool IsTheHoleLiteral() const;
// True if we can prove that the expression is the undefined literal. Note
// that this also checks for loads of the global "undefined" variable.
bool IsUndefinedLiteral() const;
// True if either null literal or undefined literal.
inline bool IsNullOrUndefinedLiteral() const {
return IsNullLiteral() || IsUndefinedLiteral();
// True if a literal and not null or undefined.
bool IsLiteralButNotNullOrUndefined() const;
bool IsCompileTimeValue();
bool IsPattern() {
static_assert(kObjectLiteral + 1 == kArrayLiteral);
return base::IsInRange(node_type(), kObjectLiteral, kArrayLiteral);
bool is_parenthesized() const {
return IsParenthesizedField::decode(bit_field_);
void mark_parenthesized() {
bit_field_ = IsParenthesizedField::update(bit_field_, true);
void clear_parenthesized() {
bit_field_ = IsParenthesizedField::update(bit_field_, false);
using IsParenthesizedField = AstNode::NextBitField<bool, 1>;
Expression(int pos, NodeType type) : AstNode(pos, type) {
template <class T, int size>
using NextBitField = IsParenthesizedField::Next<T, size>;
class FailureExpression : public Expression {
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
FailureExpression() : Expression(kNoSourcePosition, kFailureExpression) {}
// V8's notion of BreakableStatement does not correspond to the notion of
// BreakableStatement in ECMAScript. In V8, the idea is that a
// BreakableStatement is a statement that can be the target of a break
// statement.
// Since we don't want to track a list of labels for all kinds of statements, we
// only declare switchs, loops, and blocks as BreakableStatements. This means
// that we implement breaks targeting other statement forms as breaks targeting
// a substatement thereof. For instance, in "foo: if (b) { f(); break foo; }" we
// pretend that foo is the label of the inner block. That's okay because one
// can't observe the difference.
// TODO(verwaest): Reconsider this optimization now that the tracking of labels
// is done at runtime.
class BreakableStatement : public Statement {
BreakableStatement(int position, NodeType type) : Statement(position, type) {}
class Block final : public BreakableStatement {
ZonePtrList<Statement>* statements() { return &statements_; }
bool ignore_completion_value() const {
return IgnoreCompletionField::decode(bit_field_);
bool is_breakable() const { return IsBreakableField::decode(bit_field_); }
Scope* scope() const { return scope_; }
void set_scope(Scope* scope) { scope_ = scope; }
void InitializeStatements(const ScopedPtrList<Statement>& statements,
Zone* zone) {
DCHECK_EQ(0, statements_.length());
statements_ = ZonePtrList<Statement>(statements.ToConstVector(), zone);
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
ZonePtrList<Statement> statements_;
Scope* scope_;
using IgnoreCompletionField = BreakableStatement::NextBitField<bool, 1>;
using IsBreakableField = IgnoreCompletionField::Next<bool, 1>;
Block(Zone* zone, int capacity, bool ignore_completion_value,
bool is_breakable)
: BreakableStatement(kNoSourcePosition, kBlock),
statements_(capacity, zone),
scope_(nullptr) {
bit_field_ |= IgnoreCompletionField::encode(ignore_completion_value) |
Block(bool ignore_completion_value, bool is_breakable)
: Block(nullptr, 0, ignore_completion_value, is_breakable) {}
class Declaration : public AstNode {
using List = base::ThreadedList<Declaration>;
Variable* var() const { return var_; }
void set_var(Variable* var) { var_ = var; }
Declaration(int pos, NodeType type) : AstNode(pos, type), next_(nullptr) {}
Variable* var_;
// Declarations list threaded through the declarations.
Declaration** next() { return &next_; }
Declaration* next_;
friend List;
friend base::ThreadedListTraits<Declaration>;
class VariableDeclaration : public Declaration {
inline NestedVariableDeclaration* AsNested();
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
using IsNestedField = Declaration::NextBitField<bool, 1>;
explicit VariableDeclaration(int pos, bool is_nested = false)
: Declaration(pos, kVariableDeclaration) {
bit_field_ = IsNestedField::update(bit_field_, is_nested);
template <class T, int size>
using NextBitField = IsNestedField::Next<T, size>;
// For var declarations that appear in a block scope.
// Only distinguished from VariableDeclaration during Scope analysis,
// so it doesn't get its own NodeType.
class NestedVariableDeclaration final : public VariableDeclaration {
Scope* scope() const { return scope_; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
NestedVariableDeclaration(Scope* scope, int pos)
: VariableDeclaration(pos, true), scope_(scope) {}
// Nested scope from which the declaration originated.
Scope* scope_;
inline NestedVariableDeclaration* VariableDeclaration::AsNested() {
return IsNestedField::decode(bit_field_)
? static_cast<NestedVariableDeclaration*>(this)
: nullptr;
class FunctionDeclaration final : public Declaration {
FunctionLiteral* fun() const { return fun_; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
FunctionDeclaration(FunctionLiteral* fun, int pos)
: Declaration(pos, kFunctionDeclaration), fun_(fun) {}
FunctionLiteral* fun_;
class IterationStatement : public BreakableStatement {
Statement* body() const { return body_; }
void set_body(Statement* s) { body_ = s; }
IterationStatement(int pos, NodeType type)
: BreakableStatement(pos, type), body_(nullptr) {}
void Initialize(Statement* body) { body_ = body; }
Statement* body_;
class DoWhileStatement final : public IterationStatement {
void Initialize(Expression* cond, Statement* body) {
cond_ = cond;
Expression* cond() const { return cond_; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
explicit DoWhileStatement(int pos)
: IterationStatement(pos, kDoWhileStatement), cond_(nullptr) {}
Expression* cond_;
class WhileStatement final : public IterationStatement {
void Initialize(Expression* cond, Statement* body) {
cond_ = cond;
Expression* cond() const { return cond_; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
explicit WhileStatement(int pos)
: IterationStatement(pos, kWhileStatement), cond_(nullptr) {}
Expression* cond_;
class ForStatement final : public IterationStatement {
void Initialize(Statement* init, Expression* cond, Statement* next,
Statement* body) {
init_ = init;
cond_ = cond;
next_ = next;
Statement* init() const { return init_; }
Expression* cond() const { return cond_; }
Statement* next() const { return next_; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
explicit ForStatement(int pos)
: IterationStatement(pos, kForStatement),
next_(nullptr) {}
Statement* init_;
Expression* cond_;
Statement* next_;
// Shared class for for-in and for-of statements.
class ForEachStatement : public IterationStatement {
enum VisitMode {
ENUMERATE, // for (each in subject) body;
ITERATE // for (each of subject) body;
using IterationStatement::Initialize;
static const char* VisitModeString(VisitMode mode) {
return mode == ITERATE ? "for-of" : "for-in";
void Initialize(Expression* each, Expression* subject, Statement* body) {
each_ = each;
subject_ = subject;
Expression* each() const { return each_; }
Expression* subject() const { return subject_; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
ForEachStatement(int pos, NodeType type)
: IterationStatement(pos, type), each_(nullptr), subject_(nullptr) {}
Expression* each_;
Expression* subject_;
class ForInStatement final : public ForEachStatement {
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
explicit ForInStatement(int pos) : ForEachStatement(pos, kForInStatement) {}
enum class IteratorType { kNormal, kAsync };
class ForOfStatement final : public ForEachStatement {
IteratorType type() const { return type_; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
ForOfStatement(int pos, IteratorType type)
: ForEachStatement(pos, kForOfStatement), type_(type) {}
IteratorType type_;
class ExpressionStatement final : public Statement {
void set_expression(Expression* e) { expression_ = e; }
Expression* expression() const { return expression_; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
ExpressionStatement(Expression* expression, int pos)
: Statement(pos, kExpressionStatement), expression_(expression) {}
Expression* expression_;
class JumpStatement : public Statement {
JumpStatement(int pos, NodeType type) : Statement(pos, type) {}
class ContinueStatement final : public JumpStatement {
IterationStatement* target() const { return target_; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
ContinueStatement(IterationStatement* target, int pos)
: JumpStatement(pos, kContinueStatement), target_(target) {}
IterationStatement* target_;
class BreakStatement final : public JumpStatement {
BreakableStatement* target() const { return target_; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
BreakStatement(BreakableStatement* target, int pos)
: JumpStatement(pos, kBreakStatement), target_(target) {}
BreakableStatement* target_;
class ReturnStatement final : public JumpStatement {
enum Type { kNormal, kAsyncReturn, kSyntheticAsyncReturn };
Expression* expression() const { return expression_; }
Type type() const { return TypeField::decode(bit_field_); }
bool is_async_return() const { return type() != kNormal; }
bool is_synthetic_async_return() const {
return type() == kSyntheticAsyncReturn;
// This constant is used to indicate that the return position
// from the FunctionLiteral should be used when emitting code.
static constexpr int kFunctionLiteralReturnPosition = -2;
static_assert(kFunctionLiteralReturnPosition == kNoSourcePosition - 1);
int end_position() const { return end_position_; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
ReturnStatement(Expression* expression, Type type, int pos, int end_position)
: JumpStatement(pos, kReturnStatement),
end_position_(end_position) {
bit_field_ |= TypeField::encode(type);
Expression* expression_;
int end_position_;
using TypeField = JumpStatement::NextBitField<Type, 2>;
class WithStatement final : public Statement {
Scope* scope() { return scope_; }
Expression* expression() const { return expression_; }
Statement* statement() const { return statement_; }
void set_statement(Statement* s) { statement_ = s; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
WithStatement(Scope* scope, Expression* expression, Statement* statement,
int pos)
: Statement(pos, kWithStatement),
statement_(statement) {}
Scope* scope_;
Expression* expression_;
Statement* statement_;
class CaseClause final : public ZoneObject {
bool is_default() const { return label_ == nullptr; }
Expression* label() const {
return label_;
ZonePtrList<Statement>* statements() { return &statements_; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
CaseClause(Zone* zone, Expression* label,
const ScopedPtrList<Statement>& statements);
Expression* label_;
ZonePtrList<Statement> statements_;
class SwitchStatement final : public BreakableStatement {
Expression* tag() const { return tag_; }
void set_tag(Expression* t) { tag_ = t; }
ZonePtrList<CaseClause>* cases() { return &cases_; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
SwitchStatement(Zone* zone, Expression* tag, int pos)
: BreakableStatement(pos, kSwitchStatement), tag_(tag), cases_(4, zone) {}
Expression* tag_;
ZonePtrList<CaseClause> cases_;
// If-statements always have non-null references to their then- and
// else-parts. When parsing if-statements with no explicit else-part,
// the parser implicitly creates an empty statement. Use the
// HasThenStatement() and HasElseStatement() functions to check if a
// given if-statement has a then- or an else-part containing code.
class IfStatement final : public Statement {
bool HasThenStatement() const { return !then_statement_->IsEmptyStatement(); }
bool HasElseStatement() const { return !else_statement_->IsEmptyStatement(); }
Expression* condition() const { return condition_; }
Statement* then_statement() const { return then_statement_; }
Statement* else_statement() const { return else_statement_; }
void set_then_statement(Statement* s) { then_statement_ = s; }
void set_else_statement(Statement* s) { else_statement_ = s; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
IfStatement(Expression* condition, Statement* then_statement,
Statement* else_statement, int pos)
: Statement(pos, kIfStatement),
else_statement_(else_statement) {}
Expression* condition_;
Statement* then_statement_;
Statement* else_statement_;
class TryStatement : public Statement {
Block* try_block() const { return try_block_; }
void set_try_block(Block* b) { try_block_ = b; }
TryStatement(Block* try_block, int pos, NodeType type)
: Statement(pos, type), try_block_(try_block) {}
Block* try_block_;
class TryCatchStatement final : public TryStatement {
Scope* scope() { return scope_; }
Block* catch_block() const { return catch_block_; }
void set_catch_block(Block* b) { catch_block_ = b; }
// Prediction of whether exceptions thrown into the handler for this try block
// will be caught.
// BytecodeGenerator tracks the state of catch prediction, which can change
// with each TryCatchStatement encountered. The tracked catch prediction is
// later compiled into the code's handler table. The runtime uses this
// information to implement a feature that notifies the debugger when an
// uncaught exception is thrown, _before_ the exception propagates to the top.
// If this try/catch statement is meant to rethrow (HandlerTable::UNCAUGHT),
// the catch prediction value is set to the same value as the surrounding
// catch prediction.
// Since it's generally undecidable whether an exception will be caught, our
// prediction is only an approximation.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline HandlerTable::CatchPrediction GetCatchPrediction(
HandlerTable::CatchPrediction outer_catch_prediction) const {
if (catch_prediction_ == HandlerTable::UNCAUGHT) {
return outer_catch_prediction;
return catch_prediction_;
// Indicates whether or not code should be generated to clear the pending
// exception. The exception is cleared for cases where the exception
// is not guaranteed to be rethrown, indicated by the value
// HandlerTable::UNCAUGHT. If both the current and surrounding catch handler's
// are predicted uncaught, the exception is not cleared.
// If this handler is not going to simply rethrow the exception, this method
// indicates that the isolate's exception message should be cleared
// before executing the catch_block.
// In the normal use case, this flag is always on because the message object
// is not needed anymore when entering the catch block and should not be
// kept alive.
// The use case where the flag is off is when the catch block is guaranteed
// to rethrow the caught exception (using %ReThrow), which reuses the
// pending message instead of generating a new one.
// (When the catch block doesn't rethrow but is guaranteed to perform an
// ordinary throw, not clearing the old message is safe but not very
// useful.)
// For scripts in repl mode there is exactly one catch block with
// UNCAUGHT_ASYNC_AWAIT prediction. This catch block needs to preserve
// the exception so it can be re-used later by the inspector.
inline bool ShouldClearException(
HandlerTable::CatchPrediction outer_catch_prediction) const {
if (catch_prediction_ == HandlerTable::UNCAUGHT_ASYNC_AWAIT) {
DCHECK_EQ(outer_catch_prediction, HandlerTable::UNCAUGHT);
return false;
return catch_prediction_ != HandlerTable::UNCAUGHT ||
outer_catch_prediction != HandlerTable::UNCAUGHT;
bool is_try_catch_for_async() {
return catch_prediction_ == HandlerTable::ASYNC_AWAIT;
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
TryCatchStatement(Block* try_block, Scope* scope, Block* catch_block,
HandlerTable::CatchPrediction catch_prediction, int pos)
: TryStatement(try_block, pos, kTryCatchStatement),
catch_prediction_(catch_prediction) {}
Scope* scope_;
Block* catch_block_;
HandlerTable::CatchPrediction catch_prediction_;
class TryFinallyStatement final : public TryStatement {
Block* finally_block() const { return finally_block_; }
void set_finally_block(Block* b) { finally_block_ = b; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
TryFinallyStatement(Block* try_block, Block* finally_block, int pos)
: TryStatement(try_block, pos, kTryFinallyStatement),
finally_block_(finally_block) {}
Block* finally_block_;
class DebuggerStatement final : public Statement {
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
explicit DebuggerStatement(int pos) : Statement(pos, kDebuggerStatement) {}
class EmptyStatement final : public Statement {
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
EmptyStatement() : Statement(kNoSourcePosition, kEmptyStatement) {}
// Delegates to another statement, which may be overwritten.
// This was introduced to implement ES2015 Annex B3.3 for conditionally making
// sloppy-mode block-scoped functions have a var binding, which is changed
// from one statement to another during parsing.
class SloppyBlockFunctionStatement final : public Statement {
Statement* statement() const { return statement_; }
void set_statement(Statement* statement) { statement_ = statement; }
Scope* scope() const { return var_->scope(); }
Variable* var() const { return var_; }
Token::Value init() const { return TokenField::decode(bit_field_); }
const AstRawString* name() const { return var_->raw_name(); }
SloppyBlockFunctionStatement** next() { return &next_; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
using TokenField = Statement::NextBitField<Token::Value, 8>;
SloppyBlockFunctionStatement(int pos, Variable* var, Token::Value init,
Statement* statement)
: Statement(pos, kSloppyBlockFunctionStatement),
next_(nullptr) {
bit_field_ = TokenField::update(bit_field_, init);
Variable* var_;
Statement* statement_;
SloppyBlockFunctionStatement* next_;
class Literal final : public Expression {
enum Type {
Type type() const { return TypeField::decode(bit_field_); }
// Returns true if literal represents a property name (i.e. cannot be parsed
// as array indices).
bool IsPropertyName() const;
// Returns true if literal represents an array index.
// Note, that in general the following statement is not true:
// key->IsPropertyName() != key->AsArrayIndex(...)
// but for non-computed LiteralProperty properties the following is true:
// property->key()->IsPropertyName() != property->key()->AsArrayIndex(...)
bool AsArrayIndex(uint32_t* index) const;
const AstRawString* AsRawPropertyName() {
return string_;
Tagged<Smi> AsSmiLiteral() const {
DCHECK_EQ(kSmi, type());
return Smi::FromInt(smi_);
bool AsBooleanLiteral() const {
DCHECK_EQ(kBoolean, type());
return boolean_;
// Returns true if literal represents a Number.
bool IsNumber() const { return type() == kHeapNumber || type() == kSmi; }
double AsNumber() const {
switch (type()) {
case kSmi:
return smi_;
case kHeapNumber:
return number_;
AstBigInt AsBigInt() const {
DCHECK_EQ(type(), kBigInt);
return bigint_;
bool IsString() const { return type() == kString; }
const AstRawString* AsRawString() {
DCHECK_EQ(type(), kString);
return string_;
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool ToBooleanIsTrue() const;
bool ToBooleanIsFalse() const { return !ToBooleanIsTrue(); }
bool ToUint32(uint32_t* value) const;
// Returns an appropriate Object representing this Literal, allocating
// a heap object if needed.
template <typename IsolateT>
Handle<Object> BuildValue(IsolateT* isolate) const;
// Support for using Literal as a HashMap key. NOTE: Currently, this works
// only for string and number literals!
uint32_t Hash();
static bool Match(void* literal1, void* literal2);
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
using TypeField = Expression::NextBitField<Type, 3>;
Literal(int smi, int position) : Expression(position, kLiteral), smi_(smi) {
bit_field_ = TypeField::update(bit_field_, kSmi);
Literal(double number, int position)
: Expression(position, kLiteral), number_(number) {
bit_field_ = TypeField::update(bit_field_, kHeapNumber);
Literal(AstBigInt bigint, int position)
: Expression(position, kLiteral), bigint_(bigint) {
bit_field_ = TypeField::update(bit_field_, kBigInt);
Literal(const AstRawString* string, int position)
: Expression(position, kLiteral), string_(string) {
bit_field_ = TypeField::update(bit_field_, kString);
Literal(bool boolean, int position)
: Expression(position, kLiteral), boolean_(boolean) {
bit_field_ = TypeField::update(bit_field_, kBoolean);
Literal(Type type, int position) : Expression(position, kLiteral) {
DCHECK(type == kNull || type == kUndefined || type == kTheHole);
bit_field_ = TypeField::update(bit_field_, type);
union {
const AstRawString* string_;
int smi_;
double number_;
AstBigInt bigint_;
bool boolean_;
// Base class for literals that need space in the type feedback vector.
class MaterializedLiteral : public Expression {
// A Materializedliteral is simple if the values consist of only
// constants and simple object and array literals.
bool IsSimple() const;
MaterializedLiteral(int pos, NodeType type) : Expression(pos, type) {}
bool NeedsInitialAllocationSite();
friend class CompileTimeValue;
friend class LiteralBoilerplateBuilder;
friend class ArrayLiteralBoilerplateBuilder;
friend class ObjectLiteralBoilerplateBuilder;
// Node for capturing a regexp literal.
class RegExpLiteral final : public MaterializedLiteral {
Handle<String> pattern() const { return pattern_->string(); }
const AstRawString* raw_pattern() const { return pattern_; }
int flags() const { return flags_; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
RegExpLiteral(const AstRawString* pattern, int flags, int pos)
: MaterializedLiteral(pos, kRegExpLiteral),
pattern_(pattern) {}
int const flags_;
const AstRawString* const pattern_;
// Base class for Array and Object literals
class AggregateLiteral : public MaterializedLiteral {
enum Flags {
kNoFlags = 0,
kIsShallow = 1,
kDisableMementos = 1 << 1,
kNeedsInitialAllocationSite = 1 << 2,
kIsShallowAndDisableMementos = kIsShallow | kDisableMementos,
AggregateLiteral(int pos, NodeType type) : MaterializedLiteral(pos, type) {}
// Base class for build literal boilerplate, providing common code for handling
// nested subliterals.
class LiteralBoilerplateBuilder {
enum DepthKind { kUninitialized, kShallow, kNotShallow };
static constexpr int kDepthKindBits = 2;
static_assert((1 << kDepthKindBits) > kNotShallow);
bool is_initialized() const {
return kUninitialized != DepthField::decode(bit_field_);
DepthKind depth() const {
return DepthField::decode(bit_field_);
// If the expression is a literal, return the literal value;
// if the expression is a materialized literal and is_simple
// then return an Array or Object Boilerplate Description
// Otherwise, return undefined literal as the placeholder
// in the object literal boilerplate.
template <typename IsolateT>
static Handle<Object> GetBoilerplateValue(Expression* expression,
IsolateT* isolate);
bool is_shallow() const { return depth() == kShallow; }
bool needs_initial_allocation_site() const {
return NeedsInitialAllocationSiteField::decode(bit_field_);
int ComputeFlags(bool disable_mementos = false) const {
int flags = AggregateLiteral::kNoFlags;
if (is_shallow()) flags |= AggregateLiteral::kIsShallow;
if (disable_mementos) flags |= AggregateLiteral::kDisableMementos;
if (needs_initial_allocation_site())
flags |= AggregateLiteral::kNeedsInitialAllocationSite;
return flags;
// An AggregateLiteral is simple if the values consist of only
// constants and simple object and array literals.
bool is_simple() const { return IsSimpleField::decode(bit_field_); }
ElementsKind boilerplate_descriptor_kind() const {
return BoilerplateDescriptorKindField::decode(bit_field_);
// we actually only care three conditions for depth
// - depth == kUninitialized, DCHECK(!is_initialized())
// - depth == kShallow, which means depth = 1
// - depth == kNotShallow, which means depth > 1
using DepthField = base::BitField<DepthKind, 0, kDepthKindBits>;
using NeedsInitialAllocationSiteField = DepthField::Next<bool, 1>;
using IsSimpleField = NeedsInitialAllocationSiteField::Next<bool, 1>;
using BoilerplateDescriptorKindField =
IsSimpleField::Next<ElementsKind, kFastElementsKindBits>;
uint32_t bit_field_;
LiteralBoilerplateBuilder() {
bit_field_ =
DepthField::encode(kUninitialized) |
NeedsInitialAllocationSiteField::encode(false) |
IsSimpleField::encode(false) |
void set_is_simple(bool is_simple) {
bit_field_ = IsSimpleField::update(bit_field_, is_simple);
void set_boilerplate_descriptor_kind(ElementsKind kind) {
bit_field_ = BoilerplateDescriptorKindField::update(bit_field_, kind);
void set_depth(DepthKind depth) {
bit_field_ = DepthField::update(bit_field_, depth);
void set_needs_initial_allocation_site(bool required) {
bit_field_ = NeedsInitialAllocationSiteField::update(bit_field_, required);
// Populate the depth field and any flags the literal builder has
static void InitDepthAndFlags(MaterializedLiteral* expr);
// Populate the constant properties/elements fixed array.
template <typename IsolateT>
void BuildConstants(IsolateT* isolate, MaterializedLiteral* expr);
template <class T, int size>
using NextBitField = BoilerplateDescriptorKindField::Next<T, size>;
// Common supertype for ObjectLiteralProperty and ClassLiteralProperty
class LiteralProperty : public ZoneObject {
Expression* key() const { return key_and_is_computed_name_.GetPointer(); }
Expression* value() const { return value_; }
bool is_computed_name() const {
return key_and_is_computed_name_.GetPayload();
bool NeedsSetFunctionName() const;
LiteralProperty(Expression* key, Expression* value, bool is_computed_name)
: key_and_is_computed_name_(key, is_computed_name), value_(value) {}
base::PointerWithPayload<Expression, bool, 1> key_and_is_computed_name_;
Expression* value_;
// Property is used for passing information
// about an object literal's properties from the parser
// to the code generator.
class ObjectLiteralProperty final : public LiteralProperty {
enum Kind : uint8_t {
CONSTANT, // Property with constant value (compile time).
COMPUTED, // Property with computed value (execution time).
MATERIALIZED_LITERAL, // Property value is a materialized literal.
SETTER, // Property is an accessor function.
PROTOTYPE, // Property is __proto__.
Kind kind() const { return kind_; }
bool IsCompileTimeValue() const;
void set_emit_store(bool emit_store);
bool emit_store() const;
bool IsNullPrototype() const {
return IsPrototype() && value()->IsNullLiteral();
bool IsPrototype() const { return kind() == PROTOTYPE; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
ObjectLiteralProperty(Expression* key, Expression* value, Kind kind,
bool is_computed_name);
ObjectLiteralProperty(AstValueFactory* ast_value_factory, Expression* key,
Expression* value, bool is_computed_name);
Kind kind_;
bool emit_store_;
// class for build object boilerplate
class ObjectLiteralBoilerplateBuilder final : public LiteralBoilerplateBuilder {
using Property = ObjectLiteralProperty;
ObjectLiteralBoilerplateBuilder(ZoneList<Property*>* properties,
uint32_t boilerplate_properties,
bool has_rest_property)
: properties_(properties),
boilerplate_properties_(boilerplate_properties) {
bit_field_ |= HasElementsField::encode(false) |
HasRestPropertyField::encode(has_rest_property) |
FastElementsField::encode(false) |
Handle<ObjectBoilerplateDescription> boilerplate_description() const {
return boilerplate_description_;
// Determines whether the {CreateShallowArrayLiteral} builtin can be used.
bool IsFastCloningSupported() const;
int properties_count() const { return boilerplate_properties_; }
const ZonePtrList<Property>* properties() const { return properties_; }
bool has_elements() const { return HasElementsField::decode(bit_field_); }
bool has_rest_property() const {
return HasRestPropertyField::decode(bit_field_);
bool fast_elements() const { return FastElementsField::decode(bit_field_); }
bool has_null_prototype() const {
return HasNullPrototypeField::decode(bit_field_);
// Populate the boilerplate description.
template <typename IsolateT>
void BuildBoilerplateDescription(IsolateT* isolate);
// Get the boilerplate description, populating it if necessary.
template <typename IsolateT>
Handle<ObjectBoilerplateDescription> GetOrBuildBoilerplateDescription(
IsolateT* isolate) {
if (boilerplate_description_.is_null()) {
return boilerplate_description_;
bool is_empty() const {
return !has_elements() && properties_count() == 0 &&
properties()->length() == 0;
// Assemble bitfield of flags for the CreateObjectLiteral helper.
int ComputeFlags(bool disable_mementos = false) const;
bool IsEmptyObjectLiteral() const {
return is_empty() && !has_null_prototype();
int EncodeLiteralType();
// Populate the depth field and flags, returns the depth.
void InitDepthAndFlags();
void InitFlagsForPendingNullPrototype(int i);
void set_has_elements(bool has_elements) {
bit_field_ = HasElementsField::update(bit_field_, has_elements);
void set_fast_elements(bool fast_elements) {
bit_field_ = FastElementsField::update(bit_field_, fast_elements);
void set_has_null_protoype(bool has_null_prototype) {
bit_field_ = HasNullPrototypeField::update(bit_field_, has_null_prototype);
ZoneList<Property*>* properties_;
uint32_t boilerplate_properties_;
Handle<ObjectBoilerplateDescription> boilerplate_description_;
using HasElementsField = LiteralBoilerplateBuilder::NextBitField<bool, 1>;
using HasRestPropertyField = HasElementsField::Next<bool, 1>;
using FastElementsField = HasRestPropertyField::Next<bool, 1>;
using HasNullPrototypeField = FastElementsField::Next<bool, 1>;
// An object literal has a boilerplate object that is used
// for minimizing the work when constructing it at runtime.
class ObjectLiteral final : public AggregateLiteral {
using Property = ObjectLiteralProperty;
enum Flags {
kFastElements = 1 << 3,
kHasNullPrototype = 1 << 4,
static_cast<int>(AggregateLiteral::kNeedsInitialAllocationSite) <
// Mark all computed expressions that are bound to a key that
// is shadowed by a later occurrence of the same key. For the
// marked expressions, no store code is emitted.
void CalculateEmitStore(Zone* zone);
ZoneList<Property*>* properties() { return &properties_; }
const ObjectLiteralBoilerplateBuilder* builder() const { return &builder_; }
ObjectLiteralBoilerplateBuilder* builder() { return &builder_; }
Variable* home_object() const { return home_object_; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
ObjectLiteral(Zone* zone, const ScopedPtrList<Property>& properties,
uint32_t boilerplate_properties, int pos,
bool has_rest_property, Variable* home_object)
: AggregateLiteral(pos, kObjectLiteral),
properties_(properties.ToConstVector(), zone),
builder_(&properties_, boilerplate_properties, has_rest_property) {}
ZoneList<Property*> properties_;
Variable* home_object_;
ObjectLiteralBoilerplateBuilder builder_;
// class for build boilerplate for array literal, including
// array_literal, spread call elements
class ArrayLiteralBoilerplateBuilder final : public LiteralBoilerplateBuilder {
ArrayLiteralBoilerplateBuilder(const ZonePtrList<Expression>* values,
int first_spread_index)
: values_(values), first_spread_index_(first_spread_index) {}
Handle<ArrayBoilerplateDescription> boilerplate_description() const {
return boilerplate_description_;
// Determines whether the {CreateShallowArrayLiteral} builtin can be used.
bool IsFastCloningSupported() const;
// Assemble bitfield of flags for the CreateArrayLiteral helper.
int ComputeFlags(bool disable_mementos = false) const {
return LiteralBoilerplateBuilder::ComputeFlags(disable_mementos);
int first_spread_index() const { return first_spread_index_; }
// Populate the depth field and flags
void InitDepthAndFlags();
// Get the boilerplate description, populating it if necessary.
template <typename IsolateT>
Handle<ArrayBoilerplateDescription> GetOrBuildBoilerplateDescription(
IsolateT* isolate) {
if (boilerplate_description_.is_null()) {
return boilerplate_description_;
// Populate the boilerplate description.
template <typename IsolateT>
void BuildBoilerplateDescription(IsolateT* isolate);
const ZonePtrList<Expression>* values_;
int first_spread_index_;
Handle<ArrayBoilerplateDescription> boilerplate_description_;
// An array literal has a literals object that is used
// for minimizing the work when constructing it at runtime.
class ArrayLiteral final : public AggregateLiteral {
const ZonePtrList<Expression>* values() const { return &values_; }
const ArrayLiteralBoilerplateBuilder* builder() const { return &builder_; }
ArrayLiteralBoilerplateBuilder* builder() { return &builder_; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
ArrayLiteral(Zone* zone, const ScopedPtrList<Expression>& values,
int first_spread_index, int pos)
: AggregateLiteral(pos, kArrayLiteral),
values_(values.ToConstVector(), zone),
builder_(&values_, first_spread_index) {}
ZonePtrList<Expression> values_;
ArrayLiteralBoilerplateBuilder builder_;
enum class HoleCheckMode { kRequired, kElided };
class ThisExpression final : public Expression {
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
explicit ThisExpression(int pos) : Expression(pos, kThisExpression) {}
class VariableProxy final : public Expression {
bool IsValidReferenceExpression() const { return !is_new_target(); }
Handle<String> name() const { return raw_name()->string(); }
const AstRawString* raw_name() const {
return is_resolved() ? var_->raw_name() : raw_name_;
Variable* var() const {
return var_;
void set_var(Variable* v) {
var_ = v;
Scanner::Location location() {
return Scanner::Location(position(), position() + raw_name()->length());
bool is_assigned() const { return IsAssignedField::decode(bit_field_); }
void set_is_assigned() {
bit_field_ = IsAssignedField::update(bit_field_, true);
if (is_resolved()) {
void clear_is_assigned() {
bit_field_ = IsAssignedField::update(bit_field_, false);
bool is_resolved() const { return IsResolvedField::decode(bit_field_); }
void set_is_resolved() {
bit_field_ = IsResolvedField::update(bit_field_, true);
bool is_new_target() const { return IsNewTargetField::decode(bit_field_); }
void set_is_new_target() {
bit_field_ = IsNewTargetField::update(bit_field_, true);
HoleCheckMode hole_check_mode() const {
HoleCheckMode mode = HoleCheckModeField::decode(bit_field_);
DCHECK_IMPLIES(mode == HoleCheckMode::kRequired,
var()->binding_needs_init() ||
return mode;
void set_needs_hole_check() {
bit_field_ =
HoleCheckModeField::update(bit_field_, HoleCheckMode::kRequired);
bool IsPrivateName() const { return raw_name()->IsPrivateName(); }
// Bind this proxy to the variable var.
void BindTo(Variable* var);
V8_INLINE VariableProxy* next_unresolved() { return next_unresolved_; }
V8_INLINE bool is_removed_from_unresolved() const {
return IsRemovedFromUnresolvedField::decode(bit_field_);
void mark_removed_from_unresolved() {
bit_field_ = IsRemovedFromUnresolvedField::update(bit_field_, true);
bool is_home_object() const { return IsHomeObjectField::decode(bit_field_); }
void set_is_home_object() {
bit_field_ = IsHomeObjectField::update(bit_field_, true);
// Provides filtered access to the unresolved variable proxy threaded list.
struct UnresolvedNext {
static VariableProxy** filter(VariableProxy** t) {
VariableProxy** n = t;
// Skip over possibly removed values.
while (*n != nullptr && (*n)->is_removed_from_unresolved()) {
n = (*n)->next();
return n;
static VariableProxy** start(VariableProxy** head) { return filter(head); }
static VariableProxy** next(VariableProxy* t) { return filter(t->next()); }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
VariableProxy(Variable* var, int start_position);
VariableProxy(const AstRawString* name, VariableKind variable_kind,
int start_position)
: Expression(start_position, kVariableProxy),
next_unresolved_(nullptr) {
DCHECK_NE(THIS_VARIABLE, variable_kind);
bit_field_ |= IsAssignedField::encode(false) |
IsResolvedField::encode(false) |
IsRemovedFromUnresolvedField::encode(false) |
IsHomeObjectField::encode(false) |
explicit VariableProxy(const VariableProxy* copy_from);
using IsAssignedField = Expression::NextBitField<bool, 1>;
using IsResolvedField = IsAssignedField::Next<bool, 1>;
using IsRemovedFromUnresolvedField = IsResolvedField::Next<bool, 1>;
using IsNewTargetField = IsRemovedFromUnresolvedField::Next<bool, 1>;
using IsHomeObjectField = IsNewTargetField::Next<bool, 1>;
using HoleCheckModeField = IsHomeObjectField::Next<HoleCheckMode, 1>;
union {
const AstRawString* raw_name_; // if !is_resolved_
Variable* var_; // if is_resolved_
V8_INLINE VariableProxy** next() { return &next_unresolved_; }
VariableProxy* next_unresolved_;
friend base::ThreadedListTraits<VariableProxy>;
// Wraps an optional chain to provide a wrapper for jump labels.
class OptionalChain final : public Expression {
Expression* expression() const { return expression_; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
explicit OptionalChain(Expression* expression)
: Expression(0, kOptionalChain), expression_(expression) {}
Expression* expression_;
// Assignments to a property will use one of several types of property access.
// Otherwise, the assignment is to a non-property (a global, a local slot, a
// parameter slot, or a destructuring pattern).
enum AssignType {
NON_PROPERTY, // destructuring
NAMED_PROPERTY, // obj.key
KEYED_PROPERTY, // obj[key] and obj.#key when #key is a private field
PRIVATE_METHOD, // obj.#key: #key is a private method
PRIVATE_GETTER_ONLY, // obj.#key: #key only has a getter defined
PRIVATE_SETTER_ONLY, // obj.#key: #key only has a setter defined
PRIVATE_GETTER_AND_SETTER, // obj.#key: #key has both accessors defined
PRIVATE_DEBUG_DYNAMIC, // obj.#key: #key is private that requries dynamic
// lookup in debug-evaluate.
class Property final : public Expression {
bool is_optional_chain_link() const {
return IsOptionalChainLinkField::decode(bit_field_);
bool IsValidReferenceExpression() const { return true; }
Expression* obj() const { return obj_; }
Expression* key() const { return key_; }
bool IsSuperAccess() { return obj()->IsSuperPropertyReference(); }
bool IsPrivateReference() const { return key()->IsPrivateName(); }
// Returns the properties assign type.
static AssignType GetAssignType(Property* property) {
if (property == nullptr) return NON_PROPERTY;
if (property->IsPrivateReference()) {
VariableProxy* proxy = property->key()->AsVariableProxy();
Variable* var = proxy->var();
switch (var->mode()) {
case VariableMode::kPrivateMethod:
case VariableMode::kConst:
return KEYED_PROPERTY; // Use KEYED_PROPERTY for private fields.
case VariableMode::kPrivateGetterOnly:
case VariableMode::kPrivateSetterOnly:
case VariableMode::kPrivateGetterAndSetter:
case VariableMode::kDynamic:
// From debug-evaluate.
bool super_access = property->IsSuperAccess();
return (property->key()->IsPropertyName())
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
Property(Expression* obj, Expression* key, int pos, bool optional_chain)
: Expression(pos, kProperty), obj_(obj), key_(key) {
bit_field_ |= IsOptionalChainLinkField::encode(optional_chain);
using IsOptionalChainLinkField = Expression::NextBitField<bool, 1>;
Expression* obj_;
Expression* key_;
class CallBase : public Expression {
Expression* expression() const { return expression_; }
const ZonePtrList<Expression>* arguments() const { return &arguments_; }
enum SpreadPosition { kNoSpread, kHasFinalSpread, kHasNonFinalSpread };
SpreadPosition spread_position() const {
return SpreadPositionField::decode(bit_field_);
CallBase(Zone* zone, NodeType type, Expression* expression,
const ScopedPtrList<Expression>& arguments, int pos, bool has_spread)
: Expression(pos, type),
arguments_(arguments.ToConstVector(), zone) {
DCHECK(type == kCall || type == kCallNew);
if (has_spread) {
} else {
bit_field_ |= SpreadPositionField::encode(kNoSpread);
// Only valid to be called if there is a spread in arguments_.
void ComputeSpreadPosition();
using SpreadPositionField = Expression::NextBitField<SpreadPosition, 2>;
template <class T, int size>
using NextBitField = SpreadPositionField::Next<T, size>;
Expression* expression_;
ZonePtrList<Expression> arguments_;
class Call final : public CallBase {
bool is_possibly_eval() const {
return EvalScopeInfoIndexField::decode(bit_field_) > 0;
bool is_tagged_template() const {
return IsTaggedTemplateField::decode(bit_field_);
bool is_optional_chain_link() const {
return IsOptionalChainLinkField::decode(bit_field_);
uint32_t eval_scope_info_index() const {
return EvalScopeInfoIndexField::decode(bit_field_);
void adjust_eval_scope_info_index(int delta) {
bit_field_ = EvalScopeInfoIndexField::update(
bit_field_, eval_scope_info_index() + delta);
enum CallType {
// Helpers to determine how to handle the call.
CallType GetCallType() const;
enum class TaggedTemplateTag { kTrue };
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
Call(Zone* zone, Expression* expression,
const ScopedPtrList<Expression>& arguments, int pos, bool has_spread,
int eval_scope_info_index, bool optional_chain)
: CallBase(zone, kCall, expression, arguments, pos, has_spread) {
bit_field_ |= IsTaggedTemplateField::encode(false) |
IsOptionalChainLinkField::encode(optional_chain) |
DCHECK_EQ(eval_scope_info_index > 0, is_possibly_eval());
Call(Zone* zone, Expression* expression,
const ScopedPtrList<Expression>& arguments, int pos,
TaggedTemplateTag tag)
: CallBase(zone, kCall, expression, arguments, pos, false) {
bit_field_ |= IsTaggedTemplateField::encode(true) |
IsOptionalChainLinkField::encode(false) |
using IsTaggedTemplateField = CallBase::NextBitField<bool, 1>;
using IsOptionalChainLinkField = IsTaggedTemplateField::Next<bool, 1>;
using EvalScopeInfoIndexField = IsOptionalChainLinkField::Next<uint32_t, 20>;
class CallNew final : public CallBase {
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
CallNew(Zone* zone, Expression* expression,
const ScopedPtrList<Expression>& arguments, int pos, bool has_spread)
: CallBase(zone, kCallNew, expression, arguments, pos, has_spread) {}
// SuperCallForwardArgs is not utterable in JavaScript. It is used to
// implement the default derived constructor, which forwards all arguments to
// the super constructor without going through the user-visible spread
// machinery.
class SuperCallForwardArgs final : public Expression {
SuperCallReference* expression() const { return expression_; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
SuperCallForwardArgs(Zone* zone, SuperCallReference* expression, int pos)
: Expression(pos, kSuperCallForwardArgs), expression_(expression) {}
SuperCallReference* expression_;
// The CallRuntime class does not represent any official JavaScript
// language construct. Instead it is used to call a runtime function
// with a set of arguments.
class CallRuntime final : public Expression {
const ZonePtrList<Expression>* arguments() const { return &arguments_; }
const Runtime::Function* function() const { return function_; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
CallRuntime(Zone* zone, const Runtime::Function* function,
const ScopedPtrList<Expression>& arguments, int pos)
: Expression(pos, kCallRuntime),
arguments_(arguments.ToConstVector(), zone) {
const Runtime::Function* function_;
ZonePtrList<Expression> arguments_;
class UnaryOperation final : public Expression {
Token::Value op() const { return OperatorField::decode(bit_field_); }
Expression* expression() const { return expression_; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
UnaryOperation(Token::Value op, Expression* expression, int pos)
: Expression(pos, kUnaryOperation), expression_(expression) {
bit_field_ |= OperatorField::encode(op);
Expression* expression_;
using OperatorField = Expression::NextBitField<Token::Value, 7>;
class BinaryOperation final : public Expression {
Token::Value op() const { return OperatorField::decode(bit_field_); }
Expression* left() const { return left_; }
Expression* right() const { return right_; }
// Returns true if one side is a Smi literal, returning the other side's
// sub-expression in |subexpr| and the literal Smi in |literal|.
bool IsSmiLiteralOperation(Expression** subexpr, Tagged<Smi>* literal);
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
BinaryOperation(Token::Value op, Expression* left, Expression* right, int pos)
: Expression(pos, kBinaryOperation), left_(left), right_(right) {
bit_field_ |= OperatorField::encode(op);
Expression* left_;
Expression* right_;
using OperatorField = Expression::NextBitField<Token::Value, 7>;
class NaryOperation final : public Expression {
Token::Value op() const { return OperatorField::decode(bit_field_); }
Expression* first() const { return first_; }
Expression* subsequent(size_t index) const {
return subsequent_[index].expression;
size_t subsequent_length() const { return subsequent_.size(); }
int subsequent_op_position(size_t index) const {
return subsequent_[index].op_position;
void AddSubsequent(Expression* expr, int pos) {
subsequent_.emplace_back(expr, pos);
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
NaryOperation(Zone* zone, Token::Value op, Expression* first,
size_t initial_subsequent_size)
: Expression(first->position(), kNaryOperation),
subsequent_(zone) {
bit_field_ |= OperatorField::encode(op);
DCHECK_NE(op, Token::kExp);
// Nary operations store the first (lhs) child expression inline, and the
// child expressions (rhs of each op) are stored out-of-line, along with
// their operation's position. Note that the Nary operation expression's
// position has no meaning.
// So an nary add:
// expr + expr + expr + ...
// is stored as:
// (expr) [(+ expr), (+ expr), ...]
// '-.--' '-----------.-----------'
// first subsequent entry list
Expression* first_;
struct NaryOperationEntry {
Expression* expression;
int op_position;
NaryOperationEntry(Expression* e, int pos)
: expression(e), op_position(pos) {}
ZoneVector<NaryOperationEntry> subsequent_;
using OperatorField = Expression::NextBitField<Token::Value, 7>;
class CountOperation final : public Expression {
bool is_prefix() const { return IsPrefixField::decode(bit_field_); }
bool is_postfix() const { return !is_prefix(); }
Token::Value op() const { return TokenField::decode(bit_field_); }
Expression* expression() const { return expression_; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
CountOperation(Token::Value op, bool is_prefix, Expression* expr, int pos)
: Expression(pos, kCountOperation), expression_(expr) {
bit_field_ |= IsPrefixField::encode(is_prefix) | TokenField::encode(op);
using IsPrefixField = Expression::NextBitField<bool, 1>;
using TokenField = IsPrefixField::Next<Token::Value, 7>;
Expression* expression_;
class CompareOperation final : public Expression {
Token::Value op() const { return OperatorField::decode(bit_field_); }
Expression* left() const { return left_; }
Expression* right() const { return right_; }
// Match special cases.
bool IsLiteralStrictCompareBoolean(Expression** expr, Literal** literal);
bool IsLiteralCompareUndefined(Expression** expr);
bool IsLiteralCompareNull(Expression** expr);
bool IsLiteralCompareEqualVariable(Expression** expr, Literal** literal);
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
CompareOperation(Token::Value op, Expression* left, Expression* right,
int pos)
: Expression(pos, kCompareOperation), left_(left), right_(right) {
bit_field_ |= OperatorField::encode(op);
Expression* left_;
Expression* right_;
using OperatorField = Expression::NextBitField<Token::Value, 7>;
class Spread final : public Expression {
Expression* expression() const { return expression_; }
int expression_position() const { return expr_pos_; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
Spread(Expression* expression, int pos, int expr_pos)
: Expression(pos, kSpread),
expression_(expression) {}
int expr_pos_;
Expression* expression_;
class ConditionalChain : public Expression {
Expression* condition_at(size_t index) const {
return conditional_chain_entries_[index].condition;
Expression* then_expression_at(size_t index) const {
return conditional_chain_entries_[index].then_expression;
int condition_position_at(size_t index) const {
return conditional_chain_entries_[index].condition_position;
size_t conditional_chain_length() const {
return conditional_chain_entries_.size();
Expression* else_expression() const { return else_expression_; }
void set_else_expression(Expression* s) { else_expression_ = s; }
void AddChainEntry(Expression* cond, Expression* then, int pos) {
conditional_chain_entries_.emplace_back(cond, then, pos);
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
ConditionalChain(Zone* zone, size_t initial_size, int pos)
: Expression(pos, kConditionalChain),
else_expression_(nullptr) {
// Conditional Chain Expression stores the conditional chain entries out of
// line, along with their operation's position. The else expression is stored
// inline. This Expression is reserved for ternary operations that have more
// than one conditional chain entry. For ternary operations with only one
// conditional chain entry, the Conditional Expression is used instead.
// So an conditional chain:
// cond ? then : cond ? then : cond ? then : else
// is stored as:
// [(cond, then), (cond, then),...] else
// '-----------------------------' '----'
// conditional chain entries else
// Example:
// Expression: v1 == 1 ? "a" : v2 == 2 ? "b" : "c"
// conditionat_chain_entries_: [(v1 == 1, "a", 0), (v2 == 2, "b", 14)]
// else_expression_: "c"
// Example of a _not_ expected expression (only one chain entry):
// Expression: v1 == 1 ? "a" : "b"
struct ConditionalChainEntry {
Expression* condition;
Expression* then_expression;
int condition_position;
ConditionalChainEntry(Expression* cond, Expression* then, int pos)
: condition(cond), then_expression(then), condition_position(pos) {}
ZoneVector<ConditionalChainEntry> conditional_chain_entries_;
Expression* else_expression_;
class Conditional final : public Expression {
Expression* condition() const { return condition_; }
Expression* then_expression() const { return then_expression_; }
Expression* else_expression() const { return else_expression_; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
Conditional(Expression* condition, Expression* then_expression,
Expression* else_expression, int position)
: Expression(position, kConditional),
else_expression_(else_expression) {}
Expression* condition_;
Expression* then_expression_;
Expression* else_expression_;
class Assignment : public Expression {
Token::Value op() const { return TokenField::decode(bit_field_); }
Expression* target() const { return target_; }
Expression* value() const { return value_; }
// The assignment was generated as part of block-scoped sloppy-mode
// function hoisting, see
// ES#sec-block-level-function-declarations-web-legacy-compatibility-semantics
LookupHoistingMode lookup_hoisting_mode() const {
return static_cast<LookupHoistingMode>(
void set_lookup_hoisting_mode(LookupHoistingMode mode) {
bit_field_ =
LookupHoistingModeField::update(bit_field_, static_cast<bool>(mode));
Assignment(NodeType type, Token::Value op, Expression* target,
Expression* value, int pos);
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
using TokenField = Expression::NextBitField<Token::Value, 7>;
using LookupHoistingModeField = TokenField::Next<bool, 1>;
Expression* target_;
Expression* value_;
class CompoundAssignment final : public Assignment {
BinaryOperation* binary_operation() const { return binary_operation_; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
CompoundAssignment(Token::Value op, Expression* target, Expression* value,
int pos, BinaryOperation* binary_operation)
: Assignment(kCompoundAssignment, op, target, value, pos),
binary_operation_(binary_operation) {}
BinaryOperation* binary_operation_;
// There are several types of Suspend node:
// Yield
// YieldStar
// Await
// Our Yield is different from the JS yield in that it "returns" its argument as
// is, without wrapping it in an iterator result object. Such wrapping, if
// desired, must be done beforehand (see the parser).
class Suspend : public Expression {
// With {kNoControl}, the {Suspend} behaves like yield, except that it never
// throws and never causes the current generator to return. This is used to
// desugar yield*.
// TODO(caitp): remove once yield* desugaring for async generators is handled
// in BytecodeGenerator.
enum OnAbruptResume { kOnExceptionThrow, kNoControl };
Expression* expression() const { return expression_; }
OnAbruptResume on_abrupt_resume() const {
return OnAbruptResumeField::decode(bit_field_);
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
friend class Yield;
friend class YieldStar;
friend class Await;
Suspend(NodeType node_type, Expression* expression, int pos,
OnAbruptResume on_abrupt_resume)
: Expression(pos, node_type), expression_(expression) {
bit_field_ |= OnAbruptResumeField::encode(on_abrupt_resume);
Expression* expression_;
using OnAbruptResumeField = Expression::NextBitField<OnAbruptResume, 1>;
class Yield final : public Suspend {
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
Yield(Expression* expression, int pos, OnAbruptResume on_abrupt_resume)
: Suspend(kYield, expression, pos, on_abrupt_resume) {}
class YieldStar final : public Suspend {
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
YieldStar(Expression* expression, int pos)
: Suspend(kYieldStar, expression, pos,
Suspend::OnAbruptResume::kNoControl) {}
class Await final : public Suspend {
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
Await(Expression* expression, int pos)
: Suspend(kAwait, expression, pos, Suspend::kOnExceptionThrow) {}
class Throw final : public Expression {
Expression* exception() const { return exception_; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
Throw(Expression* exception, int pos)
: Expression(pos, kThrow), exception_(exception) {}
Expression* exception_;
class FunctionLiteral final : public Expression {
enum ParameterFlag : uint8_t {
enum EagerCompileHint : uint8_t { kShouldEagerCompile, kShouldLazyCompile };
// Empty handle means that the function does not have a shared name (i.e.
// the name will be set dynamically after creation of the function closure).
template <typename IsolateT>
MaybeHandle<String> GetName(IsolateT* isolate) const {
return raw_name_ ? raw_name_->AllocateFlat(isolate) : MaybeHandle<String>();
bool has_shared_name() const { return raw_name_ != nullptr; }
const AstConsString* raw_name() const { return raw_name_; }
void set_raw_name(const AstConsString* name) { raw_name_ = name; }
DeclarationScope* scope() const { return scope_; }
ZonePtrList<Statement>* body() { return &body_; }
void set_function_token_position(int pos) { function_token_position_ = pos; }
int function_token_position() const { return function_token_position_; }
int start_position() const;
int end_position() const;
bool is_anonymous_expression() const {
return syntax_kind() == FunctionSyntaxKind::kAnonymousExpression;
bool is_toplevel() const {
return function_literal_id() == kFunctionLiteralIdTopLevel;
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE LanguageMode language_mode() const;
void add_expected_properties(int number_properties) {
expected_property_count_ += number_properties;
int expected_property_count() { return expected_property_count_; }
int parameter_count() { return parameter_count_; }
int function_length() { return function_length_; }
bool AllowsLazyCompilation();
bool CanSuspend() {
if (suspend_count() > 0) {
return true;
return false;
// Returns either name or inferred name as a cstring.
std::unique_ptr<char[]> GetDebugName() const;
Handle<String> GetInferredName(Isolate* isolate);
Handle<String> GetInferredName(LocalIsolate* isolate) const {
return raw_inferred_name_->GetString(isolate);
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared_function_info() const {
return shared_function_info_;
void set_shared_function_info(
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared_function_info);
const AstConsString* raw_inferred_name() { return raw_inferred_name_; }
// This should only be called if we don't have a shared function info yet.
void set_raw_inferred_name(AstConsString* raw_inferred_name);
bool pretenure() const { return Pretenure::decode(bit_field_); }
void set_pretenure() { bit_field_ = Pretenure::update(bit_field_, true); }
bool has_duplicate_parameters() const {
// Not valid for lazy functions.
return HasDuplicateParameters::decode(bit_field_);
bool should_parallel_compile() const {
return ShouldParallelCompileField::decode(bit_field_);
void set_should_parallel_compile() {
bit_field_ = ShouldParallelCompileField::update(bit_field_, true);
// This is used as a heuristic on when to eagerly compile a function
// literal. We consider the following constructs as hints that the
// function will be called immediately:
// - (function() { ... })();
// - var x = function() { ... }();
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool ShouldEagerCompile() const;
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE void SetShouldEagerCompile();
FunctionSyntaxKind syntax_kind() const {
return FunctionSyntaxKindBits::decode(bit_field_);
FunctionKind kind() const;
bool IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition() const {
return is_anonymous_expression();
int suspend_count() { return suspend_count_; }
void set_suspend_count(int suspend_count) { suspend_count_ = suspend_count; }
int return_position() {
return std::max(
end_position() - (HasBracesField::decode(bit_field_) ? 1 : 0));
int function_literal_id() const { return function_literal_id_; }
void set_function_literal_id(int function_literal_id) {
function_literal_id_ = function_literal_id;
void set_requires_instance_members_initializer(bool value) {
bit_field_ = RequiresInstanceMembersInitializer::update(bit_field_, value);
bool requires_instance_members_initializer() const {
return RequiresInstanceMembersInitializer::decode(bit_field_);
void set_has_static_private_methods_or_accessors(bool value) {
bit_field_ =
HasStaticPrivateMethodsOrAccessorsField::update(bit_field_, value);
bool has_static_private_methods_or_accessors() const {
return HasStaticPrivateMethodsOrAccessorsField::decode(bit_field_);
void set_class_scope_has_private_brand(bool value);
bool class_scope_has_private_brand() const;
bool private_name_lookup_skips_outer_class() const;
ProducedPreparseData* produced_preparse_data() const {
return produced_preparse_data_;
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
FunctionLiteral(Zone* zone, const AstConsString* name,
AstValueFactory* ast_value_factory, DeclarationScope* scope,
const ScopedPtrList<Statement>& body,
int expected_property_count, int parameter_count,
int function_length, FunctionSyntaxKind function_syntax_kind,
ParameterFlag has_duplicate_parameters,
EagerCompileHint eager_compile_hint, int position,
bool has_braces, int function_literal_id,
ProducedPreparseData* produced_preparse_data = nullptr)
: Expression(position, kFunctionLiteral),
body_(body.ToConstVector(), zone),
produced_preparse_data_(produced_preparse_data) {
bit_field_ |= FunctionSyntaxKindBits::encode(function_syntax_kind) |
Pretenure::encode(false) |
HasDuplicateParameters::encode(has_duplicate_parameters ==
kHasDuplicateParameters) |
RequiresInstanceMembersInitializer::encode(false) |
HasBracesField::encode(has_braces) |
if (eager_compile_hint == kShouldEagerCompile) SetShouldEagerCompile();
using FunctionSyntaxKindBits =
Expression::NextBitField<FunctionSyntaxKind, 3>;
using Pretenure = FunctionSyntaxKindBits::Next<bool, 1>;
using HasDuplicateParameters = Pretenure::Next<bool, 1>;
using RequiresInstanceMembersInitializer =
HasDuplicateParameters::Next<bool, 1>;
using HasStaticPrivateMethodsOrAccessorsField =
RequiresInstanceMembersInitializer::Next<bool, 1>;
using HasBracesField = HasStaticPrivateMethodsOrAccessorsField::Next<bool, 1>;
using ShouldParallelCompileField = HasBracesField::Next<bool, 1>;
// expected_property_count_ is the sum of instance fields and properties.
// It can vary depending on whether a function is lazily or eagerly parsed.
int expected_property_count_;
int parameter_count_;
int function_length_;
int function_token_position_;
int suspend_count_;
int function_literal_id_;
const AstConsString* raw_name_;
DeclarationScope* scope_;
ZonePtrList<Statement> body_;
AstConsString* raw_inferred_name_;
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared_function_info_;
ProducedPreparseData* produced_preparse_data_;
// Property is used for passing information
// about a class literal's properties from the parser to the code generator.
class ClassLiteralProperty final : public LiteralProperty {
enum Kind : uint8_t { METHOD, GETTER, SETTER, FIELD };
Kind kind() const { return kind_; }
bool is_static() const { return is_static_; }
bool is_private() const { return is_private_; }
void set_computed_name_proxy(VariableProxy* proxy) {
private_or_computed_name_proxy_ = proxy;
Variable* computed_name_var() const {
return private_or_computed_name_proxy_->var();
void set_private_name_proxy(VariableProxy* proxy) {
private_or_computed_name_proxy_ = proxy;
Variable* private_name_var() const {
return private_or_computed_name_proxy_->var();
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
ClassLiteralProperty(Expression* key, Expression* value, Kind kind,
bool is_static, bool is_computed_name, bool is_private);
Kind kind_;
bool is_static_;
bool is_private_;
VariableProxy* private_or_computed_name_proxy_;
class ClassLiteralStaticElement final : public ZoneObject {
enum Kind : uint8_t { PROPERTY, STATIC_BLOCK };
Kind kind() const { return kind_; }
ClassLiteralProperty* property() const {
return property_;
Block* static_block() const {
return static_block_;
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
explicit ClassLiteralStaticElement(ClassLiteralProperty* property)
: kind_(PROPERTY), property_(property) {}
explicit ClassLiteralStaticElement(Block* static_block)
: kind_(STATIC_BLOCK), static_block_(static_block) {}
Kind kind_;
union {
ClassLiteralProperty* property_;
Block* static_block_;
class InitializeClassMembersStatement final : public Statement {
using Property = ClassLiteralProperty;
ZonePtrList<Property>* fields() const { return fields_; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
InitializeClassMembersStatement(ZonePtrList<Property>* fields, int pos)
: Statement(pos, kInitializeClassMembersStatement), fields_(fields) {}
ZonePtrList<Property>* fields_;
class InitializeClassStaticElementsStatement final : public Statement {
using StaticElement = ClassLiteralStaticElement;
ZonePtrList<StaticElement>* elements() const { return elements_; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
InitializeClassStaticElementsStatement(ZonePtrList<StaticElement>* elements,
int pos)
: Statement(pos, kInitializeClassStaticElementsStatement),
elements_(elements) {}
ZonePtrList<StaticElement>* elements_;
class ClassLiteral final : public Expression {
using Property = ClassLiteralProperty;
using StaticElement = ClassLiteralStaticElement;
ClassScope* scope() const { return scope_; }
Expression* extends() const { return extends_; }
FunctionLiteral* constructor() const { return constructor_; }
ZonePtrList<Property>* public_members() const { return public_members_; }
ZonePtrList<Property>* private_members() const { return private_members_; }
int start_position() const { return position(); }
int end_position() const { return end_position_; }
bool has_static_computed_names() const {
return HasStaticComputedNames::decode(bit_field_);
bool is_anonymous_expression() const {
return IsAnonymousExpression::decode(bit_field_);
bool IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition() const {
return is_anonymous_expression();
FunctionLiteral* static_initializer() const { return static_initializer_; }
FunctionLiteral* instance_members_initializer_function() const {
return instance_members_initializer_function_;
Variable* home_object() const { return home_object_; }
Variable* static_home_object() const { return static_home_object_; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
ClassLiteral(ClassScope* scope, Expression* extends,
FunctionLiteral* constructor,
ZonePtrList<Property>* public_members,
ZonePtrList<Property>* private_members,
FunctionLiteral* static_initializer,
FunctionLiteral* instance_members_initializer_function,
int start_position, int end_position,
bool has_static_computed_names, bool is_anonymous,
Variable* home_object, Variable* static_home_object)
: Expression(start_position, kClassLiteral),
static_home_object_(static_home_object) {
bit_field_ |= HasStaticComputedNames::encode(has_static_computed_names) |
int end_position_;
ClassScope* scope_;
Expression* extends_;
FunctionLiteral* constructor_;
ZonePtrList<Property>* public_members_;
ZonePtrList<Property>* private_members_;
FunctionLiteral* static_initializer_;
FunctionLiteral* instance_members_initializer_function_;
using HasStaticComputedNames = Expression::NextBitField<bool, 1>;
using IsAnonymousExpression = HasStaticComputedNames::Next<bool, 1>;
Variable* home_object_;
Variable* static_home_object_;
class NativeFunctionLiteral final : public Expression {
Handle<String> name() const { return name_->string(); }
const AstRawString* raw_name() const { return name_; }
v8::Extension* extension() const { return extension_; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
NativeFunctionLiteral(const AstRawString* name, v8::Extension* extension,
int pos)
: Expression(pos, kNativeFunctionLiteral),
extension_(extension) {}
const AstRawString* name_;
v8::Extension* extension_;
class SuperPropertyReference final : public Expression {
VariableProxy* home_object() const { return home_object_; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
explicit SuperPropertyReference(VariableProxy* home_object, int pos)
: Expression(pos, kSuperPropertyReference), home_object_(home_object) {}
VariableProxy* home_object_;
class SuperCallReference final : public Expression {
VariableProxy* new_target_var() const { return new_target_var_; }
VariableProxy* this_function_var() const { return this_function_var_; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
// We take in ThisExpression* only as a proof that it was accessed.
SuperCallReference(VariableProxy* new_target_var,
VariableProxy* this_function_var, int pos)
: Expression(pos, kSuperCallReference),
this_function_var_(this_function_var) {
VariableProxy* new_target_var_;
VariableProxy* this_function_var_;
// This AST Node is used to represent a dynamic import call --
// import(argument).
class ImportCallExpression final : public Expression {
Expression* specifier() const { return specifier_; }
ModuleImportPhase phase() const { return phase_; }
Expression* import_options() const { return import_options_; }
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
ImportCallExpression(Expression* specifier, ModuleImportPhase phase, int pos)
: Expression(pos, kImportCallExpression),
import_options_(nullptr) {}
ImportCallExpression(Expression* specifier, ModuleImportPhase phase,
Expression* import_options, int pos)
: Expression(pos, kImportCallExpression),
import_options_(import_options) {}
Expression* specifier_;
ModuleImportPhase phase_;
Expression* import_options_;
// This class is produced when parsing the () in arrow functions without any
// arguments and is not actually a valid expression.
class EmptyParentheses final : public Expression {
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
explicit EmptyParentheses(int pos) : Expression(pos, kEmptyParentheses) {
// Represents the spec operation `GetTemplateObject(templateLiteral)`
// (defined at
class GetTemplateObject final : public Expression {
const ZonePtrList<const AstRawString>* cooked_strings() const {
return cooked_strings_;
const ZonePtrList<const AstRawString>* raw_strings() const {
return raw_strings_;
template <typename IsolateT>
Handle<TemplateObjectDescription> GetOrBuildDescription(IsolateT* isolate);
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
GetTemplateObject(const ZonePtrList<const AstRawString>* cooked_strings,
const ZonePtrList<const AstRawString>* raw_strings, int pos)
: Expression(pos, kGetTemplateObject),
raw_strings_(raw_strings) {}
const ZonePtrList<const AstRawString>* cooked_strings_;
const ZonePtrList<const AstRawString>* raw_strings_;
class TemplateLiteral final : public Expression {
const ZonePtrList<const AstRawString>* string_parts() const {
return string_parts_;
const ZonePtrList<Expression>* substitutions() const {
return substitutions_;
friend class AstNodeFactory;
friend Zone;
TemplateLiteral(const ZonePtrList<const AstRawString>* parts,
const ZonePtrList<Expression>* substitutions, int pos)
: Expression(pos, kTemplateLiteral),
substitutions_(substitutions) {}
const ZonePtrList<const AstRawString>* string_parts_;
const ZonePtrList<Expression>* substitutions_;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Basic visitor
// Sub-class should parametrize AstVisitor with itself, e.g.:
// class SpecificVisitor : public AstVisitor<SpecificVisitor> { ... }
template <class Subclass>
class AstVisitor {
void Visit(AstNode* node) { impl()->Visit(node); }
void VisitDeclarations(Declaration::List* declarations) {
for (Declaration* decl : *declarations) Visit(decl);
void VisitStatements(const ZonePtrList<Statement>* statements) {
for (int i = 0; i < statements->length(); i++) {
Statement* stmt = statements->at(i);
void VisitExpressions(const ZonePtrList<Expression>* expressions) {
for (int i = 0; i < expressions->length(); i++) {
// The variable statement visiting code may pass null expressions
// to this code. Maybe this should be handled by introducing an
// undefined expression or literal? Revisit this code if this
// changes.
Expression* expression = expressions->at(i);
if (expression != nullptr) Visit(expression);
Subclass* impl() { return static_cast<Subclass*>(this); }
#define GENERATE_VISIT_CASE(NodeType) \
case AstNode::k##NodeType: \
return this->impl()->Visit##NodeType(static_cast<NodeType*>(node));
case AstNode::k##NodeType: \
switch (node->node_type()) { \
public: \
void VisitNoStackOverflowCheck(AstNode* node) { \
} \
void Visit(AstNode* node) { \
if (CheckStackOverflow()) return; \
VisitNoStackOverflowCheck(node); \
} \
void SetStackOverflow() { stack_overflow_ = true; } \
void ClearStackOverflow() { stack_overflow_ = false; } \
bool HasStackOverflow() const { return stack_overflow_; } \
bool CheckStackOverflow() { \
if (stack_overflow_) return true; \
if (GetCurrentStackPosition() < stack_limit_) { \
stack_overflow_ = true; \
return true; \
} \
return false; \
} \
protected: \
uintptr_t stack_limit() const { return stack_limit_; } \
private: \
void InitializeAstVisitor(Isolate* isolate) { \
stack_limit_ = isolate->stack_guard()->real_climit(); \
stack_overflow_ = false; \
} \
void InitializeAstVisitor(uintptr_t stack_limit) { \
stack_limit_ = stack_limit; \
stack_overflow_ = false; \
} \
uintptr_t stack_limit_; \
bool stack_overflow_
public: \
void Visit(AstNode* node) { GENERATE_AST_VISITOR_SWITCH() } \
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AstNode factory
class AstNodeFactory final {
AstNodeFactory(AstValueFactory* ast_value_factory, Zone* zone)
: zone_(zone),
empty_statement_(zone->New<class EmptyStatement>()),
this_expression_(zone->New<class ThisExpression>(kNoSourcePosition)),
failure_expression_(zone->New<class FailureExpression>()) {}
AstNodeFactory* ast_node_factory() { return this; }
AstValueFactory* ast_value_factory() const { return ast_value_factory_; }
VariableDeclaration* NewVariableDeclaration(int pos) {
return zone_->New<VariableDeclaration>(pos);
NestedVariableDeclaration* NewNestedVariableDeclaration(Scope* scope,
int pos) {
return zone_->New<NestedVariableDeclaration>(scope, pos);
FunctionDeclaration* NewFunctionDeclaration(FunctionLiteral* fun, int pos) {
return zone_->New<FunctionDeclaration>(fun, pos);
Block* NewBlock(int capacity, bool ignore_completion_value) {
return zone_->New<Block>(zone_, capacity, ignore_completion_value, false);
Block* NewBlock(bool ignore_completion_value, bool is_breakable) {
return zone_->New<Block>(ignore_completion_value, is_breakable);
Block* NewBlock(bool ignore_completion_value,
const ScopedPtrList<Statement>& statements) {
Block* result = NewBlock(ignore_completion_value, false);
result->InitializeStatements(statements, zone_);
return result;
NodeType* New##NodeType(int pos) { return zone_->New<NodeType>(pos); }
SwitchStatement* NewSwitchStatement(Expression* tag, int pos) {
return zone_->New<SwitchStatement>(zone_, tag, pos);
ForEachStatement* NewForEachStatement(ForEachStatement::VisitMode visit_mode,
int pos) {
switch (visit_mode) {
case ForEachStatement::ENUMERATE: {
return zone_->New<ForInStatement>(pos);
case ForEachStatement::ITERATE: {
return zone_->New<ForOfStatement>(pos, IteratorType::kNormal);
ForOfStatement* NewForOfStatement(int pos, IteratorType type) {
return zone_->New<ForOfStatement>(pos, type);
ExpressionStatement* NewExpressionStatement(Expression* expression, int pos) {
return zone_->New<ExpressionStatement>(expression, pos);
ContinueStatement* NewContinueStatement(IterationStatement* target, int pos) {
return zone_->New<ContinueStatement>(target, pos);
BreakStatement* NewBreakStatement(BreakableStatement* target, int pos) {
return zone_->New<BreakStatement>(target, pos);
ReturnStatement* NewReturnStatement(
Expression* expression, int pos,
int end_position = ReturnStatement::kFunctionLiteralReturnPosition) {
return zone_->New<ReturnStatement>(expression, ReturnStatement::kNormal,
pos, end_position);
ReturnStatement* NewAsyncReturnStatement(Expression* expression, int pos,
int end_position) {
return zone_->New<ReturnStatement>(
expression, ReturnStatement::kAsyncReturn, pos, end_position);
ReturnStatement* NewSyntheticAsyncReturnStatement(
Expression* expression, int pos,
int end_position = ReturnStatement::kFunctionLiteralReturnPosition) {
return zone_->New<ReturnStatement>(
expression, ReturnStatement::kSyntheticAsyncReturn, pos, end_position);
WithStatement* NewWithStatement(Scope* scope,
Expression* expression,
Statement* statement,
int pos) {
return zone_->New<WithStatement>(scope, expression, statement, pos);
IfStatement* NewIfStatement(Expression* condition, Statement* then_statement,
Statement* else_statement, int pos) {
return zone_->New<IfStatement>(condition, then_statement, else_statement,
TryCatchStatement* NewTryCatchStatement(Block* try_block, Scope* scope,
Block* catch_block, int pos) {
return zone_->New<TryCatchStatement>(try_block, scope, catch_block,
HandlerTable::CAUGHT, pos);
TryCatchStatement* NewTryCatchStatementForReThrow(Block* try_block,
Scope* scope,
Block* catch_block,
int pos) {
return zone_->New<TryCatchStatement>(try_block, scope, catch_block,
HandlerTable::UNCAUGHT, pos);
TryCatchStatement* NewTryCatchStatementForAsyncAwait(Block* try_block,
Scope* scope,
Block* catch_block,
int pos) {
return zone_->New<TryCatchStatement>(try_block, scope, catch_block,
HandlerTable::ASYNC_AWAIT, pos);
TryCatchStatement* NewTryCatchStatementForReplAsyncAwait(Block* try_block,
Scope* scope,
Block* catch_block,
int pos) {
return zone_->New<TryCatchStatement>(
try_block, scope, catch_block, HandlerTable::UNCAUGHT_ASYNC_AWAIT, pos);
TryFinallyStatement* NewTryFinallyStatement(Block* try_block,
Block* finally_block, int pos) {
return zone_->New<TryFinallyStatement>(try_block, finally_block, pos);
DebuggerStatement* NewDebuggerStatement(int pos) {
return zone_->New<DebuggerStatement>(pos);
class EmptyStatement* EmptyStatement() {
return empty_statement_;
class ThisExpression* ThisExpression() {
// Clear any previously set "parenthesized" flag on this_expression_ so this
// particular token does not inherit the it. The flag is used to check
// during arrow function head parsing whether we came from parenthesized
// exprssion parsing, since additional arrow function verification was done
// there. It does not matter whether a flag is unset after arrow head
// verification, so clearing at this point is fine.
return this_expression_;
class ThisExpression* NewThisExpression(int pos) {
DCHECK_NE(pos, kNoSourcePosition);
return zone_->New<class ThisExpression>(pos);
class FailureExpression* FailureExpression() {
return failure_expression_;
SloppyBlockFunctionStatement* NewSloppyBlockFunctionStatement(
int pos, Variable* var, Token::Value init) {
return zone_->New<SloppyBlockFunctionStatement>(pos, var, init,
CaseClause* NewCaseClause(Expression* label,
const ScopedPtrList<Statement>& statements) {
return zone_->New<CaseClause>(zone_, label, statements);
Literal* NewStringLiteral(const AstRawString* string, int pos) {
return zone_->New<Literal>(string, pos);
Literal* NewNumberLiteral(double number, int pos);
Literal* NewSmiLiteral(int number, int pos) {
return zone_->New<Literal>(number, pos);
Literal* NewBigIntLiteral(AstBigInt bigint, int pos) {
return zone_->New<Literal>(bigint, pos);
Literal* NewBooleanLiteral(bool b, int pos) {
return zone_->New<Literal>(b, pos);
Literal* NewNullLiteral(int pos) {
return zone_->New<Literal>(Literal::kNull, pos);
Literal* NewUndefinedLiteral(int pos) {
return zone_->New<Literal>(Literal::kUndefined, pos);
Literal* NewTheHoleLiteral() {
return zone_->New<Literal>(Literal::kTheHole, kNoSourcePosition);
ObjectLiteral* NewObjectLiteral(
const ScopedPtrList<ObjectLiteral::Property>& properties,
uint32_t boilerplate_properties, int pos, bool has_rest_property,
Variable* home_object = nullptr) {
return zone_->New<ObjectLiteral>(zone_, properties, boilerplate_properties,
pos, has_rest_property, home_object);
ObjectLiteral::Property* NewObjectLiteralProperty(
Expression* key, Expression* value, ObjectLiteralProperty::Kind kind,
bool is_computed_name) {
return zone_->New<ObjectLiteral::Property>(key, value, kind,
ObjectLiteral::Property* NewObjectLiteralProperty(Expression* key,
Expression* value,
bool is_computed_name) {
return zone_->New<ObjectLiteral::Property>(ast_value_factory_, key, value,
RegExpLiteral* NewRegExpLiteral(const AstRawString* pattern, int flags,
int pos) {
return zone_->New<RegExpLiteral>(pattern, flags, pos);
ArrayLiteral* NewArrayLiteral(const ScopedPtrList<Expression>& values,
int pos) {
return zone_->New<ArrayLiteral>(zone_, values, -1, pos);
ArrayLiteral* NewArrayLiteral(const ScopedPtrList<Expression>& values,
int first_spread_index, int pos) {
return zone_->New<ArrayLiteral>(zone_, values, first_spread_index, pos);
VariableProxy* NewVariableProxy(Variable* var,
int start_position = kNoSourcePosition) {
return zone_->New<VariableProxy>(var, start_position);
VariableProxy* NewVariableProxy(const AstRawString* name,
VariableKind variable_kind,
int start_position = kNoSourcePosition) {
return zone_->New<VariableProxy>(name, variable_kind, start_position);
// Recreates the VariableProxy in this Zone.
VariableProxy* CopyVariableProxy(VariableProxy* proxy) {
return zone_->New<VariableProxy>(proxy);
Variable* CopyVariable(Variable* variable) {
return zone_->New<Variable>(variable);
OptionalChain* NewOptionalChain(Expression* expression) {
return zone_->New<OptionalChain>(expression);
Property* NewProperty(Expression* obj, Expression* key, int pos,
bool optional_chain = false) {
return zone_->New<Property>(obj, key, pos, optional_chain);
Call* NewCall(Expression* expression,
const ScopedPtrList<Expression>& arguments, int pos,
bool has_spread, int eval_scope_info_index = 0,
bool optional_chain = false) {
DCHECK_IMPLIES(eval_scope_info_index > 0, !optional_chain);
return zone_->New<Call>(zone_, expression, arguments, pos, has_spread,
eval_scope_info_index, optional_chain);
SuperCallForwardArgs* NewSuperCallForwardArgs(SuperCallReference* expression,
int pos) {
return zone_->New<SuperCallForwardArgs>(zone_, expression, pos);
Call* NewTaggedTemplate(Expression* expression,
const ScopedPtrList<Expression>& arguments, int pos) {
return zone_->New<Call>(zone_, expression, arguments, pos,
CallNew* NewCallNew(Expression* expression,
const ScopedPtrList<Expression>& arguments, int pos,
bool has_spread) {
return zone_->New<CallNew>(zone_, expression, arguments, pos, has_spread);
CallRuntime* NewCallRuntime(Runtime::FunctionId id,
const ScopedPtrList<Expression>& arguments,
int pos) {
return zone_->New<CallRuntime>(zone_, Runtime::FunctionForId(id), arguments,
CallRuntime* NewCallRuntime(const Runtime::Function* function,
const ScopedPtrList<Expression>& arguments,
int pos) {
return zone_->New<CallRuntime>(zone_, function, arguments, pos);
UnaryOperation* NewUnaryOperation(Token::Value op,
Expression* expression,
int pos) {
return zone_->New<UnaryOperation>(op, expression, pos);
BinaryOperation* NewBinaryOperation(Token::Value op,
Expression* left,
Expression* right,
int pos) {
return zone_->New<BinaryOperation>(op, left, right, pos);
NaryOperation* NewNaryOperation(Token::Value op, Expression* first,
size_t initial_subsequent_size) {
return zone_->New<NaryOperation>(zone_, op, first, initial_subsequent_size);
CountOperation* NewCountOperation(Token::Value op,
bool is_prefix,
Expression* expr,
int pos) {
return zone_->New<CountOperation>(op, is_prefix, expr, pos);
CompareOperation* NewCompareOperation(Token::Value op,
Expression* left,
Expression* right,
int pos) {
return zone_->New<CompareOperation>(op, left, right, pos);
Spread* NewSpread(Expression* expression, int pos, int expr_pos) {
return zone_->New<Spread>(expression, pos, expr_pos);
ConditionalChain* NewConditionalChain(size_t initial_size, int pos) {
return zone_->New<ConditionalChain>(zone_, initial_size, pos);
Conditional* NewConditional(Expression* condition,
Expression* then_expression,
Expression* else_expression,
int position) {
return zone_->New<Conditional>(condition, then_expression, else_expression,
Assignment* NewAssignment(Token::Value op,
Expression* target,
Expression* value,
int pos) {
if (op != Token::kInit && target->IsVariableProxy()) {
if (op == Token::kAssign || op == Token::kInit) {
return zone_->New<Assignment>(AstNode::kAssignment, op, target, value,
} else {
return zone_->New<CompoundAssignment>(
op, target, value, pos,
NewBinaryOperation(Token::BinaryOpForAssignment(op), target, value,
pos + 1));
Suspend* NewYield(Expression* expression, int pos,
Suspend::OnAbruptResume on_abrupt_resume) {
if (!expression) expression = NewUndefinedLiteral(pos);
return zone_->New<Yield>(expression, pos, on_abrupt_resume);
YieldStar* NewYieldStar(Expression* expression, int pos) {
return zone_->New<YieldStar>(expression, pos);
Await* NewAwait(Expression* expression, int pos) {
if (!expression) expression = NewUndefinedLiteral(pos);
return zone_->New<Await>(expression, pos);
Throw* NewThrow(Expression* exception, int pos) {
return zone_->New<Throw>(exception, pos);
FunctionLiteral* NewFunctionLiteral(
const AstRawString* name, DeclarationScope* scope,
const ScopedPtrList<Statement>& body, int expected_property_count,
int parameter_count, int function_length,
FunctionLiteral::ParameterFlag has_duplicate_parameters,
FunctionSyntaxKind function_syntax_kind,
FunctionLiteral::EagerCompileHint eager_compile_hint, int position,
bool has_braces, int function_literal_id,
ProducedPreparseData* produced_preparse_data = nullptr) {
return zone_->New<FunctionLiteral>(
zone_, name ? ast_value_factory_->NewConsString(name) : nullptr,
ast_value_factory_, scope, body, expected_property_count,
parameter_count, function_length, function_syntax_kind,
has_duplicate_parameters, eager_compile_hint, position, has_braces,
function_literal_id, produced_preparse_data);
// Creates a FunctionLiteral representing a top-level script, the
// result of an eval (top-level or otherwise), or the result of calling
// the Function constructor.
FunctionLiteral* NewScriptOrEvalFunctionLiteral(
DeclarationScope* scope, const ScopedPtrList<Statement>& body,
int expected_property_count, int parameter_count) {
return zone_->New<FunctionLiteral>(
zone_, ast_value_factory_->empty_cons_string(), ast_value_factory_,
scope, body, expected_property_count, parameter_count, parameter_count,
FunctionLiteral::kShouldLazyCompile, 0, /* has_braces */ false,
ClassLiteral::Property* NewClassLiteralProperty(
Expression* key, Expression* value, ClassLiteralProperty::Kind kind,
bool is_static, bool is_computed_name, bool is_private) {
return zone_->New<ClassLiteral::Property>(key, value, kind, is_static,
is_computed_name, is_private);
ClassLiteral::StaticElement* NewClassLiteralStaticElement(
ClassLiteral::Property* property) {
return zone_->New<ClassLiteral::StaticElement>(property);
ClassLiteral::StaticElement* NewClassLiteralStaticElement(
Block* static_block) {
return zone_->New<ClassLiteral::StaticElement>(static_block);
ClassLiteral* NewClassLiteral(
ClassScope* scope, Expression* extends, FunctionLiteral* constructor,
ZonePtrList<ClassLiteral::Property>* public_members,
ZonePtrList<ClassLiteral::Property>* private_members,
FunctionLiteral* static_initializer,
FunctionLiteral* instance_members_initializer_function,
int start_position, int end_position, bool has_static_computed_names,
bool is_anonymous, Variable* home_object, Variable* static_home_object) {
return zone_->New<ClassLiteral>(
scope, extends, constructor, public_members, private_members,
static_initializer, instance_members_initializer_function,
start_position, end_position, has_static_computed_names, is_anonymous,
home_object, static_home_object);
NativeFunctionLiteral* NewNativeFunctionLiteral(const AstRawString* name,
v8::Extension* extension,
int pos) {
return zone_->New<NativeFunctionLiteral>(name, extension, pos);
SuperPropertyReference* NewSuperPropertyReference(
VariableProxy* home_object_var, int pos) {
return zone_->New<SuperPropertyReference>(home_object_var, pos);
SuperCallReference* NewSuperCallReference(VariableProxy* new_target_var,
VariableProxy* this_function_var,
int pos) {
return zone_->New<SuperCallReference>(new_target_var, this_function_var,
EmptyParentheses* NewEmptyParentheses(int pos) {
return zone_->New<EmptyParentheses>(pos);
GetTemplateObject* NewGetTemplateObject(
const ZonePtrList<const AstRawString>* cooked_strings,
const ZonePtrList<const AstRawString>* raw_strings, int pos) {
return zone_->New<GetTemplateObject>(cooked_strings, raw_strings, pos);
TemplateLiteral* NewTemplateLiteral(
const ZonePtrList<const AstRawString>* string_parts,
const ZonePtrList<Expression>* substitutions, int pos) {
return zone_->New<TemplateLiteral>(string_parts, substitutions, pos);
ImportCallExpression* NewImportCallExpression(Expression* specifier,
ModuleImportPhase phase,
int pos) {
return zone_->New<ImportCallExpression>(specifier, phase, pos);
ImportCallExpression* NewImportCallExpression(Expression* specifier,
ModuleImportPhase phase,
Expression* import_options,
int pos) {
return zone_->New<ImportCallExpression>(specifier, phase, import_options,
InitializeClassMembersStatement* NewInitializeClassMembersStatement(
ZonePtrList<ClassLiteral::Property>* args, int pos) {
return zone_->New<InitializeClassMembersStatement>(args, pos);
ZonePtrList<ClassLiteral::StaticElement>* args, int pos) {
return zone_->New<InitializeClassStaticElementsStatement>(args, pos);
Zone* zone() const { return zone_; }
// This zone may be deallocated upon returning from parsing a function body
// which we can guarantee is not going to be compiled or have its AST
// inspected.
// See ParseFunctionLiteral in for preconditions.
Zone* zone_;
AstValueFactory* ast_value_factory_;
class EmptyStatement* empty_statement_;
class ThisExpression* this_expression_;
class FailureExpression* failure_expression_;
// Type testing & conversion functions overridden by concrete subclasses.
// Inline functions for AstNode.
bool AstNode::Is##type() const { return node_type() == AstNode::k##type; } \
type* AstNode::As##type() { \
return node_type() == AstNode::k##type ? reinterpret_cast<type*>(this) \
: nullptr; \
} \
const type* AstNode::As##type() const { \
return node_type() == AstNode::k##type \
? reinterpret_cast<const type*>(this) \
: nullptr; \
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
#endif // V8_AST_AST_H_