blob: 66be7aa6ed97b096ac3184aae41eb18fcb2e8bb9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2010 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "include/v8-extension.h"
#include "include/v8-local-handle.h"
#include "src/base/strings.h"
namespace v8 {
template <typename T>
class FunctionCallbackInfo;
namespace internal {
// Provides garbage collection on invoking |fun_name|(options), where
// - options is a dictionary like object. See supported properties below.
// - no parameter defaults to options:
// {type: 'major', execution: 'sync'}.
// - truthy parameter that is not setting any options:
// {type: 'minor', execution: 'sync'}.
// Exceptions that occur during parsing the options bag are preserved and result
// in skipping the GC call.
// Supported options:
// - type:
// - 'major': Full GC.
// - 'minor': Young generation GC.
// - 'major-snapshot': Full GC with taking a heap snapshot at the same time.
// - execution: 'sync' or 'async' for synchronous and asynchronous
// execution, respectively.
// - flavor:
// - 'regular': A regular GC.
// - 'last-resort': A last resort GC.
// - filename: Filename for the snapshot in case the type was
// 'major-snapshot'.
// Returns a Promise that resolves when GC is done when asynchronous execution
// is requested, and undefined otherwise.
// Frequent use cases (assuming --expose-gc):
// 1. Just perform a GC to check whether things improve: `gc()`
// 2. Test that certain objects indeed are reclaimed:
// `await gc({type:'major', execution:'async'})`
// 3. Same as 2. but with checking why things did go wrong in a snapshot:
// `await gc({type:'major-snapshot', execution:'async'})`
// 4. Synchronous last resort GC:
// `gc({type:'major',execution:'sync',flavor:'last-resort'})`
class GCExtension : public v8::Extension {
explicit GCExtension(const char* fun_name)
: v8::Extension("v8/gc",
BuildSource(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), fun_name)) {}
v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> GetNativeFunctionTemplate(
v8::Isolate* isolate, v8::Local<v8::String> name) override;
static void GC(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info);
static const char* BuildSource(char* buf, size_t size, const char* fun_name) {
base::SNPrintF(base::Vector<char>(buf, static_cast<int>(size)),
"native function %s();", fun_name);
return buf;
char buffer_[50];
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8