blob: 3d5b4a90f897cfea7e18b8b293d2c6dc2b651de8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "include/v8config.h"
#include "src/base/atomicops.h"
#include "src/base/memory.h"
#include "src/base/platform/mutex.h"
#include "src/common/globals.h"
#include "src/sandbox/compactible-external-entity-table.h"
#include "src/sandbox/tagged-payload.h"
#include "src/utils/allocation.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class Isolate;
class Counters;
class ReadOnlyArtifacts;
* The entries of an ExternalPointerTable.
* Each entry consists of a single pointer-sized word containing the external
* pointer, the marking bit, and a type tag. An entry can either be:
* - A "regular" entry, containing the external pointer together with a type
* tag and the marking bit in the unused upper bits, or
* - A freelist entry, tagged with the kExternalPointerFreeEntryTag and
* containing the index of the next free entry in the lower 32 bits, or
* - An evacuation entry, tagged with the kExternalPointerEvacuationEntryTag
* and containing the address of the ExternalPointerSlot referencing the
* entry that will be evacuated into this entry. See the compaction
* algorithm overview for more details about these entries.
struct ExternalPointerTableEntry {
enum class EvacuateMarkMode { kTransferMark, kLeaveUnmarked, kClearMark };
// Make this entry an external pointer entry containing the given pointer
// tagged with the given tag.
inline void MakeExternalPointerEntry(Address value, ExternalPointerTag tag);
// Load and untag the external pointer stored in this entry.
// This entry must be an external pointer entry.
// If the specified tag doesn't match the actual tag of this entry, the
// resulting pointer will be invalid and cannot be dereferenced.
inline Address GetExternalPointer(ExternalPointerTag tag) const;
// Tag and store the given external pointer in this entry.
// This entry must be an external pointer entry.
inline void SetExternalPointer(Address value, ExternalPointerTag tag);
// Returns true if this entry contains an external pointer with the given tag.
inline bool HasExternalPointer(ExternalPointerTag tag) const;
// Exchanges the external pointer stored in this entry with the provided one.
// Returns the old external pointer. This entry must be an external pointer
// entry. If the provided tag doesn't match the tag of the old entry, the
// returned pointer will be invalid.
inline Address ExchangeExternalPointer(Address value, ExternalPointerTag tag);
// Load the tag of the external pointer stored in this entry.
// This entry must be an external pointer entry.
inline ExternalPointerTag GetExternalPointerTag() const;
// Returns the address of the managed resource contained in this entry or
// nullptr if this entry does not reference a managed resource.
inline Address ExtractManagedResourceOrNull() const;
// Invalidate the entry. Any access to a zapped entry will result in an
// invalid pointer that will crash upon dereference.
inline void MakeZappedEntry();
// Make this entry a freelist entry, containing the index of the next entry
// on the freelist.
inline void MakeFreelistEntry(uint32_t next_entry_index);
// Get the index of the next entry on the freelist. This method may be
// called even when the entry is not a freelist entry. However, the result
// is only valid if this is a freelist entry. This behaviour is required
// for efficient entry allocation, see TryAllocateEntryFromFreelist.
inline uint32_t GetNextFreelistEntryIndex() const;
// Make this entry an evacuation entry containing the address of the handle to
// the entry being evacuated.
inline void MakeEvacuationEntry(Address handle_location);
// Returns true if this entry contains an evacuation entry.
inline bool HasEvacuationEntry() const;
// Move the content of this entry into the provided entry, possibly clearing
// the marking bit. Used during table compaction and during promotion.
// Invalidates the source entry.
inline void Evacuate(ExternalPointerTableEntry& dest, EvacuateMarkMode mode);
// Mark this entry as alive during table garbage collection.
inline void Mark();
static constexpr bool IsWriteProtected = false;
friend class ExternalPointerTable;
struct ExternalPointerTaggingScheme {
using TagType = ExternalPointerTag;
static constexpr uint64_t kMarkBit = kExternalPointerMarkBit;
static constexpr uint64_t kTagMask = kExternalPointerTagMask;
static constexpr TagType kFreeEntryTag = kExternalPointerFreeEntryTag;
static constexpr TagType kEvacuationEntryTag =
static constexpr bool kSupportsEvacuation = true;
using Payload = TaggedPayload<ExternalPointerTaggingScheme>;
inline Payload GetRawPayload() {
return payload_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
inline void SetRawPayload(Payload new_payload) {
return, std::memory_order_relaxed);
inline void MaybeUpdateRawPointerForLSan(Address value) {
#if defined(LEAK_SANITIZER)
raw_pointer_for_lsan_ = value;
// ExternalPointerTable entries consist of a single pointer-sized word
// containing a tag and marking bit together with the actual content (e.g. an
// external pointer).
std::atomic<Payload> payload_;
#if defined(LEAK_SANITIZER)
// When LSan is active, it must be able to detect live references to heap
// allocations from an external pointer table. It will, however, not be able
// to recognize the encoded pointers as they will have their top bits set. So
// instead, when LSan is active we use "fat" entries where the 2nd atomic
// words contains the unencoded raw pointer which LSan will be able to
// recognize as such.
// NOTE: THIS MODE IS NOT SECURE! Attackers are able to modify an
// ExternalPointerHandle to point to the raw pointer part, not the encoded
// part of an entry, thereby bypassing the type checks. If this mode is ever
// needed outside of testing environments, then the external pointer
// accessors (e.g. in the JIT) need to be made aware that entries are now 16
// bytes large so that all entry accesses are again guaranteed to access an
// encoded pointer.
Address raw_pointer_for_lsan_;
#if defined(LEAK_SANITIZER)
// When LSan is active, we need "fat" entries, see above.
static_assert(sizeof(ExternalPointerTableEntry) == 16);
// We expect ExternalPointerTable entries to consist of a single 64-bit word.
static_assert(sizeof(ExternalPointerTableEntry) == 8);
* A table storing pointers to objects outside the V8 heap.
* When V8_ENABLE_SANDBOX, its primary use is for pointing to objects outside
* the sandbox, as described below.
* When V8_COMPRESS_POINTERS, external pointer tables are also used to ease
* alignment requirements in heap object fields via indirection.
* A table's role for the V8 Sandbox:
* --------------------------------
* An external pointer table provides the basic mechanisms to ensure
* memory-safe access to objects located outside the sandbox, but referenced
* from within it. When an external pointer table is used, objects located
* inside the sandbox reference outside objects through indices into the table.
* Type safety can be ensured by using type-specific tags for the external
* pointers. These tags will be ORed into the unused top bits of the pointer
* when storing them and will be ANDed away when loading the pointer later
* again. If a pointer of the wrong type is accessed, some of the top bits will
* remain in place, rendering the pointer inaccessible.
* Temporal memory safety is achieved through garbage collection of the table,
* which ensures that every entry is either an invalid pointer or a valid
* pointer pointing to a live object.
* Spatial memory safety can, if necessary, be ensured either by storing the
* size of the referenced object together with the object itself outside the
* sandbox, or by storing both the pointer and the size in one (double-width)
* table entry.
* Table memory management:
* ------------------------
* The garbage collection algorithm works as follows:
* - One bit of every entry is reserved for the marking bit.
* - Every store to an entry automatically sets the marking bit when ORing
* with the tag. This avoids the need for write barriers.
* - Every load of an entry automatically removes the marking bit when ANDing
* with the inverted tag.
* - When the GC marking visitor finds a live object with an external pointer,
* it marks the corresponding entry as alive through Mark(), which sets the
* marking bit using an atomic CAS operation.
* - When marking is finished, SweepAndCompact() iterates over a Space once
* while the mutator is stopped and builds a freelist from all dead entries
* while also possibly clearing the marking bit from any live entry.
* Generational collection for tables:
* -----------------------------------
* Young-generation objects with external pointer slots allocate their
* ExternalPointerTable entries in a spatially partitioned young external
* pointer space. There are two different mechanisms:
* - When using the semi-space nursery, promoting an object evacuates its EPT
* entries to the old external pointer space.
* - For the in-place MinorMS nursery, possibly-concurrent marking populates
* the SURVIVOR_TO_EXTERNAL_POINTER remembered sets. In the pause, promoted
* objects use this remembered set to evacuate their EPT entries to the old
* external pointer space. Survivors have their EPT entries are left in
* place.
* In a full collection, segments from the young EPT space are eagerly promoted
* during the pause, leaving the young generation empty.
* Table compaction:
* -----------------
* Additionally, the external pointer table supports compaction.
* For details about the compaction algorithm see the
* CompactibleExternalEntityTable class.
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE ExternalPointerTable
: public CompactibleExternalEntityTable<
ExternalPointerTableEntry, kExternalPointerTableReservationSize> {
using Base =
#if defined(LEAK_SANITIZER)
// When LSan is active, we use "fat" entries, see above.
static_assert(kMaxExternalPointers == kMaxCapacity * 2);
static_assert(kMaxExternalPointers == kMaxCapacity);
using EvacuateMarkMode = ExternalPointerTableEntry::EvacuateMarkMode;
// Size of an ExternalPointerTable, for layout computation in IsolateData.
static int constexpr kSize = 2 * kSystemPointerSize;
ExternalPointerTable() = default;
ExternalPointerTable(const ExternalPointerTable&) = delete;
ExternalPointerTable& operator=(const ExternalPointerTable&) = delete;
// The Spaces used by an ExternalPointerTable.
struct Space : public Base::Space {
// During table compaction, we may record the addresses of fields
// containing external pointer handles (if they are evacuation candidates).
// As such, if such a field is invalidated (for example because the host
// object is converted to another object type), we need to be notified of
// that. Note that we do not need to care about "re-validated" fields here:
// if an external pointer field is first converted to different kind of
// field, then again converted to a external pointer field, then it will be
// re-initialized, at which point it will obtain a new entry in the
// external pointer table which cannot be a candidate for evacuation.
inline void NotifyExternalPointerFieldInvalidated(Address field_address,
ExternalPointerTag tag);
// Not atomic. Mutators and concurrent marking must be paused.
void AssertEmpty() { CHECK(segments_.empty()); }
// Initializes all slots in the RO space from pre-existing artifacts.
void SetUpFromReadOnlyArtifacts(Space* read_only_space,
const ReadOnlyArtifacts* artifacts);
// Retrieves the entry referenced by the given handle.
// This method is atomic and can be called from background threads.
inline Address Get(ExternalPointerHandle handle,
ExternalPointerTag tag) const;
// Sets the entry referenced by the given handle.
// This method is atomic and can be called from background threads.
inline void Set(ExternalPointerHandle handle, Address value,
ExternalPointerTag tag);
// Exchanges the entry referenced by the given handle with the given value,
// returning the previous value. The same tag is applied both to decode the
// previous value and encode the given value.
// This method is atomic and can be called from background threads.
inline Address Exchange(ExternalPointerHandle handle, Address value,
ExternalPointerTag tag);
// Retrieves the tag used for the entry referenced by the given handle.
// This method is atomic and can be called from background threads.
inline ExternalPointerTag GetTag(ExternalPointerHandle handle) const;
// Invalidates the entry referenced by the given handle.
inline void Zap(ExternalPointerHandle handle);
// Allocates a new entry in the given space. The caller must provide the
// initial value and tag for the entry.
// This method is atomic and can be called from background threads.
inline ExternalPointerHandle AllocateAndInitializeEntry(
Space* space, Address initial_value, ExternalPointerTag tag);
// Marks the specified entry as alive.
// If the space to which the entry belongs is currently being compacted, this
// may also mark the entry for evacuation for which the location of the
// handle is required. See the comments about the compaction algorithm for
// more details.
// This method is atomic and can be called from background threads.
inline void Mark(Space* space, ExternalPointerHandle handle,
Address handle_location);
// Evacuate the specified entry from one space to another, updating the handle
// location in place.
// This method is not atomic and can be called only when the mutator is
// paused.
inline void Evacuate(Space* from_space, Space* to_space,
ExternalPointerHandle handle, Address handle_location,
EvacuateMarkMode mode);
// Evacuate all segments from from_space to to_space, leaving from_space empty
// with an empty free list. Then free unmarked entries, finishing compaction
// if it was running, and collecting freed entries onto to_space's free list.
// The from_space will be left empty with an empty free list.
// This method must only be called while mutator threads are stopped as it is
// not safe to allocate table entries while the table is being swept.
// SweepAndCompact is the same as EvacuateAndSweepAndCompact, except without
// the evacuation phase.
// Sweep is the same as SweepAndCompact, but assumes that compaction was not
// running.
// Returns the number of live entries after sweeping.
uint32_t EvacuateAndSweepAndCompact(Space* to_space, Space* from_space,
Counters* counters);
uint32_t SweepAndCompact(Space* space, Counters* counters);
uint32_t Sweep(Space* space, Counters* counters);
inline bool Contains(Space* space, ExternalPointerHandle handle) const;
// A resource outside of the V8 heap whose lifetime is tied to something
// inside the V8 heap. This class makes that relationship explicit.
// Knowing about such objects is important for the sandbox to guarantee
// memory safety. In particular, it is necessary to prevent issues where the
// external resource is destroyed before the entry in the
// ExternalPointerTable (EPT) that references it is freed. In that case, the
// EPT entry would then contain a dangling pointer which could be abused by
// an attacker to cause a use-after-free outside of the sandbox.
// Currently, this is solved by remembering the EPT entry in the external
// object and zapping/invalidating it when the resource is destroyed. An
// alternative approach that might be preferable in the future would be to
// destroy the external resource only when the EPT entry is freed. This would
// avoid the need to manually keep track of the entry, for example.
class ManagedResource : public Malloced {
// This method must be called before destroying the external resource.
// When the sandbox is enabled, it will take care of zapping its EPT entry.
inline void ZapExternalPointerTableEntry();
friend class ExternalPointerTable;
// Currently required for snapshot stress mode, see
template <typename IsolateT>
friend class Deserializer;
ExternalPointerTable* owning_table_ = nullptr;
ExternalPointerHandle ept_entry_ = kNullExternalPointerHandle;
static inline bool IsValidHandle(ExternalPointerHandle handle);
static inline uint32_t HandleToIndex(ExternalPointerHandle handle);
static inline ExternalPointerHandle IndexToHandle(uint32_t index);
inline void TakeOwnershipOfManagedResourceIfNecessary(
Address value, ExternalPointerHandle handle, ExternalPointerTag tag);
inline void FreeManagedResourceIfPresent(uint32_t entry_index);
void ResolveEvacuationEntryDuringSweeping(
uint32_t index, ExternalPointerHandle* handle_location,
uint32_t start_of_evacuation_area);
static_assert(sizeof(ExternalPointerTable) == ExternalPointerTable::kSize);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8