blob: 57756f4f3e9e52b884098171c970e61edac29957 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/common/globals.h"
#include "src/objects/instance-type.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
// Defines the list of valid indirect pointer tags.
// When accessing a trusted/indirect pointer, an IndirectPointerTag must be
// provided which indicates the expected instance type of the pointed-to
// object. When the sandbox is enabled, this tag is used to ensure type-safe
// access to objects referenced via trusted pointers: if the provided tag
// doesn't match the tag of the object in the trusted pointer table, an
// inaccessible pointer will be returned.
// We use the shifted instance type as tag and an AND-based type-checking
// mechanism in the TrustedPointerTable, similar to the one used by the
// ExternalPointerTable: the entry in the table is ORed with the tag and then
// ANDed with the inverse of the tag upon access. This has the benefit that the
// type check and the removal of the marking bit can be folded into a single
// bitwise operations. However, it is not technically guaranteed that simply
// using the instance type as tag works for this scheme as the bits of one
// instance type may happen to be a superset of those of another instance type,
// thereby causing the type check to incorrectly pass. As such, the chance of
// getting "incompabitle" tags increases when adding more tags here so we may
// at some point want to consider manually assigning tag values that are
// guaranteed to work (similar for how we do it for ExternalPointerTags).
constexpr int kIndirectPointerTagShift = 48;
constexpr uint64_t kIndirectPointerTagMask = 0x7fff000000000000;
constexpr uint64_t kTrustedPointerTableMarkBit = 0x8000000000000000;
// We use a reserved bit for the free entry tag so that the
// kUnknownIndirectPointerTag cannot untag free entries. Due to that, not all
// tags in the kAllTagsForAndBasedTypeChecking are usable here (which is
// ensured by static asserts below, see VALIDATE_INDIRECT_POINTER_TAG).
// However, in practice this would probably be fine since the payload is a
// table index, and so would likely always crash when treated as a pointer. As
// such, if there is ever need for more tags, this can be reconsidered.
// Note that we use a bit in the 2nd most significant byte here due to top byte
// ignore (TBI), which allows dereferencing pointers even if bits in the most
// significant byte are set.
constexpr uint64_t kTrustedPointerTableFreeEntryBit = 0x0080000000000000;
constexpr uint64_t kIndirectPointerTagMaskWithoutFreeEntryBit =
// Format is (name, instance type, tag id)
V(kCodeIndirectPointerTag, CODE_TYPE, 1) \
V(kBytecodeArrayIndirectPointerTag, BYTECODE_ARRAY_TYPE, 2) \
V(kInterpreterDataIndirectPointerTag, INTERPRETER_DATA_TYPE, 3) \
V(kRegExpDataIndirectPointerTag, REG_EXP_DATA_TYPE, 4) \
IF_WASM(V, kWasmTrustedInstanceDataIndirectPointerTag, \
IF_WASM(V, kWasmInternalFunctionIndirectPointerTag, \
IF_WASM(V, kWasmFunctionDataIndirectPointerTag, WASM_FUNCTION_DATA_TYPE, 7)
#define MAKE_TAG(i) \
(kAllTagsForAndBasedTypeChecking[i] << kIndirectPointerTagShift)
// TODO(saelo): consider renaming this to something like TypeTag or
// InstanceTypeTag since that better captures what this represents.
enum IndirectPointerTag : uint64_t {
// The null tag. Usually used to express the lack of a valid tag, for example
// in non-sandbox builds.
kIndirectPointerNullTag = 0,
// This tag can be used when an indirect pointer field can legitimately refer
// to objects of different types.
// NOTE: this tag effectively disables the built-in type-checking mechanism.
// As such, in virtually all cases the caller needs to perform runtime-type
// checks (i.e. IsXyzObject(obj))` afterwards which need to be able to
// correctly handle unexpected types. The last point is worth stressing
// further. As an example, the following code is NOT correct:
// auto obj = LoadTrustedPointerField<kUnknownIndirectPointerTag>(...);
// if (IsFoo(obj)) {
// Cast<Foo>(obj)->foo();
// } else if (IsBar(obj)) {
// Cast<Bar>(obj)->bar();
// } else {
// // Potential type confusion here!
// Cast<Baz>(obj)->baz();
// }
// This is because an attacker can swap trusted pointers and thereby cause an
// object of a different/unexpected type to be returned. Instead, in this
// case a CHECK can for example be used to make the code correct:
// // ...
// } else {
// // Must be a Baz object
// CHECK(IsBaz(obj));
// Cast<Baz>(obj)->baz();
// }
kUnknownIndirectPointerTag = kIndirectPointerTagMaskWithoutFreeEntryBit,
// Tag used internally by the trusted pointer table to mark free entries.
// See also the comment above kTrustedPointerTableFreeEntryBit for why this
// uses a dedicated bit.
kFreeTrustedPointerTableEntryTag = kTrustedPointerTableFreeEntryBit,
// "Regular" tags. One per supported instance type.
#define INDIRECT_POINTER_TAG_ENUM_DECL(name, instance_type, tag_id) \
name = MAKE_TAG(tag_id),
#define VALIDATE_INDIRECT_POINTER_TAG(name, instance_type, tag_id) \
static_assert((name & kIndirectPointerTagMask) == name); \
static_assert((name & kIndirectPointerTagMaskWithoutFreeEntryBit) == name);
static_assert((kFreeTrustedPointerTableEntryTag & kIndirectPointerTagMask) ==
static_assert((kFreeTrustedPointerTableEntryTag &
kIndirectPointerTagMaskWithoutFreeEntryBit) == 0);
V8_INLINE constexpr bool IsValidIndirectPointerTag(IndirectPointerTag tag) {
#define VALID_INDIRECT_POINTER_TAG_CASE(tag, instance_type, tag_id) case tag:
switch (tag) {
return true;
return false;
// Migrating objects into trusted space is typically performed in multiple
// steps, where all references to the object from inside the sandbox are first
// changed to indirect pointers before actually moving the object out of the
// sandbox. As we have CHECKs that trusted pointer table entries point outside
// of the sandbox, we need this helper function to disable that CHECK for
// objects that are in the process of being migrated into trusted space.
V8_INLINE constexpr bool IsTrustedSpaceMigrationInProgressForObjectsWithTag(
IndirectPointerTag tag) {
return false;
// The null tag is also considered an invalid tag since no indirect pointer
// field should be using this tag.
V8_INLINE IndirectPointerTag
IndirectPointerTagFromInstanceType(InstanceType instance_type) {
uint64_t raw = 0;
switch (instance_type) {
#define CASE(name, instance_type, tag_id) \
case instance_type: \
raw = MAKE_TAG(tag_id); \
#undef CASE
// TODO(saelo): Consider adding support for inheritance hierarchies in
// our tag checking mechanism.
raw = kRegExpDataIndirectPointerTag;
// TODO(saelo): Consider adding support for inheritance hierarchies in
// our tag checking mechanism.
raw = kWasmFunctionDataIndirectPointerTag;
return static_cast<IndirectPointerTag>(raw);
V8_INLINE InstanceType
InstanceTypeFromIndirectPointerTag(IndirectPointerTag tag) {
switch (tag) {
#define CASE(name, instance_type, tag_id) \
case MAKE_TAG(tag_id): \
return instance_type; \
#undef CASE
#undef MAKE_TAG
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8