blob: a2e784c3b84c52523c7b5b5634d9af59c633fc06 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/sandbox/sandbox.h"
#include "include/v8-internal.h"
#include "src/base/bits.h"
#include "src/base/bounded-page-allocator.h"
#include "src/base/cpu.h"
#include "src/base/emulated-virtual-address-subspace.h"
#include "src/base/lazy-instance.h"
#include "src/base/sys-info.h"
#include "src/base/utils/random-number-generator.h"
#include "src/base/virtual-address-space-page-allocator.h"
#include "src/base/virtual-address-space.h"
#include "src/flags/flags.h"
#include "src/sandbox/hardware-support.h"
#include "src/sandbox/sandboxed-pointer.h"
#include "src/trap-handler/trap-handler.h"
#include "src/utils/allocation.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
// Best-effort function to determine the approximate size of the virtual
// address space that can be addressed by this process. Used to determine
// appropriate sandbox size and placement.
// The value returned by this function will always be a power of two.
static Address DetermineAddressSpaceLimit() {
#ifndef V8_TARGET_ARCH_64_BIT
#error Unsupported target architecture.
// Assume 48 bits by default, which seems to be the most common configuration.
constexpr unsigned kDefaultVirtualAddressBits = 48;
// 36 bits should realistically be the lowest value we could ever see.
constexpr unsigned kMinVirtualAddressBits = 36;
constexpr unsigned kMaxVirtualAddressBits = 64;
unsigned hardware_virtual_address_bits = kDefaultVirtualAddressBits;
#if defined(V8_TARGET_ARCH_X64)
base::CPU cpu;
if (cpu.exposes_num_virtual_address_bits()) {
hardware_virtual_address_bits = cpu.num_virtual_address_bits();
#endif // V8_TARGET_ARCH_X64
#if defined(V8_TARGET_ARCH_ARM64) && defined(V8_TARGET_OS_ANDROID)
// On Arm64 Android assume a 40-bit virtual address space (39 bits for
// userspace and kernel each) as that appears to be the most common
// configuration and there seems to be no easy way to retrieve the actual
// number of virtual address bits from the CPU in userspace.
hardware_virtual_address_bits = 40;
// Assume virtual address space is split 50/50 between userspace and kernel.
hardware_virtual_address_bits -= 1;
// Check if there is a software-imposed limits on the size of the address
// space. For example, older Windows versions limit the address space to 8TB:
Address software_limit = base::SysInfo::AddressSpaceEnd();
// Compute the next power of two that is larger or equal to the limit.
unsigned software_virtual_address_bits =
64 - base::bits::CountLeadingZeros(software_limit - 1);
// The available address space is the smaller of the two limits.
unsigned virtual_address_bits =
std::min(hardware_virtual_address_bits, software_virtual_address_bits);
// Guard against nonsensical values.
if (virtual_address_bits < kMinVirtualAddressBits ||
virtual_address_bits > kMaxVirtualAddressBits) {
virtual_address_bits = kDefaultVirtualAddressBits;
return 1ULL << virtual_address_bits;
void Sandbox::Initialize(v8::VirtualAddressSpace* vas) {
// Take the size of the virtual address space into account when determining
// the size of the address space reservation backing the sandbox. For
// example, if we only have a 40-bit address space, split evenly between
// userspace and kernel, then userspace can only address 512GB and so we use
// a quarter of that, 128GB, as maximum reservation size.
Address address_space_limit = DetermineAddressSpaceLimit();
// Note: this is technically the maximum reservation size excluding the guard
// regions (which are not created for partially-reserved sandboxes).
size_t max_reservation_size = address_space_limit / 4;
// In any case, the sandbox should be smaller than our address space since we
// otherwise wouldn't always be able to allocate objects inside of it.
CHECK_LT(kSandboxSize, address_space_limit);
if (!vas->CanAllocateSubspaces()) {
// If we cannot create virtual memory subspaces, we fall back to creating a
// partially reserved sandbox. This will happen for example on older
// Windows versions (before Windows 10) where the necessary memory
// management APIs, in particular, VirtualAlloc2, are not available.
// Since reserving virtual memory is an expensive operation on Windows
// before version 8.1 (reserving 1TB of address space will increase private
// memory usage by around 2GB), we only reserve the minimal amount of
// address space here. This way, we don't incur the cost of reserving
// virtual memory, but also don't get the desired security properties as
// unrelated mappings may end up inside the sandbox.
max_reservation_size = kSandboxMinimumReservationSize;
// If the maximum reservation size is less than the size of the sandbox, we
// can only create a partially-reserved sandbox.
bool success;
size_t reservation_size = std::min(kSandboxSize, max_reservation_size);
if (reservation_size < kSandboxSize) {
DCHECK_GE(max_reservation_size, kSandboxMinimumReservationSize);
success = InitializeAsPartiallyReservedSandbox(vas, kSandboxSize,
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(kSandboxSize, reservation_size);
constexpr bool use_guard_regions = true;
success = Initialize(vas, kSandboxSize, use_guard_regions);
// Fall back to creating a (smaller) partially reserved sandbox.
while (!success && reservation_size > kSandboxMinimumReservationSize) {
reservation_size /= 2;
DCHECK_GE(reservation_size, kSandboxMinimumReservationSize);
success = InitializeAsPartiallyReservedSandbox(vas, kSandboxSize,
if (!success) {
"Failed to reserve the virtual address space for the V8 sandbox");
trap_handler::SetV8SandboxBaseAndSize(base(), size());
SandboxHardwareSupport::TryEnable(base(), size());
bool Sandbox::Initialize(v8::VirtualAddressSpace* vas, size_t size,
bool use_guard_regions) {
size_t reservation_size = size;
if (use_guard_regions) {
reservation_size += 2 * kSandboxGuardRegionSize;
Address hint = RoundDown(vas->RandomPageAddress(), kSandboxAlignment);
// There should be no executable pages mapped inside the sandbox since
// those could be corrupted by an attacker and therefore pose a security
// risk. Furthermore, allowing executable mappings in the sandbox requires
// MAP_JIT on macOS, which causes fork() to become excessively slow
// (multiple seconds or even minutes for a 1TB sandbox on macOS 12.X), in
// turn causing tests to time out. As such, the maximum page permission
// inside the sandbox should be read + write.
address_space_ = vas->AllocateSubspace(
hint, reservation_size, kSandboxAlignment, PagePermissions::kReadWrite);
if (!address_space_) return false;
reservation_base_ = address_space_->base();
base_ = reservation_base_ + (use_guard_regions ? kSandboxGuardRegionSize : 0);
size_ = size;
end_ = base_ + size_;
reservation_size_ = reservation_size;
sandbox_page_allocator_ =
if (use_guard_regions) {
Address front = reservation_base_;
Address back = end_;
// These must succeed since nothing was allocated in the subspace yet.
CHECK(address_space_->AllocateGuardRegion(front, kSandboxGuardRegionSize));
CHECK(address_space_->AllocateGuardRegion(back, kSandboxGuardRegionSize));
initialized_ = true;
return true;
bool Sandbox::InitializeAsPartiallyReservedSandbox(v8::VirtualAddressSpace* vas,
size_t size,
size_t size_to_reserve) {
CHECK_LT(size_to_reserve, size);
// Use a custom random number generator here to ensure that we get uniformly
// distributed random numbers. We figure out the available address space
// ourselves, and so are potentially better positioned to determine a good
// base address for the sandbox than the embedder.
base::RandomNumberGenerator rng;
if (v8_flags.random_seed != 0) {
// We try to ensure that base + size is still (mostly) within the process'
// address space, even though we only reserve a fraction of the memory. For
// that, we attempt to map the sandbox into the first half of the usable
// address space. This keeps the implementation simple and should, In any
// realistic scenario, leave plenty of space after the actual reservation.
Address address_space_end = DetermineAddressSpaceLimit();
Address highest_allowed_address = address_space_end / 2;
constexpr int kMaxAttempts = 10;
for (int i = 1; i <= kMaxAttempts; i++) {
Address hint = rng.NextInt64() % highest_allowed_address;
hint = RoundDown(hint, kSandboxAlignment);
reservation_base_ = vas->AllocatePages(
hint, size_to_reserve, kSandboxAlignment, PagePermissions::kNoAccess);
if (!reservation_base_) return false;
// Take this base if it meets the requirements or if this is the last
// attempt.
if (reservation_base_ <= highest_allowed_address || i == kMaxAttempts)
// Can't use this base, so free the reservation and try again
vas->FreePages(reservation_base_, size_to_reserve);
reservation_base_ = kNullAddress;
base_ = reservation_base_;
size_ = size;
end_ = base_ + size_;
reservation_size_ = size_to_reserve;
initialized_ = true;
address_space_ = std::make_unique<base::EmulatedVirtualAddressSubspace>(
vas, reservation_base_, reservation_size_, size_);
sandbox_page_allocator_ =
return true;
void Sandbox::FinishInitialization() {
// Reserve the last page in the sandbox. This way, we can place inaccessible
// "objects" (e.g. the empty backing store buffer) there that are guaranteed
// to cause a fault on any accidental access.
// Further, this also prevents the accidental construction of invalid
// SandboxedPointers: if an ArrayBuffer is placed right at the end of the
// sandbox, a ArrayBufferView could be constructed with byteLength=0 and
// offset=buffer.byteLength, which would lead to a pointer that points just
// outside of the sandbox.
size_t allocation_granularity = address_space_->allocation_granularity();
bool success = address_space_->AllocateGuardRegion(
end_ - allocation_granularity, allocation_granularity);
// If the sandbox is partially-reserved, this operation may fail, for example
// if the last page is outside of the mappable address space of the process.
CHECK(success || is_partially_reserved());
void Sandbox::InitializeConstants() {
// Place the empty backing store buffer at the end of the sandbox, so that any
// accidental access to it will most likely hit a guard page.
constants_.set_empty_backing_store_buffer(end_ - 1);
void Sandbox::TearDown() {
if (initialized_) {
// This destroys the sub space and frees the underlying reservation.
base_ = kNullAddress;
end_ = kNullAddress;
size_ = 0;
reservation_base_ = kNullAddress;
reservation_size_ = 0;
initialized_ = false;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8