blob: 122baa580883b595096fe3d97c1837de2cef314e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/sandbox/external-entity-table-inl.h"
#include "src/sandbox/sandbox.h"
#include "src/sandbox/trusted-pointer-table.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
void TrustedPointerTableEntry::MakeTrustedPointerEntry(Address pointer,
IndirectPointerTag tag,
bool mark_as_alive) {
auto payload = Payload::ForTrustedPointerEntry(pointer, tag);
if (mark_as_alive) payload.SetMarkBit();, std::memory_order_relaxed);
void TrustedPointerTableEntry::MakeFreelistEntry(uint32_t next_entry_index) {
auto payload = Payload::ForFreelistEntry(next_entry_index);, std::memory_order_relaxed);
Address TrustedPointerTableEntry::GetPointer(IndirectPointerTag tag) const {
return payload_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed).Untag(tag);
void TrustedPointerTableEntry::SetPointer(Address pointer,
IndirectPointerTag tag) {
// Currently, this method is only used when the mark bit is unset. If this
// ever changes, we'd need to check the marking state of the old entry and
// set the marking state of the new entry accordingly.
auto new_payload = Payload::ForTrustedPointerEntry(pointer, tag);
DCHECK(!new_payload.HasMarkBitSet());, std::memory_order_relaxed);
bool TrustedPointerTableEntry::HasPointer(IndirectPointerTag tag) const {
auto payload = payload_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
if (!payload.ContainsPointer()) return false;
return tag == kUnknownIndirectPointerTag || payload.IsTaggedWith(tag);
bool TrustedPointerTableEntry::IsFreelistEntry() const {
auto payload = payload_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
return payload.ContainsFreelistLink();
uint32_t TrustedPointerTableEntry::GetNextFreelistEntryIndex() const {
return payload_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed).ExtractFreelistLink();
void TrustedPointerTableEntry::Mark() {
auto old_payload = payload_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
auto new_payload = old_payload;
// We don't need to perform the CAS in a loop since it can only fail if a new
// value has been written into the entry. This, however, will also have set
// the marking bit.
bool success = payload_.compare_exchange_strong(old_payload, new_payload,
DCHECK(success || old_payload.HasMarkBitSet());
void TrustedPointerTableEntry::Unmark() {
auto payload = payload_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
payload.ClearMarkBit();, std::memory_order_relaxed);
bool TrustedPointerTableEntry::IsMarked() const {
return payload_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed).HasMarkBitSet();
Address TrustedPointerTable::Get(TrustedPointerHandle handle,
IndirectPointerTag tag) const {
uint32_t index = HandleToIndex(handle);
// We rely on the tagging scheme to produce non-canonical addresses when an
// entry isn't tagged with the expected tag. Such "safe" crashes can then be
// filtered out by our sandbox crash filter. However, when ASan is active, it
// may perform its shadow memory access prior to the actual memory access.
// For a non-canonical address, this can lead to a segfault at a _canonical_
// address, which our crash filter can then not distinguish from a "real"
// crash. Therefore, in ASan builds, we perform an additional CHECK here that
// the entry is tagged with the expected tag. The resulting CHECK failure
// will then be ignored by the crash filter.
// This check is, however, not needed when accessing the null entry, as that
// is always valid (it just contains nullptr).
CHECK(index == 0 || at(index).HasPointer(tag));
// Otherwise, this is just a DCHECK.
DCHECK(index == 0 || at(index).HasPointer(tag));
return at(index).GetPointer(tag);
void TrustedPointerTable::Set(TrustedPointerHandle handle, Address pointer,
IndirectPointerTag tag) {
DCHECK_NE(kNullTrustedPointerHandle, handle);
Validate(pointer, tag);
uint32_t index = HandleToIndex(handle);
at(index).SetPointer(pointer, tag);
TrustedPointerHandle TrustedPointerTable::AllocateAndInitializeEntry(
Space* space, Address pointer, IndirectPointerTag tag) {
Validate(pointer, tag);
uint32_t index = AllocateEntry(space);
at(index).MakeTrustedPointerEntry(pointer, tag, space->allocate_black());
return IndexToHandle(index);
void TrustedPointerTable::Mark(Space* space, TrustedPointerHandle handle) {
// The null entry is immortal and immutable, so no need to mark it as alive.
if (handle == kNullTrustedPointerHandle) return;
uint32_t index = HandleToIndex(handle);
template <typename Callback>
void TrustedPointerTable::IterateActiveEntriesIn(Space* space,
Callback callback) {
IterateEntriesIn(space, [&](uint32_t index) {
if (!at(index).IsFreelistEntry()) {
Address pointer = at(index).GetPointer(kUnknownIndirectPointerTag);
callback(IndexToHandle(index), pointer);
uint32_t TrustedPointerTable::HandleToIndex(TrustedPointerHandle handle) const {
uint32_t index = handle >> kTrustedPointerHandleShift;
DCHECK_EQ(handle, index << kTrustedPointerHandleShift);
return index;
TrustedPointerHandle TrustedPointerTable::IndexToHandle(uint32_t index) const {
TrustedPointerHandle handle = index << kTrustedPointerHandleShift;
DCHECK_EQ(index, handle >> kTrustedPointerHandleShift);
return handle;
void TrustedPointerTable::Validate(Address pointer, IndirectPointerTag tag) {
if (IsTrustedSpaceMigrationInProgressForObjectsWithTag(tag)) {
// This CHECK is mostly just here to force tags to be taken out of the
// IsTrustedSpaceMigrationInProgressForObjectsWithTag function once the
// objects are fully migrated into trusted space.
// Entries must never point into the sandbox, as they couldn't be trusted in
// that case. This CHECK is a defense-in-depth mechanism to guarantee this.
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8