blob: b3204baecd801eab34fbd5fdacf6f426048b47ec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "include/v8config.h"
#include "src/base/atomicops.h"
#include "src/base/memory.h"
#include "src/base/platform/mutex.h"
#include "src/common/globals.h"
#include "src/sandbox/external-entity-table.h"
#include "src/sandbox/indirect-pointer-tag.h"
#include "src/sandbox/tagged-payload.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class Isolate;
class Counters;
* The entries of a TrustedPointerTable.
* Each entry contains an (absolute) pointer to a TrustedObject.
struct TrustedPointerTableEntry {
// Make this entry a "regular" entry, containing an absolute pointer to a
// TrustedObject.
inline void MakeTrustedPointerEntry(Address pointer, IndirectPointerTag tag,
bool mark_as_alive);
// Make this entry a freelist entry, containing the index of the next entry
// on the freelist.
inline void MakeFreelistEntry(uint32_t next_entry_index);
// Retrieve the pointer stored in this entry. This entry must be tagged with
// the given tag, otherwise an inaccessible pointer will be returned.
// This entry must not be a freelist entry.
inline Address GetPointer(IndirectPointerTag tag) const;
// Store the given pointer in this entry while preserving the marking state.
// This entry must not be a freelist entry.
inline void SetPointer(Address pointer, IndirectPointerTag tag);
// Returns true if this entry contains a pointer with the given tag.
inline bool HasPointer(IndirectPointerTag tag) const;
// Returns true if this entry is a freelist entry.
inline bool IsFreelistEntry() const;
// Get the index of the next entry on the freelist. This method may be
// called even when the entry is not a freelist entry. However, the result
// is only valid if this is a freelist entry. This behaviour is required
// for efficient entry allocation, see TryAllocateEntryFromFreelist.
inline uint32_t GetNextFreelistEntryIndex() const;
// Mark this entry as alive during garbage collection.
inline void Mark();
// Unmark this entry during sweeping.
inline void Unmark();
// Test whether this entry is currently marked as alive.
inline bool IsMarked() const;
static constexpr bool IsWriteProtected = false;
friend class TrustedPointerTable;
// TrustedPointerTable entries consist of a single pointer-sized word
// containing a tag and marking bit together with the actual pointer.
struct TrustedPointerTaggingScheme {
using TagType = IndirectPointerTag;
static constexpr uint64_t kMarkBit = kTrustedPointerTableMarkBit;
static constexpr uint64_t kTagMask = kIndirectPointerTagMask;
static constexpr TagType kFreeEntryTag = kFreeTrustedPointerTableEntryTag;
static constexpr bool kSupportsEvacuation = false;
struct Payload : TaggedPayload<TrustedPointerTaggingScheme> {
static Payload ForTrustedPointerEntry(Address pointer,
IndirectPointerTag tag) {
// We expect to only store references to (trusted) HeapObjects in the
// TrustedPointerTable, so the HeapObject tag bit must be set.
DCHECK_EQ(pointer & kHeapObjectTag, kHeapObjectTag);
DCHECK_EQ(pointer & kTrustedPointerTableMarkBit, 0);
DCHECK_EQ(pointer & kIndirectPointerTagMask, 0);
return Payload(pointer, tag);
static Payload ForFreelistEntry(uint32_t next_entry) {
return Payload(next_entry, kFreeTrustedPointerTableEntryTag);
Payload(Address pointer, IndirectPointerTag tag)
: TaggedPayload(pointer, tag) {}
std::atomic<Payload> payload_;
static_assert(sizeof(TrustedPointerTableEntry) ==
* A table containing (full) pointers to TrustedObjects.
* When the sandbox is enabled, a trusted pointer table (TPT) is used to safely
* reference trusted heap objects located in one of the trusted spaces outside
* of the sandbox. The TPT guarantees that every access to an object via a
* trusted pointer (an index into the table) either results in an invalid
* pointer or a valid pointer to a valid (live) object of the expected type.
* The TPT is very similar to the external pointer table (EPT), but is used to
* reference V8 HeapObjects (located inside a V8 heap) rather than C++ objects
* (typically located on one of the system heaps). As such, the garbage
* collector needs to be aware of the table indirection.
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE TrustedPointerTable
: public ExternalEntityTable<TrustedPointerTableEntry,
kTrustedPointerTableReservationSize> {
// Size of a TrustedPointerTable, for layout computation in IsolateData.
static int constexpr kSize = 2 * kSystemPointerSize;
static_assert(kMaxTrustedPointers == kMaxCapacity);
TrustedPointerTable() = default;
TrustedPointerTable(const TrustedPointerTable&) = delete;
TrustedPointerTable& operator=(const TrustedPointerTable&) = delete;
// The Spaces used by a TrustedPointerTable.
using Space = ExternalEntityTable<
// Retrieves the content of the entry referenced by the given handle.
// This method is atomic and can be called from background threads.
inline Address Get(TrustedPointerHandle handle, IndirectPointerTag tag) const;
// Sets the content of the entry referenced by the given handle.
// This method is atomic and can be called from background threads.
inline void Set(TrustedPointerHandle handle, Address pointer,
IndirectPointerTag tag);
// Allocates a new entry in the table and initialize it.
// This method is atomic and can be called from background threads.
inline TrustedPointerHandle AllocateAndInitializeEntry(
Space* space, Address pointer, IndirectPointerTag tag);
// Marks the specified entry as alive.
// This method is atomic and can be called from background threads.
inline void Mark(Space* space, TrustedPointerHandle handle);
// Frees all unmarked entries in the given space.
// This method must only be called while mutator threads are stopped as it is
// not safe to allocate table entries while a space is being swept.
// Returns the number of live entries after sweeping.
uint32_t Sweep(Space* space, Counters* counters);
// Iterate over all active entries in the given space.
// The callback function will be invoked once for every entry that is
// currently in use, i.e. has been allocated and not yet freed, and will
// receive the handle and content of that entry.
template <typename Callback>
void IterateActiveEntriesIn(Space* space, Callback callback);
// The base address of this table, for use in JIT compilers.
Address base_address() const { return base(); }
inline uint32_t HandleToIndex(TrustedPointerHandle handle) const;
inline TrustedPointerHandle IndexToHandle(uint32_t index) const;
// Ensure that the value is valid before storing it into this table.
inline void Validate(Address pointer, IndirectPointerTag tag);
static_assert(sizeof(TrustedPointerTable) == TrustedPointerTable::kSize);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8