blob: 670a12ca0ed7f44eef138474fac4249edae94f1c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include "src/base/platform/mutex.h"
#include "src/base/platform/platform.h"
#include "src/cancelable-task.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class Heap;
class Isolate;
class HeapObject;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Marking deque for tracing live objects.
class SequentialMarkingDeque {
explicit SequentialMarkingDeque(Heap* heap)
: backing_store_committed_size_(0),
heap_(heap) {}
void SetUp();
void TearDown();
// Ensures that the marking deque is committed and will stay committed until
// StopUsing() is called.
void StartUsing();
void StopUsing();
void Clear();
inline bool IsFull() { return ((top_ + 1) & mask_) == bottom_; }
inline bool IsEmpty() { return top_ == bottom_; }
int Size() {
// Return (top - bottom + capacity) % capacity, where capacity = mask + 1.
return (top_ - bottom_ + mask_ + 1) & mask_;
bool overflowed() const { return overflowed_; }
void ClearOverflowed() { overflowed_ = false; }
void SetOverflowed() { overflowed_ = true; }
// Push the object on the marking stack if there is room, otherwise mark the
// deque as overflowed and wait for a rescan of the heap.
INLINE(bool Push(HeapObject* object)) {
if (IsFull()) {
return false;
} else {
array_[top_] = object;
top_ = ((top_ + 1) & mask_);
return true;
INLINE(HeapObject* Pop()) {
if (IsEmpty()) return nullptr;
top_ = ((top_ - 1) & mask_);
HeapObject* object = array_[top_];
return object;
// Calls the specified callback on each element of the deque and replaces
// the element with the result of the callback. If the callback returns
// nullptr then the element is removed from the deque.
// The callback must accept HeapObject* and return HeapObject*.
template <typename Callback>
void Update(Callback callback) {
int i = bottom_;
int new_top = bottom_;
while (i != top_) {
if (callback(array_[i], &array_[new_top])) {
new_top = (new_top + 1) & mask_;
i = (i + 1) & mask_;
top_ = new_top;
// This task uncommits the marking_deque backing store if
// markin_deque->in_use_ is false.
class UncommitTask : public CancelableTask {
explicit UncommitTask(Isolate* isolate,
SequentialMarkingDeque* marking_deque)
: CancelableTask(isolate), marking_deque_(marking_deque) {}
// CancelableTask override.
void RunInternal() override {
base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> guard(&marking_deque_->mutex_);
if (!marking_deque_->in_use_) {
marking_deque_->uncommit_task_pending_ = false;
SequentialMarkingDeque* marking_deque_;
static const size_t kMaxSize = 4 * MB;
static const size_t kMinSize = 256 * KB;
// Must be called with mutex lock.
void EnsureCommitted();
// Must be called with mutex lock.
void Uncommit();
// Must be called with mutex lock.
void StartUncommitTask();
base::Mutex mutex_;
base::VirtualMemory backing_store_;
size_t backing_store_committed_size_;
HeapObject** array_;
// array_[(top - 1) & mask_] is the top element in the deque. The Deque is
// empty when top_ == bottom_. It is full when top_ + 1 == bottom
// (mod mask + 1).
int top_;
int bottom_;
int mask_;
bool overflowed_;
// in_use_ == true after taking mutex lock implies that the marking deque is
// committed and will stay committed at least until in_use_ == false.
bool in_use_;
bool uncommit_task_pending_;
Heap* heap_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8