blob: 8c531141f01b7b1e0ef8dcb4b0ba8544e859a1cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace array_join {
type LoadJoinElementFn = builtin(Context, JSReceiver, Number) => Object;
// Fast C call to write a fixed array (see Buffer.fixedArray) to a single
// string.
extern macro
FixedArray, intptr, String, String): String;
transitioning builtin LoadJoinElement<T: type>(
context: Context, receiver: JSReceiver, k: Number): Object {
return GetProperty(receiver, k);
context: Context, receiver: JSReceiver, k: Number): Object {
const array: JSArray = UnsafeCast<JSArray>(receiver);
const dict: NumberDictionary = UnsafeCast<NumberDictionary>(array.elements);
try {
return BasicLoadNumberDictionaryElement(dict, Signed(Convert<uintptr>(k)))
otherwise IfNoData, IfHole;
label IfNoData deferred {
return GetProperty(receiver, k);
label IfHole {
return kEmptyString;
context: Context, receiver: JSReceiver, k: Number): Object {
const array: JSArray = UnsafeCast<JSArray>(receiver);
const fixedArray: FixedArray = UnsafeCast<FixedArray>(array.elements);
const element: Object = fixedArray.objects[UnsafeCast<Smi>(k)];
return element == Hole ? kEmptyString : element;
context: Context, receiver: JSReceiver, k: Number): Object {
const array: JSArray = UnsafeCast<JSArray>(receiver);
const fixedDoubleArray: FixedDoubleArray =
const element: float64 = LoadDoubleWithHoleCheck(
fixedDoubleArray, UnsafeCast<Smi>(k)) otherwise return kEmptyString;
return AllocateHeapNumberWithValue(element);
builtin LoadJoinTypedElement<T: type>(
context: Context, receiver: JSReceiver, k: Number): Object {
const typedArray: JSTypedArray = UnsafeCast<JSTypedArray>(receiver);
return typed_array::LoadFixedTypedArrayElementAsTagged(
typedArray.data_ptr, UnsafeCast<Smi>(k),
typed_array::KindForArrayType<T>(), SMI_PARAMETERS);
transitioning builtin ConvertToLocaleString(
context: Context, element: Object, locales: Object,
options: Object): String {
if (IsNullOrUndefined(element)) return kEmptyString;
const prop: Object = GetProperty(element, 'toLocaleString');
try {
const callable: Callable = Cast<Callable>(prop) otherwise TypeError;
let result: Object;
if (IsNullOrUndefined(locales)) {
result = Call(context, callable, element);
} else if (IsNullOrUndefined(options)) {
result = Call(context, callable, element, locales);
} else {
result = Call(context, callable, element, locales, options);
return ToString_Inline(context, result);
label TypeError {
ThrowTypeError(kCalledNonCallable, prop);
// Verifies the current element JSArray accessor can still be safely used
// (see LoadJoinElement<ElementsAccessor>).
macro CannotUseSameArrayAccessor<T: type>(implicit context: Context)(
loadFn: LoadJoinElementFn, receiver: JSReceiver, originalMap: Map,
originalLen: Number): never
labels Cannot, Can;
CannotUseSameArrayAccessor<JSArray>(implicit context: Context)(
loadFn: LoadJoinElementFn, receiver: JSReceiver, originalMap: Map,
originalLen: Number): never
labels Cannot, Can {
if (loadFn == LoadJoinElement<array::GenericElementsAccessor>) goto Can;
const array: JSArray = UnsafeCast<JSArray>(receiver);
if (originalMap != goto Cannot;
if (originalLen != array.length) goto Cannot;
if (IsNoElementsProtectorCellInvalid()) goto Cannot;
goto Can;
CannotUseSameArrayAccessor<JSTypedArray>(implicit context: Context)(
loadFn: LoadJoinElementFn, receiver: JSReceiver, initialMap: Map,
initialLen: Number): never
labels Cannot, Can {
const typedArray: JSTypedArray = UnsafeCast<JSTypedArray>(receiver);
if (IsDetachedBuffer(typedArray.buffer)) goto Cannot;
goto Can;
// Calculates the running total length of the resulting string. If the
// calculated length exceeds the maximum string length (see
// String::kMaxLength), throws a range error.
macro AddStringLength(implicit context: Context)(lenA: intptr, lenB: intptr):
intptr {
try {
const length: intptr = TryIntPtrAdd(lenA, lenB) otherwise IfOverflow;
if (length > kStringMaxLength) goto IfOverflow;
return length;
label IfOverflow deferred {
// Stores an element to a fixed array and return the fixed array. If the fixed
// array is not large enough, create and return a new, larger fixed array that
// contains all previously elements and the new element.
macro StoreAndGrowFixedArray<T: type>(
fixedArray: FixedArray, index: intptr, element: T): FixedArray {
const length: intptr = fixedArray.length_intptr;
assert(index <= length);
if (index < length) {
fixedArray.objects[index] = element;
return fixedArray;
} else
deferred {
const newLength: intptr = CalculateNewElementsCapacity(length);
assert(index < newLength);
const newfixedArray: FixedArray =
ExtractFixedArray(fixedArray, 0, length, newLength, kFixedArrays);
newfixedArray.objects[index] = element;
return newfixedArray;
// Contains the information necessary to create a single, separator delimited,
// flattened one or two byte string.
// The buffer is maintained and updated by Buffer.constructor, Buffer.Add(),
// Buffer.AddSeparators().
struct Buffer {
Add(implicit context: Context)(
str: String, nofSeparators: intptr, separatorLength: intptr) {
// Add separators if necessary (at the beginning or more than one)
const writeSeparators: bool = this.index == 0 | nofSeparators > 1;
this.AddSeparators(nofSeparators, separatorLength, writeSeparators);
this.totalStringLength =
AddStringLength(this.totalStringLength, str.length_intptr);
this.fixedArray =
StoreAndGrowFixedArray(this.fixedArray, this.index++, str);
this.isOneByte =
IsOneByteStringInstanceType(str.instanceType) & this.isOneByte;
AddSeparators(implicit context: Context)(
nofSeparators: intptr, separatorLength: intptr, write: bool) {
if (nofSeparators == 0 || separatorLength == 0) return;
const nofSeparatorsInt: intptr = nofSeparators;
const sepsLen: intptr = separatorLength * nofSeparatorsInt;
// Detect integer overflow
// TODO(tebbi): Replace with overflow-checked multiplication.
if (sepsLen / separatorLength != nofSeparatorsInt) deferred {
this.totalStringLength = AddStringLength(this.totalStringLength, sepsLen);
if (write) deferred {
this.fixedArray = StoreAndGrowFixedArray(
this.fixedArray, this.index++, Convert<Smi>(nofSeparatorsInt));
// Fixed array holding elements that are either:
// 1) String result of `ToString(next)`.
// 2) Smi representing the number of consecutive separators.
// `BufferJoin()` will iterate and writes these entries to a flat string.
// To save space, reduce reads and writes, only separators at the beginning,
// end, or more than one are written.
// No hole example
// receiver: ['hello', 'world']
// fixedArray: ['hello', 'world']
// Hole example
// receiver: [<hole>, 'hello', <hole>, 'world', <hole>]
// fixedArray: [1, 'hello', 2, 'world', 1]
fixedArray: FixedArray;
// Index to insert a new entry into `fixedArray`.
index: intptr;
// Running total of the resulting string length.
totalStringLength: intptr;
// `true` if the separator and all strings in the buffer are one-byte,
// otherwise `false`.
isOneByte: bool;
macro NewBuffer(len: uintptr, sep: String): Buffer {
const cappedBufferSize: intptr = len > kMaxNewSpaceFixedArrayElements ?
kMaxNewSpaceFixedArrayElements :
assert(cappedBufferSize > 0);
return Buffer{
fixedArray: AllocateZeroedFixedArray(cappedBufferSize),
index: 0,
totalStringLength: 0,
isOneByte: IsOneByteStringInstanceType(sep.instanceType)
macro BufferJoin(implicit context: Context)(buffer: Buffer, sep: String):
String {
if (buffer.totalStringLength == 0) return kEmptyString;
// Fast path when there's only one buffer element.
if (buffer.index == 1) {
const fixedArray: FixedArray = buffer.fixedArray;
typeswitch (fixedArray.objects[0]) {
// When the element is a string, just return it and completely avoid
// allocating another string.
case (str: String): {
return str;
// When the element is a smi, use StringRepeat to quickly build a memory
// efficient separator repeated string.
case (nofSeparators: Number): {
return StringRepeat(context, sep, nofSeparators);
case (obj: Object): {
const length: uint32 = Convert<uint32>(Unsigned(buffer.totalStringLength));
const r: String = buffer.isOneByte ? AllocateSeqOneByteString(length) :
return CallJSArrayArrayJoinConcatToSequentialString(
buffer.fixedArray, buffer.index, sep, r);
transitioning macro ArrayJoinImpl<T: type>(implicit context: Context)(
receiver: JSReceiver, sep: String, lengthNumber: Number,
useToLocaleString: constexpr bool, locales: Object, options: Object,
initialLoadFn: LoadJoinElementFn): String {
const initialMap: Map =;
const len: uintptr = Convert<uintptr>(lengthNumber);
const separatorLength: intptr = sep.length_intptr;
let nofSeparators: intptr = 0;
let loadFn: LoadJoinElementFn = initialLoadFn;
let buffer: Buffer = NewBuffer(len, sep);
// 6. Let k be 0.
let k: uintptr = 0;
// 7. Repeat, while k < len
while (k < len) {
if (CannotUseSameArrayAccessor<T>(
loadFn, receiver, initialMap, lengthNumber))
deferred {
loadFn = LoadJoinElement<array::GenericElementsAccessor>;
if (k > 0) {
// a. If k > 0, let R be the string-concatenation of R and sep.
nofSeparators = nofSeparators + 1;
// b. Let element be ? Get(O, ! ToString(k)).
const element: Object = loadFn(context, receiver, Convert<Number>(k++));
// c. If element is undefined or null, let next be the empty String;
// otherwise, let next be ? ToString(element).
let next: String;
if constexpr (useToLocaleString) {
next = ConvertToLocaleString(context, element, locales, options);
if (next == kEmptyString) continue;
} else {
typeswitch (element) {
case (str: String): {
if (str == kEmptyString) continue;
next = str;
case (num: Number): {
next = NumberToString(num);
case (obj: HeapObject): {
if (IsNullOrUndefined(obj)) continue;
next = ToString(context, obj);
// d. Set R to the string-concatenation of R and next.
buffer.Add(next, nofSeparators, separatorLength);
nofSeparators = 0;
// Add any separators at the end.
buffer.AddSeparators(nofSeparators, separatorLength, true);
// 8. Return R.
return BufferJoin(buffer, sep);
transitioning macro ArrayJoin<T: type>(implicit context: Context)(
useToLocaleString: constexpr bool, receiver: JSReceiver, sep: String,
lenNumber: Number, locales: Object, options: Object): Object;
ArrayJoin<JSArray>(implicit context: Context)(
useToLocaleString: constexpr bool, receiver: JSReceiver, sep: String,
lenNumber: Number, locales: Object, options: Object): Object {
const map: Map =;
const kind: ElementsKind = map.elements_kind;
let loadFn: LoadJoinElementFn;
try {
const array: JSArray = Cast<JSArray>(receiver) otherwise IfSlowPath;
if (array.length != lenNumber) goto IfSlowPath;
if (!IsPrototypeInitialArrayPrototype(map)) goto IfSlowPath;
if (IsNoElementsProtectorCellInvalid()) goto IfSlowPath;
if (IsElementsKindLessThanOrEqual(kind, HOLEY_ELEMENTS)) {
loadFn = LoadJoinElement<array::FastSmiOrObjectElements>;
} else if (IsElementsKindLessThanOrEqual(kind, HOLEY_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS)) {
loadFn = LoadJoinElement<array::FastDoubleElements>;
} else if (kind == DICTIONARY_ELEMENTS)
deferred {
const dict: NumberDictionary =
const nofElements: Smi = GetNumberDictionaryNumberOfElements(dict);
if (nofElements == 0) {
if (sep == kEmptyString) return kEmptyString;
try {
const nofSeparators: Smi =
Cast<Smi>(lenNumber - 1) otherwise IfNotSmi;
return StringRepeat(context, sep, nofSeparators);
label IfNotSmi {
} else {
loadFn = LoadJoinElement<array::DictionaryElements>;
else {
goto IfSlowPath;
label IfSlowPath {
loadFn = LoadJoinElement<array::GenericElementsAccessor>;
return ArrayJoinImpl<JSArray>(
receiver, sep, lenNumber, useToLocaleString, locales, options, loadFn);
ArrayJoin<JSTypedArray>(implicit context: Context)(
useToLocaleString: constexpr bool, receiver: JSReceiver, sep: String,
lenNumber: Number, locales: Object, options: Object): Object {
const map: Map =;
const kind: ElementsKind = map.elements_kind;
let loadFn: LoadJoinElementFn;
if (IsElementsKindGreaterThan(kind, UINT32_ELEMENTS)) {
if (kind == INT32_ELEMENTS) {
loadFn = LoadJoinTypedElement<FixedInt32Array>;
} else if (kind == FLOAT32_ELEMENTS) {
loadFn = LoadJoinTypedElement<FixedFloat32Array>;
} else if (kind == FLOAT64_ELEMENTS) {
loadFn = LoadJoinTypedElement<FixedFloat64Array>;
} else if (kind == UINT8_CLAMPED_ELEMENTS) {
loadFn = LoadJoinTypedElement<FixedUint8ClampedArray>;
} else if (kind == BIGUINT64_ELEMENTS) {
loadFn = LoadJoinTypedElement<FixedBigUint64Array>;
} else if (kind == BIGINT64_ELEMENTS) {
loadFn = LoadJoinTypedElement<FixedBigInt64Array>;
} else {
} else {
if (kind == UINT8_ELEMENTS) {
loadFn = LoadJoinTypedElement<FixedUint8Array>;
} else if (kind == INT8_ELEMENTS) {
loadFn = LoadJoinTypedElement<FixedInt8Array>;
} else if (kind == UINT16_ELEMENTS) {
loadFn = LoadJoinTypedElement<FixedUint16Array>;
} else if (kind == INT16_ELEMENTS) {
loadFn = LoadJoinTypedElement<FixedInt16Array>;
} else if (kind == UINT32_ELEMENTS) {
loadFn = LoadJoinTypedElement<FixedUint32Array>;
} else {
return ArrayJoinImpl<JSTypedArray>(
receiver, sep, lenNumber, useToLocaleString, locales, options, loadFn);
// The Join Stack detects cyclical calls to Array Join builtins
// (Array.p.join(), Array.p.toString(), Array.p.toLocaleString()). This
// FixedArray holds a stack of receivers to the current call.
// CycleProtectedArrayJoin() is responsible for calling JoinStackPush and
// JoinStackPop when visiting and leaving a receiver, respectively.
const kMinJoinStackSize:
constexpr int31 generates 'JSArray::kMinJoinStackSize';
macro LoadJoinStack(implicit context: Context)(): FixedArray
labels IfUninitialized {
const nativeContext: NativeContext = LoadNativeContext(context);
const stack: HeapObject =
if (stack == Undefined) goto IfUninitialized;
return UnsafeCast<FixedArray>(stack);
macro SetJoinStack(implicit context: Context)(stack: FixedArray): void {
const nativeContext: NativeContext = LoadNativeContext(context);
nativeContext[ARRAY_JOIN_STACK_INDEX] = stack;
// Adds a receiver to the stack. The FixedArray will automatically grow to
// accommodate the receiver. If the receiver already exists on the stack,
// this indicates a cyclical call and False is returned.
builtin JoinStackPush(implicit context: Context)(
stack: FixedArray, receiver: JSReceiver): Boolean {
const capacity: intptr = stack.length_intptr;
for (let i: intptr = 0; i < capacity; i++) {
const previouslyVisited: Object = stack.objects[i];
// Add `receiver` to the first open slot
if (previouslyVisited == Hole) {
stack.objects[i] = receiver;
return True;
// Detect cycles
if (receiver == previouslyVisited) return False;
// If no open slots were found, grow the stack and add receiver to the end.
const newStack: FixedArray =
StoreAndGrowFixedArray(stack, capacity, receiver);
return True;
// Fast path the common non-nested calls. If the receiver is not already on
// the stack, add it to the stack and go to ReceiverAdded. Otherwise go to
// ReceiverNotAdded.
macro JoinStackPushInline(implicit context: Context)(receiver: JSReceiver):
labels ReceiverAdded, ReceiverNotAdded {
try {
const stack: FixedArray = LoadJoinStack()
otherwise IfUninitialized;
if (stack.objects[0] == Hole) {
stack.objects[0] = receiver;
} else if (JoinStackPush(stack, receiver) == False)
deferred {
goto ReceiverNotAdded;
label IfUninitialized {
const stack: FixedArray =
AllocateFixedArrayWithHoles(kMinJoinStackSize, kNone);
stack.objects[0] = receiver;
goto ReceiverAdded;
// Removes a receiver from the stack. The FixedArray will automatically shrink
// to Heap::kMinJoinStackSize once the stack becomes empty.
builtin JoinStackPop(implicit context: Context)(
stack: FixedArray, receiver: JSReceiver): Object {
const len: intptr = stack.length_intptr;
for (let i: intptr = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (stack.objects[i] == receiver) {
// Shrink the Join Stack if the stack will be empty and is larger than
// the minimum size.
if (i == 0 && len > kMinJoinStackSize) deferred {
const newStack: FixedArray =
AllocateFixedArrayWithHoles(kMinJoinStackSize, kNone);
else {
stack.objects[i] = Hole;
return Undefined;
// Fast path the common non-nested calls.
macro JoinStackPopInline(implicit context: Context)(receiver: JSReceiver) {
const stack: FixedArray = LoadJoinStack()
otherwise unreachable;
const len: intptr = stack.length_intptr;
// Builtin call was not nested (receiver is the first entry) and
// did not contain other nested arrays that expanded the stack.
if (stack.objects[0] == receiver && len == kMinJoinStackSize) {
StoreFixedArrayElement(stack, 0, Hole, SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER);
} else
deferred {
JoinStackPop(stack, receiver);
// Main entry point for all builtins using Array Join functionality.
transitioning macro CycleProtectedArrayJoin<T: type>(implicit context:
useToLocaleString: constexpr bool, o: JSReceiver, len: Number,
sepObj: Object, locales: Object, options: Object): Object {
// 3. If separator is undefined, let sep be the single-element String ",".
// 4. Else, let sep be ? ToString(separator).
let sep: String =
sepObj == Undefined ? ',' : ToString_Inline(context, sepObj);
// If the receiver is not empty and not already being joined, continue with
// the normal join algorithm.
if (len > 0 && JoinStackPushInline(o)) {
try {
const result: Object =
ArrayJoin<T>(useToLocaleString, o, sep, len, locales, options);
return result;
} catch (e) deferred {
ReThrow(context, e);
} else {
return kEmptyString;
transitioning javascript builtin
ArrayPrototypeJoin(context: Context, receiver: Object, ...arguments): Object {
const separator: Object = arguments[0];
// 1. Let O be ? ToObject(this value).
const o: JSReceiver = ToObject_Inline(context, receiver);
// 2. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(O, "length")).
const len: Number = GetLengthProperty(o);
// Only handle valid array lengths. Although the spec allows larger values,
// this matches historical V8 behavior.
if (len > kMaxArrayIndex + 1) ThrowTypeError(kInvalidArrayLength);
return CycleProtectedArrayJoin<JSArray>(
false, o, len, separator, Undefined, Undefined);
transitioning javascript builtin ArrayPrototypeToLocaleString(
context: Context, receiver: Object, ...arguments): Object {
const locales: Object = arguments[0];
const options: Object = arguments[1];
// 1. Let O be ? ToObject(this value).
const o: JSReceiver = ToObject_Inline(context, receiver);
// 2. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(O, "length")).
const len: Number = GetLengthProperty(o);
// Only handle valid array lengths. Although the spec allows larger values,
// this matches historical V8 behavior.
if (len > kMaxArrayIndex + 1) ThrowTypeError(kInvalidArrayLength);
return CycleProtectedArrayJoin<JSArray>(
true, o, len, ',', locales, options);
transitioning javascript builtin ArrayPrototypeToString(
context: Context, receiver: Object, ...arguments): Object {
// 1. Let array be ? ToObject(this value).
const array: JSReceiver = ToObject_Inline(context, receiver);
// 2. Let func be ? Get(array, "join").
const prop: Object = GetProperty(array, 'join');
try {
// 3. If IsCallable(func) is false, let func be the intrinsic function
// %ObjProto_toString%.
const func: Callable = Cast<Callable>(prop) otherwise NotCallable;
// 4. Return ? Call(func, array).
return Call(context, func, array);
label NotCallable {
return ObjectToString(context, array);
transitioning javascript builtin TypedArrayPrototypeJoin(
context: Context, receiver: Object, ...arguments): Object {
const separator: Object = arguments[0];
// Spec: ValidateTypedArray is applied to the this value prior to evaluating
// the algorithm.
const typedArray: JSTypedArray = typed_array::ValidateTypedArray(
context, receiver, '%TypedArray%.prototype.join');
const length: Smi = typedArray.length;
return CycleProtectedArrayJoin<JSTypedArray>(
false, typedArray, length, separator, Undefined, Undefined);
transitioning javascript builtin TypedArrayPrototypeToLocaleString(
context: Context, receiver: Object, ...arguments): Object {
const locales: Object = arguments[0];
const options: Object = arguments[1];
// Spec: ValidateTypedArray is applied to the this value prior to evaluating
// the algorithm.
const typedArray: JSTypedArray = typed_array::ValidateTypedArray(
context, receiver, '%TypedArray%.prototype.toLocaleString');
const length: Smi = typedArray.length;
return CycleProtectedArrayJoin<JSTypedArray>(
true, typedArray, length, ',', locales, options);