blob: 4608f2ea21a019294059cec7565d273cde4eb075 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/objects/fixed-array.h"
#include "src/handles/handles-inl.h"
#include "src/heap/heap-write-barrier-inl.h"
#include "src/numbers/conversions.h"
#include "src/objects/bigint.h"
#include "src/objects/compressed-slots.h"
#include "src/objects/heap-number-inl.h"
#include "src/objects/map.h"
#include "src/objects/maybe-object-inl.h"
#include "src/objects/objects-inl.h"
#include "src/objects/oddball.h"
#include "src/objects/slots.h"
#include "src/roots/roots-inl.h"
#include "src/sanitizer/tsan.h"
// Has to be the last include (doesn't have include guards):
#include "src/objects/object-macros.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
OBJECT_CONSTRUCTORS_IMPL(FixedDoubleArray, FixedArrayBase)
FixedArrayBase::FixedArrayBase(Address ptr, AllowInlineSmiStorage allow_smi)
: HeapObject(ptr, allow_smi) {
(allow_smi == AllowInlineSmiStorage::kAllowBeingASmi && IsSmi()) ||
ByteArray::ByteArray(Address ptr, AllowInlineSmiStorage allow_smi)
: FixedArrayBase(ptr, allow_smi) {
(allow_smi == AllowInlineSmiStorage::kAllowBeingASmi && IsSmi()) ||
SMI_ACCESSORS(FixedArrayBase, length, kLengthOffset)
SYNCHRONIZED_SMI_ACCESSORS(FixedArrayBase, length, kLengthOffset)
SMI_ACCESSORS(WeakFixedArray, length, kLengthOffset)
SYNCHRONIZED_SMI_ACCESSORS(WeakFixedArray, length, kLengthOffset)
SMI_ACCESSORS(WeakArrayList, capacity, kCapacityOffset)
SYNCHRONIZED_SMI_ACCESSORS(WeakArrayList, capacity, kCapacityOffset)
SMI_ACCESSORS(WeakArrayList, length, kLengthOffset)
Object FixedArrayBase::unchecked_synchronized_length() const {
return ACQUIRE_READ_FIELD(*this, kLengthOffset);
ObjectSlot FixedArray::GetFirstElementAddress() {
return RawField(OffsetOfElementAt(0));
bool FixedArray::ContainsOnlySmisOrHoles() {
Object the_hole = GetReadOnlyRoots().the_hole_value();
ObjectSlot current = GetFirstElementAddress();
for (int i = 0; i < length(); ++i, ++current) {
Object candidate = *current;
if (!candidate.IsSmi() && candidate != the_hole) return false;
return true;
Object FixedArray::get(int index) const {
const Isolate* isolate = GetIsolateForPtrCompr(*this);
return get(isolate, index);
Object FixedArray::get(const Isolate* isolate, int index) const {
DCHECK_LT(static_cast<unsigned>(index), static_cast<unsigned>(length()));
return TaggedField<Object>::Relaxed_Load(isolate, *this,
Handle<Object> FixedArray::get(FixedArray array, int index, Isolate* isolate) {
return handle(array.get(isolate, index), isolate);
bool FixedArray::is_the_hole(Isolate* isolate, int index) {
return get(isolate, index).IsTheHole(isolate);
void FixedArray::set(int index, Smi value) {
DCHECK_NE(map(), GetReadOnlyRoots().fixed_cow_array_map());
DCHECK_LT(static_cast<unsigned>(index), static_cast<unsigned>(length()));
int offset = OffsetOfElementAt(index);
RELAXED_WRITE_FIELD(*this, offset, value);
void FixedArray::set(int index, Object value) {
DCHECK_NE(GetReadOnlyRoots().fixed_cow_array_map(), map());
DCHECK_LT(static_cast<unsigned>(index), static_cast<unsigned>(length()));
int offset = OffsetOfElementAt(index);
RELAXED_WRITE_FIELD(*this, offset, value);
WRITE_BARRIER(*this, offset, value);
void FixedArray::set(int index, Object value, WriteBarrierMode mode) {
DCHECK_NE(map(), GetReadOnlyRoots().fixed_cow_array_map());
DCHECK_LT(static_cast<unsigned>(index), static_cast<unsigned>(length()));
int offset = OffsetOfElementAt(index);
RELAXED_WRITE_FIELD(*this, offset, value);
CONDITIONAL_WRITE_BARRIER(*this, offset, value, mode);
// static
void FixedArray::NoWriteBarrierSet(FixedArray array, int index, Object value) {
DCHECK_NE(, array.GetReadOnlyRoots().fixed_cow_array_map());
int offset = OffsetOfElementAt(index);
RELAXED_WRITE_FIELD(array, offset, value);
void FixedArray::set_undefined(int index) {
set_undefined(GetReadOnlyRoots(), index);
void FixedArray::set_undefined(Isolate* isolate, int index) {
set_undefined(ReadOnlyRoots(isolate), index);
void FixedArray::set_undefined(ReadOnlyRoots ro_roots, int index) {
FixedArray::NoWriteBarrierSet(*this, index, ro_roots.undefined_value());
void FixedArray::set_null(int index) { set_null(GetReadOnlyRoots(), index); }
void FixedArray::set_null(Isolate* isolate, int index) {
set_null(ReadOnlyRoots(isolate), index);
void FixedArray::set_null(ReadOnlyRoots ro_roots, int index) {
FixedArray::NoWriteBarrierSet(*this, index, ro_roots.null_value());
void FixedArray::set_the_hole(int index) {
set_the_hole(GetReadOnlyRoots(), index);
void FixedArray::set_the_hole(Isolate* isolate, int index) {
set_the_hole(ReadOnlyRoots(isolate), index);
void FixedArray::set_the_hole(ReadOnlyRoots ro_roots, int index) {
FixedArray::NoWriteBarrierSet(*this, index, ro_roots.the_hole_value());
void FixedArray::FillWithHoles(int from, int to) {
for (int i = from; i < to; i++) {
ObjectSlot FixedArray::data_start() { return RawField(OffsetOfElementAt(0)); }
ObjectSlot FixedArray::RawFieldOfElementAt(int index) {
return RawField(OffsetOfElementAt(index));
void FixedArray::MoveElements(Isolate* isolate, int dst_index, int src_index,
int len, WriteBarrierMode mode) {
if (len == 0) return;
DCHECK_LE(dst_index + len, length());
DCHECK_LE(src_index + len, length());
DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
ObjectSlot dst_slot(RawFieldOfElementAt(dst_index));
ObjectSlot src_slot(RawFieldOfElementAt(src_index));
isolate->heap()->MoveRange(*this, dst_slot, src_slot, len, mode);
void FixedArray::CopyElements(Isolate* isolate, int dst_index, FixedArray src,
int src_index, int len, WriteBarrierMode mode) {
if (len == 0) return;
DCHECK_LE(dst_index + len, length());
DCHECK_LE(src_index + len, src.length());
DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
ObjectSlot dst_slot(RawFieldOfElementAt(dst_index));
ObjectSlot src_slot(src.RawFieldOfElementAt(src_index));
isolate->heap()->CopyRange(*this, dst_slot, src_slot, len, mode);
// Perform a binary search in a fixed array.
template <SearchMode search_mode, typename T>
int BinarySearch(T* array, Name name, int valid_entries,
int* out_insertion_index) {
DCHECK(search_mode == ALL_ENTRIES || out_insertion_index == nullptr);
int low = 0;
int high = array->number_of_entries() - 1;
uint32_t hash = name.hash_field();
int limit = high;
DCHECK(low <= high);
while (low != high) {
int mid = low + (high - low) / 2;
Name mid_name = array->GetSortedKey(mid);
uint32_t mid_hash = mid_name.hash_field();
if (mid_hash >= hash) {
high = mid;
} else {
low = mid + 1;
for (; low <= limit; ++low) {
int sort_index = array->GetSortedKeyIndex(low);
Name entry = array->GetKey(InternalIndex(sort_index));
uint32_t current_hash = entry.hash_field();
if (current_hash != hash) {
if (search_mode == ALL_ENTRIES && out_insertion_index != nullptr) {
*out_insertion_index = sort_index + (current_hash > hash ? 0 : 1);
return T::kNotFound;
if (entry == name) {
if (search_mode == ALL_ENTRIES || sort_index < valid_entries) {
return sort_index;
return T::kNotFound;
if (search_mode == ALL_ENTRIES && out_insertion_index != nullptr) {
*out_insertion_index = limit + 1;
return T::kNotFound;
// Perform a linear search in this fixed array. len is the number of entry
// indices that are valid.
template <SearchMode search_mode, typename T>
int LinearSearch(T* array, Name name, int valid_entries,
int* out_insertion_index) {
if (search_mode == ALL_ENTRIES && out_insertion_index != nullptr) {
uint32_t hash = name.hash_field();
int len = array->number_of_entries();
for (int number = 0; number < len; number++) {
int sorted_index = array->GetSortedKeyIndex(number);
Name entry = array->GetKey(InternalIndex(sorted_index));
uint32_t current_hash = entry.hash_field();
if (current_hash > hash) {
*out_insertion_index = sorted_index;
return T::kNotFound;
if (entry == name) return sorted_index;
*out_insertion_index = len;
return T::kNotFound;
} else {
DCHECK_LE(valid_entries, array->number_of_entries());
DCHECK_NULL(out_insertion_index); // Not supported here.
for (int number = 0; number < valid_entries; number++) {
if (array->GetKey(InternalIndex(number)) == name) return number;
return T::kNotFound;
template <SearchMode search_mode, typename T>
int Search(T* array, Name name, int valid_entries, int* out_insertion_index) {
if (valid_entries == 0) {
if (search_mode == ALL_ENTRIES && out_insertion_index != nullptr) {
*out_insertion_index = 0;
return T::kNotFound;
// Fast case: do linear search for small arrays.
const int kMaxElementsForLinearSearch = 8;
if (valid_entries <= kMaxElementsForLinearSearch) {
return LinearSearch<search_mode>(array, name, valid_entries,
// Slow case: perform binary search.
return BinarySearch<search_mode>(array, name, valid_entries,
double FixedDoubleArray::get_scalar(int index) {
DCHECK(map() != GetReadOnlyRoots().fixed_cow_array_map() &&
map() != GetReadOnlyRoots().fixed_array_map());
DCHECK(index >= 0 && index < this->length());
return ReadField<double>(kHeaderSize + index * kDoubleSize);
uint64_t FixedDoubleArray::get_representation(int index) {
DCHECK(map() != GetReadOnlyRoots().fixed_cow_array_map() &&
map() != GetReadOnlyRoots().fixed_array_map());
DCHECK(index >= 0 && index < this->length());
int offset = kHeaderSize + index * kDoubleSize;
// Bug(v8:8875): Doubles may be unaligned.
return base::ReadUnalignedValue<uint64_t>(field_address(offset));
Handle<Object> FixedDoubleArray::get(FixedDoubleArray array, int index,
Isolate* isolate) {
if (array.is_the_hole(index)) {
return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).the_hole_value_handle();
} else {
return isolate->factory()->NewNumber(array.get_scalar(index));
void FixedDoubleArray::set(int index, double value) {
DCHECK(map() != GetReadOnlyRoots().fixed_cow_array_map() &&
map() != GetReadOnlyRoots().fixed_array_map());
int offset = kHeaderSize + index * kDoubleSize;
if (std::isnan(value)) {
WriteField<double>(offset, std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
} else {
WriteField<double>(offset, value);
void FixedDoubleArray::set_the_hole(Isolate* isolate, int index) {
void FixedDoubleArray::set_the_hole(int index) {
DCHECK(map() != GetReadOnlyRoots().fixed_cow_array_map() &&
map() != GetReadOnlyRoots().fixed_array_map());
int offset = kHeaderSize + index * kDoubleSize;
base::WriteUnalignedValue<uint64_t>(field_address(offset), kHoleNanInt64);
bool FixedDoubleArray::is_the_hole(Isolate* isolate, int index) {
return is_the_hole(index);
bool FixedDoubleArray::is_the_hole(int index) {
return get_representation(index) == kHoleNanInt64;
void FixedDoubleArray::MoveElements(Isolate* isolate, int dst_index,
int src_index, int len,
WriteBarrierMode mode) {
double* data_start =
reinterpret_cast<double*>(FIELD_ADDR(*this, kHeaderSize));
MemMove(data_start + dst_index, data_start + src_index, len * kDoubleSize);
void FixedDoubleArray::FillWithHoles(int from, int to) {
for (int i = from; i < to; i++) {
MaybeObject WeakFixedArray::Get(int index) const {
const Isolate* isolate = GetIsolateForPtrCompr(*this);
return Get(isolate, index);
MaybeObject WeakFixedArray::Get(const Isolate* isolate, int index) const {
DCHECK_LT(static_cast<unsigned>(index), static_cast<unsigned>(length()));
return TaggedField<MaybeObject>::Relaxed_Load(isolate, *this,
void WeakFixedArray::Set(int index, MaybeObject value) {
DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
DCHECK_LT(index, length());
int offset = OffsetOfElementAt(index);
RELAXED_WRITE_WEAK_FIELD(*this, offset, value);
WEAK_WRITE_BARRIER(*this, offset, value);
void WeakFixedArray::Set(int index, MaybeObject value, WriteBarrierMode mode) {
DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
DCHECK_LT(index, length());
int offset = OffsetOfElementAt(index);
RELAXED_WRITE_WEAK_FIELD(*this, offset, value);
CONDITIONAL_WEAK_WRITE_BARRIER(*this, offset, value, mode);
MaybeObjectSlot WeakFixedArray::data_start() {
return RawMaybeWeakField(kHeaderSize);
MaybeObjectSlot WeakFixedArray::RawFieldOfElementAt(int index) {
return RawMaybeWeakField(OffsetOfElementAt(index));
void WeakFixedArray::CopyElements(Isolate* isolate, int dst_index,
WeakFixedArray src, int src_index, int len,
WriteBarrierMode mode) {
if (len == 0) return;
DCHECK_LE(dst_index + len, length());
DCHECK_LE(src_index + len, src.length());
DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
MaybeObjectSlot dst_slot(data_start() + dst_index);
MaybeObjectSlot src_slot(src.data_start() + src_index);
isolate->heap()->CopyRange(*this, dst_slot, src_slot, len, mode);
MaybeObject WeakArrayList::Get(int index) const {
const Isolate* isolate = GetIsolateForPtrCompr(*this);
return Get(isolate, index);
MaybeObject WeakArrayList::Get(const Isolate* isolate, int index) const {
DCHECK_LT(static_cast<unsigned>(index), static_cast<unsigned>(capacity()));
return TaggedField<MaybeObject>::Relaxed_Load(isolate, *this,
void WeakArrayList::Set(int index, MaybeObject value, WriteBarrierMode mode) {
DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
DCHECK_LT(index, this->capacity());
int offset = OffsetOfElementAt(index);
RELAXED_WRITE_WEAK_FIELD(*this, offset, value);
CONDITIONAL_WEAK_WRITE_BARRIER(*this, offset, value, mode);
MaybeObjectSlot WeakArrayList::data_start() {
return RawMaybeWeakField(kHeaderSize);
void WeakArrayList::CopyElements(Isolate* isolate, int dst_index,
WeakArrayList src, int src_index, int len,
WriteBarrierMode mode) {
if (len == 0) return;
DCHECK_LE(dst_index + len, capacity());
DCHECK_LE(src_index + len, src.capacity());
DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
MaybeObjectSlot dst_slot(data_start() + dst_index);
MaybeObjectSlot src_slot(src.data_start() + src_index);
isolate->heap()->CopyRange(*this, dst_slot, src_slot, len, mode);
HeapObject WeakArrayList::Iterator::Next() {
if (!array_.is_null()) {
while (index_ < array_.length()) {
MaybeObject item = array_.Get(index_++);
if (!item->IsCleared()) return item->GetHeapObjectAssumeWeak();
array_ = WeakArrayList();
return HeapObject();
int ArrayList::Length() const {
if (FixedArray::cast(*this).length() == 0) return 0;
return Smi::ToInt(FixedArray::cast(*this).get(kLengthIndex));
void ArrayList::SetLength(int length) {
return FixedArray::cast(*this).set(kLengthIndex, Smi::FromInt(length));
Object ArrayList::Get(int index) const {
return FixedArray::cast(*this).get(kFirstIndex + index);
Object ArrayList::Get(const Isolate* isolate, int index) const {
return FixedArray::cast(*this).get(isolate, kFirstIndex + index);
ObjectSlot ArrayList::Slot(int index) {
return RawField(OffsetOfElementAt(kFirstIndex + index));
void ArrayList::Set(int index, Object obj, WriteBarrierMode mode) {
FixedArray::cast(*this).set(kFirstIndex + index, obj, mode);
void ArrayList::Clear(int index, Object undefined) {
FixedArray::cast(*this).set(kFirstIndex + index, undefined,
int ByteArray::Size() { return RoundUp(length() + kHeaderSize, kTaggedSize); }
byte ByteArray::get(int index) const {
DCHECK(index >= 0 && index < this->length());
return ReadField<byte>(kHeaderSize + index * kCharSize);
void ByteArray::set(int index, byte value) {
DCHECK(index >= 0 && index < this->length());
WriteField<byte>(kHeaderSize + index * kCharSize, value);
void ByteArray::copy_in(int index, const byte* buffer, int length) {
DCHECK(index >= 0 && length >= 0 && length <= kMaxInt - index &&
index + length <= this->length());
Address dst_addr = FIELD_ADDR(*this, kHeaderSize + index * kCharSize);
memcpy(reinterpret_cast<void*>(dst_addr), buffer, length);
void ByteArray::copy_out(int index, byte* buffer, int length) {
DCHECK(index >= 0 && length >= 0 && length <= kMaxInt - index &&
index + length <= this->length());
Address src_addr = FIELD_ADDR(*this, kHeaderSize + index * kCharSize);
memcpy(buffer, reinterpret_cast<void*>(src_addr), length);
int ByteArray::get_int(int index) const {
DCHECK(index >= 0 && index < this->length() / kIntSize);
return ReadField<int>(kHeaderSize + index * kIntSize);
void ByteArray::set_int(int index, int value) {
DCHECK(index >= 0 && index < this->length() / kIntSize);
WriteField<int>(kHeaderSize + index * kIntSize, value);
uint32_t ByteArray::get_uint32(int index) const {
DCHECK(index >= 0 && index < this->length() / kUInt32Size);
return ReadField<uint32_t>(kHeaderSize + index * kUInt32Size);
void ByteArray::set_uint32(int index, uint32_t value) {
DCHECK(index >= 0 && index < this->length() / kUInt32Size);
WriteField<uint32_t>(kHeaderSize + index * kUInt32Size, value);
uint32_t ByteArray::get_uint32_relaxed(int index) const {
DCHECK(index >= 0 && index < this->length() / kUInt32Size);
return RELAXED_READ_UINT32_FIELD(*this, kHeaderSize + index * kUInt32Size);
void ByteArray::set_uint32_relaxed(int index, uint32_t value) {
DCHECK(index >= 0 && index < this->length() / kUInt32Size);
RELAXED_WRITE_UINT32_FIELD(*this, kHeaderSize + index * kUInt32Size, value);
void ByteArray::clear_padding() {
int data_size = length() + kHeaderSize;
memset(reinterpret_cast<void*>(address() + data_size), 0, Size() - data_size);
ByteArray ByteArray::FromDataStartAddress(Address address) {
return ByteArray::cast(Object(address - kHeaderSize + kHeapObjectTag));
int ByteArray::DataSize() const { return RoundUp(length(), kTaggedSize); }
int ByteArray::ByteArraySize() { return SizeFor(this->length()); }
byte* ByteArray::GetDataStartAddress() {
return reinterpret_cast<byte*>(address() + kHeaderSize);
byte* ByteArray::GetDataEndAddress() {
return GetDataStartAddress() + length();
template <class T>
PodArray<T>::PodArray(Address ptr) : ByteArray(ptr) {}
template <class T>
PodArray<T> PodArray<T>::cast(Object object) {
return PodArray<T>(object.ptr());
// static
template <class T>
Handle<PodArray<T>> PodArray<T>::New(Isolate* isolate, int length,
AllocationType allocation) {
return Handle<PodArray<T>>::cast(
isolate->factory()->NewByteArray(length * sizeof(T), allocation));
template <class T>
int PodArray<T>::length() const {
return ByteArray::length() / sizeof(T);
int TemplateList::length() const {
return Smi::ToInt(FixedArray::cast(*this).get(kLengthIndex));
Object TemplateList::get(int index) const {
return FixedArray::cast(*this).get(kFirstElementIndex + index);
Object TemplateList::get(const Isolate* isolate, int index) const {
return FixedArray::cast(*this).get(isolate, kFirstElementIndex + index);
void TemplateList::set(int index, Object value) {
FixedArray::cast(*this).set(kFirstElementIndex + index, value);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
#include "src/objects/object-macros-undef.h"