blob: 2603844faa5d008d3791e72b4eab74cea9829f0f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "src/codegen/bailout-reason.h"
#include "src/codegen/source-position-table.h"
#include "src/codegen/tick-counter.h"
#include "src/common/globals.h"
#include "src/diagnostics/basic-block-profiler.h"
#include "src/execution/frames.h"
#include "src/handles/handles.h"
#include "src/handles/persistent-handles.h"
#include "src/objects/objects.h"
#include "src/utils/utils.h"
#include "src/utils/vector.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace tracing {
class TracedValue;
namespace internal {
class DeferredHandles;
class FunctionLiteral;
class Isolate;
class JavaScriptFrame;
class JSGlobalObject;
class Zone;
namespace wasm {
struct WasmCompilationResult;
// OptimizedCompilationInfo encapsulates the information needed to compile
// optimized code for a given function, and the results of the optimized
// compilation.
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE OptimizedCompilationInfo final {
// Various configuration flags for a compilation, as well as some properties
// of the compiled code produced by a compilation.
#define FLAGS(V) \
V(FunctionContextSpecializing, function_context_specializing, 0) \
V(Inlining, inlining, 1) \
V(DisableFutureOptimization, disable_future_optimization, 2) \
V(Splitting, splitting, 3) \
V(SourcePositions, source_positions, 4) \
V(BailoutOnUninitialized, bailout_on_uninitialized, 5) \
V(LoopPeeling, loop_peeling, 6) \
V(UntrustedCodeMitigations, untrusted_code_mitigations, 7) \
V(SwitchJumpTable, switch_jump_table, 8) \
V(CalledWithCodeStartRegister, called_with_code_start_register, 9) \
V(PoisonRegisterArguments, poison_register_arguments, 10) \
V(AllocationFolding, allocation_folding, 11) \
V(AnalyzeEnvironmentLiveness, analyze_environment_liveness, 12) \
V(TraceTurboJson, trace_turbo_json, 13) \
V(TraceTurboGraph, trace_turbo_graph, 14) \
V(TraceTurboScheduled, trace_turbo_scheduled, 15) \
V(TraceTurboAllocation, trace_turbo_allocation, 16) \
V(TraceHeapBroker, trace_heap_broker, 17) \
V(WasmRuntimeExceptionSupport, wasm_runtime_exception_support, 18) \
V(TurboControlFlowAwareAllocation, turbo_control_flow_aware_allocation, 19) \
V(TurboPreprocessRanges, turbo_preprocess_ranges, 20) \
V(ConcurrentInlining, concurrent_inlining, 21) \
V(NativeContextIndependent, native_context_independent, 22)
enum Flag {
#define DEF_ENUM(Camel, Lower, Bit) k##Camel = 1 << Bit,
#undef DEF_ENUM
#define DEF_GETTER(Camel, Lower, Bit) \
bool Lower() const { \
DCHECK(FlagGetIsValid(k##Camel)); \
return GetFlag(k##Camel); \
#define DEF_SETTER(Camel, Lower, Bit) \
void set_##Lower() { \
DCHECK(FlagSetIsValid(k##Camel)); \
SetFlag(k##Camel); \
#ifdef DEBUG
bool FlagGetIsValid(Flag flag) const;
bool FlagSetIsValid(Flag flag) const;
#endif // DEBUG
// Construct a compilation info for optimized compilation.
OptimizedCompilationInfo(Zone* zone, Isolate* isolate,
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared,
Handle<JSFunction> closure,
bool native_context_independent);
// Construct a compilation info for stub compilation, Wasm, and testing.
OptimizedCompilationInfo(Vector<const char> debug_name, Zone* zone,
Code::Kind code_kind);
Zone* zone() { return zone_; }
bool is_osr() const { return !osr_offset_.IsNone(); }
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared_info() const { return shared_info_; }
bool has_shared_info() const { return !shared_info().is_null(); }
Handle<BytecodeArray> bytecode_array() const { return bytecode_array_; }
bool has_bytecode_array() const { return !bytecode_array_.is_null(); }
Handle<JSFunction> closure() const { return closure_; }
Handle<Code> code() const { return code_; }
Code::Kind code_kind() const { return code_kind_; }
int32_t builtin_index() const { return builtin_index_; }
void set_builtin_index(int32_t index) { builtin_index_ = index; }
BailoutId osr_offset() const { return osr_offset_; }
JavaScriptFrame* osr_frame() const { return osr_frame_; }
void SetPoisoningMitigationLevel(PoisoningMitigationLevel poisoning_level) {
poisoning_level_ = poisoning_level;
PoisoningMitigationLevel GetPoisoningMitigationLevel() const {
return poisoning_level_;
// Code getters and setters.
void SetCode(Handle<Code> code) { code_ = code; }
void SetWasmCompilationResult(std::unique_ptr<wasm::WasmCompilationResult>);
std::unique_ptr<wasm::WasmCompilationResult> ReleaseWasmCompilationResult();
bool has_context() const;
Context context() const;
bool has_native_context() const;
NativeContext native_context() const;
bool has_global_object() const;
JSGlobalObject global_object() const;
// Accessors for the different compilation modes.
bool IsOptimizing() const { return code_kind() == Code::OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION; }
bool IsWasm() const { return code_kind() == Code::WASM_FUNCTION; }
bool IsNotOptimizedFunctionOrWasmFunction() const {
return code_kind() != Code::OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION &&
code_kind() != Code::WASM_FUNCTION;
void SetOptimizingForOsr(BailoutId osr_offset, JavaScriptFrame* osr_frame) {
osr_offset_ = osr_offset;
osr_frame_ = osr_frame;
void set_deferred_handles(std::unique_ptr<DeferredHandles> deferred_handles);
void ReopenHandlesInNewHandleScope(Isolate* isolate);
void AbortOptimization(BailoutReason reason);
void RetryOptimization(BailoutReason reason);
BailoutReason bailout_reason() const { return bailout_reason_; }
int optimization_id() const {
return optimization_id_;
unsigned inlined_bytecode_size() const { return inlined_bytecode_size_; }
void set_inlined_bytecode_size(unsigned size) {
inlined_bytecode_size_ = size;
struct InlinedFunctionHolder {
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared_info;
Handle<BytecodeArray> bytecode_array; // Explicit to prevent flushing.
InliningPosition position;
InlinedFunctionHolder(Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> inlined_shared_info,
Handle<BytecodeArray> inlined_bytecode,
SourcePosition pos);
void RegisterInlinedFunctionId(size_t inlined_function_id) {
position.inlined_function_id = static_cast<int>(inlined_function_id);
using InlinedFunctionList = std::vector<InlinedFunctionHolder>;
InlinedFunctionList& inlined_functions() { return inlined_functions_; }
// Returns the inlining id for source position tracking.
int AddInlinedFunction(Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> inlined_function,
Handle<BytecodeArray> inlined_bytecode,
SourcePosition pos);
std::unique_ptr<char[]> GetDebugName() const;
StackFrame::Type GetOutputStackFrameType() const;
const char* trace_turbo_filename() const {
return trace_turbo_filename_.get();
void set_trace_turbo_filename(std::unique_ptr<char[]> filename) {
trace_turbo_filename_ = std::move(filename);
TickCounter& tick_counter() { return tick_counter_; }
BasicBlockProfilerData* profiler_data() const { return profiler_data_; }
void set_profiler_data(BasicBlockProfilerData* profiler_data) {
profiler_data_ = profiler_data;
std::unique_ptr<PersistentHandles> DetachPersistentHandles() {
return std::move(ph_);
void ConfigureFlags();
void SetFlag(Flag flag) { flags_ |= flag; }
bool GetFlag(Flag flag) const { return (flags_ & flag) != 0; }
void SetTracingFlags(bool passes_filter);
// Compilation flags.
unsigned flags_ = 0;
PoisoningMitigationLevel poisoning_level_ =
const Code::Kind code_kind_;
int32_t builtin_index_ = -1;
// We retain a reference the bytecode array specifically to ensure it doesn't
// get flushed while we are optimizing the code.
Handle<BytecodeArray> bytecode_array_;
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared_info_;
Handle<JSFunction> closure_;
// The compiled code.
Handle<Code> code_;
// Basic block profiling support.
BasicBlockProfilerData* profiler_data_ = nullptr;
// The WebAssembly compilation result, not published in the NativeModule yet.
std::unique_ptr<wasm::WasmCompilationResult> wasm_compilation_result_;
// Entry point when compiling for OSR, {BailoutId::None} otherwise.
BailoutId osr_offset_ = BailoutId::None();
// The zone from which the compilation pipeline working on this
// OptimizedCompilationInfo allocates.
Zone* const zone_;
std::unique_ptr<DeferredHandles> deferred_handles_;
BailoutReason bailout_reason_ = BailoutReason::kNoReason;
InlinedFunctionList inlined_functions_;
static constexpr int kNoOptimizationId = -1;
const int optimization_id_;
unsigned inlined_bytecode_size_ = 0;
// The current OSR frame for specialization or {nullptr}.
JavaScriptFrame* osr_frame_ = nullptr;
Vector<const char> debug_name_;
std::unique_ptr<char[]> trace_turbo_filename_;
TickCounter tick_counter_;
// This PersistentHandles container is owned first by
// OptimizedCompilationInfo, then by JSHeapBroker, then by LocalHeap (when we
// go to the background thread), then again by JSHeapBroker (right before
// returning to the main thread), which gets destroyed when PipelineData gets
// destroyed when e.g. PipelineCompilationJob gets destroyed. Since it is a
// member of OptimizedCompilationInfo, we make sure that we have one and only
// one per compilation job.
std::unique_ptr<PersistentHandles> ph_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8