blob: 4260e8e4cb7de0fb640e494657324fd4e1d6278a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/torque/types.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include "src/base/bits.h"
#include "src/base/optional.h"
#include "src/torque/ast.h"
#include "src/torque/declarable.h"
#include "src/torque/global-context.h"
#include "src/torque/type-oracle.h"
#include "src/torque/type-visitor.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace torque {
// This custom copy constructor doesn't copy aliases_ and id_ because they
// should be distinct for each type.
Type::Type(const Type& other) V8_NOEXCEPT
: TypeBase(other),
constexpr_version_(other.constexpr_version_) {}
Type::Type(TypeBase::Kind kind, const Type* parent,
MaybeSpecializationKey specialized_from)
: TypeBase(kind),
constexpr_version_(nullptr) {}
std::string Type::ToString() const {
if (aliases_.size() == 0)
return ComputeName(ToExplicitString(), GetSpecializedFrom());
if (aliases_.size() == 1) return *aliases_.begin();
std::stringstream result;
int i = 0;
for (const std::string& alias : aliases_) {
if (i == 0) {
result << alias << " (aka. ";
} else if (i == 1) {
result << alias;
} else {
result << ", " << alias;
result << ")";
return result.str();
std::string Type::SimpleName() const {
if (aliases_.empty()) {
std::stringstream result;
result << SimpleNameImpl();
if (GetSpecializedFrom()) {
for (const Type* t : GetSpecializedFrom()->specialized_types) {
result << "_" << t->SimpleName();
return result.str();
return *aliases_.begin();
// TODO(danno): HandlifiedCppTypeName should be used universally in Torque
// where the C++ type of a Torque object is required.
std::string Type::HandlifiedCppTypeName() const {
if (IsSubtypeOf(TypeOracle::GetSmiType())) return "int";
if (IsSubtypeOf(TypeOracle::GetTaggedType())) {
base::Optional<const ClassType*> class_type = ClassSupertype();
std::string type =
class_type ? (*class_type)->GetGeneratedTNodeTypeName() : "Object";
return "Handle<" + type + ">";
} else {
return ConstexprVersion()->GetGeneratedTypeName();
bool Type::IsSubtypeOf(const Type* supertype) const {
if (supertype->IsTopType()) return true;
if (IsNever()) return true;
if (const UnionType* union_type = UnionType::DynamicCast(supertype)) {
return union_type->IsSupertypeOf(this);
const Type* subtype = this;
while (subtype != nullptr) {
if (subtype == supertype) return true;
subtype = subtype->parent();
return false;
std::string Type::GetConstexprGeneratedTypeName() const {
const Type* constexpr_version = ConstexprVersion();
if (constexpr_version == nullptr) {
Error("Type '", ToString(), "' requires a constexpr representation");
return "";
return constexpr_version->GetGeneratedTypeName();
base::Optional<const ClassType*> Type::ClassSupertype() const {
for (const Type* t = this; t != nullptr; t = t->parent()) {
if (auto* class_type = ClassType::DynamicCast(t)) {
return class_type;
return base::nullopt;
base::Optional<const StructType*> Type::StructSupertype() const {
for (const Type* t = this; t != nullptr; t = t->parent()) {
if (auto* struct_type = StructType::DynamicCast(t)) {
return struct_type;
return base::nullopt;
// static
const Type* Type::CommonSupertype(const Type* a, const Type* b) {
int diff = a->Depth() - b->Depth();
const Type* a_supertype = a;
const Type* b_supertype = b;
for (; diff > 0; --diff) a_supertype = a_supertype->parent();
for (; diff < 0; ++diff) b_supertype = b_supertype->parent();
while (a_supertype && b_supertype) {
if (a_supertype == b_supertype) return a_supertype;
a_supertype = a_supertype->parent();
b_supertype = b_supertype->parent();
ReportError("types " + a->ToString() + " and " + b->ToString() +
" have no common supertype");
int Type::Depth() const {
int result = 0;
for (const Type* current = parent_; current; current = current->parent_) {
return result;
bool Type::IsAbstractName(const std::string& name) const {
if (!IsAbstractType()) return false;
return AbstractType::cast(this)->name() == name;
std::string Type::GetGeneratedTypeName() const {
std::string result = GetGeneratedTypeNameImpl();
if (result.empty() || result == "TNode<>") {
ReportError("Generated type is required for type '", ToString(),
"'. Use 'generates' clause in definition.");
return result;
std::string Type::GetGeneratedTNodeTypeName() const {
std::string result = GetGeneratedTNodeTypeNameImpl();
if (result.empty() || IsConstexpr()) {
ReportError("Generated TNode type is required for type '", ToString(),
"'. Use 'generates' clause in definition.");
return result;
std::string AbstractType::GetGeneratedTNodeTypeNameImpl() const {
if (generated_type_.empty()) return parent()->GetGeneratedTNodeTypeName();
return generated_type_;
std::vector<RuntimeType> AbstractType::GetRuntimeTypes() const {
std::string type_name = GetGeneratedTNodeTypeName();
if (auto strong_type =
Type::MatchUnaryGeneric(this, TypeOracle::GetWeakGeneric())) {
auto strong_runtime_types = (*strong_type)->GetRuntimeTypes();
std::vector<RuntimeType> result;
for (const RuntimeType& type : strong_runtime_types) {
// Generic parameter in Weak<T> should have already been checked to
// extend HeapObject, so it couldn't itself be another weak type.
result.push_back({type_name, type.type});
return result;
return {{type_name, ""}};
std::string BuiltinPointerType::ToExplicitString() const {
std::stringstream result;
result << "builtin (";
PrintCommaSeparatedList(result, parameter_types_);
result << ") => " << *return_type_;
return result.str();
std::string BuiltinPointerType::SimpleNameImpl() const {
std::stringstream result;
result << "BuiltinPointer";
for (const Type* t : parameter_types_) {
result << "_" << t->SimpleName();
result << "_" << return_type_->SimpleName();
return result.str();
std::string UnionType::ToExplicitString() const {
std::stringstream result;
result << "(";
bool first = true;
for (const Type* t : types_) {
if (!first) {
result << " | ";
first = false;
result << *t;
result << ")";
return result.str();
std::string UnionType::SimpleNameImpl() const {
std::stringstream result;
bool first = true;
for (const Type* t : types_) {
if (!first) {
result << "_OR_";
first = false;
result << t->SimpleName();
return result.str();
std::string UnionType::GetGeneratedTNodeTypeNameImpl() const {
if (types_.size() <= 3) {
std::set<std::string> members;
for (const Type* t : types_) {
if (members == std::set<std::string>{"Smi", "HeapNumber"}) {
return "Number";
if (members == std::set<std::string>{"Smi", "HeapNumber", "BigInt"}) {
return "Numeric";
return parent()->GetGeneratedTNodeTypeName();
void UnionType::RecomputeParent() {
const Type* parent = nullptr;
for (const Type* t : types_) {
if (parent == nullptr) {
parent = t;
} else {
parent = CommonSupertype(parent, t);
void UnionType::Subtract(const Type* t) {
for (auto it = types_.begin(); it != types_.end();) {
if ((*it)->IsSubtypeOf(t)) {
it = types_.erase(it);
} else {
if (types_.size() == 0) types_.insert(TypeOracle::GetNeverType());
const Type* SubtractType(const Type* a, const Type* b) {
UnionType result = UnionType::FromType(a);
return TypeOracle::GetUnionType(result);
std::string BitFieldStructType::ToExplicitString() const {
return "bitfield struct " + name();
const BitField& BitFieldStructType::LookupField(const std::string& name) const {
for (const BitField& field : fields_) {
if ( == name) {
return field;
ReportError("Couldn't find bitfield ", name);
void AggregateType::CheckForDuplicateFields() const {
// Check the aggregate hierarchy and currently defined class for duplicate
// field declarations.
auto hierarchy = GetHierarchy();
std::map<std::string, const AggregateType*> field_names;
for (const AggregateType* aggregate_type : hierarchy) {
for (const Field& field : aggregate_type->fields()) {
const std::string& field_name =;
auto i = field_names.find(field_name);
if (i != field_names.end()) {
CurrentSourcePosition::Scope current_source_position(field.pos);
std::string aggregate_type_name =
aggregate_type->IsClassType() ? "class" : "struct";
if (i->second == this) {
ReportError(aggregate_type_name, " '", name(),
"' declares a field with the name '", field_name,
"' more than once");
} else {
ReportError(aggregate_type_name, " '", name(),
"' declares a field with the name '", field_name,
"' that masks an inherited field from class '",
i->second->name(), "'");
field_names[field_name] = aggregate_type;
std::vector<const AggregateType*> AggregateType::GetHierarchy() const {
if (!is_finalized_) Finalize();
std::vector<const AggregateType*> hierarchy;
const AggregateType* current_container_type = this;
while (current_container_type != nullptr) {
current_container_type =
? ClassType::cast(current_container_type)->GetSuperClass()
: nullptr;
std::reverse(hierarchy.begin(), hierarchy.end());
return hierarchy;
bool AggregateType::HasField(const std::string& name) const {
if (!is_finalized_) Finalize();
for (auto& field : fields_) {
if ( == name) return true;
if (parent() != nullptr) {
if (auto parent_class = ClassType::DynamicCast(parent())) {
return parent_class->HasField(name);
return false;
const Field& AggregateType::LookupFieldInternal(const std::string& name) const {
for (auto& field : fields_) {
if ( == name) return field;
if (parent() != nullptr) {
if (auto parent_class = ClassType::DynamicCast(parent())) {
return parent_class->LookupField(name);
ReportError("no field ", name, " found in ", this->ToString());
const Field& AggregateType::LookupField(const std::string& name) const {
if (!is_finalized_) Finalize();
return LookupFieldInternal(name);
StructType::StructType(Namespace* nspace, const StructDeclaration* decl,
MaybeSpecializationKey specialized_from)
: AggregateType(Kind::kStructType, nullptr, nspace, decl->name->value,
decl_(decl) {
if (decl->flags & StructFlag::kExport) {
generated_type_name_ = "TorqueStruct" + name();
} else {
generated_type_name_ =
GlobalContext::MakeUniqueName("TorqueStruct" + SimpleName());
std::string StructType::GetGeneratedTypeNameImpl() const {
return generated_type_name_;
size_t StructType::PackedSize() const {
size_t result = 0;
for (const Field& field : fields()) {
result += std::get<0>(field.GetFieldSizeInformation());
return result;
StructType::Classification StructType::ClassifyContents() const {
Classification result = ClassificationFlag::kEmpty;
for (const Field& struct_field : fields()) {
const Type* field_type = struct_field.name_and_type.type;
if (field_type->IsSubtypeOf(TypeOracle::GetTaggedType())) {
result |= ClassificationFlag::kTagged;
} else if (auto field_as_struct = field_type->StructSupertype()) {
result |= (*field_as_struct)->ClassifyContents();
} else {
result |= ClassificationFlag::kUntagged;
return result;
// static
std::string Type::ComputeName(const std::string& basename,
MaybeSpecializationKey specialized_from) {
if (!specialized_from) return basename;
if (specialized_from->generic == TypeOracle::GetConstReferenceGeneric()) {
return torque::ToString("const &", *specialized_from->specialized_types[0]);
if (specialized_from->generic == TypeOracle::GetMutableReferenceGeneric()) {
return torque::ToString("&", *specialized_from->specialized_types[0]);
std::stringstream s;
s << basename << "<";
bool first = true;
for (auto t : specialized_from->specialized_types) {
if (!first) {
s << ", ";
s << t->ToString();
first = false;
s << ">";
return s.str();
std::string StructType::SimpleNameImpl() const { return decl_->name->value; }
// static
base::Optional<const Type*> Type::MatchUnaryGeneric(const Type* type,
GenericType* generic) {
DCHECK_EQ(generic->generic_parameters().size(), 1);
if (!type->GetSpecializedFrom()) {
return base::nullopt;
auto& key = type->GetSpecializedFrom().value();
if (key.generic != generic || key.specialized_types.size() != 1) {
return base::nullopt;
return {key.specialized_types[0]};
std::vector<Method*> AggregateType::Methods(const std::string& name) const {
if (!is_finalized_) Finalize();
std::vector<Method*> result;
std::copy_if(methods_.begin(), methods_.end(), std::back_inserter(result),
[name](Macro* macro) { return macro->ReadableName() == name; });
return result;
std::string StructType::ToExplicitString() const { return "struct " + name(); }
void StructType::Finalize() const {
if (is_finalized_) return;
CurrentScope::Scope scope_activator(nspace());
CurrentSourcePosition::Scope position_activator(decl_->pos);
TypeVisitor::VisitStructMethods(const_cast<StructType*>(this), decl_);
is_finalized_ = true;
ClassType::ClassType(const Type* parent, Namespace* nspace,
const std::string& name, ClassFlags flags,
const std::string& generates, const ClassDeclaration* decl,
const TypeAlias* alias)
: AggregateType(Kind::kClassType, parent, nspace, name),
alias_(alias) {}
std::string ClassType::GetGeneratedTNodeTypeNameImpl() const {
return generates_;
std::string ClassType::GetGeneratedTypeNameImpl() const {
return IsConstexpr() ? GetGeneratedTNodeTypeName()
: "TNode<" + GetGeneratedTNodeTypeName() + ">";
std::string ClassType::ToExplicitString() const { return "class " + name(); }
bool ClassType::AllowInstantiation() const {
return (!IsExtern() || nspace()->IsDefaultNamespace()) && !IsAbstract();
void ClassType::Finalize() const {
if (is_finalized_) return;
CurrentScope::Scope scope_activator(alias_->ParentScope());
CurrentSourcePosition::Scope position_activator(decl_->pos);
is_finalized_ = true;
if (GenerateCppClassDefinitions() || !IsExtern()) {
for (const Field& f : fields()) {
if (f.is_weak) {
Error("Generation of C++ class for Torque class ", name(),
" is not supported yet, because field ",,
": ", *f.name_and_type.type, " is a weak field.")
std::vector<Field> ClassType::ComputeAllFields() const {
std::vector<Field> all_fields;
const ClassType* super_class = this->GetSuperClass();
if (super_class) {
all_fields = super_class->ComputeAllFields();
const std::vector<Field>& fields = this->fields();
all_fields.insert(all_fields.end(), fields.begin(), fields.end());
return all_fields;
std::vector<Field> ClassType::ComputeHeaderFields() const {
std::vector<Field> result;
for (Field& field : ComputeAllFields()) {
if (field.index) break;
DCHECK(*field.offset < header_size());
return result;
std::vector<Field> ClassType::ComputeArrayFields() const {
std::vector<Field> result;
for (Field& field : ComputeAllFields()) {
if (!field.index) {
DCHECK(*field.offset < header_size());
return result;
void ClassType::InitializeInstanceTypes(
base::Optional<int> own, base::Optional<std::pair<int, int>> range) const {
own_instance_type_ = own;
instance_type_range_ = range;
base::Optional<int> ClassType::OwnInstanceType() const {
return own_instance_type_;
base::Optional<std::pair<int, int>> ClassType::InstanceTypeRange() const {
return instance_type_range_;
namespace {
void ComputeSlotKindsHelper(std::vector<ObjectSlotKind>* slots,
size_t start_offset,
const std::vector<Field>& fields) {
size_t offset = start_offset;
for (const Field& field : fields) {
size_t field_size = std::get<0>(field.GetFieldSizeInformation());
size_t slot_index = offset / TargetArchitecture::TaggedSize();
// Rounding-up division to find the number of slots occupied by all the
// fields up to and including the current one.
size_t used_slots =
(offset + field_size + TargetArchitecture::TaggedSize() - 1) /
while (used_slots > slots->size()) {
const Type* type = field.name_and_type.type;
if (auto struct_type = type->StructSupertype()) {
ComputeSlotKindsHelper(slots, offset, (*struct_type)->fields());
} else {
ObjectSlotKind kind;
if (type->IsSubtypeOf(TypeOracle::GetObjectType())) {
if (field.is_weak) {
kind = ObjectSlotKind::kCustomWeakPointer;
} else {
kind = ObjectSlotKind::kStrongPointer;
} else if (type->IsSubtypeOf(TypeOracle::GetTaggedType())) {
kind = ObjectSlotKind::kMaybeObjectPointer;
} else {
kind = ObjectSlotKind::kNoPointer;
DCHECK(slots->at(slot_index) == ObjectSlotKind::kNoPointer);
slots->at(slot_index) = kind;
offset += field_size;
} // namespace
std::vector<ObjectSlotKind> ClassType::ComputeHeaderSlotKinds() const {
std::vector<ObjectSlotKind> result;
std::vector<Field> header_fields = ComputeHeaderFields();
ComputeSlotKindsHelper(&result, 0, header_fields);
DCHECK_EQ(std::ceil(static_cast<double>(header_size()) /
return result;
base::Optional<ObjectSlotKind> ClassType::ComputeArraySlotKind() const {
std::vector<ObjectSlotKind> kinds;
ComputeSlotKindsHelper(&kinds, 0, ComputeArrayFields());
if (kinds.empty()) return base::nullopt;
std::sort(kinds.begin(), kinds.end());
if (kinds.front() == kinds.back()) return {kinds.front()};
if (kinds.front() == ObjectSlotKind::kStrongPointer &&
kinds.back() == ObjectSlotKind::kMaybeObjectPointer) {
return ObjectSlotKind::kMaybeObjectPointer;
Error("Array fields mix types with different GC visitation requirements.")
bool ClassType::HasNoPointerSlots() const {
for (ObjectSlotKind slot : ComputeHeaderSlotKinds()) {
if (slot != ObjectSlotKind::kNoPointer) return false;
if (auto slot = ComputeArraySlotKind()) {
if (*slot != ObjectSlotKind::kNoPointer) return false;
return true;
void ClassType::GenerateAccessors() {
// For each field, construct AST snippets that implement a CSA accessor
// function. The implementation iterator will turn the snippets into code.
for (auto& field : fields_) {
if (field.name_and_type.type == TypeOracle::GetVoidType()) {
CurrentSourcePosition::Scope position_activator(field.pos);
IdentifierExpression* parameter =
IdentifierExpression* index =
// Load accessor
std::string camel_field_name = CamelifyString(;
std::string load_macro_name = "Load" + this->name() + camel_field_name;
// For now, only generate indexed accessors for simple types
if (field.index.has_value() && field.name_and_type.type->IsStructType()) {
Signature load_signature;
if (field.index) {
load_signature.parameter_types.var_args = false;
load_signature.return_type = field.name_and_type.type;
Expression* load_expression = MakeNode<FieldAccessExpression>(
parameter, MakeNode<Identifier>(;
if (field.index) {
load_expression =
MakeNode<ElementAccessExpression>(load_expression, index);
Statement* load_body = MakeNode<ReturnStatement>(load_expression);
Declarations::DeclareMacro(load_macro_name, true, base::nullopt,
load_signature, load_body, base::nullopt);
// Store accessor
if (!field.const_qualified) {
IdentifierExpression* value = MakeNode<IdentifierExpression>(
std::vector<std::string>{}, MakeNode<Identifier>(std::string{"v"}));
std::string store_macro_name = "Store" + this->name() + camel_field_name;
Signature store_signature;
if (field.index) {
store_signature.parameter_types.var_args = false;
// TODO(danno): Store macros probably should return their value argument
store_signature.return_type = TypeOracle::GetVoidType();
Expression* store_expression = MakeNode<FieldAccessExpression>(
parameter, MakeNode<Identifier>(;
if (field.index) {
store_expression =
MakeNode<ElementAccessExpression>(store_expression, index);
Statement* store_body = MakeNode<ExpressionStatement>(
MakeNode<AssignmentExpression>(store_expression, value));
Declarations::DeclareMacro(store_macro_name, true, base::nullopt,
store_signature, store_body, base::nullopt,
bool ClassType::HasStaticSize() const {
// Abstract classes don't have instances directly, so asking this question
// doesn't make sense.
if (IsSubtypeOf(TypeOracle::GetJSObjectType()) && !IsShape()) return false;
return size().SingleValue().has_value();
void PrintSignature(std::ostream& os, const Signature& sig, bool with_names) {
os << "(";
for (size_t i = 0; i < sig.parameter_types.types.size(); ++i) {
if (i == 0 && sig.implicit_count != 0) os << "implicit ";
if (sig.implicit_count > 0 && sig.implicit_count == i) {
os << ")(";
} else {
if (i > 0) os << ", ";
if (with_names && !sig.parameter_names.empty()) {
if (i < sig.parameter_names.size()) {
os << sig.parameter_names[i] << ": ";
os << *sig.parameter_types.types[i];
if (sig.parameter_types.var_args) {
if (sig.parameter_names.size()) os << ", ";
os << "...";
os << ")";
os << ": " << *sig.return_type;
if (sig.labels.empty()) return;
os << " labels ";
for (size_t i = 0; i < sig.labels.size(); ++i) {
if (i > 0) os << ", ";
os << sig.labels[i].name;
if (sig.labels[i].types.size() > 0) os << "(" << sig.labels[i].types << ")";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const NameAndType& name_and_type) {
os <<;
os << ": ";
os << *name_and_type.type;
return os;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Field& field) {
os << field.name_and_type;
if (field.is_weak) {
os << " (weak)";
return os;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Signature& sig) {
PrintSignature(os, sig, true);
return os;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const TypeVector& types) {
PrintCommaSeparatedList(os, types);
return os;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ParameterTypes& p) {
PrintCommaSeparatedList(os, p.types);
if (p.var_args) {
if (p.types.size() > 0) os << ", ";
os << "...";
return os;
bool Signature::HasSameTypesAs(const Signature& other,
ParameterMode mode) const {
auto compare_types = types();
auto other_compare_types = other.types();
if (mode == ParameterMode::kIgnoreImplicit) {
compare_types = GetExplicitTypes();
other_compare_types = other.GetExplicitTypes();
if (!(compare_types == other_compare_types &&
parameter_types.var_args == other.parameter_types.var_args &&
return_type == other.return_type)) {
return false;
if (labels.size() != other.labels.size()) {
return false;
size_t i = 0;
for (const auto& l : labels) {
if (l.types != other.labels[i++].types) {
return false;
return true;
namespace {
bool FirstTypeIsContext(const std::vector<const Type*> parameter_types) {
return !parameter_types.empty() &&
parameter_types[0] == TypeOracle::GetContextType();
} // namespace
bool Signature::HasContextParameter() const {
return FirstTypeIsContext(types());
bool BuiltinPointerType::HasContextParameter() const {
return FirstTypeIsContext(parameter_types());
bool IsAssignableFrom(const Type* to, const Type* from) {
if (to == from) return true;
if (from->IsSubtypeOf(to)) return true;
return TypeOracle::ImplicitlyConvertableFrom(to, from).has_value();
bool operator<(const Type& a, const Type& b) { return <; }
VisitResult ProjectStructField(VisitResult structure,
const std::string& fieldname) {
BottomOffset begin = structure.stack_range().begin();
// Check constructor this super classes for fields.
const StructType* type = *structure.type()->StructSupertype();
auto& fields = type->fields();
for (auto& field : fields) {
BottomOffset end = begin + LoweredSlotCount(field.name_and_type.type);
if ( == fieldname) {
return VisitResult(field.name_and_type.type, StackRange{begin, end});
begin = end;
ReportError("struct '", type->name(), "' doesn't contain a field '",
fieldname, "'");
namespace {
void AppendLoweredTypes(const Type* type, std::vector<const Type*>* result) {
DCHECK_NE(type, TypeOracle::GetNeverType());
if (type->IsConstexpr()) return;
if (type == TypeOracle::GetVoidType()) return;
if (base::Optional<const StructType*> s = type->StructSupertype()) {
for (const Field& field : (*s)->fields()) {
AppendLoweredTypes(field.name_and_type.type, result);
} else {
} // namespace
TypeVector LowerType(const Type* type) {
TypeVector result;
AppendLoweredTypes(type, &result);
return result;
size_t LoweredSlotCount(const Type* type) { return LowerType(type).size(); }
TypeVector LowerParameterTypes(const TypeVector& parameters) {
std::vector<const Type*> result;
for (const Type* t : parameters) {
AppendLoweredTypes(t, &result);
return result;
TypeVector LowerParameterTypes(const ParameterTypes& parameter_types,
size_t arg_count) {
std::vector<const Type*> result = LowerParameterTypes(parameter_types.types);
for (size_t i = parameter_types.types.size(); i < arg_count; ++i) {
AppendLoweredTypes(TypeOracle::GetObjectType(), &result);
return result;
VisitResult VisitResult::NeverResult() {
VisitResult result;
result.type_ = TypeOracle::GetNeverType();
return result;
VisitResult VisitResult::TopTypeResult(std::string top_reason,
const Type* from_type) {
VisitResult result;
result.type_ = TypeOracle::GetTopType(std::move(top_reason), from_type);
return result;
std::tuple<size_t, std::string> Field::GetFieldSizeInformation() const {
auto optional = SizeOf(this->name_and_type.type);
if (optional.has_value()) {
return *optional;
Error("fields of type ", *name_and_type.type, " are not (yet) supported")
return std::make_tuple(0, "#no size");
size_t Type::AlignmentLog2() const {
if (parent()) return parent()->AlignmentLog2();
return TargetArchitecture::TaggedSize();
size_t AbstractType::AlignmentLog2() const {
size_t alignment;
if (this == TypeOracle::GetTaggedType()) {
alignment = TargetArchitecture::TaggedSize();
} else if (this == TypeOracle::GetRawPtrType()) {
alignment = TargetArchitecture::RawPtrSize();
} else if (this == TypeOracle::GetExternalPointerType()) {
alignment = TargetArchitecture::ExternalPointerSize();
} else if (this == TypeOracle::GetVoidType()) {
alignment = 1;
} else if (this == TypeOracle::GetInt8Type()) {
alignment = kUInt8Size;
} else if (this == TypeOracle::GetUint8Type()) {
alignment = kUInt8Size;
} else if (this == TypeOracle::GetInt16Type()) {
alignment = kUInt16Size;
} else if (this == TypeOracle::GetUint16Type()) {
alignment = kUInt16Size;
} else if (this == TypeOracle::GetInt32Type()) {
alignment = kInt32Size;
} else if (this == TypeOracle::GetUint32Type()) {
alignment = kInt32Size;
} else if (this == TypeOracle::GetFloat64Type()) {
alignment = kDoubleSize;
} else if (this == TypeOracle::GetIntPtrType()) {
alignment = TargetArchitecture::RawPtrSize();
} else if (this == TypeOracle::GetUIntPtrType()) {
alignment = TargetArchitecture::RawPtrSize();
} else {
return Type::AlignmentLog2();
alignment = std::min(alignment, TargetArchitecture::TaggedSize());
return base::bits::WhichPowerOfTwo(alignment);
size_t StructType::AlignmentLog2() const {
if (this == TypeOracle::GetFloat64OrHoleType()) {
return TypeOracle::GetFloat64Type()->AlignmentLog2();
size_t alignment_log_2 = 0;
for (const Field& field : fields()) {
alignment_log_2 =
std::max(alignment_log_2, field.name_and_type.type->AlignmentLog2());
return alignment_log_2;
void Field::ValidateAlignment(ResidueClass at_offset) const {
const Type* type = name_and_type.type;
base::Optional<const StructType*> struct_type = type->StructSupertype();
if (struct_type && struct_type != TypeOracle::GetFloat64OrHoleType()) {
for (const Field& field : (*struct_type)->fields()) {
size_t field_size = std::get<0>(field.GetFieldSizeInformation());
at_offset += field_size;
} else {
size_t alignment_log_2 = name_and_type.type->AlignmentLog2();
if (at_offset.AlignmentLog2() < alignment_log_2) {
Error("field ",, " at offset ", at_offset, " is not ",
size_t{1} << alignment_log_2, "-byte aligned.")
base::Optional<std::tuple<size_t, std::string>> SizeOf(const Type* type) {
std::string size_string;
size_t size;
if (type->IsSubtypeOf(TypeOracle::GetTaggedType())) {
size = TargetArchitecture::TaggedSize();
size_string = "kTaggedSize";
} else if (type->IsSubtypeOf(TypeOracle::GetRawPtrType())) {
size = TargetArchitecture::RawPtrSize();
size_string = "kSystemPointerSize";
} else if (type->IsSubtypeOf(TypeOracle::GetExternalPointerType())) {
size = TargetArchitecture::ExternalPointerSize();
size_string = "kExternalPointerSize";
} else if (type->IsSubtypeOf(TypeOracle::GetVoidType())) {
size = 0;
size_string = "0";
} else if (type->IsSubtypeOf(TypeOracle::GetInt8Type())) {
size = kUInt8Size;
size_string = "kUInt8Size";
} else if (type->IsSubtypeOf(TypeOracle::GetUint8Type())) {
size = kUInt8Size;
size_string = "kUInt8Size";
} else if (type->IsSubtypeOf(TypeOracle::GetInt16Type())) {
size = kUInt16Size;
size_string = "kUInt16Size";
} else if (type->IsSubtypeOf(TypeOracle::GetUint16Type())) {
size = kUInt16Size;
size_string = "kUInt16Size";
} else if (type->IsSubtypeOf(TypeOracle::GetInt32Type())) {
size = kInt32Size;
size_string = "kInt32Size";
} else if (type->IsSubtypeOf(TypeOracle::GetUint32Type())) {
size = kInt32Size;
size_string = "kInt32Size";
} else if (type->IsSubtypeOf(TypeOracle::GetFloat64Type())) {
size = kDoubleSize;
size_string = "kDoubleSize";
} else if (type->IsSubtypeOf(TypeOracle::GetIntPtrType())) {
size = TargetArchitecture::RawPtrSize();
size_string = "kIntptrSize";
} else if (type->IsSubtypeOf(TypeOracle::GetUIntPtrType())) {
size = TargetArchitecture::RawPtrSize();
size_string = "kIntptrSize";
} else if (auto struct_type = type->StructSupertype()) {
if (type == TypeOracle::GetFloat64OrHoleType()) {
size = kDoubleSize;
size_string = "kDoubleSize";
} else {
size = (*struct_type)->PackedSize();
size_string = std::to_string(size);
} else {
return {};
return std::make_tuple(size, size_string);
bool IsAnyUnsignedInteger(const Type* type) {
return type == TypeOracle::GetUint32Type() ||
type == TypeOracle::GetUint31Type() ||
type == TypeOracle::GetUint16Type() ||
type == TypeOracle::GetUint8Type() ||
type == TypeOracle::GetUIntPtrType();
bool IsAllowedAsBitField(const Type* type) {
if (type->IsBitFieldStructType()) {
// No nested bitfield structs for now. We could reconsider if there's a
// compelling use case.
return false;
// Any integer-ish type, including bools and enums which inherit from integer
// types, are allowed. Note, however, that we always zero-extend during
// decoding regardless of signedness.
return IsPointerSizeIntegralType(type) || Is32BitIntegralType(type);
bool IsPointerSizeIntegralType(const Type* type) {
return type->IsSubtypeOf(TypeOracle::GetUIntPtrType()) ||
bool Is32BitIntegralType(const Type* type) {
return type->IsSubtypeOf(TypeOracle::GetUint32Type()) ||
type->IsSubtypeOf(TypeOracle::GetInt32Type()) ||
base::Optional<NameAndType> ExtractSimpleFieldArraySize(
const ClassType& class_type, Expression* array_size) {
IdentifierExpression* identifier =
if (!identifier || !identifier->generic_arguments.empty() ||
return {};
if (!class_type.HasField(identifier->name->value)) return {};
return class_type.LookupField(identifier->name->value).name_and_type;
std::string Type::GetRuntimeType() const {
// TODO(tebbi): Other types are currently unsupported, since there the TNode
// types and the C++ runtime types disagree.
return GetGeneratedTNodeTypeName();
} // namespace torque
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8