blob: bb3bc34a58c9be043f95585b3d9f5fa979489635 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/codegen/tnode.h"
#include "src/compiler/feedback-source.h"
#include "src/compiler/js-graph.h"
#include "src/compiler/node.h"
#include "src/compiler/simplified-operator.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class JSGraph;
class Graph;
class Oddball;
// TODO(jgruber): Currently this is too permissive, but at least it lets us
// document which functions expect JS booleans. If a real Boolean type becomes
// possible in the future, use that instead.
using Boolean = Oddball;
namespace compiler {
class Schedule;
class BasicBlock;
V(BitcastFloat32ToInt32) \
V(BitcastFloat64ToInt64) \
V(BitcastInt32ToFloat32) \
V(BitcastWord32ToWord64) \
V(BitcastInt64ToFloat64) \
V(ChangeFloat32ToFloat64) \
V(ChangeFloat64ToInt32) \
V(ChangeFloat64ToInt64) \
V(ChangeFloat64ToUint32) \
V(ChangeInt32ToFloat64) \
V(ChangeInt32ToInt64) \
V(ChangeInt64ToFloat64) \
V(ChangeUint32ToFloat64) \
V(ChangeUint32ToUint64) \
V(Float64Abs) \
V(Float64ExtractHighWord32) \
V(Float64ExtractLowWord32) \
V(Float64SilenceNaN) \
V(RoundFloat64ToInt32) \
V(RoundInt32ToFloat32) \
V(TruncateFloat64ToFloat32) \
V(TruncateFloat64ToWord32) \
V(TruncateInt64ToInt32) \
V(Word32ReverseBytes) \
V(Float64Add) \
V(Float64Div) \
V(Float64Equal) \
V(Float64InsertHighWord32) \
V(Float64InsertLowWord32) \
V(Float64LessThan) \
V(Float64LessThanOrEqual) \
V(Float64Mod) \
V(Float64Sub) \
V(Int32Add) \
V(Int32LessThan) \
V(Int32LessThanOrEqual) \
V(Int32Mul) \
V(Int32Sub) \
V(Int64Sub) \
V(IntAdd) \
V(IntLessThan) \
V(IntMul) \
V(IntSub) \
V(Uint32LessThan) \
V(Uint32LessThanOrEqual) \
V(Uint64LessThan) \
V(Uint64LessThanOrEqual) \
V(UintLessThan) \
V(Word32And) \
V(Word32Equal) \
V(Word32Or) \
V(Word32Sar) \
V(Word32SarShiftOutZeros) \
V(Word32Shl) \
V(Word32Shr) \
V(Word32Xor) \
V(Word64And) \
V(Word64Equal) \
V(Word64Or) \
V(Word64Sar) \
V(Word64SarShiftOutZeros) \
V(Word64Shl) \
V(Word64Shr) \
V(WordAnd) \
V(WordEqual) \
V(WordOr) \
V(WordSar) \
V(WordSarShiftOutZeros) \
V(WordShl) \
V(WordShr) \
V(Int32AddWithOverflow) \
V(Int32Div) \
V(Int32Mod) \
V(Int32MulWithOverflow) \
V(Int32SubWithOverflow) \
V(Int64Div) \
V(Int64Mod) \
V(Uint32Div) \
V(Uint32Mod) \
V(Uint64Div) \
V(AllocateInOldGenerationStub, Code) \
V(AllocateInYoungGenerationStub, Code) \
V(AllocateRegularInOldGenerationStub, Code) \
V(AllocateRegularInYoungGenerationStub, Code) \
V(BigIntMap, Map) \
V(BooleanMap, Map) \
V(EmptyString, String) \
V(False, Boolean) \
V(FixedArrayMap, Map) \
V(FixedDoubleArrayMap, Map) \
V(WeakFixedArrayMap, Map) \
V(HeapNumberMap, Map) \
V(MinusOne, Number) \
V(NaN, Number) \
V(NoContext, Object) \
V(Null, Oddball) \
V(One, Number) \
V(TheHole, Oddball) \
V(ToNumberBuiltin, Code) \
V(PlainPrimitiveToNumberBuiltin, Code) \
V(True, Boolean) \
V(Undefined, Oddball) \
V(Zero, Number)
class GraphAssembler;
enum class GraphAssemblerLabelType { kDeferred, kNonDeferred, kLoop };
// Label with statically known count of incoming branches and phis.
template <size_t VarCount>
class GraphAssemblerLabel {
Node* PhiAt(size_t index);
template <typename T>
TNode<T> PhiAt(size_t index) {
// TODO(jgruber): Investigate issues on ptr compression bots and enable.
// DCHECK(IsMachineRepresentationOf<T>(representations_[index]));
return TNode<T>::UncheckedCast(PhiAt(index));
GraphAssemblerLabel(GraphAssemblerLabelType type, BasicBlock* basic_block,
int loop_nesting_level,
const std::array<MachineRepresentation, VarCount>& reps)
: type_(type),
representations_(reps) {}
~GraphAssemblerLabel() { DCHECK(IsBound() || merged_count_ == 0); }
friend class GraphAssembler;
void SetBound() {
is_bound_ = true;
bool IsBound() const { return is_bound_; }
bool IsDeferred() const {
return type_ == GraphAssemblerLabelType::kDeferred;
bool IsLoop() const { return type_ == GraphAssemblerLabelType::kLoop; }
BasicBlock* basic_block() { return basic_block_; }
bool is_bound_ = false;
const GraphAssemblerLabelType type_;
BasicBlock* const basic_block_;
const int loop_nesting_level_;
size_t merged_count_ = 0;
Node* effect_;
Node* control_;
std::array<Node*, VarCount> bindings_;
const std::array<MachineRepresentation, VarCount> representations_;
using NodeChangedCallback = std::function<void(Node*)>;
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE GraphAssembler {
// Constructs a GraphAssembler. If {schedule} is not null, the graph assembler
// will maintain the schedule as it updates blocks.
MachineGraph* jsgraph, Zone* zone,
base::Optional<NodeChangedCallback> node_changed_callback = base::nullopt,
Schedule* schedule = nullptr, bool mark_loop_exits = false);
virtual ~GraphAssembler();
void Reset(BasicBlock* block);
void InitializeEffectControl(Node* effect, Node* control);
// Create label.
template <typename... Reps>
GraphAssemblerLabel<sizeof...(Reps)> MakeLabelFor(
GraphAssemblerLabelType type, Reps... reps) {
std::array<MachineRepresentation, sizeof...(Reps)> reps_array = {reps...};
return MakeLabel<sizeof...(Reps)>(reps_array, type);
// As above, but with an std::array of machine representations.
template <int VarCount>
GraphAssemblerLabel<VarCount> MakeLabel(
std::array<MachineRepresentation, VarCount> reps_array,
GraphAssemblerLabelType type) {
return GraphAssemblerLabel<VarCount>(
type, NewBasicBlock(type == GraphAssemblerLabelType::kDeferred),
loop_nesting_level_, reps_array);
// Convenience wrapper for creating non-deferred labels.
template <typename... Reps>
GraphAssemblerLabel<sizeof...(Reps)> MakeLabel(Reps... reps) {
return MakeLabelFor(GraphAssemblerLabelType::kNonDeferred, reps...);
// Convenience wrapper for creating loop labels.
template <typename... Reps>
GraphAssemblerLabel<sizeof...(Reps)> MakeLoopLabel(Reps... reps) {
return MakeLabelFor(GraphAssemblerLabelType::kLoop, reps...);
// Convenience wrapper for creating deferred labels.
template <typename... Reps>
GraphAssemblerLabel<sizeof...(Reps)> MakeDeferredLabel(Reps... reps) {
return MakeLabelFor(GraphAssemblerLabelType::kDeferred, reps...);
// Value creation.
Node* IntPtrConstant(intptr_t value);
Node* UintPtrConstant(uintptr_t value);
Node* Uint32Constant(uint32_t value);
Node* Int32Constant(int32_t value);
Node* Int64Constant(int64_t value);
Node* UniqueIntPtrConstant(intptr_t value);
Node* Float64Constant(double value);
Node* Projection(int index, Node* value);
Node* ExternalConstant(ExternalReference ref);
Node* Parameter(int index);
Node* LoadFramePointer();
Node* LoadHeapNumberValue(Node* heap_number);
#define PURE_UNOP_DECL(Name) Node* Name(Node* input);
#define BINOP_DECL(Name) Node* Name(Node* left, Node* right);
Node* DebugBreak();
// Unreachable nodes are similar to Goto in that they reset effect/control to
// nullptr and it's thus not possible to append other nodes without first
// binding a new label.
// The block_updater_successor label is a crutch to work around block updater
// weaknesses (see the related comment in ConnectUnreachableToEnd); if the
// block updater exists, we cannot connect unreachable to end, instead we
// must preserve the Goto pattern.
Node* Unreachable(GraphAssemblerLabel<0u>* block_updater_successor = nullptr);
// This special variant doesn't connect the Unreachable node to end, and does
// not reset current effect/control. Intended only for special use-cases like
// lowering DeadValue.
Node* UnreachableWithoutConnectToEnd();
Node* IntPtrEqual(Node* left, Node* right);
Node* TaggedEqual(Node* left, Node* right);
Node* SmiSub(Node* left, Node* right);
Node* SmiLessThan(Node* left, Node* right);
Node* Float64RoundDown(Node* value);
Node* Float64RoundTruncate(Node* value);
Node* TruncateFloat64ToInt64(Node* value, TruncateKind kind);
Node* BitcastWordToTagged(Node* value);
Node* BitcastWordToTaggedSigned(Node* value);
Node* BitcastTaggedToWord(Node* value);
Node* BitcastTaggedToWordForTagAndSmiBits(Node* value);
Node* BitcastMaybeObjectToWord(Node* value);
Node* TypeGuard(Type type, Node* value);
Node* Checkpoint(FrameState frame_state);
TNode<RawPtrT> StackSlot(int size, int alignment);
Node* Store(StoreRepresentation rep, Node* object, Node* offset, Node* value);
Node* Store(StoreRepresentation rep, Node* object, int offset, Node* value);
Node* Load(MachineType type, Node* object, Node* offset);
Node* Load(MachineType type, Node* object, int offset);
Node* StoreUnaligned(MachineRepresentation rep, Node* object, Node* offset,
Node* value);
Node* LoadUnaligned(MachineType type, Node* object, Node* offset);
Node* ProtectedStore(MachineRepresentation rep, Node* object, Node* offset,
Node* value);
Node* ProtectedLoad(MachineType type, Node* object, Node* offset);
Node* Retain(Node* buffer);
Node* UnsafePointerAdd(Node* base, Node* external);
Node* Word32PoisonOnSpeculation(Node* value);
Node* DeoptimizeIf(
DeoptimizeReason reason, FeedbackSource const& feedback, Node* condition,
Node* frame_state,
IsSafetyCheck is_safety_check = IsSafetyCheck::kSafetyCheck);
Node* DeoptimizeIf(
DeoptimizeKind kind, DeoptimizeReason reason,
FeedbackSource const& feedback, Node* condition, Node* frame_state,
IsSafetyCheck is_safety_check = IsSafetyCheck::kSafetyCheck);
Node* DeoptimizeIfNot(
DeoptimizeKind kind, DeoptimizeReason reason,
FeedbackSource const& feedback, Node* condition, Node* frame_state,
IsSafetyCheck is_safety_check = IsSafetyCheck::kSafetyCheck);
Node* DeoptimizeIfNot(
DeoptimizeReason reason, FeedbackSource const& feedback, Node* condition,
Node* frame_state,
IsSafetyCheck is_safety_check = IsSafetyCheck::kSafetyCheck);
Node* DynamicCheckMapsWithDeoptUnless(Node* condition, Node* slot_index,
Node* map, Node* handler,
Node* frame_state);
TNode<Object> Call(const CallDescriptor* call_descriptor, int inputs_size,
Node** inputs);
TNode<Object> Call(const Operator* op, int inputs_size, Node** inputs);
template <typename... Args>
TNode<Object> Call(const CallDescriptor* call_descriptor, Node* first_arg,
Args... args);
template <typename... Args>
TNode<Object> Call(const Operator* op, Node* first_arg, Args... args);
void TailCall(const CallDescriptor* call_descriptor, int inputs_size,
Node** inputs);
// Basic control operations.
template <size_t VarCount>
void Bind(GraphAssemblerLabel<VarCount>* label);
template <typename... Vars>
void Goto(GraphAssemblerLabel<sizeof...(Vars)>* label, Vars...);
// Branch hints are inferred from if_true/if_false deferred states.
void BranchWithCriticalSafetyCheck(Node* condition,
GraphAssemblerLabel<0u>* if_true,
GraphAssemblerLabel<0u>* if_false);
// Branch hints are inferred from if_true/if_false deferred states.
template <typename... Vars>
void Branch(Node* condition, GraphAssemblerLabel<sizeof...(Vars)>* if_true,
GraphAssemblerLabel<sizeof...(Vars)>* if_false, Vars...);
template <typename... Vars>
void BranchWithHint(Node* condition,
GraphAssemblerLabel<sizeof...(Vars)>* if_true,
GraphAssemblerLabel<sizeof...(Vars)>* if_false,
BranchHint hint, Vars...);
// Control helpers.
// {GotoIf(c, l, h)} is equivalent to {BranchWithHint(c, l, templ, h);
// Bind(templ)}.
template <typename... Vars>
void GotoIf(Node* condition, GraphAssemblerLabel<sizeof...(Vars)>* label,
BranchHint hint, Vars...);
// {GotoIfNot(c, l, h)} is equivalent to {BranchWithHint(c, templ, l, h);
// Bind(templ)}.
// The branch hint refers to the expected outcome of the provided condition,
// so {GotoIfNot(..., BranchHint::kTrue)} means "optimize for the case where
// the branch is *not* taken".
template <typename... Vars>
void GotoIfNot(Node* condition, GraphAssemblerLabel<sizeof...(Vars)>* label,
BranchHint hint, Vars...);
// {GotoIf(c, l)} is equivalent to {Branch(c, l, templ);Bind(templ)}.
template <typename... Vars>
void GotoIf(Node* condition, GraphAssemblerLabel<sizeof...(Vars)>* label,
// {GotoIfNot(c, l)} is equivalent to {Branch(c, templ, l);Bind(templ)}.
template <typename... Vars>
void GotoIfNot(Node* condition, GraphAssemblerLabel<sizeof...(Vars)>* label,
bool HasActiveBlock() const {
// This is false if the current block has been terminated (e.g. by a Goto or
// Unreachable). In that case, a new label must be bound before we can
// continue emitting nodes.
return control() != nullptr;
// Updates current effect and control based on outputs of {node}.
V8_INLINE void UpdateEffectControlWith(Node* node) {
if (node->op()->EffectOutputCount() > 0) {
effect_ = node;
if (node->op()->ControlOutputCount() > 0) {
control_ = node;
// Adds {node} to the current position and updates assembler's current effect
// and control.
Node* AddNode(Node* node);
template <typename T>
TNode<T> AddNode(Node* node) {
return TNode<T>::UncheckedCast(AddNode(node));
// Finalizes the {block} being processed by the assembler, returning the
// finalized block (which may be different from the original block).
BasicBlock* FinalizeCurrentBlock(BasicBlock* block);
void ConnectUnreachableToEnd();
Control control() const { return Control(control_); }
Effect effect() const { return Effect(effect_); }
class BasicBlockUpdater;
template <typename... Vars>
void MergeState(GraphAssemblerLabel<sizeof...(Vars)>* label, Vars... vars);
BasicBlock* NewBasicBlock(bool deferred);
void BindBasicBlock(BasicBlock* block);
void GotoBasicBlock(BasicBlock* block);
void GotoIfBasicBlock(BasicBlock* block, Node* branch,
IrOpcode::Value goto_if);
V8_INLINE Node* AddClonedNode(Node* node);
MachineGraph* mcgraph() const { return mcgraph_; }
Graph* graph() const { return mcgraph_->graph(); }
Zone* temp_zone() const { return temp_zone_; }
CommonOperatorBuilder* common() const { return mcgraph()->common(); }
MachineOperatorBuilder* machine() const { return mcgraph()->machine(); }
// Updates machinery for creating {LoopExit,LoopExitEffect,LoopExitValue}
// nodes on loop exits (which are necessary for loop peeling).
// All labels created while a LoopScope is live are considered to be inside
// the loop.
template <MachineRepresentation... Reps>
class V8_NODISCARD LoopScope final {
// The internal scope is only here to increment the graph assembler's
// nesting level prior to `loop_header_label` creation below.
class V8_NODISCARD LoopScopeInternal {
explicit LoopScopeInternal(GraphAssembler* gasm)
: previous_loop_nesting_level_(gasm->loop_nesting_level_),
gasm_(gasm) {
~LoopScopeInternal() {
DCHECK_EQ(gasm_->loop_nesting_level_, previous_loop_nesting_level_);
const int previous_loop_nesting_level_;
GraphAssembler* const gasm_;
explicit LoopScope(GraphAssembler* gasm)
: internal_scope_(gasm),
loop_header_label_(gasm->MakeLoopLabel(Reps...)) {
// This feature may only be used if it has been enabled.
~LoopScope() {
GraphAssemblerLabel<sizeof...(Reps)>* loop_header_label() {
return &loop_header_label_;
const LoopScopeInternal internal_scope_;
GraphAssembler* const gasm_;
GraphAssemblerLabel<sizeof...(Reps)> loop_header_label_;
// Upon destruction, restores effect and control to the state at construction.
class V8_NODISCARD RestoreEffectControlScope {
explicit RestoreEffectControlScope(GraphAssembler* gasm)
: gasm_(gasm), effect_(gasm->effect()), control_(gasm->control()) {}
~RestoreEffectControlScope() {
gasm_->effect_ = effect_;
gasm_->control_ = control_;
GraphAssembler* const gasm_;
const Effect effect_;
const Control control_;
template <typename... Vars>
void BranchImpl(Node* condition,
GraphAssemblerLabel<sizeof...(Vars)>* if_true,
GraphAssemblerLabel<sizeof...(Vars)>* if_false,
BranchHint hint, IsSafetyCheck is_safety_check, Vars...);
void RecordBranchInBlockUpdater(Node* branch, Node* if_true_control,
Node* if_false_control,
BasicBlock* if_true_block,
BasicBlock* if_false_block);
Zone* temp_zone_;
MachineGraph* mcgraph_;
Node* effect_;
Node* control_;
// {node_changed_callback_} should be called when a node outside the
// subgraph created by the graph assembler changes.
base::Optional<NodeChangedCallback> node_changed_callback_;
std::unique_ptr<BasicBlockUpdater> block_updater_;
// Track loop information in order to properly mark loop exits with
// {LoopExit,LoopExitEffect,LoopExitValue} nodes. The outermost level has
// a nesting level of 0. See also GraphAssembler::LoopScope.
int loop_nesting_level_ = 0;
ZoneVector<Node**> loop_headers_;
// Feature configuration. As more features are added, this should be turned
// into a bitfield.
const bool mark_loop_exits_;
template <size_t VarCount>
Node* GraphAssemblerLabel<VarCount>::PhiAt(size_t index) {
DCHECK_LT(index, VarCount);
return bindings_[index];
template <typename... Vars>
void GraphAssembler::MergeState(GraphAssemblerLabel<sizeof...(Vars)>* label,
Vars... vars) {
RestoreEffectControlScope restore_effect_control_scope(this);
const int merged_count = static_cast<int>(label->merged_count_);
static constexpr int kVarCount = sizeof...(vars);
std::array<Node*, kVarCount> var_array = {vars...};
const bool is_loop_exit = label->loop_nesting_level_ != loop_nesting_level_;
if (is_loop_exit) {
// This feature may only be used if it has been enabled.
// Jumping from loops to loops not supported.
// Currently only the simple case of jumping one level is supported.
DCHECK_EQ(label->loop_nesting_level_, loop_nesting_level_ - 1);
// Mark this exit to enable loop peeling.
AddNode(graph()->NewNode(common()->LoopExit(), control(),
AddNode(graph()->NewNode(common()->LoopExitEffect(), effect(), control()));
for (size_t i = 0; i < kVarCount; i++) {
var_array[i] = AddNode(graph()->NewNode(
common()->LoopExitValue(MachineRepresentation::kTagged), var_array[i],
if (label->IsLoop()) {
if (merged_count == 0) {
label->control_ =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Loop(2), control(), control());
label->effect_ = graph()->NewNode(common()->EffectPhi(2), effect(),
effect(), label->control_);
Node* terminate = graph()->NewNode(common()->Terminate(), label->effect_,
NodeProperties::MergeControlToEnd(graph(), common(), terminate);
for (size_t i = 0; i < kVarCount; i++) {
label->bindings_[i] =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Phi(label->representations_[i], 2),
var_array[i], var_array[i], label->control_);
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(1, merged_count);
label->control_->ReplaceInput(1, control());
label->effect_->ReplaceInput(1, effect());
for (size_t i = 0; i < kVarCount; i++) {
label->bindings_[i]->ReplaceInput(1, var_array[i]);
CHECK(!NodeProperties::IsTyped(var_array[i])); // Unsupported.
} else {
if (merged_count == 0) {
// Just set the control, effect and variables directly.
label->control_ = control();
label->effect_ = effect();
for (size_t i = 0; i < kVarCount; i++) {
label->bindings_[i] = var_array[i];
} else if (merged_count == 1) {
// Create merge, effect phi and a phi for each variable.
label->control_ =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Merge(2), label->control_, control());
label->effect_ = graph()->NewNode(common()->EffectPhi(2), label->effect_,
effect(), label->control_);
for (size_t i = 0; i < kVarCount; i++) {
label->bindings_[i] = graph()->NewNode(
common()->Phi(label->representations_[i], 2), label->bindings_[i],
var_array[i], label->control_);
} else {
// Append to the merge, effect phi and phis.
DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kMerge, label->control_->opcode());
label->control_->AppendInput(graph()->zone(), control());
common()->Merge(merged_count + 1));
DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kEffectPhi, label->effect_->opcode());
label->effect_->ReplaceInput(merged_count, effect());
label->effect_->AppendInput(graph()->zone(), label->control_);
common()->EffectPhi(merged_count + 1));
for (size_t i = 0; i < kVarCount; i++) {
DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kPhi, label->bindings_[i]->opcode());
label->bindings_[i]->ReplaceInput(merged_count, var_array[i]);
label->bindings_[i]->AppendInput(graph()->zone(), label->control_);
common()->Phi(label->representations_[i], merged_count + 1));
if (NodeProperties::IsTyped(label->bindings_[i])) {
Type old_type = NodeProperties::GetType(label->bindings_[i]);
Type new_type = Type::Union(
old_type, NodeProperties::GetType(var_array[i]), graph()->zone());
NodeProperties::SetType(label->bindings_[i], new_type);
template <size_t VarCount>
void GraphAssembler::Bind(GraphAssemblerLabel<VarCount>* label) {
DCHECK_LT(0, label->merged_count_);
DCHECK_EQ(label->loop_nesting_level_, loop_nesting_level_);
control_ = label->control_;
effect_ = label->effect_;
if (label->merged_count_ > 1 || label->IsLoop()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < VarCount; i++) {
} else {
// If the basic block does not have a control node, insert a dummy
// Merge node, so that other passes have a control node to start from.
control_ = AddNode(graph()->NewNode(common()->Merge(1), control()));
template <typename... Vars>
void GraphAssembler::Branch(Node* condition,
GraphAssemblerLabel<sizeof...(Vars)>* if_true,
GraphAssemblerLabel<sizeof...(Vars)>* if_false,
Vars... vars) {
BranchHint hint = BranchHint::kNone;
if (if_true->IsDeferred() != if_false->IsDeferred()) {
hint = if_false->IsDeferred() ? BranchHint::kTrue : BranchHint::kFalse;
BranchImpl(condition, if_true, if_false, hint, IsSafetyCheck::kNoSafetyCheck,
template <typename... Vars>
void GraphAssembler::BranchWithHint(
Node* condition, GraphAssemblerLabel<sizeof...(Vars)>* if_true,
GraphAssemblerLabel<sizeof...(Vars)>* if_false, BranchHint hint,
Vars... vars) {
BranchImpl(condition, if_true, if_false, hint, IsSafetyCheck::kNoSafetyCheck,
template <typename... Vars>
void GraphAssembler::BranchImpl(Node* condition,
GraphAssemblerLabel<sizeof...(Vars)>* if_true,
GraphAssemblerLabel<sizeof...(Vars)>* if_false,
BranchHint hint, IsSafetyCheck is_safety_check,
Vars... vars) {
Node* branch = graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(hint, is_safety_check),
condition, control());
Node* if_true_control = control_ =
graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), branch);
MergeState(if_true, vars...);
Node* if_false_control = control_ =
graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), branch);
MergeState(if_false, vars...);
if (block_updater_) {
RecordBranchInBlockUpdater(branch, if_true_control, if_false_control,
if_true->basic_block(), if_false->basic_block());
control_ = nullptr;
effect_ = nullptr;
template <typename... Vars>
void GraphAssembler::Goto(GraphAssemblerLabel<sizeof...(Vars)>* label,
Vars... vars) {
MergeState(label, vars...);
control_ = nullptr;
effect_ = nullptr;
template <typename... Vars>
void GraphAssembler::GotoIf(Node* condition,
GraphAssemblerLabel<sizeof...(Vars)>* label,
BranchHint hint, Vars... vars) {
Node* branch = graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(hint), condition, control());
control_ = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), branch);
MergeState(label, vars...);
GotoIfBasicBlock(label->basic_block(), branch, IrOpcode::kIfTrue);
control_ = AddNode(graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), branch));
template <typename... Vars>
void GraphAssembler::GotoIfNot(Node* condition,
GraphAssemblerLabel<sizeof...(Vars)>* label,
BranchHint hint, Vars... vars) {
Node* branch = graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(hint), condition, control());
control_ = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), branch);
MergeState(label, vars...);
GotoIfBasicBlock(label->basic_block(), branch, IrOpcode::kIfFalse);
control_ = AddNode(graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), branch));
template <typename... Vars>
void GraphAssembler::GotoIf(Node* condition,
GraphAssemblerLabel<sizeof...(Vars)>* label,
Vars... vars) {
BranchHint hint =
label->IsDeferred() ? BranchHint::kFalse : BranchHint::kNone;
return GotoIf(condition, label, hint, vars...);
template <typename... Vars>
void GraphAssembler::GotoIfNot(Node* condition,
GraphAssemblerLabel<sizeof...(Vars)>* label,
Vars... vars) {
BranchHint hint = label->IsDeferred() ? BranchHint::kTrue : BranchHint::kNone;
return GotoIfNot(condition, label, hint, vars...);
template <typename... Args>
TNode<Object> GraphAssembler::Call(const CallDescriptor* call_descriptor,
Node* first_arg, Args... args) {
const Operator* op = common()->Call(call_descriptor);
return Call(op, first_arg, args...);
template <typename... Args>
TNode<Object> GraphAssembler::Call(const Operator* op, Node* first_arg,
Args... args) {
Node* args_array[] = {first_arg, args..., effect(), control()};
int size = static_cast<int>(1 + sizeof...(args)) + op->EffectInputCount() +
return Call(op, size, args_array);
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE JSGraphAssembler : public GraphAssembler {
// Constructs a JSGraphAssembler. If {schedule} is not null, the graph
// assembler will maintain the schedule as it updates blocks.
JSGraph* jsgraph, Zone* zone,
base::Optional<NodeChangedCallback> node_changed_callback = base::nullopt,
Schedule* schedule = nullptr, bool mark_loop_exits = false)
: GraphAssembler(jsgraph, zone, node_changed_callback, schedule,
jsgraph_(jsgraph) {}
Node* SmiConstant(int32_t value);
TNode<HeapObject> HeapConstant(Handle<HeapObject> object);
TNode<Object> Constant(const ObjectRef& ref);
TNode<Number> NumberConstant(double value);
Node* CEntryStubConstant(int result_size);
#define SINGLETON_CONST_DECL(Name, Type) TNode<Type> Name##Constant();
#define SINGLETON_CONST_TEST_DECL(Name, ...) \
TNode<Boolean> Is##Name(TNode<Object> value);
Node* Allocate(AllocationType allocation, Node* size);
Node* LoadField(FieldAccess const&, Node* object);
template <typename T>
TNode<T> LoadField(FieldAccess const& access, TNode<HeapObject> object) {
// TODO(jgruber): Investigate issues on ptr compression bots and enable.
// DCHECK(IsMachineRepresentationOf<T>(
// access.machine_type.representation()));
return TNode<T>::UncheckedCast(LoadField(access, object));
Node* LoadElement(ElementAccess const&, Node* object, Node* index);
template <typename T>
TNode<T> LoadElement(ElementAccess const& access, TNode<HeapObject> object,
TNode<Number> index) {
// TODO(jgruber): Investigate issues on ptr compression bots and enable.
// DCHECK(IsMachineRepresentationOf<T>(
// access.machine_type.representation()));
return TNode<T>::UncheckedCast(LoadElement(access, object, index));
Node* StoreField(FieldAccess const&, Node* object, Node* value);
Node* StoreElement(ElementAccess const&, Node* object, Node* index,
Node* value);
void TransitionAndStoreElement(MapRef double_map, MapRef fast_map,
TNode<HeapObject> object, TNode<Number> index,
TNode<Object> value);
TNode<Number> StringLength(TNode<String> string);
TNode<Boolean> ReferenceEqual(TNode<Object> lhs, TNode<Object> rhs);
TNode<Number> PlainPrimitiveToNumber(TNode<Object> value);
TNode<Number> NumberMin(TNode<Number> lhs, TNode<Number> rhs);
TNode<Number> NumberMax(TNode<Number> lhs, TNode<Number> rhs);
TNode<Boolean> NumberLessThan(TNode<Number> lhs, TNode<Number> rhs);
TNode<Boolean> NumberLessThanOrEqual(TNode<Number> lhs, TNode<Number> rhs);
TNode<Number> NumberAdd(TNode<Number> lhs, TNode<Number> rhs);
TNode<Number> NumberSubtract(TNode<Number> lhs, TNode<Number> rhs);
TNode<String> StringSubstring(TNode<String> string, TNode<Number> from,
TNode<Number> to);
TNode<Boolean> ObjectIsCallable(TNode<Object> value);
TNode<Boolean> ObjectIsUndetectable(TNode<Object> value);
Node* CheckIf(Node* cond, DeoptimizeReason reason);
TNode<Boolean> NumberIsFloat64Hole(TNode<Number> value);
TNode<Boolean> ToBoolean(TNode<Object> value);
TNode<Object> ConvertTaggedHoleToUndefined(TNode<Object> value);
TNode<FixedArrayBase> MaybeGrowFastElements(ElementsKind kind,
const FeedbackSource& feedback,
TNode<JSArray> array,
TNode<FixedArrayBase> elements,
TNode<Number> new_length,
TNode<Number> old_length);
JSGraph* jsgraph() const { return jsgraph_; }
Isolate* isolate() const { return jsgraph()->isolate(); }
SimplifiedOperatorBuilder* simplified() const {
return jsgraph()->simplified();
Operator const* PlainPrimitiveToNumberOperator();
JSGraph* jsgraph_;
SetOncePointer<Operator const> to_number_operator_;
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8