blob: 32b09dddbc8d0ce8bdca3be308c56a8b94416672 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/base/compiler-specific.h"
#include "src/base/optional.h"
#include "src/common/globals.h"
#include "src/compiler/access-info.h"
#include "src/compiler/feedback-source.h"
#include "src/compiler/globals.h"
#include "src/compiler/processed-feedback.h"
#include "src/compiler/refs-map.h"
#include "src/compiler/serializer-hints.h"
#include "src/execution/local-isolate.h"
#include "src/handles/handles.h"
#include "src/handles/persistent-handles.h"
#include "src/heap/local-heap.h"
#include "src/heap/parked-scope.h"
#include "src/interpreter/bytecode-array-iterator.h"
#include "src/objects/code-kind.h"
#include "src/objects/feedback-vector.h"
#include "src/objects/function-kind.h"
#include "src/objects/objects.h"
#include "src/utils/address-map.h"
#include "src/utils/identity-map.h"
#include "src/utils/ostreams.h"
#include "src/zone/zone-containers.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace compiler {
class ObjectRef;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ObjectRef& ref);
#define TRACE_BROKER(broker, x) \
do { \
if (broker->tracing_enabled() && FLAG_trace_heap_broker_verbose) \
StdoutStream{} << broker->Trace() << x << '\n'; \
} while (false)
#define TRACE_BROKER_MEMORY(broker, x) \
do { \
if (broker->tracing_enabled() && FLAG_trace_heap_broker_memory) \
StdoutStream{} << broker->Trace() << x << std::endl; \
} while (false)
#define TRACE_BROKER_MISSING(broker, x) \
do { \
if (broker->tracing_enabled()) \
StdoutStream{} << broker->Trace() << "Missing " << x << " (" << __FILE__ \
<< ":" << __LINE__ << ")" << std::endl; \
} while (false)
struct PropertyAccessTarget {
MapRef map;
NameRef name;
AccessMode mode;
struct Hash {
size_t operator()(const PropertyAccessTarget& pair) const {
return base::hash_combine(
struct Equal {
bool operator()(const PropertyAccessTarget& lhs,
const PropertyAccessTarget& rhs) const {
return && &&
lhs.mode == rhs.mode;
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE JSHeapBroker {
JSHeapBroker(Isolate* isolate, Zone* broker_zone, bool tracing_enabled,
bool is_concurrent_inlining, CodeKind code_kind);
// For use only in tests, sets default values for some arguments. Avoids
// churn when new flags are added.
JSHeapBroker(Isolate* isolate, Zone* broker_zone)
: JSHeapBroker(isolate, broker_zone, FLAG_trace_heap_broker, false,
CodeKind::TURBOFAN) {}
// The compilation target's native context. We need the setter because at
// broker construction time we don't yet have the canonical handle.
NativeContextRef target_native_context() const {
return target_native_context_.value();
void SetTargetNativeContextRef(Handle<NativeContext> native_context);
void InitializeAndStartSerializing(Handle<NativeContext> native_context);
Isolate* isolate() const { return isolate_; }
Zone* zone() const { return zone_; }
bool tracing_enabled() const { return tracing_enabled_; }
bool is_concurrent_inlining() const { return is_concurrent_inlining_; }
bool is_isolate_bootstrapping() const { return is_isolate_bootstrapping_; }
bool is_native_context_independent() const {
return code_kind_ == CodeKind::NATIVE_CONTEXT_INDEPENDENT;
bool generate_full_feedback_collection() const {
// NCI code currently collects full feedback.
return is_native_context_independent();
bool is_turboprop() const { return code_kind_ == CodeKind::TURBOPROP; }
NexusConfig feedback_nexus_config() const {
// TODO(mvstanton): when the broker gathers feedback on the background
// thread, this should return a local NexusConfig object which points
// to the associated LocalHeap.
return NexusConfig::FromMainThread(isolate());
enum BrokerMode { kDisabled, kSerializing, kSerialized, kRetired };
BrokerMode mode() const { return mode_; }
void StopSerializing();
void Retire();
bool SerializingAllowed() const;
// Remember the local isolate and initialize its local heap with the
// persistent and canonical handles provided by {info}.
void AttachLocalIsolate(OptimizedCompilationInfo* info,
LocalIsolate* local_isolate);
// Forget about the local isolate and pass the persistent and canonical
// handles provided back to {info}. {info} is responsible for disposing of
// them.
void DetachLocalIsolate(OptimizedCompilationInfo* info);
bool StackHasOverflowed() const;
#ifdef DEBUG
void PrintRefsAnalysis() const;
#endif // DEBUG
// Retruns the handle from root index table for read only heap objects.
Handle<Object> GetRootHandle(Object object);
// Never returns nullptr.
ObjectData* GetOrCreateData(
ObjectRef::BackgroundSerialization background_serialization =
// Like the previous but wraps argument in handle first (for convenience).
ObjectData* GetOrCreateData(
Object, ObjectRef::BackgroundSerialization background_serialization =
// Gets data only if we have it. However, thin wrappers will be created for
// smis, read-only objects and never-serialized objects.
ObjectData* TryGetOrCreateData(
Handle<Object>, bool crash_on_error = false,
ObjectRef::BackgroundSerialization background_serialization =
// Check if {object} is any native context's %ArrayPrototype% or
// %ObjectPrototype%.
bool IsArrayOrObjectPrototype(const JSObjectRef& object) const;
bool HasFeedback(FeedbackSource const& source) const;
void SetFeedback(FeedbackSource const& source,
ProcessedFeedback const* feedback);
ProcessedFeedback const& GetFeedback(FeedbackSource const& source) const;
FeedbackSlotKind GetFeedbackSlotKind(FeedbackSource const& source) const;
// TODO(neis): Move these into serializer when we're always in the background.
ElementAccessFeedback const& ProcessFeedbackMapsForElementAccess(
MapHandles const& maps, KeyedAccessMode const& keyed_mode,
FeedbackSlotKind slot_kind);
// Binary, comparison and for-in hints can be fully expressed via
// an enum. Insufficient feedback is signaled by <Hint enum>::kNone.
BinaryOperationHint GetFeedbackForBinaryOperation(
FeedbackSource const& source);
CompareOperationHint GetFeedbackForCompareOperation(
FeedbackSource const& source);
ForInHint GetFeedbackForForIn(FeedbackSource const& source);
ProcessedFeedback const& GetFeedbackForCall(FeedbackSource const& source);
ProcessedFeedback const& GetFeedbackForGlobalAccess(
FeedbackSource const& source);
ProcessedFeedback const& GetFeedbackForInstanceOf(
FeedbackSource const& source);
ProcessedFeedback const& GetFeedbackForArrayOrObjectLiteral(
FeedbackSource const& source);
ProcessedFeedback const& GetFeedbackForRegExpLiteral(
FeedbackSource const& source);
ProcessedFeedback const& GetFeedbackForTemplateObject(
FeedbackSource const& source);
ProcessedFeedback const& GetFeedbackForPropertyAccess(
FeedbackSource const& source, AccessMode mode,
base::Optional<NameRef> static_name);
ProcessedFeedback const& ProcessFeedbackForBinaryOperation(
FeedbackSource const& source);
ProcessedFeedback const& ProcessFeedbackForCall(FeedbackSource const& source);
ProcessedFeedback const& ProcessFeedbackForCompareOperation(
FeedbackSource const& source);
ProcessedFeedback const& ProcessFeedbackForForIn(
FeedbackSource const& source);
ProcessedFeedback const& ProcessFeedbackForGlobalAccess(
FeedbackSource const& source);
ProcessedFeedback const& ProcessFeedbackForInstanceOf(
FeedbackSource const& source);
ProcessedFeedback const& ProcessFeedbackForPropertyAccess(
FeedbackSource const& source, AccessMode mode,
base::Optional<NameRef> static_name);
ProcessedFeedback const& ProcessFeedbackForArrayOrObjectLiteral(
FeedbackSource const& source);
ProcessedFeedback const& ProcessFeedbackForRegExpLiteral(
FeedbackSource const& source);
ProcessedFeedback const& ProcessFeedbackForTemplateObject(
FeedbackSource const& source);
bool FeedbackIsInsufficient(FeedbackSource const& source) const;
base::Optional<NameRef> GetNameFeedback(FeedbackNexus const& nexus);
// If {policy} is {kAssumeSerialized} and the broker doesn't know about the
// combination of {map}, {name}, and {access_mode}, returns Invalid.
PropertyAccessInfo GetPropertyAccessInfo(
MapRef map, NameRef name, AccessMode access_mode,
CompilationDependencies* dependencies = nullptr,
SerializationPolicy policy = SerializationPolicy::kAssumeSerialized);
MinimorphicLoadPropertyAccessInfo GetPropertyAccessInfo(
MinimorphicLoadPropertyAccessFeedback const& feedback,
FeedbackSource const& source,
SerializationPolicy policy = SerializationPolicy::kAssumeSerialized);
StringRef GetTypedArrayStringTag(ElementsKind kind);
bool ShouldBeSerializedForCompilation(const SharedFunctionInfoRef& shared,
const FeedbackVectorRef& feedback,
const HintsVector& arguments) const;
void SetSerializedForCompilation(const SharedFunctionInfoRef& shared,
const FeedbackVectorRef& feedback,
const HintsVector& arguments);
bool IsSerializedForCompilation(const SharedFunctionInfoRef& shared,
const FeedbackVectorRef& feedback) const;
bool IsMainThread() const {
return local_isolate() == nullptr || local_isolate()->is_main_thread();
LocalIsolate* local_isolate() const { return local_isolate_; }
// Return the corresponding canonical persistent handle for {object}. Create
// one if it does not exist.
// If we have the canonical map, we can create the canonical & persistent
// handle through it. This commonly happens during the Execute phase.
// If we don't, that means we are calling this method from serialization. If
// that happens, we should be inside a canonical and a persistent handle
// scope. Then, we would just use the regular handle creation.
template <typename T>
Handle<T> CanonicalPersistentHandle(T object) {
if (canonical_handles_) {
Address address = object.ptr();
if (Internals::HasHeapObjectTag(address)) {
RootIndex root_index;
if (root_index_map_.Lookup(address, &root_index)) {
return Handle<T>(isolate_->root_handle(root_index).location());
Object obj(address);
auto find_result = canonical_handles_->FindOrInsert(obj);
if (!find_result.already_exists) {
// Allocate new PersistentHandle if one wasn't created before.
*find_result.entry =
return Handle<T>(*find_result.entry);
} else {
return Handle<T>(object, isolate());
template <typename T>
Handle<T> CanonicalPersistentHandle(Handle<T> object) {
return CanonicalPersistentHandle<T>(*object);
// Find the corresponding handle in the CanonicalHandlesMap. The entry must be
// found.
template <typename T>
Handle<T> FindCanonicalPersistentHandleForTesting(Object object) {
Address** entry = canonical_handles_->Find(object);
return Handle<T>(*entry);
// Set the persistent handles and copy the canonical handles over to the
// JSHeapBroker.
void SetPersistentAndCopyCanonicalHandlesForTesting(
std::unique_ptr<PersistentHandles> persistent_handles,
std::unique_ptr<CanonicalHandlesMap> canonical_handles);
std::string Trace() const;
void IncrementTracingIndentation();
void DecrementTracingIndentation();
RootIndexMap const& root_index_map() { return root_index_map_; }
friend class HeapObjectRef;
friend class ObjectRef;
friend class ObjectData;
friend class PropertyCellData;
// If this returns false, the object is guaranteed to be fully initialized and
// thus safe to read from a memory safety perspective. The converse does not
// necessarily hold.
bool ObjectMayBeUninitialized(Handle<Object> object) const;
bool CanUseFeedback(const FeedbackNexus& nexus) const;
const ProcessedFeedback& NewInsufficientFeedback(FeedbackSlotKind kind) const;
// Bottleneck FeedbackNexus access here, for storage in the broker
// or on-the-fly usage elsewhere in the compiler.
ProcessedFeedback const& ReadFeedbackForArrayOrObjectLiteral(
FeedbackSource const& source);
ProcessedFeedback const& ReadFeedbackForBinaryOperation(
FeedbackSource const& source) const;
ProcessedFeedback const& ReadFeedbackForCall(FeedbackSource const& source);
ProcessedFeedback const& ReadFeedbackForCompareOperation(
FeedbackSource const& source) const;
ProcessedFeedback const& ReadFeedbackForForIn(
FeedbackSource const& source) const;
ProcessedFeedback const& ReadFeedbackForGlobalAccess(
FeedbackSource const& source);
ProcessedFeedback const& ReadFeedbackForInstanceOf(
FeedbackSource const& source);
ProcessedFeedback const& ReadFeedbackForPropertyAccess(
FeedbackSource const& source, AccessMode mode,
base::Optional<NameRef> static_name);
ProcessedFeedback const& ReadFeedbackForRegExpLiteral(
FeedbackSource const& source);
ProcessedFeedback const& ReadFeedbackForTemplateObject(
FeedbackSource const& source);
void CollectArrayAndObjectPrototypes();
PerIsolateCompilerCache* compiler_cache() const { return compiler_cache_; }
void set_persistent_handles(
std::unique_ptr<PersistentHandles> persistent_handles) {
ph_ = std::move(persistent_handles);
std::unique_ptr<PersistentHandles> DetachPersistentHandles() {
return std::move(ph_);
void set_canonical_handles(
std::unique_ptr<CanonicalHandlesMap> canonical_handles) {
canonical_handles_ = std::move(canonical_handles);
std::unique_ptr<CanonicalHandlesMap> DetachCanonicalHandles() {
return std::move(canonical_handles_);
// Copy the canonical handles over to the JSHeapBroker.
void CopyCanonicalHandlesForTesting(
std::unique_ptr<CanonicalHandlesMap> canonical_handles);
Isolate* const isolate_;
Zone* const zone_ = nullptr;
base::Optional<NativeContextRef> target_native_context_;
RefsMap* refs_;
RootIndexMap root_index_map_;
ZoneUnorderedSet<Handle<JSObject>, Handle<JSObject>::hash,
BrokerMode mode_ = kDisabled;
bool const tracing_enabled_;
bool const is_concurrent_inlining_;
bool const is_isolate_bootstrapping_;
CodeKind const code_kind_;
std::unique_ptr<PersistentHandles> ph_;
LocalIsolate* local_isolate_ = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<CanonicalHandlesMap> canonical_handles_;
unsigned trace_indentation_ = 0;
PerIsolateCompilerCache* compiler_cache_ = nullptr;
ZoneUnorderedMap<FeedbackSource, ProcessedFeedback const*,
FeedbackSource::Hash, FeedbackSource::Equal>
ZoneUnorderedMap<PropertyAccessTarget, PropertyAccessInfo,
PropertyAccessTarget::Hash, PropertyAccessTarget::Equal>
ZoneUnorderedMap<FeedbackSource, MinimorphicLoadPropertyAccessInfo,
FeedbackSource::Hash, FeedbackSource::Equal>
ZoneVector<ObjectData*> typed_array_string_tags_;
struct SerializedFunction {
SharedFunctionInfoRef shared;
FeedbackVectorRef feedback;
bool operator<(const SerializedFunction& other) const {
if (shared.object().address() < other.shared.object().address()) {
return true;
if (shared.object().address() == other.shared.object().address()) {
return feedback.object().address() <;
return false;
ZoneMultimap<SerializedFunction, HintsVector> serialized_functions_;
static const size_t kMaxSerializedFunctionsCacheSize = 200;
static const uint32_t kMinimalRefsBucketCount = 8; // must be power of 2
static const uint32_t kInitialRefsBucketCount = 1024; // must be power of 2
class V8_NODISCARD TraceScope {
TraceScope(JSHeapBroker* broker, const char* label)
: TraceScope(broker, static_cast<void*>(broker), label) {}
TraceScope(JSHeapBroker* broker, ObjectData* data, const char* label)
: TraceScope(broker, static_cast<void*>(data), label) {}
TraceScope(JSHeapBroker* broker, void* subject, const char* label)
: broker_(broker) {
TRACE_BROKER(broker_, "Running " << label << " on " << subject);
~TraceScope() { broker_->DecrementTracingIndentation(); }
JSHeapBroker* const broker_;
optionally_something) \
auto optionally_something_ = optionally_something; \
if (!optionally_something_) \
return NoChangeBecauseOfMissingData(broker(), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); \
something_var = *optionally_something_;
class Reduction;
Reduction NoChangeBecauseOfMissingData(JSHeapBroker* broker,
const char* function, int line);
// Miscellaneous definitions that should be moved elsewhere once concurrent
// compilation is finished.
bool CanInlineElementAccess(MapRef const& map);
// Scope that unparks the LocalHeap, if:
// a) We have a JSHeapBroker,
// b) Said JSHeapBroker has a LocalIsolate and thus a LocalHeap,
// c) Said LocalHeap has been parked and
// d) The given condition evaluates to true.
// Used, for example, when printing the graph with --trace-turbo with a
// previously parked LocalHeap.
class V8_NODISCARD UnparkedScopeIfNeeded {
explicit UnparkedScopeIfNeeded(JSHeapBroker* broker,
bool extra_condition = true) {
if (broker != nullptr && extra_condition) {
LocalIsolate* local_isolate = broker->local_isolate();
if (local_isolate != nullptr && local_isolate->heap()->IsParked()) {
base::Optional<UnparkedScope> unparked_scope;
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8