blob: 99d35fa642e8449e1ea0297bad568e0ca88a04ea [file] [log] [blame]
/* libSoX MP3 utilities Copyright (c) 2007-9 SoX contributors
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include <sys/stat.h>
static char const * id3tagmap[][2] =
{"TIT2", "Title"},
{"TPE1", "Artist"},
{"TALB", "Album"},
{"TRCK", "Tracknumber"},
{"TDRC", "Year"},
{"TCON", "Genre"},
{"COMM", "Comment"},
{"TPOS", "Discnumber"},
#endif /* USING_ID3TAG */
#if defined(HAVE_LAME)
static void write_comments(sox_format_t * ft)
priv_t *p = (priv_t *) ft->priv;
const char* comment;
p->id3tag_set_pad(p->gfp, (size_t)ID3PADDING);
/* Note: id3tag_set_fieldvalue is not present in LAME 3.97, so we're using
the 3.97-compatible methods for all of the tags that 3.97 supported. */
/* FIXME: This is no more necessary, since support for LAME 3.97 has ended. */
if ((comment = sox_find_comment(ft->oob.comments, "Title")))
p->id3tag_set_title(p->gfp, comment);
if ((comment = sox_find_comment(ft->oob.comments, "Artist")))
p->id3tag_set_artist(p->gfp, comment);
if ((comment = sox_find_comment(ft->oob.comments, "Album")))
p->id3tag_set_album(p->gfp, comment);
if ((comment = sox_find_comment(ft->oob.comments, "Tracknumber")))
p->id3tag_set_track(p->gfp, comment);
if ((comment = sox_find_comment(ft->oob.comments, "Year")))
p->id3tag_set_year(p->gfp, comment);
if ((comment = sox_find_comment(ft->oob.comments, "Comment")))
p->id3tag_set_comment(p->gfp, comment);
if ((comment = sox_find_comment(ft->oob.comments, "Genre")))
if (p->id3tag_set_genre(p->gfp, comment))
lsx_warn("\"%s\" is not a recognized ID3v1 genre.", comment);
if ((comment = sox_find_comment(ft->oob.comments, "Discnumber")))
char* id3tag_buf = lsx_malloc(strlen(comment) + 6);
if (id3tag_buf)
sprintf(id3tag_buf, "TPOS=%s", comment);
p->id3tag_set_fieldvalue(p->gfp, id3tag_buf);
#endif /* HAVE_LAME */
static id3_utf8_t * utf8_id3tag_findframe(
struct id3_tag * tag, const char * const frameid, unsigned index)
struct id3_frame const * frame = id3_tag_findframe(tag, frameid, index);
if (frame) {
union id3_field const * field = id3_frame_field(frame, 1);
unsigned nstrings = id3_field_getnstrings(field);
while (nstrings--){
id3_ucs4_t const * ucs4 = id3_field_getstrings(field, nstrings);
if (ucs4)
return id3_ucs4_utf8duplicate(ucs4); /* Must call free() on this */
return NULL;
struct tag_info_node
struct tag_info_node * next;
off_t start;
off_t end;
struct tag_info {
sox_format_t * ft;
struct tag_info_node * head;
struct id3_tag * tag;
static int add_tag(struct tag_info * info)
struct tag_info_node * current;
off_t start, end;
id3_byte_t query[ID3_TAG_QUERYSIZE];
id3_byte_t * buffer;
long size;
int result = 0;
/* Ensure we're at the start of a valid tag and get its size. */
if (ID3_TAG_QUERYSIZE != lsx_readbuf(info->ft, query, ID3_TAG_QUERYSIZE) ||
!(size = id3_tag_query(query, ID3_TAG_QUERYSIZE))) {
return 0;
if (size < 0) {
if (0 != lsx_seeki(info->ft, size, SEEK_CUR) ||
ID3_TAG_QUERYSIZE != lsx_readbuf(info->ft, query, ID3_TAG_QUERYSIZE) ||
(size = id3_tag_query(query, ID3_TAG_QUERYSIZE)) <= 0) {
return 0;
/* Don't read a tag more than once. */
start = lsx_tell(info->ft);
end = start + size;
for (current = info->head; current; current = current->next) {
if (start == current->start && end == current->end) {
return 1;
} else if (start < current->end && current->start < end) {
return 0;
buffer = lsx_malloc((size_t)size);
if (!buffer) {
return 0;
memcpy(buffer, query, ID3_TAG_QUERYSIZE);
if ((unsigned long)size - ID3_TAG_QUERYSIZE ==
lsx_readbuf(info->ft, buffer + ID3_TAG_QUERYSIZE, (size_t)size - ID3_TAG_QUERYSIZE)) {
struct id3_tag * tag = id3_tag_parse(buffer, (size_t)size);
if (tag) {
current = lsx_malloc(sizeof(struct tag_info_node));
if (current) {
current->next = info->head;
current->start = start;
current->end = end;
info->head = current;
if (info->tag && (info->tag->extendedflags & ID3_TAG_EXTENDEDFLAG_TAGISANUPDATE)) {
struct id3_frame * frame;
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; (frame = id3_tag_findframe(tag, NULL, i)); i++) {
id3_tag_attachframe(info->tag, frame);
} else {
if (info->tag) {
info->tag = tag;
return result;
static void read_comments(sox_format_t * ft)
struct tag_info info;
id3_utf8_t * utf8;
int i;
int has_id3v1 = 0;
info.ft = ft;
info.head = NULL;
info.tag = NULL;
We look for:
ID3v1 at end (EOF - 128).
ID3v2 at start.
ID3v2 at end (but before ID3v1 from end if there was one).
if (0 == lsx_seeki(ft, -128, SEEK_END)) {
has_id3v1 =
add_tag(&info) &&
1 == ID3_TAG_VERSION_MAJOR(id3_tag_version(info.tag));
if (0 == lsx_seeki(ft, 0, SEEK_SET)) {
if (0 == lsx_seeki(ft, has_id3v1 ? -138 : -10, SEEK_END)) {
if (info.tag && info.tag->frames) {
for (i = 0; id3tagmap[i][0]; ++i) {
if ((utf8 = utf8_id3tag_findframe(info.tag, id3tagmap[i][0], 0))) {
char * comment = lsx_malloc(strlen(id3tagmap[i][1]) + 1 + strlen((char *)utf8) + 1);
sprintf(comment, "%s=%s", id3tagmap[i][1], utf8);
sox_append_comment(&ft->oob.comments, comment);
if ((utf8 = utf8_id3tag_findframe(info.tag, "TLEN", 0))) {
unsigned long tlen = strtoul((char *)utf8, NULL, 10);
if (tlen > 0 && tlen < ULONG_MAX) {
ft->signal.length= tlen; /* In ms; convert to samples later */
lsx_debug("got exact duration from ID3 TLEN");
while (info.head) {
struct tag_info_node * head = info.head;
info.head = head->next;
if (info.tag) {
#endif /* USING_ID3TAG */
#ifdef HAVE_MAD_H
static unsigned long xing_frames(priv_t * p, struct mad_bitptr ptr, unsigned bitlen)
#define XING_MAGIC ( ('X' << 24) | ('i' << 16) | ('n' << 8) | 'g' )
if (bitlen >= 96 && p->mad_bit_read(&ptr, 32) == XING_MAGIC &&
(p->mad_bit_read(&ptr, 32) & 1 )) /* XING_FRAMES */
return p->mad_bit_read(&ptr, 32);
return 0;
static void mad_timer_mult(mad_timer_t * t, double d)
t->seconds = (signed long)(d *= (t->seconds + t->fraction * (1. / MAD_TIMER_RESOLUTION)));
t->fraction = (unsigned long)((d - t->seconds) * MAD_TIMER_RESOLUTION + .5);
static size_t mp3_duration_ms(sox_format_t * ft)
priv_t * p = (priv_t *) ft->priv;
struct mad_stream mad_stream;
struct mad_header mad_header;
struct mad_frame mad_frame;
mad_timer_t time = mad_timer_zero;
size_t initial_bitrate = 0; /* Initialised to prevent warning */
size_t tagsize = 0, consumed = 0, frames = 0;
sox_bool vbr = sox_false, depadded = sox_false;
do { /* Read data from the MP3 file */
int read, padding = 0;
size_t leftover = mad_stream.bufend - mad_stream.next_frame;
memmove(p->mp3_buffer, mad_stream.this_frame, leftover);
read = lsx_readbuf(ft, p->mp3_buffer + leftover, p->mp3_buffer_size - leftover);
if (read <= 0) {
lsx_debug("got exact duration by scan to EOF (frames=%" PRIuPTR " leftover=%" PRIuPTR ")", frames, leftover);
for (; !depadded && padding < read && !p->mp3_buffer[padding]; ++padding);
depadded = sox_true;
p->mad_stream_buffer(&mad_stream, p->mp3_buffer + padding, leftover + read - padding);
while (sox_true) { /* Decode frame headers */
mad_stream.error = MAD_ERROR_NONE;
if (p->mad_header_decode(&mad_header, &mad_stream) == -1) {
if (mad_stream.error == MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN)
break; /* Normal behaviour; get some more data from the file */
if (!MAD_RECOVERABLE(mad_stream.error)) {
lsx_warn("unrecoverable MAD error");
if (mad_stream.error == MAD_ERROR_LOSTSYNC) {
unsigned available = (mad_stream.bufend - mad_stream.this_frame);
tagsize = tagtype(mad_stream.this_frame, (size_t) available);
if (tagsize) { /* It's some ID3 tags, so just skip */
if (tagsize >= available) {
lsx_seeki(ft, (off_t)(tagsize - available), SEEK_CUR);
depadded = sox_false;
p->mad_stream_skip(&mad_stream, min(tagsize, available));
else lsx_warn("MAD lost sync");
else lsx_warn("recoverable MAD error");
continue; /* Not an audio frame */
p->mad_timer_add(&time, mad_header.duration);
consumed += mad_stream.next_frame - mad_stream.this_frame;
lsx_debug_more("bitrate=%lu", mad_header.bitrate);
if (!frames) {
initial_bitrate = mad_header.bitrate;
/* Get the precise frame count from the XING header if present */
mad_frame.header = mad_header;
if (p->mad_frame_decode(&mad_frame, &mad_stream) == -1)
if (!MAD_RECOVERABLE(mad_stream.error)) {
lsx_warn("unrecoverable MAD error");
if ((frames = xing_frames(p, mad_stream.anc_ptr, mad_stream.anc_bitlen))) {
p->mad_timer_multiply(&time, (signed long)frames);
lsx_debug("got exact duration from XING frame count (%" PRIuPTR ")", frames);
else vbr |= mad_header.bitrate != initial_bitrate;
/* If not VBR, we can time just a few frames then extrapolate */
if (++frames == 25 && !vbr) {
mad_timer_mult(&time, (double)(lsx_filelength(ft) - tagsize) / consumed);
lsx_debug("got approx. duration by CBR extrapolation");
} while (mad_stream.error == MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN);
return p->mad_timer_count(time, MAD_UNITS_MILLISECONDS);
#endif /* HAVE_MAD_H */