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#### 7.3 Actual Implementation {#h-07-03}
The C code below gives complete implementations of the encoder and decoder described above. While they are logically identical to the "bit-at-a-time" versions, they internally buffer a couple of extra bytes of the bitstream. This allows I/O to be done (more practically) a byte at a time and drastically reduces the number of carries the encoder has to propagate into the already-written data.
Another (logically equivalent) implementation may be found in the reference decoder files `dboolhuff.h` and `dboolhuff.c`.
/* Encoder first */
typedef struct {
uint8 *output; /* ptr to next byte to be written */
uint32 range; /* 128 <= range <= 255 */
uint32 bottom; /* minimum value of remaining output */
int bit_count; /* # of shifts before an output byte
is available */
} bool_encoder;
/* Must set initial state of encoder before writing any bools. */
void init_bool_encoder( bool_encoder *e, uint8 *start_partition)
e->output = start_partition;
e->range = 255;
e->bottom = 0;
e->bit_count = 24;
/* Encoding very rarely produces a carry that must be propagated
to the already-written output. The arithmetic guarantees that
the propagation will never go beyond the beginning of the
output. Put another way, the encoded value x is always less
than one. */
void add_one_to_output( uint8 *q)
while( *--q == 255)
*q = 0;
/* Main function writes a bool_value whose probability of being
zero is (expected to be) prob/256. */
void write_bool( bool_encoder *e, Prob prob, int bool_value)
/* split is approximately (range * prob) / 256 and,
crucially, is strictly bigger than zero and strictly
smaller than range */
uint32 split = 1 + ( ((e->range - 1) * prob) >> 8);
if( bool_value) {
e->bottom += split; /* move up bottom of interval */
e->range -= split; /* with corresponding decrease in range */
} else
e->range = split; /* decrease range, leaving bottom alone */
while( e->range < 128)
e->range <<= 1;
if( e->bottom & (1 << 31)) /* detect carry */
add_one_to_output( e->output);
e->bottom <<= 1; /* before shifting bottom */
if( !--e->bit_count) { /* write out high byte of bottom ... */
*e->output++ = (uint8) (e->bottom >> 24);
e->bottom &= (1 << 24) - 1; /* ... keeping low 3 bytes */
e->bit_count = 8; /* 8 shifts until next output */
/* Call this function (exactly once) after encoding the last
bool value for the partition being written */
void flush_bool_encoder( bool_encoder *e)
int c = e->bit_count;
uint32 v = e->bottom;
if( v & (1 << (32 - c))) /* propagate (unlikely) carry */
add_one_to_output( e->output);
v <<= c & 7; /* before shifting remaining output */
c >>= 3; /* to top of internal buffer */
while( --c >= 0)
v <<= 8;
c = 4;
while( --c >= 0) { /* write remaining data, possibly padded */
*e->output++ = (uint8) (v >> 24);
v <<= 8;
/* Decoder state exactly parallels that of the encoder.
"value", together with the remaining input, equals the
complete encoded number x less the left endpoint of the
current coding interval. */
typedef struct {
uint8 *input; /* pointer to next compressed data byte */
uint32 range; /* always identical to encoder's range */
uint32 value; /* contains at least 8 significant bits */
int bit_count; /* # of bits shifted out of
value, at most 7 */
} bool_decoder;
/* Call this function before reading any bools from the
void init_bool_decoder( bool_decoder *d, uint8 *start_partition)
int i = 0;
d->value = 0; /* value = first 2 input bytes */
while( ++i <= 2)
d->value = (d->value << 8) | *start_partition++;
d->input = start_partition; /* ptr to next byte to be read */
d->range = 255; /* initial range is full */
d->bit_count = 0; /* have not yet shifted out any bits */
/* Main function reads a bool encoded at probability prob/256,
which of course must agree with the probability used when the
bool was written. */
int read_bool( bool_decoder *d, Prob prob)
/* range and split are identical to the corresponding values
used by the encoder when this bool was written */
uint32 split = 1 + ( ((d->range - 1) * prob) >> 8);
uint32 SPLIT = split << 8;
int retval; /* will be 0 or 1 */
if( d->value >= SPLIT) { /* encoded a one */
retval = 1;
d->range -= split; /* reduce range */
d->value -= SPLIT; /* subtract off left endpoint of interval */
} else { /* encoded a zero */
retval = 0;
d->range = split; /* reduce range, no change in left endpoint */
while( d->range < 128) { /* shift out irrelevant value bits */
d->value <<= 1;
d->range <<= 1;
if( ++d->bit_count == 8) { /* shift in new bits 8 at a time */
d->bit_count = 0;
d->value |= *d->input++;
return retval;
/* Convenience function reads a "literal", that is, a "num_bits"
wide unsigned value whose bits come high- to low-order, with
each bit encoded at probability 128 (i.e., 1/2). */
uint32 read_literal( bool_decoder *d, int num_bits)
uint32 v = 0;
while( num_bits--)
v = (v << 1) + read_bool( d, 128);
return v;
/* Variant reads a signed number */
int32 read_signed_literal( bool_decoder *d, int num_bits)
int32 v = 0;
if( !num_bits)
return 0;
if( read_bool( d, 128))
v = -1;
while( --num_bits)
v = (v << 1) + read_bool( d, 128);
return v;