blob: eaeb737e5cd281d31765780532ccba082b6c870d [file] [log] [blame]
#include "vpxt_test_declarations.h"
int test_debug_matches_release(int argc,
const char** argv,
const std::string &working_dir,
const std::string sub_folder_str,
int test_type,
int delete_ivf,
int artifact_detection)
// Needs Debug.exe and Release.exe
char *test_dir = "test_debug_matches_release";
int input_ver = vpxt_check_arg_input(argv[1], argc);
if (input_ver < 0)
return vpxt_test_help(argv[1], 0);
std::string input = argv[2];
int mode = atoi(argv[3]);
int bitrate = atoi(argv[4]);
std::string exe_input_debug = argv[5];
std::string exe_input_release = argv[6];
std::string enc_format = argv[7];
std::string dec_format = argv[8];
//////////// Formatting Test Specific directory ////////////
std::string cur_test_dir_str;
std::string file_index_str;
char main_test_dir_char[255] = "";
char file_index_output_char[255] = "";
if (initialize_test_directory(argc, argv, test_type, working_dir, test_dir,
cur_test_dir_str, file_index_str, main_test_dir_char,
file_index_output_char, sub_folder_str) == 11)
return kTestErrFileMismatch;
std::string exe_debug_release_str;
vpxt_folder_name(argv[0], &exe_debug_release_str);
std::string debug_exe_loc = exe_debug_release_str + exe_input_debug;
std::string release_exe_loc = exe_debug_release_str + exe_input_release;
std::string debug_output_enc = cur_test_dir_str + slashCharStr() + test_dir
+ "_compression_debug";
vpxt_enc_format_append(debug_output_enc, enc_format);
std::string release_output_enc = cur_test_dir_str + slashCharStr() +
test_dir + "_compression_release";
vpxt_enc_format_append(release_output_enc, enc_format);
std::string debug_output_dec = cur_test_dir_str + slashCharStr() + test_dir
+ "_decompression_debug";
vpxt_dec_format_append(debug_output_dec, dec_format);
std::string release_output_dec = cur_test_dir_str + slashCharStr() +
test_dir + "_decompression_release";
vpxt_dec_format_append(release_output_dec, dec_format);
std::string par_file_debug = cur_test_dir_str + slashCharStr() + test_dir +
std::string par_file_release = cur_test_dir_str + slashCharStr() + test_dir
+ "_parameter_file_release.txt";
std::string debug_enc_cmd = exe_debug_release_str;
std::string release_enc_cmd = exe_debug_release_str;
std::string debug_dec_cmd = exe_debug_release_str;
std::string release_dec_cmd = exe_debug_release_str;
#if defined(_WIN32)
debug_enc_cmd.insert(0, "\"\"");
debug_enc_cmd += exe_input_release + "\" compress \"" + input
+ "\" \"" + debug_output_enc + "\" 8 \"" + par_file_debug +
"\" 0\"";
debug_dec_cmd.insert(0, "\"\"");
debug_dec_cmd += exe_input_release + "\" decompress \"" +
debug_output_enc + "\" \"" + debug_output_dec + "\"\" ";
release_enc_cmd.insert(0, "\"\"");
release_enc_cmd += exe_input_debug + "\" compress \"" + input +
"\" \"" + release_output_enc + "\" 8 \"" + par_file_release +
"\" 0\"";
release_dec_cmd.insert(0, "\"\"");
release_dec_cmd += exe_input_debug + "\" decompress \"" +
release_output_enc + "\" \"" + release_output_dec + "\"\" ";
debug_enc_cmd.insert(0, "\'");
debug_enc_cmd += exe_input_release + "\' compress \'" + input + "\' \'"
+ debug_output_enc + "\' 8 \'" + par_file_debug + "\' 0";
debug_dec_cmd.insert(0, "\'");
debug_dec_cmd += exe_input_release + "\' decompress \'" +
debug_output_enc + "\' \'" + debug_output_dec + "\' ";
release_enc_cmd.insert(0, "\'");
release_enc_cmd += exe_input_debug + "\' compress \'" + input + "\' \'"
+ release_output_enc + "\' 8 \'" + par_file_release + "\' 0";
release_dec_cmd.insert(0, "\'");
release_dec_cmd += exe_input_debug + "\' decompress \'" +
release_output_enc + "\' \'" + release_output_dec + "\'";
///////////// Open Output File and Print Header ////////////
std::string text_file_str = cur_test_dir_str + slashCharStr() + test_dir;
FILE *fp;
vpxt_open_output_file(test_type, text_file_str, fp);
vpxt_print_header(argc, argv, main_test_dir_char, cur_test_dir_str,
test_dir, test_type);
if ((fp = freopen(text_file_str.c_str(), "a+", stderr)) == NULL)
tprintf(PRINT_STD, "Cannot open out put file3.\n");
fprintf(stderr, " ");
/////////////////// Use Custom Settings ///////////////////
if(vpxt_use_custom_settings(argv, argc, input_ver, fp, file_index_str,
file_index_output_char, test_type, opt, bitrate)
== kTestIndeterminate)
return kTestIndeterminate;
///////////////// Make Sure Exe File Exists ///////////////
if (!vpxt_file_exists_check(argv[6]))
tprintf(PRINT_BTH, "\nInput executable %s does not exist\n", argv[6]);
record_test_complete(file_index_str, file_index_output_char, test_type);
return kTestIndeterminate;
///////////////// Make Sure Exe File Exists ///////////////
if (!vpxt_file_exists_check(argv[5]))
tprintf(PRINT_BTH, "\nInput executable %s does not exist\n", argv[5]);
record_test_complete(file_index_str, file_index_output_char, test_type);
return kTestIndeterminate;
///////////////// Make Sure ivf File Exists ///////////////
if (!vpxt_file_exists_check(argv[2]))
tprintf(PRINT_BTH, "\nInput encode file %s does not exist\n", argv[2]);
record_test_complete(file_index_str, file_index_output_char, test_type);
return kTestIndeterminate;
opt.target_bandwidth = bitrate;
// Run Test only (Runs Test, Sets up test to be run, or skips compresion of
// files)
if (test_type == kTestOnly)
// This test requires no preperation before a Test Only Run
opt.Mode = mode;
vpxt_output_settings(par_file_debug.c_str(), opt);
vpxt_output_settings(par_file_release.c_str(), opt);
if ((fp = freopen(text_file_str.c_str(), "a+", stderr)) == NULL)
tprintf(PRINT_STD, "Cannot open out put FileIndexOutputChar1.\n");
fprintf(stderr, " ");
// Create Compression only stop test short.
if (test_type == kCompOnly)
record_test_complete(file_index_str, file_index_output_char, test_type);
return kTestEncCreated;
tprintf(PRINT_BTH, "\n\nComparing Compression Files: ");
int lng_rc_enc = vpxt_compare_enc(release_output_enc.c_str(),
debug_output_enc.c_str(), 0);
int enc_match = vpxt_print_compare_ivf_results(lng_rc_enc, 0);
tprintf(PRINT_BTH, "Comparing Decompression Files: ");
int lng_rc_dec = vpxt_compare_dec(release_output_dec.c_str(),
int dec_match = vpxt_print_compare_ivf_results(lng_rc_dec, 0);
int test_state = kTestPassed;
tprintf(PRINT_BTH, "\n\nResults:\n\n");
if (enc_match == 1)
vpxt_formated_print(RESPRT, "Debug Compression identical to Release "
"Compression - Passed\n");
vpxt_formated_print(RESPRT, "Debug Compression not identical to "
"Release Compression - Failed");
test_state = kTestFailed;
if (dec_match == 1)
vpxt_formated_print(RESPRT, "Debug Decompression identical to Release "
"Decompression - Passed\n");
vpxt_formated_print(RESPRT, "Debug Decmpression not identical to "
"Release Decompression - Failed");
test_state = kTestFailed;
if (test_state == kTestPassed)
tprintf(PRINT_BTH, "\nPassed\n");
if (test_state == kTestFailed)
tprintf(PRINT_BTH, "\nFailed\n");
if (delete_ivf)
vpxt_delete_files(4, debug_output_enc.c_str(),
release_output_enc.c_str(), debug_output_dec.c_str(),
record_test_complete(file_index_str, file_index_output_char, test_type);
return test_state;