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How to run renderscript in VP9 decode
1. Compile RenderScript Kernel(We use zero copy this version,
if ndk rs module don't support this,
it can't pass compile)
Because RenderScript need g++, but VP9 use gcc.
So we need to compile rs alone as a so library. Then VP9 project load/use it.
RS code is in vp9/common/kernel/rs/, there is a in that folder,
We can use sh to compile rs kernel.(need NDK-r9b or higher, we need to config ndk in path).
If compile success, it will gen:
2. Compile VP9 project
Just Compile it normally.
3. Run vpxdec with RenderScript(We use zero copy this version,
if system RS module don't support this,
it won't work)
[1]: push to /data/local/tmp/(or /vendor/lib, /system/lib,
need adb remount)
[2]: push to /data/local/tmp/(or /vendor/lib, /system/lib,
need adb remount)
[3]: push to /data/local/tmp/(or /vendor/lib, /system/lib,
need adb remount)
[4]: push vpxdec to /data/local/tmp
[5]: adb shell (as root)
[6]: cd /data/local/tmp (on device)
[7]: export RSENABLE=1 (on device, if not, it won't use RS)
[8]: export QCTENABLE=1 (on device, enable qct kernel)
[9]: export OPENABLE=1 (on device, enable optimized kernel, dependence on system and driver)
[10]:export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/data/local/tmp (on device,
if we push .so file to /data/local/tmp, we need set this)
[11]:run vpxdec normally(on device)