blob: b7066e2b154549d47576f35a7f39f5d9e0394387 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <cstddef>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "webm_tools_types.h"
// Forward declarations of libwebm muxer types used by |WebMLiveMuxer|.
namespace mkvmuxer {
class Segment;
namespace webm_tools {
// Forward declaration of class implementing IMkvWriter interface for libwebm.
class WebMChunkWriter;
// WebM muxing class built atop libwebm. Provides buffers containing WebM
// "chunks". Chunks will be comprised of one or more full level 1 WebM
// Elements. The first chunk will include EBMLHeader, Segment, SegmentInfo,
// Tracks and may include one or more Cluster Elements. All other chunks will
// be comprised of one or more full Clusters.
// Notes:
// - All element size values are set to unknown (an EBML encoded -1).
// - Users MUST call |Init()| before any other method.
// - Users MUST call |Finalize()| to avoid losing the final cluster; libwebm
// must buffer data in some situations to satisfy WebM container guidelines:
// - Users are responsible for keeping memory usage reasonable by calling
// |ChunkReady()| periodically-- when |ChunkReady| returns true,
// |ReadChunk()| will return the complete chunk and discard it from the
// buffer.
class WebMLiveMuxer {
// Status codes returned by class methods.
enum {
// Temporary return code for unimplemented operations.
kNotImplemented = -200,
// Unable to write audio buffer.
kAudioWriteError = -13,
// |WriteAudioBuffer()| called without adding an audio track.
kNoAudioTrack = -12,
// Invalid |VorbisCodecPrivate| passed to |AddTrack()|.
kAudioPrivateDataInvalid = -11,
// |AddTrack()| called for audio, but the audio track has already been
// added.
kAudioTrackAlreadyExists = -10,
// Addition of the audio track to |ptr_segment_| failed.
kAudioTrackError = -9,
// |ReadChunk()| called when no chunk is ready.
kNoChunkReady = -8,
// Buffer passed to |ReadChunk()| was too small.
kUserBufferTooSmall = -7,
// Unable to write video frame.
kVideoWriteError = -6,
// |WriteVideoFrame()| called without adding a video track.
kNoVideoTrack = -5,
// |AddTrack()| called for video, but the video track has already been
// added.
kVideoTrackAlreadyExists = -5,
// Addition of the video track to |ptr_segment_| failed.
kVideoTrackError = -4,
// Something failed while interacting with the muxing library.
kMuxerError = -3,
kNoMemory = -2,
kInvalidArg = -1,
kSuccess = 0,
// Initializes libwebm for muxing in live mode. Returns |kSuccess| when
// successful.
int Init();
// Adds an audio track to |ptr_segment_| and returns the track number [1-127].
// Returns |kAudioTrackAlreadyExists| when the audio track has already been
// added. Returns |kAudioTrackError| when adding the track to the segment
// fails.
int AddAudioTrack(int sample_rate, int channels,
const uint8* private_data, size_t private_size);
// Adds an audio track with the specified |codec_id| to |ptr_segment_|, and
// returns the track number [1-127].
// Returns |kAudioTrackAlreadyExists| when the audio track has already been
// added. Returns |kAudioTrackError| when adding the track to the segment
// fails.
int AddAudioTrack(int sample_rate, int channels,
const uint8* private_data, size_t private_size,
const std::string& codec_id);
// Adds |enc_key_id| as the ContnetEncKeyID element to the Track represented
// by |track_num|. |enc_key_id_size| is the size of |enc_key_id| in bytes.
bool AddContentEncKeyId(uint64 track_num,
const uint8* enc_key_id, size_t enc_key_id_size);
// Adds a video track to |ptr_segment_|, and returns the track number [1-127].
// Returns |kVideoTrackAlreadyExists| when the video track has already been
// added. Returns |kVideoTrackError| when adding the track to the segment
// fails.
int AddVideoTrack(int width, int height);
// Adds a video track with the specified |codec_id| to |ptr_segment_|, and
// returns the track number [1-127].
// Returns |kVideoTrackAlreadyExists| when the video track has already been
// added. Returns |kVideoTrackError| when adding the track to the segment
// fails.
int AddVideoTrack(int width, int height, const std::string& codec_id);
// Sets the muxer's muxing app. Must be called before any frames are written.
bool SetMuxingApp(const std::string& muxing_app);
// Sets the muxer's writing app. Must be called before any frames are written.
bool SetWritingApp(const std::string& writing_app);
// Flushes any queued frames. Users MUST call this method to ensure that all
// buffered frames are flushed out of libwebm. To determine if calling
// |Finalize()| resulted in production of a chunk, call |ChunkReady()| after
// the call to |Finalize()|. Returns |kSuccess| when |Segment::Finalize()|
// returns without error.
int Finalize();
// Writes |data| to the audio Track. Returns kSuccess on success.
int WriteAudioFrame(const uint8* data, size_t size,
uint64 timestamp_ns, bool is_key);
// Writes |data| to the video Track. Returns kSuccess on success.
int WriteVideoFrame(const uint8* data, size_t size,
uint64 timestamp_ns, bool is_key);
// Writes |data| to the muxer. |size| is the size in bytes of |data|.
// |timestamp_ns| is the timestamp of the frame in nanoseconds. |track_num|
// is the Track number to add the frame. |is_key| flag telling if the frame
// is a key frame. Returns kSuccess on success.
int WriteFrame(const uint8* data, size_t size,
uint64 timestamp_ns, uint64 track_num, bool is_key);
// Returns true and writes chunk length to |ptr_chunk_length| when |buffer_|
// contains a complete WebM chunk.
bool ChunkReady(int32* ptr_chunk_length);
// Moves WebM chunk data into |ptr_buf|. The data has been from removed from
// |buffer_| when |kSuccess| is returned. Returns |kUserBufferTooSmall| if
// |buffer_capacity| is less than |chunk_length|.
int ReadChunk(int32 buffer_capacity, uint8* ptr_buf);
// Accessors.
bool initialized() const { return initialized_; }
std::auto_ptr<WebMChunkWriter> ptr_writer_;
std::auto_ptr<mkvmuxer::Segment> ptr_segment_;
uint64 audio_track_num_;
uint64 video_track_num_;
std::vector<uint8> buffer_;
bool initialized_;
} // namespace webm_tools