blob: 5e5e5a691e368d9758b23d9a9c5f2502162efff8 [file] [log] [blame]
; Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
; Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license and patent
; grant that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
; tree. All contributing project authors may be found in the AUTHORS
; file in the root of the source tree.
;WebM DShow Filter installer. Based on Modern-UI WelcomeFinish script example.
!include "MUI2.nsh"
!define MUI_ICON "..\webm.ico"
!define MUI_UNICON "..\webm.ico"
;Name and file
Name "WebM Project Directshow Filters"
OutFile "install_webmdshow.exe"
; enable next line if we must
RequestExecutionLevel "admin"
; WMDS_UNINSTALL_KEY is where information is stored for Add/Remove Programs
!define WMDS_UNINSTALL_KEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\webmdshow"
; Set compression type for the installer data.
SetCompressor /SOLID lzma
ShowInstDetails show
ShowUnInstDetails show
;Interface Settings
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
;!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "${NSISDIR}\Docs\Modern UI\License.txt"
;!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH
;!insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_CONFIRM
!insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_FINISH
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"
;Installer Sections
Section "Install" SecInstall
; Set install directory
SetOutPath "$COMMONFILES\WebM Project\webmdshow"
; Globals for the DLL file names; we use these in the uninstall section, so
; we probably want globals anyway.
Var /GLOBAL vp8decoder_dll
StrCpy $vp8decoder_dll "vp8decoder.dll"
Var /GLOBAL vp8encoder_dll
StrCpy $vp8encoder_dll "vp8encoder.dll"
Var /GLOBAL webmmux_dll
StrCpy $webmmux_dll "webmmux.dll"
Var /GLOBAL webmsource_dll
StrCpy $webmsource_dll "webmsource.dll"
Var /GLOBAL webmsplit_dll
StrCpy $webmsplit_dll "webmsplit.dll"
; Tell NSIS to include the filter DLL files-- via wildcard because the File
; instruction doesn't support use of variables!
File "..\..\dll\webmdshow\Release\*.dll"
; Create uninstaller
WriteUninstaller "$OUTDIR\uninstall_webmdshow.exe"
; Create Add/Remove programs keys
WriteRegStr HKCU "${WMDS_UNINSTALL_KEY}" "DisplayName" "WebM Project Directshow Filters"
WriteRegStr HKCU "${WMDS_UNINSTALL_KEY}" "UninstallString" "$OUTDIR\uninstall_webmdshow.exe"
WriteRegDWORD HKCU "${WMDS_UNINSTALL_KEY}" "NoModify" 0x00000001
WriteRegDWORD HKCU "${WMDS_UNINSTALL_KEY}" "NoRepair" 0x00000001
; Register the filter DLLs (via regsvr32)
RegDLL "$OUTDIR\$vp8decoder_dll"
RegDLL "$OUTDIR\$vp8encoder_dll"
RegDLL "$OUTDIR\$webmmux_dll"
RegDLL "$OUTDIR\$webmsource_dll"
RegDLL "$OUTDIR\$webmsplit_dll"
IfErrors RegError Success
; TODO(tomfinegan): needs error checking!
; skip over the error labels
Goto Success
; some diagnostics
DetailPrint "Filter DLL registration failed!"
DetailPrint "OUTDIR: $OUTDIR"
DetailPrint "vp8decoder_dll: $vp8decoder_dll"
DetailPrint "vp8encoder_dll: $vp8encoder_dll"
DetailPrint "webmmux_dll: $webmmux_dll"
DetailPrint "webmsource_dll: $webmsource_dll"
DetailPrint "webmsplit_dll: $webmsplit_dll"
;Uninstaller Section
Section "Uninstall" SecUninstall
; Note: declarations are global, values are not...
StrCpy $vp8decoder_dll "vp8decoder.dll"
StrCpy $vp8encoder_dll "vp8encoder.dll"
StrCpy $webmmux_dll "webmmux.dll"
StrCpy $webmsource_dll "webmsource.dll"
StrCpy $webmsplit_dll "webmsplit.dll"
UnRegDLL "$INSTDIR\$vp8decoder_dll"
UnRegDLL "$INSTDIR\$vp8encoder_dll"
UnRegDLL "$INSTDIR\$webmmux_dll"
UnRegDLL "$INSTDIR\$webmsource_dll"
UnRegDLL "$INSTDIR\$webmsplit_dll"