blob: 18476e6eaed830dafb1450db1b36a159fa6b918b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
import "oaidl.idl";
import "ocidl.idl";
import "strmif.idl";
helpstring("VP8 Encoder Filter Type Library"),
library VP8EncoderLib
enum VP8Deadline
kDeadlineBestQuality = 0,
kDeadlineRealtime = 1,
kDeadlineGoodQuality = 1000000
//Keyframe placement mode
//Specifies whether keyframes are placed automatically
//by the encoder, or whether this behavior is disabled.
enum VP8KeyframeMode
kKeyframeModeDefault = -1, //use encoder default
kKeyframeModeDisabled = 0, //encoder does not place keyframes
kKeyframeModeAuto = 1 //encoder determines optimal placement
enum VP8EndUsage
kEndUsageDefault = -1,
kEndUsageVBR = 0,
kEndUsageCBR = 1
enum VP8PassMode
helpstring("VP8 Encoder Filter Interface")
interface IVP8Encoder : IUnknown
//The filter maintains a set of encoder configuration values, held
//in cache. Any parameters set (using the methods below) are always
//applied to the cached value, irrespective of the state of the graph.
//When the graph is started, the filter initializes the VP8 encoder
//using the cached configuration values. This is done automatically,
//as part of the activities associated with transitioning the filter
//from the stopped state.
//If the graph has been started, then any parameters set by the user
//are still applied to the cache (as before). However, to apply the
//configuration values in cache to the VP8 encoder, the user must also
//call ApplySettings.
//It is harmless to call ApplySettings while the graph is stopped.
HRESULT ApplySettings();
//Sets the configuration values in cache to their defaults, the same
//as they had when the filter instance was originally created.
HRESULT ResetSettings();
//Time to spend encoding, in microseconds. (0=infinite)
HRESULT SetDeadline([in] int Deadline);
HRESULT GetDeadline([out] int* pDeadline);
//For multi-threaded implementations, use no more than this number of
//threads. The codec may use fewer threads than allowed. The value
//0 is equivalent to the value 1.
HRESULT SetThreadCount([in] int Threads);
HRESULT GetThreadCount([out] int* pThreads);
//Error resilient mode indicates to the encoder that it should take
//measures appropriate for streaming over lossy or noisy links, if
//possible. The value 0 means feature is disabled (the default),
//and any positive value means the feature is enabled.
HRESULT SetErrorResilient([in] int ErrorResilient);
HRESULT GetErrorResilient([out] int* pErrorResilient);
//Temporal resampling configuration
//Temporal resampling allows the codec to "drop" frames as a strategy to
//meet its target data rate. This can cause temporal discontinuities in
//the encoded video, which may appear as stuttering during playback. This
//trade-off is often acceptable, but for many applications is not. It can
//be disabled in these cases.
//This threshold is described as a percentage of the target data buffer.
//When the data buffer falls below this percentage of fullness, a
//dropped frame is indicated. Set the threshold to zero (0) to disable
//this feature.
HRESULT SetDropframeThreshold([in] int DropframeThreshold);
HRESULT GetDropframeThreshold([out] int* pDropframeThreshold);
//Enable/disable spatial resampling
//Spatial resampling allows the codec to compress a lower resolution
//version of the frame, which is then upscaled by the encoder to the
//correct presentation resolution. This increases visual quality at
//low data rates, at the expense of CPU time on the encoder/decoder.
HRESULT SetResizeAllowed([in] int ResizeAllowed);
HRESULT GetResizeAllowed([out] int* pResizeAllowed);
//Spatial resampling up watermark.
//This threshold is described as a percentage of the target data buffer.
//When the data buffer rises above this percentage of fullness, the
//encoder will step up to a higher resolution version of the frame.
HRESULT SetResizeUpThreshold([in] int ResizeUpThreshold);
HRESULT GetResizeUpThreshold([out] int* pResizeUpThreshold);
//Spatial resampling down watermark.
//This threshold is described as a percentage of the target data buffer.
//When the data buffer falls below this percentage of fullness, the
//encoder will step down to a lower resolution version of the frame.
HRESULT SetResizeDownThreshold([in] int ResizeDownThreshold);
HRESULT GetResizeDownThreshold([out] int* pResizeDownThreshold);
//Indicates whether the end usage of this stream is to be streamed over
//a bandwidth constrained link (kEndUsageCBR), or whether it will be
//played back on a high bandwidth link, as from a local disk, where
//higher variations in bitrate are acceptable (kEndUsageVBR, the default).
HRESULT SetEndUsage([in] enum VP8EndUsage EndUsage);
HRESULT GetEndUsage([out] enum VP8EndUsage* pEndUsage);
//If set, this value allows the encoder to consume a number of input
//frames before producing output frames. This allows the encoder to
//base decisions for the current frame on future frames. This does
//increase the latency of the encoding pipeline, so it is not appropriate
//in all situations (ex: realtime encoding).
//Note that this is a maximum value -- the encoder may produce frames
//sooner than the given limit. Set this value to 0 to disable this
HRESULT SetLagInFrames([in] int LagInFrames);
HRESULT GetLagInFrames([out] int* pLagInFrames);
//VP8 token partition mode
//This defines VP8 partitioning mode for compressed data, i.e., the number
//of sub-streams in the bitstream. Used for parallelized decoding.
//Value 0 = one token partition
//Value 1 = two token partitions
//Value 2 = four token partitions
//Value 3 = eight token partitions
HRESULT SetTokenPartitions([in] int TokenPartition);
HRESULT GetTokenPartitions([out] int* pTokenPartition);
//Target data rate
//Target bandwidth to use for this stream, in kilobits per second.
//The value 0 means "use the codec default".
HRESULT SetTargetBitrate([in] int Bitrate);
HRESULT GetTargetBitrate([out] int* pBitrate);
//Minimum (Best Quality) Quantizer
//The quantizer is the most direct control over the quality of the
//encoded image. The quantizer range is [0, 63].
HRESULT SetMinQuantizer([in] int MinQuantizer);
HRESULT GetMinQuantizer([out] int* pMinQuantizer);
//Maximum (Worst Quality) Quantizer
//The quantizer is the most direct control over the quality of the
//encoded image. The quantizer range is [0, 63].
HRESULT SetMaxQuantizer([in] int MaxQuantizer);
HRESULT GetMaxQuantizer([out] int* pMaxQuantizer);
//Rate control undershoot tolerance
//This value, expressed as a percentage of the target bitrate, describes
//the target bitrate for easier frames, allowing bits to be saved for
//harder frames. Set to zero to use the codec default.
HRESULT SetUndershootPct([in] int UndershootPct);
HRESULT GetUndershootPct([out] int* pUndershootPct);
//Rate control overshoot tolerance
//This value, expressed as a percentage of the target bitrate, describes
//the maximum allowed bitrate for a given frame. Set to zero to use the
//codec default.
HRESULT SetOvershootPct([in] int OvershootPct);
HRESULT GetOvershootPct([out] int* pOvershootPct);
//Decoder Buffer Size
//This value indicates the amount of data that may be buffered by the
//decoding application. Note that this value is expressed in units of
//time (milliseconds). For example, a value of 5000 indicates that the
//client will buffer (at least) 5000ms worth of encoded data.
HRESULT SetDecoderBufferSize([in] int TimeInMilliseconds);
HRESULT GetDecoderBufferSize([out] int* pTimeInMilliseconds);
//Decoder Buffer Initial Size
//This value indicates the amount of data that will be buffered by the
//decoding application prior to beginning playback. This value is
//expressed in units of time (milliseconds).
HRESULT SetDecoderBufferInitialSize([in] int TimeInMilliseconds);
HRESULT GetDecoderBufferInitialSize([out] int* pTimeInMilliseconds);
//Decoder Buffer Optimal Size
//This value indicates the amount of data that the encoder should try
//to maintain in the decoder's buffer. This value is expressed in units
//of time (milliseconds).
HRESULT SetDecoderBufferOptimalSize([in] int TimeInMilliseconds);
HRESULT GetDecoderBufferOptimalSize([out] int* pTimeInMilliseconds);
//Keyframe placement mode
//This value indicates whether the encoder should place keyframes at a
//fixed interval, or determine the optimal placement automatically
//(as governed by the KeyframeMinInterval and KeyframeMaxInterval).
HRESULT SetKeyframeMode([in] enum VP8KeyframeMode Mode);
HRESULT GetKeyframeMode([out] enum VP8KeyframeMode* pMode);
//Keyframe minimum interval
//This value, expressed as a number of frames, prevents the encoder from
//placing a keyframe nearer than MinInterval to the previous keyframe. At
//least MinInterval frames non-keyframes will be coded before the next
//keyframe. Set MinInterval equal to MaxInterval for a fixed interval.
HRESULT SetKeyframeMinInterval([in] int MinInterval);
HRESULT GetKeyframeMinInterval([out] int* pMinInterval);
//Keyframe maximum interval
//This value, expressed as a number of frames, forces the encoder to code
//a keyframe if one has not been coded in the last MaxInterval frames.
//A value of 0 implies all frames will be keyframes. Set MinInterval
//equal to MaxInterval for a fixed interval.
HRESULT SetKeyframeMaxInterval([in] int MaxInterval);
HRESULT GetKeyframeMaxInterval([out] int* pMaxInterval);
//Multi-pass Encoding Mode
//This value should be set to the current phase for multi-pass encoding.
HRESULT SetPassMode([in] enum VP8PassMode PassMode);
HRESULT GetPassMode([out] enum VP8PassMode* pPassMode);
//Stats Buffer
//The stats buffer is the buffer containing all of the stats packets from
//the first pass, concatenated together. It is only used during the last
//pass of a multi-pass (really, two-pass) mode.
HRESULT SetTwoPassStatsBuf(const BYTE* Buffer, LONGLONG Length);
HRESULT GetTwoPassStatsBuf(const BYTE** pBuffer, LONGLONG* pLength);
//Two-pass mode CBR/VBR bias
//Bias, expressed on a scale of 0 to 100, for determining target size
//for the current frame. The value 0 indicates the optimal CBR mode
//value should be used. The value 100 indicates the optimal VBR mode
//value should be used. Values in between indicate which way the
//encoder should "lean."
//RC mode bias between CBR and VBR(0-100: 0->CBR, 100->VBR)
HRESULT SetTwoPassVbrBiasPct([in] int Bias);
HRESULT GetTwoPassVbrBiasPct([out] int* pBias);
//Two-pass mode per-GOP minimum bitrate
//This value, expressed as a percentage of the target bitrate, indicates
//the minimum bitrate to be used for a single GOP (aka "section").
HRESULT SetTwoPassVbrMinsectionPct([in] int Bitrate);
HRESULT GetTwoPassVbrMinsectionPct([out] int* pBitrate);
//Two-pass mode per-GOP maximum bitrate
//This value, expressed as a percentage of the target bitrate, indicates
//the maximum bitrate to be used for a single GOP (aka "section").
HRESULT SetTwoPassVbrMaxsectionPct([in] int Bitrate);
HRESULT GetTwoPassVbrMaxsectionPct([out] int* pBitrate);
//Force Keyframe
//Set a flag to request that a keyframe be created from the next frame
//encoded. When the frame is encoded, automatically clear the flag.
//If the graph is stopped, then this flag will only be applied when the
//graph transitions out of stopped. You can also clear the flag manually.
HRESULT SetForceKeyframe();
HRESULT ClearForceKeyframe();
//Enable/disable Auto Alt Ref
//Enable the encoder to include an alternate reference frame.
// Note set auto alt ref to 0 (default) to disable auto alt ref.
HRESULT SetAutoAltRef([in] int AutoAltRef);
HRESULT GetAutoAltRef([out] int* pAutoAltRef);
//Alt Ref Filter Max Frames
//This is the maximum number of frames to run the temporal filter over.
//The number of frames has to be less than or equal to lag in frames.
//The range is [0, 15]. Zero is the default.
HRESULT SetARNRMaxFrames([in] int Frames);
HRESULT GetARNRMaxFrames([out] int* pFrames);
//Alt Ref Filter Strength
//This is the relative strength of the blur for the temporal filter.
//The range is [0, 6]. Zero is the weakest and six is the strongest. Three
//is the default.
HRESULT SetARNRStrength([in] int Strength);
HRESULT GetARNRStrength([out] int* pStrength);
//Alt Ref Filter Type
//This is the type of blur for the temporal filter.
//The range is [1, 3].
//Value 1 = a backward blur
//Value 2 = a forward blur
//Value 3 = a center blur (default)
HRESULT SetARNRType([in] int Type);
HRESULT GetARNRType([out] int* pType);
//Fixed keyframe interval.
//If keyframe generation at a fixed interval is desired, set keyframe mode
//to kKeyframeModeDisabled, and set the interval using this method.
//This is most useful when dealing with a variable frame rate video source
//when a consistent keyframe interval is desired for streaming purposes.
//Return values:
//- S_OK when successful.
//- S_FALSE if keyframe mode has not been set kKeyframeModeDisabled.
//- E_INVALIDARG for interval values less than zero.
HRESULT SetFixedKeyframeInterval([in] REFERENCE_TIME Interval);
HRESULT GetFixedKeyframeInterval([out] REFERENCE_TIME* pInterval);
//CPU used -- encoder complexity control.
//Changes in this value influences, among others, the encoder's selection
//of motion estimation methods. Values greater than 0 will increase
//encoder speed at the expense of quality. See libvpx documentation of
//the VP8E_SET_CPUUSED option for further information.
//Value range is [-16,16]. Values outside the range are ignored. The
//default value for configuration of libvpx used within webmdshow is 0.
//Return values:
//- S_OK when successful.
HRESULT SetCPUUsed([in] int CPUUsed);
HRESULT GetCPUUsed([out] int* pCPUUsed);
//Static macroblock threshold.
//Sets the threshold for macroblocks to be treated as static by libvpx.
//When active it allows the encoder to skip blocks that it deems static
//based on the provided threshold. Values > 1000 not advisable, and any
//value greater than 0 can cause encoding artifacts due to skipped blocks.
//Values less than 0 are ignored.
//Return values:
//- S_OK when successful.
HRESULT SetStaticThreshold([in] int StaticThreshold);
HRESULT GetStaticThreshold([out] int* pStaticThreshold);
//Reduces frame rate of input video by discarding video frames based on
//Decimate value. For Decimate value N, and N >= 2, the VP8 encoder filter
//encodes only every Nth frame.
//Decimate values <= 1 disable decimation.
//To change the decimation setting:
//- The filter graph state must be State_Stopped.
//- The input pin must be connected.
//- The output pin must be disconnected.
//Return values:
//- S_OK when successful.
//- VFW_E_NOT_STOPPED when graph is not stopped.
//- VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED when input pin is not connected.
//- VFW_E_ALREADY_CONNECTED when output pin is connected.
HRESULT SetDecimate([in] int Decimate);
HRESULT GetDecimate([out] int* pDecimate);
helpstring("VP8 Encoder Filter Class")
coclass VP8Encoder
[default] interface IVP8Encoder;
} //end library VP8EncoderLib