blob: 3c01cfe607ffb3fa45e82521da6784a643821906 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
//#pragma warning(disable:4514) //unref'd inline
//#pragma warning(disable:4710) //not inlined
//#pragma warning(push, 3)
#include <windows.h>
#include "versionhandling.hpp"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib> //_wpgmptr, _get_wpgmptr
#include <malloc.h> //_alloca
#include <ostream>
//#pragma warning(pop)
#pragma comment(lib, "version.lib")
void VersionHandling::GetVersion(
const wchar_t* fname,
WORD& major,
WORD& minor,
WORD& revision,
WORD& build)
#if 0
char fname[_MAX_PATH];
const DWORD gmfnStatus =
GetModuleFileName(0, fname, sizeof fname);
#elif 0
wchar_t* fname;
const errno_t e = _get_wpgmptr(&fname);
assert(e == 0);
DWORD handle;
const DWORD size = GetFileVersionInfoSize(fname, &handle);
BYTE* const buf = (BYTE*)_malloca(size);
BOOL b = GetFileVersionInfo(fname, handle, size, buf);
UINT len;
b = VerQueryValue(buf, L"\\", (LPVOID*)&p, &len);
major = WORD(p->dwProductVersionMS >> 16);
minor = WORD(p->dwProductVersionMS);
revision = WORD(p->dwProductVersionLS >> 16);
build = WORD(p->dwProductVersionLS);
void VersionHandling::GetVersion(const wchar_t* fname, std::wostream& os)
WORD major, minor, revision, build;
VersionHandling::GetVersion(fname, major, minor, revision, build);
os << major
<< L'.'
<< minor
<< L'.'
<< revision
<< L'.'
<< build;
#if 0
const std::string VersionHandling::version(bool full)
DWORD ms, ls;
version(ms, ls);
const DWORD ms_major = ms >> 16;
char buf[33];
_ultoa(ms_major, buf, 10);
string value = buf;
const DWORD ms_minor = ms & 0x0000FFFF;
_ultoa(ms_minor, buf, 10);
value += '.';
value += buf;
if (full)
const DWORD ls_major = ls >> 16;
_ultoa(ls_major, buf, 10);
value += '.';
value += buf;
const DWORD ls_minor = ls & 0x0000FFFF;
_ultoa(ls_minor, buf, 10);
value += '.';
value += buf;
return value;