blob: e141943359430d0994ab10c3e373baeac7325b92 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "encoder/webm_buffer_parser.h"
#include <cassert>
#include "glog/logging.h"
#include "libwebm/mkvparser.hpp"
namespace webmlive {
// Provides a moving window into a buffer, and implements libwebm's IMkvReader
// interface. |WebmBufferParser| sets the window into a buffer by calling
// |SetBufferWindow|, and libwebm parses the data using the |Read| and |Length|
// methods.
class WebmBufferReader : public mkvparser::IMkvReader {
enum {
kInvalidArg = WebmBufferParser::kInvalidArg,
kSuccess = WebmBufferParser::kSuccess,
kNeedMoreData = WebmBufferParser::kNeedMoreData,
virtual ~WebmBufferReader();
// Updates the buffer window and returns |kSuccess|.
int SetBufferWindow(const uint8* ptr_buffer, int32 length,
int64 bytes_consumed);
// IMkvReader methods.
virtual int Read(int64 read_pos, long length_requested, // NOLINT
uint8* ptr_buf);
virtual int Length(int64* ptr_total, int64* ptr_available);
// Buffer window pointer.
const uint8* ptr_buffer_;
// Length of the buffer window to which |ptr_buffer_| provides access.
int32 length_;
// Sum of all parsed element lengths.
int64 bytes_consumed_;
: ptr_buffer_(NULL),
bytes_consumed_(0) {
WebmBufferReader::~WebmBufferReader() {
// Updates the buffer window.
int WebmBufferReader::SetBufferWindow(const uint8* ptr_buffer, int32 length,
int64 bytes_consumed) {
if (!ptr_buffer || !length) {
LOG(ERROR) << "invalid arg(s)";
return kInvalidArg;
ptr_buffer_ = ptr_buffer;
length_ = length;
bytes_consumed_ = bytes_consumed;
return kSuccess;
// Called by libwebm to read data from |ptr_buffer_|.
int WebmBufferReader::Read(int64 read_pos, long length_requested, // NOLINT
uint8* ptr_buf) {
if (!ptr_buf) {
LOG(ERROR) << "NULL ptr_buf";
return 0;
// |read_pos| includes |bytes_consumed_|, which is not going to work with the
// buffer window-- calculate actual offset within |ptr_buf|.
const int64 window_pos = read_pos - bytes_consumed_;
assert(window_pos >= 0);
// Is enough data in the buffer?
const int64 bytes_available = length_ - window_pos;
if (bytes_available < length_requested) {
// No, not enough data buffered.
return mkvparser::E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL;
VLOG(4) << "read_pos=" << read_pos << " window_pos=" << window_pos
<< " length_=" << length_ << " length_requested=" << length_requested
<< " available=" << bytes_available;
// Yes, there's enough data in the buffer.
memcpy(ptr_buf, ptr_buffer_ + window_pos, length_requested);
return kSuccess;
// Called by libwebm to obtain length of readable data. Returns
// |bytes_consumed_| + |length_| as available amount, which is the size of the
// buffer current window plus the sum of the sizes of all parsed elements.
int WebmBufferReader::Length(int64* ptr_total, int64* ptr_available) {
if (!ptr_total || !ptr_available) {
LOG(ERROR) << "invalid arg(s)";
return -1;
*ptr_total = -1; // Total file size is unknown.
*ptr_available = bytes_consumed_ + length_;
return 0;
// WebmBufferParser
: ptr_cluster_(NULL),
parse_func_(&WebmBufferParser::ParseSegmentHeaders) {
WebmBufferParser::~WebmBufferParser() {
// Constructs |reader_|.
int WebmBufferParser::Init() {
reader_.reset(new (std::nothrow) WebmBufferReader()); // NOLINT
if (!reader_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "out of memory";
return kOutOfMemory;
return kSuccess;
// Tries to parse data in |buf|. Sets |ptr_element_size| to the size of the
// parsed element when parsing of the segment headers or a cluster is
// successful.
int WebmBufferParser::Parse(const Buffer& buf, int32* ptr_element_size) {
if (!ptr_element_size) {
LOG(ERROR) << "NULL element size pointer!";
return kInvalidArg;
if (buf.empty()) {
return kNeedMoreData;
// Update |reader_|'s buffer window...
if (reader_->SetBufferWindow(&buf[0], buf.size(), total_bytes_parsed_)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "could not update buffer window";
return kParseError;
// Just return the result of the parsing attempt.
return (this->*parse_func_)(ptr_element_size);
// Tries to parse the segment headers, segment info and segment tracks.
// Returns |kNeedMoreData| if unable to parse them. Returns |kSuccess| and
// sets |ptr_element_size| when successful.
int WebmBufferParser::ParseSegmentHeaders(int32* ptr_element_size) {
mkvparser::EBMLHeader ebml_header;
int64 pos = 0;
int64 parse_status = ebml_header.Parse(reader_.get(), pos);
if (parse_status) {
LOG(INFO) << "EBML header parse failed, parse_status=" << parse_status;
return kNeedMoreData;
// |pos| is equal to the length of the EBML header; start a running total now
// since |ebml_header| doesn't store a length.
int64 headers_length = pos;
// Create and start parse of the segment...
mkvparser::Segment* ptr_segment = NULL;
parse_status = mkvparser::Segment::CreateInstance(reader_.get(), pos,
if (parse_status) {
LOG(INFO) << "segment creation failed, parse_status=" << parse_status;
return kNeedMoreData;
// Add the segment header length to the running total. The position argument
// to the |CreateInstance| call above is not passed by reference (as is the
// case with |ebml_header|), so |pos| is still correct.
headers_length += segment_->m_start - pos;
// |ParseHeaders| reads data until it runs out or finds a cluster. If it
// finds a cluster, it returns 0 ONLY if segment info and segment tracks
// elements were found as well.
parse_status = segment_->ParseHeaders();
if (parse_status) {
LOG(INFO) << "segment header parse failed, parse_status=" << parse_status;
return kNeedMoreData;
// Get the segment info to obtain its length.
const mkvparser::SegmentInfo* ptr_segment_info = segment_->GetInfo();
if (!ptr_segment_info) {
LOG(ERROR) << "missing MKV segment info";
return kParseError;
if (headers_length != ptr_segment_info->m_element_start) {
LOG(ERROR) << "ERROR: unexpected segment info offset (expected="
<< headers_length << " actual="
<< ptr_segment_info->m_element_start << ")";
return kParseError;
VLOG(4) << "segment info size=" << ptr_segment_info->m_element_size;
headers_length += ptr_segment_info->m_element_size;
// Get the segment tracks to obtain its length.
const mkvparser::Tracks* ptr_tracks = segment_->GetTracks();
if (!ptr_tracks) {
LOG(ERROR) << "missing MKV segment tracks";
return kParseError;
VLOG(4) << "segment tracks size=" << ptr_tracks->m_element_size;
headers_length += ptr_tracks->m_element_size;
VLOG(4) << "element_size=" << headers_length;
total_bytes_parsed_ = headers_length;
*ptr_element_size = static_cast<int32>(headers_length);
parse_func_ = &WebmBufferParser::ParseCluster;
return kSuccess;
// Tries to parse a cluster. Loads and parses the cluster header, and then
// attempts to walk through the cluster block entries. Returns |kNeedMoreData|
// when unable to walk through all blocks in the cluster. Returns |kSuccess|
// and sets |ptr_element_size| when successful.
int WebmBufferParser::ParseCluster(int32* ptr_element_size) {
// A NULL |ptr_cluster_| means either:
// - No clusters have been parsed, or...
// - The last cluster was parsed.
// In either case it's time to load a new one...
int status;
long length = 0; // NOLINT
if (!ptr_cluster_) {
// Load/parse a cluster header...
int64 current_pos = total_bytes_parsed_;
status = segment_->LoadCluster(current_pos, length);
if (status) {
return kNeedMoreData;
const mkvparser::Cluster* ptr_cluster = segment_->GetLast();
if (!ptr_cluster || ptr_cluster->EOS()) {
return kNeedMoreData;
cluster_parse_offset_ = current_pos;
ptr_cluster_ = ptr_cluster;
const int kClusterComplete = 1;
for (;;) {
status = ptr_cluster_->Parse(cluster_parse_offset_, length);
if (status == kClusterComplete) {
if (status < 0) {
return kNeedMoreData;
const int64 cluster_size = ptr_cluster_->GetElementSize();
if (cluster_size == -1) {
// Should never happen... the parser should never report a complete cluster
// without setting its length.
return kParseError;
ptr_cluster_ = NULL;
cluster_parse_offset_ = 0;
total_bytes_parsed_ += cluster_size;
*ptr_element_size = static_cast<int32>(cluster_size);
VLOG(4) << "cluster_size=" << cluster_size << " total_bytes_parsed_="
<< total_bytes_parsed_;
return kSuccess;
} // namespace webmlive