blob: b07851dbc126b31bfa6ae04a33c1afb73cf2c947 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "encoder/webm_encoder.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono>
#include <functional>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sstream>
#include "encoder/buffer_pool-inl.h"
#include "encoder/webm_mux.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "encoder/win/media_source_dshow.h"
#include "glog/logging.h"
namespace {
// Adds |timestamp_offset| to the timestamp value of |ptr_sample|, and returns
// |WebmEncoder::kSuccess|. Returns |WebmEncoder::kInvalidArg| when |ptr_sample|
// is NULL.
template <class T>
int OffsetTimestamp(int64 timestamp_offset, T* ptr_sample) {
using webmlive::WebmEncoder;
if (!ptr_sample) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot offset the timestamp of a NULL sample.";
return WebmEncoder::kInvalidArg;
const int64 new_ts = timestamp_offset + ptr_sample->timestamp();
return WebmEncoder::kSuccess;
} // anonymous namespace
namespace webmlive {
: initialized_(false),
timestamp_offset_(0) {
WebmEncoder::~WebmEncoder() {
// Constructs media source object and calls its |Init| method.
int WebmEncoder::Init(const WebmEncoderConfig& config,
DataSinkInterface* ptr_data_sink) {
if (config.disable_audio && config.disable_video) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Audio and video are disabled!";
return kInvalidArg;
if (!ptr_data_sink) {
LOG(ERROR) << "NULL data sink!";
return kInvalidArg;
config_ = config;
ptr_data_sink_ = ptr_data_sink;
// Allocate the chunk buffer.
new (std::nothrow) uint8[kDefaultChunkBufferSize]); // NOLINT
if (!chunk_buffer_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to allocate chunk buffer!";
return kNoMemory;
chunk_buffer_size_ = kDefaultChunkBufferSize;
// Construct and initialize the media source(s).
ptr_media_source_.reset(new (std::nothrow) MediaSourceImpl()); // NOLINT
if (!ptr_media_source_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot construct media source!";
return kInitFailed;
int status = ptr_media_source_->Init(config_, this, this);
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "media source Init failed " << status;
return kInitFailed;
// Construct and initialize the muxer.
ptr_muxer_.reset(new (std::nothrow) LiveWebmMuxer()); // NOLINT
if (!ptr_muxer_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot construct live muxer!";
return kInitFailed;
status = ptr_muxer_->Init(config_.vpx_config.keyframe_interval);
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "live muxer Init failed " << status;
return kInitFailed;
if (config_.disable_video == false) {
config_.actual_video_config = ptr_media_source_->actual_video_config();
// Initialize the video frame pool.
const int default_count = BufferPool<VideoFrame>::kDefaultBufferCount;
const double& fps = config_.actual_video_config.frame_rate;
// Buffer up to half a second of video when audio is enabled.
// TODO(tomfinegan): Add a VP8 frame pool to store compressed frames while
// waiting for audio instead of throwing memory at the
// problem.
const int num_video_buffers =
config_.disable_audio ? default_count : static_cast<int>(fps / 2.0);
if (video_pool_.Init(false, num_video_buffers)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "BufferPool<VideoFrame> Init failed!";
return kInitFailed;
// Initialize the video encoder.
status = video_encoder_.Init(config_);
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "video encoder Init failed " << status;
return kInitFailed;
// Add the video track.
status = ptr_muxer_->AddTrack(config_.actual_video_config);
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "live muxer AddTrack(video) failed " << status;
return kInitFailed;
if (config_.disable_audio == false) {
config_.actual_audio_config = ptr_media_source_->actual_audio_config();
// Initialize the audio buffer pool.
const int num_audio_buffers = BufferPool<AudioBuffer>::kDefaultBufferCount;
if (audio_pool_.Init(true, num_audio_buffers)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "BufferPool<AudioBuffer> Init failed!";
return kInitFailed;
// Initialize the vorbis encoder.
status = vorbis_encoder_.Init(config_.actual_audio_config,
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "audio encoder Init failed " << status;
return kInitFailed;
// Fill in the private data structure.
VorbisCodecPrivate codec_private;
codec_private.ptr_ident = vorbis_encoder_.ident_header();
codec_private.ident_length = vorbis_encoder_.ident_header_length();
codec_private.ptr_comments = vorbis_encoder_.comments_header();
codec_private.comments_length = vorbis_encoder_.comments_header_length();
codec_private.ptr_setup = vorbis_encoder_.setup_header();
codec_private.setup_length = vorbis_encoder_.setup_header_length();
// Add the vorbis track.
status = ptr_muxer_->AddTrack(config_.actual_audio_config, codec_private);
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "live muxer AddTrack(audio) failed " << status;
return kInitFailed;
if (config.disable_audio) {
ptr_encode_func_ = &WebmEncoder::EncodeVideoFrame;
} else if (config.disable_video) {
ptr_encode_func_ = &WebmEncoder::EncodeAudioOnly;
} else {
ptr_encode_func_ = &WebmEncoder::AVEncode;
initialized_ = true;
return kSuccess;
int WebmEncoder::Run() {
if (!initialized_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Encoder cannot Run, Init required.";
return kRunFailed;
if (encode_thread_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "non-null encode thread. Already running?";
return kRunFailed;
using std::bind;
using std::shared_ptr;
using std::thread;
using std::nothrow;
encode_thread_ = shared_ptr<thread>(
new (nothrow) thread(bind(&WebmEncoder::EncoderThread, // NOLINT
return kSuccess;
// Sets |stop_| to true and calls join on |encode_thread_| to wait for
// |EncoderThread| to finish.
void WebmEncoder::Stop() {
stop_ = true;
// Returns encoded duration in seconds.
int64 WebmEncoder::encoded_duration() const {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
return encoded_duration_;
// AudioSamplesCallbackInterface
int WebmEncoder::OnSamplesReceived(AudioBuffer* ptr_buffer) {
const int status = audio_pool_.Commit(ptr_buffer);
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "AudioBuffer pool Commit failed! " << status;
return AudioSamplesCallbackInterface::kNoMemory;
LOG(INFO) << "OnSamplesReceived committed an audio buffer.";
return kSuccess;
// VideoFrameCallbackInterface
int WebmEncoder::OnVideoFrameReceived(VideoFrame* ptr_frame) {
const int status = video_pool_.Commit(ptr_frame);
if (status) {
if (status != BufferPool<VideoFrame>::kFull) {
LOG(ERROR) << "VideoFrame pool Commit failed! " << status;
return VideoFrameCallbackInterface::kDropped;
LOG(INFO) << "OnVideoFrameReceived committed a frame.";
return kSuccess;
// Tries to obtain lock on |mutex_| and returns value of |stop_| if lock is
// obtained. Assumes no stop requested and returns false if unable to obtain
// the lock.
bool WebmEncoder::StopRequested() {
bool stop_requested = false;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_, std::try_to_lock);
if (lock.owns_lock()) {
stop_requested = stop_;
return stop_requested;
bool WebmEncoder::ReadChunkFromMuxer(int32 chunk_length) {
// Confirm that there's enough space in the chunk buffer.
if (chunk_length > chunk_buffer_size_) {
const int32 new_size = chunk_length * 2;
chunk_buffer_.reset(new (std::nothrow) uint8[new_size]); // NOLINT
if (!chunk_buffer_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "chunk buffer reallocation failed!";
return false;
chunk_buffer_size_ = new_size;
// Read the chunk into |chunk_buffer_|.
const int status = ptr_muxer_->ReadChunk(chunk_buffer_size_,
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "error reading chunk: " << status;
return false;
return true;
void WebmEncoder::EncoderThread() {
LOG(INFO) << "EncoderThread started.";
// Set to true the encode loop breaks because |StopRequested()| returns true.
bool user_initiated_stop = false;
if (!ptr_encode_func_) {
// NULL encode function pointer; fatal/die:
LOG(FATAL) << "NULL encode function pointer!";
// Run the media source to get samples flowing.
int status = ptr_media_source_->Run();
if (status) {
// media source Run failed; fatal/die:
LOG(FATAL) << "Unable to run the media source! " << status;
// Wait for an input sample from each input stream-- this sets the
// |timestamp_offset_| value when one or both streams starts with a negative
// timestamp to avoid passing negative timestamps to libvpx and libwebm.
status = WaitForSamples();
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "WaitForSamples failed: " << status;
} else {
for (;;) {
if (StopRequested()) {
LOG(INFO) << "StopRequested returned true, stopping...";
user_initiated_stop = true;
status = ptr_media_source_->CheckStatus();
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Media source in a bad state, stopping: " << status;
status = (this->*ptr_encode_func_)();
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "encoding failed: " << status;
if (ptr_data_sink_->Ready()) {
int32 chunk_length = 0;
const bool chunk_ready = ptr_muxer_->ChunkReady(&chunk_length);
if (chunk_ready) {
// A complete chunk is waiting in |ptr_muxer_|'s buffer.
if (!ReadChunkFromMuxer(chunk_length)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot read WebM chunk.";
// Pass the chunk to |ptr_data_sink_|.
if (!ptr_data_sink_->WriteData(chunk_buffer_.get(), chunk_length)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "data sink write failed!";
if (user_initiated_stop) {
// When |user_initiated_stop| is true the encode loop has been broken
// cleanly (without error). Call |LiveWebmMuxer::Finalize()| to flush any
// buffered samples, and upload the final chunk if one becomes available.
status = ptr_muxer_->Finalize();
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "muxer Finalize failed: " << status;
} else {
int32 chunk_length = 0;
if (ptr_muxer_->ChunkReady(&chunk_length)) {
LOG(INFO) << "mkvmuxer Finalize produced a chunk.";
while (!ptr_data_sink_->Ready())
if (ReadChunkFromMuxer(chunk_length)) {
const bool sink_write_ok =
ptr_data_sink_->WriteData(chunk_buffer_.get(), chunk_length);
if (!sink_write_ok) {
LOG(ERROR) << "data sink write failed for final chunk!";
} else {
LOG(INFO) << "Final chunk upload initiated.";
LOG(INFO) << "EncoderThread finished.";
// On each encoding pass:
// - Attempts to read one uncompressed audio buffer from |audio_pool_|, and
// feeds it |vorbis_encoder_| for compression when successful.
// - Passes all available compressed audio produced by |vorbis_encoder_| to
// |ptr_muxer_| for muxing.
int WebmEncoder::EncodeAudioOnly() {
// Encode a single audio buffer.
int status = EncodeAudioBuffer();
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "EncodeAudioBuffer failed: " << status;
return status;
// Read and mux vorbis data until no more is available from |vorbis_encoder_|.
AudioBuffer* vb = &vorbis_audio_buffer_;
VorbisEncoder* ve = &vorbis_encoder_;
while ((status = ve->ReadCompressedAudio(vb)) == kSuccess) {
// Mux the vorbis data.
const int mux_status = ptr_muxer_->WriteAudioBuffer(*vb);
if (mux_status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Audio buffer mux failed " << mux_status;
return mux_status;
LOG(INFO) << "muxed (audio) " << vorbis_audio_buffer_.timestamp() / 1000.0;
// Update encoded duration if able to obtain the lock.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_, std::try_to_lock);
if (lock.owns_lock()) {
encoded_duration_ = vb->timestamp();
if (status < 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error reading vorbis samples: " << status;
return kAudioEncoderError;
return kSuccess;
// On each encoding pass:
// - Attempts to read an uncompressed audio buffer from |audio_pool_|, and
// passes it to |vorbis_encoder_| when a buffer is available.
// - Stores the timestamp of the first available video frame from |video_pool_|
// in |video_timestamp|, or uses the last encoded timestamp if no frame is
// available.
// - Reads one compressed audio buffer from |vorbis_encoder_| into
// |vorbis_audio_buffer_|, and
// - Passes it to |ptr_muxer_| when the compressed audio buffer timestamp is
// less than the stored video timestamp, or
// - Stores the compressed audio buffer and sets the |vorbis_buffered| flag
// to true, and then waits to mux the audio until:
// - When the stored |video_timestamp| is less than or equal to the _estimated_
// timestamp of the next compressed audio buffer from |vorbis_encoder_|, calls
// |EncodeVideoFrame()| to attempt read and encode of a video frame, and
// finally:
// - When the |vorbis_buffered| flag has been set because the audio timestamp
// produced by |vorbis_encoder_| was greater than |video_timestamp, passes
// |vorbis_audio_buffer_| to |ptr_muxer_|.
int WebmEncoder::AVEncode() {
// Encode a single audio buffer.
int status = EncodeAudioBuffer();
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "EncodeAudioBuffer failed: " << status;
return status;
// Store the next video timestamp.
int64 video_timestamp = 0;
status = video_pool_.ActiveBufferTimestamp(&video_timestamp);
if (status < 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "VideoFrame pool timestamp check failed: " << status;
return kVideoSinkError;
if (status == BufferPool<VideoFrame>::kEmpty) {
// Use the last encoded frame timestamp when |video_pool_| is empty.
video_timestamp = video_encoder_.last_timestamp();
} else {
video_timestamp += timestamp_offset_;
// Read compressed audio until no more remains, or the compressed buffer
// timestamp is greater than |video_timestamp|.
bool vorbis_buffered = false;
AudioBuffer& vorb_buf = vorbis_audio_buffer_;
VorbisEncoder& vorb_enc = vorbis_encoder_;
while ((status = vorb_enc.ReadCompressedAudio(&vorb_buf)) == kSuccess) {
if (video_timestamp < vorb_buf.timestamp()) {
vorbis_buffered = true;
status = ptr_muxer_->WriteAudioBuffer(vorb_buf);
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "audio mux failed: " << status;
return status;
vorbis_buffered = false;
LOG(INFO) << "muxed (audio) " << vorbis_audio_buffer_.timestamp() / 1000.0;
// Attempt to encoded a video frame when |video_timestamp| is less than the
// next estimated compressed audio buffer timestamp.
if (video_timestamp <= vorb_enc.time_encoded()) {
LOG(INFO) << "attempting video mux vid_ts=" << video_timestamp
<< " vorb_enc time_encoded=" << vorb_enc.time_encoded();
status = EncodeVideoFrame();
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "EncodeVideoFrame failed: " << status;
return status;
// TODO(tomfinegan): Update libwebm to handle non-monotonic timestamps on
// audio by buffering samples in some way, and get rid
// of this extra bit of audio handling code.
// Mux compressed audio stored because its buffer timestamp was greater than
// |video_timestamp|.
if (vorbis_buffered) {
status = ptr_muxer_->WriteAudioBuffer(vorb_buf);
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "buffered audio mux failed: " << status;
return status;
LOG(INFO) << "muxed (audio) " << vorbis_audio_buffer_.timestamp() / 1000.0;
return kSuccess;
// On each encoding pass, either a call from |EncoderThread()| via
// |ptr_encode_func_| or a call from |AVEncode()|:
// - Attempts to read one frame from |video_pool_|, and compresses it using
// |video_encoder_| when a frame is available.
// - Passes the compressed frame to |ptr_muxer_| for muxing.
int WebmEncoder::EncodeVideoFrame() {
// Try reading a video frame from the pool.
int status = video_pool_.Decommit(&raw_frame_);
if (status) {
if (status != BufferPool<VideoFrame>::kEmpty) {
LOG(ERROR) << "VideoFrame pool Decommit failed! " << status;
return kVideoSinkError;
VLOG(4) << "No frames in VideoFrame pool";
return kSuccess;
VLOG(4) << "Encoder thread read raw frame.";
status = OffsetTimestamp(timestamp_offset_, &raw_frame_);
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Video frame timestamp offset failed " << status;
return kVideoEncoderError;
// Encode the video frame, and pass it to the muxer.
status = video_encoder_.EncodeFrame(raw_frame_, &vp8_frame_);
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Video frame encode failed " << status;
return kVideoEncoderError;
// Update encoded duration if able to obtain the lock.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_, std::try_to_lock);
if (lock.owns_lock()) {
encoded_duration_ = std::max(vp8_frame_.timestamp(), encoded_duration_);
status = ptr_muxer_->WriteVideoFrame(vp8_frame_);
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Video frame mux failed " << status;
VLOG(4) << "muxed (video) " << vp8_frame_.timestamp() / 1000.0;
return status;
int WebmEncoder::EncodeAudioBuffer() {
// Try reading an audio buffer from the pool.
int status = audio_pool_.Decommit(&raw_audio_buffer_);
if (status) {
if (status != BufferPool<AudioBuffer>::kEmpty) {
// Really an error; not just an empty pool.
LOG(ERROR) << "AudioBuffer pool Decommit failed! " << status;
return kAudioSinkError;
VLOG(4) << "No buffers in AudioBuffer pool";
} else {
VLOG(4) << "Encoder thread read raw audio buffer.";
status = OffsetTimestamp(timestamp_offset_, &raw_audio_buffer_);
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "audio timestamp offset failed: " << status;
return kAudioEncoderError;
// Pass the uncompressed audio to libvorbis.
status = vorbis_encoder_.Encode(raw_audio_buffer_);
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "vorbis encode failed " << status;
return kAudioEncoderError;
return kSuccess;
int WebmEncoder::WaitForSamples() {
// Wait for samples from the input stream(s).
bool got_audio = config_.disable_audio;
bool got_video = config_.disable_video;
for (;;) {
if (StopRequested()) {
return kSuccess;
if (!got_audio) {
got_audio = !audio_pool_.IsEmpty();
if (!got_video) {
got_video = !video_pool_.IsEmpty();
if (got_audio && got_video) {
int64 first_audio_timestamp = 0;
if (!config_.disable_audio) {
int64& a_ts = first_audio_timestamp;
const int status = audio_pool_.ActiveBufferTimestamp(&a_ts);
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot read first audio timestamp: " << status;
return status;
int64 first_video_timestamp = 0;
if (!config_.disable_video) {
int64& v_ts = first_video_timestamp;
const int status = video_pool_.ActiveBufferTimestamp(&v_ts);
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot read first video timestamp: " << status;
return status;
if (first_audio_timestamp < 0 && first_video_timestamp < 0) {
const int first_a_ts = std::abs(static_cast<int>(first_audio_timestamp));
const int first_v_ts = std::abs(static_cast<int>(first_video_timestamp));
timestamp_offset_ = std::max(first_a_ts, first_v_ts);
} else if (first_audio_timestamp < 0) {
const int first_a_ts = std::abs(static_cast<int>(first_audio_timestamp));
timestamp_offset_ = first_a_ts;
} else if (first_video_timestamp < 0) {
const int first_v_ts = std::abs(static_cast<int>(first_video_timestamp));
timestamp_offset_ = first_v_ts;
LOG(INFO) << "WebmEncoder timestamp_offset_=" << timestamp_offset_;
return kSuccess;
} // namespace webmlive