blob: 0bec8b523f0619df8357405e85f537f0fd68abdc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <QuickTime/QuickTime.h>
#include "WebMExportStructs.h"
//#include "debug.h"
#include "EbmlIDs.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "WebMAudioStream.h"
#include "WebMMux.h"
#define kVorbisPrivateMaxSize 4000
#define kSInt16Max 32768
static ComponentResult _updateProgressBar(WebMExportGlobalsPtr globals, double percent);
static UInt64 secondsToTimeCode(WebMExportGlobalsPtr globals, double timeInSeconds)
UInt64 rval = 0;
if (globals->webmTimeCodeScale == 0)
dbg_printf("[webm] ERROR= division by 0 globals->webmTimeCodeScale\n");
return 0;
rval = timeInSeconds * 1000000000 / globals->webmTimeCodeScale;
return rval;
static double getMaxDuration(WebMExportGlobalsPtr globals)
int i;
double duration = 0.0;
double dtmp = 0.0;
TimeRecord durationTimeRec;
// loop over all the data sources and find the max duration
for (i = 0; i < globals->streamCount; i++)
GenericStream *gs = &(*globals->streams)[i];
StreamSource *source;
source = &gs->source;
// get the track duration if it is available
if (InvokeMovieExportGetPropertyUPP(source->refCon, source->trackID,
source->propertyProc) == noErr)
dtmp = (double) durationTimeRec.value.lo / (double) durationTimeRec.scale;
dbg_printf("[webm] track duration # %d = %f\n", i, dtmp);
if (duration < dtmp)
duration = dtmp;
return duration;
static ComponentResult _writeTracks(WebMExportGlobalsPtr globals, EbmlGlobal *ebml, EbmlLoc* trackStart)
ComponentResult err = noErr;
int i;
Ebml_StartSubElement(ebml, trackStart, Tracks);
// Write tracks
for (i = 0; i < globals->streamCount; i++)
ComponentResult gErr = noErr;
GenericStream *gs = &(*globals->streams)[i];
dbg_printf("[WebM] Write track %d %s\n", i, gs->trackType == VideoMediaType ? "video" : "audio");
if (gs->trackType == VideoMediaType)
double fps = globals->framerate;
if (fps == 0)
fps = gs->source.timeScale / 100.0; //framerate estime should be replaced with more accurate
globals->framerate = fps;
dbg_printf("[WebM] WriteTrack frameRate %f\n",fps);
//TODO verify this is the output
err = InvokeMovieExportGetDataUPP(gs->source.refCon, &gs->source.params,
ImageDescription *id = *(ImageDescriptionHandle) gs->source.params.desc;
dbg_printf("[webM] write vid track #%d : %dx%d %f fps\n",
gs->source.trackID, id->width, id->height, fps);
writeVideoTrack(ebml, gs->source.trackID,
0, /*flag lacing*/
"V_VP8", id->width, id->height, fps);
else if (gs->trackType == SoundMediaType && globals->bCanExportAudio)
AudioStreamPtr as = &gs->aud;
unsigned int trackNumber;
double sampleRate = 0;
unsigned int channels = 0;
if (as->vorbisComponentInstance == NULL)
//Here I am setting the input properties for this component
err = initVorbisComponent(globals, gs);
if (err) return err;
sampleRate = as->asbd.mSampleRate;
channels = as->asbd.mChannelsPerFrame;
UInt8 *privateData = NULL;
UInt32 privateDataSize = 0;
write_vorbisPrivateData(gs, &privateData, &privateDataSize);
dbg_printf("[WebM] Writing audio track %d with %d bytes private data, %d channels, %d sampleRate\n",
gs->source.trackID, privateDataSize, channels, sampleRate);
writeAudioTrack(ebml, gs->source.trackID, 0 /*no lacing*/, "A_VORBIS" /*fixed for now*/,
sampleRate, channels, privateData, privateDataSize);
dbg_printf("[WebM] finished audio write \n");
if (privateData != NULL)
Ebml_EndSubElement(ebml, trackStart);
dbg_printf("[webM] exit write trakcs = %d\n", err);
return err;
static ComponentResult _updateProgressBar(WebMExportGlobalsPtr globals, double percent)
ComponentResult err = noErr;
//todo -- progress bar might need to be shut off in some cases
if (globals->progressOpen == false)
err = InvokeMovieProgressUPP(NULL, movieProgressOpen,
progressOpExportMovie, 0,
globals->progressOpen = true;
Fixed percentDone = FloatToFixed(percent);
if (globals->progressProc)
if (percentDone > 0x010000)
percentDone = 0x010000;
err = InvokeMovieProgressUPP(NULL, movieProgressUpdatePercent,
progressOpExportMovie, percentDone,
if (percentDone == 100.0 && globals->progressOpen)
err = InvokeMovieProgressUPP(NULL, movieProgressClose,
progressOpExportMovie, 0x010000,
globals->progressOpen == false;
return err;
static void _writeSeekElement(EbmlGlobal* ebml, unsigned long binaryId, EbmlLoc* Loc, UInt64 firstL1)
UInt64 offset = *(SInt64*)&Loc->offset;
offset = offset - firstL1 - 4; //constant 4(the length of the binary id)
dbg_printf("[webm] Writing Element %lx at offset %lld\n", binaryId, offset);
EbmlLoc start;
Ebml_StartSubElement(ebml, &start, Seek);
Ebml_SerializeBinary(ebml, SeekID, binaryId);
Ebml_SerializeUnsigned64(ebml, SeekPosition, offset);
Ebml_EndSubElement(ebml, &start);
static void _writeMetaSeekInformation(EbmlGlobal *ebml, EbmlLoc* trackLoc, EbmlLoc* cueLoc,
EbmlLoc* segmentInformation, EbmlLoc* seekInfoLoc, SInt64 sFirstL1, Boolean firstWrite)
EbmlLoc globLoc;
UInt64 firstL1 = sFirstL1;
//the first write is basicly space filler because where these elements are is unknown
if (firstWrite)
Ebml_StartSubElement(ebml, seekInfoLoc, SeekHead);
Ebml_GetEbmlLoc(ebml, &globLoc);
//Adding 8 which is the bytes that tell the size of the subElement
SInt64 eightSI = 8;
wide eight = *(wide*)&eightSI;
WideAdd(&seekInfoLoc->offset, &eight);
Ebml_SetEbmlLoc(ebml, seekInfoLoc);
SInt64 seekLoc = *(SInt64*)&seekInfoLoc->offset;
dbg_printf("[webm] Writing Seek Info to %lld\n", seekLoc);
_writeSeekElement(ebml, Tracks, trackLoc, firstL1);
_writeSeekElement(ebml, Cues, cueLoc, firstL1);
_writeSeekElement(ebml, Info, segmentInformation, firstL1);
if (firstWrite)
Ebml_EndSubElement(ebml, seekInfoLoc);
Ebml_SetEbmlLoc(ebml, &globLoc);
static void _writeCues(WebMExportGlobalsPtr globals, EbmlGlobal *ebml, EbmlLoc *cuesLoc)
dbg_printf("[webm]_writeCues %d \n", globals->cueCount);
Ebml_StartSubElement(ebml, cuesLoc, Cues);
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < globals->cueCount; i ++)
EbmlLoc cueHead;
WebMCuePoint *cue = (WebMCuePoint*)(*globals->cueHandle + i * sizeof(WebMCuePoint));
dbg_printf("[WebM] Writing Cue track %d time %ld loc %lld\n",
cue->track, cue->timeVal, cue->loc);
Ebml_StartSubElement(ebml, &cueHead, CuePoint);
Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(ebml, CueTime, cue->timeVal);
EbmlLoc trackLoc;
Ebml_StartSubElement(ebml, &trackLoc, CueTrackPositions);
//TODO verify trackLoc
Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(ebml, CueTrack, cue->track);
Ebml_SerializeUnsigned64(ebml, CueClusterPosition, cue->loc);
Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(ebml, CueBlockNumber, cue->blockNumber);
Ebml_EndSubElement(ebml, &trackLoc);
Ebml_EndSubElement(ebml, &cueHead);
Ebml_EndSubElement(ebml, cuesLoc);
void _addCue(WebMExportGlobalsPtr globals, UInt64 dataLoc, unsigned long time,
unsigned int track)
dbg_printf("[webm] _addCue %d time %ld loc %llu track %d blockNum %d\n",
globals->cueCount, time, dataLoc, track, globals->blocksInCluster);
globals->cueCount ++;
long handleSize = sizeof(WebMCuePoint) * globals->cueCount;
if (globals->cueHandle)
HUnlock(globals->cueHandle); //important to unlock before moving
SetHandleSize(globals->cueHandle, handleSize);
globals->cueHandle = NewHandleClear(handleSize);
WebMCuePoint *newCue = (WebMCuePoint*) (*globals->cueHandle + handleSize - sizeof(WebMCuePoint));
newCue->loc = dataLoc;
newCue->timeVal = time;
newCue->track = track;
newCue->blockNumber = globals->blocksInCluster;
dbg_printf("[webm] _addCue exit %d time %ld loc %llu track %d blockNum %d\n",
globals->cueCount, newCue->timeVal, newCue->loc, newCue->track, newCue->blockNumber);
dbg_printf("[WebM] globals->cueHandle Size %d\n", GetHandleSize(globals->cueHandle));
static void _startNewCluster(WebMExportGlobalsPtr globals, EbmlGlobal *ebml)
dbg_printf("[webm] Starting new cluster at %ld\n", globals->clusterTime);
if (globals->clusterTime != 0) //case of: first cluster (don't end non-existant previous)
Ebml_EndSubElement(ebml, &globals->clusterStart);
Ebml_StartSubElement(ebml, &globals->clusterStart, Cluster);
Ebml_SerializeUnsigned(ebml, Timecode, globals->clusterTime);
globals->blocksInCluster =1;
void GetEncoderSettings(WebMExportGlobalsPtr globals, Boolean *bIsTwoPass, Boolean *bAltRefEnabled)
//DO a first pass if needed
ComponentInstance videoCI =NULL;
*bIsTwoPass = false;
*bAltRefEnabled = false;
ComponentResult err = getVideoComponentInstace(globals, &videoCI);
dbg_printf("[WebM] getVideoComponentInstace err = %d\n",err);
goto bail;
if (globals->videoSettingsCustom == NULL)
globals->videoSettingsCustom = NewHandleClear(0);
SetHandleSize(globals->videoSettingsCustom, 0);
err = SCGetInfo(videoCI, scCodecSettingsType, &globals->videoSettingsCustom);
dbg_printf("[WebM] SCGetInfo err = %d\n",err);
goto bail;
globals->currentPass = 1;
if (GetHandleSize(globals->videoSettingsCustom) > 8)
*bIsTwoPass = ((UInt32*)*(globals->videoSettingsCustom))[1] ==2;
dbg_printf("[WebM] globals->videoSettingsCustom)[0] = %4.4s twoPass =%d\n",
&((UInt32*) *(globals->videoSettingsCustom))[0], *bIsTwoPass);
*bAltRefEnabled = ((UInt32*)*(globals->videoSettingsCustom))[25] ==1;
dbg_printf("[WebM] globals->videoSettingsCustom)[0] = %4.4s Altref =%d\n",
&((UInt32*) *(globals->videoSettingsCustom))[0], *bAltRefEnabled);
dbg_printf("[WebM] getVideoComponentInstace handleSize = %d\n",GetHandleSize(globals->videoSettingsCustom) );
//get framerate here if possible
SCTemporalSettings ts;
err= SCGetInfo(videoCI, scTemporalSettingsType, &ts);
if (err) goto bail;
double fps = FixedToFloat(ts.frameRate);
//I'm not sure if this if statement is needed here
dbg_printf("[WebM] SCGetInfo(scTemporalSettingsType) framerate %lf, previous fps %f\n", fps, globals->framerate);
if (fps != 0)
globals->framerate = fps;
if (videoCI != NULL)
videoCI= NULL;
ComponentResult _doFirstPass(WebMExportGlobalsPtr globals)
ComponentResult err = noErr;
if (!globals->bExportVideo)
return err;
UInt32 iStream;
Boolean allStreamsDone = false;
double duration = getMaxDuration(globals);
UInt64 timeMs = ULONG_MAX;
dbg_printf("[WebM] Itterating first pass on all videos\n");
allStreamsDone = false;
//in a first pass do only video
for (iStream = 0; iStream < globals->streamCount; iStream++)
GenericStream *gs = &(*globals->streams)[iStream];
if (gs->trackType == VideoMediaType)
gs->vid.bTwoPass = true;
while (!allStreamsDone)
timeMs = 0;
allStreamsDone = true;
for (iStream = 0; iStream < globals->streamCount; iStream++)
GenericStream *gs = &(*globals->streams)[iStream];
StreamSource *source;
if (gs->trackType == VideoMediaType)
err = compressNextFrame(globals, gs);
if (!gs->complete)
allStreamsDone = false;
timeMs = gs->source.time * 1000 / gs->source.timeScale;
if (duration != 0.0) //if duration is 0, can't show anything
double percentComplete = timeMs / 1000.0 / duration /2.0;
err = _updateProgressBar(globals, percentComplete);
dbg_printf("[WebM] Ending First Pass\n");
for (iStream = 0; iStream < globals->streamCount; iStream++)
GenericStream *gs = &(*globals->streams)[iStream];
if (gs->trackType == VideoMediaType)
//reset the stream to the start
gs->source.eos = false;
gs->source.time = 0;
gs->complete = false;
gs->framesIn = 0;
gs->framesOut = 0;
for (iStream = 0; iStream < globals->streamCount; iStream++)
GenericStream *gs = &(*globals->streams)[iStream];
if (gs->trackType == VideoMediaType)
startPass(gs, 2);
allStreamsDone = false; //reset
return err;
ComponentResult _compressEmptyStreams(WebMExportGlobalsPtr globals)
ComponentResult err = noErr;
UInt32 iStream;
for (iStream = 0; iStream < globals->streamCount; iStream++)
GenericStream *gs = &(*globals->streams)[iStream];
if (gs->trackType == VideoMediaType && globals->bExportVideo)
if (gs->frameQueue.size == 0)
err = compressNextFrame(globals, gs);
if (gs->trackType == SoundMediaType && globals->bExportAudio)
if (gs->frameQueue.size == 0)
err = compressAudio(gs);
if (err)
dbg_printf("[webm] compress error = %d\n", err);
goto bail;
return err;
Boolean _checkAllStreamsComplete(WebMExportGlobalsPtr globals)
UInt32 iStream;
Boolean allStreamsDone = true;
for (iStream = 0; iStream < globals->streamCount; iStream++)
GenericStream *gs = &(*globals->streams)[iStream];
if (!gs->complete || gs->frameQueue.size > 0)
allStreamsDone = false;
return allStreamsDone;
//If waiting for data, minTimeStream should be null
ComponentResult _getStreamWithMinTime(WebMExportGlobalsPtr globals, GenericStream **minTimeStream, UInt64* minTimeMs)
ComponentResult err = noErr;
UInt32 iStream;
*minTimeMs = ULONG_MAX;
*minTimeStream = NULL;
//see if there's an empty queue
//TODO : this seems as though it shouldn't happen
for (iStream = 0; iStream < globals->streamCount; iStream++)
GenericStream *gs = &(*globals->streams)[iStream];
if (gs->frameQueue.size == 0 && !gs->complete)
return noErr;
for (iStream = 0; iStream < globals->streamCount; iStream++)
GenericStream *gs = &(*globals->streams)[iStream];
if (gs->frameQueue.size == 0 && gs->complete)
continue; //if the stream is complete just continue
WebMBufferedFrame* frame = gs->frameQueue.queue[0];
dbg_printf("[WebM] %lu Frame Time = %ld\n",iStream, frame->timeMs);
Boolean bIsSmaller = false;
//audio media takes priority if sizes are similar
if(gs->trackType == VideoMediaType)
bIsSmaller = *minTimeMs > frame->timeMs;
else if (gs->trackType == SoundMediaType)
bIsSmaller = *minTimeMs >= frame->timeMs;
if (bIsSmaller)
*minTimeMs = frame->timeMs;
*minTimeStream = gs;
dbg_printf("[Webm] Stream with smallest time %d(ms) %s\n",
*minTimeMs, ((*minTimeStream)->trackType == VideoMediaType) ?"video":"audio");
return err;
void _startClusterIfNeeded(WebMExportGlobalsPtr globals, EbmlGlobal *ebml, UInt32 minTimeMs)
UInt32 iStream;
if (minTimeMs - globals->clusterTime > 32767)
globals->startNewCluster = true; //keep in mind the block time offset to the cluster is SInt16
//see if there is a video key frame
for (iStream = 0; iStream < globals->streamCount; iStream++)
GenericStream *gs = &(*globals->streams)[iStream];
if (gs->frameQueue.size ==0 || gs->trackType != VideoMediaType)
WebMBufferedFrame* frame = gs->frameQueue.queue[0];
if ((frame->frameType & KEY_FRAME != 0) && frame->timeMs != globals->clusterKeyFrameTime)
globals->clusterKeyFrameTime = frame->timeMs;
globals->startNewCluster = true;
//TODO make clusters star with video keyframes
if (globals->startNewCluster)
globals->clusterTime = minTimeMs;
globals->blocksInCluster =1;
globals->clusterOffset = *(SInt64 *)& ebml->offset;
dbg_printf("[WebM] Start new cluster offset %lld time %ld\n", globals->clusterOffset, minTimeMs);
_startNewCluster(globals, ebml);
globals->startNewCluster = false;
ComponentResult _writeBlock(WebMExportGlobalsPtr globals, GenericStreamPtr gs, EbmlGlobal* ebml)
ComponentResult err = noErr;
WebMBufferedFrame *frame = gs->frameQueue.queue[0];
int isKeyFrame = (frame->frameType & KEY_FRAME) != 0;
int invisible = (frame->frameType & ALT_REF_FRAME) !=0;
short relativeTime = frame->timeMs - globals->clusterTime;
dbg_printf("[webM] write simple block track %d keyframe %d invisible %d frame #%llu time %llu data size %lu, Relative Time %d\n",
gs->source.trackID, isKeyFrame, invisible,
gs->framesOut, frame->timeMs, frame->size, relativeTime);
//NOTE: right now alt ref frames are not marked invisible
writeSimpleBlock(ebml, gs->source.trackID, relativeTime,
isKeyFrame, 0, 0 , 0,
frame->data, frame->size);
dbg_printf("[webM] Queue Size %d", gs->frameQueue.size);
//TODO this if statement needs to come out later, audio video have different
//framesOut meanings
if(gs->trackType == VideoMediaType)
gs->framesOut ++;
return err;
static void _endSecondPass(WebMExportGlobalsPtr globals)
UInt32 iStream;
for (iStream = 0; iStream < globals->streamCount; iStream++)
GenericStream *gs = &(*globals->streams)[iStream];
if (gs->trackType == VideoMediaType)
ComponentResult muxStreams(WebMExportGlobalsPtr globals, DataHandler data_h)
ComponentResult err = noErr;
UInt64 minTimeMs;
double duration = getMaxDuration(globals);
dbg_printf("[WebM-%08lx] :: muxStreams( duration %f)\n", (UInt32) globals, duration);
WebMBufferedFrame * minFrame;
Boolean bTwoPass;
GetEncoderSettings(globals, &bTwoPass, &globals->bAltRefEnabled);
dbg_printf("[WebM] Is Two Pass %d\n",bTwoPass);
UInt32 iStream;
Boolean allStreamsDone = false;
//initialize my ebml writing structure
EbmlGlobal ebml;
ebml.data_h = data_h;
ebml.offset.hi = 0;
ebml.offset.lo = 0;
EbmlLoc startSegment, trackLoc, cuesLoc, segmentInfoLoc, seekInfoLoc;
globals->progressOpen = false;
dbg_printf("[WebM]) Write segment information\n");
Ebml_StartSubElement(&ebml, &startSegment, Segment);
SInt64 firstL1Offset = *(SInt64*) &ebml.offset; //The first level 1 element is the offset needed for cuepoints according to Matroska's specs
_writeMetaSeekInformation(&ebml, &trackLoc, &cuesLoc, &segmentInfoLoc, &seekInfoLoc, firstL1Offset, true);
writeSegmentInformation(&ebml, &segmentInfoLoc, globals->webmTimeCodeScale, duration);
_writeTracks(globals, &ebml, &trackLoc);
Boolean bExportVideo = globals->bMovieHasVideo && globals->bExportVideo;
Boolean bExportAudio = globals->bMovieHasAudio && globals->bExportAudio;
err = _updateProgressBar(globals, 0.0);
if (err) goto bail;
GenericStream *minTimeStream;
globals->clusterTime = 0; //assuming 0 start time
globals->startNewCluster = true; //cluster should start very first
globals->blocksInCluster =1;
globals->clusterOffset = *(SInt64 *)& ebml.offset;
globals->clusterKeyFrameTime = UINT_MAX;
//start first pass in a two pass
if (bTwoPass)
while (!allStreamsDone)
allStreamsDone = false;
err = _compressEmptyStreams(globals);
if (err) goto bail;
allStreamsDone = _checkAllStreamsComplete(globals);
if (allStreamsDone)
err = _getStreamWithMinTime(globals, &minTimeStream, &minTimeMs);
if (err) goto bail;
//if all frames that should be available find the earliest time:
if (minTimeStream == NULL) //some streams are waiting for compressed data
//write the stream with the earliest time
_startClusterIfNeeded(globals, &ebml, minTimeMs);
minFrame = minTimeStream->frameQueue.queue[0];
if (minTimeStream->trackType == VideoMediaType && (minFrame->frameType & KEY_FRAME) != 0)
UInt64 tmpU = globals->clusterOffset - firstL1Offset;
_addCue(globals, tmpU , minFrame->timeMs, minTimeStream->source.trackID);
} //end if VideoMediaType
_writeBlock(globals, minTimeStream, &ebml);
globals->blocksInCluster ++;
Ebml_EndSubElement(&ebml, &globals->clusterStart); //this writes cluster size multiple times, but works
if (duration != 0.0) //if duration is 0, can't show anything
double percentComplete = minTimeMs / 1000.0 / duration;
if (bTwoPass)
percentComplete = 0.5 + percentComplete/2.0;
err = _updateProgressBar(globals, percentComplete );
if (err ) goto bail;
dbg_printf("[webm] done writing streams\n");
if (bTwoPass)
//cues written at the end
_writeCues(globals, &ebml, &cuesLoc);
Ebml_EndSubElement(&ebml, &startSegment);
//here I am rewriting the metaSeekInformation
_writeMetaSeekInformation(&ebml, &trackLoc, &cuesLoc, &segmentInfoLoc, &seekInfoLoc, firstL1Offset, false);
HUnlock((Handle) globals->streams);
err = _updateProgressBar(globals, 100.0);
dbg_printf("[WebM] < [%08lx] :: muxStreams() = %ld\n", (UInt32) globals, err);
return err;