blob: 7cd8c69b039aead4f1b2d4adb1d5b4d036d15770 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/task_scheduler/task_scheduler.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "content/public/browser/certificate_request_result_type.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_throttle.h"
#include "content/public/common/associated_interface_registry.h"
#include "content/public/common/content_client.h"
#include "content/public/common/media_stream_request.h"
#include "content/public/common/resource_type.h"
#include "content/public/common/sandbox_type.h"
#include "content/public/common/socket_permission_request.h"
#include "content/public/common/window_container_type.mojom.h"
#include "media/media_features.h"
#include "media/mojo/interfaces/remoting.mojom.h"
#include "net/base/mime_util.h"
#include "net/cookies/canonical_cookie.h"
#include "services/service_manager/embedder/embedded_service_info.h"
#include "services/service_manager/public/cpp/binder_registry.h"
#include "storage/browser/fileapi/file_system_context.h"
#include "storage/browser/quota/quota_manager.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebPageVisibilityState.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/window_features.mojom.h"
#include "ui/base/page_transition_types.h"
#include "ui/base/window_open_disposition.h"
#if defined(OS_POSIX) && !defined(OS_MACOSX)
#include "base/posix/global_descriptors.h"
#if defined(OS_POSIX)
#include "content/public/browser/file_descriptor_info.h"
class GURL;
namespace base {
class CommandLine;
class FilePath;
namespace gfx {
class ImageSkia;
namespace gpu {
class GpuChannelEstablishFactory;
namespace media {
class AudioLogFactory;
class AudioManager;
class CdmFactory;
namespace mojo {
class ScopedInterfaceEndpointHandle;
namespace service_manager {
class Service;
struct BindSourceInfo;
namespace net {
class ClientCertIdentity;
using ClientCertIdentityList = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ClientCertIdentity>>;
class CookieOptions;
class NetLog;
class SSLCertRequestInfo;
class SSLInfo;
class URLRequest;
class URLRequestContext;
namespace rappor {
class RapporService;
namespace sandbox {
class TargetPolicy;
namespace ui {
class SelectFilePolicy;
namespace url {
class Origin;
namespace storage {
class FileSystemBackend;
namespace content {
enum class PermissionType;
class BrowserChildProcessHost;
class BrowserContext;
class BrowserMainParts;
class BrowserPpapiHost;
class BrowserURLHandler;
class ClientCertificateDelegate;
class ControllerPresentationServiceDelegate;
class DevToolsManagerDelegate;
class MediaObserver;
class MemoryCoordinatorDelegate;
class NavigationHandle;
class NavigationUIData;
class PlatformNotificationService;
class QuotaPermissionContext;
class ReceiverPresentationServiceDelegate;
class RenderFrameHost;
class RenderProcessHost;
class RenderViewHost;
class ResourceContext;
class SiteInstance;
class SpeechRecognitionManagerDelegate;
class StoragePartition;
class TracingDelegate;
class URLLoaderThrottle;
class VpnServiceProxy;
class WebContents;
class WebContentsViewDelegate;
struct MainFunctionParams;
struct OpenURLParams;
struct Referrer;
struct WebPreferences;
// Embedder API (or SPI) for participating in browser logic, to be implemented
// by the client of the content browser. See ChromeContentBrowserClient for the
// principal implementation. The methods are assumed to be called on the UI
// thread unless otherwise specified. Use this "escape hatch" sparingly, to
// avoid the embedder interface ballooning and becoming very specific to Chrome.
// (Often, the call out to the client can happen in a different part of the code
// that either already has a hook out to the embedder, or calls out to one of
// the observer interfaces.)
class CONTENT_EXPORT ContentBrowserClient {
virtual ~ContentBrowserClient() {}
// Allows the embedder to set any number of custom BrowserMainParts
// implementations for the browser startup code. See comments in
// browser_main_parts.h.
virtual BrowserMainParts* CreateBrowserMainParts(
const MainFunctionParams& parameters);
// Allows the embedder to change the default behavior of
// BrowserThread::PostAfterStartupTask to better match whatever
// definition of "startup" the embedder has in mind. This may be
// called on any thread.
// Note: see related BrowserThread::PostAfterStartupTask.
virtual void PostAfterStartupTask(
const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
const scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner>& task_runner,
base::OnceClosure task);
// Allows the embedder to indicate whether it considers startup to be
// complete. May be called on any thread. This should be called on a one-off
// basis; if you need to poll this function constantly, use the above
// PostAfterStartupTask() API instead.
virtual bool IsBrowserStartupComplete();
// If content creates the WebContentsView implementation, it will ask the
// embedder to return an (optional) delegate to customize it. The view will
// own the delegate.
virtual WebContentsViewDelegate* GetWebContentsViewDelegate(
WebContents* web_contents);
// Notifies that a render process will be created. This is called before
// the content layer adds its own BrowserMessageFilters, so that the
// embedder's IPC filters have priority.
virtual void RenderProcessWillLaunch(RenderProcessHost* host) {}
// Notifies that a BrowserChildProcessHost has been created.
virtual void BrowserChildProcessHostCreated(BrowserChildProcessHost* host) {}
// Get the effective URL for the given actual URL, to allow an embedder to
// group different url schemes in the same SiteInstance.
virtual GURL GetEffectiveURL(BrowserContext* browser_context,
const GURL& url);
// Returns whether all instances of the specified effective URL should be
// rendered by the same process, rather than using process-per-site-instance.
virtual bool ShouldUseProcessPerSite(BrowserContext* browser_context,
const GURL& effective_url);
// Returns true if site isolation should be enabled for |effective_site_url|.
// This call allows the embedder to supplement the site isolation policy
// enforced by the content layer.
// Will only be called if both of the following happen:
// 1. The embedder asked to be consulted, by returning true from
// ContentClient::IsSupplementarySiteIsolationModeEnabled().
// 2. The content layer didn't decide to isolate |effective_site_url|
// according to its internal policy (e.g. because of --site-per-process).
virtual bool DoesSiteRequireDedicatedProcess(BrowserContext* browser_context,
const GURL& effective_site_url);
// Returns true unless the effective URL is part of a site that cannot live in
// a process restricted to just that site. This is only called if site
// isolation is enabled for this URL, and is a bug workaround.
// TODO(nick): Remove this function once is fixed,
// and origin lock can be applied to all URLs.
virtual bool ShouldLockToOrigin(BrowserContext* browser_context,
const GURL& effective_url);
// Returns a list additional WebUI schemes, if any. These additional schemes
// act as aliases to the chrome: scheme. The additional schemes may or may
// not serve specific WebUI pages depending on the particular URLDataSource
// and its override of URLDataSource::ShouldServiceRequest.
virtual void GetAdditionalWebUISchemes(
std::vector<std::string>* additional_schemes) {}
// Returns a list of additional schemes allowed for view-source. Defaults to
// the list of WebUI schemes returned by GetAdditionalWebUISchemes.
virtual void GetAdditionalViewSourceSchemes(
std::vector<std::string>* additional_schemes);
// Called when WebUI objects are created to get aggregate usage data (i.e. is
// chrome://downloads used more than chrome://bookmarks?). Only internal (e.g.
// chrome://) URLs are logged. Returns whether the URL was actually logged.
virtual bool LogWebUIUrl(const GURL& web_ui_url) const;
// Returns whether a specified URL is handled by the embedder's internal
// protocol handlers.
virtual bool IsHandledURL(const GURL& url);
// Returns whether the given process is allowed to commit |url|. This is a
// more conservative check than IsSuitableHost, since it is used after a
// navigation has committed to ensure that the process did not exceed its
// authority.
// This is called on the UI thread.
virtual bool CanCommitURL(RenderProcessHost* process_host, const GURL& url);
// Returns whether a URL should be allowed to open from a specific context.
// This also applies in cases where the new URL will open in another process.
virtual bool ShouldAllowOpenURL(SiteInstance* site_instance, const GURL& url);
// Allows the embedder to override parameters when navigating. Called for both
// opening new URLs and when transferring URLs across processes.
virtual void OverrideNavigationParams(SiteInstance* site_instance,
ui::PageTransition* transition,
bool* is_renderer_initiated,
content::Referrer* referrer) {}
// Allows the embedder to override top document isolation for specific frames.
// |url| is the URL being loaded in the subframe, and |parent_site_instance|
// is the SiteInstance of the parent frame. Called only for subframes and only
// when top document isolation mode is enabled.
virtual bool ShouldFrameShareParentSiteInstanceDespiteTopDocumentIsolation(
const GURL& url,
SiteInstance* parent_site_instance);
// Returns whether a new view for a given |site_url| can be launched in a
// given |process_host|.
virtual bool IsSuitableHost(RenderProcessHost* process_host,
const GURL& site_url);
// Returns whether a new view for a new site instance can be added to a
// given |process_host|.
virtual bool MayReuseHost(RenderProcessHost* process_host);
// Returns whether a new process should be created or an existing one should
// be reused based on the URL we want to load. This should return false,
// unless there is a good reason otherwise.
virtual bool ShouldTryToUseExistingProcessHost(
BrowserContext* browser_context, const GURL& url);
// Called when a site instance is first associated with a process.
virtual void SiteInstanceGotProcess(SiteInstance* site_instance) {}
// Called from a site instance's destructor.
virtual void SiteInstanceDeleting(SiteInstance* site_instance) {}
// Returns true if for the navigation from |current_url| to |new_url|
// in |site_instance|, a new SiteInstance and BrowsingInstance should be
// created (even if we are in a process model that doesn't usually swap.)
// This forces a process swap and severs script connections with existing
// tabs.
virtual bool ShouldSwapBrowsingInstancesForNavigation(
SiteInstance* site_instance,
const GURL& current_url,
const GURL& new_url);
// Returns true if the given navigation redirect should cause a renderer
// process swap.
virtual bool ShouldSwapProcessesForRedirect(BrowserContext* browser_context,
const GURL& current_url,
const GURL& new_url);
// Returns true if the passed in URL should be assigned as the site of the
// current SiteInstance, if it does not yet have a site.
virtual bool ShouldAssignSiteForURL(const GURL& url);
// Allows the embedder to provide a list of origins that require a dedicated
// process.
virtual std::vector<url::Origin> GetOriginsRequiringDedicatedProcess();
// Allows the embedder to pass extra command line flags.
// switches::kProcessType will already be set at this point.
virtual void AppendExtraCommandLineSwitches(base::CommandLine* command_line,
int child_process_id) {}
// Returns the locale used by the application.
// This is called on the UI and IO threads.
virtual std::string GetApplicationLocale();
// Returns the languages used in the Accept-Languages HTTP header.
// (Not called GetAcceptLanguages so it doesn't clash with win32).
virtual std::string GetAcceptLangs(BrowserContext* context);
// Returns the default favicon. The callee doesn't own the given bitmap.
virtual const gfx::ImageSkia* GetDefaultFavicon();
// Returns the fully qualified path to the log file name, or an empty path.
// This function is used by the sandbox to allow write access to the log.
virtual base::FilePath GetLoggingFileName();
// Allow the embedder to control if an AppCache can be used for the given url.
// This is called on the IO thread.
virtual bool AllowAppCache(const GURL& manifest_url,
const GURL& first_party,
ResourceContext* context);
// Allow the embedder to control if a Service Worker can be associated
// with the given scope.
// A null |wc_getter| callback indicates this is for starting a service
// worker, which is not necessarily associated with a particular tab.
// This is called on the IO thread.
virtual bool AllowServiceWorker(
const GURL& scope,
const GURL& first_party,
ResourceContext* context,
const base::Callback<WebContents*(void)>& wc_getter);
virtual bool IsDataSaverEnabled(BrowserContext* context);
// Allow the embedder to control if the given cookie can be read.
// This is called on the IO thread.
virtual bool AllowGetCookie(const GURL& url,
const GURL& first_party,
const net::CookieList& cookie_list,
ResourceContext* context,
int render_process_id,
int render_frame_id);
// Allow the embedder to control if the given cookie can be set.
// This is called on the IO thread.
virtual bool AllowSetCookie(const GURL& url,
const GURL& first_party,
const std::string& cookie_line,
ResourceContext* context,
int render_process_id,
int render_frame_id,
const net::CookieOptions& options);
// Allow the embedder to control if access to file system by a shared worker
// is allowed.
// This is called on the IO thread.
virtual void AllowWorkerFileSystem(
const GURL& url,
ResourceContext* context,
const std::vector<std::pair<int, int> >& render_frames,
base::Callback<void(bool)> callback);
// Allow the embedder to control if access to IndexedDB by a shared worker
// is allowed.
// This is called on the IO thread.
virtual bool AllowWorkerIndexedDB(
const GURL& url,
const base::string16& name,
ResourceContext* context,
const std::vector<std::pair<int, int> >& render_frames);
// Allow the embedder to control whether we can use Web Bluetooth.
// TODO( Replace this with a use of the permission system.
enum class AllowWebBluetoothResult {
virtual AllowWebBluetoothResult AllowWebBluetooth(
content::BrowserContext* browser_context,
const url::Origin& requesting_origin,
const url::Origin& embedding_origin);
// Returns a blocklist of UUIDs that have restrictions when accessed
// via Web Bluetooth. Parsed by BluetoothBlocklist::Add().
// The blocklist string must be a comma-separated list of UUID:exclusion
// pairs. The pairs may be separated by whitespace. Pair components are
// colon-separated and must not have whitespace around the colon.
// UUIDs are a string that BluetoothUUID can parse (See BluetoothUUID
// constructor comment). Exclusion values are a single lower case character
// string "e", "r", or "w" for EXCLUDE, EXCLUDE_READS, or EXCLUDE_WRITES.
// Example:
// "1812:e, 00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb:w, ignored:1, alsoignored."
virtual std::string GetWebBluetoothBlocklist();
// Allow the embedder to override the request context based on the URL for
// certain operations, like cookie access. Returns nullptr to indicate the
// regular request context should be used.
// This is called on the IO thread.
virtual net::URLRequestContext* OverrideRequestContextForURL(
const GURL& url, ResourceContext* context);
// Allow the embedder to specify a string version of the storage partition
// config with a site.
virtual std::string GetStoragePartitionIdForSite(
BrowserContext* browser_context,
const GURL& site);
// Allows the embedder to provide a validation check for |partition_id|s.
// This domain of valid entries should match the range of outputs for
// GetStoragePartitionIdForChildProcess().
virtual bool IsValidStoragePartitionId(BrowserContext* browser_context,
const std::string& partition_id);
// Allows the embedder to provide a storage parititon configuration for a
// site. A storage partition configuration includes a domain of the embedder's
// choice, an optional name within that domain, and whether the partition is
// in-memory only.
// If |can_be_default| is false, the caller is telling the embedder that the
// |site| is known to not be in the default partition. This is useful in
// some shutdown situations where the bookkeeping logic that maps sites to
// their partition configuration are no longer valid.
// The |partition_domain| is [a-z]* UTF-8 string, specifying the domain in
// which partitions live (similar to namespace). Within a domain, partitions
// can be uniquely identified by the combination of |partition_name| and
// |in_memory| values. When a partition is not to be persisted, the
// |in_memory| value must be set to true.
virtual void GetStoragePartitionConfigForSite(
BrowserContext* browser_context,
const GURL& site,
bool can_be_default,
std::string* partition_domain,
std::string* partition_name,
bool* in_memory);
// Create and return a new quota permission context.
virtual QuotaPermissionContext* CreateQuotaPermissionContext();
// Allows the embedder to provide settings that determine the amount
// of disk space that may be used by content facing storage apis like
// IndexedDatabase and ServiceWorker::CacheStorage and others.
virtual void GetQuotaSettings(
content::BrowserContext* context,
content::StoragePartition* partition,
storage::OptionalQuotaSettingsCallback callback);
// Informs the embedder that a certificate error has occured. If
// |overridable| is true and if |strict_enforcement| is false, the user
// can ignore the error and continue. The embedder can call the callback
// asynchronously.
virtual void AllowCertificateError(
WebContents* web_contents,
int cert_error,
const net::SSLInfo& ssl_info,
const GURL& request_url,
ResourceType resource_type,
bool overridable,
bool strict_enforcement,
bool expired_previous_decision,
const base::Callback<void(CertificateRequestResultType)>& callback);
// Selects a SSL client certificate and returns it to the |delegate|. Note:
// |delegate| may be called synchronously or asynchronously.
// TODO(davidben): Move this hook to WebContentsDelegate.
virtual void SelectClientCertificate(
WebContents* web_contents,
net::SSLCertRequestInfo* cert_request_info,
net::ClientCertIdentityList client_certs,
std::unique_ptr<ClientCertificateDelegate> delegate);
// Returns a class to get notifications about media event. The embedder can
// return nullptr if they're not interested.
virtual MediaObserver* GetMediaObserver();
// Returns the platform notification service, capable of displaying Web
// Notifications to the user. The embedder can return a nullptr if they don't
// support this functionality. May be called from any thread.
virtual PlatformNotificationService* GetPlatformNotificationService();
// Returns true if the given page is allowed to open a window of the given
// type. If true is returned, |no_javascript_access| will indicate whether
// the window that is created should be scriptable/in the same process.
// This is called on the UI thread.
virtual bool CanCreateWindow(
RenderFrameHost* opener,
const GURL& opener_url,
const GURL& opener_top_level_frame_url,
const GURL& source_origin,
content::mojom::WindowContainerType container_type,
const GURL& target_url,
const Referrer& referrer,
const std::string& frame_name,
WindowOpenDisposition disposition,
const blink::mojom::WindowFeatures& features,
bool user_gesture,
bool opener_suppressed,
bool* no_javascript_access);
// Notifies the embedder that the ResourceDispatcherHost has been created.
// This is when it can optionally add a delegate.
virtual void ResourceDispatcherHostCreated() {}
// Allows the embedder to return a delegate for the SpeechRecognitionManager.
// The delegate will be owned by the manager. It's valid to return nullptr.
virtual SpeechRecognitionManagerDelegate*
// Getters for common objects.
virtual net::NetLog* GetNetLog();
// Called by WebContents to override the WebKit preferences that are used by
// the renderer. The content layer will add its own settings, and then it's up
// to the embedder to update it if it wants.
virtual void OverrideWebkitPrefs(RenderViewHost* render_view_host,
WebPreferences* prefs) {}
// Notifies that BrowserURLHandler has been created, so that the embedder can
// optionally add their own handlers.
virtual void BrowserURLHandlerCreated(BrowserURLHandler* handler) {}
// Returns the default download directory.
// This can be called on any thread.
virtual base::FilePath GetDefaultDownloadDirectory();
// Returns the default filename used in downloads when we have no idea what
// else we should do with the file.
virtual std::string GetDefaultDownloadName();
// Returns the path to the browser shader disk cache root.
virtual base::FilePath GetShaderDiskCacheDirectory();
// Notification that a pepper plugin has just been spawned. This allows the
// embedder to add filters onto the host to implement interfaces.
// This is called on the IO thread.
virtual void DidCreatePpapiPlugin(BrowserPpapiHost* browser_host) {}
// Gets the host for an external out-of-process plugin.
virtual BrowserPpapiHost* GetExternalBrowserPpapiHost(
int plugin_child_id);
// Gets the factory to use to establish a connection to the GPU process.
virtual gpu::GpuChannelEstablishFactory* GetGpuChannelEstablishFactory();
// Returns true if the socket operation specified by |params| is allowed from
// the given |browser_context| and |url|. If |params| is nullptr, this method
// checks the basic "socket" permission, which is for those operations that
// don't require a specific socket permission rule.
// |private_api| indicates whether this permission check is for the private
// Pepper socket API or the public one.
virtual bool AllowPepperSocketAPI(BrowserContext* browser_context,
const GURL& url,
bool private_api,
const SocketPermissionRequest* params);
// Returns true if the "vpnProvider" permission is allowed from the given
// |browser_context| and |url|.
virtual bool IsPepperVpnProviderAPIAllowed(BrowserContext* browser_context,
const GURL& url);
// Creates a new VpnServiceProxy. The caller owns the returned value. It's
// valid to return nullptr.
virtual std::unique_ptr<VpnServiceProxy> GetVpnServiceProxy(
BrowserContext* browser_context);
// Returns an implementation of a file selecition policy. Can return nullptr.
virtual ui::SelectFilePolicy* CreateSelectFilePolicy(
WebContents* web_contents);
// Returns additional allowed scheme set which can access files in
// FileSystem API.
virtual void GetAdditionalAllowedSchemesForFileSystem(
std::vector<std::string>* additional_schemes) {}
// |schemes| is a return value parameter that gets a whitelist of schemes that
// should bypass the Is Privileged Context check.
// See
virtual void GetSchemesBypassingSecureContextCheckWhitelist(
std::set<std::string>* schemes) {}
// Returns auto mount handlers for URL requests for FileSystem APIs.
virtual void GetURLRequestAutoMountHandlers(
std::vector<storage::URLRequestAutoMountHandler>* handlers) {}
// Returns additional file system backends for FileSystem API.
// |browser_context| is needed in the additional FileSystemBackends.
// It has mount points to create objects returned by additional
// FileSystemBackends, and SpecialStoragePolicy for permission granting.
virtual void GetAdditionalFileSystemBackends(
BrowserContext* browser_context,
const base::FilePath& storage_partition_path,
additional_backends) {}
// Creates a new DevToolsManagerDelegate. The caller owns the returned value.
// It's valid to return nullptr.
virtual DevToolsManagerDelegate* GetDevToolsManagerDelegate();
// Creates a new TracingDelegate. The caller owns the returned value.
// It's valid to return nullptr.
virtual TracingDelegate* GetTracingDelegate();
// Returns true if plugin referred to by the url can use
// pp::FileIO::RequestOSFileHandle.
virtual bool IsPluginAllowedToCallRequestOSFileHandle(
BrowserContext* browser_context,
const GURL& url);
// Returns true if dev channel APIs are available for plugins.
virtual bool IsPluginAllowedToUseDevChannelAPIs(
BrowserContext* browser_context,
const GURL& url);
// Generate a Service user-id for the supplied browser context. Defaults to
// returning a random GUID.
virtual std::string GetServiceUserIdForBrowserContext(
BrowserContext* browser_context);
// Allows to register browser interfaces exposed through the
// RenderProcessHost. Note that interface factory callbacks added to
// |registry| will by default be run immediately on the IO thread, unless a
// task runner is provided.
virtual void ExposeInterfacesToRenderer(
service_manager::BinderRegistry* registry,
AssociatedInterfaceRegistry* associated_registry,
RenderProcessHost* render_process_host) {}
// Called when RenderFrameHostImpl connects to the Media service. Expose
// interfaces to the service using |registry|.
virtual void ExposeInterfacesToMediaService(
service_manager::BinderRegistry* registry,
RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host) {}
// Content was unable to bind a request for this interface, so the embedder
// should try.
virtual void BindInterfaceRequestFromFrame(
RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host,
const service_manager::BindSourceInfo& source_info,
const std::string& interface_name,
mojo::ScopedMessagePipeHandle interface_pipe) {}
// Content was unable to bind a request for this associated interface, so the
// embedder should try. Returns true if the |handle| was actually taken and
// bound; false otherwise.
virtual bool BindAssociatedInterfaceRequestFromFrame(
RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host,
const std::string& interface_name,
mojo::ScopedInterfaceEndpointHandle* handle);
// (Currently called only from GPUProcessHost, move somewhere more central).
// Called when a request to bind |interface_name| on |interface_pipe| is
// received from |source_info.identity|. If the request is bound,
// |interface_pipe| will become invalid (taken by the client).
virtual void BindInterfaceRequest(
const service_manager::BindSourceInfo& source_info,
const std::string& interface_name,
mojo::ScopedMessagePipeHandle* interface_pipe) {}
using StaticServiceMap =
std::map<std::string, service_manager::EmbeddedServiceInfo>;
// Registers services to be loaded in the browser process by the Service
// Manager.
virtual void RegisterInProcessServices(StaticServiceMap* services) {}
using OutOfProcessServiceMap =
std::map<std::string, std::pair<base::string16, SandboxType>>;
// Registers services to be loaded out of the browser process, in an
// utility process. The value of each map entry should be a { process name,
// sandbox type } pair to use for the service's host process when launched.
// WARNING: SANDBOX_TYPE_NO_SANDBOX is NOT recommended as it creates an
// unsandboxed process! If a service needs another service that is only
// available out of the sandbox, it could ask the browser process to provide
// it. Only use this method when that approach does not work.
virtual void RegisterOutOfProcessServices(OutOfProcessServiceMap* services) {}
// Allow the embedder to provide a dictionary loaded from a JSON file
// resembling a service manifest whose capabilities section will be merged
// with content's own for |name|. Additional entries will be appended to their
// respective sections.
virtual std::unique_ptr<base::Value> GetServiceManifestOverlay(
base::StringPiece name);
struct ServiceManifestInfo {
// The name of the service.
std::string name;
// The resource ID of the manifest.
int resource_id;
// Allows the embedder to provide extra service manifests to be registered
// with the service manager context.
virtual std::vector<ServiceManifestInfo> GetExtraServiceManifests();
// Allows to override the visibility state of a RenderFrameHost.
// |visibility_state| should not be null. It will only be set if needed.
virtual void OverridePageVisibilityState(
RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host,
blink::WebPageVisibilityState* visibility_state) {}
// Allows an embedder to provide its own ControllerPresentationServiceDelegate
// implementation. Returns nullptr if unavailable.
virtual ControllerPresentationServiceDelegate*
GetControllerPresentationServiceDelegate(WebContents* web_contents);
// Allows an embedder to provide its own ReceiverPresentationServiceDelegate
// implementation. Returns nullptr if unavailable. Only WebContents created
// for offscreen presentations should be passed to this API. The WebContents
// must belong to an incognito profile.
virtual ReceiverPresentationServiceDelegate*
GetReceiverPresentationServiceDelegate(WebContents* web_contents);
// Allows programmatic opening of a new tab/window without going through
// another WebContents. For example, from a Worker. |callback| will be
// invoked with the appropriate WebContents* when available.
virtual void OpenURL(BrowserContext* browser_context,
const OpenURLParams& params,
const base::Callback<void(WebContents*)>& callback);
// Allows the embedder to record |metric| for a specific |url|.
virtual void RecordURLMetric(const std::string& metric, const GURL& url) {}
// Allows the embedder to map URLs to strings, intended to be used as suffixes
// for metric names. For example, the embedder can map
// ""
// to the string "MySpecialSite", which will cause some UMA involving that URL
// to be logged as "UmaName.MySpecialSite".
virtual std::string GetMetricSuffixForURL(const GURL& url);
// Allows the embedder to register one or more NavigationThrottles for the
// navigation indicated by |navigation_handle|. A NavigationThrottle is used
// to control the flow of a navigation on the UI thread. The embedder is
// guaranteed that the throttles will be executed in the order they were
// provided.
virtual std::vector<std::unique_ptr<NavigationThrottle>>
CreateThrottlesForNavigation(NavigationHandle* navigation_handle);
// PlzNavigate
// Called at the start of the navigation to get opaque data the embedder
// wants to see passed to the corresponding URLRequest on the IO thread.
virtual std::unique_ptr<NavigationUIData> GetNavigationUIData(
NavigationHandle* navigation_handle);
// Allows the embedder to provide its own AudioManager implementation.
// If this function returns nullptr, a default platform implementation
// will be used.
virtual std::unique_ptr<media::AudioManager> CreateAudioManager(
media::AudioLogFactory* audio_log_factory);
// Creates and returns a factory used for creating CDM instances for playing
// protected content.
virtual std::unique_ptr<media::CdmFactory> CreateCdmFactory();
// Populates |mappings| with all files that need to be mapped before launching
// a child process.
#if defined(OS_POSIX) && !defined(OS_MACOSX)
virtual void GetAdditionalMappedFilesForChildProcess(
const base::CommandLine& command_line,
int child_process_id,
content::FileDescriptorInfo* mappings) {}
#endif // defined(OS_POSIX) && !defined(OS_MACOSX)
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// This is called on the PROCESS_LAUNCHER thread before the renderer process
// is launched. It gives the embedder a chance to add loosen the sandbox
// policy.
virtual bool PreSpawnRenderer(sandbox::TargetPolicy* policy);
// Returns the AppContainer SID for the specified sandboxed process type, or
// empty string if this sandboxed process type does not support living inside
// an AppContainer.
virtual base::string16 GetAppContainerSidForSandboxType(
int sandbox_type) const;
// Returns an instance of MemoryCoordinatorDelegate.
virtual std::unique_ptr<MemoryCoordinatorDelegate>
// Binds a new media remoter service to |request|, if supported by the
// embedder, for the |source| that lives in the render frame represented
// by |render_frame_host|. This may be called multiple times if there is more
// than one source candidate in the same render frame.
virtual void CreateMediaRemoter(RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host,
media::mojom::RemotingSourcePtr source,
media::mojom::RemoterRequest request) {}
// Returns the RapporService from the browser process.
virtual ::rappor::RapporService* GetRapporService();
// Provides parameters for initializing the global task scheduler. Default
// params are used if this returns nullptr.
virtual std::unique_ptr<base::TaskScheduler::InitParams>
// Allows the embedder to register one or more URLLoaderThrottles for a
// URL request. This is used only when --enable-network-service is in effect.
// This is called on the IO thread.
virtual std::vector<std::unique_ptr<URLLoaderThrottle>>
CreateURLLoaderThrottles(const base::Callback<WebContents*()>& wc_getter);
} // namespace content