blob: d85e2810e9d156f88cce999bfd30977b6536b2d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module content.mojom;
import "ipc/ipc.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/file.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/generic_pending_receiver.mojom";
import "services/service_manager/public/mojom/service.mojom";
import "services/tracing/public/mojom/background_tracing_agent.mojom";
// The primordial interface child processes use to push requests to their
// browser-side host object.
interface ChildProcessHost {
// Requests that the browser bind |receiver| on behalf of the child process.
// Whether or not the interface type encapsulated by |receiver| is supported
// depends on the process type and potentially on the Content embedder.
BindHostReceiver(mojo_base.mojom.GenericPendingReceiver receiver);
// An interface bound on the browser's IO thread to accept a ChildProcessHost
// receiver from the child process. A remote to this interface is sent to child
// processes via |ChildProcess.Initialize()| so that the child process may in
// turn send back a ChildProcessHost receiver for the browser to bind. This
// allows the child process to begin queuing messages on its ChildProcessHost
// immediately upon startup without first waiting for
// |ChildProcess.Initialize()|.
// NOTE: This is a separate interface and message rather than a simple reply to
// |ChildProcess.Initialize()| because RenderProcessHostImpl binds its
// ChildProcess remote on the main thread, and the ChildProcessHost receiver
// needs to be accepted and bound on the IO thread without a main-thread hop.
interface ChildProcessHostBootstrap {
BindProcessHost(pending_receiver<ChildProcessHost> receiver);
// A control interface the browser uses to drive the behavior of all types of
// Content child processes.
interface ChildProcess {
// The first message sent by the process host to the child process. This is
// sent to allow the child process to bootstrap its own ChildProcessHost
// interface, to which it may have already queued messages.
Initialize(pending_remote<ChildProcessHostBootstrap> boostrap);
// Tells the child process that it's safe to shutdown.
// Requests the child process send its Mach task port to the caller.
GetTaskPort() => (handle<platform> task_port);
// Tells the child process to begin or end IPC message logging.
SetIPCLoggingEnabled(bool on);
// Used to configure triggering for background tracing of child processes.
pending_receiver<tracing.mojom.BackgroundTracingAgentProvider> receiver);
// Force the child process to crash immediately (i.e. a hard crash, no
// cleanup, generating a crash report).
// Binds the legacy IPC Channel bootstrapping pipe.
BootstrapLegacyIpc(pending_receiver<IPC.mojom.ChannelBootstrap> receiver);
// Tells the child process to run an instance of a service named
// |service_name|, binding it to |receiver|. This is used by the browser to
// support launching of packaged services within Utility or GPU processes.
// DEPRECATED: |BindServiceInterface()| should be used instead. This will be
// removed soon.
RunService(string service_name,
pending_receiver<service_manager.mojom.Service> receiver);
// Requests that the process bind a receiving pipe targeting the service
// interface named by |receiver|.
// TODO( Rename this to |RunService()| once the above method
// is removed.
BindServiceInterface(mojo_base.mojom.GenericPendingReceiver receiver);
// Requests that the process bind a receiving pipe targeting the interface
// named by |receiver|. Unlike |BindServiceInterface()| this may be used to
// bind arbitrary interfaces on many different types of child processes.
// Calls to this method generally end up in
// |ChildThreadImpl::OnBindReceiver()|.
// Whether or not the interface type encapsulated by |receiver| is supported
// depends on the process type and potentially on the Content embedder.
BindReceiver(mojo_base.mojom.GenericPendingReceiver receiver);
// Sets the profiling file for the child process.
// Used for the coverage builds.
SetProfilingFile(mojo_base.mojom.File file);