blob: 0976f550db7581295e573d5d3b66d2153e6f5102 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "extensions/browser/api/declarative_net_request/ruleset_matcher.h"
#include "extensions/common/permissions/permissions_data.h"
namespace extensions {
namespace declarative_net_request {
// Per extension instance which manages the different rulesets for an extension
// while respecting their priorities.
class CompositeMatcher {
struct RedirectAction {
RedirectAction(base::Optional<GURL> redirect_url, bool notify);
RedirectAction(RedirectAction&& other);
RedirectAction& operator=(RedirectAction&& other);
// The URL the request will be redirected to. The request should not be
// redirected if this is not specified.
base::Optional<GURL> redirect_url;
// Whether the extension should be notified that the request was unable to
// be redirected as the extension lacks the appropriate host permission for
// the request.
bool notify_request_withheld = false;
using MatcherList = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RulesetMatcher>>;
// Each RulesetMatcher should have a distinct ID and priority.
explicit CompositeMatcher(MatcherList matchers);
// Adds the |new_matcher| to the list of matchers. If a matcher with the
// corresponding ID is already present, updates the matcher.
void AddOrUpdateRuleset(std::unique_ptr<RulesetMatcher> new_matcher);
// Returns whether the network request as specified by |params| should be
// blocked.
bool ShouldBlockRequest(const RequestParams& params) const;
// Returns a RedirectAction struct containing a redirect URL if the request
// is to be redirected, and whether the extension should be notified if its
// access to the request is withheld.
RedirectAction ShouldRedirectRequest(
const RequestParams& params,
PermissionsData::PageAccess page_access) const;
// Returns the bitmask of headers to remove from the request. The bitmask
// corresponds to RemoveHeadersMask type. |current_mask| denotes the current
// mask of headers to be removed and is included in the return value.
uint8_t GetRemoveHeadersMask(const RequestParams& params,
uint8_t current_mask) const;
// Returns whether this modifies "extraHeaders".
bool HasAnyExtraHeadersMatcher() const;
bool ComputeHasAnyExtraHeadersMatcher() const;
// Sorts |matchers_| in descending order of priority.
void SortMatchersByPriority();
// Sorted by priority in descending order.
MatcherList matchers_;
// Denotes the cached return value for |HasAnyExtraHeadersMatcher|. Care must
// be taken to reset this as this object is modified.
mutable base::Optional<bool> has_any_extra_headers_matcher_;
} // namespace declarative_net_request
} // namespace extensions