blob: a9986ba14e00c9ab7adeea83851e645cb65aa1aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "components/download/public/common/download_interrupt_reasons.h"
#include "components/download/public/common/download_item.h"
#include "components/download/public/common/download_url_parameters.h"
#include "content/public/browser/download_manager.h"
namespace content {
// Detects an arbitrary change on a download item.
// TODO: Rewrite other observers to use this (or be replaced by it).
class DownloadUpdatedObserver : public download::DownloadItem::Observer {
typedef base::Callback<bool(download::DownloadItem*)> EventFilter;
// The filter passed may be called multiple times, even after it
// returns true.
DownloadUpdatedObserver(download::DownloadItem* item, EventFilter filter);
~DownloadUpdatedObserver() override;
// Returns when either the event has been seen (at least once since
// object construction) or the item is destroyed. Return value indicates
// if the wait ended because the item was seen (true) or the object
// destroyed (false).
bool WaitForEvent();
// download::DownloadItem::Observer
void OnDownloadUpdated(download::DownloadItem* item) override;
void OnDownloadDestroyed(download::DownloadItem* item) override;
download::DownloadItem* item_;
EventFilter filter_;
bool waiting_;
bool event_seen_;
// Detects changes to the downloads after construction.
// Finishes when one of the following happens:
// - A specified number of downloads change to a terminal state (defined
// in derived classes).
// - The download manager was shutdown.
// Callers may either probe for the finished state, or wait on it.
class DownloadTestObserver : public DownloadManager::Observer,
public download::DownloadItem::Observer {
// Action an observer should take if a dangerous download is encountered.
enum DangerousDownloadAction {
ON_DANGEROUS_DOWNLOAD_ACCEPT, // Accept the download
ON_DANGEROUS_DOWNLOAD_DENY, // Deny the download
ON_DANGEROUS_DOWNLOAD_FAIL, // Fail if a dangerous download is seen
ON_DANGEROUS_DOWNLOAD_IGNORE, // Make it the callers problem.
ON_DANGEROUS_DOWNLOAD_QUIT // Will set final state without decision.
// Create an object that will be considered finished when |wait_count|
// download items have entered a terminal state.
DownloadTestObserver(DownloadManager* download_manager,
size_t wait_count,
DangerousDownloadAction dangerous_download_action);
~DownloadTestObserver() override;
// Wait for one of the finish conditions.
void WaitForFinished();
// Return true if we reached one of the finish conditions.
bool IsFinished() const;
// download::DownloadItem::Observer
void OnDownloadUpdated(download::DownloadItem* download) override;
void OnDownloadDestroyed(download::DownloadItem* download) override;
// DownloadManager::Observer
void OnDownloadCreated(DownloadManager* manager,
download::DownloadItem* item) override;
void ManagerGoingDown(DownloadManager* manager) override;
size_t NumDangerousDownloadsSeen() const;
size_t NumDownloadsSeenInState(
download::DownloadItem::DownloadState state) const;
// Only to be called by derived classes' constructors.
virtual void Init();
// Called to see if a download item is in a final state.
virtual bool IsDownloadInFinalState(download::DownloadItem* download) = 0;
typedef std::set<download::DownloadItem*> DownloadSet;
// Maps states to the number of times they have been encountered
typedef std::map<download::DownloadItem::DownloadState, size_t> StateMap;
// Called when we know that a download item is in a final state.
// Note that this is not the same as it first transitioning in to the
// final state; multiple notifications may occur once the item is in
// that state. So we keep our own track of transitions into final.
void DownloadInFinalState(download::DownloadItem* download);
void SignalIfFinished();
// Fake user click on "Accept".
void AcceptDangerousDownload(uint32_t download_id);
// Fake user click on "Deny".
void DenyDangerousDownload(uint32_t download_id);
// The observed download manager.
DownloadManager* download_manager_;
// The set of download::DownloadItem's that have transitioned to their
// finished state since construction of this object. When the size of this
// array reaches wait_count_, we're done.
DownloadSet finished_downloads_;
// The set of download::DownloadItem's we are currently observing. Generally
// there won't be any overlap with the above; once we see the final state on a
// download::DownloadItem, we'll stop observing it.
DownloadSet downloads_observed_;
// The map of states to the number of times they have been observed since
// we started looking.
// Recorded at the time downloads_observed_ is recorded, but cleared in the
// constructor to exclude pre-existing states.
StateMap states_observed_;
// The number of downloads to wait on completing.
size_t wait_count_;
// The number of downloads entered in final state in Init(). We use
// |finished_downloads_| to track the incoming transitions to final state we
// should ignore, and to track the number of final state transitions that
// occurred between construction and return from wait. But some downloads may
// be in our final state (and thus be entered into |finished_downloads_|) when
// we construct this class. We don't want to count those in our transition to
// finished.
int finished_downloads_at_construction_;
// Whether an internal message loop has been started and must be quit upon
// all downloads completing.
bool waiting_;
// Action to take if a dangerous download is encountered.
DangerousDownloadAction dangerous_download_action_;
// Holds the download ids which were dangerous.
std::set<uint32_t> dangerous_downloads_seen_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<DownloadTestObserver> weak_factory_;
class DownloadTestObserverTerminal : public DownloadTestObserver {
// Create an object that will be considered finished when |wait_count|
// download items have entered a terminal state
// (download::DownloadItem::IsDone() is true).
DownloadManager* download_manager,
size_t wait_count,
DangerousDownloadAction dangerous_download_action);
~DownloadTestObserverTerminal() override;
bool IsDownloadInFinalState(download::DownloadItem* download) override;
// Detects changes to the downloads after construction.
// Finishes when a specified number of downloads change to the
// IN_PROGRESS state, or when the download manager is destroyed.
// Dangerous downloads are accepted.
// Callers may either probe for the finished state, or wait on it.
class DownloadTestObserverInProgress : public DownloadTestObserver {
// Create an object that will be considered finished when |wait_count|
// download items have entered state |IN_PROGRESS|.
DownloadManager* download_manager, size_t wait_count);
~DownloadTestObserverInProgress() override;
bool IsDownloadInFinalState(download::DownloadItem* download) override;
class DownloadTestObserverInterrupted : public DownloadTestObserver {
// Create an object that will be considered finished when |wait_count|
// download items are interrupted.
DownloadManager* download_manager,
size_t wait_count,
DangerousDownloadAction dangerous_download_action);
~DownloadTestObserverInterrupted() override;
bool IsDownloadInFinalState(download::DownloadItem* download) override;
// The WaitForFlush() method on this class returns after:
// * There are no IN_PROGRESS download items remaining on the
// DownloadManager.
// * There have been two round trip messages through the file and
// IO threads.
// This almost certainly means that a Download cancel has propagated through
// the system.
class DownloadTestFlushObserver : public DownloadManager::Observer,
public download::DownloadItem::Observer {
explicit DownloadTestFlushObserver(DownloadManager* download_manager);
~DownloadTestFlushObserver() override;
void WaitForFlush();
// DownloadsManager observer methods.
void OnDownloadCreated(DownloadManager* manager,
download::DownloadItem* item) override;
void ManagerGoingDown(DownloadManager* manager) override;
// download::DownloadItem observer methods.
void OnDownloadUpdated(download::DownloadItem* download) override;
void OnDownloadDestroyed(download::DownloadItem* download) override;
typedef std::set<download::DownloadItem*> DownloadSet;
// If we're waiting for that flush point, check the number
// of downloads in the IN_PROGRESS state and take appropriate
// action. If requested, also observes all downloads while iterating.
void CheckDownloadsInProgress(bool observe_downloads);
DownloadManager* download_manager_;
DownloadSet downloads_observed_;
bool waiting_for_zero_inprogress_;
base::RunLoop run_loop_;
// Waits for a callback indicating that the download::DownloadItem is about to
// be created, or that an error occurred and it won't be created.
class DownloadTestItemCreationObserver
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<DownloadTestItemCreationObserver> {
void WaitForDownloadItemCreation();
uint32_t download_id() const { return download_id_; }
download::DownloadInterruptReason interrupt_reason() const {
return interrupt_reason_;
bool started() const { return called_back_count_ > 0; }
bool succeeded() const {
return started() &&
interrupt_reason_ == download::DOWNLOAD_INTERRUPT_REASON_NONE;
const download::DownloadUrlParameters::OnStartedCallback callback();
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<DownloadTestItemCreationObserver>;
void DownloadItemCreationCallback(
download::DownloadItem* item,
download::DownloadInterruptReason interrupt_reason);
// The download creation information we received.
uint32_t download_id_;
download::DownloadInterruptReason interrupt_reason_;
// Count of callbacks.
size_t called_back_count_;
// We are in the message loop.
bool waiting_;
// Class for mornitoring whether a save package download finishes.
class SavePackageFinishedObserver : public download::DownloadItem::Observer,
public DownloadManager::Observer {
SavePackageFinishedObserver(DownloadManager* manager,
const base::Closure& callback);
~SavePackageFinishedObserver() override;
// download::DownloadItem::Observer:
void OnDownloadUpdated(download::DownloadItem* download) override;
void OnDownloadDestroyed(download::DownloadItem* download) override;
// DownloadManager::Observer:
void OnDownloadCreated(DownloadManager* manager,
download::DownloadItem* download) override;
void ManagerGoingDown(DownloadManager* manager) override;
DownloadManager* download_manager_;
download::DownloadItem* download_;
base::Closure callback_;
} // namespace content`