blob: dc7e722110626da20a0dae93b3d58ec5c1062cae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/installer/util/self_reg_work_item.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/logging_installer.h"
// Default registration export names.
const char kDefaultRegistrationEntryPoint[] = "DllRegisterServer";
const char kDefaultUnregistrationEntryPoint[] = "DllUnregisterServer";
// User-level registration export names.
const char kUserRegistrationEntryPoint[] = "DllRegisterUserServer";
const char kUserUnregistrationEntryPoint[] = "DllUnregisterUserServer";
SelfRegWorkItem::SelfRegWorkItem(const std::wstring& dll_path,
bool do_register,
bool user_level_registration)
: dll_path_(dll_path),
user_level_registration_(user_level_registration) {
SelfRegWorkItem::~SelfRegWorkItem() {
// This is designed to unmux error codes that may be shoe-horned in to HRESULT
// return codes by ORing a number into the top four bits of the facility code
// Any number thus found will be returned in |error_code|. The "cleaned"
// HRESULT is then returned.
// This only has an effect if the customer bit is set in the HRESULT, if it is
// not set then *error_code will be unchanged and the original HRESULT is
// returned.
// Note that this will do the wrong thing for high-valued facility codes.
HRESULT UnMuxHRESULTErrorCode(HRESULT hr, int* error_code) {
if (hr & (1 << 29)) {
*error_code = (hr & 0x07800000) >> 23;
return hr & 0xF87FFFFF;
return hr;
bool SelfRegWorkItem::RegisterDll(bool do_register) {
VLOG(1) << "COM " << (do_register ? "registration of " : "unregistration of ")
<< dll_path_;
HMODULE dll_module = ::LoadLibraryEx(dll_path_.c_str(), NULL,
bool success = false;
if (NULL != dll_module) {
typedef HRESULT (WINAPI* RegisterFunc)();
RegisterFunc register_server_func = NULL;
if (do_register) {
register_server_func = reinterpret_cast<RegisterFunc>(
::GetProcAddress(dll_module, user_level_registration_ ?
kUserRegistrationEntryPoint : kDefaultRegistrationEntryPoint));
} else {
register_server_func = reinterpret_cast<RegisterFunc>(
::GetProcAddress(dll_module, user_level_registration_ ?
kUserUnregistrationEntryPoint :
if (NULL != register_server_func) {
HRESULT hr = register_server_func();
success = SUCCEEDED(hr);
if (!success) {
int error_code = 0;
HRESULT unmuxed_hr = UnMuxHRESULTErrorCode(hr, &error_code);
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to " << (do_register ? "register" : "unregister")
<< " DLL at " << dll_path_.c_str() << ", hr="
<< base::StringPrintf(" 0x%08X", unmuxed_hr) << ", code="
<< error_code;
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "COM registration export function not found";
} else {
PLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to load: " << dll_path_;
return success;
bool SelfRegWorkItem::DoImpl() {
return RegisterDll(do_register_);
void SelfRegWorkItem::RollbackImpl() {