blob: c805280c15f93a396590911254357cfd8f624f2b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/quic/core/quic_protocol.h"
#include "net/quic/core/quic_sent_packet_manager.h"
#include "net/quic/core/quic_sent_packet_manager_interface.h"
namespace net {
namespace test {
class QuicConnectionPeer;
class QuicMultipathSentPacketManagerPeer;
} // namespace test
// A connection level sent packet manager which manages a sent packet manager
// per path. The main duties of multipath sent packet manager comprise:
// (1) manages a pending retransmission queue shared among all paths;
// (2) records mapping of packets transmitted on different paths;
// (3) consults paths which should timeout on a retransmission timeout.
// TODO(fayang): Currently above duties are not fully implemented, need to
// finish them.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicMultipathSentPacketManager
: public QuicSentPacketManagerInterface {
// Multipath sent packet manager takes ownership of |manager|.
explicit QuicMultipathSentPacketManager(
QuicSentPacketManagerInterface* manager,
QuicConnectionCloseDelegateInterface* delegate);
~QuicMultipathSentPacketManager() override;
// Start implementation of QuicSentPacketManagerInterface.
// Sets all paths from |config|.
void SetFromConfig(const QuicConfig& config) override;
// Resumes connection state on the default path.
void ResumeConnectionState(
const CachedNetworkParameters& cached_network_params,
bool max_bandwidth_resumption) override;
// Sets number of active streams of all paths.
void SetNumOpenStreams(size_t num_streams) override;
// Sets max pacing rate of the default path.
void SetMaxPacingRate(QuicBandwidth max_pacing_rate) override;
void SetHandshakeConfirmed() override;
// Directs |ack_frame| to the appropriate path sent packet manager.
void OnIncomingAck(const QuicAckFrame& ack_frame,
QuicTime ack_receive_time) override;
// Requests retransmission of all unacked packets of |retransmission_type| on
// the default path.
void RetransmitUnackedPackets(TransmissionType retransmission_type) override;
// Tries to retransmit the oldest pending packet across all paths. The
// retransmission is sent on the path that has a TLP timer pending.
bool MaybeRetransmitTailLossProbe() override;
// Removes the retransmittable frames from all unencrypted packets on the
// default path to ensure they don't get retransmitted.
void NeuterUnencryptedPackets() override;
// Returns true if there are pending retransmissions.
bool HasPendingRetransmissions() const override;
// Retrieves the next pending retransmission. Caller must ensure that
// there are pending retransmissions prior to calling this function.
PendingRetransmission NextPendingRetransmission() override;
// Returns true if the any path has unacked packets.
bool HasUnackedPackets() const override;
// Returns the smallest packet number of a serialized packet which has not
// been acked on |path_id|.
QuicPacketNumber GetLeastUnacked(QuicPathId path_id) const override;
// Called when a packet has been sent to the peer. If this packet is a
// retransmission on a different path than the original packet, records the
// mapping in |transmissions_map_|. Retransmittable frames are transfered from
// original packet to the sent packet.
bool OnPacketSent(SerializedPacket* serialized_packet,
QuicPathId original_path_id,
QuicPacketNumber original_packet_number,
QuicTime sent_time,
TransmissionType transmission_type,
HasRetransmittableData has_retransmittable_data) override;
// Called when the retransmission timer expires.
void OnRetransmissionTimeout() override;
// Returns the earliest time the next packet can be sent. Sets |path_id| to be
// the path on which the next packet should be sent.
QuicTime::Delta TimeUntilSend(QuicTime now, QuicPathId* path_id) override;
// Returns the earliest retransmission time of all paths.
const QuicTime GetRetransmissionTime() const override;
// Returns the rtt stats of the default path.
const RttStats* GetRttStats() const override;
// Returns the estimated bandwidth on default path calculated by the
// congestion algorithm.
QuicBandwidth BandwidthEstimate() const override;
// Returns the sustained bandwidth recorder on the default path.
const QuicSustainedBandwidthRecorder* SustainedBandwidthRecorder()
const override;
// Returns the size of the current congestion window on default path in number
// of kDefaultTCPMSS-sized segments.
QuicPacketCount GetCongestionWindowInTcpMss() const override;
// Determines the number of packets of length |max_packet_length| which fit in
// the congestion windows for all paths, and returns the max number of packets
// across all paths.
QuicPacketCount EstimateMaxPacketsInFlight(
QuicByteCount max_packet_length) const override;
// Returns the size of the current congestion window size on the default path
// in bytes.
QuicByteCount GetCongestionWindowInBytes() const override;
// Returns the size of the slow start congestion window in number of 1460 byte
// TCP segments on the default path.
QuicPacketCount GetSlowStartThresholdInTcpMss() const override;
// Returns debugging information about the state of the congestion
// controller for all paths.
std::string GetDebugState() const override;
// No longer retransmit data for |stream_id| on all paths and any pending
// retransmissions in pending_retransmissions_.
void CancelRetransmissionsForStream(QuicStreamId stream_id) override;
void OnConnectionMigration(QuicPathId path_id,
PeerAddressChangeType type) override;
bool IsHandshakeConfirmed() const override;
// Sets debug delegate for all active paths.
void SetDebugDelegate(DebugDelegate* debug_delegate) override;
QuicPacketNumber GetLargestObserved(QuicPathId path_id) const override;
QuicPacketNumber GetLargestSentPacket(QuicPathId path_id) const override;
QuicPacketNumber GetLeastPacketAwaitedByPeer(
QuicPathId path_id) const override;
// Sets network change visitor for all active paths.
void SetNetworkChangeVisitor(NetworkChangeVisitor* visitor) override;
// Returns true if the default path is in slow start.
bool InSlowStart() const override;
// These two methods return the consecutive RTO or TLP count of the default
// path.
size_t GetConsecutiveRtoCount() const override;
size_t GetConsecutiveTlpCount() const override;
void OnApplicationLimited() override;
friend class test::QuicConnectionPeer;
friend class test::QuicMultipathSentPacketManagerPeer;
// State of per path sent packet manager.
// TODO(fayang): Need to add a state that path can receive acks but cannot
// send data.
enum PathSentPacketManagerState {
ACTIVE, // We both send packets and receiving acks on this path.
CLOSING, // We stop sending packets and receiving acks on this path. There
// are retransmittable frames in the unacked packets map.
// PathSentPacketManagerInfo contains sent packet manager and its state.
struct NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE PathSentPacketManagerInfo {
PathSentPacketManagerInfo(QuicSentPacketManagerInterface* manager,
PathSentPacketManagerState state);
PathSentPacketManagerInfo(const PathSentPacketManagerInfo& other);
QuicSentPacketManagerInterface* manager;
PathSentPacketManagerState state;
// Returns path sent packet manager if it exists for |path_id|, returns
// nullptr otherwise.
QuicSentPacketManagerInterface* MaybeGetSentPacketManagerForPath(
QuicPathId path_id) const;
// Returns path sent packet manager if it exists and |path_id| is ACTIVE,
// returns nullptr otherwise.
QuicSentPacketManagerInterface* MaybeGetSentPacketManagerForActivePath(
QuicPathId path_id) const;
// Returns the path which has the earliest retransmission time.
QuicPathId DetermineRetransmissionTimeoutPath() const;
// Close the connection on unrecoverable path errors.
void OnUnrecoverablePathError(QuicPathId path_id);
// Current path sent packet managers info, index is path id.
std::vector<PathSentPacketManagerInfo> path_managers_info_;
// Does not own this delegate.
QuicConnectionCloseDelegateInterface* delegate_;
} // namespace net