blob: 452f17a9610925d1aa91d1f8d7ea07f9673b7b32 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "services/ui/public/interfaces/mus_constants.mojom.h"
#include "services/ui/public/interfaces/window_tree.mojom.h"
#include "services/ui/ws/ids.h"
namespace ui {
namespace ws {
class AccessPolicyDelegate;
class ServerWindow;
// AccessPolicy is used by WindowTree to determine what the WindowTree is
// allowed to do.
class AccessPolicy {
virtual ~AccessPolicy() {}
virtual void Init(ClientSpecificId client_id,
AccessPolicyDelegate* delegate) = 0;
// Unless otherwise mentioned all arguments have been validated. That is the
// |window| arguments are non-null unless otherwise stated (eg CanSetWindow()
// is allowed to take a NULL window).
virtual bool CanRemoveWindowFromParent(const ServerWindow* window) const = 0;
virtual bool CanAddWindow(const ServerWindow* parent,
const ServerWindow* child) const = 0;
virtual bool CanAddTransientWindow(const ServerWindow* parent,
const ServerWindow* child) const = 0;
virtual bool CanRemoveTransientWindowFromParent(
const ServerWindow* window) const = 0;
virtual bool CanSetModal(const ServerWindow* window) const = 0;
virtual bool CanReorderWindow(const ServerWindow* window,
const ServerWindow* relative_window,
mojom::OrderDirection direction) const = 0;
virtual bool CanDeleteWindow(const ServerWindow* window) const = 0;
virtual bool CanGetWindowTree(const ServerWindow* window) const = 0;
// Used when building a window tree (GetWindowTree()) to decide if we should
// descend into |window|.
virtual bool CanDescendIntoWindowForWindowTree(
const ServerWindow* window) const = 0;
virtual bool CanEmbed(const ServerWindow* window) const = 0;
virtual bool CanChangeWindowVisibility(const ServerWindow* window) const = 0;
virtual bool CanChangeWindowOpacity(const ServerWindow* window) const = 0;
virtual bool CanSetWindowSurface(const ServerWindow* window,
mojom::SurfaceType surface_type) const = 0;
virtual bool CanSetWindowBounds(const ServerWindow* window) const = 0;
virtual bool CanSetWindowProperties(const ServerWindow* window) const = 0;
virtual bool CanSetWindowTextInputState(const ServerWindow* window) const = 0;
virtual bool CanSetCapture(const ServerWindow* window) const = 0;
virtual bool CanSetFocus(const ServerWindow* window) const = 0;
virtual bool CanSetClientArea(const ServerWindow* window) const = 0;
virtual bool CanSetHitTestMask(const ServerWindow* window) const = 0;
virtual bool CanSetAcceptEvents(const ServerWindow* window) const = 0;
// Used for all client controllable cursor properties; which cursor should be
// displayed, visibility, locking, etc.
virtual bool CanSetCursorProperties(const ServerWindow* window) const = 0;
virtual bool CanInitiateMoveLoop(const ServerWindow* window) const = 0;
// Returns whether the client should notify on a hierarchy change.
// |new_parent| and |old_parent| are initially set to the new and old parents
// but may be altered so that the client only sees a certain set of windows.
virtual bool ShouldNotifyOnHierarchyChange(
const ServerWindow* window,
const ServerWindow** new_parent,
const ServerWindow** old_parent) const = 0;
virtual bool CanSetWindowManager() const = 0;
// Returns the window to supply to the client when focus changes to |focused|.
virtual const ServerWindow* GetWindowForFocusChange(
const ServerWindow* focused) = 0;
virtual bool IsValidIdForNewWindow(const ClientWindowId& id) const = 0;
} // namespace ws
} // namespace ui