blob: 73663fa9966dae6c052273e5e03f125ce16c2774 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/webauthn/authenticator.mojom.h"
namespace url {
class Origin;
namespace content {
class RenderFrameHost;
// The following enums correspond to UMA histograms and should not be
// reassigned.
enum class RelyingPartySecurityCheckFailure {
kOpaqueOrNonSecureOrigin = 0,
kRelyingPartyIdInvalid = 1,
kAppIdExtensionInvalid = 2,
kAppIdExtensionDomainMismatch = 3,
kIconUrlInvalid = 4,
kCrossOriginMismatch = 5,
kMaxValue = kCrossOriginMismatch,
// A centralized class for enforcing security policies that apply to
// Web Authentication requests to create credentials or get authentication
// assertions. For security reasons it is important that these checks are
// performed in the browser process, and this makes the verification code
// available to both the desktop and Android implementations of the
// |Authenticator| mojom interface.
class CONTENT_EXPORT WebAuthRequestSecurityChecker
: public base::RefCounted<WebAuthRequestSecurityChecker> {
explicit WebAuthRequestSecurityChecker(RenderFrameHost* host);
WebAuthRequestSecurityChecker(const WebAuthRequestSecurityChecker&) = delete;
WebAuthRequestSecurityChecker& operator=(
const WebAuthRequestSecurityChecker&) = delete;
static void ReportSecurityCheckFailure(
RelyingPartySecurityCheckFailure error);
static bool OriginIsCryptoTokenExtension(const url::Origin& origin);
// Returns blink::mojom::AuthenticatorStatus::SUCCESS if |origin| is
// same-origin with all ancestors in the frame tree, or else if
// requests from cross-origin embeddings are allowed by policy.
// Returns blink::mojom::AuthenticatorStatus::NOT_ALLOWED_ERROR otherwise.
// |is_cross_origin| is an output parameter that is set to true if there is
// a cross-origin embedding, regardless of policy, and false otherwise.
blink::mojom::AuthenticatorStatus ValidateAncestorOrigins(
const url::Origin& origin,
bool* is_cross_origin);
// Returns AuthenticatorStatus::SUCCESS if the origin domain is valid under
// the referenced definitions, and also the requested RP ID is a registrable
// domain suffix of, or is equal to, the origin's effective domain.
// References:
blink::mojom::AuthenticatorStatus ValidateDomainAndRelyingPartyID(
const url::Origin& caller_origin,
const std::string& relying_party_id);
// Checks whether a given URL is an a-priori authenticated URL.
blink::mojom::AuthenticatorStatus ValidateAPrioriAuthenticatedUrl(
const GURL& url);
friend class RefCounted<WebAuthRequestSecurityChecker>;
virtual ~WebAuthRequestSecurityChecker();
// Returns whether the frame indicated by |host| is same-origin with its
// entire ancestor chain. |origin| is the origin of the frame being checked.
bool IsSameOriginWithAncestors(const url::Origin& origin);
RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host_;
} // namespace content