blob: d21d30d3adbbf18d0d1e986b28ab39536ec91d05 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/power/process_data_collector.h"
#include "chromeos/chromeos_export.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/power_manager_client.h"
namespace chromeos {
// A class which starts collecting metrics about processes as soon as it is
// initialized with |Initialize|. This class depends on the DBusThreadManager
// and is implemented as a global singleton.
class CHROMEOS_EXPORT ProcessDataCollector {
// The different sources of power consumption being tracked. This should be
// kept in sync with the |PowerConsumerType| in power.js.
enum class PowerConsumerType {
ARC = 3,
// Contains basic information about a process like its PID, its name, etc. The
// |pid|, |process_name|, and |process_cmdline| will be dummy values for
// non-process |PowerConsumerType|'s.
struct ProcessData {
ProcessData(pid_t pid,
const std::string& name,
const std::string& cmdline,
PowerConsumerType type);
ProcessData(const ProcessData& p);
// The PID of the process.
pid_t pid;
// The file name of this process as invoked from the command line.
std::string name;
// The full command line which spawned this process.
std::string cmdline;
// The type of power consumer this is.
PowerConsumerType type;
// Data that gets used for displaying process information.
struct ProcessUsageData {
ProcessUsageData(const ProcessData& process_data,
double power_usage_fraction);
ProcessUsageData(const ProcessUsageData& p);
// Basic information about the process.
ProcessData process_data;
// The calculated amount of power usage in [0.0, 1.0]. Represents what
// fraction of the system's total power consumption at some point was
// consumed by this process.
double power_usage_fraction;
// Metadata used to configure the data collector. Used to differentiate
// between production and test environments.
struct Config {
// The technique used to average CPU usages to approximate battery usage.
enum class AveragingTechnique {
EXPONENTIAL, // An exponential moving average.
AVERAGE, // A pure average.
Config(const base::FilePath& procfs,
const base::FilePath& total_cpu_time,
const base::FilePath& android_init,
const std::string& cmdline_fmt,
const std::string& stat_fmt,
const std::string& comm_fmt,
base::TimeDelta delay,
AveragingTechnique technique);
Config(const Config& s);
// Corresponds to /proc on a real machine.
base::FilePath proc_dir;
// Corresponds to /proc/stat on a real machine.
base::FilePath total_cpu_time_path;
// Corresponds to /run/containers/android-run_oci/ on a real
// machine, which contains the PID of ARC's init process.
base::FilePath android_init_pid_path;
// Corresponds to the general format for a process' specific cmdline file,
// /proc/%u/cmdline on a real machine.
std::string proc_cmdline_fmt;
// Corresponds to the general format for a process' stat file, /proc/%u/stat
// on a real machine.
std::string proc_stat_fmt;
// Corresponds to the general format for a process' comm file,
// /proc/%u/comm on a real machine.
std::string proc_comm_fmt;
// The delay between sampling the procfs specified in |proc_dir|.
base::TimeDelta sample_delay;
// The |AveragingTechnique| that will be used to aggregate all the samples
// for different processes collected over time.
AveragingTechnique averaging_technique;
// Weights for an exponential moving average strategy for approximating power
// usage.
static constexpr double kCpuUsageExponentialMovingAverageWeight = 0.2;
static constexpr double kPowerUsageExponentialMovingAverageWeight = 0.1;
// Check to make sure the weights used make sense.
0 <= kCpuUsageExponentialMovingAverageWeight &&
kCpuUsageExponentialMovingAverageWeight <= 1,
"The weight of an exponential moving average has to be in [0., 1.]");
0 <= kPowerUsageExponentialMovingAverageWeight &&
kPowerUsageExponentialMovingAverageWeight <= 1,
"The weight of an exponential moving average has to be in [0., 1.]");
// Initializes the singleton.
static void Initialize();
// Should be called for testing.
static void InitializeForTesting(const Config& config);
// Gets the global ProcessDataCollector* instance, should only be called after
// |Initialize| or |InitializeForTesting|.
static ProcessDataCollector* Get();
// Should only be called after Initialize() is called and before
// DBusThreadManager is shut down.
static void Shutdown();
// The analog for the |SampleCpuUsage| function but for testing. Do not call
// this while a |ProcessDataCollector| has been initialized with |Initialize|
// rather than |InitializeForTesting|.
void SampleCpuUsageForTesting();
// Gets a list of processes and their information.
const std::vector<ProcessUsageData> GetProcessUsages();
// A sample of a process's information at one moment of time.
struct ProcessSample {
ProcessSample(const ProcessSample& p);
// Basic information about the process.
ProcessData process_data;
// Total CPU time consumed between the point when |ProcessDataCollector| was
// initialized and the point at which this sample was collected.
int64_t total_cpu_time_jiffies = 0;
// Total CPU time consumed by this process between the point when the
// |ProcessDataCollector| was initialized and the point at which this sample
// was collected.
int64_t proc_cpu_time_jiffies = 0;
// Whether this sample represents a valid process, i.e. whether it should be
// displayed on the chrome://power page. This is also used to indicate
// whether a sample of a process was successfully completed, so a process
// that was terminated while being sampled can be properly dealt with.
// An invalid process is a process that doesn't have a displayable name,
// has an empty cmdline, or was terminated while it was being sampled. This
// is relevant so that ProcessStoredData knows which samples it should
// consider when it accumulates information into its running total.
bool valid = false;
// The time at which this sample took place.
base::TimeTicks now;
// Data that gets stored across samples.
struct ProcessStoredData {
ProcessStoredData(const ProcessStoredData& p);
// Basic information about the process.
ProcessData process_data;
// The number of samples that were accumulated together at this point in
// time.
int64_t num_samples = 0;
// The calculated amount of power used at this point in time; this will be
// in [0.0, 1.0].
double power_usage_fraction = 0;
// The total CPU usage across |num_samples| intervals. If a1,...,an are the
// average CPU usages across n intervals, this will aggregate those averages
// into a single number depending on which averaging technique is specified
// in |config_|.
double accumulated_cpu_usages = 0;
using ProcessSampleMap = std::unordered_map<pid_t, ProcessSample>;
using ProcessStoredDataMap = std::unordered_map<pid_t, ProcessStoredData>;
// Only use a custom configuration while |testing|.
explicit ProcessDataCollector(const Config& config);
// Initializes |cpu_data_task_runner_| and starts |cpu_data_timer_|. This is
// called from |Initialize| but not from |InitializeForTesting|.
void StartSamplingCpuUsage();
// Aggregates information, classifies, and approximates the used battery. This
// function samples the CPU usage from the procfs specified in |config_|,
// updates |prev_samples_| and |curr_samples_|. Then this function will
// aggregate this information and update |curr_summary_|.
void SampleCpuUsage();
// Prunes all processes to only those processes that are displayable; in
// other words, it discards all processes that have empty cmdlines or names
// from all the processes that are read from procfs. This is a helper function
// that is meant to be used in |ComputeSampleAsync| and returns a partially
// filled-out map of PID's to |ProcessSample|s with the process name and the
// process cmdline filled out. This function is static and private because it
// needs access to |ProcessSample| and |Config|.
static ProcessSampleMap GetValidProcesses(const Config& config);
// Samples the CPU usage of all valid processes from |GetValidProcesses|.
// This is a helper function meant to be used in |ComputeSampleAsync|. This
// function returns a completely filled out set of current samples. It
// performs the actual sampling and reads everything from procfs. Should be
// run on the |cpu_data_task_runner_|.
static ProcessSampleMap ComputeSample(ProcessSampleMap curr_samples,
const Config& config);
// Given a set of samples from a previous time step and a set of samples from
// the current timestep, this function computes the aggregated information.
static ProcessStoredDataMap ComputeSummary(
Config::AveragingTechnique averaging_technique,
const ProcessSampleMap& prev_samples,
const ProcessSampleMap& curr_samples,
const ProcessStoredDataMap& curr_summary);
// Represents the previous and current samples as well as the summary
// information for those set of samples.
using SamplesAndSummaryInfo =
std::tuple<ProcessSampleMap, ProcessSampleMap, ProcessStoredDataMap>;
// This function is called from |SampleCpuUsage| and performs the sampling of
// CPU usage. This function must be static; using a base::WeakPtrFactory to
// pass in a this won't work here, since |ComputeSampleAsync| is running on
// the |cpu_data_task_runner_|. Additionally, it must be a member because it
// uses |Config|, which is private. This function returns the updated
// previous and current samples after sampling from procfs.
static SamplesAndSummaryInfo ComputeSampleAsync(
Config config,
ProcessSampleMap prev_samples,
ProcessSampleMap curr_samples,
ProcessStoredDataMap curr_summary);
// This function saves the CPU usage information previously aggregated into
// |curr_summary_|; this should only be run on the UI thread in order to
// prevent data races. This function is the reply callback function of the
// |cpu_data_task_runner_| after all the I/O operations are done. This
// function updates the |curr_samples_| and |prev_samples_| to their new
// values after sampling from procfs and also calculates the new battery usage
// approximation from the current samples and the previously aggregated
// samples.
void SaveSamplesOnUIThread(
const SamplesAndSummaryInfo& samples_and_summary_info);
// The timer that's used to periodically sample CPU usage; this timer will
// call |SampleCpuUsage| at intervals of |Config::Config::sample_delay|.
base::RepeatingTimer cpu_data_timer_;
// Used to sequentially run the task associated with |cpu_data_timer_| on a
// non-UI thread. This is necessary because the sampling does IO. Also,
// repeating tasks shouldn't be run concurrently.
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> cpu_data_task_runner_;
// Samples before and after an interval. Used to approximate the average CPU
// usage over this interval.
ProcessSampleMap prev_samples_;
ProcessSampleMap curr_samples_;
// The summary information across all intervals samples so far for all
// currently active processes.
ProcessStoredDataMap curr_summary_;
// Paths and parameters to configure the class.
Config config_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ProcessDataCollector> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace chromeos